Jesper Larsson Träff
Univ.Prof. Dr. / MSc PhD
Research Focus
- Computer Engineering: 70%
- Logic and Computation: 20%
Research Areas
- parallel algorithms, Scheduling, parallel computing, parallel programming, parallel programming models, Message Passing Interface (MPI)
Basic Research in Parallel Computing with focus on - Models and Algorithms for fundamental problems - Algorithms and Data Structures for Shared-Memory Systems - Complexity theory for Parallel Computing - Scheduling and Routing - Software Interfaces for Parallel Computing, for example Message-Passing Interface (MPI) - High-Performance Computing - experimental parallel Algorithmics - Performance Analysis and Benchmarking
Head of Research Unit
Parallel Computing, E191-04 -
Full Professor
Parallel Computing, E191-04 -
Curriculum Commission for Informatics
Substitute Member
- Advanced Multiprocessor Programming / 184.726 / VU
- Bachelor Thesis for Informatics and Business Informatics / 184.716 / PR
- Computer Engineering Practical / 191.005 / PR
- Computer Engineering Project / 191.006 / PR
- Project in Computer Science 1 / 191.008 / PR
- Project in Computer Science 2 / 191.009 / PR
- Scientific Project Computer Engineering / 191.007 / PR
- Seminar Computer Engineering / 191.108 / SE
- Seminar for Master Students in Computer Engineering / 180.778 / SE
- Seminar for PhD Students / 184.739 / SE
- Seminar in Software Engineering / 184.758 / SE
- Seminar in Theoretical Computer Science / 184.753 / SE
- Seminar on Algorithms / 184.754 / SE
- Bachelor Thesis for Informatics and Business Informatics / 184.716 / PR
- Computer Engineering Practical / 191.005 / PR
- Computer Engineering Project / 191.006 / PR
- High Performance Computing / 184.725 / VU
- Parallel Computing / 184.710 / VU
- Project in Computer Science 1 / 191.008 / PR
- Project in Computer Science 2 / 191.009 / PR
- Scientific Project Computer Engineering / 191.007 / PR
- Seminar for Master Students in Computer Engineering / 180.778 / SE
- Seminar for PhD Students / 184.739 / SE
Algorithm Engineering for Process Mapping
2019 – 2024 / Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Publications: 136174 / 137932 / 141845 / 176488 / 189827 / 191197 / 191155 / 192198 / 204353 / 55551 / 58196 / 135871 -
Resilience versus Performance in Numerical Linear Algebra
2016 – 2020 / Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF)
Publications: 176471 / 57831 -
Verifying Self-consistent MPI Performance Guidelines
2013 – 2018 / Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Publications: 145229 / 146889 / 176447 / 176449 / 176452 / 55184 / 56109 / 56110 / 56111 / 56523 / 56570 / 56975 / 56997 / 85805 / 85872 / 86357 -
Exascale Programming Models
2013 – 2016 / European Commission
Publications: 146889 / 176449 / 55179 / 55431 / 56108 / 56109 / 56569 / 56570 / 56571 / 85805 -
Improving Reproducibility of Experiments in Parallel Computing
2013 – 2016 / Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Publications: 150641 / 176447 / 55184 / 56110 / 56523 / 85814 / 85871 / 85872 / 86091 -
Performance Portability and Programmability for Heterogeneous Many-core Architectures
2011 – 2012 / European Commission
Publications: 162985 / 176431 / 51532 / 54301 / 54586 / 54617 / 54737 / 84680
Improved Parallel Application Performance and Makespan by Colocation and Topology-aware Process Mapping
Vardas, I., Hunold, S., SWARTVAGHER, P., & Träff, J. L. (2024). Improved Parallel Application Performance and Makespan by Colocation and Topology-aware Process Mapping. In 2024 IEEE 24th International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid) (pp. 119–124). IEEE.
Projects: Autotune (2021–2025) / Process Mapping (2019–2024)
Round-optimal 𝑛-Block Broadcast Schedules in Logarithmic Time
Träff, J. L. (2023). Round-optimal 𝑛-Block Broadcast Schedules in Logarithmic Time. arXiv.
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Using Mixed-Radix Decomposition to Enumerate Computational Resources of Deeply Hierarchical Architectures
Swartvagher, P., Hunold, S., Träff, J. L., & Vardas, I. (2023). Using Mixed-Radix Decomposition to Enumerate Computational Resources of Deeply Hierarchical Architectures. In Proceedings of 2023 SC23 Workshops of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis (SC 2023 Workshops) (pp. 405–415). ACM.
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Project: Process Mapping (2019–2024) -
Library Development with MPI: Attributes, Request Objects, Group Communicator Creation, Local Reductions, and Datatypes
Träff, J. L., & Vardas, I. (2023). Library Development with MPI: Attributes, Request Objects, Group Communicator Creation, Local Reductions, and Datatypes. In Proceedings of the 30th European MPI Users’ Group Meeting (EUROMPI 23). 30th European MPI Users’ Group Meeting (EuroMPI 2023), Bristol, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the). ACM.
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Project: Process Mapping (2019–2024) -
Realizing multioperations and multiprefixes in Thick Control Flow processors
Forsell, M., Roivainen, J., Leppänen, V., & Träff, J. L. (2023). Realizing multioperations and multiprefixes in Thick Control Flow processors. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 98, Article 104807.
Download: PDF (1.93 MB) - Preliminary Performance and Memory Access Scalability Study of Thick Control Flow Processors / Forsell, M., Roivainen, J., Leppänen, V., & Träff, J. L. (2023). Preliminary Performance and Memory Access Scalability Study of Thick Control Flow Processors. In J. Nurmi, M. Shen, P. Ellervee, P. Koch, & F. Moradi (Eds.), Proceedings 2023 IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference (NorCAS) (pp. 1–7). IEEE.
Rank Reordering within MPI Communicators to Exploit Deep Hierarchal Architectures of Supercomputers
Swartvagher, P., Vardas, I., Hunold, S., & Träff, J. L. (2023). Rank Reordering within MPI Communicators to Exploit Deep Hierarchal Architectures of Supercomputers. In E. Reiter (Ed.), Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2023 - ASHPC23 (pp. 61–61). EuroCC Austria.
