We aim to play a central role in the national and international scientific community. The recognition of the work of our members is reflected by numerous awards, fellowships and grants.
Latest News
Here’s a small selection of our most recent award news.
To see more, head over to our Newsroom!
Prestigious Grants
- ERC Grants: Laura Kovacs (2025), Matteo Maffei (2024), Katta Spiel (2023), Maria Christakis (2022), Laura Kovacs (2020), Matteo Maffei (2018), Laura Kovacs (2018), Helmut Veith (2016), Laura Kovacs (2014), Stefan Szeider (2009), Georg Gottlob (2009)
- Faculty Early Career Development Award, National Science Foundation (USA): Radu Grosu (2002)
- Ludwig-Wittgenstein-Award, FWF Austrian Science Fund: Georg Gottlob (1998)
- START-Programs, FWF Austrian Science Fund: Robert Ganian (2020), Ivona Brandic (2015), Stefan Woltran (2013), Agata Ciabattoni (2011), Dieter Schmalstieg (2002), Ulrich Schmid (1996)
- Christian Doppler Labs: Julia Neidhardt (2022), Stefan Schulte (2020), Edgar Weippl (2018), Nysret Musliu (2017)
Visit our Research Cooperations page to learn more about our Christian Doppler Labs (CDL), COMET Competence Centers, and Special Research Programs (FSB).
Fellowships and Memberships
- AAIA President: Schahram Dustdar (2021–2023)
- AAIA Fellow: Schahram Dustdar (2021)
- ACM Distinguished Scientist: Schahram Dustdar (2009), Geraldine Fitzpatrick (2016)
- ACM Distinguished Speaker: Schahram Dustdar (2020), Geraldine Fitzpatrick (2015), Jessica Cauchard (2025)
- ACM Fellow: Thomas Eiter (2020), Georg Gottlob (2007)
- Academia Europaea: Thomas Eiter (2016), Schahram Dustdar (2013, Chairman of Informatics Section, 2016), Georg Gottlob (2006)
- Academy of Sciences Leopoldina: Georg Gottlob (2006)
- Austrian Academy of Sciences, Full Member: Thomas Eiter (2022)
- Austrian Academy of Sciences, Member: Georg Gottlob, Hermann Kopetz
- Austrian Academy of Sciences, Young Academy: Maria Christakis (2024), Katta Spiel (2024)
- British Royal Society, Fellow: Georg Gottlob (2010)
- EurAI Fellows: Stefan Woltran (2018), Thomas Eiter (2006), Georg Gottlob (2002)
- EAI Fellow: Schahram Dustdar (2021)
- Eurographics Fellows: Michael Wimmer (2018), Eduard Gröller (2009), Werner Purgathofer (1997)
- I2CICC Fellow: Schahram Dustdar (2021)
- IAPR Fellow: Walter Kropatsch (1994)
- IEEE Fellow: Schahram Dustdar (2016), Mehdi Jazayeri (2007)
- IFIP Fellow: Geraldine Fitzpatrick (2020)
- IEEE Computer Society Fellow Evaluating Committee 2022: Schahram Dustdar (2022)
Awards and Distinctions
- ACM SIGCHI Lifetime Service Award: Geraldine Fitzpatrick (2022)
- Alonzo Church Award: Georg Gottlob, Christoph Koch, and Reinhard Pichler (2021)
- Best of the Web, Best Overall Museum Website: Christian Breiteneder (2001)
- Francqui Chair Professor, University of Namur, Belgium: Schahram Dustdar (2021-2022)
- Doctor Honoris Causa, TU Iasi, RO: Werner Purgathofer (2010)
- Doctor Honoris Causa, TU Prag, CZ: A Min Tjoa (2011)
- Doctor Honoris Causa, Universität Klagenfurt, AT: Georg Gottlob (2016)
- Doctor Honoris Causa, Universität Wien, AT: Georg Gottlob (2020)
- ETH Zürich Medal of Honor: Gerald Futschek (2020)
- Eurographics Distinguished Career Award: Werner Purgathofer (2006)
- Honorary Professor, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China: Schahram Dustdar (2023)
- IBM Faculty Awards: Schahram Dustdar (2012)
- IEEE Computer Society, Technical Achievement Award: Hermann Kopetz (2003)
- IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing: Schahram Dustdar (2019)
- IEEE TCSVC Outstanding Leadership Award: Schahram Dustdar (2018)
- IEEE VGTC Achievement Award: Eduard Gröller (2019)
- Minerva Informatics Equality Award (2022): TU Wien Informatics
- Österreichisches Ehrenkreuz für Wissenschaft und Kunst, I. Klasse: A Min Tjoa (2022)
- Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award: Georg Gottlob (2006)
- TCI Distinguished Service Award: Schahram Dustdar (2021)
Awarded by Us
- Honorary Professor: Frank Leymann (University of Stuttgart, Germany; 2023), Michael Heiss (Siemens, Austria; 2015), Christiane Floyd (Universität Hamburg, Germany; 2012), Bruno Buchberger (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria; 2011), Petr Hajek (Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic; 1994)
- Kurt Gödel Visiting Professor: Frank Leymann (University of Stuttgart, Germany; 2021)
- Doctor Honoris Causa: Edward A. Lee (UC Berkeley, USA; 2022), Carlo Ghezzi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy; 2019), Moshe Vardi (Rice University, USA; 2018), Henry Fuchs (UNC Chapel Hill, USA; 2018), Edmund M. Clarke (Carnegie Mellon University; USA, 2012), David L. Parnas (McMaster University, Canada; 2011), Thomas Ertl (University of Stuttgart, Germany; 2011)
Want more? And pictures? Sure, head over to our Honoraries page!
Awards by Year
You are an award-winning member of TU Wien Informatics, but your awards don’t show up in the list below?
