Software Engineering E194-01
The mission of the Software Engineering research unit is to increase the reliability and usability of real-world systems of which software is key.

- Head: Maria Christakis
- Web:
- Phone: +43-1-58801-194101
- Location: Favoritenstrasse 9-11
On This Page
The mission of the Software Engineering research unit is to increase the reliability and usability of real-world systems of which software is key.
These are ubiquitous in everyday life, for instance including autonomous transportation, cyber-physical production, smart grid, secure communication, modern banking or health-care systems. To this end, we devise and evaluate both theoretical foundations as well as practical methods and tools for designing, developing, validating, and deploying such systems. In the process, we aim to increase productivity of novice programmers, experienced software developers, and teams of multi-disciplinary system engineers.
The four pillars supporting our research are:
- Program analysis, including automated test generation, static analysis, and software verification, applied to different domains, such as traditional software, smart contracts, and machine-learning models;
- Empirical software engineering and machine learning for helping developers and data scientists detect and debug non-functional issues in their code as well as discrepancies between development and production environments;
- Quality analysis of models against specifications, tests, or natural language, and process improvement for systems engineering through modeling multi-disciplinary system dependencies as a foundation for effective team collaboration;
- Computer-science education, with a particular focus on identifying the root cause of common mistakes, such as syntax errors or exceptions, enabling algorithmic thinking and enhancing understanding.
The research Unit Software Engineering is part of the Institute of Information Systems Engineering.
Retired Professors
Scientific Staff
Administrative Staff
Student Staff
External Lecturers
- Advanced Software Engineering / 188.910 / PR
- Advanced Software Engineering / 194.021 / VU
- Bachelor Thesis / 188.919 / PR
- Informatics didactics / 194.042 / SE
- Probabilistic Programming and AI / 194.150 / VU
- Project in Computer Science 1 / 194.145 / PR
- Project in Computer Science 2 / 194.146 / PR
- Research seminar for PhD students / 188.081 / SE
- Scientific Research and Writing / 193.052 / SE
- Seminar for Doctoral Students / 194.172 / SE
- Seminar for doctoral students in STEM and related fields (CTS, Center for Technology and Society) / 180.005 / SE
- Seminar for Master Students in Software Engineering & Internet Computing / 180.777 / SE
- Seminar in Software Engineering / 194.127 / SE
- Seminar: Literature-work for PhD students / 188.082 / SE
- Software Engineering / 194.020 / VU
- Software Engineering Project / 194.148 / PR
- VWA Mentoring II / 194.165 / SE
- Advanced Software Engineering / 188.910 / PR
- Bachelor Thesis / 188.919 / PR
- Digital Forensics / 188.922 / VU
- Informatics didactics / 194.042 / SE
- Orientation Bachelor with Honors of Informatics and Business Informatics / 180.767 / SE
- Project in Computer Science 1 / 194.145 / PR
- Project in Computer Science 2 / 194.146 / PR
- ProWriting -- Effective Research Project Proposal Writing for Public Funding / 195.109 / VU
- Research Seminar for Doctoral Students / 194.181 / SE
- Research seminar for PhD students / 188.081 / SE
- Scientific Research and Writing / 193.052 / SE
- Seminar for doctoral students in STEM and related fields (CTS, Center for Technology and Society) / 180.005 / SE
- Seminar for Master Students in Software Engineering & Internet Computing / 180.777 / SE
- Seminar in Learning Technologies / 194.179 / SE
- Seminar in Software Engineering / 194.127 / SE
- Seminar on Security / 188.972 / SE
- Seminar on Security / 194.095 / SE
- Software Engineering Project / 194.148 / PR
- Web Engineering / 194.161 / VU
Types4Strings: Types for Strings
2024 – 2027 / Austrian Science Fund (FWF) -
Amazon Research Award for conducting research on "Testing Dafny for Unsoundness and Brittleness Bugs"
2024 – 2027 / Amazon Research Awards
Publication: 210852 -
2024 – 2026 / Vienna Business Agency (WAW) -
Testing Program Analyzers Ad Absurdum
2023 – 2028 / European Commission
Publications: 188016 / 188021 / 204056 / 204589 / 205513 -
Effective Formal Methods for Smart-Contract Certification
2023 – 2027 / Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF)
Publications: 192933 / 199514 / 199522 / 203882 / 203672 / 202379 / 203892 / 204116 / 205356 / 205513 / 209749 / 209750 / 210852 / 209910 -
Cloud Open Source Research Mobility Network
2023 – 2026 / European Commission -
Risikoanalyse in Engineering Prozessen
2023 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Facebook Faculty Research Award for significant research contributions in the area
of Program Analysis
2022 – 2030 / Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderu der Wissenschaften e.V. -
Google Research Scholar Award for conducting research on "Metamorphic Specification and Testing of Machine-Learning Models"
2022 – 2030 / Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderu der Wissenschaften e.V.
Publication: 188066 -
2022 – 2027 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Software Assistants for Probabilistic Programming
2022 – 2026 / Meta Platforms, Inc. -
MFP („Multi-Firm-Project“) 4.3: PMV-based analytics for knowledge-driven manufacturing
2021 – 2025 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Langzeiterhaltung von Datenbeständen im Open Enterprise Data Hub und der Digitalen Arche
2021 / Bundesrechenzentrum GmbH -
Tool development C3PO
2021 / The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision -
KLIPHA-COVID19: Concurrent Infectious Disease Simulation
2020 – 2021 / dwh GmbH
Publication: 193923 -
Power System Cognification
2020 – 2021 / Siemens AG Österreich -
Future Teachers Education: Computational Thinking and STEAM
2019 – 2022 / European Commission
Publication: 153710 -
Smart Data Analytics für die Hotellerie
2019 – 2021 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Explainable CPS
2019 / Siemens AG Österreich -
Coaching des Big Data Analytics und Artificial Intelligence Research Center
2019 / FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH -
Security Improvement of Information Processing in the Production System Lifecycle
2018 – 2024 / Christian Doppler Research Association (CDG)
Publications: 142582 / 142583 / 144335 / 142172 / 142503 / 144331 / 153349 / 154453 / 142533 / 142525 / 142564 / 142557 / 142558 / 142524 / 142514 / 142531 / 142520 / 153163 / 142563 / 142567 / 142566 / 142570 / 142569 / 142571 / 142572 / 144349 / 144352 / 144357 / 144358 / 144359 / 154461 / 152207 / 187889 / 187910 / 188029 / 188008 / 191942 / 190036 / 190625 / 190636 / 190608 / 190626 / 190631 / 192951 / 192938 / 192950 / 192939 / 191923 / 192606 / 193892 / 200037 / 200035 / 200042 / 201682 / 200033 / 209730 / 209731 / 209734 / 209732 / 209733 / 209743 / 209740 / 209727 / 209783 / 209784 / 19984 -
Semantic Processing of Security Event Streams
2018 – 2021 / Austrian Science Fund (FWF) -
Exploring opportunities and challenges for Emerging personal Data Ecosystems: Empowering humans in the age of the GDPR
2018 – 2020 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Semantic Containers for Data Mobility
2018 – 2019 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
hotelkit GmbH Innovationsscheck PLUS
2018 – 2019 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Heinrich Steininger IT Dienstleistungen nnovationsscheck PLUS
2018 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
openEO - a common, open source interface between Earth Observation data infrastructures and front-end applications
2017 – 2020 / European Commission -
Cyber-Physical Social Systems to Support City-wide Infrastructures
2017 – 2020 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Optical Music Recognition with Deep Learning
2017 – 2020 / Universidad de Alicante -
Automatic recommendation of music tracks and musicians for collaboration in an online jam community
2017 – 2019 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Publications: 142406 / 56721 / 57031 / 57033 / 57035 / 57038 / 57042 / 57190 / 57191 / 57451 / 57452 / 57453 / 57618 / 57622 / 57649 / 86636 / 86810 -
Methoden- und Werkzeugunterstützung für die semantische Suche über heterogene und sich verändernde Best-Practice Beispiele zu Software Architekturen
2017 – 2018 / Siemens AG Österreich -
Platform-Based Self-Organization for Crowdwork
2017 – 2018 / Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte für Wien -
Testautomatisierung für einen modularen Embedded System Teststand
2017 – 2018 / Software Quality Lab GmbH -
Research Output Management through Open Access Institutional Repositories in Palestinian Higher Education / ROMOR
2016 – 2019 / European Commission -
Trusted Code
2016 – 2019 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Identifikation und Managment von Reputationsrisiken und -chancen
2016 – 2018 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
imProve- Managing the Health Product Development
2016 – 2018 / Medizinische Universität Wien -
Head in the Clouds: Digital Learning to Overcome School Failure
2016 – 2018 / European Commission -
HALO Development Innovationsscheck PLUS
2016 – 2017 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Labers Lab innovationsscheck Plus
2016 – 2017 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
International Semantic Web 2017
2016 – 2017 / Vienna Business Agency (WAW) -
Mon Style Innovationsscheck Plus
2016 – 2017 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Harnessing Information from Social Networks in Industry 4.0
2016 – 2017 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Automatic optimization of semantic matching performance to a client's technical domain
2015 – 2017 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Propelling the potential of Enterprise Linked Data in Austria
2015 – 2017 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Khresmoi Multilingual Medical Text Analysis, Search and Machine Translation Connected in a Thriving Data-Value Chain
2015 – 2017 / European Commission -
Decision Support for Health Policy and Planning: Methods, Models and Technologies based on existing health care data
2014 – 2019 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
2014 – 2018 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Abstracting Domain-Specific Information Retrieval and Evaluation
2013 – 2017 / Austrian Science Fund (FWF) -
Christian Doppler - Laboratory for Software Engineering Integration for Flexible Automation Systems
2010 – 2016 / Christian Doppler Research Association (CDG) -
Bebras: international Challenge on Informatics and Computational Thinking
2007 – 2027 / Biber der Informatik
Publication: 189823
- Algorithmen unplugged: Wie Schüler_innen Sortieren, Entscheiden und Informatik entdecken / Landman, M. (2025, January 7). Algorithmen unplugged: Wie Schüler_innen Sortieren, Entscheiden und Informatik entdecken [Presentation]. Kolloquium des Instituts für Mathematikdidaktik 2025, Köln, Germany.
- Unplugged Decision Tree Learning – A Learning Activity for Machine Learning Education in K-12 / Lehner, L., & Landman, M. (2025). Unplugged Decision Tree Learning – A Learning Activity for Machine Learning Education in K-12. In Creative Mathematical Sciences Communication (pp. 50–65). Springer Nature Switzerland.
Business Risk Analysis of Production Variants Considering Technical Dependencies
Rahmani, H., Biffl, S., Meixner, K., Hoffmann, D., Lüder, A., & Winkler, D. (2024). Business Risk Analysis of Production Variants Considering Technical Dependencies. In 2024 26th International Conference on Business Informatics (CBI) (pp. 178–187). IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Agile Field Test Support for Drone Rescue Missions
Biffl, S., Meixner, K., & Vierhauser, M. (2024). Agile Field Test Support for Drone Rescue Missions. In 2024 26th International Conference on Business Informatics (CBI) (pp. 228–237). IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) - “Deception Detected!”—A Serious Game About Detecting Dark Patterns / Fiedler, K., Schäfer, R., Borchers, J., & Röpke, R. (2024). “Deception Detected!”—A Serious Game About Detecting Dark Patterns. In Games and Learning Alliance (pp. 191–200).
- A Growing Community of Practice on Games and Learning: A Literature Review with Bibliometric and Thematic Analyses / Risley, K., & Röpke, R. (2024). A Growing Community of Practice on Games and Learning: A Literature Review with Bibliometric and Thematic Analyses. In Games and Learning Alliance : 13th International Conference, GALA 2024, Berlin, Germany, November 20–22, 2024, Proceedings (pp. 3–13).
Fuzzing Processing Pipelines for Zero-Knowledge Circuits
Hochrainer, C., Isychev, A., Wüstholz, V., & Christakis, M. (2024). Fuzzing Processing Pipelines for Zero-Knowledge Circuits. arXiv.
Download: Fuzzing Processing Pipelines for Zero-Knowledge Circuits (716 KB)
Projects: ForSmart (2023–2027) / MirandaTesting (2023–2028) - Vom Schlagwort zur Praxis: Computational Thinking in der Theorie und im eduLAB / Landman, M., & Lehner, L. (2024, November). Vom Schlagwort zur Praxis: Computational Thinking in der Theorie und im eduLAB. OCG Journal, 49(4), 24–26.
- Machine Learning Unplugged im Schulunterricht / Lehner, L. (2024, October 24). Machine Learning Unplugged im Schulunterricht [Presentation]. Informatiktag 2024, Baden, Austria.
- Spielerische Zugänge mittels Serious Games und Gamification / Röpke, R. C. (2024, October 24). Spielerische Zugänge mittels Serious Games und Gamification [Presentation]. Informatiktag 2024, Baden, Austria.
Identifying Required Knowledge for Production System Digitalization Projects
Lüder, A., Hoffmann, D., Biffl, S., & Meixner, K. (2024). Identifying Required Knowledge for Production System Digitalization Projects. In 2024 IEEE 29th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). EFTA 2024, Padova, Italy. IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Survey of Practitioner Needs and Approaches for Multi-Domain Change Management in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering
Rinker, F. P., Vysoká, D., Meixner, K., & Biffl, S. (2024). Survey of Practitioner Needs and Approaches for Multi-Domain Change Management in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering. In 2024 IEEE 29th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). EFTA 2024, Padova, Italy. IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Multi-Domain Modeling for Change Management in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering
Rinker, F. P., Meixner, K., Vysoká, D., & Biffl, S. (2024). Multi-Domain Modeling for Change Management in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering. In 2024 IEEE 29th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). EFTA 2024, Padova, Italy. IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Graph-Based Change Impact Visualization for Agile Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering
Rinker, F. P., Meixner, K., Dogaru, R., & Biffl, S. (2024). Graph-Based Change Impact Visualization for Agile Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering. In 2024 IEEE 29th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). EFTA 2024, Padova, Italy. IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) - Decision Tree Learning – eine ML-Methode «unplugged» im Unterricht einsetzen / Lehner, L., & Landman, M. (2024, October 10). Decision Tree Learning – eine ML-Methode «unplugged» im Unterricht einsetzen [Presentation]. Trierer Tag des Informatikunterrichts 2024, Trier, Germany.
Rolling the Dice – Rethinking the RAMI 4.0 Perspectives
Meixner, K., Hoffmann, D., Riedmann, S., Hünecke, P., & Binder, C. (2024). Rolling the Dice – Rethinking the RAMI 4.0 Perspectives. In 2024 IEEE 29th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). 2024 IEEE 29th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Padova, Italy.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) - Study path analyses for quality assurance and support of study planning / Röpke, R. C., Judel, S., & Schroeder, U. (2024). Study path analyses for quality assurance and support of study planning. Informatik-Spektrum.
- WebWriter: Authoring and Remixing Explorables / Salmen, F., Roepke, R., & Schroeder, U. (2024). WebWriter: Authoring and Remixing Explorables. In Technology Enhanced Learning for Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education (pp. 247–253). Springer.
Variability modeling of products, processes, and resources in cyber-physical production systems engineering
Meixner, K., Feichtinger, K., Fadhlillah, H. S., Greiner, S., Marcher, H., Rabiser, R., & Biffl, S. (2024). Variability modeling of products, processes, and resources in cyber-physical production systems engineering. In SPLC ’24: Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (pp. 219–219).
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) - Database and Expert Systems Applications : 35th International Conference, DEXA 2024, Naples, Italy, August 26–28, 2024, Proceedings, Part I / Strauss, C., Amagasa, T., Manco, G., Kotsis, G., Tjoa, A. M., & Khalil, I. (Eds.). (2024). Database and Expert Systems Applications : 35th International Conference, DEXA 2024, Naples, Italy, August 26–28, 2024, Proceedings, Part I (Vol. 14910). Springer.
Inductive Predicate Synthesis Modulo Programs (Extended)
Wesley, S., Christakis, M., Navas, J. A., Trefler, R., Wüstholz, V., & Gurfinkel, A. (2024). Inductive Predicate Synthesis Modulo Programs (Extended). arXiv.
Download: Preprint (1.24 MB)
Project: ForSmart (2023–2027) -
"Something that Happens Each Day" - Students' Explanations of What Algorithms Are
Landman, M., & Kohn, T. (2024). “Something that Happens Each Day” - Students’ Explanations of What Algorithms Are. In ITiCSE 2024: Proceedings of the 2024 on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education V. 1 (pp. 199–205). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Download: Full text (1.43 MB) - A Mental Leap: Impact of Teaching the Math Behind Machine Learning Techniques in K-12 / Lehner, L. (2024). A Mental Leap: Impact of Teaching the Math Behind Machine Learning Techniques in K-12. In ITiCSE 2024: Proceedings of the 2024 on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education V. 2 (pp. 844–845). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
- Machine Learning Unplugged im Schulunterricht / Lehner, L., & Landman, M. (2024, June 12). Machine Learning Unplugged im Schulunterricht [Presentation]. 13. Schweizer Tag für Informatikunterricht (STIU 2024), Zürich, Switzerland.
Configuring and Validating Multi-aspect Risk Knowledge for Industry 4.0 Information Systems
Biffl, S., Kropatschek, S. J., Meixner, K., Hoffmann, D., & Lüder, A. (2024). Configuring and Validating Multi-aspect Risk Knowledge for Industry 4.0 Information Systems. In Advanced Information Systems Engineering (pp. 492–508).
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) - Informatik begreifen - eduLAB Mitmachstationen / Landman, M., Lehner, L., Kummer, J., Steinert, F., Jaud, A., Kügler, C., Ehart, A., Christoph, T., & Einzinger, J. (2024, May 24). Informatik begreifen - eduLAB Mitmachstationen [Exhibition Contribution]. Lange Nacht der Forschung, Wien, Austria.
Variability modeling of products, processes, and resources in cyber–physical production systems engineering
Meixner, K., Feichtinger, K., Fadhlillah, H. S., Greiner, S., Marcher, H., Rabiser, R., & Biffl, S. (2024). Variability modeling of products, processes, and resources in cyber–physical production systems engineering. Journal of Systems and Software, 211, Article 112007.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Automatically Testing Functional Properties of Code Translation Models
Eniser, H. F., Wüstholz, V., & Christakis, M. (2024). Automatically Testing Functional Properties of Code Translation Models. In Proceedings of the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 21055–21062). AAAI Press.
Download: PDF (155 KB) - Toward a Holistic Privacy Requirements Engineering Process: Insights From a Systematic Literature Review / Budi Herwanto, G., Ekaputra, F. J., Quirchmayr, G., & Tjoa, A. M. (2024). Toward a Holistic Privacy Requirements Engineering Process: Insights From a Systematic Literature Review. IEEE Access, 12, 47518–47542.
- Leveraging NLP Techniques for Privacy Requirements Engineering in User Stories / Herwanto, G. B., Quirchmayr, G., & Tjoa, A. M. (2024). Leveraging NLP Techniques for Privacy Requirements Engineering in User Stories. IEEE Access, 12, 22167–22189.
Generative AI And Software Variability - A Research Vision
Greiner, S., Schmid, K., Berger, T., Krieter, S., & Meixner, K. (2024). Generative AI And Software Variability - A Research Vision. In Proceedings of the 18th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems (pp. 71–76).
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
On Configuration Sequences in Feature Models
Meixner, K., Feichtinger, K., Greiner, S., & Rabiser, R. (2024). On Configuration Sequences in Feature Models. In Proceedings of the 18th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems (pp. 146–148).
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
The MDM-CPPS Framework: GitOps-enabled Multi-Domain Modeling in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering
Rinker, F. P., Meixner, K., Vysoká, D., & Biffl, S. (2024). The MDM-CPPS Framework: GitOps-enabled Multi-Domain Modeling in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering (CDL-SQI 2024-01).
Download: PDF (1.08 MB)
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Interdisciplinary Production Risk Exploration: A Grounded Approach to Integrate Data- and Knowledge-Driven Analytics
Hoffmann, D., Nowacki, N. S., Biffl, S., Kiesling, E., Meixner, K., & Lüder, A. (2024). Interdisciplinary Production Risk Exploration: A Grounded Approach to Integrate Data- and Knowledge-Driven Analytics. In K. Mpofu, N. Sacks, & O. Damm (Eds.), 56th CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2023 (pp. 1016–1021). Elsevier.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Verifying Global Two-Safety Properties in Neural Networks with Confidence
Athavale, A., Bartocci, E., Christakis, M., Maffei, M., Ničković, D., & Weissenbacher, G. (2024). Verifying Global Two-Safety Properties in Neural Networks with Confidence. In A. Gurfinkel & V. Ganesh (Eds.), Computer Aided Verification (pp. 329–351). Springer.
Projects: Browsec (2018–2024) / ForSmart (2023–2027) / ProbInG (2020–2025) / SFB SPyCoDe (2023–2026) / TAIGER (2023–2027) - Integrating Contextual Integrity in Privacy Requirements Engineering: A Study Case in Personal E-Health Applications / Budi Herwanto, G., Putri, D. U. K., Ningtyas, A. M., Fuad, A., Quirchmayr, G., & Tjoa, A. M. (2024). Integrating Contextual Integrity in Privacy Requirements Engineering: A Study Case in Personal E-Health Applications. In Innovations for Community Services: 24th International Conference, I4CS 2024, Maastricht, The Netherlands, June 12–14, 2024, Proceedings (pp. 237–256). Springer.
Inductive Predicate Synthesis Modulo Programs
Wesley, S., Christakis, M., Navas, J. A., Trefler, R., Wüstholz, V., & Gurfinkel, A. (2024). Inductive Predicate Synthesis Modulo Programs. In 38th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2024) (pp. 1–30).
Download: PDF (1.18 MB)
Project: ForSmart (2023–2027) - Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective : 13th International Conference, EGOVIS 2024, Naples, Italy, August 26–28, 2024, Proceedings / Kö, A., Kotsis, G., Tjoa, A. M., & Khalil, I. (Eds.). (2024). Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective : 13th International Conference, EGOVIS 2024, Naples, Italy, August 26–28, 2024, Proceedings (Vol. 14913). Springer.
- Special Issue for GALA 2024 Games Competition & Exhibition: Book of Abstracts / Röpke, R. C., Risley, K., Rocha, M., & Bongers, J.-B. (Eds.). (2024). Special Issue for GALA 2024 Games Competition & Exhibition: Book of Abstracts. Controlling Plus+ Institut (CPI).
Towards Translating Real-World Code with LLMs: A Study of Translating to Rust
Eniser, H. F., Zhang, H., David, C., Wang, M., Christakis, M., Paulsen, B., Dodds, J., & Kroening, D. (2024). Towards Translating Real-World Code with LLMs: A Study of Translating to Rust. arXiv.
Download: The technical report (466 KB) - Towards Open Science at the DELFI Conference / Kiesler, N., Röpke, R. C., Schiffner, D., Schulz, S., Strickroth, S., Ehlenz, M., Heinemann, B., & Wilhelm-Weidner, A. (2024). Towards Open Science at the DELFI Conference. In DELFI 2024 - Complete Volume (pp. 251–265). Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
- Database and Expert Systems Applications : 35th International Conference, DEXA 2024, Naples, Italy, August 26–28, 2024, Proceedings, Part II / Strauss, C., Amagasa, T., Manco, G., Kotsis, G., Tjoa, A. M., & Khalil, I. (Eds.). (2024). Database and Expert Systems Applications : 35th International Conference, DEXA 2024, Naples, Italy, August 26–28, 2024, Proceedings, Part II (Vol. 14911). Springer.
- Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery : 26th International Conference, DaWaK 2024, Naples, Italy, August 26–28, 2024, Proceedings / Wrembel, R., Chiusano, S., Kotsis, G., Tjoa, A. M., & Khalil, I. (Eds.). (2024). Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery : 26th International Conference, DaWaK 2024, Naples, Italy, August 26–28, 2024, Proceedings (Vol. 14912). Springer.
Representing Property Dependencies within AutomationML Based Digital Twins
Luder, A., Hoffmann, D., Gudder, R., Biffl, S., & Meixner, K. (2024). Representing Property Dependencies within AutomationML Based Digital Twins. In 2024 IEEE 29th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). EFTA 2024, Padova, Italy. IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) - Nuts & Bolts: Bildungstechnologien offen und transparent gestalten. Die Technik hinter den Kulissen der digitalen Bildungsforschung / Heinemann, B., Görzen, S., Röpke, R. C., & Ehlenz, M. (2024). Nuts & Bolts: Bildungstechnologien offen und transparent gestalten. Die Technik hinter den Kulissen der digitalen Bildungsforschung. In N. Kiesler & S. Schulz (Eds.), Proceedings of DELFI Workshops 2024 - Complete Volume (pp. 111–118).
- BuddyAnalytics: A dashboard and reporting tool for study program analysis and student cohort monitoring / Görzen, S., Röpke, R. C., & Schroeder, U. (2024). BuddyAnalytics: A dashboard and reporting tool for study program analysis and student cohort monitoring. In DELFI 2024 - Complete Volume (pp. 527–531). Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
- New fuzzing biases for action policy testing / Eisenhut, J., Schuler, X., Fiser, D., Höller, D., Christakis, M., & Hoffmann, J. (2024). New fuzzing biases for action policy testing. In Vol. 34 (2024): Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling. 34th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2024), Banaff, Alberta, Canada. AAAI Press.
- Learning to Rank Privacy Design Patterns: A Semantic Approach to Meeting Privacy Requirements / Budi Herwanto, G., Quirchmayr, G., & Tjoa, A. M. (2024). Learning to Rank Privacy Design Patterns: A Semantic Approach to Meeting Privacy Requirements. In Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality: 30th International Working Conference, REFSQ 2024, Winterthur, Switzerland, April 8–11, 2024, Proceedings (pp. 57–73). Springer.
Olympia: Fuzzer Benchmarking for Solidity
Chadt, J., Hochrainer, C., Wüstholz, V., & Christakis, M. (2024). Olympia: Fuzzer Benchmarking for Solidity. In ASE ’24: Proceedings of the 39th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (pp. 2362–2365). Association for Computing Machinery.
Download: PDF (648 KB)
Project: ForSmart (2023–2027) - From Concept to Code: A Two-Day Workshop for Secondary Students on Computational Thinking and Programming / Steinert, F., Kummer, J., Landman, M., & Lehner, L. (2024). From Concept to Code: A Two-Day Workshop for Secondary Students on Computational Thinking and Programming. In Olympiads in Informatics: Selected papers of the International Conference joint with the XXXVI International Olympiad in Informatics Alexandria, Egypt, 1–8 September, 2024 (Vol. 18, pp. 89–100). Vilnius University.
- Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems LVI : Special Issue on Data Management - Principles, Technologies, and Applications / Hameurlain, A., Tjoa, A. M., Akbarinia, R., & Bonifati, A. (Eds.). (2024). Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems LVI : Special Issue on Data Management - Principles, Technologies, and Applications (Vol. 14790). Springer.
Scenario-Based Field Testing of Drone Missions
Vierhauser, M., Meixner, K., & Biffl, S. (2024). Scenario-Based Field Testing of Drone Missions. In 2024 50th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) (pp. 10–17).
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Operator-integrated cluster analysis for production quality control
Hoffmann, D., Lüder, A., & Biffl, S. (2024). Operator-integrated cluster analysis for production quality control. In 18 th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM 2024 (pp. 1288–1293). IFAC.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Interrogation Testing of Program Analyzers for Soundness and Precision Issues
Kaindlstorfer, D., Isychev, A., Wüstholz, V., & Christakis, M. (2024). Interrogation Testing of Program Analyzers for Soundness and Precision Issues. In ASE ’24: Proceedings of the 39th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (pp. 319–330). Association for Computing Machinery.
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Project: MirandaTesting (2023–2028) - Language-Agnostic Static Analysis of Probabilistic Programs / Böck, M., Schröder, M., & Cito, J. (2024). Language-Agnostic Static Analysis of Probabilistic Programs. In ASE ’24: Proceedings of the 39th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (pp. 78–90). Association for Computing Machinery.
Constraint-Based Test Oracles for Program Analyzers
Fleischmann, M., Kaindlstorfer, D. M., Isychev, A., Wüstholz, V., & Christakis, M. (2024). Constraint-Based Test Oracles for Program Analyzers. In F. Vladimir, B. Ray, & M. Zhou (Eds.), ASE ’24: Proceedings of the 39th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (pp. 344–355). Association for Computing Machinery.
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Project: MirandaTesting (2023–2028) - Message from General Chairs; EuroSP 2024 / Weippl, E., & Maffei, M. (2024). Message from General Chairs; EuroSP 2024. In 2024 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW). 9th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EUROS&PW 2024), Wien, Austria.
- ISSTA 2024: Proceedings of the 33rd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis / Christakis, M., & Pradel, M. (Eds.). (2024). ISSTA 2024: Proceedings of the 33rd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis.
- Probleme algorithmisch lösen lernen / Landman, M. (2024). Probleme algorithmisch lösen lernen. OCG Journal, 49(1), 32–33.
- Specifying and Testing k-Safety Properties for Machine-Learning Models / Christakis, M. (2023, November 8). Specifying and Testing k-Safety Properties for Machine-Learning Models [Presentation]. 68th IFIP WG2.4 (Online) Meeting on Software Implementation Technology, Austria.
Towards A Knowledge Graph-based Framework for Integrated Security and Safety Analysis in Digital Production Systems
Kropatschek, S. J., Kurniawan, K., Bhosale, P. R., Hollerer, S., Kiesling, E., & Winkler, D. (2023). Towards A Knowledge Graph-based Framework for Integrated Security and Safety Analysis in Digital Production Systems. In I. Fundulaki, K. Kouji, D. Garijo, & J. M. Gomez-Perez (Eds.), Proceedings of the ISWC 2023 Posters, Demos and Industry Tracks: From Novel Ideas to Industrial Practice co-located with 22nd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2023).
Project: TÜV AUSTRIA Security in Industry Research Lab P1 (2020–2024) - Understanding Hackers’ Work: An Empirical Study of Offensive Security Practitioners / Happe, A., & Cito, J. (2023). Understanding Hackers’ Work: An Empirical Study of Offensive Security Practitioners. In ESEC/FSE 2023: Proceedings of the 31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (pp. 1669–1680). Association for Computing Machinery.
- Getting pwn’d by AI: Penetration Testing with Large Language Models / Happe, A., & Jürgen, C. (2023). Getting pwn’d by AI: Penetration Testing with Large Language Models. In ESEC/FSE 2023: Proceedings of the 31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (pp. 2082–2086). Association for Computing Machinery.
- Improved Detection and Interpretation of Multilingual Signboards in Natural Scene for Visually Impaired People / Zaman, Q., Khusro, S., & Tjoa, A. M. (2023). Improved Detection and Interpretation of Multilingual Signboards in Natural Scene for Visually Impaired People. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Data and Software Engineering (ICoDSE) (pp. 126–131). IEEE.
Integrated Production Quality and Security Analysis
Hoffmann, D., Lüder, A., Weidlinger, R., & Biffl, S. (2023). Integrated Production Quality and Security Analysis. In 2023 IEEE 28th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (pp. 1–8). IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Towards Case-Based Reuse of FMEA Models for Complex Production Systems
Hoffmann, D., Huenecke, P., Lueder, A., & Biffl, S. (2023). Towards Case-Based Reuse of FMEA Models for Complex Production Systems. In 2023 IEEE 28th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (pp. 1–4). IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Towards Test-Driven Performance Validation of a Flexible Cyber-Physical Production System
Biffl, S., Meixner, K., Hoffmann, D., Winkler, D., & Lüder, A. (2023). Towards Test-Driven Performance Validation of a Flexible Cyber-Physical Production System. In 2023 IEEE 28th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (pp. 1–4). IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Towards a Research Agenda for Understanding and Managing Uncertainty in Self-Adaptive Systems
Weyns, D., Calinescu, R., Mirandola, R., Tei, K., Acosta, M., Bennaceur, A., Boltz, N., Bures, T., Camara, J., Diaconescu, A., Engels, G., Gerasimou, S., Gerostathopoulos, I., Getir Yaman, S., Grassi, V., Hahner, S., Letier, E., Litoiu, M., Marsso, L., … Zisman, A. (2023). Towards a Research Agenda for Understanding and Managing Uncertainty in Self-Adaptive Systems. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 48(4), 20–36.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge: Comparing Numbers, Examining Reasons and Investigating Recommendations
Kandlhofer, M., Baumann, W., Futschek, G., Baumann, L., & Ludwig, S. (2023). Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge: Comparing Numbers, Examining Reasons and Investigating Recommendations. In J.-P. Pellet & G. Parriaux (Eds.), Informatics in Schools. Beyond Bits and Bytes: Nuturing Informatics Intelligence in Education : 16th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2023, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 23–25, 2023, Proceedings (pp. 69–79). Springer.
