Margrit Gelautz Mag.a rer.nat. techn.
Research Focus
- Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology: 100%
Research Areas
- Stereo Vision, Human Motion, Computer Vision, Motion Analysis, Video Analysis, Assisted/Autonomous Driving, Robotics, 3D TV
I perform research in the field of Computer Vision with a focus on 3D scene reconstruction (especially, stereo analysis), video object segmentation, image matting and motion estimation. Currently, my research interests revolve around the application fields of assisted/autonomous driving and motion studies for human-robot interaction. I am a partner in the TrustRobots Doctoral College ( and the FWF ConnectingMinds project CaringRobots // RoboticCare (
In collaboration with Microsoft Research Cambridge, our group has set up and maintains the alphamatting benchmark ( for the evaluation of image matting algorithms.
Our research activities led to the foundation of the spin-off company emotion3D in 2010.
Associate Professor
Computer Vision, E193-01
- Bachelor Thesis / 183.582 / PR
- PhD Seminar / 188.179 / SE
- Project in Computer Science 1 / 193.117 / PR
- Project in Computer Science 2 / 193.118 / PR
- Project in Medical Informatics / 193.025 / PR
- Project in Visual Computing 1 / 193.023 / PR
- Project in Visual Computing 2 / 193.024 / PR
- Project Media and Human-Centered Computing 1 / 193.021 / PR
- Project Media and Human-Centered Computing 2 / 193.022 / PR
- Scientific Seminar for PhD Students / 188.970 / SE
- Seminar for Master Students in Visual Computing / 180.774 / SE
- Seminar in Computer Vision / 188.941 / SE
- Seminar Media and Human-Centered Computing / 193.058 / SE
- Seminar on Image and Video Analysis and Synthesis / 188.942 / SE
- Video Analysis / 188.346 / UE
- Video Analysis / 188.329 / VO
- Bachelor Thesis / 183.582 / PR
- PhD Seminar / 188.179 / SE
- Project in Computer Science 1 / 193.117 / PR
- Project in Computer Science 2 / 193.118 / PR
- Project in Medical Informatics / 193.025 / PR
- Project in Visual Computing 1 / 193.023 / PR
- Project in Visual Computing 2 / 193.024 / PR
- Project Media and Human-Centered Computing 1 / 193.021 / PR
- Project Media and Human-Centered Computing 2 / 193.022 / PR
- Scientific Research and Writing / 193.052 / SE
- Scientific Seminar for PhD Students / 188.970 / SE
- Seminar in Computer Vision / 188.941 / SE
- Seminar Media and Human-Centered Computing / 193.058 / SE
- Seminar on Image and Video Analysis and Synthesis / 188.942 / SE
- Visual Analysis of Human Motion / 188.469 / UE
- Visual Analysis of Human Motion / 188.468 / VO
Empathic Vehicle
2024 – 2026 / Vienna Business Agency (WAW) -
Research on urban road traffic in challenging environments
2024 – 2025 / Austrian Exchange Service (OeAD) -
PLFDoc: Precision Livestock Farming
2023 – 2027 / Austrian Science Fund (FWF) -
UNIversal Single Camera-based 3D Sensing for COmprehensive Human PErception
2023 – 2026 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Caring Robots // Robotic Care
2022 – 2027 / Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Publications: 150320 / 191147 / 193734 / 198949 / 199739 / 205511 / 101848 -
Event-based and frame-based binocular visual odometry system
2022 – 2023 / Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) -
Network on evidence-based physical activity in old age
2021 – 2025 / European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) -
Simulation of vehicle interiors for the efficient development of driver/occupant monitoring systems
2021 – 2025 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Publications: 177471 / 189545 / 188254 / 58791 -
Multimodal Sensor-Lighting System for the Protection of Vulnerable Traffic Participants
2020 – 2025 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Publications: 165244 / 175979 / 177205 / 188289 / 188254 / 200892 / 58522 -
Combined 3D-Vision and Adaptive Front-Lighting System for Safe
Autonomous Driving
2017 – 2025 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Publications: 137363 / 55545 / 57799 / 57936 / 58176 / 58522 / 86881 / 86894 / 86934 / 86935 / 86941 -
Innovative production workflow for precise 3D scene reconstruction
2016 – 2023 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Publications: 145059 / 29854 / 29855 / 55454 / 56940 / 57019 / 57471 / 57763 / 57814 / 86395 -
Intelligent Assistant System for Video Production on Mobile Devices
2016 – 2023 / Vienna Business Agency (WAW)
Publication: 57283 -
3D content creation, coding and transmission over future media networks
2014 – 2016 / European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)
Publications: 39095 / 56736 / 86396 -
Robust Real-Time Depth Measurement Using Structured Light
2014 – 2015 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Publications: 148576 / 56194 -
Intelligent Workflow Design for Low-Cost 3D Film Production
2013 – 2016 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Publications: 39095 / 56287 / 56458 / 56460 / 56486 / 56736 / 58177 / 86396 -
High-quality 3D Video by Fusing Active and Passive Sensors
2012 – 2014 / Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Publications: 155182 / 54738 / 54739 -
An industrial implementation of modern inpainting techniques for depth-based 3D film editing
2012 – 2014 / Center for Innovation and Technology (ZIT) -
HDRi: The digital capture, storage, transmission and display of real-world lighting
2011 – 2015 / European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) -
3D Scene Completion
Publications: 54650 / 55189 / 55191 / 85564 / 85565 / 85680 / 85818 / 85819 / 85820 -
Evaluation of Methods for Live-Webcam-Videoconferencing
2011 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Evaluation of Methods for Generating Virtual Views for 3D Film Material
2011 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Temporal-Consistent Stereo Matting for High-Quality Novel View Synthesis and Visual Effects
2009 – 2015 / Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) -
Energy Functions for Global Stereo Matching
2007 – 2012 / Austrian Science Fund (FWF) -
Video Engine Design Methodology Rules
2006 – 2015 / Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (bm:vit) -
New Approaches to Video Matting: Eye-tracking and Parallelization
A Dynamic Calibration Framework for the Event-Frame Stereo Camera System
Hu, R., Kogler, J., Gelautz, M., Lin, M., & Xia, Y. (2024). A Dynamic Calibration Framework for the Event-Frame Stereo Camera System. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 9(12), 11465–11472.
Download: AM (1.02 MB) -
Body Movement Mirroring and Synchrony in Human-Robot Interaction
Stoeva, D., Kriegler, A., & Gelautz, M. (2024). Body Movement Mirroring and Synchrony in Human-Robot Interaction. ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, 13(4), Article 47.
Project: Caring Robots // Robotic Care (2022–2027) -
Evaluation of Flexible Structured Light Calibration Using Circles
Fischer, R., Hödlmoser, M., & Gelautz, M. (2024). Evaluation of Flexible Structured Light Calibration Using Circles. In A. A. de Sousa, T. Bashford-Rogers, A. Paljic, M. Ziat, C. Hurter, H. Purchase, P. Radeva, G. M. FARINELLA, & K. Bouatouch (Eds.), Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (pp. 271–294). Springer Cham.
Project: SmartProtect (2020–2025) - Learning Geometry: Rotation Representation of Symmetric Objects / Kriegler, A., Beleznai, C., & Gelautz, M. (2024, July 8). Learning Geometry: Rotation Representation of Symmetric Objects [Poster Presentation]. ICVSS 2024 International Computer Vision Summer School, Sicily, Italy.
Programming Robot Animation Through Human Body Movement
Frijns, H. A., Stoeva, D., Schürer, O., & Gelautz, M. (2024). Programming Robot Animation Through Human Body Movement. In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Its Social Impacts (ARSO) (pp. 273–279). IEEE.
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Project: Caring Robots // Robotic Care (2022–2027)
- PrimitivePose: Generic Model and Representation for 3D Bounding Box Prediction of Unseen Objects / Kriegler, A., Beleznai, C., Gelautz, M., Murschitz, M., & Göbel, K. (2023). PrimitivePose: Generic Model and Representation for 3D Bounding Box Prediction of Unseen Objects. International Journal of Semantic Computing, 17(03), 387–410.
Transfer learning for driver pose estimation from synthetic data
Sagmeister, D., Schörkhuber, D., Nezveda, M., Stiedl, F., Schimkowitsch, M., & Gelautz, M. (2023). Transfer learning for driver pose estimation from synthetic data. In 2023 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) Proceedings. 2023 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Anchorage, AK, United States of America (the). IEEE.