Simply add them to your public TISS Research Profile, and we’ll take care of the rest :)
Velitchko Filipov: Top Cited Article / Computer Graphics Forum / USA / Thomas Eiter: AIIA Fellow / Industry Academy / China / Dominik Bork: Best Reviewer Award for the SoSyM Journal 2024 / Software and Systems Modeling Journal / USA
Velitchko Filipov: Best Dissertation Nominee / Austria / Bayar Ilhan Menzat: Outstanding Paper Award / Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing / USA / Raquel Panadero Palenzuela: Best record of the Degree in Telecommunications Engineering (Major in Audiovisual Systems) / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya / Spain / Florian Michahelles: Honorable Mention Short Paper / MUC2024 / Germany / Amelie Beatrice Schäfer: Communicator-Preis – Wissenschaftspreis des Stifterverbandes / Stifterverband und Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) / Germany / Thomas Eiter: AAIA Fellow / Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association / China
Ivona Brandic: Best Paper Award at the premier annual conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, 16th IEEE/ACM UCC / UCC 2023 / USA / Florian Michahelles: IoT2023 best paper award / International Conference of the Internet of Things, co-sponsored by ACM / Japan / Dominik Bork: Eclipse Cloud DevTools Contributor Award / Eclipse Foundation / USA / Dominik Bork: Best Student Paper Award at EDOC 2023 / 27th International EDOC Conference / Netherlands / Katta Spiel: Best Poster Award / CSCW 2023 / USA / Florian Michahelles: Reviewer's Choice Award of Interact 2023 Conference / IFIP Technical Committee 13 on Human–Computer Interaction. / Austria / Thomas Eiter: Alan Robinson 20 Years Test of Time Award / Association for Logic Programming / UK / Tobias Geibinger: ASAI Master Thesis Prize / Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence (ASAI) / Austria / Geraldine Fitzpatrick: Best Teacher Award / Austria / Katja Hose: Best Demo Award - GLENDA: Querying over RDF Archives with SPARQL / European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) 2023 / Greece / Schahram Dustdar: Honorary Professor / Nanjing University of Science and Technology / China / Michael Wimmer: Outstanding Technical Contributions Award / Eurographics Awards / Germany / Katja Hose: Best Paper Award - Automated Ontology Evaluation: Evaluating Coverage and Correctness using a Domain Corpus / International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Knowledge Graph Creation (NLP4KGC) 2023 / USA / Dominik Bork: Best Reviewer Award for the SoSyM Journal 2022 / Software and Systems Modeling Journal / USA
Margrit Gelautz: Best Poster Nominee at HAI 2022 - "The effect of exaggerated nonverbal cues on the perception of the robot Pepper", S. Fischer, D. Stoeva, and M. Gelautz / International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI) 2022 / New Zealand / Florian Michahelles: Ten Year Impact Award / 21st International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2022) / Portugal / Katta Spiel: Pride Biz Award 2022 / Pride Biz / Austria / Sascha Hunold: Best Short Paper / PMBS@Supercomputing / USA / Peter Purgathofer: Best Lecture Award, Sonderpreis Digitale Lehre / Katta Spiel: Förderungspreis der Stadt Wien in der Sparte Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaft, Technik / Stadt Wien / Austria / Ezio Bartocci: Best Paper of QEST 2022 International Conference / 19th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems / Poland / Katta Spiel: Best Paper Award / Mensch und Computer 2022 / Germany / Katta Spiel: Best Paper Honourable Mention Award / Mensch und Computer 2022 / Germany / Thomas Eiter: KR 2022 Test of Time Award / International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning / USA / Michael Wimmer: Wolfgang Straßer Award (Best Paper) / ACM/Eurographics / USA / Dominik Bork: Best Reviewer Award at the Modellierung 2022 / Modellierung 2022 Conference Committee / Germany / Nysret Musliu: Best Industry and Applications Track Paper Award / ICAPS 2022 / Singapore / Renata Georgia Raidou: EuroVis Young Researcher Award / EuroGraphics European Association for Computer Graphics / Italy (South Tyrol) / Reinhard Pichler: Best Paper Award at the 40th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of Database Systems / ACM SIGMOD / USA / Geraldine Fitzpatrick: SIGCHI Lifetime Service Award / ACM / USA / Thomas Eiter: Full Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) / Mitgliedschaft / Austria / Ezio Bartocci: Best Software Science Paper of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS) 2022 / European Association of Software Science and Technology (EASST) / Germany / Dominik Bork: Best Reviewer Award for the SoSyM Journal 2021 / Software and Systems Modeling Journal / USA / Margrit Gelautz: Shortlisted for VISAPP 2022 Best Student Paper Award (4 shortlisted papers out of 154 registered student papers) - "Camera pose estimation using human head pose estimation", R. Fischer, M. Hödlmoser, and M. Gelautz / International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) 2022 / Portugal