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Project: Biber der Informatik (2007–2027) -
Supporting Non-CS Teachers with Programming Lessons
Unkovic, S., & Landman, M. (2023). Supporting Non-CS Teachers with Programming Lessons. In J.-P. Pellet & G. Parriaux (Eds.), Informatics in Schools: ISSEP 2023 Local Proceedings: 16th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2023 (pp. 61–74). Zenodo.
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Reshaping Unplugged Computer Science Workshops for Primary School Education
Landman, M., Rain, S., Kovács, L., & Gerald Futschek. (2023). Reshaping Unplugged Computer Science Workshops for Primary School Education. In J.-P. Pellet & G. Parriaux (Eds.), Informatics in Schools. Beyond Bits and Bytes: Nurturing Informatics Intelligence in Education : 16th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2023, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 23–25, 2023, Proceedings (pp. 139–151). Springer.
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Projects: AbInfVS (2023–2025) / SFB SPyCoDe (2023–2026) - Automatically Testing Functional Properties of Code Translation Models / Eniser, H. F., Wüstholz, V., & Christaki, M. (2023). Automatically Testing Functional Properties of Code Translation Models.
- Controllable AI - An Alternative to Trustworthiness in Complex AI Systems? / Kieseberg, P., Weippl, E., Tjoa, A. M., Cabitza, F., Campagner, A., & Holzinger, A. (2023). Controllable AI - An Alternative to Trustworthiness in Complex AI Systems? In A. Holzinger, P. Kieseberg, & F. Cabitza (Eds.), Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction : 7th IFIP TC 5, TC 12, WG 8.4, WG 8.9, WG 12.9 International Cross-Domain Conference, CD-MAKE 2023, Benevento, Italy, August 29 – September 1, 2023, Proceedings (pp. 1–12). Springer.
Combining Models for Safety and Security Concerns in Automating Digital Production
Kropatschek, S., Hollerer, S., Hoffman, D., Winkler, D., Lüder, A., Sauter, T., Kastner, W., & Biffl, S. (2023). Combining Models for Safety and Security Concerns in Automating Digital Production. In 2023 IEEE 21st International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN) (pp. 1–8). IEEE.
Project: TÜV AUSTRIA Security in Industry Research Lab P1 (2020–2024) - Database and Expert Systems Applications / Christine Strauß, Amagasa, T., Kotsis, G., Tjoa, A. M., & Khalil, I. (Eds.). (2023). Database and Expert Systems Applications (Vol. 14146). Springer.
- Rigorous Software Engineering / Christaki, M. (2023, July 26). Rigorous Software Engineering [Presentation]. Microsoft Research talks, Redmond, United States of America (the).
Validating Production Test Scenarios with Cyber-Physical System Design Models
Biffl, S., Hoffmann, D., Kiesling, E., Meixner, K., Lüder, A., & Winkler, D. (2023). Validating Production Test Scenarios with Cyber-Physical System Design Models. In 2023 IEEE 25th Conference on Business Informatics (CBI) (pp. 1–10). IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Connecting the .dotfiles: Checked-In Secret Exposure with Extra (Lateral Movement) Steps
Jungwirth, G., Saha, A., Schröder, M., Fiebig, T., Lindorfer, M., & Cito, J. (2023). Connecting the .dotfiles: Checked-In Secret Exposure with Extra (Lateral Movement) Steps. In IEEE/ACM 20th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR) (pp. 322–333).
Project: IoTIO (2020–2025) -
Dependency-Aware Metamorphic Testing of Datalog Engines
Numair Mansur, M., Wüstholz, V., & Christakis, M. (2023). Dependency-Aware Metamorphic Testing of Datalog Engines. In ISSTA 2023: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (pp. 236–247). Association for Computing Machinery.
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Project: MirandaTesting (2023–2028) -
Green Fuzzer Benchmarking
Ounjai, J., Wüstholz, V., & Christakis, M. (2023). Green Fuzzer Benchmarking. In ISSTA 2023: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (pp. 1396–1406). Association for Computing Machinery.
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Project: MirandaTesting (2023–2028) - Transformed by Transformers: Navigating the AI Coding Revolution for Computing Education: An ITiCSE Working Group Conducted by Humans / Prather, J., Denny, P., Leinonen, J., Becker, B., Albluwi, I., Caspersen, M. E., Craig, M., Keuning, H., Kiesler, N., Kohn, T., Luxton-Reilly, A., MacNeil, S., Petersen, A., Pettit, R., Reeves, B., & Savelka, J. (2023). Transformed by Transformers: Navigating the AI Coding Revolution for Computing Education: An ITiCSE Working Group Conducted by Humans. In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education V. 2 (pp. 561–562).
- Rigorous Software Engineering / Christaki, M. (2023, June 13). Rigorous Software Engineering [Keynote Presentation]. SBA IMPACT 2023, Wien, Austria.
Architecting for a Sustainable Digital Society
Biffl, S., Navarro, E., MIRANDOLA, R., & Weyns, D. (2023). Architecting for a Sustainable Digital Society. Journal of Systems and Software, 200, Article 111668.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Self-Adaptation in Industry: A Survey
Weyns, D., Gerostathopoulos, I., Abbas, N., Andersson, J., Biffl, S., Brada, P., Bures, T., Di Salle, A., Galster, M., Lago, P., Lewis, G., Litoiu, M., Musil, A., Musil, J., Patros, P., & Pelliccione, P. (2023). Self-Adaptation in Industry: A Survey. ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 18(2), 1–44.
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Challenges and Opportunities of DevOps in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering
Koren, I., Rinker, F. P., Meixner, K., Matevska, J., & Walter, J. (2023). Challenges and Opportunities of DevOps in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering. In 2023 IEEE 6th International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS) (pp. 1–6). IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Software in Cyberphysischen Produktionssystemen - Herausforderungen zur Umsetzung in der Industrie
Feichtinger, K., Meixner, K., Rinker, F. P., Koren, I., Eichelberger, H., Heinemann, T., Holtmann, J., Konersmann, M., Michael, J., Neumann, E.-M., Pfeiffer, J., Rabiser, R., Riebisch, M., & Schmid, K. (2023). Software in Cyberphysischen Produktionssystemen - Herausforderungen zur Umsetzung in der Industrie. ATP Magazin, 65(4), 62–68.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
eInformatics@Austria – Grundlehre Informatik online mit 7 MOOCs
Gelbard, F. (2023). eInformatics@Austria – Grundlehre Informatik online mit 7 MOOCs. Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, 18(Sonderheft Hochschullehre (2023)), 77–98.
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A reference model for common understanding of capabilities and skills in manufacturing
Köcher, A., Belyaev, A., Hermann, J., Bock, J., Meixner, K., Volkmann, M., Winter, M., Zimmermann, P., Grimm, S., & Diedrich, C. (2023). A reference model for common understanding of capabilities and skills in manufacturing. Automatisierungstechnik, 71(2), 94–104.
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Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Organizing reuse for production systems engineering with capabilities and skills
Meixner, K., Rinker, F. P., Waltersdorfer, L., Lüder, A., & Biffl, S. (2023). Organizing reuse for production systems engineering with capabilities and skills. Automatisierungstechnik, 71(2), 116–126.
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Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) - Rigorous Software Engineering / Christaki, M. (2023, February 2). Rigorous Software Engineering [Presentation]. Automated Reasoning Symposium Technical Talk, United States of America (the).
- Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction / Holzinger, A., Kieseberg, P., Cabitza, F., Campagner, A., Tjoa, A. M., & Weippl, E. (Eds.). (2023). Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction (Vol. 14065). Springer.
- Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2023 Workshops / Gabriele Anderst-Kotsis, Tjoa, A. M., Khalil, I., Moser, B., Mashkoor, A., Sametinger, J., & Khan, M. (Eds.). (2023). Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2023 Workshops (Vol. 1872). Springer.
- Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective / Kö, A., Francesconi, E., Asemi, A., Anderst-Kotsis, G., Tjoa, A. M., & Khalil, I. (Eds.). (2023). Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective (Vol. 14149). Springer.
Maturity Evaluation of Domain-Specific Language Ecosystems for Cyber-Physical Production Systems
Greiner, S., Wiesmayr, B., Feichtinger, K., Meixner, K., Konersmann, M., Pfeiffer, J., Oberlehner, M., Schmalzing, D., Wortmann, A., Rumpe, B., Rabiser, R., & Zoitl, A. (2023). Maturity Evaluation of Domain-Specific Language Ecosystems for Cyber-Physical Production Systems. In 2023 IEEE 28th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (pp. 1–8). IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Automatic Metamorphic Test Oracles for Action-Policy Testing
Eisenhut, J., Torralba, Á., Christakis, M., & Hoffmann, J. (2023). Automatic Metamorphic Test Oracles for Action-Policy Testing. In S. Koenig, R. Stern, & M. Vallati (Eds.), Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (pp. 109–117). Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.
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Sixth International Workshop on Variability and Evolution of Software-Intensive Systems (VariVolution 2023)
Greiner, S., Têrnava, X., Meixner, K., & Krieter, S. (2023). Sixth International Workshop on Variability and Evolution of Software-Intensive Systems (VariVolution 2023). In SPLC ’23: Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference - Volume A (pp. 274–274).
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) - Database and Expert Systems Applications / Christine Strauß, Amagasa, T., Gabriele Anderst-Kotsis, Tjoa, A. M., & Khalil, I. (Eds.). (2023). Database and Expert Systems Applications (Vol. 14147). Springer.
Organizing Multi-Domain Change Impact Analysis in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering
Rinker, F., Vysoká, D., Meixner, K., Hoffmann, D., & Biffl, S. (2023). Organizing Multi-Domain Change Impact Analysis in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering. In 2023 IEEE 28th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (pp. 1–4). IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Consistent Extension of Networks of Digital Representations of Production System Assets
Lüder, A., Hoffmann, D., Meixner, K., Hünecke, P., & Biffl, S. (2023). Consistent Extension of Networks of Digital Representations of Production System Assets. In 2023 IEEE 28th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (pp. 1–4). IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Synthesizing a Progression of Subtasks for Block-Based Visual Programming Tasks
Tercan, A., Ghosh, A., Eniser, H. F., Christaki, M., & Singla, A. (2023). Synthesizing a Progression of Subtasks for Block-Based Visual Programming Tasks.
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Specifying and Testing k-Safety Properties for Machine-Learning Models
Christaki, M., Eniser, H. F., Hoffmann, J., Singla, A., & Wüstholz, V. (2023). Specifying and Testing k-Safety Properties for Machine-Learning Models. In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23) (pp. 4748–4757). International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence.
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Project: Nomos (2022–2030) - Software Bug Detection: Challenges and Synergies / Böhme, M., Christaki, M., Padhye, R., Serebryany, K., Zeller, A., & Eniser, H. F. (2023). Software Bug Detection: Challenges and Synergies.
- Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery : 25th International Conference, DaWaK 2023, Penang, Malaysia, August 28–30, 2023, Proceedings / Wrembel, R., Gamper, J., Kotsis, G., Tjoa, A. M., & Khalil, I. (Eds.). (2023). Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery : 25th International Conference, DaWaK 2023, Penang, Malaysia, August 28–30, 2023, Proceedings (Vol. 14148). Springer.
Implementing DevOps Practices in CPPS Using Microservices and GitOps
Koren, I., Rinker, F., Meixner, K., Kröger, M., & Zeng, M. (2023). Implementing DevOps Practices in CPPS Using Microservices and GitOps. In 2023 IEEE 28th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (pp. 1–4). IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) - DigiFit4All - Kompetenzen als Basis für Digitalisierung in der Lehre / Pasterk, S., Lobnig, N. A., Kuka, L., Rottenhofer, M., Oppl, S., Futschek, G., Hörmanseder, M., Tiefenthaller, F., & Bollin, A. (2023). DigiFit4All - Kompetenzen als Basis für Digitalisierung in der Lehre. Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, 18, 137–157.
IEC 61499 Skill-based Distributed Design Pattern
Sonnleithner, L., Hager, A.-L., Zoitl, A., & Meixner, K. (2023). IEC 61499 Skill-based Distributed Design Pattern. In 2023 IEEE 28th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (pp. 1–8). IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) - Performance Prediction From Source Code Is Task and Domain Specific / Böck, M., Habchi, S., Nayrolles, M., & Cito, J. (2023). Performance Prediction From Source Code Is Task and Domain Specific. In 2023 IEEE/ACM 31st International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC) (pp. 35–42). IEEE.
PlusIQ-Agri Photovoltaics
Herbig, U., Berger, K., Damjanovic, D., Eizinger, J., Neubauer, T., Pont, U., Schauppenlehner, T., Shala-Mayrhofer, V., Tjoa, A. M., Wagner, D. A., Weih, P., & Zamini, S. (2022, November 10). PlusIQ-Agri Photovoltaics [Poster Presentation]. International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 27), Wien, Austria.
Project: PlusIQ-AgrarPV (2022–2023) - Grammars for Free: Toward Grammar Inference for Ad Hoc Parsers / Schröder, M., & Cito, J. (2022). Grammars for Free: Toward Grammar Inference for Ad Hoc Parsers. In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 44th International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Results (pp. 41–45). Association for Computing Machinery.
PlusIQ-Agrarphotovoltaik: Integration als Weg zum Plus-Energie-Quartier
Herbig, U., Berger, K., Damjanovic, D., Eizinger, J., Neubauer, T., Pont, U., Schauppenlehner, T., Shala-Mayerhofer, V., Tjoa, A. M., Wagner, D. A., Weihs, P., & Zamini, S. (2022, October 6). PlusIQ-Agrarphotovoltaik: Integration als Weg zum Plus-Energie-Quartier [Poster Presentation]. Österreichische Fachtagung für Photovoltaik und Stromspeicherung, Wien, Austria.
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Project: PlusIQ-AgrarPV (2022–2023) -
Kyrstal: Knowledge Graph-based framework for tactical attach discovery in audit data
Kurniawan, K., Ekelhart, A., Kiesling, E., Quirchmayr, G., & Tjoa, A. M. (2022). Kyrstal: Knowledge Graph-based framework for tactical attach discovery in audit data. Computers and Security, 121, Article 102828.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Towards Coordinating Production Reconfiguration
Biffl, S., Meixner, K., Hoffmann, D., Musil, J., Rahmani, H., & Lüder, A. (2022). Towards Coordinating Production Reconfiguration. In 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (pp. 1–4). IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) - Informatics in Schools. A Step Beyond Digital Education / Bollin, A., & Futschek, G. (Eds.). (2022). Informatics in Schools. A Step Beyond Digital Education: Vol. LNCS 13488. Springer.
Computational Thinking in Teacher Education
Dagienė, V., Futschek, G., Landman, M., Stupurienė, G., & Gülbahar, Y. (2022, August 22). Computational Thinking in Teacher Education [Conference Presentation]. WCCE 2022, Hiroshima, Japan.
Project: TeaEdu4CT (2019–2022) -
QualSec: An Automated Quality-Driven Approach for Security Risk Identification in Cyber-Physical Production Systems
Eckhart, M., Ekelhart, A., Biffl, S., Lüder, A., & Weippl, E. R. (2022). QualSec: An Automated Quality-Driven Approach for Security Risk Identification in Cyber-Physical Production Systems. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
VloGraph: A Virtual Knowledge Graph Framework for Distributed Security Log Analysis
Kurniawan, K., Ekelhart, A., Kiesling, E., Winkler, D., Quirchmayr, G., & Tjoa, A. M. (2022). VloGraph: A Virtual Knowledge Graph Framework for Distributed Security Log Analysis. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 4(2), 371–396.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Towards Multidisciplinary Delta-Oriented Variability Management in Cyber-Physical Production Systems
Fadhlillah, H. S., Feichtinger, K., Meixner, K., Sonnleithner, L., Rabiser, R., & Zoitl, A. (2022). Towards Multidisciplinary Delta-Oriented Variability Management in Cyber-Physical Production Systems. In VaMoS ’22: Proceedings of the 16th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems (pp. 1–10). ACM.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) - OSSDIP: Open Source Secure Data Infrastructure and Processes Supporting Data Visiting / Weise, M., Kovacevic, F., Popper, N., & Rauber, A. (2022). OSSDIP: Open Source Secure Data Infrastructure and Processes Supporting Data Visiting. Data Science Journal, 21(1), 1–18.
Industry Voices on Software Engineering Challenges in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering
Feichtinger, K., Meixner, K., Rinker, F., Koren, I., Eichelberger, H., Heinemann, T., Holtmann, J., Konersmann, M., Michael, J., Neumann, E., Pfeiffer, J., Rabiser, R., Riebisch, M., & Schmid, K. (2022). Industry Voices on Software Engineering Challenges in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering. In Proceedings 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Stuttgart, Germany. IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
How much is the fork? Fast Probability and Profitability Calculation during Temporary Forks
Judmayer, A., Stifter, N., Schindler, P., & Weippl, E. (2022). How much is the fork? Fast Probability and Profitability Calculation during Temporary Forks. In WWW ’22: Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2022 (pp. 467–477). ACM.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Preliminary Results of a Survey on the Use of Self-Adaptation in Industry
Weyns, D., Gerostathopoulos, I., Abbas, N., Andersson, J., Biffl, S., Brada, P., Bures, T., DI SALLE, A., Lago, P., Musil, A., Musil, J., & Pelliccione, P. (2022). Preliminary Results of a Survey on the Use of Self-Adaptation in Industry. In 2022 International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS) (pp. 70–76). ACM.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) - Learning CI Configuration Correctness for Early Build Feedback / Santolucito, M., Zhang, J., Zhai, E., Cito, J., & Piskac, R. (2022). Learning CI Configuration Correctness for Early Build Feedback. In Proceedings 2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (pp. 1006–1017). IEEE.
Designing a Digital Shadow for Efficient, Low-Delay Analysis of Production Quality Risk
Kropatschek, S., Gert, O., Ayatollahi, I., Meixner, K., Kiesling, E., Steigberger, A., Lüder, A., & Biffl, S. (2022). Designing a Digital Shadow for Efficient, Low-Delay Analysis of Production Quality Risk. In 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Stuttgart, Germany. IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Capabilities and Skills in Manufacturing: A Survey Over the Last Decade of ETFA
Froschauer, R., Köcher, A., Meixner, K., Schmitt, S., & Spitzer, F. (2022). Capabilities and Skills in Manufacturing: A Survey Over the Last Decade of ETFA. In Proceedings 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Stuttgart, Germany. IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Usability of Cryptocurrency Wallets Providing CoinJoin Transactions
Ghesmati, S., Fdhila, W., & Weippl, E. R. (2022). Usability of Cryptocurrency Wallets Providing CoinJoin Transactions. Cryptology ePrint Archive.
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Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
User-Perceived Privacy in Blockchain
Ghesmati, S., Fdhila, W., & Weippl, E. (2022). User-Perceived Privacy in Blockchain. Cryptology ePrint Archive.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Risk-Driven Derivation of Operation Checklists from Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Knowledge
Biffl, S., Kropatschek, S., Kiesling, E., Meixner, K., & Lüder, A. (2022). Risk-Driven Derivation of Operation Checklists from Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Knowledge. In 2022 IEEE 20th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN) (pp. 7–14).
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Efficient Multi-view Change Management in Agile Production Systems Engineering
Rinker, F., Kropatschek, S., Steuer, T., Meixner, K., Kiesling, E., Lüder, A., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2022). Efficient Multi-view Change Management in Agile Production Systems Engineering. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (pp. 134–141). Scitepress.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Software Quality: The Next Big Thing in Software Engineering and Quality
Mendez, D., Wimmer, M., Winkler, D., Biffl, S., & Bergsmann, J. (Eds.). (2022). Software Quality: The Next Big Thing in Software Engineering and Quality (Vol. 439). Springer.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Evolution Support for Custom Variability Artifacts Using Feature Models: A Study in the Cyber-Physical Production Systems Domain
Feichtinger, K., Meixner, K., Biffl, S., & Rabiser, R. (2022). Evolution Support for Custom Variability Artifacts Using Feature Models: A Study in the Cyber-Physical Production Systems Domain. In Reuse and Software Quality (pp. 79–84). Springer.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Efficient Production Process Variability Exploration
Meixner, K., Feichtinger, K., Rabiser, R., & Biffl, S. (2022). Efficient Production Process Variability Exploration. In VaMoS ’22: Proceedings of the 16th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive. VaMoS ’22: 16th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems, Florence, Italy. ACM.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) - ISSEP 2022: 15th international conference on informatics in schools. Local proceedings / Bollin, A., & Futschek, G. (Eds.). (2022). ISSEP 2022: 15th international conference on informatics in schools. Local proceedings.
Analysis of Quality Issues in Production With Multi-view Coordination Assets
Kropatschek, S., Steuer, T., Kiesling, E., Meixner, K., Ayatollahi, I., Sommer, P., & Biffl, S. (2022). Analysis of Quality Issues in Production With Multi-view Coordination Assets. In IFAC Papers Online (pp. 2938–2943). Elsevier.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Risk and Engineering Knowledge Integration in Cyber-physical Production Systems Engineering
Rinker, F. P., Meixner, K., Kropatschek, S., Kiesling, E., & Biffl, S. (2022). Risk and Engineering Knowledge Integration in Cyber-physical Production Systems Engineering. In 2022 48th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA). 2022 48th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), Gran Canaria, Spain. IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) - A Framework for Automatic Labeling of Log Datasets from Model-driven Testbeds for HIDS Evaluation / Landauer, M., Frank, M., Skopik, F., Wurzenberger, M., & Rauber, A. (2022). A Framework for Automatic Labeling of Log Datasets from Model-driven Testbeds for HIDS Evaluation. In Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Workshop on Secure and Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems. ACM Workshop on Secure and Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems, Baltimore, MD, United States of America (the).
- Dealing with Security Alert Flooding: Using Machine Learning for Domain-independent Alert Aggregation / Landauer, M., Skopik, F., Wurzenberger, M., & Rauber, A. (2022). Dealing with Security Alert Flooding: Using Machine Learning for Domain-independent Alert Aggregation. ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security, 25(3), 1–36.
- Semantic-enabled Architecture for Auditable Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis / Ekaputra, F. J., Ekelhart, A., Mayer, R., Miksa, T., Šarčević, T., Tsepelakis, S., & Waltersdorfer, L. (2022). Semantic-enabled Architecture for Auditable Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis. Semantic Web: Interoperability, Usability, Applicability, 1–34.
- Plus IQ-Agri Photovoltaics : Integration as a Path to the Plus-Energy-Quarters / Herbig, U., Berger, K., Damjanovic, D., Eitzinger, J., Neubauer, T., Pont, U., Schauppenlehner, T., Shala-Mayerhofer, V., Tjoa, A. M., Wagner, D. A., Weihs, P., & Zamini, S. (2022). Plus IQ-Agri Photovoltaics : Integration as a Path to the Plus-Energy-Quarters. AgroVoltaics 2022 - Conference and Exhibition, Piacenza, Italy.
- Scaling Up Broken Systems? Considerations from the Area of Music Streaming / Knees, P. (2022). Scaling Up Broken Systems? Considerations from the Area of Music Streaming. In H. Werthner, E. Prem, E. A. Lee, & C. Ghezzi (Eds.), Perspectives on Digital Humanism (pp. 165–171). Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
A Coordination Artifact for Multi-disciplinary Reuse in Production Systems Engineering
Meixner, K., Musil, J., Lüder, A., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2022). A Coordination Artifact for Multi-disciplinary Reuse in Production Systems Engineering. In 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Stuttgart, Germany. IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Towards Design Patterns for Production Security
Hoffmann, D., Biffl, S., Meixner, K., & Lüder, A. (2022). Towards Design Patterns for Production Security. In Proceedings 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (pp. 1547–1550). IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Towards Multi-View Test Specification in CPPS Engineering
Winkler, D., Sherstneva, S., & Biffl, S. (2022). Towards Multi-View Test Specification in CPPS Engineering. In Proceedings 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (pp. 1–4). IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
What Do We Know About Readability of Test Code? - A Systematic Mapping Study
Winkler, D., Urbanke, P., & Ramler, R. (2022). What Do We Know About Readability of Test Code? - A Systematic Mapping Study. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER) (pp. 1167–1174). IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Engineering Data Treasures, Their Collection and Use
Lüder, A., Meixner, K., & Biffl, S. (2022). Engineering Data Treasures, Their Collection and Use. In IFAC Papers Online (pp. 2623–2628). Elsevier.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024)
The Austrian EOSC mandated organisation/The EOSC support office Austria
Blumesberger, S., Brandt, F., Budroni, P., De Mello Castro Giroletti, J., Ferus, A., Flicker, K., Ganguly, R., Guba, B., Hanslik, S., Hasani-Mavriqi, I., Hönegger, L., Kalová, T., Kranewitter, M., Logar, B., Panigl, C., Rainer, H., Rauber, A., Sánchez Solís, B., Saurugger, B., … Zimmermann, K. (2021). The Austrian EOSC mandated organisation/The EOSC support office Austria. Mitteilungen Der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen Und Bibliothekare (VÖB), 74(2), 143–162.
Download: PDF (941 KB) - Precisely and persistently identifying and citing arbitrary subsets of dynamic data / Rauber, A., Gößwein, B., Zwölf, C. M., Schubert, C., Wörister, F., Duncan, J., Flicker, K., Zettsu, K., Meixner, K., McIntosh, L., Jenkyns, R., Pröll, S., Miksa, T., & Parsons, M. A. (2021). Precisely and persistently identifying and citing arbitrary subsets of dynamic data. Harvard Data Science Review, 3(4).
Efficient FMEA Re-Validation: Multi-view Model Integration in Agile Production Systems Engineering
Rinker, F. P., Kropatschek, S., Steuer, T., Kiesling, E., Meixner, K., Sommer, P., Lüder, A., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2021). Efficient FMEA Re-Validation: Multi-view Model Integration in Agile Production Systems Engineering.
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Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) - Understanding Optical Music Recognition / Calvo-Zaragoza, J., Hajič, J. jr., & Pacha, A. (2021). Understanding Optical Music Recognition. ACM Computing Surveys, 53(4), 1–35.
- Dealing with Non-Functional Requirements in Model-Driven Development: A Survey / Ameller, D., Franch, X., Gómez, C., Martínez-Fernández, S., Araújo, J., Biffl, S., Cabot, J., Cortellessa, V., Méndez Fernández, D., Moreira, A., Muccini, H., Vallecillo, A., Wimmer, M., Amaral, V., Böhm, W., Brunelière, H., Burgueño, L., Goulão, M., Teufl, S., & Berardinelli, L. (2021). Dealing with Non-Functional Requirements in Model-Driven Development: A Survey. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 47(4), 818–835.
Gestalt descriptions for deep image understanding
Hörhan, M., & Eidenberger, H. (2021). Gestalt descriptions for deep image understanding. Pattern Analysis and Applications, 24(1), 89–107.
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SoK: Algorithmic Incentive Manipulation Attacks on Permissionless PoW Cryptocurrencies
Judmayer, A., Stifter, N., Zamyatin, A., Tsabary, I., Eyal, I., Gaži, P., Meiklejohn, S., & Weippl, E. (2021). SoK: Algorithmic Incentive Manipulation Attacks on Permissionless PoW Cryptocurrencies. In Financial Cryptography and Data Security. FC 2021 International Workshops (pp. 507–532). Springer.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Pay to Win: Cheap, Cross-Chain Bribing Attacks on PoW Cryptocurrencies
Judmayer, A., Stifter, N., Zamyatin, A., Tsabary, I., Eyal, I., Gaži, P., Meiklejohn, S., & Weippl, E. (2021). Pay to Win: Cheap, Cross-Chain Bribing Attacks on PoW Cryptocurrencies. In Financial Cryptography and Data Security. FC 2021 International Workshops (pp. 533–549). Springer.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Unnecessary Input Heuristics and PayJoin Transactions
Ghesmati, S., Kern, A., Judmayer, A., Stifter, N., & Weippl, E. (2021). Unnecessary Input Heuristics and PayJoin Transactions. In HCI International 2021 - Posters (pp. 416–424).
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) - What Makes Agile Software Development Agile? / Kuhrmann, M., Tell, P., Hebig, R., Klünder, J., Münch, J., Linssen, O., Pfahl, D., Felderer, M., Prause, C., MacDonell, S., Nakatumba-Nabende, J., Raffo, D., Beecham, S., Tüzün, E., Lopez, G., Paez, N., Fontdevila, D., Licorish, S. A., Küpper, S., … Richardson, I. (2021). What Makes Agile Software Development Agile? IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 48(9), 3523–3539.
- Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2021 Workshops / Kotsis, G., Tjoa, A. M., Khalil, I., Moser, B. A., Mashkoor, A., Sametinger, J., Fensel, A., Martinez-Gil, J., Fischer, L., Czech, G., Sobieczky, F., & Khan, S. (Eds.). (2021). Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2021 Workshops (Vol. 1479).
Enabling Resilient Production Through Adaptive Human-Machine Task Sharing
Dhungana, D., Haselböck, A., Schmidbauer, C., Taupe, R., & Wallner, S. (2021). Enabling Resilient Production Through Adaptive Human-Machine Task Sharing. In A.-L. Andersen, Andersen Rasmus, T. D. Brunoe, M. S. S. Larsen, K. Hansen, A. Napoleone, & S. Kjeldgaard (Eds.), Towards Sustainable Customization: Bridging Smart Products and Manufacturing Systems (pp. 198–206). Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Downloads: Additional document / Zusätzliches Dokument (98.3 KB) / Document for validation / Dokument für die Validierung (279 KB) - Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective / Kö, A., Francesconi, E., Kotsis, G., Tjoa, A. M., & Khalil, I. (Eds.). (2021). Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective (Vol. 12926). LNCS.
- Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery / Golfarelli, M., Wrembel, R., Kotsis, G., Tjoa, A. M., & Khalil, I. (Eds.). (2021). Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (Vol. 12925). LNCS.
Patterns for Reuse in Production Systems Engineering
Meixner, K., Lüder, A., Herzog, J., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2021). Patterns for Reuse in Production Systems Engineering. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 31(11n12), 1623–1659.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) - Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction / Holzinger, A., Kieseberg, P., Tjoa, A. M., & Weippl, E. R. (Eds.). (2021). Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction (Vol. 12844). Springer.
- Database and Expert Systems Applications / Strauss, C., Kotsis, G., Tjoa, A. M., & Khalil, I. (Eds.). (2021). Database and Expert Systems Applications (Vol. 12923). LNCS.
- Database and Expert Systems Applications / Strauss, C., Kotsis, G., Tjoa, A. M., & Khalil, I. (Eds.). (2021). Database and Expert Systems Applications (Vol. 12924). LNCS.
- Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems L / Hameurlain, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (Eds.). (2021). Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems L (Vol. 12930). LNCS.
- Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XLVIII / Hameurlain, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (Eds.). (2021). Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XLVIII (Vol. 12670). LNCS.
- Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XLVII / Hameurlain, A., Tjoa, A. M., & Chbeir, R. (Eds.). (2021). Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XLVII (Vol. 12630). LNCS.
- Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business / Fischer-Hübner, S., Lambrinoudakis, C., Kotsis, G., Tjoa, A. M., & Khalil, I. (Eds.). (2021). Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business (Vol. 12927). LNCS.
- A Named Entity Recognition Based Approach for Privacy Requirements Engineering / Herwanto, G. B., Quirchmayr, G., & Tjoa, A. M. (2021). A Named Entity Recognition Based Approach for Privacy Requirements Engineering. In 2021 IEEE 29th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW). 29th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops, RE 2021 Workshops, Notre Dame, IN, United States of America (the). IEEE.
Traceable Multi-view Model Integration: A Transformation Pipeline for Agile Production Systems Engineering
Rinker, F. P., Waltersdorfer, L., Meixner, K., & Winkler, D. (2021). Traceable Multi-view Model Integration: A Transformation Pipeline for Agile Production Systems Engineering. SN Computer Science, 11(1).
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) - FDA-DBRepo: A Data Preservation Repository Supporting FAIR Principles, Data Versioning and Reproducible Queries / Weise, M., Michlits, C., Staudinger, M., Gergely, E., Stytsenko, K., Ganguly, R., & Rauber, A. (2021). FDA-DBRepo: A Data Preservation Repository Supporting FAIR Principles, Data Versioning and Reproducible Queries. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Digital Preservation (p. 34).
- Towards the Representation of Cross-Domain Quality Knowledge for Efficient Data Analytics / Kropatschek, S., Steuer, T., Kiesling, E., Meixner, K., Frühwirth, T., Sommer, P., Schachinger, D., & Biffl, S. (2021). Towards the Representation of Cross-Domain Quality Knowledge for Efficient Data Analytics. In 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA ). 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Västerås, Sweden, Sweden.
- RandRunner: Distributed Randomness from Trapdoor VDFs with Strong Uniqueness / Schindler, P., Judmayer, A., Hittmeir, M., Stifter, N., & Weippl, E. (2021). RandRunner: Distributed Randomness from Trapdoor VDFs with Strong Uniqueness. In Proceedings 2021 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium. Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) Symposium 2021, Unknown. Internet Society.
Migrating Engineering Tools Towards an AutomationML-Based Engineering Pipeline
Behnert, A.-K., Rinker, F. P., Lüder, A., & Biffl, S. (2021). Migrating Engineering Tools Towards an AutomationML-Based Engineering Pipeline. In 2021 IEEE 19th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN). 2021 IEEE 19th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Palma de Mallorca, Spain. IEEE.
Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) -
Updating Service-Based Software Systems in Air-Gapped Environments
Shabelnyk, O., Frangoudis, P. A., Dustdar, S., & Tsigkanos, C. (2021). Updating Service-Based Software Systems in Air-Gapped Environments. In S. Biffl, E. Navarro, W. Löwe, M. Sirjani, R. Mirandola, & D. Weyns (Eds.), Software Architecture (pp. 147–163). Springer, Cham.
Project: EDENSPACE (2019–2022) - The DeepScoresV2 Dataset and Benchmark for Music Object Detection / Tuggener, L., Satyawan, Y. P., Pacha, A., Schmidhuber, J., & Stadelmann, T. (2021). The DeepScoresV2 Dataset and Benchmark for Music Object Detection. In 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) (pp. 9188–9195). Springer International Publishing.
- Mitigating the Position Bias of Transformer Models in Passage Re-ranking / Hofstätter, S., Lipani, A., Althammer, S., Zlabinger, M., & Hanbury, A. (2021). Mitigating the Position Bias of Transformer Models in Passage Re-ranking. In Advances in Information Retrieval (pp. 238–253). springer.
- Bridging Semantic Web and Machine Learning: First Results of a Systematic Mapping Study / Waltersdorfer, L., Breit, A., Ekaputra, F. J., & Sabou, M. (2021). Bridging Semantic Web and Machine Learning: First Results of a Systematic Mapping Study. In Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2021 Workshops (pp. 81–90). springer.
- A Multi-Model Reviewing Approach for Production Systems Engineering Models / Rinker, F., Waltersdorfer, L., Schüller, M., Biffl, S., & Winkler, D. (2021). A Multi-Model Reviewing Approach for Production Systems Engineering Models. In Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (pp. 121–146). Springer.
- How an election can be safely planned and conducted during a pandemic: Decision support based on a discrete event model / Weibrecht, N., Rößler, M., Bicher, M., Emrich, Š., Zauner, G., & Popper, N. (2021). How an election can be safely planned and conducted during a pandemic: Decision support based on a discrete event model. PLoS ONE, 16(12), Article e0261016.
- Embedding Metadata-Enriched Graphs / Bachhofner, S., Aryan, P. R., Krabina, B., & David, R. (2021). Embedding Metadata-Enriched Graphs. In International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) 2021: Posters, Demos, and Industry Tracks. International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Unknown.
Framework proposal for automated generation of production layout scenarios: A parametric design technique to connect production planning and structural industrial building design
Reisinger, J., Zahlbruckner, M. A., Kovacic, I., Kán, P., & Wang-Sukalia, X. (2021). Framework proposal for automated generation of production layout scenarios: A parametric design technique to connect production planning and structural industrial building design. In EG-ICE 2021 Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (pp. 22–33). Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin.
Project: BIM_Flexi (2020–2022) - Multi-channel Convolutional Neural Network for Hate Speech Detection in Social Media / Abebaw, Z., Rauber, A., & Atnafu, S. (2021). Multi-channel Convolutional Neural Network for Hate Speech Detection in Social Media. In Advances of Science and Technology 9th EAI International Conference, ICAST 2021 (pp. 603–618). Springer.
- An Overview of Music Retrieval and Recommendation: From Describing Sound to Asking What is Fair / Knees, P. (2021). An Overview of Music Retrieval and Recommendation: From Describing Sound to Asking What is Fair. In M. Tkalcic, V. Pejović, M. Kljun, & K. Čopič Pucihar (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th Human-Computer Interaction Slovenia Conference (p. 2). CEUR-WS.
- Training Effective Neural Networks on Structured Data with Federated Learning / Pustozerova, A., Rauber, A., & Mayer, R. (2021). Training Effective Neural Networks on Structured Data with Federated Learning. In Advanced Information Networking and Applications (pp. 394–406).
- Panel on: Human-centered AI - Are we there yet? / Knees, P., Bauer, C., Lex, E., Sacharidis, D., & Tkalcic, M. (2021). Panel on: Human-centered AI - Are we there yet? 5th HUMANIZE Workshop on Transparency and Explainability in Adaptive Systems through User Modeling Grounded in Psychological Theory, College Station, TX, USA, United States of America (the).
- Have it Your Way: Generating Customized Log Datasets With a Model-Driven Simulation Testbed / Landauer, M., Skopik, F., Wurzenberger, M., Hotwagner, W., & Rauber, A. (2021). Have it Your Way: Generating Customized Log Datasets With a Model-Driven Simulation Testbed. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 70(1), 402–415.
- WellFort: A Platform for Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis / Miksa, T., Sarcevic, T., Mayer, R., & Waltersdorfer, L. (2021). WellFort: A Platform for Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis. ERCIM News, 2021(126).
- Automating Evaluation of Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans with Semantic Web Technologies / Foidl, R., Brugger, L. S., & Miksa, T. (2021). Automating Evaluation of Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans with Semantic Web Technologies. In DaMaLOS - 2nd Workshop on Data and Research Objects Management for Linked Open Science : Co-located at the International Semantic Web Conference ISWC 2021 (p. 13). PUBLISSO.
- Real-world experience with anti-PD-1/PD-L1 monotherapy in patients with non-small cell lung cancer / Geiger-Gritsch, S., Olschewski, H., Kocher, F., Wurm, R., Absenger, G., Flicker, M., Hermann, A., Heininger, P., Fiegl, M., Zechmeister, M., Endel, F., Wild, C., & Pall, G. (2021). Real-world experience with anti-PD-1/PD-L1 monotherapy in patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 133(21–22), 1122–1130.
- Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - A Security, Safety and Privacy Perspective on AI / Holzinger, A., Weippl, E., Tjoa, A. M., & Kieseberg, P. (2021). Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - A Security, Safety and Privacy Perspective on AI. In Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction (pp. 1–20). Springer.
- A data-visiting infrastructure for providing access to preserved databases that cannot be shared or made publicly accessible / Weise, M., & Rauber, A. (2021). A data-visiting infrastructure for providing access to preserved databases that cannot be shared or made publicly accessible. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Digital Preservation (p. 51).
- Developing a fully automated evidence synthesis tool for identifying, assessing and collating the evidence / Brassey, J., Price, C., Edwards, J., Zlabinger, M., Bampoulidis, A., & Hanbury, A. (2021). Developing a fully automated evidence synthesis tool for identifying, assessing and collating the evidence. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, 26(1), 24–27.
- Knowledge Graph for Explainable Cyber Physical Systems: A Case study in Smart Energy Grids / Aryan, P. R. (2021). Knowledge Graph for Explainable Cyber Physical Systems: A Case study in Smart Energy Grids. In P. R. Aryan (Ed.), Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium at ISWC 2021 (pp. 25–32).
- Using SPARQL to express Causality in Explainable Cyber-Physical Systems / Aryan, P. R., Deimel, M., Ekaputra, F. J., & Sabou, M. (2021). Using SPARQL to express Causality in Explainable Cyber-Physical Systems. In 2021 8th International Conference on Advanced Informatics: Concepts, Theory and Applications (ICAICTA). ICAICTA 2021, Online, Unknown. IEEE.
- Knowledge Graph Construction using Information Extraction of Indonesia Cosmetic Product Text in Bahasa Indonesia / Josephine, D. A., Purwarianti, A., & Ekaputra, F. J. (2021). Knowledge Graph Construction using Information Extraction of Indonesia Cosmetic Product Text in Bahasa Indonesia. In 2021 8th International Conference on Advanced Informatics: Concepts, Theory and Applications (ICAICTA). ICAICTA 2021, Online, Unknown. IEEE.
- Data Augmentation for Layperson’s Medical Entity Linking Task / Ningtyas, A. M., Piroi, F., Andersson, L., & Hanbury, A. (2021). Data Augmentation for Layperson’s Medical Entity Linking Task. In FIRE ’21: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of the Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation (pp. 99–106).
- Detecting Multi Word Terms in patents the same way as entities / Fink, T., Andersson, L., & Hanbury, A. (2021). Detecting Multi Word Terms in patents the same way as entities. World Patent Information, 67, Article 102078.
- Enabling FAIR use of Ethnomusicology Data - Through Distributed Repositories, Linked Data and Music Information Retrieval / Hofmann, A., Miksa, T., Knees, P., Bakos, A., Sağlam, H., Ahmedaja, A., Yimwadsana, B., Chan, C., & Rauber, A. (2021). Enabling FAIR use of Ethnomusicology Data - Through Distributed Repositories, Linked Data and Music Information Retrieval. Empirical Musicology Review, 16(1), 47–64.
- Automating Research Data Management Using Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans / Miksa, T., Rauber, A., & Oblasser, S. (2021). Automating Research Data Management Using Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 13(2), 1–22.
- Modelling Engineered Object Dependencies in an AutomationML-based Tool Chain / Lüder, A., Meixner, K., Behnert, A.-K., & Biffl, S. (2021). Modelling Engineered Object Dependencies in an AutomationML-based Tool Chain. In 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA ). 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Västerås, Sweden, Sweden.
- Reducing Risk in Industrial Bin Picking With PPRS Configuration and Dependency Management / Sarna, M., Meixner, K., Biffl, S., & Lüder, A. (2021). Reducing Risk in Industrial Bin Picking With PPRS Configuration and Dependency Management. In Proceedings 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Västerås, Sweden, Sweden.
- Decision Support for Frugal Products and Production Systems based on Product-Process-Resource-Skill & Variability Models / Fidan, Y., Lüder, A., Meixner, K., Baumann, L., & Arlinghaus, J. (2021). Decision Support for Frugal Products and Production Systems based on Product-Process-Resource-Skill & Variability Models. In Procedia CIRP. CIRP CMS 2021 - 54th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2021, Athens, Greece, Greece. Elsevier.
- Flexibe Multi-Aspect Model Integration for Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering / Rinker, F. (2021). Flexibe Multi-Aspect Model Integration for Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering. In Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium Papers Presented at the 33rd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2021). CAiSE ’21 33rd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Melbourne, Australia.
- A Systematic Study as Foundation for a Variability Modeling Body of Knowledge / Feichtinger, K., Meixner, K., Rabiser, R., & Biffl, S. (2021). A Systematic Study as Foundation for a Variability Modeling Body of Knowledge. In 2021 47th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA). 47th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), Palermo, Italy, Italy. IEEE.
- Towards Efficient Generation of a Multi-Domain Engineering Graph with Common Concepts / Rinker, F., Meixner, K., Waltersdorfer, L., Winkler, D., Lüder, A., & Biffl, S. (2021). Towards Efficient Generation of a Multi-Domain Engineering Graph with Common Concepts. In 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA ). 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Västerås, Sweden, Sweden.
- A reusable set of real-world product line case studies for comparing variability models in research and practice / Meixner, K., Feichtinger, K., Rabiser, R., & Biffl, S. (2021). A reusable set of real-world product line case studies for comparing variability models in research and practice. In Proceedings of the 25th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference - Volume B. 25th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2021), Leicester, UK, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the). ACM.
- A Domain-Specific Language for Product-Process-Resource Modeling / Meixner, K., Rinker, F., Marcher, H., Decker, J., & Biffl, S. (2021). A Domain-Specific Language for Product-Process-Resource Modeling. In 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA ). 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Västerås, Sweden, Sweden.
- Towards Efficient Asset-Based Configuration Management with a PPR Asset Directory / Biffl, S., Meixner, K., Winkler, D., & Lüder, A. (2021). Towards Efficient Asset-Based Configuration Management with a PPR Asset Directory. In 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA ). 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Västerås, Sweden, Sweden.
- Big Data Needs and Challenges in Smart Manufacturing: An Industry-Academia Survey / Winkler, D., Korobeinykov, A., Novak, P., Lüder, A., & Biffl, S. (2021). Big Data Needs and Challenges in Smart Manufacturing: An Industry-Academia Survey. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Västerås, Sweden, Sweden.
- Industry 4.0 Asset-based Risk Mitigation for Production Operation / Winkler, D., Novak, P., Vyskocil, J., Meixner, K., & Biffl, S. (2021). Industry 4.0 Asset-based Risk Mitigation for Production Operation. In 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). 17th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Lyon, France, France. IEEE.
- Product-Process-Resource Asset Networks as Foundation for Improving CPPS Engineering / Winkler, D., Novak, P., Meixner, K., Vyskocil, J., Rinker, F., & Biffl, S. (2021). Product-Process-Resource Asset Networks as Foundation for Improving CPPS Engineering. In 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA ). 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Västerås, Sweden, Sweden.
- The SLOGERT Framework for Automated Log Knowledge Graph Construction / Ekelhart, A., Ekaputra, F. J., & Kiesling, E. (2021). The SLOGERT Framework for Automated Log Knowledge Graph Construction. In The Semantic Web (pp. 631–646).
- Patterns for Reuse in Production Systems Engineering / Meixner, K., Lüder, A., Herzog, J., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2021). Patterns for Reuse in Production Systems Engineering. In Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE), Pittsburgh, USA, United States of America (the). IEEE.
- An Industry 4.0 Asset-Based Coordination Artifact for Production Systems Engineering / Biffl, S., Musil, J., Musil, A., Meixner, K., Lüder, A., Rinker, F., Weyns, D., & Winkler, D. (2021). An Industry 4.0 Asset-Based Coordination Artifact for Production Systems Engineering. In 2021 IEEE 23rd Conference on Business Informatics (CBI). 23rd IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics, Dolomites, South Tyrol, Italy. IEEE.
- From Machine Learning to Knowledge-Based Decision Support—A Predictive-Model-Markup-Language-to-Arden-Syntax Transformer for Decision Trees / Zeckl, J., Wastian, M., Brunmeir, D., Rappelsberger, A., Arseniev, S. B., & Adlassnig, K.-P. (2021). From Machine Learning to Knowledge-Based Decision Support—A Predictive-Model-Markup-Language-to-Arden-Syntax Transformer for Decision Trees. In V. Kreinovich & N. Hoang Phuong (Eds.), Studies in Computational Intelligence (pp. 89–99). Springer.
- 32 Engineering Data Logistics based on AML / Lüder, A., Biffl, S., Rinker, F., & Behnert, A.-K. (2021). 32 Engineering Data Logistics based on AML. In AutomationML (pp. 579–602). DeGruyter.
- Data, Models, and Decisions: How We Can Shape Our World by Not Predicting the Future / Popper, N. (2021). Data, Models, and Decisions: How We Can Shape Our World by Not Predicting the Future. In Perspectives on Digital Humanism (pp. 297–302). Springer.
- Datengestützte Empfehlungssysteme – Kuratiertes Musikangebot. / Knees, P. (2021). Datengestützte Empfehlungssysteme – Kuratiertes Musikangebot. In H. Wandjo & A. Endreß (Eds.), Musikwirtschaft im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung (pp. 419–432). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
- FAIR Data Austria - Aligning the Implementation of FAIR Tools and Services / Blumesberger, S., Gänsdorfer, N., Ganguly, R., Gergely, E., Gruber, A., Hasani-Mavriqi, I., Kalová, T., Ladurner, C., Macher, T., Miksa, T., Sanchéz Solís, B., Schranzhofer, H., Stork, C., Stryeck, S., & Thöricht, H. (2021). FAIR Data Austria - Aligning the Implementation of FAIR Tools and Services. Die Mitteilungen Der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen Und Bibliothekare, 74(2), 102–120.
- How an Agent-Based Population Model Became a Key-Element of the Austrian Effort Against COVID-19 / Emrich, S., & Popper, N. (2021). How an Agent-Based Population Model Became a Key-Element of the Austrian Effort Against COVID-19. ERCIM News, 124, 32–33.
- Digital Twins for Cyber-Physical Threat Detection and Response / Eckhart, M., Ekelhart, A., & Eisl, R. (2021). Digital Twins for Cyber-Physical Threat Detection and Response. ERCIM News, 127, 2.
- Evaluation of undetected cases during the COVID-19 epidemic in Austria / Rippinger, C., Bicher, M., Urach, C., Brunmeir, D., Weibrecht, N., Zauner, G., Sroczynski, G., Jahn, B., Mühlberger, N., Siebert, U., & Popper, N. (2021). Evaluation of undetected cases during the COVID-19 epidemic in Austria. BMC Infectious Diseases, 21(70).
- Targeted COVID-19 Vaccination (TAV-COVID) Considering Limited Vaccination Capacities-An Agent-Based Modeling Evaluation / Jahn, B., Sroczynski, G., Bicher, M., Rippinger, C., Mühlberger, N., Santamaria, J., Urach, C., Schomaker, M., Stojkov, I., Schmid, D., Weiss, G., Wiedermann, U., Redlberger-Fritz, M., Druml, C., Kretschmar, M., Paulke-Korinek, M., Ostermann, H., Czasch, C., Endel, G., … Siebert, U. (2021). Targeted COVID-19 Vaccination (TAV-COVID) Considering Limited Vaccination Capacities-An Agent-Based Modeling Evaluation. Vaccines, 9(5), 434.
- Reproduction of patterns in melanocytic proliferations by agent-based simulation and geometric modeling / Schneckenreither, G., Tschandl, P., Rippinger, C., Sinz, C., Brunmeir, D., Popper, N., & Kittler, H. (2021). Reproduction of patterns in melanocytic proliferations by agent-based simulation and geometric modeling. PLoS Computational Biology, 17(2), e1008660.
- Synthetic Reproduction and Augmentation of COVID-19 Case Reporting Data by Agent-Based Simulation / Popper, N., Zechmeister, M., Brunmeir, D., Rippinger, C., Weibrecht, N., Urach, C., Bicher, M., Schneckenreither, G., & Rauber, A. (2021). Synthetic Reproduction and Augmentation of COVID-19 Case Reporting Data by Agent-Based Simulation. Data Science Journal, 20.
- Improving data quality in large-scale repositories through conflict resolution / Kulmukhametov, A., Rauber, A., & Becker, C. (2021). Improving data quality in large-scale repositories through conflict resolution. In International Journal on Digital Libraries (pp. 365–383). Springer-Verlag.
- Explainable cyber-physical energy systems based on knowledge graph / Aryan, P. R., Ekaputra, F. J., Sabou, M., Hauer, D., Mosshammer, R., Einfalt, A., Miksa, T., & Rauber, A. (2021). Explainable cyber-physical energy systems based on knowledge graph. In Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems. ACM Digital Library.
- Virtual Knowledge Graphs for Federated Log Analysis / Kurniawan, K., Ekelhart, A., Kiesling, E., & Winkler, D. (2021). Virtual Knowledge Graphs for Federated Log Analysis. In The 16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. ARES 2021: The 16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, Vienna, Austria, Austria. ACM.
- Continuous Integration in Multi-view Modeling: A Model Transformation Pipeline Architecture for Production Systems Engineering / Rinker, F., Waltersdorfer, L., Meixner, K., Winkler, D., Lüder, A., & Biffl, S. (2021). Continuous Integration in Multi-view Modeling: A Model Transformation Pipeline Architecture for Production Systems Engineering. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development. 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2021) - Online Conference, Vienna, Austria, Austria. SCITEPRESS.
- Multi-view-Model Risk Assessment in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering / Biffl, S., Lüder, A., Meixner, K., Rinker, F., Eckhart, M., & Winkler, D. (2021). Multi-view-Model Risk Assessment in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development. 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2021) - Online Conference, Vienna, Austria, Austria. SCITEPRESS.
- Machine Learning Applied to Music/Audio Signal Processing / Lerch, A., & Knees, P. (2021). Machine Learning Applied to Music/Audio Signal Processing. Electronics, 10(24), 3077.
- Software Quality: Future Perspectives on Software Engineering Quality / Winkler, D., Biffl, S., Méndez Fernández, D., Wimmer, M., & Bergsmann, J. (Eds.). (2021). Software Quality: Future Perspectives on Software Engineering Quality. Springer.
Integrated multi-objective evolutionary optimization of production layout scenarios for parametric structural design of flexible industrial buildings
Reisinger, J., Zahlbruckner, M. A., Kovacic, I., Kán, P., Wang-Sukalia, X., & Kaufmann, H. (2021). Integrated multi-objective evolutionary optimization of production layout scenarios for parametric structural design of flexible industrial buildings. Journal of Building Engineering, 46(103766), 103766.
Project: BIM_Flexi (2020–2022) - Investigation on Stability Properties of Hierarchical Co-Simulation / Hafner, I., & Popper, N. (2021). Investigation on Stability Properties of Hierarchical Co-Simulation. SNE Simulation Notes Europe, 31(1), 17–24.
- An Overview of the State of the Art in Co-Simulation and Related Methods / Hafner, I., & Popper, N. (2021). An Overview of the State of the Art in Co-Simulation and Related Methods. SNE Simulation Notes Europe, 31(4), 185–200.
- The openEO API-Harmonising the Use of Earth Observation Cloud Services Using Virtual Data Cube Functionalities / Schramm, M., Pebesma, E., Milenković, M., Foresta, L., Dries, J., Jacob, A., Wagner, W., Mohr, M., Neteler, M., Kadunc, M., Miksa, T., Kempeneers, P., Verbesselt, J., Gößwein, B., Navacchi, C., Lippens, S., & Reiche, J. (2021). The openEO API-Harmonising the Use of Earth Observation Cloud Services Using Virtual Data Cube Functionalities. Remote Sensing, 13(6), 1125.
- A Large Neighbourhood Search Metaheuristic for the Contagious Disease Testing Problem / Wolfinger, D., Gansterer, M., Doerner, K. F., & Popper, N. (2021). A Large Neighbourhood Search Metaheuristic for the Contagious Disease Testing Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 304(1), 169–182.
- Application profile for machine-actionable data management plans / Miksa, T., Walk, P., Neish, P., Oblasser, S., Murray, H., Renner, T., Jacquemot-Perbal, M.-C., Cardoso, J., Kvamme, T., Praetzellis, M., Suchánek, M., Hooft, R., Faure, B., Moa, H., Hasan, A., & Jones, S. (2021). Application profile for machine-actionable data management plans. Data Science Journal, 20(1), 32.
- Interconnecting Systems Using Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans - Hackathon Report / Cardoso, J., Castro, L. J., & Miksa, T. (2021). Interconnecting Systems Using Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans - Hackathon Report. Data Science Journal, 20.
- Meta-Learner for Amharic Sentiment Classification / Neshir, G., Rauber, A., & Atnafu, S. (2021). Meta-Learner for Amharic Sentiment Classification. Applied Sciences, 11(18), 8489.
- Informatik für alle! Aktivitäten zu Computational Thinking,Programmieren und "Zaubertricks" / Prinzinger, P. (2021). Informatik für alle! Aktivitäten zu Computational Thinking,Programmieren und “Zaubertricks.” OCG Journal, 46(1–2), 13–15.
- Informatik und Digitale Kompetenz für Alle / Futschek, G. (2021). Informatik und Digitale Kompetenz für Alle. OCG Journal, 46(1–2), 8–10.
- Synthese von Krankheitsausbreitungs- und Netzwerksdaten für die Covid-19-Simulation / Hanbury, A., & Popper, N. (2021). Synthese von Krankheitsausbreitungs- und Netzwerksdaten für die Covid-19-Simulation. WWTF (Vienna Science and Technology Fund) Online Lecture Series “Vienna Researches Corona,” Wien, Austria.
- Nachvollziehbare KI / Knees, P. (2021). Nachvollziehbare KI. Digitale Kompetenzen @ Parlament, Wien, Austria.
- Simulation, Prognose und Optimierung: Wie unterstützen Daten die Entscheidungsfindung? / Popper, N. (2021). Simulation, Prognose und Optimierung: Wie unterstützen Daten die Entscheidungsfindung? Universität Wien, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Wie unterstützen Daten bei der Entscheidungsfindung?, Wien, Austria.
- Zahlen, bitte! / Popper, N. (2021). Zahlen, bitte! Theater im Park, Wien, Austria.
- Podiumsdiskussion: Krisen bewältigen - Was lernen wir aus Corona? / Popper, N. (2021). Podiumsdiskussion: Krisen bewältigen - Was lernen wir aus Corona? Internationale Akademie Traunkirchen, Traunkirchen, Austria.
- Verortung nach dem langen Lockdown / Popper, N. (2021). Verortung nach dem langen Lockdown. Austrian Health Forum, Schladming, Austria.
- "Wien erforscht Corona": Daten nutzbar machen, Infektionsdynamiken verstehen / Popper, N. (2021). “Wien erforscht Corona”: Daten nutzbar machen, Infektionsdynamiken verstehen. WWTF Online-Vortragsreihe, Wien, Austria.
- Woher kommen die Covid-19-Zahlen? / Popper, N., & Bicher, M. (2021). Woher kommen die Covid-19-Zahlen? TU Wien Alumnitag 2021, Wien, Austria.
- Modellierung, Daten und Entscheidungen - Was kann mathematische Simulation? / Popper, N. (2021). Modellierung, Daten und Entscheidungen - Was kann mathematische Simulation? tuForMAth, Forum Mathematik, Vienna, Austria.
- Artists in Discourse - MEET / Popper, N. (2021). Artists in Discourse - MEET. Europäisches Forum Alpbach, Alpbach, Austria.
- Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XLIX / Hameurlain, A., Tjoa, A. M., Amann, B., & Goasdoué, F. (Eds.). (2021). Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XLIX. Springer.
- Status Quo in Requirements Engineering: A Theory and a Global Family of Surveys / Wagner, S., Méndez Fernández, D., Felderer, M., Vetrò, A., Kalinowski, M., Wieringa, R., Pfahl, D., Conte, T., Christiansson, M.-T., Greer, D., Lassenius, C., Männistö, T., Nayebi, M., Oivo, M., Penzenstadler, B., Prikladnicki, R., Ruhe, G., Schekelmann, A., Sen, S., … Winkler, D. (2021). Status Quo in Requirements Engineering: A Theory and a Global Family of Surveys. In Software Engineering 2021, Proceedings of the SE21 Conference (pp. 115–116). Gesellschaft für Informatik.
- The Challenge of Reconstructing Digits in Music Scores / Pacha, A. (2021). The Challenge of Reconstructing Digits in Music Scores. In J. Calvo-Zaragoza & A. Pacha (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Reading Music Systems (pp. 4–7). Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Reading Music Systems.
- Integration of building material databases for IFC-based building performance analysis / Fenz, S., Bergmayr, J., Plattner, N., Chávez-Feria, S., Poveda-Villalón, M., & Giannakis, G. (2021). Integration of building material databases for IFC-based building performance analysis. In Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC). International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC), Austria. International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC).
- An Integrated Scan-to-BIM Approach for Buildings Energy Performance Evaluation and Retrofitting / Valero, E., Mohanty, D. D., Ceklarz, M., Tao, B., Bosche, F., Giannakis, G. I., Fenz, S., Katsigarakis, K., N. Lilis, G., Rovas, D., & Papanikolaou, A. (2021). An Integrated Scan-to-BIM Approach for Buildings Energy Performance Evaluation and Retrofitting. In Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC). International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC), Austria. International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC).
- TUW-IFS at TREC NEWS 2020 Wikification Task / Ningtyas, A. M., El-Ebshihy, A., Piroi, F., Andersson, L., & Hanbury, A. (2021). TUW-IFS at TREC NEWS 2020 Wikification Task. In The Twenty-Ninth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2020) Proceedings (pp. 1–10). NIST.
- PlusIQ - Agrarphotovoltaik: Integration als Weg zum Plus-Energie-Quartier / Herbig, U., Weihs, P., Schauppenlehner, T., Shala-Mayerhofer, V., Zamini, S., Berger, K., Damjanovic, D., Eitzinger, J., Neubauer, T., Pont, U., Tjoa, A. M., & Wagner, D. A. (2021). PlusIQ - Agrarphotovoltaik: Integration als Weg zum Plus-Energie-Quartier (Forschungsantrag).
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- Gamification as an enabler of quality distant education : The need for guiding ethical principles towards an education for a global society leaving no one behind / Pöcze, F., & Tjoa, A. M. (2020). Gamification as an enabler of quality distant education : The need for guiding ethical principles towards an education for a global society leaving no one behind. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services. The 22nd International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, Virtual Event / Chiang Mai, Thailand, Thailand. ACM.
User Mental Models of Cryptocurrency Systems - A Grounded Theory Approach
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Project: CDL-SQI (2018–2024) - Empirical Software Engineering Experimentation with Human Computation / Sabou, R. M., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2020). Empirical Software Engineering Experimentation with Human Computation. In M. Felderer & G. H. Travassos (Eds.), Contemporary Empirical Methods in Software Engineering (pp. 173–215). Springer International Publishing.
- Intelligent User Interfaces for Music Discovery / Knees, P., Schedl, M., & Goto, M. (2020). Intelligent User Interfaces for Music Discovery. Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, 3(1), 165–179.
- Special Issue on User Modeling for Personalized Interaction with Music / Tkalcic, M., Schedl, M., & Knees, P. (Eds.). (2020). Special Issue on User Modeling for Personalized Interaction with Music. Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
- Preface to the Special Issue on User Modeling for Personalized Interaction with Music / Tkalčič, M., Schedl, M., & Knees, P. (2020). Preface to the Special Issue on User Modeling for Personalized Interaction with Music. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 30(2), 195–198.
- Music Tower Blocks: Multi-Faceted Exploration Interface for Web-Scale Music Access / Schedl, M., Mayr, M., & Knees, P. (2020). Music Tower Blocks: Multi-Faceted Exploration Interface for Web-Scale Music Access. In Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval. 2020 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR ´20), Dublin, Ireland. ACM.
- HydRand: Efficient Continuous Distributed Randomness / Schindler, P., Judmayer, A., Stifter, N., & Weippl, E. (2020). HydRand: Efficient Continuous Distributed Randomness. In 2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). 2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, San Francisco, CA, United States of America (the).