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Project: Process Mapping (2019–2024) -
Effects of Mapping Strategies on Average Duration and Throughput of Colocated HPC Applications
Vardas, I., Hunold, S., Swartvagher, P., & Träff, J. L. (2023). Effects of Mapping Strategies on Average Duration and Throughput of Colocated HPC Applications. In E. Reiter (Ed.), Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2023 - ASHPC23 (pp. 10–10). EuroCC Austria.
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Project: Process Mapping (2019–2024) - Uniform Algorithms for Reduce-scatter and (most) other Collectives for MPI / Träff, J. L., Hunold, S., Vardas, I., & Funk, N. M. (2023). Uniform Algorithms for Reduce-scatter and (most) other Collectives for MPI. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER) (pp. 284–294). IEEE.
- Brief Announcement: Fast(er) Construction of Round-optimal n-Block Broadcast Schedules / Träff, J. L. (2022). Brief Announcement: Fast(er) Construction of Round-optimal n-Block Broadcast Schedules. In K. Agrawal & I.-T. A. Lee (Eds.), Proceedings of the 34th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2022) (pp. 143–146). ACM.
An Overhead Analysis of MPI Profiling and Tracing Tools
Hunold, S., Ajanohoun, J. I., Vardas, I., & Träff, J. L. (2022). An Overhead Analysis of MPI Profiling and Tracing Tools. In C. Scully-Allison, R. Liem, & A. V. Solorzano (Eds.), PERMAVOST 2022: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Performance Engineering, Modelling, Analysis, and Visualization Strategy (pp. 5–13). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
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Projects: Autotune (2021–2025) / Process Mapping (2019–2024) - (Poly)Logarithmic Time Construction of Round-optimal n-Block Broadcast Schedules for Broadcast and irregular Allgather in MPI / Träff, J. L. (2022). (Poly)Logarithmic Time Construction of Round-optimal n-Block Broadcast Schedules for Broadcast and irregular Allgather in MPI. arXiv.
- MPI Performance Tools under the Microscope: A Thorough Overhead Analysis / Ajanohoun, J. I., Vardas, I., Träff, J. L., & Hunold, S. (2022). MPI Performance Tools under the Microscope: A Thorough Overhead Analysis. In E. Reiter (Ed.), Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2022 - ASHPC22 (p. 16). EuroCC Austria.
- mpisee: MPI Profiling for Communication and Communicator Structure / Vardas, I., Hunold, S., Ajanohoun, J. I., & Träff, J. L. (2022). mpisee: MPI Profiling for Communication and Communicator Structure. In E. Reiter (Ed.), Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2022 - ASHPC22 (p. 15). EuroCC Austria.
- Fast(er) Construction of Round-optimal n-Block Broadcast Schedules / Träff, J. L. (2022). Fast(er) Construction of Round-optimal n-Block Broadcast Schedules. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER 2022) (pp. 142–151). IEEE.
mpisee: MPI Profiling for Communication and Communicator Structure
Vardas, I., Hunold, S., Ajanohoun, J. I., & Traff, J. L. (2022). mpisee: MPI Profiling for Communication and Communicator Structure. In 2022 IEEE 36th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW 2022) (pp. 520–529). IEEE.
Projects: Autotune (2021–2025) / Process Mapping (2019–2024) - Performance and programmability comparison of the thick control flow architecture and current multicore processors / Forsell, M., Nikula, S., Roivainen, J., Leppänen, V., & Träff, J. L. (2022). Performance and programmability comparison of the thick control flow architecture and current multicore processors. The Journal of Supercomputing, 78(3), 3152–3183.
- A Doubly-pipelined, Dual-root Reduction-to-all Algorithm and Implementation / Träff, J. L. (2021). A Doubly-pipelined, Dual-root Reduction-to-all Algorithm and Implementation. arXiv.
- A more pragmatic implementation of the lock-free, ordered, linked list / Träff, J. L., & Pöter, M. (2021). A more pragmatic implementation of the lock-free, ordered, linked list. In J. Lee & E. Petrank (Eds.), Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming. ACM.
MPI collective communication through a single set of interfaces: A case for orthogonality
Träff, J. L., Hunold, S., Mercier, G., & Holmes, D. J. (2021). MPI collective communication through a single set of interfaces: A case for orthogonality. Parallel Computing: Systems & Applications, 107(102826), 102826.
Project: Process Mapping (2019–2024)
- Special issue: Selected papers from EuroMPI 2019 / Träff, J. L., & Hoefler, T. (2020). Special issue: Selected papers from EuroMPI 2019. Parallel Computing, 99, Article 102695.
- k-ported vs. k-lane Broadcast, Scatter, and Alltoall Algorithms / Träff, J. L. (2020). k-ported vs. k-lane Broadcast, Scatter, and Alltoall Algorithms. arXiv.
Efficient Process-to-Node Mapping Algorithms for Stencil Computations
Hunold, S., von Kirchbach, K., Lehr, M., Schulz, C., & Träff, J. L. (2020). Efficient Process-to-Node Mapping Algorithms for Stencil Computations. arXiv.
Project: Process Mapping (2019–2024) - Classical and pipelined preconditioned conjugate gradient methods with node-failure resilience / Pachajoa, C., Levonyak, M., Pacher, C., Träff, J. L., & Gansterer, W. (2020). Classical and pipelined preconditioned conjugate gradient methods with node-failure resilience. In A. Schlögl, J. Kiss, & S. Elefante (Eds.), Austrian High-Performance-Computing Meeting (AHPC 2020) (p. 13). IST Austria.
- High-Quality Hierarchical Process Mapping / Faraj, M. F., van der Grinten, A., Meyerhenke, H., Träff, J. L., & Schulz, C. (2020). High-Quality Hierarchical Process Mapping. arXiv.