Schahram Dustdar: Francqui Chair Professor at University of Namur / Belgium / Schahram Dustdar: Best Paper Award: Aslanpour M. S., Toosi A. N., Cicconetti C., Javadi B., Sbarski P., Taibi D., Assuncao M., Gill S. S., Gaire R., Dustdar S. (2021). Serverless Edge Computing: Vision and Challenges. 19th Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (AusPDC 2021), February 1-5, 2021, (Dunedin, New Zealand) online because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) / Australia / Schahram Dustdar: EAI Fellow / EAI / Belgium / Schahram Dustdar: IEEE TCI 2021 Distinguished Service Award / IEEE Technical Committee on the Internet / USA / Schahram Dustdar: I2CICC Fellow for Contributions to Cognitive Informatics, Cognitive Computing, and General AI / I2CICC, University of Calgary, Canada / Canada / Nikolas Popper: Österreicher des Jahres, Bereich Forschung / Österreicher:innen des Jahres / Austria / Peter Purgathofer: Anerkennungspreis beim »Ars Docendi«, Staatspreis für gute Lehre / Austria / Katta Spiel: Best Paper 2020 / International Journal of Human-Computer Studies / USA / Schahram Dustdar: Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA) President (2021-2023) / China / Nikolas Popper: Gerhart-Bruckmann-Preis 2021 / Gerhart-Bruckmann-Preis / Austria / Reinhard Pichler: 2021 Alonzo Church Award for Outstanding Contributions to Logic and Computation / ACM SIGLOG / USA / Katta Spiel: Best Paper Award & Diversity and Inclusion Award / SIGCHI Designing Interactive Systems / USA / Katta Spiel: Best Pictorial Award / SIGCHI Creativity & Cognition / USA / Schahram Dustdar: Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA) Fellow / China / Schahram Dustdar: Research Excellence Award for delivering a keynote at the 21st IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing, CCGrid 2021 / CCGrid 2021 General Chair Prof. Rajkumar Buyya / Australia / Katta Spiel: Diversity and Inclusion Award / SIGCHI Conference on Tangible Embodied and Embedded Interaction / USA
Schahram Dustdar: ACM Distinguished Speaker / USA / Thomas Eiter: ACM Fellow / ACM Fellowship / USA / Geraldine Fitzpatrick: IFIP Fellow Award / IFIP Fellow / Austria / Schahram Dustdar: PeerJ Computer Science - Top 5 most viewed Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems article, as of October 8, 2020: Schleicher J. M., Vögler M., Inzinger C., Dustdar S. (2016). Smart Brix - a continuous evolution framework for container application deployments / USA / Sascha Hunold: Best Paper Award IEEE CLUSTER 2020 / Japan / Katta Spiel: Best Paper Honorable Mention Award / Mensch und Computer / Germany / Katta Spiel: Exceptional Norms / Firnberg-Programm / Austria / Gerald Futschek: Fachdidaktik Informatik / Ehrenmedaille des ABZ der ETH Zürich für Verdienste um den Informatikunterricht / Switzerland / Katta Spiel: Evaluating the Experiences of Autistic Children with Technologies in Co-Design / SIGCHI Outstanding Dissertation Award / USA
Silvia Miksch: Bridging the Gap between Visual Analytics and Digital Humanities: Beyond the Data-Users-Tasks Design Triangle / Best Paper Award at VIS workshop vis4dh (IEEE VIS Conference) / USA / Paul Panek: WINTEC - Wissenschaftspreis Inklusion durch Naturwissenschaften und Technik 2019, 2nd place (together with Peter Mayer) / Austria / Silvia Miksch: The Fabric of Heroes: an Infographic about Marvel Cinematic Universe / Third prize winner at International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization Creative Topic Challenge, Contest / Czech Republic / Nysret Musliu: Best Practices in Education Award / Informatics Europe / Switzerland / Katta Spiel: Best Paper Honorable Mention Award / SIGCHI CHIPLAY / USA / Eduard Gröller: IEEE VGTC Visualization Technical Achievement Award / IEEE VGTC / USA / Velitchko Filipov: Best Paper VIS4DH / VIS4DH / Canada / Velitchko Filipov: Graph Drawing Contest / International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization / Czech Republic / Thomas Eiter: Best Paper of the 3rd International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2019) / 3rd International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2019), September 16-19, 2019, Bolzano, Italy / Germany / Thomas Eiter: Best Systems Paper Award of the 35th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2019) / 35th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2019), September 22-25, 2019, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA / UK / Peter Purgathofer: Best Poster Award / Microsoft / USA / Peter Filzmoser: Felix Chayes Price / International Association for Mathematical Geology (IAMG) / USA / Geraldine Fitzpatrick: IFIP TC-13 Pioneer Award / IFIP TC-13 / France / Schahram Dustdar: IEEE TCSC Award 2019 for Excellence in Scalable Computing / USA / Katta Spiel: Diversity & Inclusion Award / Communities & Technologies / USA / Michael Wimmer: Best Paper Award at EuroVis 2019 (Paper: Interactive Visualization of Flood and Heavy Rain Simulations) / Eurographics / Portugal / Thomas Eiter: Best Student Paper of the 15th International Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2019) / 15th International Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2019), Jun 3-7, 2019, Philadelphia, USA / USA / Gerti Kappel: Sonderpreis "Digital Woman Leader" / Austria
Astrid Weiss: Junge Akademie / Mitgliedschaft / Austria / Astrid Weiss: SharedSpace / Richter-Programm / Austria / Silvia Miksch: The Circle Of Thrones: Conveying the Story of Game of Thrones Using Radial Infographics / Third prize winner at International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization Creative Topic Challenge, Contest / Spain / Gerald Futschek: OCG / Ehrenmitglied der Österreichischen Computer Gesellschaft / Austria / Velitchko Filipov: Graph Drawing Contest / International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization / Spain / Peter Purgathofer: VCÖ-Mobilitätspreis 2018 / Austria / Katta Spiel: Best Paper Honourable Mention Award / Foundations of Digital Games Conference / USA / Schahram Dustdar: Best Paper Award: Riveni M., Dustdar S. (2018). Trust and Interaction-type considerations in Multi-objective Team Compositions for Human-computation. 