- Semantics for Cyber-Physical Systems: A Cross-Domain Perspective / Sabou, M., Biffl, S., Einfalt, A., Krammer, L., Kastner, W., & Ekaputra, F. J. (2020). Semantics for Cyber-Physical Systems: A Cross-Domain Perspective. Semantic Web, 11(1), 115–124.
- Neutrality and Fairness in Music Recommendation: A Matter of Digital Humanism / Knees, P. (2020). Neutrality and Fairness in Music Recommendation: A Matter of Digital Humanism. Georgia Tech Center for Music Technology Seminar Series, Atlanta, United States of America (the).
- How to teach Informatics concepts with Bebras Cards at Primary Schools / Dagiene, V., & Futschek, G. (2020). How to teach Informatics concepts with Bebras Cards at Primary Schools. 10. Schweizer Tag für den Informatikunterricht, Zürich, Switzerland.
- How to Teach Informatics Concepts and Problem Solving with Bebras Tasks / Futschek, G., & Dagiene, V. (2020). How to Teach Informatics Concepts and Problem Solving with Bebras Tasks. 10. Schweizer Tag für den Informatikunterricht, Zürich, Switzerland.
- Society-Level Software Governance / Musil, J., Musil, A., Weyns, D., & Biffl, S. (2020). Society-Level Software Governance. In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering Workshops. 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering Workshops (ICSEW´20), Seoul, Korea (the Republic of).
- Experiences with technical debt and management strategies in production systems engineering / Waltersdorfer, L., Rinker, F., Kathrein, L., & Biffl, S. (2020). Experiences with technical debt and management strategies in production systems engineering. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Technical Debt. International Conference on Technical Debt 2020 (TechDebt 2020), Seoul, Korea (the Republic of). ACM.
- Variability Transformation from Industrial Engineering Artifacts / Feichtinger, K., Meixner, K., Rabiser, R., & Biffl, S. (2020). Variability Transformation from Industrial Engineering Artifacts. In Proceedings of the 24th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference - Volume B. Online Conference 24th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2020), Montreal, Canada. ACM.
- Integrating Variability Modeling of Products, Processes, and Resources in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering / Meixner, K. (2020). Integrating Variability Modeling of Products, Processes, and Resources in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering. In Proceedings of the 24th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference - Volume B. Online Conference 24th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2020), Montreal, Canada. ACM.
- Towards Test-Driven Model Development in Production Systems Engineering / Rinker, F., Waltersdorfer, L., & Biffl, S. (2020). Towards Test-Driven Model Development in Production Systems Engineering. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. Online Conference 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020), Online, Unknown. ScitePress.
- Verifying Extended Entity Relationship Diagrams with Open Tasks / Sabou, R. M., Käsznar, K., Zlabinger, M., Biffl, S., & Winkler, D. (2020). Verifying Extended Entity Relationship Diagrams with Open Tasks. In Proceedings of the 8th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing, HCOMP (pp. 132–140).
- Effective Crowd-Annotation of Participants, Interventions, and Outcomes in the Text of Clinical Trial Reports / Zlabinger, M., Sabou, M., Hofstätter, S., & Hanbury, A. (2020). Effective Crowd-Annotation of Participants, Interventions, and Outcomes in the Text of Clinical Trial Reports. In T. Cohn, Y. He, & Y. Liu (Eds.), Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020. The Association for Computational Linguistics.
- DEXA: Supporting Non-Expert Annotators with Dynamic Examples from Experts / Zlabinger, M., Sabou, M., Hofstätter, S., Sertkan, M., & Hanbury, A. (2020). DEXA: Supporting Non-Expert Annotators with Dynamic Examples from Experts. In J. Huang & Y. Chang (Eds.), Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, United States.
- Predicting MPI Collective Communication Performance Using Machine Learning / Hunold, S., Bhatele, A., Bosilca, G., & Knees, P. (2020). Predicting MPI Collective Communication Performance Using Machine Learning. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER). IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (IEEE Cluster 2020) - Online Conference, Kobe, Japan. IEEE.
- Sustainable Learning of Informatics Concepts / Futschek, G., & Prinzinger, P. (2020). Sustainable Learning of Informatics Concepts. ISSEP 2020, Tallin, Estonia.
- Simulation Based Decision Support -the COVID19 Crisis from a Modeller's Perspective / Popper, N., & Bicher, M. (2020). Simulation Based Decision Support -the COVID19 Crisis from a Modeller’s Perspective. 25. Symposium Simulationstechnik - ASIM 2020, online, Unknown.
- Towards an Agile Framework for Business Intelligence Projects / Prouza, M., Brodinova, S., & Tjoa, A. M. (2020). Towards an Agile Framework for Business Intelligence Projects. In 2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO). 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology, Opatija, Croatia. IEEE.
- The Linked Data Enterprise as Enabler for both Intra- and Inter-organizational Business Data Integration and Usage / Tjoa, A. M. (2020). The Linked Data Enterprise as Enabler for both Intra- and Inter-organizational Business Data Integration and Usage. In 2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO). 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology, Opatija, Croatia. IEEE.
- Farm/IT - Innovative Digital Technologies for Strengthening the Resilience of Austrian Farming Systems to Climate Risks / Manschadi, A., Soltani, A., Fuchs, W., Ryall, S., Koppensteiner, L., Eitzinger, J., Kaul, H.-P., & Neubauer, T. (2020). Farm/IT - Innovative Digital Technologies for Strengthening the Resilience of Austrian Farming Systems to Climate Risks. In Book of Abstracts - Second International Crop Modelling Symposium. iCROPM2020 - Crop Modelling for the Future, Montpellier, France.
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- Graph-based Model Inspection Tool for Multi-disciplinary Production Systems Engineering / Rinker, F., Waltersdorfer, L., Schüller, M., & Winkler, D. (2020). Graph-based Model Inspection Tool for Multi-disciplinary Production Systems Engineering. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development. Modelswards 2020, Valetta, Malta. ScitePress.
- Learning to Re-Rank with Contextualized Stopwords / Hofstätter, S., Lipani, A., Zlabinger, M., & Hanbury, A. (2020). Learning to Re-Rank with Contextualized Stopwords. In Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management. CIKM 2020: International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management 2020, Virtual Event, Ireland.
- Unsupervised cross-modal audio representation learning from unstructured multilingual text / Schindler, A., Gordea, S., & Knees, P. (2020). Unsupervised cross-modal audio representation learning from unstructured multilingual text. In Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC ´20), Brno, Czechia. ACM.
- Visualizing Syscalls using Self-organizing Maps for System Intrusion Detection / Landauer, M., Skopik, F., Wurzenberger, M., Hotwagner, W., & Rauber, A. (2020). Visualizing Syscalls using Self-organizing Maps for System Intrusion Detection. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy. International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, Valletta, Malta. SciTePress.
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- System Log Clustering Approaches for Cyber Security Applications: A Survey / Landauer, M., Skopik, F., Wurzenberger, M., & Rauber, A. (2020). System Log Clustering Approaches for Cyber Security Applications: A Survey. Computers and Security, 92(101739), 101739.
- A Graphical Toolkit for IEC 62264-2 / Lang, L., Wally, B., Huemer, C., Šindelář, R., Mazak, A., & Wimmer, M. (2020). A Graphical Toolkit for IEC 62264-2. In R. X. Gao & K. Ehmann (Eds.), 53rd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2020 (pp. 532–537). Elsevier BV.
- synERGY: Cross-correlation of operational and contextual data to timely detect and mitigate attacks to cyber-physical systems / Skopik, F., Landauer, M., Wurzenberger, M., Vormayr, G., Milosevic, J., Fabini, J., Prüggler, W., Kruschitz, O., Widmann, B., Truckenthanner, K., Rass, S., Simmer, M., & Zauner, C. (2020). synERGY: Cross-correlation of operational and contextual data to timely detect and mitigate attacks to cyber-physical systems. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 54(102544), 102544.
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- Modellunterstützte Qualitätssicherung von Engineering-Daten industrieller Produktionssysteme / Winkler, D., Meixner, K., Mordinyi, R., & Biffl, S. (2020). Modellunterstützte Qualitätssicherung von Engineering-Daten industrieller Produktionssysteme. In Springer Reference Technik (pp. 1–33). Springer.
- Prozessunterstützung für modellorientiertes Engineering von CPPS von der Konzeptphase bis zur virtuellen Inbetriebnahme / Biffl, S., Winkler, D., Kathrein, L., Rinker, F., Mordinyi, R., & Steininger, H. (2020). Prozessunterstützung für modellorientiertes Engineering von CPPS von der Konzeptphase bis zur virtuellen Inbetriebnahme. In Springer Reference Technik (pp. 1–39). Springer.
- Full Parameterisation Matters for the Best Performance of Crop Models: Inter‑comparison of a Simple and a Detailed Maize Model / Manschadi, A. M., Eitzinger, J., Breisch, M., Fuchs, W., Neubauer, T., & Soltani, A. (2020). Full Parameterisation Matters for the Best Performance of Crop Models: Inter‑comparison of a Simple and a Detailed Maize Model. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLANT PRODUCTION, 15(1), 61–78.
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- Cross-Platform File System Activity Monitoring and Forensics – A Semantic Approach / Kurniawan, K., Ekelhart, A., Kiesling, E., & Ekaputra, F. J. (2020). Cross-Platform File System Activity Monitoring and Forensics – A Semantic Approach. In ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection (pp. 384–397). Springer.
- Generating Industry 4.0 Asset Administration Shells with Data from Engineering Data Logistics / Lüder, A., Behnert, A.-K., Rinker, F., & Biffl, S. (2020). Generating Industry 4.0 Asset Administration Shells with Data from Engineering Data Logistics. In 2020 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Vienna, Austria, Austria. IEEE.
- Efficient Test Case Generation from Product and Process Model Properties and Preconditions / Meixner, K., Kathrein, L., Winkler, D., Lüder, A., & Biffl, S. (2020). Efficient Test Case Generation from Product and Process Model Properties and Preconditions. In 2020 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Vienna, Austria, Austria. IEEE.
- Towards a Domain-Specific Language for Product-Process-Resource Constraints / Meixner, K., Decker, J., Marcher, H., Lüder, A., & Biffl, S. (2020). Towards a Domain-Specific Language for Product-Process-Resource Constraints. In 2020 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Vienna, Austria, Austria. IEEE.
- Towards Model Consistency Representations in a Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Network / Winkler, D., Lüder, A., Meixner, K., Rinker, F., & Biffl, S. (2020). Towards Model Consistency Representations in a Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Network. In 2020 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Vienna, Austria, Austria.
- Paving Pathways for Digitalization in Engineering: Common Concepts in Engineering Chains / Lüder, A., Baumann, L., Behnert, A.-K., Rinker, F., & Biffl, S. (2020). Paving Pathways for Digitalization in Engineering: Common Concepts in Engineering Chains. In 2020 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Vienna, Austria, Austria.
- Modeling Expert Knowledge for Optimal CPPS Resource Selection for a Product Portfolio / Meixner, K., Lüder, A., Herzog, J., Röpke, H., & Biffl, S. (2020). Modeling Expert Knowledge for Optimal CPPS Resource Selection for a Product Portfolio. In 2020 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Vienna, Austria, Austria. IEEE.
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- ARTU / TU Wien and Artificial Researcher@ LongSumm 20 / El-Ebshihy, A., Ningtyas, A. M., Andersson, L., Piroi, F., & Rauber, A. (2020). ARTU / TU Wien and Artificial Researcher@ LongSumm 20. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing. The Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Co-Simulation - An Empirical Survey: Applications, Recent Developments and Future Challenges / Schweiger, G., Engel, G., Schöggl, J.-P., Hafner, I., Nouidui, T. S., & Gomes, C. (2020). Co-Simulation - An Empirical Survey: Applications, Recent Developments and Future Challenges. SNE Simulation Notes Europe, 30(2), 73–76.
- User consent modeling for ensuring transparency and compliance in smart cities / Fernández, J. D., Sabou, M., Kirrane, S., Kiesling, E., Ekaputra, F. J., Azzam, A., & Wenning, R. (2020). User consent modeling for ensuring transparency and compliance in smart cities. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 24(4), 465–486.
- Finding a Repository with the Help of Machine-Actionable DMPs: Opportunities and Challenges / Oblasser, S., Miksa, T., & Kitamoto, A. (2020). Finding a Repository with the Help of Machine-Actionable DMPs: Opportunities and Challenges. International Journal of Digital Curation, 15(1), 12.
- Automated Security Risk Identification Using AutomationML-based Engineering Data / Eckhart, M., Ekelhart, A., & Weippl, E. (2020). Automated Security Risk Identification Using AutomationML-based Engineering Data. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 19(3), 1655–1672.
- Session-based Hotel Recommendations Dataset: As part of the ACM Recommender System Challenge 2019 / Adamczak, J., Deldjoo, Y., Moghaddam, F. B., Knees, P., Leyson, G.-P., & Monreal, P. (2020). Session-based Hotel Recommendations Dataset: As part of the ACM Recommender System Challenge 2019. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 12(1), 1–20.
- Die COVID 19 Pandemie / Popper, N. (2020). Die COVID 19 Pandemie. European Researchers’ Night, Vienna, Austria.
- Simulation Based Decision Support - the COVID19 Crisis in Austria / Popper, N. (2020). Simulation Based Decision Support - the COVID19 Crisis in Austria. 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Vienna, Austria.
- Connect. Austria's Next Supermodel / Popper, N. (2020). Connect. Austria’s Next Supermodel. Infineon - Connect. Austria’s Next Supermodel, Wien, Austria.
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- Demographic Aspects of the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Consequences / Popper, N. (2020). Demographic Aspects of the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Consequences. Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2020, Wien, Austria.
- Grazer Impftag, Fortbildung für Mediziner*innen / Popper, N. (2020). Grazer Impftag, Fortbildung für Mediziner*innen. Grazer Impftag 2020, Graz, Austria.
- Music Information Retrieval for Building Intelligent Music Creation Tools / Knees, P. (2020). Music Information Retrieval for Building Intelligent Music Creation Tools. Interactive Music Technologies, St. Gilgen, Austria.
- Software Quality: Quality Intelligence in Software and Systems Engineering / Winkler, D., Biffl, S., Méndez Fernández, D., & Bergsmann, J. (Eds.). (2020). Software Quality: Quality Intelligence in Software and Systems Engineering. Springer.
- Investigation on Stability Properties of Hierarchical Co-Simulation / Hafner, I., & Popper, N. (2020). Investigation on Stability Properties of Hierarchical Co-Simulation. In Proceedings ASIM SST 2020. ARGESIM Verlag.
- Supporting Complex Decision Making by Semantic Technologies / Fenz, S. (2020). Supporting Complex Decision Making by Semantic Technologies. In The Semantic Web (pp. 632–647). Springer.
- Simulation and Optimization of Traction Unit Circulations / Rößler, M., Wastian, M., Jellen, A., Frisch, S., Weinberger, D., Hungerländer, P., Bicher, M., & Popper, N. (2020). Simulation and Optimization of Traction Unit Circulations. In Proceedings of the 2020 Winter Simulation Conference (pp. 90–101). IEEE.
- Christian Doppler Laboratory on Security and Quality Improvement in the Production Systems Life Cycle / Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2020). Christian Doppler Laboratory on Security and Quality Improvement in the Production Systems Life Cycle. In GI Edition Proceedings Band 300 “Software Engineering 2020” (pp. 221–223). GI.
- Task Development for Discovery Learning of Informatics Concepts / Prinzinger, P., & Futschek, G. (2020). Task Development for Discovery Learning of Informatics Concepts. In B. Tangney, J. Rowan Byrne, & C. Girvan (Eds.), Constructionism 2020 (pp. 517–524). Trinity’s Access to Research Archive.
- Towards semantic representation of machine-actionable Data Management Plans / Cardoso, J., Garcia Castro, L. J., Ekaputra, F. J., Jacquemot-Perbal, M.-C., Miksa, T., & Borbinha, J. (2020). Towards semantic representation of machine-actionable Data Management Plans. In DaMaLOS - 1st Workshop on Data and Research Objects Management for Linked Open Science : Co-located at the International Semantic Web Conference ISWC 2020 (p. 9). PUBLISSO.
- Simulation Support for Explainable Cyber-Physical Energy Systems / Aryan, P. R., Ekaputra, F. J., Sabou, M., Hauer, D., Mosshammer, R., Einfalt, A., Miksa, T., & Rauber, A. (2020). Simulation Support for Explainable Cyber-Physical Energy Systems. In 2020 8th Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems. IEEE.
- The ACM Multimedia 2020 Interactive Arts Exhibition: Human and AI Generated Multimedia / Knees, P., & Gan, Z. (Eds.). (2020). The ACM Multimedia 2020 Interactive Arts Exhibition: Human and AI Generated Multimedia. GitHub.
- RDA Austria - Abbauen Von Hindernissen Beim Teilen Von Daten / Miksa, T., Sanchez Solis, B., Rauber, A., Budroni, P., & Ganguly, R. (2019). RDA Austria - Abbauen Von Hindernissen Beim Teilen Von Daten. Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare (VÖB), 72(2), 365–372.
- An empirical survey on co-simulation: Promising standards, challenges and research needs / Schweiger, G., Gomes, C., Engel, G., Hafner, I., Schöggl, J., Posch, A., & Nouidui, T. (2019). An empirical survey on co-simulation: Promising standards, challenges and research needs. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 95, 148–163.
- Securing the Testing Process for Industrial Automation Software / Eckhart, M., Meixner, K., Winkler, D., & Ekelhart, A. (2019). Securing the Testing Process for Industrial Automation Software. COMPUTERS & SECURITY, 85, 156–180.
- From Hack to Elaborate Technique—A Survey on Binary Rewriting / Wenzl, M., Merzdovnik, G., Ullrich, J. M. M., & Weippl, E. (2019). From Hack to Elaborate Technique—A Survey on Binary Rewriting. ACM Computing Surveys, 52(3), 1–37.
- Status Quo in Requirements Engineering: A Theory and a Global Family of Surveys / Wagner, S., Méndez Fernández, D., Felderer, M., Vetrò, A., Kalinowski, M., Wieringa, R., Pfahl, D., Conte, T., Christiansson, M.-T., Greer, D., Lassenius, C., Männistö, T., Nayebi, M., Oivo, M., Penzenstadler, B., Prikladnicki, R., Ruhe, G., Schekelmann, A., Sen, S., … Winkler, D. (2019). Status Quo in Requirements Engineering: A Theory and a Global Family of Surveys. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 28(2), Article 9.
- Guidance for a causal comparative effectiveness analysis emulating a target trial based on big real world evidence: when to start statin treatment / Kuehne, F., Jahn, B., Conrads-Frank, A., Bundo, M., Arvandi, M., Endel, F., Popper, N., Endel, G., Urach, C., Gyimesi, M., Murray, E., Danaei, G., Gaziano, T., Pandya, A., & Siebert, U. (2019). Guidance for a causal comparative effectiveness analysis emulating a target trial based on big real world evidence: when to start statin treatment. Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research, 8(12), 1013–1025.
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Predicting user demographics from music listening information
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Project: SmarterJam (2017–2019) - 9. User awareness in music recommender systems / Knees, P., Schedl, M., Ferwerda, B., & Laplante, A. (2019). 9. User awareness in music recommender systems. In M. Augstein, E. Herder, & W. Wörndl (Eds.), Personalized Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 223–252). DeGruyter.
- Intelligent music interfaces for listening and creation / Knees, P., Schedl, M., & Fiebrink, R. (2019). Intelligent music interfaces for listening and creation. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces: Companion. 24th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Marina del Rey, CA, United States of America (the). ACM.
- Preface to the 2nd Workshop on Intelligent Music Interfaces for Listening and Creation (MILC) / Knees, P., Schedl, M., & Fiebrink, R. (2019). Preface to the 2nd Workshop on Intelligent Music Interfaces for Listening and Creation (MILC). In C. Trattner, D. Parra, & N. Riche (Eds.), Joint Proceedings of the ACM IUI 2019 Workshops (p. 2).
- Intelligent User Interfaces for Music Discovery: The Past 20 Years and What's to Come / Knees, P., Schedl, M., & Goto, M. (2019). Intelligent User Interfaces for Music Discovery: The Past 20 Years and What’s to Come. In A. Flexer, G. Peeters, J. Urbano, & A. Volk (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (pp. 44–53). Zenodo.
- Distributed Key Generation with Ethereum Smart Contracts / Schindler, P., Judmayer, A., Stifter, N., & Weippl, E. (2019). Distributed Key Generation with Ethereum Smart Contracts. In Consumer Identity World EU 2019. Consumer Identity World EU 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands (the). Springer.
- Echoes of the Past: Recovering Blockchain Metrics from Merged mining / Stifter, N., Schindler, P., Judmayer, A., Zamyatin, A., Kern, A., & Weippl, E. (2019). Echoes of the Past: Recovering Blockchain Metrics from Merged mining. In Financial Cryptography and Data Security. 23rd International Conference, FC 2019, St. Kitts, United States of America (the). Springer.
- Ethnomusicology meets Music Information Retrieval: Towards Automated Segmentation and Analysis / Knees, P. (2019). Ethnomusicology meets Music Information Retrieval: Towards Automated Segmentation and Analysis. 2nd Workshop on Distributed Ethnomusicology data and MIR in the framework of ASEA-UNINET, Mahidol University, Thailand.
- Introduction to Music Information Retrieval / Knees, P. (2019). Introduction to Music Information Retrieval. 1st Workshop on Distributed Ethnomusicology Data and Music Information Retrieval, Mahidol University, Thailand.
- Consumer Health Search on the Web: Study of Web Page Understandability and Its Integration in Ranking Algorithms / Palotti, J., Zuccon, G., & Hanbury, A. (2019). Consumer Health Search on the Web: Study of Web Page Understandability and Its Integration in Ranking Algorithms. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(1), Article e10986.
- Towards an alliance for distributed music data? / Sağlam, H., Hofmann, A., Ahmedaja, A., Miksa, T., & Knees, P. (2019). Towards an alliance for distributed music data? 45th International Council for Traditional Music World Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Multiple Choice Question Answering in the Legal Domain Using Reinforced Co-occurrence / Martinez-Gil, J., Freudenthaler, B., & Tjoa, A. M. (2019). Multiple Choice Question Answering in the Legal Domain Using Reinforced Co-occurrence. In Database and Expert Systems Applications (pp. 138–148). Springer.
- The SEPSES Knowledge Graph: An Integrated Resource for Cybersecurity / Kiesling, E., Ekelhart, A., Kurniawan, K., & Ekaputra, F. (2019). The SEPSES Knowledge Graph: An Integrated Resource for Cybersecurity. In The Semantic Web – ISWC 2019 18th International Semantic Web Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, October 26–30, 2019, Proceedings, Part II (pp. 198–214).
- Efficient Answer-Annotation for Frequent Questions / Zlabinger, M., Rekabsaz, N., Zlabinger, S., & Hanbury, A. (2019). Efficient Answer-Annotation for Frequent Questions. In Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction 10th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2019, Lugano, Switzerland, September 9–12, 2019, Proceedings (pp. 126–137). Springer.
- Enriching Word Embeddings for Patent Retrieval with Global Context / Hofstätter, S., Rekabsaz, N., Lupu, M., Eickhoff, C., & Hanbury, A. (2019). Enriching Word Embeddings for Patent Retrieval with Global Context. In Advances in Information Retrieval 41st European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2019, Cologne, Germany, April 14–18, 2019, Proceedings, Part I (pp. 810–818). Springer, Cham.
- SemIDEA: Towards a Semantic IoT Data Analytic Framework for Facilitating Environmental Protection. / Truong, D. K., Hoang, H. H., Tjoa, A. M., & Quirchmayer, G. (2019). SemIDEA: Towards a Semantic IoT Data Analytic Framework for Facilitating Environmental Protection. In ISCIT 2019 (pp. 481–486). IEEE.
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- An automatic drum machine with touch UI based on a generative neural network / Vogl, R., Eghbal-Zadeh, H., & Knees, P. (2019). An automatic drum machine with touch UI based on a generative neural network. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces: Companion. 24th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Marina del Rey, CA, United States of America (the). ACM.
- Towards a Business Value Framework for Linked Enterprise Data / Novak, N. M., & Tjoa, A. M. (2019). Towards a Business Value Framework for Linked Enterprise Data. In 2019 IEEE-RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies (RIVF). 2019 IEEE-RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies, Danang, Viet Nam. IEEE.
- On the Effect of Low-Frequency Terms on Neural-IR Models / Hofstätter, S., Rekabsaz, N., Eickhoff, C., & Hanbury, A. (2019). On the Effect of Low-Frequency Terms on Neural-IR Models. In Proceedings of the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. SIGIR ’19: The 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Paris, France. Association for Computing Machinery.
- Efficient Production System Resource Exploration Considering Product/ion Requirements / Kathrein, L., Meixner, K., Winkler, D., Lüder, A., & Biffl, S. (2019). Efficient Production System Resource Exploration Considering Product/ion Requirements. In 2019 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (pp. 665–672). IEEE.
- Recommenders and Intelligent Tools in Music Creation: Why, Why Not, and How? / Bauer, C., Knees, P., Vogl, R., & Raber, H. (2019). Recommenders and Intelligent Tools in Music Creation: Why, Why Not, and How? Ars Electronica 2019 - AIxMusic Workshops, Linz, Austria.
- Music Information Retrieval: Inside and Outside the Music / Bauer, C., & Knees, P. (2019). Music Information Retrieval: Inside and Outside the Music. Ars Electronica 2019 - AIxMusic Matinée, Linz, Austria.
- Why should we apply ABM for decision analysis for infectious diseases? - An example for dengue interventions / Miksch, F., Jahn, B., Espinosa, K. J., Chhatwal, J., Siebert, U., & Popper, N. (2019). Why should we apply ABM for decision analysis for infectious diseases? - An example for dengue interventions. PLoS ONE, 14(8), e0221564.
- From a Critical Take on Music Recommendation to Digital Humanism / Knees, P. (2019). From a Critical Take on Music Recommendation to Digital Humanism. Critical Perspectives on Data Science and Machine Learning, KTH Stockholm, Sweden.
- On Stakeholders and Data Biases in Music Recommendation / Knees, P. (2019). On Stakeholders and Data Biases in Music Recommendation. Media Technology and Interaction Design Seminar, KTH Stockholm, Sweden.
- New Intelligent Tools in Music Creation? A Case for User-Centric Research / Knees, P. (2019). New Intelligent Tools in Music Creation? A Case for User-Centric Research. User Experience Design, Jönköping University, Sweden.
- Die perfekte Musikempfehlung - Perfekt für wen? / Knees, P. (2019). Die perfekte Musikempfehlung - Perfekt für wen? Future Music Camp 2019, Mannheim, Germany.
- Generating Structured AutomationML Models from IEC 62264 Information / Wally, B., Lang, L., Włodarski, R., Sindelar, R., Huemer, C., Mazak, A., & Wimmer, M. (2019). Generating Structured AutomationML Models from IEC 62264 Information. In Proceedings of the 5th AutomationML PlugFest 2019 (p. 5).
- Test Reporting at a Large-Scale Austrian Logistics Organization: Lessons Learned and Improvement / Winkler, D., Meixner, K., Lehner, D., & Biffl, S. (2019). Test Reporting at a Large-Scale Austrian Logistics Organization: Lessons Learned and Improvement. In Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (pp. 53–69). Springer.
- ICTs for Education: An Inclusive Approach to Addressing Challenges Faced by Roma Communities in Europe / Novak, N. M., Rabiee, M., & Tjoa, A. M. (2019). ICTs for Education: An Inclusive Approach to Addressing Challenges Faced by Roma Communities in Europe. In 2019 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO). 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, MIPRO 2019, Opatija, Croatia. IEEE.
- Personality Estimation using Demographic Data in a Personality-based Recommender System / Paryudi, I., Ashari, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2019). Personality Estimation using Demographic Data in a Personality-based Recommender System. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services. he 21st International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2019), Munich, Germany. ACM.
- Security Related Technical Debt in the Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering Process / Brenner, B., Weippl, E., & Ekelhart, A. (2019). Security Related Technical Debt in the Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering Process. In IEEE (pp. 3012–3017). IEEE.
- Security Development Lifecycle for Cyber-Physical Production Systems / Eckhart, M., Ekelhart, A., Lüder, A., Biffl, S., & Weippl, E. (2019). Security Development Lifecycle for Cyber-Physical Production Systems. In IEEE. 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2019), Lisbon, Portugal. IEEE.
- Enhancing Cyber Situational Awareness for Cyber-Physical Systems through Digital Twins / Eckhart, M., Ekelhart, A., & Weippl, E. (2019). Enhancing Cyber Situational Awareness for Cyber-Physical Systems through Digital Twins. In 2019 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2019), Zaragoza, Spain. IEEE.
- Continuous Adaptation Management in Collective Intelligence Systems / Musil, A., Musil, J., Weyns, D., & Biffl, S. (2019). Continuous Adaptation Management in Collective Intelligence Systems. In Software Architecture (pp. 109–125). Springer.
- Towards Support of Global Views on Common Concepts employing Local Views / Rinker, F., Waltersdorfer, L., Meixner, K., & Biffl, S. (2019). Towards Support of Global Views on Common Concepts employing Local Views. In Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2019) (pp. 1686–1689). IEEE.
- Investigating the Performance of selected Data Storage Concepts for AutomationML Models / Meixner, K., Winkler, D., Wapp, M., Rosendahl, R., & Biffl, S. (2019). Investigating the Performance of selected Data Storage Concepts for AutomationML Models. In IEEE. 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2019), Lisbon, Portugal. IEEE.
- Security Related Technical Debt in Cyber Physical Production Systems / Brenner, B., Weippl, E., & Ekelhart, A. (2019). Security Related Technical Debt in Cyber Physical Production Systems. In IEEE. 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2019), Lisbon, Portugal. IEEE.
- "Avoiding Risky Designs When Using Blockchain Technologies in Cyber-Physical Systems" / Stifter, N., Eckhart, M., Brenner, B., & Weippl, E. (2019). “Avoiding Risky Designs When Using Blockchain Technologies in Cyber-Physical Systems.” In Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2019). 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2019), Zaragoza, Spain. IEEE.
- Engineering Roles and Information Modeling for Industry 4.0 Production System Engineering / Novak, P., Vyskocil, J., Kadera, P., Kathrein, L., & Meixner, K. (2019). Engineering Roles and Information Modeling for Industry 4.0 Production System Engineering. In Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2019) (pp. 1669–1672). IEEE.
- A Meta-Model for Representing Consistency as Extension to the Formal Process Description / Kathrein, L., Meixner, K., Winkler, D., Lüder, A., & Biffl, S. (2019). A Meta-Model for Representing Consistency as Extension to the Formal Process Description. In Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2019) (pp. 1653–1656). IEEE.
- Multi-Task Learning of Tempo and Beat: Learning One to Improve the Other / Böck, S., Davies, M., & Knees, P. (2019). Multi-Task Learning of Tempo and Beat: Learning One to Improve the Other. In A. Flexer, G. Peeters, J. Urbano, & A. Volk (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (pp. 486–493). Zenodo.
- A Proposal for a Neutral Music Recommender System / Knees, P. (2019). A Proposal for a Neutral Music Recommender System. In M. Miron (Ed.), Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Designing Human-Centric Music Information Research Systems (pp. 4–7).
- Towards Uncovering Dataset Biases: Investigating Record Label Diversity in Music Playlists / Knees, P., & Hübler, M. (2019). Towards Uncovering Dataset Biases: Investigating Record Label Diversity in Music Playlists. In M. Miron (Ed.), Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Designing Human-Centric Music Information Research Systems (pp. 19–22).
- RecSys challenge 2019 / Knees, P., Deldjoo, Y., Moghaddam, F. B., Adamczak, J., Leyson, G.-P., & Monreal, P. (2019). RecSys challenge 2019. In Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Copenhagen, Denmark. ACM.
