Study Services
We support you with the administrative steps you need to take during your studies—from recognition of exams to graduation.

Picture: Amélie Chapalain / TU Wien Informatics
Our Services
We are your contact for all legal and administrative matters concerning your studies in Informatics.
We advise you on the recognition and crediting of exams you have taken outside of your enrolled studies, and inform you on topics such as changing your study program and completing your degree. No matter whether you are studying for a bachelor, master, or doctoral degree, we are your point of contact.
How Can We Help?
Contact & Consultation Hours
Kontakt & Sprechstunden -
Dates & Deadlines
Termine & Fristen -
Stipendien -
Equivalence and Recognition
Transitional Provisions
Übergangsbestimmungen -
Recognition of Exams
Anerkennung von Prüfungsleistungen