17th IEEE International Conference Series on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC 2018), July 16-18, 2018, Berkeley, CA, USA / USA / Thomas Eiter: Best Paper Award of the 34th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2018) / 34th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2018), July 14- 17, 2018, Oxford, UK / UK / Schahram Dustdar: IEEE TCSVC Outstanding Leadership Award / USA / Stefan Woltran: EurAI Fellows programme / EurAI Fellow / Peter Purgathofer: Best Teacher an der Fakultät für Informatik / Renata Georgia Raidou: EuroVis Best PhD Award / EuroGraphics European Association for Computer Graphics / France / Michael Wimmer: Eurographics Fellow / Eurographics / Netherlands / Jesper Larsson Träff: Innovation Radar: Innovation Title: PGAS-based MPI with interoperability; Innovation Category: Exploration; FP 7 project EPiGRAM / Schahram Dustdar: Innovation Radar: Innovation Title: SIMPLI-CITY mobility related services framework; Innovation Category: Creation; FP7 project SIMPLI-CITY / Schahram Dustdar: Innovation Radar: Innovation Title: The Cloud Application Management Framework; Innovation Category: Exploration; FP7 project CELAR / Schahram Dustdar: Innovation Radar: Innovation Title: Elasticity Provisioning Platform; Innovation Category: Creation; FP7 project CELAR / Velitchko Filipov: Best Masters Thesis Nominee / Austria / Gerald Futschek: Biber der Informatik / eAward 2018, Sieger Kategorie Bildung / Austria
Paul Panek: iToilet - ICT-enhanced Toilet Supporting Active Life / AAL Exhibition Award 2017, 3rd Place, jointly with company Santis Kft. / European Union / Werner Purgathofer: Guest Professor / Hebei University of Technology / China / Stefan Schulte: DNA / BIS 2017 Best Reviewer / Poland / Schahram Dustdar: Part of the 21st Annual Best of Computing 2016: Asserting Reliable Convergence for Configuration Management Scripts. Hanappi O., Hummer W., Dustdar S., Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA 2016): SPLASH 2016 Track, October 30 - November 4, 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands / USA / Thomas Eiter: Best Paper Award of the 14th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2017) / 14th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2017), May 28 - June 1, 2017, Portoroz, Slovenia / Germany / Renata Georgia Raidou: Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine (1st place) / EuroGraphics European Association for Computer Graphics / Austria / Werner Purgathofer: Eurographics Gold Medal / Eurographics Association / Switzerland
Ivona Brandic: Rucon - Runtime Control in Multi Clouds / START-Programm / Austria / Geraldine Fitzpatrick: ACM Distinguished Scientist / Association of Computing Machinery / USA / Hong-Linh Truong: Best Paper Award: "Reliable Coordination Patterns in Cyber-Physical- Social Systems", Candra M. Z .C., Truong H.-L. (authors) / Indonesia / Ewa Vesely: Vereinbarkeit vom Beruf/Forschung und Pflege von Angehörigen / HR Inside Summit Award 2016, BRONZE / Austria / Schahram Dustdar: Best Paper Award: "An Elasticity-aware Governance Platform for Cloud Service Delivery", Müller C., Truong H.-L., Fernandez P., Copil G., Ruiz-Cortes A., Dustdar S. (authors) / USA / Hong-Linh Truong: Best Paper Award: "An Elasticity-aware Governance Platform for Cloud Service Delivery", Müller C., Truong H.-L., Fernandez P., Copil G., Ruiz-Cortes A., Dustdar S. (authors) / USA / Thomas Eiter: Member of Academia Europea (London) / Academia Europea (London) Membership / UK / Ewa Vesely: Unterstützungsmaßnahmen für pflegende Angehörige / Austria / Schahram Dustdar: IEEE Fellow / Board of Directors at IEEE
Margit Pohl: UrbanFoodSpots / Austria / Schahram Dustdar: Best Student Paper: Candra M. Z. C., Truong H.-L., Dustdar S. (2015). Analyzing Reliability in Hybrid Compute Units. IEEE Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC 2015), October 28-30, 2015, Hangzhou, China / China / Silvia Miksch: Visually and Statistically Guided Imputation of Missing Values in Univariate Seasonal Time Series / Best Poster Award at IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) / USA / Reinhard Haas: Sustainable Energy / Best Paper Award / UK / Florian Zuleger: Verication of Asynchronous Mobile-Robots in Partially-Known Environments / Best Paper Award / Italy (South Tyrol) / Schahram Dustdar: Member of the Section Committee of Informatics of the Academia Europaea / Academia Europaea / UK / Geraldine Fitzpatrick: ACM Distinguished Speaker 2015-2021 / Mitgliedschaft / Eduard Gröller: Eurographics 2015 Outstanding Technical Contributions Award / Eurographics / Switzerland / Hannes Kaufmann: Houska Price Finalist / Houskapreis / Austria
Robert Sablatnig: AutoFLOW / EC Europäische Komission - Marie Curie / Martin Kampel: AutoFLOW / EC Europäische Komission - Marie Curie / Georg Gottlob: ExtraLytics / ERC Europäischer Forschungsrat / Magdalena Ortiz: Distinguished Alumna Award of the European Masters in Computational Logic / International Organization / Stefan Woltran: Treating Hard Problems with Decomposition and Dynamic Programming (Decodyn) / START-Programm / Austria / Sascha Hunold: Best Paper Award EuroMPI/Asia / Japan / Sebastian Zambanini: Top 10% Paper Award"A Rotation-Invariant Bag of Visual Words Model for Symbols Based Ancient Coin Classification"Hafeez Anwar, Sebastian Zambanini, Martin Kampel / Organizing Committee of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Paris, France / France / Magdalena Ortiz: EMCL Distinguished Alumni Award / Joint Consortium of the European Masters in Computational Logic / Jesper Larsson Träff: Best Paper Award: "Reproducible MPI Micro-Benchmarking Isn't As Easy As You Think", S. Hunold, A. Carpen-Amarie, J. Träff, 21st European MPI Users' Group Meeting, EuroMPI/ASIA 2014, Kyoto, Japan, September 9-12, 2014 / Program Chairs of EuroMPI/ASIA 2014 / Japan / Schahram Dustdar: Best Paper Award: G. Copil, D. Trihinas, H. Truong, D. Moldovan, G. Pallis, S. Dustdar, M. Dikaiakos, "ADVISE - A Framework for Evaluating Cloud Service Elasticity Behavior", ICSOC 2014, November 3-6, 2014, Paris, France / Program Chairs, ICSOC 2014 / France / Schahram Dustdar: Certificate of Appreciation in honor and recognition of outstanding contribution as keynote speaker at the 13th International Conference on Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless, June 22-27, Benidorm, Spain / Ad Hoc Now 2014 Conference Chairs / Spain / Schahram