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Project: SyntheticCabin (2021–2025) -
Evaluation of Camera Pose Estimation Using Human Head Pose Estimation
Fischer, R., Hödlmoser, M., & Gelautz, M. (2023). Evaluation of Camera Pose Estimation Using Human Head Pose Estimation. SN Computer Science, 4(3), Article 301.
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Project: SyntheticCabin (2021–2025) -
Single-Stage 3D Pose Estimation of Vulnerable Road Users Using Pseudo-Labels
Windbacher, F., Hödlmoser, M., & Gelautz, M. (2023). Single-Stage 3D Pose Estimation of Vulnerable Road Users Using Pseudo-Labels. In R. Gade, M. Felsberg, & J.-K. Kämäräinen (Eds.), Image Analysis. 22nd Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2023, Sirkka, Finland, April 18–21, 2023, Proceedings, Part II (pp. 401–417). Springer.
Project: SmartProtect (2020–2025) -
Flexible Extrinsic Structured Light Calibration Using Circles
Fischer, R., Hödlmoser, M., & Gelautz, M. (2023). Flexible Extrinsic Structured Light Calibration Using Circles. In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (pp. 47–55).
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Project: SmartProtect (2020–2025) -
Computer Vision for Autonomous Driving and Robotics
Gelautz, M., Schörkhuber, D., & Stoeva, D. (2023). Computer Vision for Autonomous Driving and Robotics [Presentation]. 30 Years ICG, Graz, Austria.
Projects: SmartProtect (2020–2025) / SyntheticCabin (2021–2025) -
Design of an automotive platform for computer vision research
Schörkhuber, D., Popp, R., Chistov, O., Windbacher, F., Hödlmoser, M., & Gelautz, M. (2023). Design of an automotive platform for computer vision research. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 35(16), 119-1-119–6.
Project: SmartProtect (2020–2025)
Design, Requirements, and Challenges of a Human-Robot Imitation System
Stoeva, D., & Gelautz, M. (2022). Design, Requirements, and Challenges of a Human-Robot Imitation System. In S. T. Köszegi & M. Vincze (Eds.), Trust in Robots (pp. 107–127). TU Wien Academic Press.
Download: PDF (255 KB) - PrimitivePose: 3D Bounding Box Prediction of Unseen Objects via Synthetic Geometric Primitives / Kriegler, A., Beleznai, C., Murschitz, M., Gobel, K., & Gelautz, M. (2022). PrimitivePose: 3D Bounding Box Prediction of Unseen Objects via Synthetic Geometric Primitives. In 2022 Sixth IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC) (pp. 190–197).
Camera Pose Estimation using Human Head Pose Estimation
Fischer, R., Hödlmoser, M., & Gelautz, M. (2022). Camera Pose Estimation using Human Head Pose Estimation. In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Unknown. SCITEPRESS.
Project: SyntheticCabin (2021–2025) -
Feature Selection and Multi-task Learning for Pedestrian Crossing Prediction
Schörkhuber, D., Pröll, M., & Gelautz, M. (2022). Feature Selection and Multi-task Learning for Pedestrian Crossing Prediction. In 2022 16th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS) (pp. 439–444). IEEE.
Project: SmartProtect (2020–2025) -
The Effect of Exaggerated Nonverbal Cues on the Perception of the Robot Pepper
Fischer, S. H., Stoeva, D., & Gelautz, M. (2022). The Effect of Exaggerated Nonverbal Cues on the Perception of the Robot Pepper. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction. HAI ’22: International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, New Zealand.
Project: Caring Robots // Robotic Care (2022–2027)
Bounding Box Propagation for Semi-automatic Video Annotation of Nighttime Driving Scenes
Schörkhuber, D., Groh, F., & Gelautz, M. (2021). Bounding Box Propagation for Semi-automatic Video Annotation of Nighttime Driving Scenes. In University of Zagreb (Ed.), 2021 12th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA). University of Zagreb.
Projects: CarVisionLight (2017–2025) / SmartProtect (2020–2025) -
Adaptive Light Function Controlled in the Control Loop with Cameras
Hartmann, P., Artmann, M., Nezveda, M., Gelautz, M., Moreno, A., Fallmann, D., Lahmer, M., Popp, R., Groh, F., Schörkhuber, D., Frantar, E., Seitner, F., & Fischer, R. (2021). Adaptive Light Function Controlled in the Control Loop with Cameras. ATZ Worldwide, 123(2), 24–29.
Project: CarVisionLight (2017–2025) - Analytical Solution of Pepper’s Inverse Kinematics for a Pose Matching Imitation System / Stoeva, D., Frijns, H., Gelautz, M., & Schürer, O. (2021). Analytical Solution of Pepper’s Inverse Kinematics for a Pose Matching Imitation System. In 2021 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Vancouver, Canada. IEEE.
- Evaluation of Monocular and Stereo Depth Data for Geometry-Assisted Learning of 3D Pose / Kriegler, A., Csaba, B., & Gelautz, M. (2021). Evaluation of Monocular and Stereo Depth Data for Geometry-Assisted Learning of 3D Pose. In 2021 44th Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition (OAGM) Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop (pp. 1–7). Verlag der TU Graz.
Objective and Subjective Evaluation of a Multi-Stereo 3D Reconstruction System
Kapeller, C., Sespede, B., Nezveda, M., Labschütz, M., Flöry, S., Seitner, F., & Gelautz, M. (2020). Objective and Subjective Evaluation of a Multi-Stereo 3D Reconstruction System. In Electronic Imaging (pp. 138–7).
Project: Hyperion3D (2013–2016) -
A tool for semi-automatic ground truth annotation of traffic videos
Groh, F., Schörkhuber, D., & Gelautz, M. (2020). A tool for semi-automatic ground truth annotation of traffic videos. In Electronic Imaging (pp. 200–207).
Project: CarVisionLight (2017–2025) - Body Language in Affective Human-Robot Interaction / Stoeva, D., & Gelautz, M. (2020). Body Language in Affective Human-Robot Interaction. In Companion of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction - HRI Pioneers Worksop 2020, Cambridge, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the).
A Study on Training Data Selection for Object Detection in Nighttime Traffic Scenes
Unger, A., Gelautz, M., Seitner, F., & Hödlmoser, M. (2020). A Study on Training Data Selection for Object Detection in Nighttime Traffic Scenes. In Electronic Imaging (pp. 203–206).
Project: CarVisionLight (2017–2025)
SLAMANTIC - Leveraging Semantics to Improve VSLAM in Dynamic Environments
Schörghuber, M., Steininger, D., Carbon, Y., Humenberger, M., & Gelautz, M. (2019). SLAMANTIC - Leveraging Semantics to Improve VSLAM in Dynamic Environments. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW) (p. 10).
Project: CarVisionLight (2017–2025) -
Visual Computing in Autonomous Driving and Human-Robot Interaction
Gelautz, M. (2019). Visual Computing in Autonomous Driving and Human-Robot Interaction. Vorträge im Rahmen der IKT Delegationsreise nach China, China (Hangzhou, Jiaxing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Peking), China.
Project: CarVisionLight (2017–2025) -
Semi-automatic post-processing of multi-view 2D-plus-depth video
Sespede, B., Seitner, F., & Gelautz, M. (2019). Semi-automatic post-processing of multi-view 2D-plus-depth video. In IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging (p. 5).
Project: Precise3D (2016–2023) -
An End-to-End System for Real-Time Dynamic Point Cloud Visualization
Hofer, H., Seitner, F., & Gelautz, M. (2019). An End-to-End System for Real-Time Dynamic Point Cloud Visualization. In 2018 International Conference on 3D Immersion (IC3D). 2018 International Conference on 3D Immersion (IC3D), Brüssel, Belgium.
Project: Precise3D (2016–2023) -
Evaluation Study on Semantic Object Labelling in Street Scenes
Wittmann, A., Gelautz, M., & Seitner, F. (2019). Evaluation Study on Semantic Object Labelling in Street Scenes. In P. M. Roth, A. Pichler, R. Sablatnig, G. Stübl, & M. Vincze (Eds.), Proceedings of the ARW & OAGM Workshop 2019 (pp. 201–202). Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz.
Project: CarVisionLight (2017–2025) -
Digital Observation of Human Motion, Expression, and Intention
Gelautz, M. (2019). Digital Observation of Human Motion, Expression, and Intention. Symposium: Menschen und Maschinen. Visionen unserer digitalen Zukunft., Wien, Austria.