- Multi-Task Music Representation Learning from Multi-Label Embeddings / Schindler, A., & Knees, P. (2019). Multi-Task Music Representation Learning from Multi-Label Embeddings. In 2019 International Conference on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI). 2019 International Conference on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), Dublin, Ireland. IEEE.
- Towards a Hybrid Process Model Approach in Production Systems Engineering / Winkler, D., Kathrein, L., Meixner, K., & Biffl, S. (2019). Towards a Hybrid Process Model Approach in Production Systems Engineering. In Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement (pp. 339–354). Springer.
- Towards Combined Process & Tool Variability Management in Software Testing / Meixner, K., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2019). Towards Combined Process & Tool Variability Management in Software Testing. In Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems. 13th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems (VAMOS 2019), Leuven, Belgium. ACM.
- Towards Modeling Variability of Products, Processes and Resources in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering / Meixner, K., Rabiser, R., & Biffl, S. (2019). Towards Modeling Variability of Products, Processes and Resources in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Systems and Software Product Line Conference - Volume A. Second International Workshop on Variability and Evolution of Software-Intensive Systems (VariVolution 2019), Paris, France. ACM.
- Towards Model-driven Verification of Robot Control Code using Abstract Syntax Trees in Production Systems Engineering / Meixner, K., Winkler, D., Novák, P., & Biffl, S. (2019). Towards Model-driven Verification of Robot Control Code using Abstract Syntax Trees in Production Systems Engineering. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development. 7th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development 2019 (Modelsward 2019), Prague, Czechia. SciTePress.
- A Preliminary Comparison of Using Variability Modeling Approaches to Represent Experiment Families / Neto, A. A., Kalinowski, M., Garcia, A., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2019). A Preliminary Comparison of Using Variability Modeling Approaches to Represent Experiment Families. In Proceedings of the Evaluation and Assessment on Software Engineering. EASE 2019- Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, Copenhagen, Denmark. ACM.
- "Software Engineering Risks from Technical Debt in the Representation of Product/ion Knowledge " / Biffl, S., Kathrein, L., Lüder, A., Meixner, K., Sabou, R. M., Waltersdorfer, L., & Winkler, D. (2019). "Software Engineering Risks from Technical Debt in the Representation of Product/ion Knowledge ". In Proceedings SEKE 2019. 31st International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2019), Lisbon, Portugal. KSI Research Inc. and Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School.
- A versatile Security Layer for AutomationML / Brenner, B., Ekelhart, A., & Weippl, E. (2019). A versatile Security Layer for AutomationML. In Proceedings of INDIN 2019. 17th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2019), Helsinki, Finland. IEEE.
- Quality Risks in the Data Exchange Process for Collaborative CPPS Engineering / Biffl, S., Lüder, A., Rinker, F., Waltersdorfer, L., & Winkler, D. (2019). Quality Risks in the Data Exchange Process for Collaborative CPPS Engineering. In Proceedings of INDIN 2019. 17th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2019), Helsinki, Finland. IEEE.
- Product/ion-Aware Modeling Approaches that Support Tracing Design Decisions / Kathrein, L., Lüder, A., Meixner, K., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2019). Product/ion-Aware Modeling Approaches that Support Tracing Design Decisions. In Proceedings of INDIN 2019. 17th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2019), Helsinki, Finland. IEEE.
- Supporting the Data Model Integrator in an Engineering Network by Automating Data Integration / Lüder, A., Kirchheim, K., Pauly, J.-L., Biffl, S., Rinker, F., & Waltersdorfer, L. (2019). Supporting the Data Model Integrator in an Engineering Network by Automating Data Integration. In Proceedings of INDIN 2019. 17th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2019), Helsinki, Finland. IEEE.
- Using Model Scoping with Expected Model Elements to Support Software Model Inspections: Results of a Controlled Experiment / Neto, C., Neto, A., Kalinowski, M., Moraes de Oliveira, D., Sabou, M., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2019). Using Model Scoping with Expected Model Elements to Support Software Model Inspections: Results of a Controlled Experiment. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information System, ICEIS 2019, Heraklion, Greece. SciTePress.
- Production-Aware Analysis of Multi-disciplinary Systems Engineering Processes / Kathrein, L., Lüder, A., Meixner, K., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2019). Production-Aware Analysis of Multi-disciplinary Systems Engineering Processes. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information System, ICEIS 2019, Heraklion, Greece. SciTePress.
- Extending the Formal Process Description towards Consistency in Product/ion-Aware Modeling / Kathrein, L., Meixner, K., Winkler, D., Lüder, A., & Biffl, S. (2019). Extending the Formal Process Description towards Consistency in Product/ion-Aware Modeling. In 2019 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (pp. 679–686). IEEE.
- Data Exchange Logistics in Engineering Networks Exploiting Automated Data Integration / Lüder, A., Pauly, J.-L., Rinker, F., & Biffl, S. (2019). Data Exchange Logistics in Engineering Networks Exploiting Automated Data Integration. In 2019 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (pp. 657–664). IEEE.
- Efficient Engineering Data Exchange in Multi-disciplinary Systems Engineering / Biffl, S., Lüder, A., Rinker, F., & Waltersdorfer, L. (2019). Efficient Engineering Data Exchange in Multi-disciplinary Systems Engineering. In Advanced Information Systems Engineering (pp. 17–31). Springer.
- Incremental Supervised Staff Detection / Pacha, A. (2019). Incremental Supervised Staff Detection. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Reading Music Systems (pp. 16–20).
- Identification and Cross-Document Alignment of Measures in Music Score Images / Waloschek, S., Pacha, A., & Hadjakos, A. (2019). Identification and Cross-Document Alignment of Measures in Music Score Images. In 20th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (pp. 137–143).
- Learning Notation Graph Construction for Full-Pipeline Optical Music Recognition / Pacha, A., Calvo-Zaragoza, J., & Hajič, J. jr. (2019). Learning Notation Graph Construction for Full-Pipeline Optical Music Recognition. In 20th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (pp. 75–82).
- Production Planning with IEC 62264 and PDDL / Wally, B., Vyskočil, J., Novak, P., Huemer, C., Sindelar, R., Kadera, P., Mazak, A., & Wimmer, M. (2019). Production Planning with IEC 62264 and PDDL. In Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2019) (pp. 492–499). IEEE.
- Technical Debt Analysis in Parallel Multi-Disciplinary Systems Engineering / Biffl, S., Ekaputra, F. J., Lüder, A., Pauly, J.-L., Rinker, F., Waltersdorfer, L., & Winkler, D. (2019). Technical Debt Analysis in Parallel Multi-Disciplinary Systems Engineering. In 2019 45th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA). 45th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2019), Kallithea, Chalkidiki, Greece. IEEE.
- Supporting Domain Experts by using Model-Based Equivalence Class Partitioning for Efficient Test Data Generation / Meixner, K., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2019). Supporting Domain Experts by using Model-Based Equivalence Class Partitioning for Efficient Test Data Generation. In IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine (pp. 127–128). IEEE.
- Data Identification and Process Monitoring for Reproducible Earth Observation Research / Gößwein, B., Miksa, T., Rauber, A., & Wagner, W. (2019). Data Identification and Process Monitoring for Reproducible Earth Observation Research. In 2019 15th International Conference on eScience (eScience). eScience Symposium 2019: Digital Challenges in Open Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands (the).
- openEO - A standardised connection to and between Earth observation service providers / Schramm, M., Pebesma, E., Wagner, W., Verbesselt, J., Dries, J., Briese, C., Jakob, A., Mohr, M., Neteler, M., Mistelbauer, T., Miksa, T., Gebbert, S., Gößwein, B., Kadunc, M., Kempeneers, P., & Gorelick, N. (2019). openEO - A standardised connection to and between Earth observation service providers. In S. Albani, S. Loekken, & P. Soille (Eds.), Proceedings of 2019 Big Data from Space (BiDS’19) (pp. 229–232). Publications Office of the European Union.
- Microscopic modelling of international (re-)hospitalisation effects in the CEPHOS-LINK setting / Zauner, G., Urach, C., Bicher, M., Popper, N., & Endel, F. (2019). Microscopic modelling of international (re-)hospitalisation effects in the CEPHOS-LINK setting. International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 14(3), 261.
- Quantitative Security Risk Assessment for Industrial Control Systems: Research Opportunities and Challenges / Eckhart, M., Brenner, B., Ekelhart, A., & Weippl, E. (2019). Quantitative Security Risk Assessment for Industrial Control Systems: Research Opportunities and Challenges. Journal of Internet Services and Information Security, 9(3), 52–73.
- ARGESIM Benchmark C11 'SCARA Robot': Comparison of Basic Implementations in EXCEL and MATLAB / Rekova, O., Pelzmann, N., Mandl, P., Hoffmann, M., Ecker, H., Körner, A., Bicher, M., & Breitenecker, F. (2019). ARGESIM Benchmark C11 “SCARA Robot”: Comparison of Basic Implementations in EXCEL and MATLAB. SNE Simulation Notes Europe, 29(3), 149–158.
- Introduction to Security & Quality Improvement in Complex Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering / Biffl, S., Eckhart, M., Lüder, A., & Weippl, E. (2019). Introduction to Security & Quality Improvement in Complex Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering. In Security and Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering. Springer International Publishing.
- Engineering Data Logistics for Agile Automation Systems Engineering / Biffl, S., Lüder, A., Rinker, F., Waltersdorfer, L., & Winkler, D. (2019). Engineering Data Logistics for Agile Automation Systems Engineering. In Security and Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering. Springer International Publishing.
- Conclusion and Outlook on Security and Quality of Complex Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering / Biffl, S., Eckhart, M., Lüder, A., & Weippl, E. (2019). Conclusion and Outlook on Security and Quality of Complex Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering. In Security and Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering (pp. 497–507). Springer International Publishing.
- Product/ion-Aware Analysis of Collaborative Systems Engineering Processes / Kathrein, L., Lüder, A., Meixner, K., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2019). Product/ion-Aware Analysis of Collaborative Systems Engineering Processes. In Security and Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering. Springer International Publishing.
- Securing Information against Manipulation in the Production Systems Engineering Process / Kieseberg, P., & Weippl, E. (2019). Securing Information against Manipulation in the Production Systems Engineering Process. In Security and Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering. Springer International Publishing.
- Security Analysis / Brenner, B., & Weippl, E. (2019). Security Analysis. In Security and Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering. Springer International Publishing.
- Efficient and Flexible Test Automation in Production Systems Engineering / Winkler, D., Meixner, K., & Novak, P. (2019). Efficient and Flexible Test Automation in Production Systems Engineering. In Security and Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering. Springer International Publishing.
- Digital Twins for Cyber-Physical Systems Security: State of the Art and Outlook / Eckhart, M., & Ekelhart, A. (2019). Digital Twins for Cyber-Physical Systems Security: State of the Art and Outlook. In Security and Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering (pp. 383–412). Springer International Publishing.
- Comparison of Prediction Models for Delays of Freight Trains by Using Data Mining and Machine Learning Methods / Leser, D., Wastian, M., Rößler, M., Landsiedl, M., & Hajrizi, E. (2019). Comparison of Prediction Models for Delays of Freight Trains by Using Data Mining and Machine Learning Methods. Simulation Notes Europe, 29(1), 45–47.
- Modeling Variability and Persisting Configurations in OPC UA / Wally, B., Huemer, C., Mazak, A., Wimmer, M., & Šindelář, R. (2019). Modeling Variability and Persisting Configurations in OPC UA. In P. Butala, E. Govekar, & R. Vrabic (Eds.), 52nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS), Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 12-14, 2019 (pp. 13–18). Elsevier BV.
- Revisiting Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance Through Blockchain Technologies / Stifter, N., Judmayer, A., & Weippl, E. (2019). Revisiting Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance Through Blockchain Technologies. In Security and Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering. Springer International Publishing.
- Setting up Open Access Repositories : Challenges and Lessons from Palestine / Awadallah, R., ALAgha, I., Miksa, T., Rauber, A., Davidson, J., Yahya, A., Tammaro, A. M., Caselli, S., Anderson, J., Anderson, D., Salman, N., & Abuzir, Y. (2019). Setting up Open Access Repositories : Challenges and Lessons from Palestine. In 16th International Conference on Digital Preservation, iPRES 2019 (p. 11). International Conference on Digital Preservation.
- Security and Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering / Biffl, S., Eckhart, M., Lüder, A., & Weippl, E. (Eds.). (2019). Security and Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering. Springer International Publishing.
- Ten Principles for Machine-actionable Data Management Plans / Miksa, T., Simms, S., Mietchen, D., & Jones, S. (2019). Ten Principles for Machine-actionable Data Management Plans. PLoS Computational Biology, 15(3), e1006750.
- Evaluating ATC-ICD: Assessing the relationship between selected medication and diseases with machine learning / Weibrecht, N., Endel, F., & Zechmeister, M. (2019). Evaluating ATC-ICD: Assessing the relationship between selected medication and diseases with machine learning. International Journal of Population Data Science, 4(3).
- Budget Impact Analysis of Cancer Screening: A Methodological Review / Jahn, B., Todorovic, J., Bundo, M., Sroczynski, G., Conrads-Frank, A., Rochau, U., Endel, G., Wilbacher, I., Malbaski, N., Popper, N., Chhatwal, J., Greenberg, D., Mauskopf, J., & Siebert, U. (2019). Budget Impact Analysis of Cancer Screening: A Methodological Review. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 17(4), 493–511.
- Alternative Conversion Methods for Transition Probabilities in State-Transition Models: Validity and Impact on Comparative Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness / Jahn, B., Kurzthaler, C., Chhatwal, J., Elbasha, E. H., Conrads-Frank, A., Rochau, U., Sroczynski, G., Urach, C., Bundo, M., Popper, N., & Siebert, U. (2019). Alternative Conversion Methods for Transition Probabilities in State-Transition Models: Validity and Impact on Comparative Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness. Medical Decision Making, 39(5), 509–522.
- Algorithms to identify COPD in health systems with and without access to ICD coding: a systematic review / Gothe, H., Rajsic, S., Vukicevic, D., Schoenfelder, T., Jahn, B., Geiger-Gritsch, S., Brixner, D., Popper, N., Endel, G., & Siebert, U. (2019). Algorithms to identify COPD in health systems with and without access to ICD coding: a systematic review. BMC Health Services Research, 19(737).
- PCN446 A Case Study Of Breast Cancer Treatment Demonstrating The Impact Of Time Dependent Transition Probability Adjustments On Comparative Cost Effectiveness / Jahn, B., Kurzthaler, C., Chhatwal, J., Elbasha, E., Conrads-Frank, A., Rochau, U., Sroczynski, G., Urach, C., Bundo, M., Popper, N., & Siebert, U. (2019). PCN446 A Case Study Of Breast Cancer Treatment Demonstrating The Impact Of Time Dependent Transition Probability Adjustments On Comparative Cost Effectiveness. Value in Health, 22, S522–S523.
- Direct Implementation of ARGESIM Benchmark C7 'Constrained Pendulum' in MATLAB and EXCEL / Stockinger, A. E., Gütl, E., Rath, S. A., Strasser, D., Bicher, M., Körner, A., & Ecker, H. (2019). Direct Implementation of ARGESIM Benchmark C7 “Constrained Pendulum” in MATLAB and EXCEL. SNE Simulation Notes Europe, 29(2), 105–110.
- An Empirical Study of the Effectiveness of Software Architecture Evaluation Meetings / Ali Babar, M., Shen, H., Biffl, S., & Winkler, D. (2019). An Empirical Study of the Effectiveness of Software Architecture Evaluation Meetings. IEEE Access, 7, 79069–79084.
- Flexible Production Systems: Automated Generation of Operations Plans based on ISA-95 and PDDL / Wally, B., Vyskocil, J., Novak, P., Huemer, C., Sindelar, R., Kadera, P., Mazak, A., & Wimmer, M. (2019). Flexible Production Systems: Automated Generation of Operations Plans based on ISA-95 and PDDL. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 4(4), 4062–4069.
- Concepts of Computing in "Mind-Size Bites" / Dagiene, V., Futschek, G., & Stupurienė, G. (2019). Concepts of Computing in “Mind-Size Bites.” Constructivist Foundations, 14(3), 413–415.
- Creativity in Solving Short Tasks for Learning Computational Thinking / Dagiene, V., Futschek, G., & Stupurienė, G. (2019). Creativity in Solving Short Tasks for Learning Computational Thinking. Constructivist Foundations, 14(3), 382–396.
- On the Way to Constructionist Learning of Computational Thinking in Regular School Settings / Dagiene, V., & Futschek, G. (2019). On the Way to Constructionist Learning of Computational Thinking in Regular School Settings. Constructivist Foundations, 14(3), 231–233.
- Abenteuer Informatik: Interaktive Ausstellung für Schulklassen / Futschek, G., & Prinzinger, P. (2019). Abenteuer Informatik: Interaktive Ausstellung für Schulklassen. Bulletin. Alumni-Magazin Der TU Wien, 48, 6.
- Towards a Flexible and Secure Round-Trip-Engineering Process for Production Systems Engineering with Agile Practices / Winkler, D., Rinker, F., & Kieseberg, P. (2019). Towards a Flexible and Secure Round-Trip-Engineering Process for Production Systems Engineering with Agile Practices. In D. Winkler, S. Biffl, & J. Bergsmann (Eds.), Software Quality: The Complexity and Challenges of Software Engineering and Software Quality in the Cloud (pp. 14–30). Springer.
- Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Business / Knees, P., Wasner, C., & Krenn, B. (2019). Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Business. Vienna International Business Club, Expat Center of the Vienna Business Agency, Austria.
- Towards Recommender Systems for Music Creators / Knees, P. (2019). Towards Recommender Systems for Music Creators. HCI Lunchtime Scientific Series, TU Wien, Austria.
- Introduction to Music Information Retrieval / Knees, P. (2019). Introduction to Music Information Retrieval. Informatik BEGINNER’s Day 2019, TU Wien, Austria.
- Software Quality: The Complexity and Challenges of Software Engineering and Software Quality in the Cloud / Winkler, D., Biffl, S., & Bergsmann, J. (Eds.). (2019). Software Quality: The Complexity and Challenges of Software Engineering and Software Quality in the Cloud (p. 30). Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
- RecSys Challenge '19: Proceedings of the Workshop on ACM Recommender Systems Challenge / Knees, P., Deldjoo, Y., Bakhshandegan Moghaddam, F., Adamczak, J., Leyson, G.-P., & Monreal, P. (Eds.). (2019). RecSys Challenge ’19: Proceedings of the Workshop on ACM Recommender Systems Challenge. ACM.
- Biber der Informatik 2018, Aufgaben und Lösungen / Futschek, G. (2019). Biber der Informatik 2018, Aufgaben und Lösungen.
- Botnets causing blackouts: How Coordinated load attacks can destabilize the power grid / Dabrowski, A., Ullrich, J., & Weippl, E. R. (2018). Botnets causing blackouts: How Coordinated load attacks can destabilize the power grid. Elektrotechnik Und Informationstechnik : E & i, 135(3), 250–255.
- A Review of Automatic Drum Transcription / Wu, C.-W., Dittmar, C., Southall, C., Vogl, R., Widmer, G., Hockman, J., Müller, M., & Lerch, A. (2018). A Review of Automatic Drum Transcription. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 26(9), 1457–1483.
- Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction : Second IFIP TC 5, TC 8/WG 8.4, 8.9, TC 12/WG 12.9 International Cross-Domain Conference, CD-MAKE 2018, Hamburg, Germany, August 27–30, 2018, Proceedings / Holzinger, A., Kieseberg, P., Tjoa, A. M., & Weippl, E. (Eds.). (2018). Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction : Second IFIP TC 5, TC 8/WG 8.4, 8.9, TC 12/WG 12.9 International Cross-Domain Conference, CD-MAKE 2018, Hamburg, Germany, August 27–30, 2018, Proceedings (Vol. 11015). Springer.
Multimedia recommender systems
Deldjoo, Y., Schedl, M., Hidasi, B., & Knees, P. (2018). Multimedia recommender systems. In Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. ACM, Austria. ACM.
Project: SmarterJam (2017–2019) -
Overview and New Challenges of Music Recommendation Research in 2018
Schedl, M., Knees, P., & Gouyon, F. (2018). Overview and New Challenges of Music Recommendation Research in 2018. 19th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Paris, France, EU.
Project: SmarterJam (2017–2019) - IUI'18 Workshop on Intelligent Music Interfaces for Listening and Creation (MILC) / Knees, P., Schedl, M., & Fiebrink, R. (2018). IUI’18 Workshop on Intelligent Music Interfaces for Listening and Creation (MILC). In A. Said & T. Komatsu (Eds.), Joint Proceedings of the ACM IUI 2018 Workshops (p. 2).
Music Genre Classification Revisited: An In-Depth Examination Guided by Music Experts
Pálmason, H., Jónsson, B. Þ., Schedl, M., & Knees, P. (2018). Music Genre Classification Revisited: An In-Depth Examination Guided by Music Experts. In M. Aramaki, M. Davies, R. Kronland-Martinet, & S. Ystad (Eds.), Music Technology with Swing (pp. 49–62). Springer.
Project: SmarterJam (2017–2019) - Pitchforks in Cryptocurrencies: Enforcing rule changes through offensive forking- and consensus techniques / Judmayer, A., Stifter, N., Schindler, P., & Weippl, E. (2018). Pitchforks in Cryptocurrencies: Enforcing rule changes through offensive forking- and consensus techniques. In Springer Data Privacy Management, Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology (pp. 197–206). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- A Wild Velvet Fork Appears! Inclusive Blockchain Protocol Changes in Practice / Zamyatin, A., Stifter, N., Judmayer, A., Schindler, P., Weippl, E., & Knottenbelt, W. (2018). A Wild Velvet Fork Appears! Inclusive Blockchain Protocol Changes in Practice. In Proceedings of Bitcoin 2018. 5th Workshop on Bitcoin and Blockchain Research at Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2018, Curacao, Santa Barbara Beach Resort, Non-EU. Sprinter Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- A Framework for Monitoring Net Neutrality / Mayer, W., Schreiber, T., & Weippl, E. (2018). A Framework for Monitoring Net Neutrality. In The 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2018). The 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2018), Hamburg, Germany, EU. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series.
- Discussion Group Summary: Optical Music Recognition / Calvo-Zaragoza, J., Hajič, J., & Pacha, A. (2018). Discussion Group Summary: Optical Music Recognition. In A. Fornés & B. Lamiroy (Eds.), Graphics Recognition. Current Trends and Evolutions 12th IAPR International Workshop, GREC 2017, Kyoto, Japan, November 9-10, 2017, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 152–157). Springer International Publishing.
- The Economic Value of an Emergency Call System / Lego, T., Mladenow, A., Novak, N. M., & Strauss, C. (2018). The Economic Value of an Emergency Call System. In A. M. Tjoa, L.-R. Zheng, Z. Zou, M. Raffai, L. D. Xu, & N. M. Novak (Eds.), Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems (pp. 56–66). Springer.
- Expert Sourcing to Support the Identification of Model Elements in System Descriptions / Sabou, M., Winkler, D., & Petrovic, S. (2018). Expert Sourcing to Support the Identification of Model Elements in System Descriptions. In Software Quality: Methods and Tools for Better Software and Systems (pp. 83–99). Springer International Publishing.
- Equity Crowdfunding: Quality Signals for Online-Platform Projects and Supporters’ Motivations / Buerger, B., Mladenow, A., Novak, N. M., & Strauss, C. (2018). Equity Crowdfunding: Quality Signals for Online-Platform Projects and Supporters’ Motivations. In A. M. Tjoa, M. Raffai, P. Doucek, & N. M. Novak (Eds.), Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems. Proceedings of the 12th IFIP WG 8.9 Working Conference, CONFENIS 2018 (pp. 109–119). Springer.
- Current Advances, Trends and Challenges of Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction: From Machine Learning to Explainable AI. / Holzinger, A., Kieseberg, P., Weippl, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2018). Current Advances, Trends and Challenges of Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction: From Machine Learning to Explainable AI. In CD-MAKE 2018: Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction - Second IFIP TC 5, TC 8/WG 8.4, 8.9, TC 12/WG 12.9 International Cross-Domain Conference (pp. 1–8). Springer.
Towards Multi-Instrument Drum Transcription
Vogl, R., Widmer, G., & Knees, P. (2018). Towards Multi-Instrument Drum Transcription. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-18) (pp. 57–64).
Project: SmarterJam (2017–2019) -
A GAN based Drum Pattern Generation UI Prototype
Eghbal-Zadeh, H., Vogl, R., Widmer, G., & Knees, P. (2018). A GAN based Drum Pattern Generation UI Prototype. In 19th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference: Late-Breaking Demos Session (p. 2).
Project: SmarterJam (2017–2019) -
GANs and Poses: An Interactive Generative Music Installation Controlled by Dance Moves
Vogl, R., Eghbal-Zadeh, H., Widmer, G., & Knees, P. (2018). GANs and Poses: An Interactive Generative Music Installation Controlled by Dance Moves. In 19th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference: Interactive Machine-Learning for Music @Exhibition (p. 5).
Project: SmarterJam (2017–2019) - Semantic Web and Human Computation: The status of an emerging field. / Sabou, M., Aroyo, L., Bontcheva, K., Bozzon, A., & Qarout, R. K. (2018). Semantic Web and Human Computation: The status of an emerging field. Semantic Web: Interoperability, Usability, Applicability, 9(3), 291–302.
- On Security Research Towards Future Mobile Network Generations / Rupprecht, D., Dabrowski, A., Holz, T., Weippl, E., & Pöpper, C. (2018). On Security Research Towards Future Mobile Network Generations. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 20(3), 2518–2542.
- First-year computer science students perception of lectures in relation to type of high-school education / Standl-Gruber, B., Günther, E., Wetzinger, E., & Futschek, G. (2018). First-year computer science students perception of lectures in relation to type of high-school education. In 2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). 2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Tenerife, Spain, EU. IEEE.
- Collective Intelligence Aspects of Cyber-Physical Social Systems: Results of a Systematic Mapping Study / Sabou, R. M., Musil, A., Musil, J., & Biffl, S. (2018). Collective Intelligence Aspects of Cyber-Physical Social Systems: Results of a Systematic Mapping Study. In Collective Intelligence 2018. Collective Intelligence 2018, Zurich, Switzerland, Non-EU. ACM.
- Gestalt Interest Points with a Neural Network for Makeup-Robust Face Recognition / Hörhan, M., & Eidenberger, H. (2018). Gestalt Interest Points with a Neural Network for Makeup-Robust Face Recognition. In 2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). 2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Athens, Greece, EU. IEEE Press.
- Self-Learning Optical Music Recognition / Pacha, A. (2018). Self-Learning Optical Music Recognition. In Vienna young Scientists Symposium (pp. 34–35).
- Proof-of-Blackouts? How Proof-of-Work Cryptocurrencies Could Affect Power Grids / Ullrich, J., Stifter, N., Judmayer, A., Dabrowski, A., & Weippl, E. (2018). Proof-of-Blackouts? How Proof-of-Work Cryptocurrencies Could Affect Power Grids. In Research in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses (pp. 184–203). Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.
- Structural Limitations of B+-Tree forensics / Kieseberg, P., Schrittwieser, S., & Weippl, E. (2018). Structural Limitations of B+-Tree forensics. In Proceedings of the Central European Cybersecurity Conference 2018. Central European Cybersecurity Conference 2018, Ljubljana, Slowenia, EU. ACM Digital Library.
- Model-Based Generation of Runt-Time Data Collection Systems Exploiting AutomationML / Mazak, A., Lüder, A., Wolny, S., Wimmer, M., Winkler, D., Kirchheim, K., Rosendahl, R., Bayanifar, H., & Biffl, S. (2018). Model-Based Generation of Runt-Time Data Collection Systems Exploiting AutomationML. Automatisierungstechnik, 66(10), 819–833.
- Support for Engineering Chain Migration Towards Integrated Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Chains / Lüder, A., Pauly, J.-L., Rosendahl, R., Rinker, F., & Biffl, S. (2018). Support for Engineering Chain Migration Towards Integrated Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Chains. In 2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). CASE 2018 - 14th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Munich, Germany, EU. IEEE.
- Defining Requirements for Machine-actionable Data Management Plans / Miksa, T., Neish, P., Rauber, A., & Walk, P. (2018). Defining Requirements for Machine-actionable Data Management Plans. In M. Potterbusch, N. McGovern, A. Whiteside, C. Mumma, E. Verbruggen, J. Meyerson, B. Lyons, N. Pang, S. Schaefer, J. Weatherburn, M. Pennock, M. Lindlar, & T. Patterson (Eds.), 15th International Conference on Digital Preservation, iPRES 2018. International Conference on Digital Preservation.
- A Landscape Survey of ActiveDMPs / Simms, S., Jones, S., Miksa, T., Mietchen, D., Simons, N., & Unsworth, K. (2018). A Landscape Survey of ActiveDMPs. International Journal of Digital Curation, 13(1), 204–214.
- Investigating a Distributed and Scalable Model Review Process / Winkler, D., Kalinowski, M., Sabou, M., Petrovic, S., & Biffl, S. (2018). Investigating a Distributed and Scalable Model Review Process. CLEI Electronic Journal, 21(1).
- A systematic approach to normalization in probabilistic models / Lipani, A., Roelleke, T., Lupu, M., & Hanbury, A. (2018). A systematic approach to normalization in probabilistic models. Information Retrieval, 21(6), 565–596.
- Guest editorial: Special Issue on "Software Quality in Software-Intensive Systems" / Mendes, E., & Winkler, D. (2018). Guest editorial: Special Issue on “Software Quality in Software-Intensive Systems.” Software Quality Journal, 26(2), 657–660.
- Optical Music Recognition for Dummies / Calvo-Zaragoza, J., Hajič, J. jr., Pacha, A., & Fujinaga, I. (2018). Optical Music Recognition for Dummies. 19th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Paris, France, EU.
- From Drum Transcription to Drum Pattern Generation / Vogl, R. (2018). From Drum Transcription to Drum Pattern Generation. 1st Austrian Music Information Retrieval Workshop (AMIR), Vienna and Linz, Austria, Austria.
- Selected Topics in Music Recommendation / Knees, P. (2018). Selected Topics in Music Recommendation. E-Commerce Research Seminar for Ph.D. Students 2018W, TU Wien, Austria.
- Künstliche Intelligenz als personalisierter Komponist - Automatische Musikerzeugung als das Ende der Tantiemen? / Knees, P. (2018). Künstliche Intelligenz als personalisierter Komponist - Automatische Musikerzeugung als das Ende der Tantiemen? Future Music Camp 2018, Mannheim, Germany, EU.
- Music and Sound Recommendation for Listeners and Creators / Knees, P. (2018). Music and Sound Recommendation for Listeners and Creators. eBusiness in the Creative Industries, University of Vienna, Austria.
- Towards Visual Interfaces to Sound and Music Retrieval / Knees, P. (2018). Towards Visual Interfaces to Sound and Music Retrieval. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan, Non-EU.
- Drum transcription via joint beat and drum modeling using convolutional recurrent neural networks / Vogl, R. (2018). Drum transcription via joint beat and drum modeling using convolutional recurrent neural networks. 21st Vienna Deep Learning Meetup, Vienna Austria, EU.
- Computational and Mathematical thinking in School Education / Futschek, G., & Guncaga, J. (2018). Computational and Mathematical thinking in School Education. STEAM Education Conference, Linz, Austria.
- The Semantic Web – ISWC 2018 / Vrandecic, D., Bontcheva, K., Suárez-Figueroa, M. C., Presutti, V., Celino, I., Sabou, R. M., Kaffee, L.-A., & Simperl, E. (Eds.). (2018). The Semantic Web – ISWC 2018. Springer LNCS.