Dustdar: Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management and Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy: Certificate for the participation at the SUSTAINABILITY AWARD 2014, project "Pacific Controls Cloud Computing Lab - Cloud Service Computing for the Supervision, Analysis and Controls of the Sustainability of Smart Cities" / Austria / Sebastian Zambanini: VSMM 2014 Best Paper Award - "Multi-Image Morphing: Summarizing Visual Information from Similar Ancient Coin Image Regions", Stefan Hödlmoser, Sebastian Zambanini and Martin Kampel / 20th International Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia / China / Sebastian Zambanini: Reading the legends of Roman Republican coins / Notable Books and Articles in Computing of 2014 / USA / Hong-Linh Truong: Best Paper Award: G. Copil, D. Trihinas, H. Truong, D. Moldovan, G. Pallis, S. Dustdar, M. Dikaiakos, "ADVISE - A Framework for Evaluating Cloud Service Elasticity Behavior", ICSOC 2014, November 3-6, 2014, Paris, France / Program Chairs, ICSOC 2014 / France
Astrid Weiss: Vision4HRC / Firnberg-Programm / Austria / Thomas Eiter: Prominent Paper Award 2013 / Artificial Intelligence Journal / USA / Clemens Heitzinger: PDE Models for Nanotechnology / START Prize / Austria / Thomas Eiter: ICLP 2013 Test of the Time Award / 29th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2013), August 24-29, Istanbul, TurkeyURKEY / UK / Schahram Dustdar: Outstanding Paper Award Winner for the journal paper:Truong H. L., Dustdar S. (2012). A Survey on Cloud-based Sustainability Governance Systems. Published in International Journal of Web Information Systems / Emerald / UK / Hannes Kaufmann: Winner of the INiTS Award (1st place)for "3D Building Reconstruction and Thermal Mapping in Fire Brigade Operations" / INiTS-Award / Austria / Clemens Heitzinger: START-Preis / START-Programm / Austria / Schahram Dustdar: Recognition of Service for ICSE 2013. For: Outstandig service for the Technical Research Program Committee for ICSE 2013. / Program Co-Chairs ICSE 2013 / USA / Astrid Weiss: enlisted among the 25 women you need to know in robotics / / USA / Hong-Linh Truong: Outstanding Paper Award Winner for the journal paper: Truong H. L., Dustdar S. (2012). A Survey on Cloud-based Sustainability Governance Systems. Published in International Journal of Web Information Systems / Emerald / UK / Hannes Kaufmann: Winner of the Kardinal-Innitzer Förderpreis / Kardinal-Innitzer-Preis / Austria
Margrit Gelautz: "MARIO" Award at NAB Show, Las Vegas (emotion3D GmbH) / TV Technology / USA / Margrit Gelautz: Nomination for Austrian State Prize Innovation ECONOVIUS (emotion3D GmbH) / Austrian Chamber of Commerce / Austria / Thomas Eiter: Vienna Content Award 2012 / Smart Cities (MyITS system prototype) / Vienna Content Award 2012 / Smart Cities / Austria / Ivona Brandic: Best Paper Award:"M4Cloud - Generic Application Level Monitoring for Resource-Shared Cloud Environments"; T. Mastelic, V. Emeakaroha, M. Maurer, I. Brandic; at the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, CLOSER 2012 / INSTICC, CLOSER / Portugal / Schahram Dustdar: Best Paper Award:A Novel Approach to Modeling Context-Aware and Social Collaboration Processes. Liptchinsky V., Khazankin R., Truong H.L., Dustdar S., 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2012) / CAiSE 2012 PC Chairs / Poland / Hong-Linh Truong: Best Paper Award:A Novel Approach to Modeling Context-Aware and Social Collaboration Processes. Liptchinsky V., Khazankin R., Truong H.L., Dustdar S., 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2012) / CAiSE 2012 PC Chairs / Poland / Michael Wimmer: Outstanding Service Award / Elsevier / USA / Silvia Miksch: Honorable Mention at IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) 2012 / IEEE Computer Society Visualization & Graphics Technical Committee (VGTC) / USA / Silvia Miksch: Recognition of Service Award / Eurographics: European Association for Computer Graphics / Schahram Dustdar: Best Paper Award: Programming Hybrid Services in the Cloud. Truong H.L, Dustdar S., Bhattacharya K., 10th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2012) / ICSOC 2012 PC Co-Chairs / China / Schahram Dustdar: Recipient of the IBM Faculty Award 2012 / IBM / Schahram Dustdar: Best Paper Award - Runner-Up: Who Do You Call? Problem Resolution through Social Compute Units. Sengupta B., Jain A., Bhattacharya K., Truong H.L., Dustdar S.,10th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2012) / ICSOC 2012 PC Chairs / China / Wolfgang Aigner: Honorable Mention at IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) 2012 / IEEE Computer Society Visualization & Graphics Technical Committee (VGTC) / USA / Stefan Schulte: Winner of the Annual International Contest S3 on Semantic Service Selection 2012, Track "SAWSDL matchmaker evaluation", Category "Average Query Response Time", together with Ulrich Lampe / International Contest S3 on Semantic Service Selection 2012 / Germany / Stefan Schulte: Winner of the Annual International Contest S3 on Semantic Service Selection 2012, Track "SAWSDL matchmaker evaluation", Category "Precision for Graded Relevance", together with Ulrich Lampe / International Contest S3 on Semantic Service Selection 2012 / Germany / Hong-Linh Truong: Best Paper Award: Programming Hybrid Services in the Cloud. Truong H.L, Dustdar S., Bhattacharya K., 10th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2012) / ICSOC 2012 PC Co-Chairs / China / Hong-Linh Truong: Best Paper Award - Runner-Up: Who Do You Call? Problem Resolution through Social Compute Units. Sengupta B., Jain A., Bhattacharya K., Truong H.L., Dustdar S.,10th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2012) / ICSOC 2012 PC Chairs / China / Stefan Woltran: Distinguished student paper prize at the 13th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. / KR Inc