Project: CarVisionLight (2017–2025) -
Computer Vision Trends - Autonomous Driving and Human-Robot Interaction
Gelautz, M. (2019). Computer Vision Trends - Autonomous Driving and Human-Robot Interaction. Symposium: Menschen und Maschinen. Visionen unserer digitalen Zukunft., Wien, Austria.
Project: CarVisionLight (2017–2025) -
Body Language in Human‐Robot Interaction
Gelautz, M., Stoeva, D., & Schörkhuber, D. (2019). Body Language in Human‐Robot Interaction. Doctoral College TrustRobots: Lecture Series, Wien, Austria.
Project: CarVisionLight (2017–2025) -
Camera-Based In-Cabin Monitoring - Applications and Business Cases
Gelautz, M. (2019). Camera-Based In-Cabin Monitoring - Applications and Business Cases. Forum Automatisierte Mobilität, Wien, Austria.
Project: CarVisionLight (2017–2025)
3D Visual Content Datasets
Fliegel, K., Battisti, F., Carli, M., Gelautz, M., Krasula, L., Le-Callet, P., & Zlokolica, V. (2018). 3D Visual Content Datasets. In 3D Visual Content Creation, Coding and Delivery (pp. 299–325). Springer.
Project: Precise3D (2016–2023) -
Quality of Experience and Quality of Service Metrics for 3D Content
Barreda-Angeles, M., Battisti, F., Boato, G., Carli, M., Dumic, E., Gelautz, M., Hewage, C., Le-Callet, P., Liotta, A., Pasquini, C., Pereda-Baños, A., Politis, C., Sandic, D., Tekalp, M., Torres-Vega, M., & Zlokolica, V. (2018). Quality of Experience and Quality of Service Metrics for 3D Content. In 3D Visual Content Creation, Coding and Delivery (pp. 267–297). Springer.
Project: Precise3D (2016–2023) -
Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Embedded Computer Vision
Mattoccia, S., Kisačanin, B., Gelautz, M., Chai, S., Belbachir, A. N., Dedeoglu, G., & Stein, F. (2018). Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Embedded Computer Vision. Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 90(6), 873–876.
Project: Precise3D (2016–2023) -
A workflow for 3D model reconstruction from multi-view depth acquisitions of dynamic scenes
Kapeller, C., Sespede, B., Nezveda, M., Labschütz, M., Flöry, S., Seitner, F., & Gelautz, M. (2018). A workflow for 3D model reconstruction from multi-view depth acquisitions of dynamic scenes. In M. Welk, M. Urschler, & P. M. Roth (Eds.), Proceedings of the OAGM Workshop 2018 Medical Image Analysis (pp. 116–119). Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz.
Project: Precise3D (2016–2023) - Vision-based Autonomous Feeding Robot / Schörghuber, M., Wallner, M., Jung, R., Humenberger, M., & Gelautz, M. (2018). Vision-based Autonomous Feeding Robot. In P. M. Roth, M. Welk, & M. Urschler (Eds.), Proceedings of the OAGM Workshop 2018 Medical Image Analysis (pp. 111–115). Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz.
- An Evaluation Framework for Dynamic Scene Acquisitions Using Multiple Stereo Cameras / Kapeller, C., Sespede, B., Nezveda, M., Labschütz, M., Flöry, S., Seitner, F., & Gelautz, M. (2018). An Evaluation Framework for Dynamic Scene Acquisitions Using Multiple Stereo Cameras. The 15th ACM SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Production, London, EU.
- A Post-processing Tool for Multi-view 2D-plus-depth Video / Sespede, B., Seitner, F., & Gelautz, M. (2018). A Post-processing Tool for Multi-view 2D-plus-depth Video. The 15th ACM SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Production, London, EU.
- Camera-based pose estimation in dynamic environments - concept and status / Schörghuber, M., Humenberger, M., & Gelautz, M. (2018). Camera-based pose estimation in dynamic environments - concept and status. Prairie Artificial Intelligence Summer School, Grenoble, EU.
Improved Cooperative Stereo Matching for Dynamic Vision Sensors with Ground Truth Evaluation
Piatkowska, E., Kogler, J., Belbachir, N., & Gelautz, M. (2017). Improved Cooperative Stereo Matching for Dynamic Vision Sensors with Ground Truth Evaluation. In 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW). 30th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, Honolulu, Hawaii, Non-EU. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Project: Precise3D (2016–2023) -
Depth-guided Disocclusion Inpainting for Novel View Synthesis
Rittler, T., Nezveda, M., Seitner, F., & Gelautz, M. (2017). Depth-guided Disocclusion Inpainting for Novel View Synthesis. In P. M. Roth, M. Vincze, W. Kubinger, A. Müller, B. Blaschitz, & S. Štolc (Eds.), Proceedings of the OAGM & ARW Joint Workshop Vision, Automation and Robotics (pp. 160–164). Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz.
Project: Precise3D (2016–2023) -
Intelligent Film Assistant for Personalized Video Creation on Mobile Devices
Schörkhuber, D., Seitner, F., Salzbrunn, B., Gelautz, M., & Braun, G. (2017). Intelligent Film Assistant for Personalized Video Creation on Mobile Devices. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia - MoMM2017. The 15th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM2017), Salzburg, Austria. ACM International Conference Proceedings Series.
Project: PersonalFilmAssistant (2016–2023) - Digital Playbook - A Teaching Tool for American Football / Vorstandlechner, M., Gelautz, M., & Putz, C. (2017). Digital Playbook - A Teaching Tool for American Football. In Electronic Imaging (pp. 38–44).
Stereo reconstruction of sports scenes: algorithms, applications and challenges
Gelautz, M., Seitner, F., Kapeller, C., & Brosch, N. (2017). Stereo reconstruction of sports scenes: algorithms, applications and challenges. In BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation. BMC Sports Science, Austria. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation.
Project: Precise3D (2016–2023)
Research Activities in 3D Content Generation
Nezveda, M., Gelautz, M., Seitner, F., Zellinger, W., Moser, B., & Kapeller, C. (2016). Research Activities in 3D Content Generation.
Projects: 3D-ConTourNet (2014–2016) / Hyperion3D (2013–2016) -
Structured-light-based Depth Reconstruction Using Low-light Pico Projector
Rittler, T., Seitner, F., & Gelautz, M. (2016). Structured-light-based Depth Reconstruction Using Low-light Pico Projector. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 12(1 & amp;2), 125–137.
Project: Robust Depth 3D (2014–2015) -
Research Activities in 3D Content Generation
Nezveda, M., Gelautz, M., Seitner, F., Zellinger, W., Moser, B., & Kapeller, C. (2016). Research Activities in 3D Content Generation. EU COST IC1105 - 3D-ConTourNet: Workshop and Final Meeting, Sundsvall, Sweden, EU.
Projects: 3D-ConTourNet (2014–2016) / Hyperion3D (2013–2016) -
Stereo Reconstruction of Sports Scenes: Algorithms, Applications, and Challenges
Gelautz, M., Seitner, F., Kapeller, C., & Brosch, N. (2016). Stereo Reconstruction of Sports Scenes: Algorithms, Applications, and Challenges. International Conference on Technology and Innovation in Sports, Health and Wellbeing, Vila Real, Portugal, EU.
Project: Precise3D (2016–2023) -
Algorithms for 3D film content generation and post-processing
Gelautz, M., Nezveda, M., Brosch, N., & Seitner, F. (2016). Algorithms for 3D film content generation and post-processing. In Journal of Information Technology & Software Engineering (p. 32). Journal of Information Technology & Software Engineering.
Projects: 3D-ConTourNet (2014–2016) / Hyperion3D (2013–2016) -
3D Scene Reconstruction via Hierarchical Stereo Matching
Nezveda, M., & Gelautz, M. (2016). 3D Scene Reconstruction via Hierarchical Stereo Matching. In Vienna Young Scientists Symposium (pp. 72–73).
Project: Hyperion3D (2013–2016) -
Towards Perceptually Coherent Depth Maps in 2D-to-3D Conversion
Brosch, N., Schausberger, T., & Gelautz, M. (2016). Towards Perceptually Coherent Depth Maps in 2D-to-3D Conversion. In Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXVII. IS&T Electronic Imaging, San Francisco, Non-EU.