- Software Quality: Methods and Tools for Better Software and Systems / Winkler, D., Biffl, S., & Bergsmann, J. (Eds.). (2018). Software Quality: Methods and Tools for Better Software and Systems. Springer International Publishing.
- Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems / Tjoa, A. M., Zheng, L.-R., Zou, Z., Raffai, M., Xu, L. D., & Novak, N. M. (Eds.). (2018). Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems. Springer LNBIP 310.
- Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems / Tjoa, A. M., Raffai, M., Doucek, P., & Novak, N. M. (Eds.). (2018). Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems. Springer LNBIP 327.
- A New Framework for Multidimensional Evaluation of Search Engines / Palotti, J., Zuccon, G., & Hanbury, A. (2018). A New Framework for Multidimensional Evaluation of Search Engines. In Proc. 27th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2018) (pp. 1699–1702). ACM Digital Library.
- Crowd-Sourced Knowledge Graph Extension: A Belief Revision Based Approach. / Revenko, A., Sabou, R. M., Ahmeti, A., & Schauer, M. (2018). Crowd-Sourced Knowledge Graph Extension: A Belief Revision Based Approach. In Proceedings of the 6th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP). 6th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP), Zurich, Switzerland, Non-EU. AAAI.
- Exploring Enterprise Knowledge Graphs: A Use Case in Software Engineering / Sabou, M., Ekaputra, F. J., Ionescu, T., Musil, J., Schall, D., Haller, K., Friedl, A., & Biffl, S. (2018). Exploring Enterprise Knowledge Graphs: A Use Case in Software Engineering. In The Semantic Web (pp. 560–575). Springer LNCS.
- A Specification-based State Replication Approach for Digital Twins / Eckhart, M., & Ekelhart, A. (2018). A Specification-based State Replication Approach for Digital Twins. In Proceedings of the 2018 Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and PrivaCy. CPS-SPC ’18, Toronto, Canada, Non-EU. ACM.
- Towards Flexible and Automated Testing in Production Systems Engineering Projects / Winkler, D., Meixner, K., & Biffl, S. (2018). Towards Flexible and Automated Testing in Production Systems Engineering Projects. In 2018 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). 23rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Torino, Italy, EU. IEEE.
- Towards Security-Aware Virtual Environments for Digital Twins / Eckhart, M., & Ekelhart, A. (2018). Towards Security-Aware Virtual Environments for Digital Twins. In Proceedings of the 4th ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical System Security. CPSS ’18, Incheon, Republic of Korea, Non-EU. ACM.
- Verifying Conceptual Domain Models with Human Computation: A Case Study in Software Engineering / Sabou, R. M., Winkler, D., Penzerstadler, P., & Biffl, S. (2018). Verifying Conceptual Domain Models with Human Computation: A Case Study in Software Engineering. In Proceedings of the 6th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP) (pp. 164–173). AAAI.
- Towards an experiment line on software inspection with human computation / Biffl, S., Kalinowski, M., & Winkler, D. (2018). Towards an experiment line on software inspection with human computation. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Conducting Empirical Studies in Industry. 6th International Workshop on Conducting Empirical Studies in Industry (CESI), Gothenburg, Sweden, EU. IEEE.
- Medical Entity Corpus with PICO elements and Sentiment Analysis / Zlabinger, M., Andersson, L., Hanbury, A., Andersson, M., Quasnik, V., & Brassey, J. (2018). Medical Entity Corpus with PICO elements and Sentiment Analysis. In LREC 2018, Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (pp. 292–296). International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation.
- USBlock: Blocking USB-Based Keypress Injection Attacks / Neuner, S., Voyiatzis, A. G., Fotopoulos, S., Mulliner, C., & Weippl, E. (2018). USBlock: Blocking USB-Based Keypress Injection Attacks. In Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXXII (pp. 278–295). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- Security Challenges in Cyber-Physical Production Systems / Kieseberg, P., & Weippl, E. (2018). Security Challenges in Cyber-Physical Production Systems. In Software Quality: Methods and Tools for Better Software and Systems (pp. 3–16). Springer Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing.
- Head in the Clouds: An Initiative for Digital Learning among Roma Communities in Europe / Novak, N. M., Rabiee, M., & Tjoa, A. M. (2018). Head in the Clouds: An Initiative for Digital Learning among Roma Communities in Europe. In B. M. McLaren, R. Reilly, S. Zvacek, & J. Uhomoibhi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education. SCITEPRESS.
- How current optical music recognition systems are becoming useful for digital libraries / Hajič, J. jr., Kolárová, M., Pacha, A., & Calvo-Zaragoza, J. (2018). How current optical music recognition systems are becoming useful for digital libraries. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology. 5th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology, Paris, France, EU.
- Optical Music Recognition in Mensural Notation with Region-Based Convolutional Neural Networks / Pacha, A., & Calvo-Zaragoza, J. (2018). Optical Music Recognition in Mensural Notation with Region-Based Convolutional Neural Networks. In Proceedings of the 19th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (pp. 240–247).
- Advancing OMR as a Community: Best Practices for Reproducible Research / Pacha, A. (2018). Advancing OMR as a Community: Best Practices for Reproducible Research. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Reading Music Systems (pp. 19–20).
- A Creative Learning Sequence in an Introductory Programming MOOC / Wetzinger, E., Futschek, G., & Standl-Gruber, B. (2018). A Creative Learning Sequence in an Introductory Programming MOOC. In V. Dagiene & E. Jasute (Eds.), Constructionism 2018 Proceedings (pp. 685–691).
- Developing a MOOC on Introductory Programming as Additional Preparation Course for CS Freshmen / Wetzinger, E., Standl-Gruber, B., & Futschek, G. (2018). Developing a MOOC on Introductory Programming as Additional Preparation Course for CS Freshmen. In Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (pp. 1684–1693). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- Handwritten Music Object Detection: Open Issues and Baseline Results / Pacha, A., Choi, K.-Y., Coüasnon, B., Ricquebourg, Y., & Eidenberger, H. (2018). Handwritten Music Object Detection: Open Issues and Baseline Results. In 2018 13th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS). 2018 13th IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS), Wien, Austria.
- Student Retention: Towards Defining Measures for Improved Quality of Teaching and Learning in the First Year of Computer Science Studies / Standl, B., Wetzinger, E., & Futschek, G. (2018). Student Retention: Towards Defining Measures for Improved Quality of Teaching and Learning in the First Year of Computer Science Studies. In M. Webb & A. Tatnall (Eds.), IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (pp. 640–647). Springer International Publishing.
MIREX Submission for Drum Transcription 2018
Vogl, R., & Knees, P. (2018). MIREX Submission for Drum Transcription 2018. In 14th Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX 2018) (p. 2). International Music Information Retrieval Systems Evaluation Laboratory, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Project: SmarterJam (2017–2019) - Debunking Active Data Management Plans / Cardoso, J., Miksa, T., & Borbinha, J. (2018). Debunking Active Data Management Plans. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). IEEE International Conference on Big Data.
- Framing the scope of the common data model for machine-actionable Data Management Plans / Miksa, T., Cardoso, J., & Borbinha, J. (2018). Framing the scope of the common data model for machine-actionable Data Management Plans. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). IEEE International Conference on Big Data.
- Predicting maize canopy nitrogen status using the spectral indices CCCI and SCCCI / Koppensteiner, L., Fitzgerald, G., Neubauer, T., Urban, F., Kaul, H.-P., & Manschadi, A. (2018). Predicting maize canopy nitrogen status using the spectral indices CCCI and SCCCI. In H. Stützel (Ed.), From Big Data to Smart Farming (pp. 108–109). Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften / Verlag Liddy Halm.
- Conceptualisation and implementation of the smart farming project FARM/IT in Austria: Challenges and achievements / Manschadi, A., Kaul, H.-P., Eitzinger, J., Friedel, J., Vuolo, F., Schaumberger, A., Pötsch, E., Bodner, G., & Neubauer, T. (2018). Conceptualisation and implementation of the smart farming project FARM/IT in Austria: Challenges and achievements. In H. Stützel (Ed.), From Big Data to Smart Farming. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften / Verlag Liddy Halm.
- Computational Thinking and Creativity / Futschek, G. (2018). Computational Thinking and Creativity. In V. Dagiene & E. Jasute (Eds.), Constructionism 2018 Proceedings (p. 38).
- Biber der Informatik 2017, Aufgaben und Lösungen / Futschek, G. (2018). Biber der Informatik 2017, Aufgaben und Lösungen.
- SOFSEM 2018: Theory and Practice of Computer Science - 44th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Proceedings / Tjoa, A. M., Bellatreche, L., Biffl, S., van Leeuwen, J., & Wiedermann, J. (Eds.). (2018). SOFSEM 2018: Theory and Practice of Computer Science - 44th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Proceedings. Springer LNCS.
- Low-rank decomposition meets kernel learning: A generalized Nyström method / Lan, L., Zhang, K., Ge, H., Cheng, W., Liu, J., Rauber, A., Li, X.-L., Wang, J., & Zha, H. (2017). Low-rank decomposition meets kernel learning: A generalized Nyström method. Artificial Intelligence, 250, 1–15.
- Information technology for sustainable supply chain management: a literature survey / Thöni, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2017). Information technology for sustainable supply chain management: a literature survey. Enterprise Information Systems, 11(6), 828–858.
- Toward Optimized Multimodal Concept Indexing / Rekabsaz, N., Bierig, R., Lupu, M., & Hanbury, A. (2017). Toward Optimized Multimodal Concept Indexing. In A. M. Pinto & J. Cardoso (Eds.), Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XXVI (Vol. 10190, pp. 144–161). Springer.
- Introduction to the Multi-Disciplinary Engineering for Cyber-Physical Production Systems / Biffl, S., Gerhard, D., & Lüder, A. (2017). Introduction to the Multi-Disciplinary Engineering for Cyber-Physical Production Systems. In S. Biffl, A. Lüder, & D. Gerhard (Eds.), Multi-Disciplinary Engineering for Cyber-Physical Production Systems (pp. 1–24). Springer.
- Extracting the Population, Intervention, Comparison and Sentiment from Randomized Controlled Trials. / Zlabinger, M., Andersson, L., Brassey, J., & Hanbury, A. (2017). Extracting the Population, Intervention, Comparison and Sentiment from Randomized Controlled Trials. In A. Ugon, D. Karlsson, G. O. Klein, & A. Moen (Eds.), Building Continents of Knowledge in Oceans of Data: The Future of Co-Created eHealth – Proceedings of MIE2018 (Vol. 247, pp. 146–150). IOS Press.
- Continuous Architectural Knowledge Integration: Making Heterogeneous Architectural Knowledge Available in Large-Scale Organizations / Musil, J., Ekaputra, F. J., Sabou, M., Ionescu, T., Schall, D., Musil, A., & Biffl, S. (2017). Continuous Architectural Knowledge Integration: Making Heterogeneous Architectural Knowledge Available in Large-Scale Organizations. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA). 1st IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2017), Gothenburg, Sweden, EU. IEEE.
Music Genre Classification Revisited: An In-Depth Examination Guided by Music Experts
Pálmason, H., Jónsson, B. T., Schedl, M., & Knees, P. (2017). Music Genre Classification Revisited: An In-Depth Examination Guided by Music Experts. In R. Kronland-Martinet, S. Ystad, & M. Aramaki (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (pp. 45–56). Les éditions de PRISM.
Project: SmarterJam (2017–2019) -
On Competitiveness of Nearest-Neighbor-Based Music Classification: A Methodological Critique
Pálmason, H., Jónsson, B. Þ., Amsaleg, L., Schedl, M., & Knees, P. (2017). On Competitiveness of Nearest-Neighbor-Based Music Classification: A Methodological Critique. In C. Beeck, F. Borutta, P. Kröger, & T. Seidl (Eds.), Similarity Search and Applications (pp. 275–283). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer.
Project: SmarterJam (2017–2019) - Indicators of Country Similarity in Terms of Music Taste, Cultural, and Socio-economic Factors / Schedl, M., Lemmerich, F., Ferwerda, B., Skowron, M., & Knees, P. (2017). Indicators of Country Similarity in Terms of Music Taste, Cultural, and Socio-economic Factors. In 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM). 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, Taichung, Taiwan, Non-EU. IEEE.
- Prediction of User Demographics from Music Listening Habits / Krismayer, T., Schedl, M., Knees, P., & Rabiser, R. (2017). Prediction of User Demographics from Music Listening Habits. In Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing. 15th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, Florenz, Italien, EU. ACM.
New Paths in Music Recommender Systems Research
Schedl, M., Knees, P., & Gouyon, F. (2017). New Paths in Music Recommender Systems Research. In Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. 11th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Como, Italien, EU. ACM.
Project: SmarterJam (2017–2019) - Exploration of a Threshold for Similarity Based on Uncertainty in Word Embedding / Rekabsaz, N., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A., & Zuccon, G. (2017). Exploration of a Threshold for Similarity Based on Uncertainty in Word Embedding. In Advances in Information Retrieval 39th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2017, Aberdeen, UK, April 8-13, 2017, Proceedings (pp. 396–409). Springer, Cham.
- Fixed-Cost Pooling Strategies Based on IR Evaluation Measures / Lipani, A., Palotti, J., Lupu, M., Piroi, F., Zuccon, G., & Hanbury, A. (2017). Fixed-Cost Pooling Strategies Based on IR Evaluation Measures. In Advances in Information Retrieval 39th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2017, Aberdeen, UK, April 8-13, 2017, Proceedings (pp. 357–368). Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021.
- Slicing Simulation Models into Co-simulations / Novák, P., Wimmer, M., & Kadera, P. (2017). Slicing Simulation Models into Co-simulations. In Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems 8th International Conference, HoloMAS 2017, Lyon, France, August 28–30, 2017, Proceedings (pp. 111–124). Springer.
- Improving Model Inspection Processes with Crowdsourcing: Findings from a Controlled Experiment / Winkler, D., Sabou, M., Petrovic, S., Carneiro, G., Kalinowski, M., & Biffl, S. (2017). Improving Model Inspection Processes with Crowdsourcing: Findings from a Controlled Experiment. In Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement (pp. 125–137). Springer.
- A semantic data model for the interpretion of environmental streaming data / Tjoa, A. M., Hoang, H.-H., Quirchmayr, G., & Duy, T. K. (2017). A semantic data model for the interpretion of environmental streaming data. In 2017 Seventh International Conference on Information Science and Technology (ICIST). ICIST 2017 Seventh International Conference on Information Science and Technology, Da Nang, Vietnam, Non-EU. IEEE978-1-5090-5401-5.
- I Have No Idea What I'm Doing - On the Usability of Deploying HTTPS / Krombholz, K., Mayer, W., Mulazzani, M., & Weippl, E. (2017). I Have No Idea What I’m Doing - On the Usability of Deploying HTTPS. In Proceedings of the 26th USENIX Security Symposium. 26th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 2017), Vancouver, Canada, Canada.
- Stakeholder-oriented energy planning support in cities / Ouhajjou, N., Loibl, W., Fenz, S., & Tjoa, A. M. (2017). Stakeholder-oriented energy planning support in cities. Sustainable Cities and Society, 28, 482–492.
Drum Transcription via Joint Beat and Drum Modeling Using Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks
Vogl, R., Dorfer, M., Widmer, G., & Knees, P. (2017). Drum Transcription via Joint Beat and Drum Modeling Using Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks. In Proceedings of the 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (pp. 150–157).
Project: SmarterJam (2017–2019) -
MIREX Submission for Drum Transcription 2017
Vogl, R., Dorfer, M., Widmer, G., & Knees, P. (2017). MIREX Submission for Drum Transcription 2017. In 13th Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX 2017) (p. 1). International Music Information Retrieval Systems Evaluation Laboratory, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Project: SmarterJam (2017–2019) - Retrieval Models Versus Retrievability / Bashir, S., & Rauber, A. (2017). Retrieval Models Versus Retrievability. In Current Challenges in Patent Information Retrieval (pp. 185–212). Springer.
- Patterns for Self-Adaptation in Cyber-Physical Systems / Musil, A., Musil, J., Weyns, D., Bures, T., Muccini, H., & Sharaf, M. (2017). Patterns for Self-Adaptation in Cyber-Physical Systems. In S. Biffl, A. Lüder, & D. Gerhard (Eds.), Multi-Disciplinary Engineering for Cyber-Physical Production Systems (pp. 331–368). Springer.
- Semantic Web Technologies for Data Integration in Multi-Disciplinary Engineering / Sabou, M., Ekaputra, F. J., & Biffl, S. (2017). Semantic Web Technologies for Data Integration in Multi-Disciplinary Engineering. In S. Biffl, A. Lüder, & D. Gerhard (Eds.), Multi-Disciplinary Engineering for Cyber-Physical Production Systems (pp. 301–329). Springer.
- Conclusions and Outlook on Research for Multi-Disciplinary Engineering for Cyber-Physical Production Systems / Biffl, S., Gerhard, D., & Lüder, A. (2017). Conclusions and Outlook on Research for Multi-Disciplinary Engineering for Cyber-Physical Production Systems. In S. Biffl, A. Lüder, & D. Gerhard (Eds.), Multi-Disciplinary Engineering for Cyber-Physical Production Systems (pp. 1–24). Springer.
- Integrationsplattform für anlagenmodellorientiertes Engineering / Biffl, S., Mordinyi, R., Steininger, H., & Winkler, D. (2017). Integrationsplattform für anlagenmodellorientiertes Engineering. In B. Vogel-Heuser, T. Bauernhansl, & M. ten Hompel (Eds.), Handbuch Industrie 4.0 Bd.2 (pp. 189–212). Springer-Verlag.
- Improving Quality Assurance in Multidisciplinary Engineering Environments with Semantic Technologies / Winkler, D., Sabou, M., & Biffl, S. (2017). Improving Quality Assurance in Multidisciplinary Engineering Environments with Semantic Technologies. In Quality Control and Assurance - An Ancient Greek Term Re-Mastered. InTech.
- Towards Model Quality Assurance for Multi-Disciplinary Engineering / Winkler, D., Wimmer, M., Berardinelli, L., & Biffl, S. (2017). Towards Model Quality Assurance for Multi-Disciplinary Engineering. In Multi-Disciplinary Engineering for Cyber-Physical Production Systems (pp. 433–457). Springer.
- Fashion and Apparel Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks / Schindler, A., Lidy, T., Karner, S., & Hecker, M. (2017). Fashion and Apparel Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks. In 10th Forum Media Technology 2017 (p. 4).
- A Text Extraction Software Benchmark Based on a Synthesized Dataset / Duretec, K., Rauber, A., & Becker, C. (2017). A Text Extraction Software Benchmark Based on a Synthesized Dataset. In 2017 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL). 2017 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Toronto, ON, Canada, Non-EU. IEEE.
Drum transcription from polyphonic music with recurrent neural networks
Vogl, R., Dorfer, M., & Knees, P. (2017). Drum transcription from polyphonic music with recurrent neural networks. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, LA, USA, Non-EU.
Project: SmarterJam (2017–2019) - Prozessunterstützung durch eine Integrationsplattform für anlagenmodellorientiertes Engineering - Bedarfe und Lösungsansätze / Biffl, S., Mordinyi, R., Steininger, H., & Winkler, D. (2017). Prozessunterstützung durch eine Integrationsplattform für anlagenmodellorientiertes Engineering - Bedarfe und Lösungsansätze. In Handbuch Industrie 4.0. Springer.
- Real-time forensics through endpoint visibility / Kieseberg, P., Neuner, S., Schrittwieser, S., Schmiedecker, M., & Weippl, E. (2017). Real-time forensics through endpoint visibility. In Proceedings of the 9th EAI International Conference on Digital Forensics & Cyber Crime. 9th EAI International Conference on Digital Forensics & Cyber Crime, Prague, Czech Republic, EU. LNICST SpringerLink Digital Library.
- Grid Shock: Coordinated Load-Changing Attacks on Power Grids / Dabrowski, A., Ullrich, J., & Weippl, E. (2017). Grid Shock: Coordinated Load-Changing Attacks on Power Grids. In Proceedings of the 2017 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference. Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), Miami, USA, Non-EU.
- Lightweight Address Hopping for Defending the IPv6 IoT / Judmayer, A., Ullrich, J., Merzdovnik, G., Voyiatzis, A. G., & Weippl, E. (2017). Lightweight Address Hopping for Defending the IPv6 IoT. In Proceedings of ARES 2017 (ACM International Conference Proceedings Series). 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2017), Reggio Calabria, Italy, EU.
- Network-Based Secret Communication in Clouds: A Survey / Ullrich, J., Zseby, T., Fabini, J., & Weippl, E. (2017). Network-Based Secret Communication in Clouds: A Survey. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 19(2), 1112–1144.
- Volatility Prediction using Financial Disclosures Sentiments with Word Embedding-based IR Models / Rekabsaz, N., Lupu, M., Baklanov, A., Dür, A., Andersson, L., & Hanbury, A. (2017). Volatility Prediction using Financial Disclosures Sentiments with Word Embedding-based IR Models. In Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers). Association for Computational Linguistics, Vancouver, Canada, Non-EU. Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Multi-Disciplinary Engineering for Cyber-Physical Production Systems / Biffl, S., Lüder, A., & Gerhard, D. (Eds.). (2017). Multi-Disciplinary Engineering for Cyber-Physical Production Systems. Springer International Publishing.
- Product Lifecycle Management Challenges of CPPS / Gerhard, D. (2017). Product Lifecycle Management Challenges of CPPS. In S. Biffl, A. Lüder, & D. Gerhard (Eds.), Multi-Disciplinary Engineering for Cyber-Physical Production Systems. Data Models and Software Solutions for Handling Complex Engineering Projects (pp. 89–110). Springer.
- Information integration for machine actionable data management plans / Miksa, T., Rauber, A., Ganguly, R., & Budroni, P. (2017). Information integration for machine actionable data management plans. International Journal of Digital Curation, 12(1), 22–35.
- A faceted approach to reachability analysis of graph modelled collections / Sabetghadam, S., Lupu, M., Bierig, R., & Rauber, A. (2017). A faceted approach to reachability analysis of graph modelled collections. International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval, 7(3), 157–171.
- A Linked Data Platform for Trans-disciplinary Research on the Transformation of Traditional Architecture in Indonesia / Kiesling, E., Tjoa, A. M., Ekaputra, F. J., & Herbig, U. (2017). A Linked Data Platform for Trans-disciplinary Research on the Transformation of Traditional Architecture in Indonesia. Journal of Comparative Cultural Studies in Architecture, 10, 42–46.
- Format technology lifecycle analysis / Duretec, K., & Becker, C. (2017). Format technology lifecycle analysis. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 68(10), 2484–2500.
- Using ontologies for verification and validation of workflow-based experiments / Miksa, T., & Rauber, A. (2017). Using ontologies for verification and validation of workflow-based experiments. Journal of Web Semantics, 43, 25–45.
- Digitalisierte Chancen - Der Einsatz digitaler Materialien in der Bildung verbessert die Chancen von Roma-Kinder / Novak, N. M., & Weidinger, V. (2017). Digitalisierte Chancen - Der Einsatz digitaler Materialien in der Bildung verbessert die Chancen von Roma-Kinder. OeAD News, DIGITALISIERUNG IN DER BILDUNG, IT-UND KOMMUNIKATIONSTECHNIK IN KLASSENZIMMERN UND HÖRSAAL(104), 20–21.
- A Risk Management Framework for Cloud Migration Decision Support / Islam, S., Fenz, S., Weippl, E., & Mouratidis, H. (2017). A Risk Management Framework for Cloud Migration Decision Support. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 10(2), 10.
- Ontology Based Data Integration in Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Environments: A Review / Ekaputra, F. J., Sabou, R. M., Kiesling, E., Serral Asensio, E., & Biffl, S. (2017). Ontology Based Data Integration in Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Environments: A Review. Open Journal of Information Systems, 4(1), 26.
- Enabling Reproducibility for Small and Large Scale Research Data Sets / Pröll, S., & Rauber, A. (2017). Enabling Reproducibility for Small and Large Scale Research Data Sets. D-Lib Magazine, 23(1/2).
- The Challenge of Test Data Quality in Data Processing / Becker, C., Duretec, K., & Rauber, A. (2017). The Challenge of Test Data Quality in Data Processing. Journal of Data and Information Quality, 8(2), 1–4.
- Machine-actionable Data Management Plans (maDMPs) / Simms, S., Jones, S., Mietchen, D., & Miksa, T. (2017). Machine-actionable Data Management Plans (maDMPs). Research Ideas and Outcomes, 3, e13086.
- Diversity and credibility for social Images and image retrieval / Bogdan, I., Lupu, M., Rohm, M., Ginsca, A. L., & Müller, H. (2017). Diversity and credibility for social Images and image retrieval. ACM SIGMM Records, 3.
- Studieneinstieg, nicht -ausstieg! / Wetzinger, E., Kappel, G., & Futschek, G. (2017). Studieneinstieg, nicht -ausstieg! TU Freihaus, 44.
- Music Information Retrieval for Creative Audio Production / Knees, P., & Vogl, R. (2017). Music Information Retrieval for Creative Audio Production. i2c Networking Friday 2017, TU Wien, Austria.
- Introduction to Music Information Retrieval / Knees, P. (2017). Introduction to Music Information Retrieval. Informatik BEGINNER’s Day 2017, TU Wien, Austria.
- Me, Myself & A.I. / Knees, P. (2017). Me, Myself & A.I. Summit 2017, Vienna, Austria.
- Introduction to Music Information Retrieval and Music Content Analysis / Knees, P. (2017). Introduction to Music Information Retrieval and Music Content Analysis. Indonesian Summer School on Music Information Retrieval, Depok, Indonesia, Non-EU.
- Towards Visual Approaches to Audio Retrieval in Creative Music Production / Knees, P. (2017). Towards Visual Approaches to Audio Retrieval in Creative Music Production. Guest Lecture, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, Non-EU.
Music Retrieval and Recommendation: Applications in Music Creation and Collaboration
Knees, P. (2017). Music Retrieval and Recommendation: Applications in Music Creation and Collaboration. 3rd Berlin Music Information Retrieval Meetup, Berlin, Germany, EU.
Project: SmarterJam (2017–2019) - Die OCG Initiative Bildung 4.0 / Futschek, G., & Klemen, M. (2017). Die OCG Initiative Bildung 4.0. Digitale Bildung und 20 Jahre ECDL, Wien, Austria.
- Ein MOOC zum Programmierenlernen / Futschek, G. (2017). Ein MOOC zum Programmierenlernen. Informatiktag 2017, Wien, Austria.
- The Portability of Three Types of Text Mining Techniques into the Patent Text Genre / Andersson, L., Hanbury, A., & Rauber, A. (2017). The Portability of Three Types of Text Mining Techniques into the Patent Text Genre. In M. Lupu, K. Mayer, N. Kando, & A. Trippe (Eds.), Current Challenges in Patent Information Retrieval (pp. 241–280). Springer.
- Software Quality. Complexity and Challenges of Software Engineering in Emerging Technologies / Winkler, D., Biffl, S., & Bergsmann, J. (Eds.). (2017). Software Quality. Complexity and Challenges of Software Engineering in Emerging Technologies. Springer International Publishing.
- Product-Focused Software Process Improvement / Felderer, M., Méndez Fernández, D., Turhan, A.-Y., Kalinowski, M., Sarro, F., & Winkler, D. (Eds.). (2017). Product-Focused Software Process Improvement. Springer.
- Generation of Simulation Models in MATLAB-Simulink Based on AutomationML Plant Description / Novák, P., Ekaputra, F. J., & Biffl, S. (2017). Generation of Simulation Models in MATLAB-Simulink Based on AutomationML Plant Description. In IFAC-PapersOnLine (pp. 7613–7620). Elsevier Ltd.
- Der Biber der Informatik in Österreich - Anmerkungen und Perspektiven / Micheuz, P., & Futschek, G. (2017). Der Biber der Informatik in Österreich - Anmerkungen und Perspektiven. In Informatische Bildung zum Verstehen und Gestalten der digitalen Welt (pp. 427–428). Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn.
- Multi-Temporal Resolution Convolutional Neural Networks for the DCASE Acoustic Scene Classification Task / Schindler, A., Lidy, T., & Rauber, A. (2017). Multi-Temporal Resolution Convolutional Neural Networks for the DCASE Acoustic Scene Classification Task. In Proceedings of the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2017 Workshop (DCASE2017) (p. 5).
- Multi-Temporal Resolution Convolutional Neural Networks for Acoustic Scene Classification / Schindler, A., Lidy, T., & Rauber, A. (2017). Multi-Temporal Resolution Convolutional Neural Networks for Acoustic Scene Classification. In Proceedings of the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2017 Workshop (DCASE2017) (pp. 118–122).
- A Multi-modal Deep Neural Network approach to Bird-song identification / Fazekas, B., Schindler, A., & Lidy, T. (2017). A Multi-modal Deep Neural Network approach to Bird-song identification. In BirdCLEF 2017 (p. 6).
- The Gestalt Interest Points Distance Feature for Compact and Accurate Image Description / Hörhan, M., & Eidenberger, H. (2017). The Gestalt Interest Points Distance Feature for Compact and Accurate Image Description. In Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (p. 5).
- Towards Self-Learning Optical Music Recognition / Pacha, A., & Eidenberger, H. (2017). Towards Self-Learning Optical Music Recognition. In 2017 16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA). 16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, Cancun, Non-EU.
- Towards a Universal Music Symbol Classifier / Pacha, A., & Eidenberger, H. (2017). Towards a Universal Music Symbol Classifier. In 2017 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). International Workshop on Graphics Recognition, New York, Non-EU.
- Linked data processing provenance / Trinh, T.-D., Aryan, P. R., Do, B.-L., Ekaputra, F. J., Kiesling, E., Rauber, A., Wetz, P., & Tjoa, A. M. (2017). Linked data processing provenance. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence. International Conference on Web Intelligence 2017, Leipzig, Germany, EU. ACM.
- Exploring Traceability Links via Issues for Detailed Requirements Coverage Reports / Mordinyi, R., & Biffl, S. (2017). Exploring Traceability Links via Issues for Detailed Requirements Coverage Reports. In 2017 IEEE 25th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW). 25th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW), Lisbon, Portugal, EU. IEEE.
- Hybrid Software and System Development in Practice: Initial Results from Austria / Felderer, M., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2017). Hybrid Software and System Development in Practice: Initial Results from Austria. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS, Volume 10611 (pp. 435–442). Springer.
- Investigating Model Quality Assurance with a Distributed and Scalable Review Process / Winkler, D., Sabou, R. M., Petrovic, S., Carneiro, G., Kalinowski, M., & Biffl, S. (2017). Investigating Model Quality Assurance with a Distributed and Scalable Review Process. In Proceedings of the 20th Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, Experimental Software Engineering (ESELAW) Track (pp. 141–154). IEEE.
- Investigating the Influence of Inspector Learning Styles on Design Inspections: Findings of a Quasi-Experiment / Carneiro, G., Laigner, R., Kalinowski, M., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2017). Investigating the Influence of Inspector Learning Styles on Design Inspections: Findings of a Quasi-Experiment. In Proceedings of the 20th Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, Experimental Software Engineering (ESELAW) Track (pp. 222–235). IEEE.
- Improving Model Inspection with Crowdsourcing / Winkler, D., Sabou, M., Petrovic, S., Carneiro, G., Kalinowski, M., & Biffl, S. (2017). Improving Model Inspection with Crowdsourcing. In 2017 IEEE/ACM 4th International Workshop on CrowdSourcing in Software Engineering (CSI-SE). 4th Workshop on Crowdsourcing in Software Engineering (CSI-SE), International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Buenos Aires, Argentina, Non-EU. ACM/IEEE.
- UMAP 2017 Workshop on Surprise, Opposition, and Obstruction in Adaptive and Personalized Systems / Knees, P., Andersen, K., Said, A., & Tkalcic, M. (2017). UMAP 2017 Workshop on Surprise, Opposition, and Obstruction in Adaptive and Personalized Systems. In Adjunct Publication of the 25th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization. ACM.