Agata Ciabattoni: Nichtklassische Beweise: Theorie, Automatisierung, Anwendung / START-Programm / Austria / Margrit Gelautz: Best Paper Award - "Segmentation-based depth propagation in videos", N. Brosch, C. Rhemann and M. Gelautz / ÖAGM/AAPR Workshop / Austria / Margrit Gelautz: Mercur Econovius Prize (emotion3D KG) / Vienna Chamber of Commerce / Austria / Ivona Brandic: Wissenschaftspreis der TU Wien für das Forschungsprojekt "HALEY-Holistic Energy Efficient Approach for the Management of Hybrid Clouds" / Wissenschaftspreis / Ivona Brandic: Best Student Paper Award:Towards Self-Awareness in Cloud Markets: A Monitoring Methodology; Ivan Beskovic, Christian Haas, Simon Caton, Ivona Brandic / IEEE Computer Society / Australia / Schahram Dustdar: Best Student Paper Award:R. Khazankin, D. Schall, S. Dustdar: "Adaptive Request Prioritization in Dynamic Service-oriented Systems" at the IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2011) / IEEE Computer Society, SCC 2011 / USA / Ivona Brandic: MiA-Award 2011 für Wissenschaft & Forschung / Austria / Martina Hartner-Tiefenthaler: Haupt- und Anerkennungspreis der BA-CA für Innovative Projekte in der Lehre / Universität Wien / Austria / Manuel Wimmer: Erwin Schrödinger Fellowship: Model-driven Evolution of Web Applications, (J 3159), 2011/12. / Schrödinger-Stipendium / Austria
Stefan Szeider: The Parameterized Complexity of Reasoning Problems / ERC Europäischer Forschungsrat / Margrit Gelautz: Nomination for "RIZ Genius Ideenpreis" (emotion3D KG) / RIZ - Gründeragentur Niederösterreich / Austria / Reinhard Pichler: Best paper award at RR 2010: Int. Conf. on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems / Italy (South Tyrol) / Geraldine Fitzpatrick: Highly Commended Paper (top 5%; 22% of 1346 accepted):Balaam, M., Fitzpatrick, G., et al. 2010. Exploring affective technologies for the classroom with the subtle stone. In Proc CHI '10. ACM, 1623-1632. / International Organization / Geraldine Fitzpatrick: FEMTtech Expertin des Monats - September 2010 / Austria / Georg Gottlob: DIADEM: Domain-centric Intelligent Automated Data Extraction Methodology / ERC Europäischer Forschungsrat / Magdalena Ortiz: Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research: Award of Excellence 2010 / Austria / Michael Wimmer: Best Paper Award at the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2010 (Paper: Differential Instant Radiosity for Mixed Reality) / IEEE/ACM / Republic of Korea / Gerti Kappel: Innovationspreis Studium & Lehre TU Wien 2010 / Austria / Silvia Miksch: Top Cited Article 2005-2010 in Computers and Graphics / Pergamon/Elsevier / Netherlands / Silvia Miksch: Karl Ritter von Ghega Award of Recognition for the research project "VisuExplore" / Karl-Ritter-von-Ghega-Preis / Austria / Peter Purgathofer: Lehrendenaward der Fakultät für Informatik, Kategorie "Wissensvermittlung" / Austria / Werner Purgathofer: Dr. honoris causa / Technische Universität Iasi / Romania / Schahram Dustdar: Best Paper Award: A. Manzoor, C. Villalonga, A. Calatroni, H. Truong, D. Roggen, S. Dustdar, G. Tröster: "Identifying Important Action Primitives for High Level Activity Recognition" at the 5th European Conference on Smart Sensing and Context 2010 / EuroSSC 2010 General Chair and Program Chair / Germany / Wolfgang Hofkirchner: Member / International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences / Austria / Martina Hartner-Tiefenthaler: Förderpreis der Dr. Maria Schaumayer Stiftung für die Dissertation / Dr. Maria Schaumayer Stiftung / Austria / Wolfgang Aigner: Top Cited Article 2005-2010 in Computers and Graphics / Pergamon/Elsevier / Netherlands / Wolfgang Aigner: Karl Ritter von Ghega Award of Recognition for the research project "VisuExplore" / Karl-Ritter-von-Ghega-Preis / Austria / Wolfgang Aigner: Federal Ministry of Science and Research (BM.WF): Sparkling Science Award for the cooperative research project "HorizonVis" with the school HTBL Krems / Austria / Hong-Linh Truong: Best Paper Award: A. Manzoor, C. Villalonga, A. Calatroni, H. Truong, D. Roggen, S. Dustdar, G. Tröster: "Identifying Important Action Primitives for High Level Activity Recognition" at the 5th European Conference on Smart Sensing and Context 2010 / EuroSSC 2010 General Chair and Program Chair / Germany
Gerti Kappel: E-Learning Award TU Wien 2009 / Austria / Stefan Biffl: Int. Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) - Outstanding Service Award / European Union / Stefan Biffl: Best Paper Award - IEEE Int. Conf. on Industrial Informatics / UK / Schahram Dustdar: IEEE Senior Member / IEEE / Schahram Dustdar: ACM Distinguished Scientist Award / Wolfgang Aigner: Federal Ministry of Science and Re- search (BM.WF): Sparkling Science Award for the cooperative research project "StackFlow 3D" with the school HTBL Krems / Austria / Eduard Gröller: Fellow of the Eurographics Association / Eurographics / Switzerland
Margrit Gelautz: U.V. Helava Award - Best Paper of the Year (2004) - "A layered stereo matching algorithm using image segmentation and global visibility constraints", M. Bleyer and M. Gelautz / U.V. Helava Award - Best Paper Volume 59 (2004) - "A layered stereo matching algorithm using image segmentation and global visibility constraints", M. Bleyer and M. Gelautz / Netherlands / Stefan Biffl: Best Paper Award - Int. Conf. on Empirial Assessment of Software Engineering / Italy (South Tyrol) / Manuel Wimmer: Award of ExcellenceAssigned by the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research for the best dissertations of 2008 / Austria / Ivona Brandic: Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) - ICT call 2008 / Austria / Silvia Miksch: Karl Ritter von Ghega Award of Recognition for the research project "DisCo" / Karl-Ritter-von-Ghega-Preis / Austria / Peter Purgathofer: E-Learning Award 2007/2008 / Austria / Schahram Dustdar: Austrian Champions in European Research / Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft / Austria / Wolfgang Aigner: Karl Ritter von Ghega Award of Recognition for the research project "DisCo" / Karl-Ritter-von-Ghega-Preis / Austria