Project: Hyperion3D (2013–2016) -
Linear Optimization Approach for Depth Range Adaption of Stereoscopic Videos
Zellinger, W., Moser, B., Chouikhi, A., Seitner, F., Nezveda, M., & Gelautz, M. (2016). Linear Optimization Approach for Depth Range Adaption of Stereoscopic Videos. In Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXVII, IS&T Electronic Imaging. IS&T Electronic Imaging, San Francisco, Non-EU.
Project: Hyperion3D (2013–2016)
Trifocal system for high-quality inter-camera mapping and virtual view synthesis
Seitner, F., Nezveda, M., Gelautz, M., Braun, G., Kapeller, C., Zellinger, W., & Moser, B. (2015). Trifocal system for high-quality inter-camera mapping and virtual view synthesis. In 2015 International Conference on 3D Imaging (IC3D). International Conference on 3D Imaging (IC3D), Liège, Belgium, EU.
Project: Hyperion3D (2013–2016) -
Structured-light-based Depth Reconstruction Using Low-light Pico Projector
Rittler, T., Seitner, F., & Gelautz, M. (2015). Structured-light-based Depth Reconstruction Using Low-light Pico Projector. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia. The 13th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM 2015), Brussels, Belgium, EU. ACM.
Project: Robust Depth 3D (2014–2015)
- Motion estimation and segmentation in depth and intensity videos / Ghuffar, S., Brosch, N., Pfeifer, N., & Gelautz, M. (2014). Motion estimation and segmentation in depth and intensity videos. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 21(3), 203–218.
- Cooperative and asynchronous stereo vision for dynamic vision sensors / Piatkowska, E., Belbachir, A. N., & Gelautz, M. (2014). Cooperative and asynchronous stereo vision for dynamic vision sensors. Measurement Science and Technology, 25(5), 055108.
- Depth Map Post-Processing for Depth-Image-Based Rendering: A User Study / Nezveda, M., Brosch, N., Seitner, F., & Gelautz, M. (2014). Depth Map Post-Processing for Depth-Image-Based Rendering: A User Study. In SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference. SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference, San Jose, USA, Non-EU.
- Enhancement of sparse Silicon Retina-based stereo matching using Belief Propagation and Two-Stage Post-Filtering / Kogler, J., Eibensteiner, F., Humenberger, M., Sulzbachner, C., Gelautz, M., & Scharinger, J. (2014). Enhancement of sparse Silicon Retina-based stereo matching using Belief Propagation and Two-Stage Post-Filtering. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 23(4)(043011), 043011-1-043011–043015.
- Efficient quality enhancement of disparity maps based on alpha matting / Brosch, N., Nezveda, M., Gelautz, M., & Seitner, F. (2014). Efficient quality enhancement of disparity maps based on alpha matting. In SPIE Electronic Imaging. SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference, San Jose, USA, Non-EU.
- Efficient Depth Propagation in Videos with GPU-acceleration / Ivancsics, M., Brosch, N., & Gelautz, M. (2014). Efficient Depth Propagation in Videos with GPU-acceleration. In IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (IEEE VCIP) (p. 4).
- Evaluation of LDR, Tone Mapped and HDR Stereo Matching Using Cost-volume Filtering Approach / Akhavan, T., Yoo, H., & Gelautz, M. (2014). Evaluation of LDR, Tone Mapped and HDR Stereo Matching Using Cost-volume Filtering Approach. In EURASIP (pp. 1–6).
- Stereo HDR Disparity Map Computation Using Structured Light / Akhavan, T., Kapeller, C., Cho, J.-H., & Gelautz, M. (2014). Stereo HDR Disparity Map Computation Using Structured Light. In HDRi2014 - Second International Conference and SME Workshop on HDR imaging (p. 4).
- Advances in Embedded Computer Vision / Kisacanin, B., & Gelautz, M. (2014). Advances in Embedded Computer Vision. In Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
- Fast Cost-Volume Filtering for Visual Correspondence and Beyond / Hosni, A., Rhemann, C., Bleyer, M., Rother, C., & Gelautz, M. (2013). Fast Cost-Volume Filtering for Visual Correspondence and Beyond. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 35(2), 504–511.
- Secrets of Adaptive Support Weight Techniques for Local Stereo Matching / Hosni, A., Bleyer, M., & Gelautz, M. (2013). Secrets of Adaptive Support Weight Techniques for Local Stereo Matching. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 117(6), 620–632.
- Ground Truth Evaluation for Event-Based Silicon Retina Stereo Data / Kogler, J., Eibensteiner, F., Humenberger, M., Gelautz, M., & Scharinger, J. (2013). Ground Truth Evaluation for Event-Based Silicon Retina Stereo Data. In 2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (p. 8).
- Asynchronous Stereo Vision for Event-Driven Dynamic Stereo Sensor Using an Adaptive Cooperative Approach / Piatkowska, E., Belbachir, A. N., & Gelautz, M. (2013). Asynchronous Stereo Vision for Event-Driven Dynamic Stereo Sensor Using an Adaptive Cooperative Approach. In IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops (p. 5).
- Image and Video Matting (ICCV 2013 Tutorial) / Varnousfaderan, E. S., Gelautz, M., Price, B., & Cho, J.-H. (2013). Image and Video Matting (ICCV 2013 Tutorial). ICCV 2013 Tutorial, Sydney, Non-EU.
- Recent Advances in Local Stereo Matching / Gelautz, M. (2013). Recent Advances in Local Stereo Matching. ÖAGM/AAPR 2013 - The 37th Annual Workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition, Innsbruck, Austria.
- 3D Film/TV - Research and Challenges / Gelautz, M. (2013). 3D Film/TV - Research and Challenges. Wissenschaftlicher Vortrag an der Universität Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria.
Depth map up-sampling using cost-volume filtering
Cho, J.-H., Ikehata, S., Yoo, H., Gelautz, M., & Aizawa, K. (2013). Depth map up-sampling using cost-volume filtering. In IVMSP 2013. 11th IEEE IVMSP Workshop, Korea, Non-EU.
Project: 3D VideoFusion (2012–2014) -
Depth Super Resolution by Rigid Body Self-Similarity in 3D
Hornacek, M., Rhemann, C., Gelautz, M., & Rother, C. (2013). Depth Super Resolution by Rigid Body Self-Similarity in 3D. In IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 1123–1130).
Project: Complete3D (2011–2014) - A framework for HDR stereo matching using multi-exposed images / Akhavan, T., Yoo, H., & Gelautz, M. (2013). A framework for HDR stereo matching using multi-exposed images. In Proceedings of HDRi2013 - First International Conference and SME Workshop on HDR imaging (2013) (p. 4). The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Spatio-temporally Coherent Interactive Video Object Segmentation via Efficient Filtering / Brosch, N., Hosni, A., Rhemann, C., & Gelautz, M. (2012). Spatio-temporally Coherent Interactive Video Object Segmentation via Efficient Filtering. In Pattern Recognition Joint 34th DAGM and 36th OAGM Symposium, Graz, Austria, August 28-31, 2012, Proceedings (pp. 418–427). Springer.
- Accuracy-Efficiency Evaluation of Adaptive Support Weight Techniques for Local Stereo Matching / Hosni, A., Gelautz, M., & Bleyer, M. (2012). Accuracy-Efficiency Evaluation of Adaptive Support Weight Techniques for Local Stereo Matching. In Pattern Recognition Joint 34th DAGM and 36th OAGM Symposium, Graz, Austria, August 28-31, 2012, Proceedings (pp. 337–346). Springer.
- Quality Analysis of Virtual Views on Stereoscopic Video Content / Eisenbarth, M., Seitner, F., & Gelautz, M. (2012). Quality Analysis of Virtual Views on Stereoscopic Video Content. In Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processings (IWSSIP 2012) (pp. 333–336).
- Spatiotemporal Multiple Persons Tracking Using Dynamic Vision Sensor / Piatkowska, E., Belbachir, A. N., Schraml, S., & Gelautz, M. (2012). Spatiotemporal Multiple Persons Tracking Using Dynamic Vision Sensor. In The Eighth IEEE Workshop on Embedded Vision (p. 6).
- Interactive Video Segmentation via Efficient Filtering / Brosch, N., Hosni, A., Rhemann, C., & Gelautz, M. (2012). Interactive Video Segmentation via Efficient Filtering. International Computer Vision Summer School 2012, Sicily, Italy, EU.