- Decomposing MPI Collectives for Exploiting Multi-lane Communication / Träff, J. L. (2020). Decomposing MPI Collectives for Exploiting Multi-lane Communication. SPCL_Bcast, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland.
High-Quality Hierarchical Process Mapping
Faraj, M. F., van der Grinten, A., Meyerhenke, H., Träff, J. L., & Schulz, C. (2020). High-Quality Hierarchical Process Mapping. In S. Faro & D. Cantone (Eds.), 18th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms, SEA 2020 (pp. 4:1-4:15). Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
Project: Process Mapping (2019–2024) - Decomposing MPI Collectives for Exploiting Multi-lane Communication / Träff, J. L., & Hunold, S. (2020). Decomposing MPI Collectives for Exploiting Multi-lane Communication. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER). IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (IEEE Cluster 2020) - Online Conference, Kobe, Japan. IEEE.
- Signature Datatypes for Type Correct Collective Operations, Revisited / Träff, J. L. (2020). Signature Datatypes for Type Correct Collective Operations, Revisited. In 27th European MPI Users’ Group Meeting. 27th European MPI Users’ Group Meeting (EuroMPI/USA 2020) - Online Conference, Austin, United States of America (the). IEEE.
- Collectives and Communicators: A Case for Orthogonality / Träff, J. L., Hunold, S., Mercier, G., & Holmes, D. J. (2020). Collectives and Communicators: A Case for Orthogonality. In 27th European MPI Users’ Group Meeting. 27th European MPI Users’ Group Meeting (EuroMPI/USA 2020) - Online Conference, Austin, United States of America (the). IEEE.
Efficient Process-to-Node Mapping Algorithms for Stencil Computations
von Kirchbach, K., Lehr, M., Hunold, S., Schulz, C., & Träff, J. L. (2020). Efficient Process-to-Node Mapping Algorithms for Stencil Computations. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER). IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (IEEE Cluster 2020) - Online Conference, Kobe, Japan. IEEE.
Project: Process Mapping (2019–2024) - Optimizing Memory Access in TCF Processors with Compute-Update Operations / Forsell, M., Roivainen, J., & Träff, J. L. (2020). Optimizing Memory Access in TCF Processors with Compute-Update Operations. In 2020 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW). 22nd Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models (APDCM 2020) in conjunction with IPDPS 2020 - Online Conference, New Orleans, United States of America (the). IEEE.
- A more Pragmatic Implementation of the Lock-free, Ordered, Linked List / Träff, J. L., & Pöter, M. (2020). A more Pragmatic Implementation of the Lock-free, Ordered, Linked List. arXiv.
Better Process Mapping and Sparse Quadratic Assignment
Kirchbach, K. V., Schulz, C., & Träff, J. L. (2020). Better Process Mapping and Sparse Quadratic Assignment. ACM Journal on Experimental Algorithmics, 25, 1–19.
Project: Process Mapping (2019–2024) - Exploiting Multi-lane Communication in MPI Collectives / Träff, J. L. (2020). Exploiting Multi-lane Communication in MPI Collectives. In A. Schlögl, J. Kiss, & S. Elefante (Eds.), Austrian High-Performance-Computing Meeting (AHPC 2020) (p. 30). IST Austria.
- On Optimal Trees for Irregular Gather and Scatter Collectives / Träff, J. L. (2019). On Optimal Trees for Irregular Gather and Scatter Collectives. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 30(9), 2060–2074.
How to Make the Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method Resilient Against Multiple Node Failures
Pachajoa, C., Levonyak, M., Gansterer, W., & Träff, J. L. (2019). How to Make the Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method Resilient Against Multiple Node Failures (1907.13077). arXiv.
Project: REPEAL (2016–2020) -
How to Make the Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method Resilient Against Multiple Node Failures
Pachajoa, C., Levonyak, M., Gansterer, W. N., & Träff, J. L. (2019). How to Make the Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method Resilient Against Multiple Node Failures. In Proceedings of the 48th International Conference on Parallel Processing. 48th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2019), Kyoto, Japan. ACM.
Project: REPEAL (2016–2020) - More Parallelism in Dijkstra's Single-Source Shortest Path Algorithm / Kainer, M., & Träff, J. L. (2019). More Parallelism in Dijkstra’s Single-Source Shortest Path Algorithm. arXiv.
- Decomposing Collectives for Exploiting Multi-lane Communication / Träff, J. L. (2019). Decomposing Collectives for Exploiting Multi-lane Communication. arXiv.
- Cartesian Collective Communication / Träff, J. L., & Hunold, S. (2019). Cartesian Collective Communication. In Proceedings of the 48th International Conference on Parallel Processing. 48th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2019), Kyoto, Japan. ACM.
- Cartesian Collective Communication: "Advice to users", "Advice to implementers", and "Advice to Standardizers" / Träff, J. L. (2019). Cartesian Collective Communication: “Advice to users”, “Advice to implementers”, and “Advice to Standardizers.” University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.
- On optimal Trees for irregular gather and scatter collectives? / Träff, J. L. (2019). On optimal Trees for irregular gather and scatter collectives? FernUniversität in Hagen, Prof. Dr. Jörg Keller, Hagen, Germany.
- On optimal Trees for irregular gather and scatter collectives? / Träff, J. L. (2019). On optimal Trees for irregular gather and scatter collectives? Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Research Group on Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems, Berlin, Germany.
- On Optimal Trees for Irregular Gather and Scatter Collectives / Träff, J. L. (2019). On Optimal Trees for Irregular Gather and Scatter Collectives. Kolloquium Mathematische Informatik, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
- Scalable Algorithms for MPI Intergroup Allgather and Allgatherv / Kang, Q., Träff, J. L., Al-Bahrani, R., Agrawal, A., Choudhary, A., & Liao, W. (2019). Scalable Algorithms for MPI Intergroup Allgather and Allgatherv. Parallel Computing: Systems & Applications, 85, 220–230.
- Foreword EuroMPI 2019 / Träff, J. L., & Hoefler, T. (2019). Foreword EuroMPI 2019. In T. Hoefler & J. L. Träff (Eds.), Proceedings of the 26th European MPI Users’ Group Meeting on - EuroMPI ’19. ACM.