Margrit Gelautz: Second place in "Selection of Best FIT-IT Projects (Systems on Chip)" of the Year 2006 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) / Austria / Margrit Gelautz: FEMtech Expert of the Month (September 07) / Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, ÖGUT / Austria / Thomas Eiter: Corresponding Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) / Mitgliedschaft / Austria / Magdalena Ortiz: The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship / Magdalena Ortiz: OCG-Förderpreis / Austria / Dietmar Schreiner: Best Poster Award "Modeling Component Based Embedded Systems Applications with Explicit Connectors in UML 2.0" at the 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2007) / Republic of Korea / Schahram Dustdar: 3rd place at the Web Service Challenge 2007 (together with Anton Michlmayr, Christian Platzer, Florian Rosenberg, Alexander Urbanec and Lukasz Juszczyk) / Japan / Helwig Hauser: Best paper award (one out of three) at EuroVis 2007 ( / Sweden / Markus Pichlmair: TuTheTop HighPotential Programm der Technischen Universität Wien / Austria / Wolfgang Zagler: European ICT Grand Prize (für ScanRobot mit TREVENTUS Mechatronic GmbH) / Wolfgang Zagler: Wilhelm Exner Medaille / Österr. Gewerbeverein / Austria / Ingo Feinerer: INiTS Award / INiTS-Award / Austria / Wilfried Elmenreich: E-Learning Award 2006/2007 für ausgezeichnete Leistungen in der Lehrentwicklung (Kategorie für Speziallösungen) / Austria
Thomas Eiter: EurAI Fellow / Fellowship of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence / Germany / Margrit Gelautz: Microsoft Research European PhD Scholarship (PI: Margrit Gelautz, PhD student: Christoph Rhemann) - First Austrian Research Group to Win the Scholarship / Microsoft Research Cambridge / UK / Edgar Weippl: Award for the 2nd highest CISA exam (2005) score in Europe and Africa. / USA / Marco Aiello: 2nd place at the Web Service Challenge (together with Christian Platzer, Florian Rosenberg, Huy Tran, Martin Vasko and Schahram Dustdar), co-located with CEC & EEE 2006"Web Service Indexing for Efficient Retrieval and Composition" / USA / Magdalena Ortiz: Best Thesis Award, consortium of the European Masters in Computational Logic / International Organization / Magdalena Ortiz: ÖGAI-Preis / Austria / Werner Purgathofer: Distinguished Career Award / Eurographics Association / Switzerland / Schahram Dustdar: 2nd place at the IEEE Services Computing Contest (together with Florian Rosenberg and Christoph Nagl), co-located with ICWS 2006 and SCC 2006 / USA / Schahram Dustdar: JBOSS Innovation BPM award 2006 / USA / Schahram Dustdar: 2nd place at the Web Service Challenge (together with Marco Aiello, Christian Platzer, Florian Rosenberg, Huy Tran and Martin Vasko), co-located with CEC & EEE 2006 "Web Service Indexing for Efficient Retrieval and Composition" / USA / Wolfgang Hofkirchner: Mitglied / Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin / Germany / Helwig Hauser: Heinz Zemanek Preis (OCG, / Austria / Wolfgang Zagler: Wundsam-Hartig Preis / Austria / Stefan Bruckner: Karl-Heinz-Höhne-Preis für Medizinische Visualisierung / Germany / Peter Puschner: Gründungsmitglied der IFIP 10.2 WG on Embedded Systems / IFIP
Hermann Kopetz: Wilhelm Exner Medaillie / Austria / Helwig Hauser: Best paper award at SimVis 2005 ( / Germany / Sebastian Zambanini: Prip Preis / Austria / Martina Hartner-Tiefenthaler: Anerkennungspreis der Dr. Maria Schaumayer Stiftung für die Diplomarbeit: "Shopping at - What keeps me there, what makes me leave? A simulation-based investigation of the approach-avoidance conflict" / Dr. Maria Schaumayer Stiftung / Austria / Christopher Krügel: Wirtschaftskammerpreis / Wirtschaftskammern / Austria
Günther Raidl: Marie-Curie Research Training Network: Algorithmic Descrete Optimization Network (ADONET) - Austrian Coordinator / EC Europäische Komission - Marie Curie / Margrit Gelautz: Semifinal IBM Best Student Paper Award and rated among top 10% of conference contributions - "A layered stereo matching algorithm using image segmentation and global visibility constraints", M. Bleyer and M. Gelautz / International Conference of Image Processing (ICIP) 2004 / Singapore / Georg Gottlob: Full Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences / Mitgliedschaft / Austria / Monika Lanzenberger: ERCIM Fellowship / France / Walter Kropatsch: President of the International Association for Pattern Recognition / Hermann Kopetz: IEEE Technical Achievement Award / Hermann Kopetz: Vorsitzender d. Wiss. Beirat ACR / Austria / Thomas Dangl: "Outstanding Paper Award" der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Finanzwirtschaft (gem. mit J. Zechner, Uni-Wien) / Germany / Wolfgang Aigner: Award of Special Recognition / Austrian Society of Artificial Intelligence(ÖGAI) / Austria / Josef Widder: FIT-IT Embedded Systems Dissertationsstipendium "Distributed Computing in the Presence of Bounded Asynchrony" / Austria
Jens Knoop: Most Influential PLDI Paper Award: 2002 for 1992 (zusammen mit Oliver Rüthing undBernhard Steffen) / USA / Raimund Kirner: Mobilitätsstipendium der Creditanstalt AG(wird für aussergewöhnliche Dissertationenan der Technischen Universität Wien verliehen) / Austria / Clemens Heitzinger: Erwin Schrödinger Fellowship (FWF) / Schrödinger-Stipendium / Austria / Stefan Biffl: Best Paper Award - 13th Annual International Symposium INCOSE (The International Council on Systems Engineering) / USA / Stefan Biffl: ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award / USA / Werner Purgathofer: Member of the European Academy of Sciences / Mitgliedschaft / Peter Fleissner: Mitglied der Leibniz-Societät / Germany / Wolfgang Aigner: Outstanding Achievement Award / Austria / Peter Filzmoser: Talentförderungsprämie (Sektion "Wissenschaft") vom Land Oberösterreich / Austria