- Ausgewählte Kapitel aus Visual Computing: 3D Video und Bildstilisierung / Gelautz, M. (2012). Ausgewählte Kapitel aus Visual Computing: 3D Video und Bildstilisierung. Gastvortrag FH Kapfenberg, Kapfenberg, Austria.
- 3D Film - Herausforderungen an die Wissenschaft / Gelautz, M. (2012). 3D Film - Herausforderungen an die Wissenschaft. Informatiktag 2012, Wien, Austria.
- Motion Segmentation in Videos from Time of Flight Cameras / Ghuffar, S., Brosch, N., Pfeifer, N., & Gelautz, M. (2012). Motion Segmentation in Videos from Time of Flight Cameras. In Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP 2012) (pp. 342–346).
- Frauen in der Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik / Gelautz, M. (2011). Frauen in der Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik : e & i, 128(10), 321–322.
- Content generation for 3D video/TV / Brosch, N., Hosni, A., Ramachandran, G., He, L., & Gelautz, M. (2011). Content generation for 3D video/TV. Elektrotechnik Und Informationstechnik : E & i, 128(10), 359–365.
- Object Removal by Depth-guided Inpainting / He, L., Bleyer, M., & Gelautz, M. (2011). Object Removal by Depth-guided Inpainting. In ÖAGM / AAPR Workshop 2011 (pp. 1–8).
- Evaluation of data-parallel H.264 decoding approaches for strongly resource-restricted architectures / Seitner, F. H., Bleyer, M., Gelautz, M., & Beuschel, R. M. (2011). Evaluation of data-parallel H.264 decoding approaches for strongly resource-restricted architectures. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 53(2), 431–457.
- Ausgewählte Kapitel aus Visual Computing: 3D Video und Bildstilisierung / Gelautz, M. (2011). Ausgewählte Kapitel aus Visual Computing: 3D Video und Bildstilisierung. Gastvortrag FH Kapfenberg, Kapfenberg, Austria.
- Real-time Local Stereo Matching Using Guided Image Filtering / Hosni, A., Bleyer, M., Rhemann, C., Gelautz, M., & Rother, C. (2011). Real-time Local Stereo Matching Using Guided Image Filtering. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2011) (pp. 1–6).
- Temporally Consistent Disparity and Optical Flow via Efficient Spatio-temporal Filtering / Hosni, A., Rhemann, C., Bleyer, M., & Gelautz, M. (2011). Temporally Consistent Disparity and Optical Flow via Efficient Spatio-temporal Filtering. In Advances in Image and Video Technology (pp. 165–177). Springer Verlag.
- Fast Cost-Volume Filtering for Visual Correspondence and Beyond / Rhemann, C., Hosni, A., Bleyer, M., Rother, C., & Gelautz, M. (2011). Fast Cost-Volume Filtering for Visual Correspondence and Beyond. In IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (p. 8).
- Segmentation-Based Depth Propagation in Videos / Brosch, N., Rhemann, C., & Gelautz, M. (2011). Segmentation-Based Depth Propagation in Videos. In Proceedings of the ÖAGM/AAPR Workshop 2011. ÖAGM / AAPR Workshop 2011, Graz, Austria.
- 3D Video - Challenges and State-of-the-art Techniques / Gelautz, M. (2010). 3D Video - Challenges and State-of-the-art Techniques. Intelligent Systems, Innsbruck, Austria.
- Near Real-Time Stereo With Adaptive Support Weight Approaches / Hosni, A., Bleyer, M., & Gelautz, M. (2010). Near Real-Time Stereo With Adaptive Support Weight Approaches. In International Symposium 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT) 2010 (pp. 1–8).
- Geodesic Support Weights For Local Stereo / Hosni, A., Bleyer, M., & Gelautz, M. (2010). Geodesic Support Weights For Local Stereo. Junior Scientist Conference 2010, Wien, Austria.
- Spatial Scene Reconstruction for 3D Video/TV / Gelautz, M., Hosni, A., Bleyer, M., Rhemann, C., & Rother, C. (2010). Spatial Scene Reconstruction for 3D Video/TV. AIECS 2010, Graz, Austria.
- 3D ohne Brille - Die Zukunft des Fernsehens / Gelautz, M., Seitner, F., & Bleyer, M. (2010). 3D ohne Brille - Die Zukunft des Fernsehens. Consumer Content Conference, Köln, EU.
- Visual Computing - 3D Szenen in Bild/Video / Gelautz, M. (2010). Visual Computing - 3D Szenen in Bild/Video. Gastvortrag FH Kapfenberg, Kapfenberg, Austria.
- Digitale Bildverarbeitung: Software-Werkzeuge für 3D-Video / Gelautz, M. (2010). Digitale Bildverarbeitung: Software-Werkzeuge für 3D-Video. Innovationstag der Wirtschaftskammer Wien, Wien, Austria.
- Digital Media - Visual Computing / Gelautz, M. (2010). Digital Media - Visual Computing. femIT Ringvorlesung, Innsbruck, Austria.
- Digital Media - Visual Computing / Gelautz, M. (2010). Digital Media - Visual Computing. femIT Ringvorlesung, Innsbruck, Austria.
- A Spatially Varying PSF-based Prior for Alpha Matting / Rhemann, C., Rother, C., Kohli, P., & Gelautz, M. (2010). A Spatially Varying PSF-based Prior for Alpha Matting. International Computer Vision Summer School 2010, Sicily, Italy, EU.
- Filtering for Visual Correspondance / Rhemann, C., Hosni, A., Bleyer, M., Rother, C., & Gelautz, M. (2010). Filtering for Visual Correspondance. Microsoft Research Cambridge, Vision Meeting, Cambridge, UK, EU.
- Geodesic Adaptive Support Weight Approach For Local Stereo Matching / Hosni, A., Bleyer, M., Gelautz, M., & Rhemann, C. (2010). Geodesic Adaptive Support Weight Approach For Local Stereo Matching. In Proceedings of the 15th Computer Vision Winter Workshop (pp. 60–65). Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics, (Czech Pattern Recognition Society group).
- A spatially varying PSF-based prior for alpha matting / Rhemann, C., Rother, C., Kohli, P., & Gelautz, M. (2010). A spatially varying PSF-based prior for alpha matting. In 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2010. CVPR ’10, San Francisco, USA, Non-EU. IEEE.
- Runtime-Optimised Intra-4x4 Mode-Decision for H.264/AVC Video Encoding / Jordan, H., Seitner, F., Bleyer, M., & Gelautz, M. (2009). Runtime-Optimised Intra-4x4 Mode-Decision for H.264/AVC Video Encoding. In Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2009) (pp. 227–232). IEEE.
- Development of a High-Level Simulation Approach and Its Application to Multicore Video Decoding / Seitner, F. H., Bleyer, M., Gelautz, M., & Beuschel, R. M. (2009). Development of a High-Level Simulation Approach and Its Application to Multicore Video Decoding. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 19(11), 1667–1679.
- Digital Media - Visual Computing / Gelautz, M. (2009). Digital Media - Visual Computing. femIT Ringvorlesung, Innsbruck, Austria.
- Von flachen Bildern zu 3D Video/TV / Gelautz, M. (2009). Von flachen Bildern zu 3D Video/TV. YO!tech, Graz, Austria.
- Image Matting and Evaluation / Gelautz, M., & Rhemann, C. (2009). Image Matting and Evaluation. ITG Fachtagung “Algorithmen für die Signalverarbeitung,” Graz, Austria.
- Non-photorealistic Rendering from Stereo Images / Gelautz, M., Markovic, D., & Stavrakis, E. (2009). Non-photorealistic Rendering from Stereo Images. Technical University Prague, CMP, Seminar, Center for Machine Perception, Technical University Prague, Czech Republic, EU.
- Image Segmentation Via Iterative Geodesic Averaging / Hosni, A., Bleyer, M., & Gelautz, M. (2009). Image Segmentation Via Iterative Geodesic Averaging. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Image and Graphics (p. 6).
- Local Stereo Matching Using Geodesic Support Weights / Hosni, A., Bleyer, M., Gelautz, M., & Rhemann, C. (2009). Local Stereo Matching Using Geodesic Support Weights. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (p. 4). IEEE.
- Temporally Consistent Disparity Maps from Uncalibrated Stereo Videos / Bleyer, M., & Gelautz, M. (2009). Temporally Consistent Disparity Maps from Uncalibrated Stereo Videos. In Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2009), Special Session on Stereo Analysis and 3D Video/TV (p. 5). IEEE.