- Computer-based diagnosis for electric power supply in train traffic installations / Spunei, E., Piroi, I., & Piroi, F. (2017). Computer-based diagnosis for electric power supply in train traffic installations. In 2017 5th International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ISEEE). IEEE.
- The square root method for terminal voltage adjustment in a self-excited synchronous generator / Spunei, E., Piroi, I., Anghel, D., & Piroi, F. (2017). The square root method for terminal voltage adjustment in a self-excited synchronous generator. In 2017 5th International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ISEEE). IEEE.
- Computer assisted diagnosis of automatic signalling installations with blinking red lights / Spunei, E., Piroi, I., Muscai, C., & Piroi, F. (2017). Computer assisted diagnosis of automatic signalling installations with blinking red lights. In 2017 International Conference on Electromechanical and Power Systems (SIELMEN). IEEE.
- Message ranking in a factory setting using context and user preference / Taha, A. A., Piroi, F., Hanbury, A., Tropper, T., Mutzl, T., & Shehata, H. (2017). Message ranking in a factory setting using context and user preference. In 2017 22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). IEEE.
- Word Embedding Causes Topic Shifting; Exploit Global Context! / Rekabsaz, N., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A., & Zamani, H. (2017). Word Embedding Causes Topic Shifting; Exploit Global Context! In Proceedings of the 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Shinjuku , Tokyo, Japan, Non-EU. ACM.
- Visual Pool / Lipani, A., Lupu, M., & Hanbury, A. (2017). Visual Pool. In Proceedings of the 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. ACM.
- Fixed budget pooling strategies based on fusion methods / Lipani, A., Lupu, M., Palotti, J., Zuccon, G., & Hanbury, A. (2017). Fixed budget pooling strategies based on fusion methods. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing. ACM.
- Workshop on Unplugged Computational Thinking Activities / Futschek, G., & Weigend, M. (2017). Workshop on Unplugged Computational Thinking Activities. In ISSEP 2017 Online Proceedings (p. 2).
- The Card Game of Bebras-like Tasks for Introducing Informatics Concepts / Dagiene, V., Futschek, G., Koivisto, J., & Stupurienė, G. (2017). The Card Game of Bebras-like Tasks for Introducing Informatics Concepts. In ISSEP 2017 Online Proceedings (p. 5).
- Solving Everyday Challenges in a Computational Way of Thinking / Standl, B. (2017). Solving Everyday Challenges in a Computational Way of Thinking. In V. Dagiene & A. Hellas (Eds.), Informatics in Schools: Focus on Learning Programming (pp. 180–191). Springer International Publishing.
- Block Me If You Can: A Large-Scale Study of Tracker-Blocking Tools / Merzdovnik, G., Huber, M., Buhov, D., Nikiforakis, N., Neuner, S., Schmiedecker, M., & Weippl, E. (2017). Block Me If You Can: A Large-Scale Study of Tracker-Blocking Tools. In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (Euro S&P). 2nd IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P), Paris, France, EU.
- Timestamp hiccups: Detecting manipulated filesystem timestamps on NTFS / Neuner, S., Voyiatzis, A. G., Schmiedecker, M., & Weippl, E. (2017). Timestamp hiccups: Detecting manipulated filesystem timestamps on NTFS. In Proceedings of ARES 2017 (ACM International Conference Proceedings Series). 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2017), Reggio Calabria, Italy, EU.
- From Abstraction to Implementation: Can Computational Thinking Improve Complex Real-World Problem Solving? A Computational Thinking-Based Approach to the SDGs / Tjoa, A. M., & Rabiee, M. (2017). From Abstraction to Implementation: Can Computational Thinking Improve Complex Real-World Problem Solving? A Computational Thinking-Based Approach to the SDGs. In Information and Communication Technologies for Development (pp. 104–116). Springer.
- Does Online Evaluation Correspond to Offline Evaluation in Query Auto Completion? / Bampoulidis, A., Palotti, J., Lupu, M., Brassey, J., & Hanbury, A. (2017). Does Online Evaluation Correspond to Offline Evaluation in Query Auto Completion? In Advances in Information Retrieval (pp. 713–719). Springer.
- Towards Open Data Mashups for Data Journalism / Ekaputra, F. J., Novak, N. M., Kiesling, E., Aryan, P. R., Do, B. L., Trinh, T. D., & Tjoa, A. M. (2017). Towards Open Data Mashups for Data Journalism. In J. D. Fernández & S. Hellmann (Eds.), Proceedings of the Posters and Demos Track of the 13th International Conference on Semantic Systems - SEMANTiCS2017 co-located with the 13th International Conference on Semantic Systems (SEMANTiCS 2017) (p. 6). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- PrivacyTag: A Community-Based Method for Protecting Privacy of Photographed Subjects in Online Social Networks / Machida, S., Dabrowski, A., Weippl, E., & Echizen, I. (2017). PrivacyTag: A Community-Based Method for Protecting Privacy of Photographed Subjects in Online Social Networks. In I3E 2017: Digital Nations - Smart Cities, Innovation, and Sustainability (pp. 261–275). Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- The OCEAN-Model for Location Based Services / Mladenow, A., Novak, N. M., & Strauss, C. (2017). The OCEAN-Model for Location Based Services. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia - MoMM2017. ACM Conference Proceedings Series, Austria. ACM.
Building Physical Props for Imagining Future Recommender Systems
Knees, P., & Andersen, K. (2017). Building Physical Props for Imagining Future Recommender Systems. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Workshop on Theory-Informed User Modeling for Tailoring and Personalizing Interfaces. 2017 ACM Workshop on Theory-Informed User Modeling for Tailoring and Personalizing Interfaces, Limassol, Cyprus, EU. ACM.
Project: SmarterJam (2017–2019) -
An Intelligent Drum Machine for Electronic Dance Music Production and Performance
Vogl, R., & Knees, P. (2017). An Intelligent Drum Machine for Electronic Dance Music Production and Performance. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (pp. 231–236).
Project: SmarterJam (2017–2019) - Automatic query expansion for patent passage retrieval using paradigmatic and syntagmatic information / Andersson, L., Rekabsaz, N., & Hanbury, A. (2017). Automatic query expansion for patent passage retrieval using paradigmatic and syntagmatic information. In The first WiNLP Workshop co-located with with the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2017), Vancouver (p. 4).
- Cardinality-based variability modeling with AutomationML / Wimmer, M., Novak, P., Sindelar, R., Berardinelli, L., Mayerhofer, T., & Mazak, A. (2017). Cardinality-based variability modeling with AutomationML. In 2017 22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). ETFA 2017, Limassol, Cyprus, EU. IEEE.
- Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation of Hybrid Cyber-Physical Systems / Novak, P., Kadera, P., & Wimmer, M. (2017). Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation of Hybrid Cyber-Physical Systems. In 2017 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics (CYBCONF). 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics (CYBCONF-2017), Exeter, UK, EU. IEEE.
- Model-based engineering and virtual commissioning of cyber-physical manufacturing systems — Transportation system case study / Novak, P., Kadera, P., & Wimmer, M. (2017). Model-based engineering and virtual commissioning of cyber-physical manufacturing systems — Transportation system case study. In 2017 22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). ETFA 2017, Limassol, Cyprus, EU. IEEE.
- Digital Learning as a tool to overcome school failure in minority groups / Pal´Ová, D., Novak, N. M., & Weidinger, V. (2017). Digital Learning as a tool to overcome school failure in minority groups. In 40th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, MIPRO 2017, Opatija, Coratia, May 22 - 26, 2017 (pp. 873–878). IEEE.
- BUDANAUB - Building Damages and Diagsnistcs - A novel approach using BIM / Pont, U., Waldmayer, F., Priebernig, H., Fenz, S., & Mahdavi, A. (2017). BUDANAUB - Building Damages and Diagsnistcs - A novel approach using BIM (Einreichung).
- Biber der Informatik 2016, Aufgaben und Lösungen / Futschek, G. (2017). Biber der Informatik 2016, Aufgaben und Lösungen.
- Cloud-Based Evaluation of Anatomical Structure Segmentation and Landmark Detection Algorithms: VISCERAL Anatomy Benchmarks / Jimenez del Toro, O. A., Müller, H., Krenn, M., Grünberg, K., Taha, A. A., Winterstein, M., Eggel, I., Foncubierta-Rodríguez, A., Goksel, O., Jakab, A., Kontokotsios, G., Langs, G., Menze, B. H., Fernandez, T. S., Schaer, R., Walleyo, A., Weber, M.-A., Dicente Cid, Y., Gass, T., & Hanbury, A. (2016). Cloud-Based Evaluation of Anatomical Structure Segmentation and Landmark Detection Algorithms: VISCERAL Anatomy Benchmarks. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 35(11), 2459–2475.
- Reproducibility of Data-Oriented Experiments in e-Science (Dagstuhl Seminar 16041) / Freire, J., Fuhr, N., & Rauber, A. (Eds.). (2016). Reproducibility of Data-Oriented Experiments in e-Science (Dagstuhl Seminar 16041) (Vol. 6). Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics.
- YABench: A Comprehensive Framework for RDF Stream Processor Correctness and Performance Assessment / Kolchin, M., Wetz, P., Kiesling, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2016). YABench: A Comprehensive Framework for RDF Stream Processor Correctness and Performance Assessment. In A. Bozzon, P. Cudre-Mauroux, & C. Pautasso (Eds.), Web Engineering (pp. 280–298). Springer.
- Eine Architektur für sichere Smart Grids in Österreich / Jung, O., Fenz, S., Kammerstetter, M., & Hudic, A. (2016). Eine Architektur für sichere Smart Grids in Österreich. In D-A-CH Security 2016 (pp. 1–9). Forschungsgruppe Systemsicherheit.
- StatSpace: A Unified Platform for Statistical Data Exploration / Do, B. L., Wetz, P., Kiesling, E., Aryan, P. R., Trinh, T. D., & Tjoa, A. M. (2016). StatSpace: A Unified Platform for Statistical Data Exploration. In C. Debruyne, H. Panetto, R. Meersman, T. Dillon, E. Kühn, D. O´Sullivan, & C. A. Ardagna (Eds.), On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2016 Conferences (pp. 792–809). Sringer.
- Semantic Web Solutions in Engineering / Sabou, R. M., Kovalenko, O., Ekaputra, F. J., & Biffl, S. (2016). Semantic Web Solutions in Engineering. In S. Biffl & M. Sabou (Eds.), Semantic Web for Intelligent Engineering Applications (pp. 281–296). Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
- Ontology-Based Simulation Design and Integration / Sindelar, R., & Novak, P. (2016). Ontology-Based Simulation Design and Integration. In S. Biffl & M. Sabou (Eds.), Semantic Web for Intelligent Engineering Applications (pp. 257–277). Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
- The Curious Incidence of Bias Corrections in the Pool / Lipani, A., Lupu, M., & Hanbury, A. (2016). The Curious Incidence of Bias Corrections in the Pool. In Advances in Information Retrieval 38th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2016, Padua, Italy, March 20-23, 2016. Proceedings (pp. 267–279). Springer.
- Assessors Agreement: A Case Study Across Assessor Type, Payment Levels, Query Variations and Relevance Dimensions / Palotti, J., Zuccon, G., Bernhardt, J., Hanbury, A., & Goeuriot, L. (2016). Assessors Agreement: A Case Study Across Assessor Type, Payment Levels, Query Variations and Relevance Dimensions. In Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction 7th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2016, Évora, Portugal, September 5-8, 2016, Proceedings (pp. 40–53). Springer.
- Internet of Things Integration in Supply Chains – An Austrian Business Case of a Collaborative Closed-Loop Implementation / Mladenow, A., Novak, N. M., & Strauss, C. (2016). Internet of Things Integration in Supply Chains – An Austrian Business Case of a Collaborative Closed-Loop Implementation. In Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems (pp. 166–176). Springer LNBIP 268.
- Mapping Information Security Standard ISO 27002 to an Ontological Structure / Fenz, S., Plieschnegger, S., & Hobel, H. (2016). Mapping Information Security Standard ISO 27002 to an Ontological Structure. Information and Computer Security, 24(5), 452–473.
- Multi-Actor Urban Energy Planning Support: Building refurbishment & Building-integrated Solar PV / Ouhajjou, N., Loibl, W., Fenz, S., & Tjoa, A. M. (2016). Multi-Actor Urban Energy Planning Support: Building refurbishment & Building-integrated Solar PV. In Progress in IS. Springer.
- A tamper-proof audit and control system for the doctor in the loop / Kieseberg, P., Malle, B., Frühwirt, P., Holzinger, A., & Weippl, E. (2016). A tamper-proof audit and control system for the doctor in the loop. Brain Informatics, 3(4), 269–279.
- The and security of firewalls in cyber-physical cloud computing / Ullrich, J., Cropper, J., Frühwirt, P., & Weippl, E. (2016). The and security of firewalls in cyber-physical cloud computing. EURASIP Journal on Information Security, 2016:18(18).
- Availability, Reliability, and Security in Information Systems / Tjoa, A. M., Weippl, E., Kieseberg, P., Holzinger, A., & Buccafurri, F. (Eds.). (2016). Availability, Reliability, and Security in Information Systems. Springer LNCS 9817.
- Machine Learning with Dual Process Models / Eidenberger, H., Klauninger, B., & Unger, M. (2016). Machine Learning with Dual Process Models. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods. 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, Rom, EU.
- SEMERGY - Ein Ausflug in die Möglichkeiten semantischer Webtechnologien für die Gebäudesanierung und -Optimierung / Pont, U., Mahdavi, A., Fenz, S., Heurix, J., & Ghiassi, N. (2016). SEMERGY - Ein Ausflug in die Möglichkeiten semantischer Webtechnologien für die Gebäudesanierung und -Optimierung. In Forschungstag 2016 (pp. 66–67). Fakultät für Architektur und Raumplanung, TU Wien.
- Leveraging Semantic Web Technologies for Consistency Management in Multi-viewpoint Systems Engineering / Steyskal, S., & Wimmer, M. (2016). Leveraging Semantic Web Technologies for Consistency Management in Multi-viewpoint Systems Engineering. In S. Biffl & R. M. Sabou (Eds.), Semantic Web Technologies for Intelligent Engineering Applications (pp. 327–352). Springer.
- Qualitätssicherung in heterogenen und verteilten Entwicklungsumgebungen für industrielle Produktionssysteme / Winkler, D., Mordinyi, R., & Biffl, S. (2016). Qualitätssicherung in heterogenen und verteilten Entwicklungsumgebungen für industrielle Produktionssysteme. In B. Vogel-Heuser, T. Bauernhansl, & M. ten Hompel (Eds.), Handbuch Industrie 4.0 Bd.2 (pp. 259–278). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
- Integrationsplattform für anlagenmodellorientiertes Engineering: Bedarfe und Lösungsansätze / Biffl, S., Mordinyi, R., Steininger, H., & Winkler, D. (2016). Integrationsplattform für anlagenmodellorientiertes Engineering: Bedarfe und Lösungsansätze. In Handbuch Industrie 4.0 (pp. 189–212). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
- A case study on cooperative problem solving processes in small 9th grade student groups / Standl, B. (2016). A case study on cooperative problem solving processes in small 9th grade student groups. In 2016 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). 2016 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Abu Dhabi, Non-EU. Proceedings of IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2016).
- Combined Out- and Indoor Navigation with Smart Phones Using Intelligent Check Points / Hofer, H., & Retscher, G. (2016). Combined Out- and Indoor Navigation with Smart Phones Using Intelligent Check Points. In 13th International Symposium on Location-Based Services LBS 2016 (p. 9).
- Wi-Fi Location Fingerprinting Using an Intelligent Checkpoint Sequence / Retscher, G., & Hofer, H. (2016). Wi-Fi Location Fingerprinting Using an Intelligent Checkpoint Sequence. In 78th FIG Working Week 2016 (p. 16).
- Protecting Software through Obfuscation: Can It Keep Pace with Progress in Code Analysis? / Schrittwieser, S., Katzenbeisser, S., Kinder, J., Merzdovnik, G., & Weippl, E. (2016). Protecting Software through Obfuscation: Can It Keep Pace with Progress in Code Analysis? ACM Computing Surveys, 49(1), 1–37.
- Towards Cross-domain Decision Making in Tourism: A Linked Data based Approach / Sabou, R. M., Onder, I., Brasoveanu, A., & Scharl, A. (2016). Towards Cross-domain Decision Making in Tourism: A Linked Data based Approach. Information Technology and Tourism, 16(1), 71–101.
- The beauty or the beast? Attacking rate limits of the xen hypervisor / Ullrich, J., & Weippl, E. (2016). The beauty or the beast? Attacking rate limits of the xen hypervisor. In Computer Security - ESORICS 2016, Part II (pp. 493–512).
- Multi-Disciplinary Engineering for Industrie 4.0: Semantic Challenges and Needs / Biffl, S., Lüder, A., & Winkler, D. (2016). Multi-Disciplinary Engineering for Industrie 4.0: Semantic Challenges and Needs. In S. Biffl & R. M. Sabou (Eds.), Semantic Web Technologies for Intelligent Engineering Applications (pp. 17–51). Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
- Cross-disciplinary Engineering with AutomationML and SysML / Berardinelli, L., Biffl, S., Lüder, A., Mätzler, E., Mayerhofer, T., Wimmer, M., & Wolny, S. (2016). Cross-disciplinary Engineering with AutomationML and SysML. Automatisierungstechnik, 64(4), 253–269.
- Effectiveness of file‐based deduplication in digital forensics / Neuner, S., Schmiedecker, M., & Weippl, E. (2016). Effectiveness of file‐based deduplication in digital forensics. Security and Communication Networks, 9(15), 2876–2885.
- Visualizing Statistical Linked Knowledge Sources for Decision Support / Brasoveanu, A., Sabou, R. M., Hubmann-Haidvogel, A., & Scharl, A. (2016). Visualizing Statistical Linked Knowledge Sources for Decision Support. Semantic Web: Interoperability, Usability, Applicability, 8, 18.
- Requirements: The Key to Sustainability / Becker, C., Betz, S., Chitchyan, R., Duboc, L., Easterbrook, S. M., Penzenstadler, B., Seyff, N., & Venters, C. C. (2016). Requirements: The Key to Sustainability. IEEE Software, 33(1), 56–65.
- Overview of the Special Issue on Trust and Veracity of Information in Social Media / Papadopoulos, S., Bontcheva, K., Jaho, E., Lupu, M., & Castillo, C. (2016). Overview of the Special Issue on Trust and Veracity of Information in Social Media. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 34(3), 1–5.
- Cross-discipline modeling and its contribution to automation / Vogel-Heuser, B., & Biffl, S. (2016). Cross-discipline modeling and its contribution to automation. Automatisierungstechnik, 64(3), 165–167.
- Harnessing Music-Related Visual Stereotypes for Music Information Retrieval / Schindler, A., & Rauber, A. (2016). Harnessing Music-Related Visual Stereotypes for Music Information Retrieval. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 8(2), 1–21.
- Identifying Impact of Software Dependencies on Replicability of Biomedical Workflows / Miksa, T., Rauber, A., & Mina, E. (2016). Identifying Impact of Software Dependencies on Replicability of Biomedical Workflows. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 64, 232–254.
- Recognition and pseudonymisation of medical records for secondary use / Heurix, J., Fenz, S., Rella, A., & Neubauer, T. (2016). Recognition and pseudonymisation of medical records for secondary use. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 54(2–3), 371–383.
- Informatisches Denken in der Primarstufe: die Wiener Zauberschule der Informatik (WIZIK) / Stockinger, J., & Futschek, G. (2016). Informatisches Denken in der Primarstufe: die Wiener Zauberschule der Informatik (WIZIK). In H. C. Mayr (Ed.), Informatik 2016 (pp. 1165–1168). Gesellschaft für Informatik.
- Semantic Modelling and Acquisition of Engineering Knowledge / Sabou, R. M., Kovalenko, O., & Novak, P. (2016). Semantic Modelling and Acquisition of Engineering Knowledge. In Semantic Web for Intelligent Engineering Applications. Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
- - automatically identifying and optimizing energy-efficient building designs / Fenz, S., Heurix, J., Neubauer, T., Tjoa, A. M., Ghiassi, N., Pont, U., & Mahdavi, A. (2016). - automatically identifying and optimizing energy-efficient building designs. Computer Science - Research and Development, 31(3), 135–140.
- Smartphone Navigation anhand von "intelligenten Check-Points" / Hofer, H., & Retscher, G. (2016). Smartphone Navigation anhand von “intelligenten Check-Points.” Österreichische Zeitschrift Für Vermessung Und Geoinformation (VGI), Begutachteter Beitrag, 104(2), 61–71.
- Computational Thinking im Unterricht / Futschek, G. (2016). Computational Thinking im Unterricht. Schule Aktiv, OKTOBER, 4–5.
- Migration Goals and Risk Management in Cloud Computing: A review of State of the Art and Survey Results on Practitioners / Islam, S., Fenz, S., Weippl, E., & Kalloniatis, C. (2016). Migration Goals and Risk Management in Cloud Computing: A review of State of the Art and Survey Results on Practitioners. International Journal of Secure Software Engineering, 7(3), 44–73.
- A Framework for Security Transparency in Cloud Computing / Ismail, U. M., Islam, S., Ouedraogo, M., & Weippl, E. (2016). A Framework for Security Transparency in Cloud Computing. Future Internet, 8(1).
- The Benchmarking Forum at IPRES 2015 / Becker, C., Duretec, K., Kulmukhametov, A., & Rauber, A. (2016). The Benchmarking Forum at IPRES 2015. D-Lib Magazine, 22(1/2).
- Preventing Incomplete/Hidden Requirements: Reflections on Survey Data from Austria and Brazil / Kalinowski, M., Felderer, M., Conte, T., Spinola, R. O., Prikladnicki, R., Winkler, D., Méndez Fernández, D., & Wagner, S. (2016). Preventing Incomplete/Hidden Requirements: Reflections on Survey Data from Austria and Brazil. In D. Winkler, S. Biffl, & J. Bergsmann (Eds.), Software Quality. The Future of Systems- and Software Development: 8th International Conference, SWQD 2016, Vienna, Austria, January 18-21, 2016, Proceedings (pp. 63–78). Springer.
- Conclusions and Outlook / Sabou, R. M., & Biffl, S. (2016). Conclusions and Outlook. In S. Biffl & R. M. Sabou (Eds.), Semantic Web for Intelligent Engineering Applications (pp. 383–400). Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
- Semantic Matching of Engineering Data Structures / Kovalenko, O., & Euzenat, J. (2016). Semantic Matching of Engineering Data Structures. In S. Biffl & R. M. Sabou (Eds.), Semantic Web for Intelligent Engineering Applications (pp. 137–157). Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
- Semantic Data Integration: Tools and Architectures / Mordinyi, R., Serral Asensio, E., & Ekaputra, F. J. (2016). Semantic Data Integration: Tools and Architectures. In S. Biffl (Ed.), Semantic Web for Intelligent Engineering Applications (pp. 181–217). Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
- An Introduction to Semantic Web Technologies / Sabou, R. M. (2016). An Introduction to Semantic Web Technologies. In S. Biffl & R. M. Sabou (Eds.), Semantic Web for Intelligent Engineering Applications (pp. 53–81). Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
- Introduction / Biffl, S., & Sabou, R. M. (2016). Introduction. In S. Biffl & R. M. Sabou (Eds.), Semantic Web Technologies for Intelligent Engineering Applications (pp. 1–13). Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
- Uncertainty in Neural Network Word Embedding Exploration of Threshold for Similarity / Rekabsaz, N., Lupu, M., & Hanbury, A. (2016). Uncertainty in Neural Network Word Embedding Exploration of Threshold for Similarity. Neu-IR: The SIGIR 2016 Workshop on Neural Information Retrieval, Pisa, EU.
- Sustainability Design: Lessons from Designing A 'Green Map' / Walker, D., & Becker, C. (2016). Sustainability Design: Lessons from Designing A “Green Map.” 4th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S), Amsterdam, EU.
- I solemnly pledge: A manifesto for personal responsibility in the engineering of academic software / Allen, A., Aragon, C., Becker, C., Carver, J., Chiş, A., Combemale, B., Croucher, M., Crowston, K., Garijo, D., Gehani, A., Goble, C., Haines, R., Hirschfeld, R., Howison, J., Huff, K., Jay, C., Katz, D. S., Kirchner, C., Kuksenok, K., … Vinju, J. (2016). I solemnly pledge: A manifesto for personal responsibility in the engineering of academic software. 4th Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE4), Manchester, EU.
- Sustainability Design / Becker, C. (2016). Sustainability Design. Engineering Academic Software, Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 16252, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, EU.
- Bildung 4.0, Informatische Kompetenzen der Zukunft / Futschek, G. (2016). Bildung 4.0, Informatische Kompetenzen der Zukunft. OCG Herbsttagung, Universität Linz, Austria.
- The Role of ICT to Achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) / Tjoa, A. M., & Tjoa, S. (2016). The Role of ICT to Achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). In F. J. Mata & A. Pont (Eds.), ICT for Promoting Human Development and Protecting the Environment: 6th IFIP World Information Technology Forum, WITFOR 2016, San José, Costa Rica, September 12-14, 2016, Proceedings (pp. 3–13). Springer.
- Knowledge Change Management and Analysis in Engineering / Ekaputra, F. J. (2016). Knowledge Change Management and Analysis in Engineering. In Semantic Web for Intelligent Engineering Applications. Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
- Software Quality. The Future of Systems- and Software Development / Winkler, D., Biffl, S., & Bergsmann, J. (Eds.). (2016). Software Quality. The Future of Systems- and Software Development. Springer International Publishing.
- Exploring Media Transparency With Multiple Views / Rind, A., Pfahler, D., Niederer, C., & Aigner, W. (2016). Exploring Media Transparency With Multiple Views. In Proceedings of the 9th Forum Media Technology 2016 (pp. 65–73).
- NavigaTor: Finding Faster Paths to Anonymity / Annessi, R., & Schmiedecker, M. (2016). NavigaTor: Finding Faster Paths to Anonymity. In 2016 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P). 1st IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy, Saarbrücken, EU.
- Interactive exploration of healthcare queries / Bampoulidis, A., Palotti, J., Brassey, J., Lupu, M., Metallidis, S., & Hanbury, A. (2016). Interactive exploration of healthcare queries. In 2016 14th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI). 14th International Workshop on Content-based Multimedia Indexing, Bukarest, Rumänien, EU. IEEE.
- Similarity Assessment as a Dual Process Model of Counting and Measuring / Eidenberger, H., & Klauninger, B. (2016). Similarity Assessment as a Dual Process Model of Counting and Measuring. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods. 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, Rom, EU.
- Major variants of the SIS architecture pattern for collective intelligence systems / Musil, A., Musil, J., & Biffl, S. (2016). Major variants of the SIS architecture pattern for collective intelligence systems. In Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs. 21st European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2016), Kaufbeuren, Germany, EU. ACM.
- The Messenger Shoots Back: Network Operator Based IMSI Catcher Detection / Dabrowski, A., Petzl, G., & Weippl, E. (2016). The Messenger Shoots Back: Network Operator Based IMSI Catcher Detection. In RAID 2016: Research in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses (pp. 279–302). Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- Toward Incorporation of Relevant Documents in word2vec / Rekabsaz, N., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A., & Bhaskar, M. (2016). Toward Incorporation of Relevant Documents in word2vec. In Neu-IR Workshop at the ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. Neu-IR Workshop, Pisa, EU.
- The IR Task at the CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab 2016: User-centred Health Information Retrieval / Zuccon, G., Palotti, J., Goeuriot, L., Kelly, L., Lupu, M., Pecina, P., & Müller, H. (2016). The IR Task at the CLEF eHealth Evaluation Lab 2016: User-centred Health Information Retrieval. In CLEF (Working Notes) (pp. 1–13).
- Div150Multi / Ionescu, B., Gînscă, A. L., Boteanu, B., Lupu, M., Popescu, A., & Müller, H. (2016). Div150Multi. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multimedia Systems. ACM.
- When is the Time Ripe for Natural Language Processing for Patent Passage Retrieval? / Andersson, L., Lupu, M., Palotti, J., Hanbury, A., & Rauber, A. (2016). When is the Time Ripe for Natural Language Processing for Patent Passage Retrieval? In Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. Acm Dl.
- Towards Collective Intelligence System Architectures for Supporting Multi-Disciplinary Engineering of Cyber-Physical Production Systems / Musil, A., Musil, J., & Biffl, S. (2016). Towards Collective Intelligence System Architectures for Supporting Multi-Disciplinary Engineering of Cyber-Physical Production Systems. In Proceedings of the CPPS Workshop. CPPS Workshop, Wien, Austria. IEEE.
- Supporting the Engineering of Cyber-Physical Production Systems with the AutomationML Analyzer / Sabou, R. M., Ekaputra, F. J., & Kovalenko, O. (2016). Supporting the Engineering of Cyber-Physical Production Systems with the AutomationML Analyzer. In Proceedings of the CPPS Workshop. CPPS Workshop, Wien, Austria. IEEE.
- Sustainability design in requirements engineering / Chitchyan, R., Becker, C., Betz, S., Duboc, L., Penzenstadler, B., Seyff, N., & Venters, C. C. (2016). Sustainability design in requirements engineering. In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion. 38th International Conference on Software Engineering, Austin, Texas, Non-EU.
- Comparing shallow versus deep neural network architectures for automatic music genre classification / Schindler, A., Lidy, T., & Rauber, A. (2016). Comparing shallow versus deep neural network architectures for automatic music genre classification. In Proceedings of the 9th Forum Media Technology (FMT2016) (p. 5). St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies.
- CQT-based convolutional neural networks for audio scene classification / Lidy, T., & Schindler, A. (2016). CQT-based convolutional neural networks for audio scene classification. In Proceedings of the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2016 Workshop (DCASE2016) (p. 5).
- Experimenting with musically motivated convolutional neural networks / Pons, J., Lidy, T., & Serra, X. (2016). Experimenting with musically motivated convolutional neural networks. In 2016 14th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI). 14th International Workshop on Content-based Multimedia Indexing, Bukarest, Rumänien, EU. IEEE.
- Collective Intelligence-Based Quality Assurance: Combining Inspection and Risk Assessment to Support Process Improvement in Multi-Disciplinary Engineering / Winkler, D., Musil, J., Musil, A., & Biffl, S. (2016). Collective Intelligence-Based Quality Assurance: Combining Inspection and Risk Assessment to Support Process Improvement in Multi-Disciplinary Engineering. In Proceedings of the 23rd EuroSPI Conference, Communications in Computer and Information Science (pp. 163–175). Springer.
- AutomationML Review Support in Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Environments / Winkler, D., Ekaputra, F. J., & Biffl, S. (2016). AutomationML Review Support in Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Environments. In Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (pp. 1–8). IEEE.
- Generalizing Translation Models in the Probabilistic Relevance Framework / Rekabsaz, N., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A., & Zuccon, G. (2016). Generalizing Translation Models in the Probabilistic Relevance Framework. In Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, Non-EU. ACM.
- The Solitude of Relevant Documents in the Pool / Lipani, A., Lupu, M., Kanoulas, E., & Hanbury, A. (2016). The Solitude of Relevant Documents in the Pool. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (pp. 1989–1992). ACM.
- The Impact of Fixed-Cost Pooling Strategies on Test Collection Bias / Lipani, A., Zuccon, G., Lupu, M., Koopman, B., & Hanbury, A. (2016). The Impact of Fixed-Cost Pooling Strategies on Test Collection Bias. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (pp. 105–108). ACM.
- Standard Test Collection for English-Persian Cross-Lingual Word Sense Disambiguation / Rekabsaz, N., Sabetghadam, S., Andersson, L., Lupu, M., & Hanbury, A. (2016). Standard Test Collection for English-Persian Cross-Lingual Word Sense Disambiguation. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016). Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portoroz, Slovenia, EU. European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
- An Efficient DCT template-based Object Detection Method using Phase Correlation / Eidenberger, H., & Hörhan, M. (2016). An Efficient DCT template-based Object Detection Method using Phase Correlation. In Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers Proceedings MA8b3-4. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, Non-EU.