- Proceedings of the 26th European MPI Users' Group Meeting, EuroMPI 2019 / Hoefler, T., & Träff, J. L. (Eds.). (2019). Proceedings of the 26th European MPI Users’ Group Meeting, EuroMPI 2019. ACM.
- Stamp-it: A more Thread-efficient, Concurrent Memory Reclamation Scheme in the C++ Memory Model / Pöter, M., & Träff, J. L. (2018). Stamp-it: A more Thread-efficient, Concurrent Memory Reclamation Scheme in the C++ Memory Model. arXiv.
- Memory Models for C/C++ Programmers / Pöter, M., & Träff, J. L. (2018). Memory Models for C/C++ Programmers. arXiv.
- Parallel Quicksort without Pairwise Element Exchange / Träff, J. L. (2018). Parallel Quicksort without Pairwise Element Exchange. arXiv.
- Brief Announcement / Pöter, M., & Träff, J. L. (2018). Brief Announcement. In Proceedings of the 30th on Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures. 30th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2018), Vienna, Austria, Austria. ACM.
- <i>Stamp-it</i> , amortized constant-time memory reclamation in comparison to five other schemes / Pöter, M., & Träff, J. L. (2018). Stamp-it , amortized constant-time memory reclamation in comparison to five other schemes. In Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming. 23rd Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP 2018), Vienna, Austria, Austria. ACM.
Practical, distributed, low overhead algorithms for irregular gather and scatter collectives
Träff, J. L. (2018). Practical, distributed, low overhead algorithms for irregular gather and scatter collectives. Parallel Computing: Systems & Applications, 75, 100–117.
Project: MPI (2013–2018) - Supporting concurrent memory access in TCF processor architectures / Forsell, M., Roivainen, J., Leppänen, V., & Träff, J. L. (2018). Supporting concurrent memory access in TCF processor architectures. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 63, 226–236.
- On Optimal trees for Irregular Gather and Scatter Collectives / Träff, J. L. (2018). On Optimal trees for Irregular Gather and Scatter Collectives. Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, EU.
- Full-Duplex Inter-Group All-to-All Broadcast Algorithms with Optimal Bandwidth / Kang, Q., Träff, J. L., Al-Bahrani, R., Agrawal, A., Choudhary, A., & Liao, W. (2018). Full-Duplex Inter-Group All-to-All Broadcast Algorithms with Optimal Bandwidth. In Proceedings of the 25th European MPI Users’ Group Meeting. 25th European MPI Users’ Group Meeting (EuroMPI 2018), Barcelona, Spain, EU. ACM.
- Implementation of Multioperations in Thick Control Flow Processors / Forsell, M., Roivainen, J., Leppänen, V., & Träff, J. L. (2018). Implementation of Multioperations in Thick Control Flow Processors. In 2018 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW). 20th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models (APDCM 2018) in conjunction with IPDPS 2018, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Non-EU. IEEE.
- A new and five older Concurrent Memory Reclamation Schemes in Comparison (Stamp-it) / Pöter, M., & Träff, J. L. (2017). A new and five older Concurrent Memory Reclamation Schemes in Comparison (Stamp-it). arXiv.
- On Optimal Trees for Irregular Gather and Scatter Collectives / Träff, J. L. (2017). On Optimal Trees for Irregular Gather and Scatter Collectives. arXiv.
- Better Process Mapping and Sparse Quadratic Assignment / Schulz, C., & Träff, J. L. (2017). Better Process Mapping and Sparse Quadratic Assignment. arXiv.
Practical, Linear-time, Fully Distributed Algorithms for Irregular Gather and Scatter
Träff, J. L. (2017). Practical, Linear-time, Fully Distributed Algorithms for Irregular Gather and Scatter (1702.05967). arXiv.
Project: MPI (2013–2018) - VieM v1.00 - Vienna Mapping and Sparse Quadratic Assignment User Guide / Schulz, C., & Träff, J. L. (2017). VieM v1.00 - Vienna Mapping and Sparse Quadratic Assignment User Guide. arXiv.
- Better Process Mapping and Sparse Quadratic Assignment / Schulz, C., & Träff, J. L. (2017). Better Process Mapping and Sparse Quadratic Assignment. In C. S. Iliopoulos, S. P. Pissis, S. J. Puglisi, & R. Raman (Eds.), 16th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms, SEA 2017 (pp. 4:1-4:15). Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH.
On expected and observed communication performance with MPI derived datatypes
Carpen-Amarie, A., Hunold, S., & Träff, J. L. (2017). On expected and observed communication performance with MPI derived datatypes. Parallel Computing: Systems & Applications, 69, 98–117.
Projects: EPiGRAM (2013–2016) / MPI (2013–2018) - MPI Is 25 Years Old! / Lusk, E., & Träff, J. L. (2017). MPI Is 25 Years Old! HPCwire, MAY 1.
- The past 25 years of MPI / Träff, J. L. (2017). The past 25 years of MPI. Panel at ISC High Performance Conference 2017 - The HPC Event, Intel booth, Frankfurt, Germany, EU.
- Fast Processing of MPI Derived Datatypes? / Träff, J. L. (2017). Fast Processing of MPI Derived Datatypes? Mini Workshop Algorithms Engineering, Uni Wien, Vienna, Austria, Austria.
- High Performance Expectations for MPI / Träff, J. L. (2017). High Performance Expectations for MPI. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wellein, Erlangen, Germany, EU.
- Exploiting Common Neighborhoods to Optimize MPI Neighborhood Collectives / Mirsadeghi, S. H., Träff, J. L., Balaji, P., & Afsahi, A. (2017). Exploiting Common Neighborhoods to Optimize MPI Neighborhood Collectives. In 2017 IEEE 24th International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC). 24th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC 2017), Jaipur, India, Non-EU. IEEE.