Georg Gottlob: Best Paper Award at the 21st ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS), Madison, Wisconsin / USA / Georg Gottlob: Fellow of ECCAI, the European Artificial Intelligence Society / Austria / Monika Lanzenberger: Outstanding Paper Award / USA / Eva Kühn: MERKUR Innovationspreis der Wirtschaftskammer / Wirtschaftskammern / Austria / Schahram Dustdar: Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, Top-Austrian Start-up nomination, Vienna / Austria / Schahram Dustdar: MERCUR 2002 Innovationspreis der WK Wien / Wirtschaftskammern / Austria / Thomas Eiter: Distinguished Paper Award of the 18th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI '02) / 18th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI '02), July 28 -- August 1, 2002, Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) / Canada / Walter Kropatsch: 1st Vice-President of the IAPR. / Andreas Rauber: Coor-Bayen Award (ERCIM) / European Union / Stefan Woltran: OCG-Förderpreis / Austria
Michael Wimmer: Günther Enderle Award (for the Best Paper at the Eurographics 2001 Conference, 1000 CH, Paper: Instant Visibility) / Eurographics / UK / Schahram Dustdar: World Technology Award nomination for best IT-Software of the year, London / Schahram Dustdar: Listed in Who is Who, Austria / Austria / Thomas Eiter: Distinguished Paper Award of the 17th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2001) / 17th International JointConference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2001), August 4-10, 2001, Seattle, U.S.A. / USA / Hermann Kopetz: IGM-Preis / Austria / Peter Filzmoser: Mobilitätsstipendium der CA für hervorragende Dissertation / Austria
Georg Gottlob: Honorary Scientist of the Guizhou Academy of Sciences, Guyang / Mitgliedschaft / Peter Purgathofer: Prix Ars Electronica "Award of Distinction" in der Kategorie ".net" / Austria / Hermann Kopetz: Mitglied "Rat for Forschung und Technologieentwicklung" / Austria / Christopher Krügel: EIB Scientific Award for Excellent Diploma Thesis / Germany / Hannes Kaufmann: Research Grant by Vienna University of Technology (2000-2001) / Austria
Reinhard Haas: Best Paper Award der ISES (International 1999: Best paper award of the "International Solar Energy Society" für den Aufsatz "The Value of Photovoltaic Electricity for Society" erschienen in der Zeitschrift "Solar Energy" / Austria / Georg Gottlob: Best Paper Award at the 5th Int. Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, El Paso, Texas / USA / Georg Gottlob: Elected corresponding member of the Austrian National Academy of Sciences / Mitgliedschaft / Austria / Thomas Eiter: Invention of the Year 1999 Finalist (University of Maryland) / Office of Technology Liaison, University of Maryland / USA / Karl Michael Göschka: GIT-Preis des Österreichischen Vereins für Elektrotechnik / Austria / Wolfgang Aigner: Outstanding Achievement Award / Johannes Kepler University Linz / Austria / Peter Puschner: Marie-Curie Fellowship / EC Europäische Komission - Marie Curie / Hannes Kaufmann: Windhag Stipend / Niederösterreichische Landesregierung / Austria
Georg Gottlob: Logik und Algorithmen / Wittgenstein-Preis / Austria / Walter Kropatsch: Treasurer of the IAPR. / Hermann Kopetz: Wirkliches Mitglied der Österr. Akademie der Wissenschaften / Mitgliedschaft / Austria / Andreas Rauber: ÖGAI-Preis / Austria / Karl Michael Göschka: Würdigungspreis des Ministeriums für Wissenschaft und Forschung / Austria
Ulrich Schmid: Synchronized Universal Time Coordinated for Distributed Real-Time Systems / START-Programm / Austria / Margrit Gelautz: Max Kade Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and Max Kade Foundation, New York, for postdoctoral research stay at Stanford University, USA / Austria / Werner Purgathofer: Fellow der Europäischen Computergraphik-Vereinigung Eurographics / Eurographics Association / Switzerland
Georg Gottlob: Senior Fellow of the Christian Doppler Society / Austria / Hermann Kopetz: Chairman der IFIP WG 10.4 / Bernhard Gittenberger: Studienpreis der ÖMG / Austria / Wolfgang Slany: Heinz Zemanek Award from Austrian Computer Society / Austria
Georg Gottlob: Silbermedaille der Universität Helsinki f. wiss. Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Informatik / Finland / Ulrich Schmid: Kardinal Innitzer Förderungspreis / Kardinal-Innitzer-Preis / Austria / Hermann Kopetz: Goldenes Verdienstkreuz der Republik Österreich / Ehrenkreuz für Wissenschaft und Kunst / Austria / Nysret Musliu: Distinguished student (Student i dalluar) award from the University of Prishtina, Kosova. / University of Prishitna / Kosovo
Before 1995
Walter Kropatsch: FELLOW of the IAPR. / Karl Michael Göschka: GIT-Förderpreis des Österreichischen Vereins für Elektrotechnik / Austria / Schahram Dustdar: Erwin Schrödinger post-doctoral research fellowship at London School of Economics, Information Systems Department / UK / Hermann Kopetz: Ruf als Direktor an das Max-Plank Institut / Germany / Hermann Kopetz: Fellow of the IEEE / Eduard Gröller: Würdigungspreis des Bundesministers für Wissenschaft und Forschung / Austria / Wolfgang Zagler: Victor Kaplan Medaille / Österr. Patentinhaberverband / Austria / Eva Kühn: Heinz-Zemanek Forschungspreis für die Dissertation über "Implementation of Multi Database Systems in Prolog" / Austria / Monika di Angelo: Mobilitätsstipendium der TU Wien für hervorragende Dissertation / Lions-Förderpreis / Georg Gottlob: Preis der ital. Vereinigung der Elektronik-Ingenieure f. wiss. Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Datenbanken / Italy (South Tyrol) / Andreas Krall: Heinz Zemanek Preis / Austria / Wolfgang Zagler: Hans Lauda Innovationspreis / Austria / Wolfgang Zagler: Senator Holzer Preis / Austria / Hermann Kopetz: Gründungsmitglied der IFIP 10.4 WG on Dependable Computing / Hermann Kopetz: Gründungsmitglied der Österr. Computer Gesellschaft / Austria