- A Stereo Approach that Handles the Matting Problem via Image Warping / Bleyer, M., Gelautz, M., Rother, C., & Rhemann, C. (2009). A Stereo Approach that Handles the Matting Problem via Image Warping. In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2009 (p. 8).
- A Perceptually Motivated Online Benchmark for Image Matting / Rhemann, C., Rother, C., Wang, J., Gelautz, M., Kohli, P., & Rott, P. (2009). A Perceptually Motivated Online Benchmark for Image Matting. In Proceddings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (p. 8).
- An Evaluation of Interactive Image Matting Techniques Supported by Eye-Tracking / Rhemann, C., Gelautz, M., & Foelsner, B. (2009). An Evaluation of Interactive Image Matting Techniques Supported by Eye-Tracking. In SPIE Electronic Imaging 2009 (p. 9). SPIE.
- Motion Analysis for Video Object Segmentation / Gelautz, M., Bleyer, M., & Rhemann, C. (2008). Motion Analysis for Video Object Segmentation. Sitzung der ITG-Fachgruppe Algorithmen für die Signalverarbeitung “MIMO- und mehrdimensionale Signalverarbeitung,” Wien, Austria.
- 3D Scene Reconstruction by Stereo Methods for Analysis and Visualization of Sports Scenes / Gelautz, M., Bleyer, M., Markovic, D., & Rhemann, C. (2008). 3D Scene Reconstruction by Stereo Methods for Analysis and Visualization of Sports Scenes. In Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 08372 (p. 3).
- Interactive Tools for Image-based Stereoscopic Artwork / Stavrakis, E., & Gelautz, M. (2008). Interactive Tools for Image-based Stereoscopic Artwork. In Proceedings of SPIE 2008 - Stereoscopic Displays and Applications. SPIE IS&T Electronic Imaging Conference, San Jose, Kalifornien, Non-EU.
- Evaluation of Different Methods for Using Colour Information in Global Stereo Matching Approaches / Bleyer, M., Chambon, S., Poppe, U., & Gelautz, M. (2008). Evaluation of Different Methods for Using Colour Information in Global Stereo Matching Approaches. In The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXVII, Part B3a (pp. 415–420).
- Simple but Effective Tree Structures for Dynamic Programming-based Stereo Matching / Bleyer, M., & Gelautz, M. (2008). Simple but Effective Tree Structures for Dynamic Programming-based Stereo Matching. In International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) (pp. 415–422).
- Improving Color Modeling for Alpha Matting / Rhemann, C., Rother, C., & Gelautz, M. (2008). Improving Color Modeling for Alpha Matting. In Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2008 (pp. 1155–1164).
- Development of Multi-Core Video Decoding Platforms based on High-Level Architecture Simulations / Seitner, F., Bleyer, M., & Gelautz, M. (2008). Development of Multi-Core Video Decoding Platforms based on High-Level Architecture Simulations. In Proc. of the JSC 2008 (pp. 71–72).
- Design Methodology for the SVENm Multimedia Engine / Seitner, F., Meser, J., Schedelberger, G., Wasserbauer, A., Bleyer, M., Gelautz, M., Schutti, M., Schreier, R. M., Vaclavik, P., Krottendorfer, G., Truhlar, G., Bauernfeind, T., & Beham, P. (2008). Design Methodology for the SVENm Multimedia Engine. In Proc. of the 16th Austrian Workshop on Microelectronics. 16th Austrian Workshop on Microelectronics (Austrochip), Linz, Austria.
- Evaluation of data-parallel splitting approaches for H.264 decoding / Seitner, F., Bleyer, M., Schreier, R. M., & Gelautz, M. (2008). Evaluation of data-parallel splitting approaches for H.264 decoding. In Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (pp. 40–49).
- A high-level simulator for the H.264/AVC decoding process in multi-core systems / Seitner, F., Schreier, R. M., Bleyer, M., & Gelautz, M. (2008). A high-level simulator for the H.264/AVC decoding process in multi-core systems. In Proceedings of SPIE, Multimedia on Mobile Devices 2008 (pp. 5–16). SPIE.
- Graph-cut-based Stereo Matching using Image Segmentation with Symmetrical Treatment of Occlusions / Bleyer, M., & Gelautz, M. (2007). Graph-cut-based Stereo Matching using Image Segmentation with Symmetrical Treatment of Occlusions. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 22(2), 127–143.
- Experimental Combination of Intensity and Stereo Edges for Improved Snake Segmentation / Markovic, D., & Gelautz, M. (2007). Experimental Combination of Intensity and Stereo Edges for Improved Snake Segmentation. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: Advances in Mathematical Theory and Applications, 17(1), 131–135.
- A Macroblock-level Analysis on the Dynamic Behaviour of an H.264 Decoder / Seitner, F., Schreier, R. M., Bleyer, M., & Gelautz, M. (2007). A Macroblock-level Analysis on the Dynamic Behaviour of an H.264 Decoder. In Proceedings of ISCE 2007 (pp. 1–5). IEEE.
- A Graph-based Approach to Optical Flow Estimation / Rhemann, C., Bleyer, M., & Gelautz, M. (2006). A Graph-based Approach to Optical Flow Estimation. In Proceedings of the Junior Scientist Conference 2006 (pp. 61–63).
- Segmentation-based Motion with Occlusions Using Graph-Cut Optimization / Bleyer, M., Rhemann, C., & Gelautz, M. (2006). Segmentation-based Motion with Occlusions Using Graph-Cut Optimization. In K. Franke, K.-R. Müller, B. Nickolay, & R. Schäfer (Eds.), Pattern Recognition. 28th DAGM Symposium, Berlin, Germany, September 12-14, 2006, Proceedings (pp. 465–474). Springer.
- Stereobildanalyse zur Erzeugung nicht-photorealistischer Ansichten / Gelautz, M. (2006). Stereobildanalyse zur Erzeugung nicht-photorealistischer Ansichten. Vortragsreihe der Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Wien, Wien, Austria.
- Comics-Like Motion Depiction from Stereo / Markovic, D., & Gelautz, M. (2006). Comics-Like Motion Depiction from Stereo. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2006 (pp. 155–160).
- Digital Television in Austria - Starting Experiences and Perspectives / Samcovic, A., & Gelautz, M. (2006). Digital Television in Austria - Starting Experiences and Perspectives. In Proceedings PosTel 2006. PosTel 2006, Belgrad, Non-EU.
- A Layered Stereo Matching Algorithm Using Image Segmentation and Global Visibility Constraints / Bleyer, M., & Gelautz, M. (2005). A Layered Stereo Matching Algorithm Using Image Segmentation and Global Visibility Constraints. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 59(3), 128–150.
- Region-based Optical Flow Estimation with Treatment of Occlusions / Bleyer, M., Gelautz, M., & Rhemann, C. (2005). Region-based Optical Flow Estimation with Treatment of Occlusions. In Joint Hungarian-Austrian Conference on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (HACIPPR) (pp. 235–242).
- Colour Segmentation-based Computation of Dense Optical Flow with Application to Video Object Segmentation / Bleyer, M., Gelautz, M., & Rhemann, C. (2005). Colour Segmentation-based Computation of Dense Optical Flow with Application to Video Object Segmentation. ÖGAI Journal, 24(1), 11–15.
- Stereo Painting: Pleasing the Third Eye / Stavrakis, E., & Gelautz, M. (2005). Stereo Painting: Pleasing the Third Eye. Journal of 3-D Imaging, UNITED KINGDOM(168), 20–23.
Drawing the Real
Markovic, D., & Gelautz, M. (2005). Drawing the Real. In GRAPHITE ’05: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and South East Asia (pp. 237–243). ACM Press.
Project: WIT (2003–2007) - Graph-based Surface Reconstruction from Stereo Pairs Using Image Segmentation / Bleyer, M., & Gelautz, M. (2005). Graph-based Surface Reconstruction from Stereo Pairs Using Image Segmentation. In SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2005 (Videometrics VIII) (pp. 288–299).
- Video Object Segmentation and Compositing / Gelautz, M., Bleyer, M., Rhemann, C., Markovic, D., & Stavrakis, E. (2005). Video Object Segmentation and Compositing. Winter Augmented Reality Meeting 2005, Graz, Austria.