- Supporting concurrent memory access in TCF-aware processor architectures / Forsell, M., Roivainen, J., Leppänen, V., & Träff, J. L. (2017). Supporting concurrent memory access in TCF-aware processor architectures. In J. Nurmi, M. Vesterbacka, J. J. Wikner, A. Alvandpour, M. Nielsen-Lönn, & I. R. Nielsen (Eds.), 2017 IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference (NORCAS): NORCHIP and International Symposium of System-on-Chip (SoC). IEEE.
Practical, linear-time, fully distributed algorithms for irregular gather and scatter
Träff, J. L. (2017). Practical, linear-time, fully distributed algorithms for irregular gather and scatter. In Proceedings of the 24th European MPI Users’ Group Meeting on - EuroMPI ’17. 24th European MPI Users’ Group Meeting (EuroMPI/USA 2017), Chicago, IL, USA, Non-EU. ACM.
Project: MPI (2013–2018) - High Performance Expectations for MPI / Träff, J. L. (2017). High Performance Expectations for MPI. In G. Baumgartner & J. Courian (Eds.), AHPC 2017, Austrian HPC Meeting 2017 (p. 33). FSP Scientific Computing, University of Innsbruck.
- Message-Combining Algorithms for Isomorphic, Sparse Collective Communication / Träff, J. L., Carpen-Amarie, A., Hunold, S., & Rougier, A. (2016). Message-Combining Algorithms for Isomorphic, Sparse Collective Communication. arXiv.
- Benchmarking Concurrent Priority Queues: Performance of k-LSM and Related Data Structures / Gruber, J., Träff, J. L., & Wimmer, M. (2016). Benchmarking Concurrent Priority Queues: Performance of k-LSM and Related Data Structures. arXiv.
PGMPI: Automatically Verifying Self-Consistent MPI Performance Guidelines
Hunold, S., Carpen-Amarie, A., Lübbe, F. D., & Träff, J. L. (2016). PGMPI: Automatically Verifying Self-Consistent MPI Performance Guidelines. arXiv.
Projects: MPI (2013–2018) / ReproPC (2013–2016) -
MPI Derived Datatypes: Performance Expectations and Status Quo
Carpen-Amarie, A., Hunold, S., & Träff, J. L. (2016). MPI Derived Datatypes: Performance Expectations and Status Quo. arXiv.
Projects: EPiGRAM (2013–2016) / MPI (2013–2018) -
The EPiGRAM Project: Preparing Parallel Programming Models for Exascale
Markidis, S., Peng, I. B., Larsson Träff, J., Rougier, A., Bartsch, V., Machado, R., Rahn, M., Hart, A., Holmes, D., Bull, M., & Laure, E. (2016). The EPiGRAM Project: Preparing Parallel Programming Models for Exascale. In M. Taufer, B. Mohr, & J. M. Kunkel (Eds.), High Performance Computing : ISC High Performance 2016 International Workshops, ExaComm, E-MuCoCoS, HPC-IODC, IXPUG, IWOPH, P^3MA, VHPC, WOPSSS, Frankfurt, Germany, June 19–23, 2016, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 56–68). Springer International Publishing.
Project: EPiGRAM (2013–2016) - Brief Announcement: Benchmarking Concurrent Priority Queues: / Gruber, J., Träff, J. L., & Wimmer, M. (2016). Brief Announcement: Benchmarking Concurrent Priority Queues: In SPAA ’16: Proceedings of the 28th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (pp. 361–362). ACM.
- Viewpoint: (Mis)Managing Parallel Computing Research through EU Project Funding / Träff, J. L. (2016). Viewpoint: (Mis)Managing Parallel Computing Research through EU Project Funding. Communications of the ACM, 59(12), 46–48.
- Editorial: Special Issue: Euro-Par 2015 / Lengauer, C., Bougé, L., & Träff, J. L. (2016). Editorial: Special Issue: Euro-Par 2015. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 28(12), 3445–3446.
- Polynomial-Time Construction of Optimal MPI Derived Datatype Trees / Träff, J. L. (2016). Polynomial-Time Construction of Optimal MPI Derived Datatype Trees. Leibniz-Rechenzentrum (LRZ), Garching bei München, Germany, EU.
On The Power of Structured Data in MPI
Träff, J. L. (2016). On The Power of Structured Data in MPI. Guest Lecture of the course: Parallel and High Performance Computing, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany, EU.
Project: MPI (2013–2018) - Tutorial: Effective MPI Programming: concepts, advanced features, do's and dont's / Träff, J. L. (2016). Tutorial: Effective MPI Programming: concepts, advanced features, do’s and dont’s. Tutorial on MPI at the 22nd International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2016), Grenoble, France, EU.
- Effective MPI Programming: Concepts, Advanced Features, Do's and Don'ts / Träff, J. L. (2016). Effective MPI Programming: Concepts, Advanced Features, Do’s and Don’ts. Vienna Scientific Cluster: VSC School Seminar, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, Austria.
Polynomial-Time Construction of Optimal MPI Derived Datatype Trees
Ganian, R., Kalany, M., Szeider, S., & Träff, J. L. (2016). Polynomial-Time Construction of Optimal MPI Derived Datatype Trees. In 2016 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS). IEEE 30th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2016), Chicago, Illinois, USA, Non-EU. IEEE Computer Society.
Project: EPiGRAM (2013–2016) - The art of benchmarking MPI libraries / Hunold, S., Carpen-Amarie, A., & Träff, J. L. (2016). The art of benchmarking MPI libraries. In I. Reichl, C. Blaas-Schenner, & J. Zabloudil (Eds.), Austrian HPC Meeting 2016 - AHPC 2016 (p. 45). Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC).
On the Expected and Observed Communication Performance with MPI Derived Datatypes
Carpen-Amarie, A., Hunold, S., & Träff, J. L. (2016). On the Expected and Observed Communication Performance with MPI Derived Datatypes. In D. Holmes, A. Collis, J. L. Träff, & L. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd European MPI Users’ Group Meeting. ACM.
Projects: EPiGRAM (2013–2016) / MPI (2013–2018) -
A Library for Advanced Datatype Programming
Träff, J. L. (2016). A Library for Advanced Datatype Programming. In D. Holmes, A. Collis, J. L. Träff, & L. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd European MPI Users’ Group Meeting. ACM.