- Interactive Presentation of 3D Remote Sensing Data on the Internet / Gelautz, M., Kilzer, F., & Brandejsky, M. (2005). Interactive Presentation of 3D Remote Sensing Data on the Internet. In High Resolution Sensors and Their Applications. 6th Geomatic Week, Barcelona, EU.
- Image-Based Stereoscopic Stylization / Stavrakis, E., Bleyer, M., Markovic, D., & Gelautz, M. (2005). Image-Based Stereoscopic Stylization. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Volume 3 (pp. 5–8). IEEE.
- Computer Generated Stereoscopic Artwork / Stavrakis, E., & Gelautz, M. (2005). Computer Generated Stereoscopic Artwork. In Proceedings of Eurographics Wrokshop on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging (pp. 143–149). Eurographics.
- Parameterized Sketches from Stereo Images / Markovic, D., Stavrakis, E., & Gelautz, M. (2005). Parameterized Sketches from Stereo Images. In Proceedings of SPIE - Image and Video Communications and Processing 2005, Volume 5685 (pp. 783–791).
- Stereoscopic Painting with Varying Levels of Detail / Stavrakis, E., & Gelautz, M. (2005). Stereoscopic Painting with Varying Levels of Detail. In Proceedings of SPIE - Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XII, Volume 5664 (pp. 450–459). SPIE.
- Supporting Configurability in a Tangibly Augmented Environment for Design Students / Binder, T., Michelis, G. D., Gelautz, M., Iacucci, G., Matkovic, K., Psik, T., & Wagner, I. (2004). Supporting Configurability in a Tangibly Augmented Environment for Design Students. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 8(05), 310–325.
- Anwendungen digitaler Hochgeschwindigkeitsvideokameras / Gelautz, M., Vogl, W., & Schmutz, M. (2004). Anwendungen digitaler Hochgeschwindigkeitsvideokameras. Österreichische Zeitschrift Für Vermessung Und Geoinformation, 92(1), 3–11.
- A layered stereo algorithm using image segmentation and global visibility constraints / Bleyer, M., & Gelautz, M. (2004). A layered stereo algorithm using image segmentation and global visibility constraints. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Genova, Italy, EU.
- Stereo-based Image and Video Analysis for Multimedia Applications / Gelautz, M., Stavrakis, E., & Bleyer, M. (2004). Stereo-based Image and Video Analysis for Multimedia Applications. XXth International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Istanbul, Turkey, Austria.
- Web-based Visualization and Animation of Geospatial Data Using X3D / Gelautz, M., Brandejsky, M., Kilzer, F., & Amelung, F. (2004). Web-based Visualization and Animation of Geospatial Data Using X3D. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Munich, Germany, EU.
- Experimental Combination of Intensity and Stereo Edges for Improved Snake Segmentation / Markovic, D., & Gelautz, M. (2004). Experimental Combination of Intensity and Stereo Edges for Improved Snake Segmentation. 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: New Information Technologies, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, Austria.
- Recognition of Object Contours from Stereo Images: an Edge Combination Approach / Gelautz, M., & Markovic, D. (2004). Recognition of Object Contours from Stereo Images: an Edge Combination Approach. 2nd International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization, and Transmission (3DPVT’04), Thessaloniki, Greece, Austria.
- Image-Based Stereoscopic Painterly Rendering / Stavrakis, E., & Gelautz, M. (2004). Image-Based Stereoscopic Painterly Rendering. Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2004, Norrköping, Sweden, Austria.
- A Comparative Study of Radar Stereo and Interferometry for DEM Generation / Gelautz, M., Paillou, P., Chen, C., & Zebker, H. (2003). A Comparative Study of Radar Stereo and Interferometry for DEM Generation. Fringe’03, Frascati, Italy, Austria.
- Video-based 3D Reconstruction of Moving Scenes Using Multiple Stationary Cameras / Bleyer, M., & Gelautz, M. (2003). Video-based 3D Reconstruction of Moving Scenes Using Multiple Stationary Cameras. ÖAGM/AAPR, Krumbach, Austria, Austria.
- Video Object Segmentation Using Stereo-derived Depth Maps / Markovic, D., & Gelautz, M. (2003). Video Object Segmentation Using Stereo-derived Depth Maps. ÖAGM/AAPR, Krumbach, Austria, Austria.
Convolutional Neural Network-Based Object Detection in Night-Time Traffic Scenes
Unger, A. (2024). Convolutional Neural Network-Based Object Detection in Night-Time Traffic Scenes [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Learning for multi-view tracking
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Driver pose estimation using synthetic car interiors
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Single-stage human pose estimation of vulnerable road users
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Pedestrian crossing prediction in the context of autonomous driving
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Stereoscopic panorama stitching
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Optimizing realism in synthetic data for training 2D human pose estimation algorithms
Stiedl, F. (2020). Optimizing realism in synthetic data for training 2D human pose estimation algorithms [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (2.12 MB) -
Nighttime object tracking for intelligent vehicles
Frantar, E. (2020). Nighttime object tracking for intelligent vehicles [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (11.6 MB) -
Semi-automatic video annotation tool for generation of ground truth traffic datasets
Groh, F. (2020). Semi-automatic video annotation tool for generation of ground truth traffic datasets [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (3.8 MB)
Semantic labelling of objects in street scenes
Wittmann, A. (2019). Semantic labelling of objects in street scenes [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (7.12 MB)
Performance analysis of a stereo matching implementation in OpenCL
Rotheneder, S. (2018). Performance analysis of a stereo matching implementation in OpenCL [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (3.36 MB) -
Asynchronous stereo vision - Event-based stereo matching and tracking for dynamic vision sensors
Piątkowska, E. A. (2018). Asynchronous stereo vision - Event-based stereo matching and tracking for dynamic vision sensors [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (11.9 MB) -
Evaluation of a 3D reconstruction system comprising multiple stereo cameras
Kapeller, C. (2018). Evaluation of a 3D reconstruction system comprising multiple stereo cameras [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (3.29 MB) -
Techniques for improving mobile video creation
Schörkhuber, D. (2018). Techniques for improving mobile video creation [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (19.3 MB) -
Real-time visualization pipeline for dynamic point cloud data
Hofer, H. (2018). Real-time visualization pipeline for dynamic point cloud data [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (17.5 MB)
Design and evaluation of stereo matching techniques for silicon retina cameras
Kogler, J. (2016). Design and evaluation of stereo matching techniques for silicon retina cameras [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (4.74 MB) -
Spatio-temporal video analysis for semi-automatic 2D-to-3D conversion
Brosch, N. (2016). Spatio-temporal video analysis for semi-automatic 2D-to-3D conversion [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (4.29 MB)
Temporally coherent cost volume filtering-based depth propagation in videos
Schausberger, T. (2015). Temporally coherent cost volume filtering-based depth propagation in videos [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (14.4 MB)
Depth-guided disocclusion inpainting for temporal consistent virtual view synthesis
Rittler, T. (2014). Depth-guided disocclusion inpainting for temporal consistent virtual view synthesis [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (13.9 MB) -
Geometrically motivated dense large displacement matching in continuous label spaces
Hornáček, M. (2014). Geometrically motivated dense large displacement matching in continuous label spaces [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (7.54 MB) -
Dense stereo matching for urban outdoor scenes
Lasinger, K. (2014). Dense stereo matching for urban outdoor scenes [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (18 MB) -
Evaluation of depth map post-processing techniques for novel view generation
Nezveda, M. (2014). Evaluation of depth map post-processing techniques for novel view generation [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (17 MB) -
Effiziente Tiefenpropagierung in Videos mit GPU-Unterstützung
Ivancsics, M. (2014). Effiziente Tiefenpropagierung in Videos mit GPU-Unterstützung [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (4.35 MB)
Virtual HW/SW prototyping for design and runtime prediction of parallel video coding systems
Seitner, F. (2013). Virtual HW/SW prototyping for design and runtime prediction of parallel video coding systems [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (5.36 MB) - Novel methods for discontinuity preserving support aggregation in local stereo matching / Hosni, A. (2013). Novel methods for discontinuity preserving support aggregation in local stereo matching [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Eine Untersuchung zur Wichtigkeit von Farbe in Stereo-Matching