Project: EPiGRAM (2013–2016) -
Automatic Verification of Self-consistent MPI Performance Guidelines
Hunold, S., Carpen-Amarie, A., Lübbe, F. D., & Träff, J. L. (2016). Automatic Verification of Self-consistent MPI Performance Guidelines. In P.-F. Dutot & D. Trystram (Eds.), Euro-Par 2016: Parallel Processing (pp. 433–446). Springer International Publishing.
Projects: MPI (2013–2018) / ReproPC (2013–2016) - Proceedings of the 23rd European MPI Users' Group Meeting, EuroMPI 2016 / Holmes, D., Collis, A., Träff, J. L., & Smith, L. (Eds.). (2016). Proceedings of the 23rd European MPI Users’ Group Meeting, EuroMPI 2016. ACM.
- The Shortest Path Problem with Edge Information Reuse is NP-Complete / Träff, J. L. (2015). The Shortest Path Problem with Edge Information Reuse is NP-Complete. arXiv.
- Polynomial-time Construction of Optimal Tree-structured Communication Data Layout Descriptions / Ganian, R., Kalany, M., Szeider, S., & Träff, J. L. (2015). Polynomial-time Construction of Optimal Tree-structured Communication Data Layout Descriptions. arXiv.
- The Lock-free k-LSM Relaxed Priority Queue / Wimmer, M., Gruber, J., Träff, J. L., & Tsigas, P. (2015). The Lock-free k-LSM Relaxed Priority Queue. arXiv.
- The Power of Structured Data in MPI / Träff, J. L. (2015). The Power of Structured Data in MPI. The University of Texas at Austin, Prof. Robert A. van de Geijn, Austin, Texas, Non-EU.
- MPI Datatype reconstruction (for vector and index types) / Träff, J. L. (2015). MPI Datatype reconstruction (for vector and index types). Compilers and Languages Group, Institute of Computer Languages, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, Austria.
- The Relative Power of Synchronization Primitives / Träff, J. L. (2015). The Relative Power of Synchronization Primitives. Computational Mathematics in Engineering Group - Prof. Dr. Joachim Schöberl, Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, Austria.
Specification Guideline Violations by MPI_Dims_create
Träff, J. L., & Lübbe, F. D. (2015). Specification Guideline Violations by MPI_Dims_create. In J. Dongarra, A. Denis, B. Goglin, E. Jeannot, & G. Mercier (Eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd European MPI Users’ Group Meeting. ACM.
Project: MPI (2013–2018) -
Isomorphic, Sparse MPI-like Collective Communication Operations for Parallel Stencil Computations
Träff, J. L., Lübbe, F. D., Rougier, A., & Hunold, S. (2015). Isomorphic, Sparse MPI-like Collective Communication Operations for Parallel Stencil Computations. In J. Dongarra, A. Denis, B. Goglin, E. Jeannot, & G. Mercier (Eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd European MPI Users’ Group Meeting. ACM.
Projects: EPiGRAM (2013–2016) / MPI (2013–2018) -
Efficient, Optimal MPI Datatype Reconstruction for Vector and Index Types
Kalany, M., & Träff, J. L. (2015). Efficient, Optimal MPI Datatype Reconstruction for Vector and Index Types. In J. Dongarra, A. Denis, B. Goglin, E. Jeannot, & G. Mercier (Eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd European MPI Users’ Group Meeting. ACM.
Project: EPiGRAM (2013–2016) - The lock-free k-LSM relaxed priority queue / Wimmer, M., Gruber, J., Träff, J. L., & Tsigas, P. (2015). The lock-free k-LSM relaxed priority queue. In A. Cohen & D. Grove (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming. ACM.
- Euro-Par 2015: Parallel Processing / Euro-Par 2015: Parallel Processing. (2015). In J. L. Träff, S. Hunold, & F. Versaci (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
- Preface: Selected Papers from EuroMPI 2012 / Träff, J. L., & Benkner, S. (2014). Preface: Selected Papers from EuroMPI 2012. Computing, 96(4), 259–261.
- An improved, easily computable combinatorial lower bound for weighted graph bipartitioning / Träff, J. L., & Wimmer, M. (2014). An improved, easily computable combinatorial lower bound for weighted graph bipartitioning. arXiv.
- Perfectly Load-Balanced, Stable, Synchronization-Free Parallel Merge / Siebert, C., & Träff, J. L. (2014). Perfectly Load-Balanced, Stable, Synchronization-Free Parallel Merge. Parallel Processing Letters, 24(01), 1450005.
Reproducible MPI Micro-Benchmarking Isn't As Easy As You Think
Hunold, S., Carpen-Amarie, A., & Träff, J. L. (2014). Reproducible MPI Micro-Benchmarking Isn’t As Easy As You Think. Research Group Theory and Applications of Algorithms, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, Austria.
Projects: MPI (2013–2018) / ReproPC (2013–2016) - The Power of Structured Data in MPI / Träff, J. L. (2014). The Power of Structured Data in MPI. Compiler Technology and Computer Architecure Group at the University of Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, EU.
- The Power of Structured Data in MPI / Träff, J. L. (2014). The Power of Structured Data in MPI. Research Group Theory and Applications of Algorithms and Research Group Scientific Computing, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, Austria.
The Power of Structured Data in MPI
Träff, J. L. (2014). The Power of Structured Data in MPI. I3MS Seminar Series, Aachen GRS, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany, EU.
Projects: EPiGRAM (2013–2016) / MPI (2013–2018) - Implementing a classic: zero-copy all-to-all communication with MPI datatypes / Träff, J. L. (2014). Implementing a classic: zero-copy all-to-all communication with MPI datatypes. Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, EU.
Reproducible MPI Micro-Benchmarking Isn't As Easy As You Think
Hunold, S., Carpen-Amarie, A., & Träff, J. L. (2014). Reproducible MPI Micro-Benchmarking Isn’t As Easy As You Think. In J. Dongarra, Y. Ishikawa, & A. Hori (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st European MPI Users’ Group Meeting. ACM.