Haßlacher, A. (2012). Eine Untersuchung zur Wichtigkeit von Farbe in Stereo-Matching [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (2.67 MB) -
Evaluierung eines nichtlinearen Disparitätsmapping Ansatzes zur Anpassung von Stereo 3D Inhalten
Stransky, S. (2012). Evaluierung eines nichtlinearen Disparitätsmapping Ansatzes zur Anpassung von Stereo 3D Inhalten [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (9.26 MB) - Integration von automatischer Shoterkennung und Disparitätsabschätzung in ein Stereo Matching Framework / Nake, V. (2012). Integration von automatischer Shoterkennung und Disparitätsabschätzung in ein Stereo Matching Framework [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Zeitlich konsistente Disparitätsbestimmung in einem globalen Stereo Matching Verfahren / Hiller, E. T. (2012). Zeitlich konsistente Disparitätsbestimmung in einem globalen Stereo Matching Verfahren [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Effiziente kantenerhaltende Bildglättung und ihre Anwendung in der Praxis
Braun, G. (2011). Effiziente kantenerhaltende Bildglättung und ihre Anwendung in der Praxis [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (6.57 MB) -
Bestimmung von Hominoidsegmenten aus 3D-Bodyscannerdaten
Schiffl, K. (2011). Bestimmung von Hominoidsegmenten aus 3D-Bodyscannerdaten [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (26.8 MB) -
Rauschunterdrückung in einer nicht ausgerichteten Bildfolge
Kloibhofer, R. (2011). Rauschunterdrückung in einer nicht ausgerichteten Bildfolge [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (20.2 MB) -
Runtime-optimised intra coding mode selection for real-time H.264/AVC video coding
Jordan, H. (2011). Runtime-optimised intra coding mode selection for real-time H.264/AVC video coding [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.32 MB) -
Echtzeitansätze in der Stereoanalyse
Czermak, C. (2011). Echtzeitansätze in der Stereoanalyse [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (19 MB) - Die Bedeutung von Alpha-Matting für die Darstellung von Bildern auf 3D-Bildschirmen : eine Benutzerstudie / Arnberger, S. (2011). Die Bedeutung von Alpha-Matting für die Darstellung von Bildern auf 3D-Bildschirmen : eine Benutzerstudie [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Evaluierung von Epipolarrektifizierungsverfahren zur Verwendung in einem Stereo Vision Framework / Bogner, A. (2011). Evaluierung von Epipolarrektifizierungsverfahren zur Verwendung in einem Stereo Vision Framework [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Evaluierung von Algorithmen zur Novel-View-Generierung aus Stereobildern / Eisenbarth, M. (2011). Evaluierung von Algorithmen zur Novel-View-Generierung aus Stereobildern [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Interactive image segmentation using higher order graphs / Antensteiner, D. (2011). Interactive image segmentation using higher order graphs [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Erstellung eines Datensatzes zur Evaluierung von Stereo-Matching-Algorithmen / Gneiss, B. (2011). Erstellung eines Datensatzes zur Evaluierung von Stereo-Matching-Algorithmen [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Erstellung eines Standarddatensatzes für die Evaluierung von Alpha Matting Algorithmen und Aufbereitung der Resultate für die Lehre / Pucher, J. (2010). Erstellung eines Standarddatensatzes für die Evaluierung von Alpha Matting Algorithmen und Aufbereitung der Resultate für die Lehre [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Modeling sources and sinks in crowded scenes by clustering trajectory points obtained by video-based particle advection
Planinc, R. (2010). Modeling sources and sinks in crowded scenes by clustering trajectory points obtained by video-based particle advection [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (4.56 MB) -
Neue Kameraperspektiven bei TV Sportübertragungen
Regner, A. (2010). Neue Kameraperspektiven bei TV Sportübertragungen [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (12.9 MB) - Interactive image matting / Rhemann, C. (2010). Interactive image matting [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Ein relationales Framework zur Verwaltung von videobasierten Trajektorien / Frey, L. (2010). Ein relationales Framework zur Verwaltung von videobasierten Trajektorien [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Transformation von nicht-photorealistischen Bild- zu Videoeffekten
Brosch, N. (2009). Transformation von nicht-photorealistischen Bild- zu Videoeffekten [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (3.31 MB) -
Evaluierung von Fehlermetriken für Image Matting
Rott, P. (2009). Evaluierung von Fehlermetriken für Image Matting [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.31 MB) - Evaluierung konkurrierender Datenterme für das Stereokorrespondenzproblem / Gross, R. (2009). Evaluierung konkurrierender Datenterme für das Stereokorrespondenzproblem [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Bildsegmentierung - eine Benutzerstudie unter Verwendung von Eye-Tracking
Fölsner, B. (2008). Bildsegmentierung - eine Benutzerstudie unter Verwendung von Eye-Tracking [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (6.54 MB) -
Stereoscopic non-photorealistic rendering
Stavrakis, E. (2008). Stereoscopic non-photorealistic rendering [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (5.26 MB)
Pen-based electronic medical record on a Tablet PC in a medical practice
Mayrhofer, D. (2007). Pen-based electronic medical record on a Tablet PC in a medical practice [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (2.1 MB) -
Image stylization from stereo views of natural scenes
Marković, D. (2007). Image stylization from stereo views of natural scenes [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (11.6 MB) - Robust edge-tracking for industrial stitching of carbon fibre mats using a laser range scanner / Wohlkinger, W. (2007). Robust edge-tracking for industrial stitching of carbon fibre mats using a laser range scanner [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Segmentation-based stereo and motion with occlusions
Bleyer, M. (2006). Segmentation-based stereo and motion with occlusions [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (6.15 MB) - Eyetrackingexperimente zur Evaluierung von Schipanoramakarten / Kallinger, M. (2006). Eyetrackingexperimente zur Evaluierung von Schipanoramakarten [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Region-based optical flow estimation with treatment of occlusions / Rhemann, C. (2005). Region-based optical flow estimation with treatment of occlusions [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Best Poster Nominee at HAI 2022 - "The effect of exaggerated nonverbal cues on the perception of the robot Pepper", S. Fischer, D. Stoeva, and M. Gelautz
2022 / International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI) 2022 / New Zealand / Project -
Shortlisted for VISAPP 2022 Best Student Paper Award (4 shortlisted papers out of 154 registered student papers) - "Camera pose estimation using human head pose estimation", R. Fischer, M. Hödlmoser, and M. Gelautz
2022 / International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) 2022 / Portugal / Project -
Nomination for Austrian State Prize Innovation ECONOVIUS (emotion3D GmbH)
2012 / Austrian Chamber of Commerce / Austria / Project -
"MARIO" Award at NAB Show, Las Vegas (emotion3D GmbH)
2012 / TV Technology / USA / Project -
Best Paper Award - "Segmentation-based depth propagation in videos", N. Brosch, C. Rhemann and M. Gelautz
2011 / ÖAGM/AAPR Workshop / Austria / Project -
Mercur Econovius Prize (emotion3D KG)
2011 / Vienna Chamber of Commerce / Austria / Project -
Nomination for "RIZ Genius Ideenpreis" (emotion3D KG)
2010 / RIZ - Gründeragentur Niederösterreich / Austria -
U.V. Helava Award - Best Paper of the Year (2004) - "A layered stereo matching algorithm using image segmentation and global visibility constraints", M. Bleyer and M. Gelautz
2008 / U.V. Helava Award - Best Paper Volume 59 (2004) - "A layered stereo matching algorithm using image segmentation and global visibility constraints", M. Bleyer and M. Gelautz / Netherlands / Website -
Second place in "Selection of Best FIT-IT Projects (Systems on Chip)" of the Year 2006
2007 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) / Austria / Project -
FEMtech Expert of the Month (September 07)
2007 / Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, ÖGUT / Austria / Website -
Microsoft Research European PhD Scholarship (PI: Margrit Gelautz, PhD student: Christoph Rhemann) - First Austrian Research Group to Win the Scholarship
2006 / Microsoft Research Cambridge / UK / Website / Project -
Semifinal IBM Best Student Paper Award and rated among top 10% of conference contributions - "A layered stereo matching algorithm using image segmentation and global visibility constraints", M. Bleyer and M. Gelautz
2004 / International Conference of Image Processing (ICIP) 2004 / Singapore -
Max Kade Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and Max Kade Foundation, New York, for postdoctoral research stay at Stanford University, USA
1997 / Austria
And more…
Soon, this page will include additional information such as reference projects, activities as journal reviewer and editor, memberships in councils and committees, and other research activities.
Until then, please visit Margrit Gelautz’s research profile in TISS .