Projects: MPI (2013–2018) / ReproPC (2013–2016) -
Optimal MPI Datatype Normalization for Vector and Index-block Types
Träff, J. L. (2014). Optimal MPI Datatype Normalization for Vector and Index-block Types. In J. Dongarra, Y. Ishikawa, & A. Hori (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st European MPI Users’ Group Meeting. ACM.
Project: EPiGRAM (2013–2016) - Zero-copy, Hierarchical Gather is not possible with MPI Datatypes and Collectives / Träff, J. L., & Rougier, A. (2014). Zero-copy, Hierarchical Gather is not possible with MPI Datatypes and Collectives. In J. Dongarra, Y. Ishikawa, & A. Hori (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st European MPI Users’ Group Meeting. ACM.
- MPI Collectives and Datatypes for Hierarchical All-to-all Communication / Träff, J. L., & Rougier, A. (2014). MPI Collectives and Datatypes for Hierarchical All-to-all Communication. In J. Dongarra, Y. Ishikawa, & A. Hori (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st European MPI Users’ Group Meeting. ACM.
- Implementing a classic / Träff, J. L., Rougier, A., & Hunold, S. (2014). Implementing a classic. In M. Gerndt, P. Stenström, L. Rauchwerger, B. Miller, & M. Schulz (Eds.), Proceedings of the 28th ACM international conference on Supercomputing - ICS ’14. ACM.
- Data structures for task-based priority scheduling / Wimmer, M., Versaci, F., Träff, J. L., Cederman, D., & Tsigas, P. (2014). Data structures for task-based priority scheduling. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and practice of parallel programming - PPoPP ’14. 19th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, PPoPP 2014, Orlando, Florida, USA, Non-EU. ACM.
- Perfectly load-balanced, optimal, stable, parallel merge / Siebert, C., & Träff, J. L. (2013). Perfectly load-balanced, optimal, stable, parallel merge. arXiv.
Configurable Strategies for Work-stealing
Wimmer, M., Cederman, D., Träff, J. L., & Tsigas, P. (2013). Configurable Strategies for Work-stealing. arXiv.
Project: PEPPHER (2011–2012) - A Note on (Parallel) Depth- and Breadth-First Search by Arc Elimination / Träff, J. L. (2013). A Note on (Parallel) Depth- and Breadth-First Search by Arc Elimination. arXiv.
- On the State and Importance of Reproducible Experimental Research in Parallel Computing / Hunold, S., & Träff, J. L. (2013). On the State and Importance of Reproducible Experimental Research in Parallel Computing. arXiv.
- Data Structures for Task-based Priority Scheduling / Wimmer, M., Cederman, D., Versaci, F., Träff, J. L., & Tsigas, P. (2013). Data Structures for Task-based Priority Scheduling. arXiv.
The Pheet Task-Scheduling Framework on the Intel&#x00AE; Xeon Phi Coprocessor and other Multicore Architectures
Wimmer, M., Pöter, M., & Träff, J. L. (2013). The Pheet Task-Scheduling Framework on the Intel&#x00AE; Xeon Phi Coprocessor and other Multicore Architectures. In 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing, Workshops and Phd Forum. Workshop on Multithreaded Architectures and Applications (MTAAP 2013) in conjunction with IPDPS 2013, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Non-EU. IEEE Computer Society.
Project: PEPPHER (2011–2012) - Large-scale message passing concepts in EPiGRAM / Träff, J. L. (2013). Large-scale message passing concepts in EPiGRAM. Workshop on Exascale MPI (ExaMPI 2013) at Supercomputing Conference 2013, Denver, Colorado, USA, Non-EU.
- History of MPI / Träff, J. L. (2013). History of MPI. UPMARC Summer School on Multicore Computing, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, EU.
- Work-stealing with Configurable Scheduling Strategies / Wimmer, M., Cederman, D., Träff, J. L., & Tsigas, P. (2013). Work-stealing with Configurable Scheduling Strategies. MADALGO Summer School on DATA STRUCTURES, Aarhus University, Denmark, EU.
- Challenges in Message-Passing Interfaces for Large-Scale Parallel Systems / Träff, J. L. (2013). Challenges in Message-Passing Interfaces for Large-Scale Parallel Systems. UPMARC Summer School on Multicore Computing, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, EU.
- Unique Features of MPI: Collective Operations on Structured Data / Träff, J. L. (2013). Unique Features of MPI: Collective Operations on Structured Data. 20th European MPI Users’ Group Meeting, EuroMPI 2013, Madrid, Spain, EU.
Work-stealing with configurable scheduling strategies
Wimmer, M., Cederman, D., Träff, J. L., & Tsigas, P. (2013). Work-stealing with configurable scheduling strategies. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and practice of parallel programming - PPoPP ’13. ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, PPoPP 2013, Shenzhen, China, Non-EU. ACM.
Project: PEPPHER (2011–2012)
- Simplified, stable parallel merging / Träff, J. L. (2012). Simplified, stable parallel merging. arXiv.
- Alternative, uniformly expressive and more scalable interfaces for collective communication in MPI / Träff, J. L. (2012). Alternative, uniformly expressive and more scalable interfaces for collective communication in MPI. Parallel Computing: Systems & Applications, 38(1–2), 26–36.
Programmability and Performance Portability Aspects of Heterogeneous Multi-/Manycore Systems
Kessler, C., Dastgeer, U., Thibault, S., Namyst, R., Richards, A., Dolinsky, U., Benkner, S., Träff, J. L., & Pllana, S. (2012). Programmability and Performance Portability Aspects of Heterogeneous Multi-/Manycore Systems. In Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2012) Proceedings (pp. 1403–1408). EDAA.
Project: PEPPHER (2011–2012) - Poster: Leveraging PEPPHER Technology for Performance Portable Supercomputing / Kessler, C., Dastgeer, U., Majeed, M., Furmento, N., Thibault, S., Namyst, R., Benkner, S., Pllana, S., Träff, J. L., & Wimmer, M. (2012). Poster: Leveraging PEPPHER Technology for Performance Portable Supercomputing. In 2012 SC Companion: High Performance Computing, Networking Storage and Analysis. Supercomputing 2012 Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Non-EU. IEEE Computer Society.
Abstract: Leveraging PEPPHER Technology for Performance Portable Supercomputing
Kessler, C., Dastgeer, U., Majeed, M., Furmento, N., Thibault, S., Namyst, R., Benkner, S., Pllana, S., Träff, J. L., & Wimmer, M. (2012). Abstract: Leveraging PEPPHER Technology for Performance Portable Supercomputing. In 2012 SC Companion: High Performance Computing, Networking Storage and Analysis. IEEE Computer Society.
Project: PEPPHER (2011–2012) - History and development of the MPI standard / Träff, J. L. (2012). History and development of the MPI standard. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Seibersdorf, Austria, Austria.
- History and Development of MPI: the Message-Passing Interface / Träff, J. L. (2012). History and Development of MPI: the Message-Passing Interface. CSE Day KTH Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden, EU.
- Scalability, Expressivity and Performance Portability of Message-Passing Interface(s) / Träff, J. L. (2012). Scalability, Expressivity and Performance Portability of Message-Passing Interface(s). VSC Workshop Vienna Scientific Cluster, Neusiedl/See, Austria, Austria.
- Efficient MPI Implementation of a Parallel, Stable Merge Algorithm / Siebert, C., & Träff, J. L. (2012). Efficient MPI Implementation of a Parallel, Stable Merge Algorithm. In J. L. Träff, S. Benkner, & J. Dongarra (Eds.), Recent Advances in the Message Passing Interface Proceedings of the 19th European MPI Users’ Group Meeting, EuroMPI 2012 (pp. 204–213). Springer.
- mpicroscope: Towards an MPI Benchmark Tool for Performance Guideline Verification / Träff, J. L. (2012). mpicroscope: Towards an MPI Benchmark Tool for Performance Guideline Verification. In J. L. Träff, S. Benkner, & J. Dongarra (Eds.), Recent Advances in the Message Passing Interface Proceedings of the 19th European MPI Users’ Group Meeting, EuroMPI 2012 (pp. 100–109). Springer.
- Recent Advances in the Message Passing Interface Proceedings of the 19th European MPI Users' Group Meeting, EuroMPI 2012, LNCS 7490 / Träff, J. L., Benkner, S., & Dongarra, J. (Eds.). (2012). Recent Advances in the Message Passing Interface Proceedings of the 19th European MPI Users’ Group Meeting, EuroMPI 2012, LNCS 7490. Springer.
PEPPHER: Efficient and Productive Usage of Hybrid Computing Systems
Benkner, S., Pllana, S., Träff, J. L., Tsigas, P., Dolinsky, U., Augonnet, C., Bachmayer, B., Kessler, C., Moloney, D., & Osipov, V. (2011). PEPPHER: Efficient and Productive Usage of Hybrid Computing Systems. IEEE Micro, 31(5), 28–41.
Project: PEPPHER (2011–2012) - Performance Expectations and Guidelines for MPI Derived Datatypes / Gropp, W., Hoefler, T., Thakur, R., & Träff, J. L. (2011). Performance Expectations and Guidelines for MPI Derived Datatypes. EuroMPI 2011, Santorini, Greece, EU.
- Using MPI Derived Datatypes in Numerical Libraries / Bajrovic, E., & Träff, J. L. (2011). Using MPI Derived Datatypes in Numerical Libraries. EuroMPI 2011, Santorini, Greece, EU.
Efficient process mapping for cartesian topologies
Lehr, M. (2019). Efficient process mapping for cartesian topologies [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (6.84 MB) -
Mehr Parallelismus in Single-Source Shortest Path Algorithmen : Simulation und Implementierung
Kainer, M. (2018). Mehr Parallelismus in Single-Source Shortest Path Algorithmen : Simulation und Implementierung [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.31 MB) -
Effective memory reclamation for lock-free data structures in C++
Pöter, M. J. (2018). Effective memory reclamation for lock-free data structures in C++ [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.88 MB) -
Untersuchung der Implementierbarkeit eines lock-freien binären Suchbaumes
Mayerhofer, N. (2016). Untersuchung der Implementierbarkeit eines lock-freien binären Suchbaumes [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (3.2 MB) -
Erweiterung des Pheet Frameworks für Pipeline-Parallele Anwendungen
Redl, B. (2016). Erweiterung des Pheet Frameworks für Pipeline-Parallele Anwendungen [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.77 MB) -
KLSM: a relaxed lock-free priority queue
Gruber, J. (2016). KLSM: a relaxed lock-free priority queue [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (599 KB) -
Efficient construction of provably optimal MPI datatype representations
Kalany, M. (2015). Efficient construction of provably optimal MPI datatype representations [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.05 MB) -
Adaptive work-stealing techniques
Haselsteiner, L. (2015). Adaptive work-stealing techniques [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1010 KB) -
Variations on task scheduling for shared memory systems
Wimmer, M. (2014). Variations on task scheduling for shared memory systems [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.48 MB) - Embedded real-time 3D stereo vision on multicore digital signal processors / Eisserer, C. (2013). Embedded real-time 3D stereo vision on multicore digital signal processors [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Innovation Radar: Innovation Title: PGAS-based MPI with interoperability; Innovation Category: Exploration; FP 7 project EPiGRAM
2018 / Project -
Best Paper Award: "Reproducible MPI Micro-Benchmarking Isn't As Easy As You Think", S. Hunold, A. Carpen-Amarie, J. Träff, 21st European MPI Users' Group Meeting, EuroMPI/ASIA 2014, Kyoto, Japan, September 9-12, 2014
2014 / Program Chairs of EuroMPI/ASIA 2014 / Japan
And more…
Soon, this page will include additional information such as reference projects, activities as journal reviewer and editor, memberships in councils and committees, and other research activities.
Until then, please visit Jesper Larsson Träff’s research profile in TISS .