Retrieving Diverse Social Images at MediaEval 2016: Challenge, Dataset and Evaluation
Ionescu, B., Gînscǎ, A. L., Zaharieva, M., Boteanu, B., Lupu, M., & Müller, H. (2016). Retrieving Diverse Social Images at MediaEval 2016: Challenge, Dataset and Evaluation. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings of the MediaEval 2016 Multimedia Benchmark Workshop (p. 3).
Project: FAMOUS (2012–2016) - Enhancing Information Retrieval with Adapted Word Embedding / Rekabsaz, N. (2016). Enhancing Information Retrieval with Adapted Word Embedding. In Proceedings of the 39th International ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. the 39th International ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Pisa, EU. ACM.
- Ranking Health Web Pages with Relevance and Understandability / Palotti, J., Goeuriot, L., Zuccon, G., & Hanbury, A. (2016). Ranking Health Web Pages with Relevance and Understandability. In Proceedings of the 39th International ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. ACM, Austria. ACM.
- Query Variations and their Effect on Comparing Information Retrieval Systems / Zuccon, G., Palotti, J., & Hanbury, A. (2016). Query Variations and their Effect on Comparing Information Retrieval Systems. In Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. ACM.
- The Europeana Sounds Music Information Retrieval Pilot / Schindler, A., Gordea, S., & van Biessum, H. (2016). The Europeana Sounds Music Information Retrieval Pilot. In Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection (pp. 109–117). Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- Online cofounder search in tech startups / Bursuk, I., Mladenow, A., Novak, N. M., & Strauss, C. (2016). Online cofounder search in tech startups. In M. Indrawan-Santiago, M. Steinbauer, I. Khalil, & G. Anderst-Kotsis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services. ACM.
- Uniting Computational Thinking Problem Solving Strategies with MIT Inventor / Standl-Gruber, B. (2016). Uniting Computational Thinking Problem Solving Strategies with MIT Inventor. In Local Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives (ISSEP) (pp. 60–63). Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.
- Teachers' Constructionist and Deconstructionist Learning by Creating Bebras Tasks / Dagiene, V., Futschek, G., & Stupurienė, G. (2016). Teachers’ Constructionist and Deconstructionist Learning by Creating Bebras Tasks. In Constructionism in Action, Proceedings of Constructionism 2016 (pp. 257–264). Suksapattana Foundation.
- Investigating model slicing capabilities on integrated plant models with AutomationML / Mordinyi, R., Winkler, D., Ekaputra, F. J., Wimmer, M., & Biffl, S. (2016). Investigating model slicing capabilities on integrated plant models with AutomationML. In 2016 IEEE 21st International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). 21st IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2016), Berlin, Germany, EU. IEEE.
- Parallel convolutional neural networks for music genre and mood classification / Lidy, T., & Schindler, A. (2016). Parallel convolutional neural networks for music genre and mood classification.
- CQT-based convolutional neural networks for audio scene classification and domestic audio tagging / Lidy, T., & Schindler, A. (2016). CQT-based convolutional neural networks for audio scene classification and domestic audio tagging.
- Forschungsproposal COGENT - A Construction Generation & Evaluation Tool / Pont, U., Waldmayer, F., Wurzer, G., Fenz, S., Swoboda, S., Jonas, A., Priebernig, H., & Mahdavi, A. (2016). Forschungsproposal COGENT - A Construction Generation & Evaluation Tool (No. 1).
- Forschungsproposal EMULATE - Energy Modeling for Urban Level Assessment Tools and Environments / Research Studios Austria, 5. Ausschreibung / Mahdavi, A., Ghiassi, N., Vuckovic, M., Taheri, M., Tahmasebi, F., Fenz, S., Kiesel, K., Glawischnig, S., & Pont, U. (2016). Forschungsproposal EMULATE - Energy Modeling for Urban Level Assessment Tools and Environments / Research Studios Austria, 5. Ausschreibung (No. 1).
- Biber der Informatik 2015, Aufgaben und Lösungen / Futschek, G. (2016). Biber der Informatik 2015, Aufgaben und Lösungen.
- Semantic Web Technologies for Intelligent Engineering Applications / Biffl, S., & Sabou, R. M. (Eds.). (2016). Semantic Web Technologies for Intelligent Engineering Applications. Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
- Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems / Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems. (2016). In A. M. Tjoa, L. Xu, N. M. Novak, & M. Raffai (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Springer LNBIP 268.
- Ontology Change in Ontology-Based Information Integration Systems / Ekaputra, F. J. (2015). Ontology Change in Ontology-Based Information Integration Systems. In F. Gandon, R. M. Sabou, H. Sack, C. d’Amato, P. Cudre-Mauroux, & A. Zimmermann (Eds.), The Semantic Web. Latest Advances and New Domains: 12th European Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2015, Portoroz, Slovenia, May 31 -- June 4, 2015. Proceedings (pp. 711–720). Springer.
- Toward Optimized Multimodal Concept Indexing / Rekabsaz, N., Bierig, R., Lupu, M., & Hanbury, A. (2015). Toward Optimized Multimodal Concept Indexing. In J. Cardoso, F. Guerra, G.-J. Houben, A. M. Pinto, & Y. Velegrakis (Eds.), Semantic Keyword-based Search on Structured Data Sources: First COST Action IC1302 International KEYSTONE Conference, IKC 2015, Coimbra, Portugal, September 8-9, 2015. Revised Selected Papers (pp. 141–152). Springer.
- Evaluation of NoSQL graph databases for querying and versioning of engineering data in multi-disciplinary engineering environments / Mordinyi, R., Schindler, P., & Biffl, S. (2015). Evaluation of NoSQL graph databases for querying and versioning of engineering data in multi-disciplinary engineering environments. In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2015). 20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2015), Luxembourg, EU. IEEE.
- PatNet: A Lexical Database for the Patent Domain / Tannebaum, W., & Rauber, A. (2015). PatNet: A Lexical Database for the Patent Domain. In Advances in Information Retrieval 37th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2015, Vienna, Austria, March 29 - April 2, 2015. Proceedings (pp. 550–555). Springer LNCS.
- Learning Keyword Phrases from Query Logs of USPTO Patent Examiners for Automatic Query Scope Limitation in Patent searching / Tannebaum, W., & Rauber, A. (2015). Learning Keyword Phrases from Query Logs of USPTO Patent Examiners for Automatic Query Scope Limitation in Patent searching. World Patent Information, 41, 15–22.
- Effect of Log-Based Query Term Expansion on Retrieval Effectiveness in Patent Searching / Tannebaum, W., Mahdabi, P., & Rauber, A. (2015). Effect of Log-Based Query Term Expansion on Retrieval Effectiveness in Patent Searching. In Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction 6th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF’15, Toulouse, France, September 8-11, 2015, Proceedings (pp. 300–305). Springer LNCS.
- Deconstruction in Software Construction / Futschek, G. (2015). Deconstruction in Software Construction. Constructivist Foundations, 10(3), 364–365.
- Integrating Heterogeneous Engineering Knowledge and Tools for Effi cient Industrial Simulation Model Support / Novák, P., Serral, E., Mordinyi, R., & Šindelář, R. (2015). Integrating Heterogeneous Engineering Knowledge and Tools for Effi cient Industrial Simulation Model Support. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 29(3), 575–590.
- Basic Concepts in the Diagnosis of Traffic Safety Installations Using Fuzzy Logic Based Models / Spunei, E., Piroi, I., & Piroi, F. (2015). Basic Concepts in the Diagnosis of Traffic Safety Installations Using Fuzzy Logic Based Models. Analele Universitatii "Eftimie Murgu" Resita, Fascicula de Inginerie, 2(2), 327–335.
- An Efficient Algorithm for Calculating the Exact Hausdorff Distance / Taha, A. A., & Hanbury, A. (2015). An Efficient Algorithm for Calculating the Exact Hausdorff Distance. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 37(11), 2153–2163.
- Reachability Analysis of Graph Modelled Collections / Sabetghadam, S., Lupu, M., Bierig, R., & Rauber, A. (2015). Reachability Analysis of Graph Modelled Collections. In Advances in Information Retrieval 37th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2015, Vienna, Austria, March 29 - April 2, 2015. Proceedings (pp. 370–381). Springer.
- Knowledge Change Management and Analysis for Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Environments / Ekaputra, F. J., Sabou, R. M., Serral Asensio, E., & Biffl, S. (2015). Knowledge Change Management and Analysis for Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Environments. In Posters&Demos@SEMANTiCS 2015 and DSci15 Workshop (pp. 13–17). CEUR.
- Introduction and Challenges of Environment Architectures for Collective Intelligence Systems / Musil, J., Musil, A., & Biffl, S. (2015). Introduction and Challenges of Environment Architectures for Collective Intelligence Systems. In Agent Environments for Multi-Agent Systems IV (pp. 76–94). Springer International Publishing.
- Stakeholder-oriented energy planning support in cities / Ouhajjou, N., Loibl, W., Fenz, S., & Tjoa, A. M. (2015). Stakeholder-oriented energy planning support in cities. Energy Procedia, 78, 1841–1846.
- QR Code Security - How Secure and Usable Apps Can Protect Users Against Malicious QR Codes / Krombholz, K., Frühwirt, P., Rieder, T., Kapsalis, I., Ullrich, J., & Weippl, E. (2015). QR Code Security - How Secure and Usable Apps Can Protect Users Against Malicious QR Codes. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES) (pp. 230–237). IEEE.
- A Researcher's View on (Big) Data Analytics in Austria Results from an Online Survey / Bierig, R., Hanbury, A., Piroi, F., Haas, M., Berger, H., Lupu, M., & Dittenbach, M. (2015). A Researcher’s View on (Big) Data Analytics in Austria Results from an Online Survey. In M. Helfert, A. Holzinger, O. Belo, & C. Francalanci (Eds.), Communications in Computer and Information Science (pp. 45–61). Springer International Publishing.
- Advanced social engineering attacks / Krombholz, K., Hobel, H., Huber, M., & Weippl, E. (2015). Advanced social engineering attacks. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 22, 113–122.
- A taxonomy for privacy enhancing technologies / Heurix, J., Zimmermann, P., Neubauer, T., & Fenz, S. (2015). A taxonomy for privacy enhancing technologies. Computers and Security, 53, 1–17.
- Semantic Web and its contribution to Industrie 4.0 / Willmann, R., Kastner, W., & Biffl, S. (2015). Semantic Web and its contribution to Industrie 4.0. 15th European Advanced Process Control and Manufacturing Conference, Freising, Germany, EU.
- Der Europäische Computer Führerschein ECDL: Vision und Erfolge / Futschek, G. (2015). Der Europäische Computer Führerschein ECDL: Vision und Erfolge. In R. Goebl (Ed.), Festschrift und Tagungsband, 40 Jahre OCG, 1975-2015 (pp. 91–93).
- Application of Semantic Web technology in an energy simulation tool / Paryudi, I., & Fenz, S. (2015). Application of Semantic Web technology in an energy simulation tool. In Information Management in Practice (pp. 53–62). University of Gdańsk.
- Runtime integration of industrial automation system tools based on engineering service bus / Novak, P., & Mordinyi, R. (2015). Runtime integration of industrial automation system tools based on engineering service bus. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Seville, Spain, EU. IEEE.
- DASyR(IR) - Document Analysis System for Systematic Reviews (in Information Retrieval) / Piroi, F., Lipani, A., Lupu, M., & Hanbury, A. (2015). DASyR(IR) - Document Analysis System for Systematic Reviews (in Information Retrieval). In 13th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 2015 (pp. 591–595). IEEE Xplore.
- Engineering of Coupled Simulation Models for Mechatronic Systems / Novák, P., Kadera, P., Jirkovský, V., Vrba, P., & Biffl, S. (2015). Engineering of Coupled Simulation Models for Mechatronic Systems. In Studies in Computational Intelligence (pp. 3–11). Springer.
- Beiträge des Semantic Web zum Engineering für Industrie 4.0 / Sabou, R. M., Kovalenko, O., Ekaputra, F. J., & Biffl, S. (2015). Beiträge des Semantic Web zum Engineering für Industrie 4.0. In Handbuch Industrie 4.0. Springer.
- Leveraging Competitive Gamification for Sustainable Fun and Profit in Security Education / Dabrowski, A., Kammerstetter, M., Thamm, E., Weippl, E., & Kastner, W. (2015). Leveraging Competitive Gamification for Sustainable Fun and Profit in Security Education. In Proceedings of the 2015 USENIX Summit on Gaming, Games and Gamification in Security Education. 2015 USENIX Summit on Gaming, Games and Gamification in Security Education (3GSE 15), Washington, D.C., Non-EU. USENIX.
- Privacy for Everyone: Towards an Inclusive Design Approach for Accessible Privacy and Security Technology / Krombholz, K., Frauenberger, C., & Weippl, E. (2015). Privacy for Everyone: Towards an Inclusive Design Approach for Accessible Privacy and Security Technology. In SOUPS ’15 Full Proceedings. Workshop on Inclusive Privacy and Security (WIPS), Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security 2015 (SOUPS 2015), Ottawa, Canada, Non-EU. USENIX.
- BenchmarkDP: Evidence for Digital Preservation / Becker, C., Maemura, E., Duretec, K., Kulmukhametov, A., Rauber, A., Kulovits, H., Vieira, R., Cardoso, E., & Borbinha, J. (2015). BenchmarkDP: Evidence for Digital Preservation. In 10th International Digital Curation Conference. IDCC: International Digital Curation Conference, London, EU.
- On Reconnaissance with IPv6: A Pattern-Based Scanning Approach / Ullrich, J., Kieseberg, P., Krombholz, K., & Weippl, E. (2015). On Reconnaissance with IPv6: A Pattern-Based Scanning Approach. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES) (pp. 186–192). IEEE.
- Privacy is Not an Option: Attacking the IPv6 Privacy Extension / Ullrich, J., & Weippl, E. (2015). Privacy is Not an Option: Attacking the IPv6 Privacy Extension. In Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID) (pp. 448–468). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- Towards Combining Conceptual Lesson Patterns with Austrian K12 Computer Science Standard Curriculum in the Context of Pedagogical Content Knowledge / Grossmann, W., & Standl-Gruber, B. (2015). Towards Combining Conceptual Lesson Patterns with Austrian K12 Computer Science Standard Curriculum in the Context of Pedagogical Content Knowledge. In Local Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives (ISSEP) (pp. 85–90).
- Modeling AutomationML: Semantic Web technologies vs. Model-Driven Engineering / Kovalenko, O., Wimmer, M., Sabou, R. M., Lüder, A., Ekaputra, F. J., & Biffl, S. (2015). Modeling AutomationML: Semantic Web technologies vs. Model-Driven Engineering. In 2015 IEEE 20th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA). 20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2015), Luxembourg, EU. IEEE.
- Linking and versioning support for AutomationML: A model-driven engineering perspective / Biffl, S., Lüder, A., Mätzler, E., Schmidt, N., & Wimmer, M. (2015). Linking and versioning support for AutomationML: A model-driven engineering perspective. In 2015 IEEE 13th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN). 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2015), Cambridge, EU. IEEE.
- How to increase the inventory efficiency in information security risk and compliance management / Fenz, S., Heurix, J., & Neubauer, T. (2015). How to increase the inventory efficiency in information security risk and compliance management. In J. Becker, J. vom Brocke, & M. de Marco (Eds.), Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2015 (pp. 1–12). AIS.
- Re-Situating Constructionism / Kynigos, C., & Futschek, G. (2015). Re-Situating Constructionism. Constructivist Foundations, 10(3), 281–284.
- Scalable decision support for digital preservation: an assessment / Becker, C., Faria, L., & Duretec, K. (2015). Scalable decision support for digital preservation: an assessment. In OCLC Systems & Services: International digital library perspectives (pp. 11–34). Emerald.
- Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems -- Towards a Research Agenda: Report on the First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Smart CPS. / Bures, T., Weyns, D., Berger, C., Biffl, S., Daun, M., Gabor, T., Garlan, D., Gerostathopoulos, I., Julien, C., Krikava, F., Mordinyi, R., & Pronios, N. (2015). Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems -- Towards a Research Agenda: Report on the First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Smart CPS. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 40(6), 28–32.
- Software Architecture Patterns: Reflection and Advances: [Summary of the MiniPLoP Writers' Workshop at ECSA'14] / Harrison, N. B., van Heesch, U., Sobernig, S., Sommerlad, P., Filipczyk, M., Fülleborn, A., Musil, A., & Musil, J. (2015). Software Architecture Patterns: Reflection and Advances: [Summary of the MiniPLoP Writers’ Workshop at ECSA’14]. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 40(1), 30–34.
- Industrie 4.0 fordert effizienten Datenaustausch / Winkler, D. (2015). Industrie 4.0 fordert effizienten Datenaustausch. Develop3 Systems Engineering, 3, 65.
- Integration von heterogenen Engineering Daten mit AutomationML und dem AML.hub: Konsistente Daten über Fachbereichsgrenzen hinweg / Winkler, D., Biffl, S., & Steininger, H. (2015). Integration von heterogenen Engineering Daten mit AutomationML und dem AML.hub: Konsistente Daten über Fachbereichsgrenzen hinweg. Develop3 Systems Engineering, 3, 62–64.
- Distributed mashups: a collaborative approach to data integration / Trinh, T.-D., Wetz, P., Do, B.-L., Kiesling, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2015). Distributed mashups: a collaborative approach to data integration. International Journal of Web Information Systems, 11(3), 370–396.
- Performance-based building design and retrofit optimization: The SEMERY approach / Mahdavi, A., Pont, U., Ghiassi, N., Shayeganfar, F., Fenz, S., Heurix, J., Anjomshoaa, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2015). Performance-based building design and retrofit optimization: The SEMERY approach. Dosya (Dossier) - Bi-Monthly Magazine of the Chamber of Architects / Turkey, DIGITAL OPPORTUNITIES IN ARCHITECTURE(35), 49–57.
- SEMERGY: Application of Semantic Web Technologies in Performance-Guided Building Design Optimization / Pont, U., Ghiassi, N., Fenz, S., Heurix, J., & Mahdavi, A. (2015). SEMERGY: Application of Semantic Web Technologies in Performance-Guided Building Design Optimization. Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 20(Special), 107–120.
- Information and Communication Technology / Khalil, I., Neuhold, E., Tjoa, A. M., Xu, L. D., & You, I. (Eds.). (2015). Information and Communication Technology. Springer LNCS 9357.
- Use of Semantic WEB and Linked Opened Data Concepts for Management, Business and Society / Tjoa, A. M. (2015). Use of Semantic WEB and Linked Opened Data Concepts for Management, Business and Society. The Twelfth International Conference on Information Management (ICIM) 2015, Danzig, EU.
- Manifesting the Ghost of the Future: Sustainability / Penzenstadler, B., Venters, C., Becker, C., Betz, S., Chitchyan, R., Duboc, L., Easterbrook, S., Rodriguez-Navas, G., & Seyff, N. (2015). Manifesting the Ghost of the Future: Sustainability. 3rd Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE3), Boulder, CO, USA, Non-EU.
- The First Rule of Software Sustainability: Do not talk about Software Sustainability? / Venters, C., Becker, C., Betz, S., Chitchyan, R., Duboc, L., Easterbrook, S., Penzenstadler, B., Rodriguez-Navas, G., & Seyff, N. (2015). The First Rule of Software Sustainability: Do not talk about Software Sustainability? Computational Science & Engineering Software Sustainability and Productivity Challenges (CSESSP Challenges), Rockville, MD, USA, Non-EU.
- Sustainability Debt: A Metaphor to Support Sustainability Design Decisions. / Betz, S., Becker, C., Chitchyan, R., Duboc, L., Easterbrook, S., Penzenstadler, B., Seyff, N., & Venters, C. (2015). Sustainability Debt: A Metaphor to Support Sustainability Design Decisions. 23rd IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2015), Ottawa, Canada, Non-EU.
- Mind the Gap: Bridging the Sustainable Software Systems Research Divide. / Venters, C., Becker, C., Betz, S., Chitchyan, R., Duboc, L., Easterbrook, S., Penzenstadler, B., Rodriguez-Navas, G., & Seyff, N. (2015). Mind the Gap: Bridging the Sustainable Software Systems Research Divide. Sustainable HCI in the UK workshop, Lincoln, UK, EU.
- Demo: YABench - Yet Another RDF Stream Processing Benchmark / Kolchin, M., & Wetz, P. (2015). Demo: YABench - Yet Another RDF Stream Processing Benchmark. RDF Stream Processing Workshop at ESWC2015, Portoros, EU.
- Software Quality. Software and Systems Quality in Distributed and Mobile Environments / Winkler, D., Biffl, S., & Bergsmann, J. (Eds.). (2015). Software Quality. Software and Systems Quality in Distributed and Mobile Environments (p. 107). Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
- Semergy - neue Ansätze in der Planung energieeffizienter Gebäude / Pont, U., Ghiassi, N., Shayeganfar, F., Fenz, S., Heurix, J., Anjomshoaa, A., Hammerberg, K., Neubauer, T., Taheri, M., Sustr, C., Tjoa, A. M., & Mahdavi, A. (2015). Semergy - neue Ansätze in der Planung energieeffizienter Gebäude. In ZIG - HS Luzern (Ed.), 11. ZIG-Planerseminar - Handouts (p. ’?).
- Sustainability Implications of Open Government Data / Sabou, R. M., & Koczanski, A. (2015). Sustainability Implications of Open Government Data. In Proceedings of the ACM Web Science Conference. ACM Web Science 2015, Oxford, UK, EU. ACM.
- Benchmarks for Digital Preservation tools / Duretec, K., Kulmukhametov, A., Rauber, A., & Becker, C. (2015). Benchmarks for Digital Preservation tools. In Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Digital Preservation. 12th International Conference on Digital Preservation, USA, Non-EU.
- A Survey of Organizational Assessment Frameworks in Digital Preservation / Maemura, E., Moles, N., & Becker, C. (2015). A Survey of Organizational Assessment Frameworks in Digital Preservation. In Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Digital Preservation. 12th International Conference on Digital Preservation, USA, Non-EU.
- Online Ad-fraud in Search Engine Advertising Campaigns / Mladenow, A., Novak, N. M., & Strauss, C. (2015). Online Ad-fraud in Search Engine Advertising Campaigns. In Information and Communication Technology (pp. 109–118). Springer.
- Consumer acceptance on mobile shopping of textile goods in Austria / Hyben, B., Mladenow, A., Novak, N. M., & Strauss, C. (2015). Consumer acceptance on mobile shopping of textile goods in Austria. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia. The 13th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia (MoMM 2015), Brussels, Belgium, EU. ACM.
- Rapid diagnosis of track circuits in a railroad station / Spunei, E., Piroi, I., Chioncel, C., & Piroi, F. (2015). Rapid diagnosis of track circuits in a railroad station. In 2015 9th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering (ATEE). THE 9th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCED TOPICS IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, Bucharest, Romania, EU. IEEE Xplore.
- A Study on the Voltage Control Loop of a Self-excited Synchronous Generator in a Micro-Hydroelectric Power Plant / Spunei, E., Piroi, I., & Piroi, F. (2015). A Study on the Voltage Control Loop of a Self-excited Synchronous Generator in a Micro-Hydroelectric Power Plant. In Proceedings of the 10th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTROMECHANICAL AND POWER SYSTEMS (pp. 237–240). ALMA Verlag, Craiova, Romania.
- Software Assisted Diagnosis for Shunting, Repeater, and Failure Light Signals in Stations with Electro-dynamic Interlocking Systems / Spunei, E., Piroi, I., & Piroi, F. (2015). Software Assisted Diagnosis for Shunting, Repeater, and Failure Light Signals in Stations with Electro-dynamic Interlocking Systems. In Proceedings of the 10th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTROMECHANICAL AND POWER SYSTEMS (pp. 512–517). ALMA Verlag, Craiova, Romania.
- Versioning in Cyber-physical Production System Engineering -- Best-Practice and Research Agenda / Mordinyi, R., & Biffl, S. (2015). Versioning in Cyber-physical Production System Engineering -- Best-Practice and Research Agenda. In 2015 IEEE/ACM 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems. 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (SEsCPS), 2015 IEEE/ACM, Florence, Italy, EU. IEEE.
- Focused Inspections to Support Defect Detection in Automation Systems Engineering Environments / Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2015). Focused Inspections to Support Defect Detection in Automation Systems Engineering Environments. In Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (pp. 372–379). Springer.
- Collaborative Exchange of Systematic Literature Review Results / Ekaputra, F. J., Sabou, M., Serral, E., & Biffl, S. (2015). Collaborative Exchange of Systematic Literature Review Results. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web. 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2015, Florence, EU. ACM.
- SIS / Musil, J., Musil, A., & Biffl, S. (2015). SIS. In Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs. 20th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP ’15), Germany, EU. ACM.
- Automatic Compilation of Performance Models for Industrial Multi-Agent Systems / Kadera, P., & Novak, P. (2015). Automatic Compilation of Performance Models for Industrial Multi-Agent Systems. In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2015). 20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2015), Luxembourg, EU.
- Linked Data for Cross-Domain Decision-Making in Tourism / Sabou, M., Brașoveanu, A. M. P., & Önder, I. (2015). Linked Data for Cross-Domain Decision-Making in Tourism. In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015 (pp. 197–210). Springer International Publishing.
- An Architecture Framework for Collective Intelligence Systems / Musil, J., Musil, A., Weyns, D., & Biffl, S. (2015). An Architecture Framework for Collective Intelligence Systems. In 2015 12th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture. 12th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA’15), Montreal, Canada, Non-EU. IEEE.
- Integrating Heterogeneous Engineering Tools and Data Models: A Roadmap for Developing Architecture Variants / Mordinyi, R., Winkler, D., Waltersdorfer, F., Scheiber, S., & Biffl, S. (2015). Integrating Heterogeneous Engineering Tools and Data Models: A Roadmap for Developing Architecture Variants. In Proceedings of the 7th Software Quality Days (pp. 89–107). Springer.
- On the use of statistical semantics for metadata-based social image retrieval / Rekabsaz, N., Bierig, R., Ionescu, B., Hanbury, A., & Lupu, M. (2015). On the use of statistical semantics for metadata-based social image retrieval. In 2015 13th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI). 13th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2015), Prague, Czech Republic, EU. IEEE.
- Splitting Water / Lipani, A., Lupu, M., & Hanbury, A. (2015). Splitting Water. In Proceedings of the 38th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. ACM.
- Network Security Challenges in Android Applications / Buhov, D., Huber, M., Merzdovnik, G., Weippl, E., & Dimitrova, V. (2015). Network Security Challenges in Android Applications. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES) (pp. 327–332). IEEE.
- Gradually Improving the Forensic Process / Neuner, S., Mulazzani, M., Schrittwieser, S., & Weippl, E. (2015). Gradually Improving the Forensic Process. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES) (pp. 404–410). IEEE.
- An Initial Analytical Exploration of Retrievability / Lipani, A., Lupu, M., Aizawa, A., & Hanbury, A. (2015). An Initial Analytical Exploration of Retrievability. In Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on The Theory of Information Retrieval. ACM, Austria. ACM.
- Verboseness Fission for BM25 Document Length Normalization / Lipani, A., Lupu, M., Hanbury, A., & Aizawa, A. (2015). Verboseness Fission for BM25 Document Length Normalization. In Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on The Theory of Information Retrieval. ACM.
- Error-Correcting Codes as Source for Decoding Ambiguity / Dabrowski, A., Echizen, I., & Weippl, E. (2015). Error-Correcting Codes as Source for Decoding Ambiguity. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Language Theoretic Security (LangSec). 2nd Workshop on Language Theoretic Security (LangSec), IEEE Security & Privacy, San Jose, California, Non-EU.
- Smart Privacy Visor: Bridging the Privacy Gap / Dabrowski, A., Krombholz, K., Weippl, E., & Echizen, I. (2015). Smart Privacy Visor: Bridging the Privacy Gap. In Business Information Systems Workshops - BIS 2015 International Workshops (pp. 235–247). Springer International Publishing.
- Ok Glass, Leave me Alone: Towards a Systematization of Privacy Enhancing Technologies for Wearable Computing / Krombholz, K., Dabrowski, A., Smith, M., & Weippl, E. (2015). Ok Glass, Leave me Alone: Towards a Systematization of Privacy Enhancing Technologies for Wearable Computing. In Financial Cryptography and Data Security FC 2015 International Workshops. 1st Workshop on Wearable Security and Privacy, Financial Crypto 2015, Puerto Rico, Non-EU. Springer.
- An Autocomplete Input Box for Semantic Annotation on the Web / Trinh, T. D., Wetz, P., Do, B. L., Aryan, P. R., Kiesling, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2015). An Autocomplete Input Box for Semantic Annotation on the Web. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Visualizations and User Interfaces for Ontologies and Linked Data (VOILA 2015) (pp. 97–102). CEUR-WS.
- Open Government Data as a Service (GoDaaS): Big Data Platform for Mobile App Developers / Qanbari, S., Rekabsaz, N., & Dustdar, S. (2015). Open Government Data as a Service (GoDaaS): Big Data Platform for Mobile App Developers. In I. Awan, M. Younas, & M. Mecella (Eds.), 2015 3rd International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud. IEEE Computer Society.
- Indoor skydiving in immersive virtual reality with embedded storytelling / Eidenberger, H., & Mossel, A. (2015). Indoor skydiving in immersive virtual reality with embedded storytelling. In Proceedings of the 21st ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology. ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), Beijing, China, Non-EU. Proceedings of the 21st ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology.
- Div150Cred / Ionescu, B., Popescu, A., Lupu, M., Gansca, A., Boteanu, B., & Müller, H. (2015). Div150Cred. In Proceedings of the 6th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference. Multimedia Systems Conference 2015, Portland, OR, USA, Non-EU. ACM.
- Sustainability Design and Software: The Karlskrona manifesto. / Becker, C., Chitchyan, R., Duboc, L., Penzenstadler, B., Seyff, N., & Venters, C. (2015). Sustainability Design and Software: The Karlskrona manifesto. In The 37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2015). 37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2015), Florence, Italy, EU. IEEE Computer Society.
- ICT for Sustainability-Current and future research directions. / Penzenstadler, B., Richardson, D., Tomlinson, B., Fleischmann, K., Becker, C., Nathan, L., Blevis, E., Silberman, S., Karlin, B., Norton, J., & Raturi, A. (2015). ICT for Sustainability-Current and future research directions. In ICT for Sustainability - Current and future research directions. iConference 2015, Urbana-Champaign, USA, Non-EU.
- Mobility for ‘Immovables’ – Clouds Supporting the Business with Real Estates / Mladenow, A., Novak, N. M., & Strauss, C. (2015). Mobility for ‘Immovables’ – Clouds Supporting the Business with Real Estates. In Procedia Computer Science (pp. 120–127). Elsevier.
- Toward a framework for statistical data integration / Do, B. L., Aryan, P. R., Trinh, T. D., Wetz, P., Kiesling, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2015). Toward a framework for statistical data integration. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Statistics co-located with 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2015) (p. 12). CEUR-WS.
- Model-based co-evolution of production systems and their libraries with AutomationML / Berardinelli, L., Biffl, S., Maetzler, E., Mayerhofer, T., & Wimmer, M. (2015). Model-based co-evolution of production systems and their libraries with AutomationML. In 2015 IEEE 20th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA). 20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2015), Luxembourg, EU. IEEE.
- Model-Based Risk Assessment in Multi-disciplinary Systems Engineering / Biffl, S., Berardinelli, L., Maetzler, E., Wimmer, M., Lueder, A., & Schmidt, N. (2015). Model-Based Risk Assessment in Multi-disciplinary Systems Engineering. In 2015 41st Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications. 41st Euromicro Conference Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2015), Madeira, Portugal, EU. IEEE.
- Handling non-functional requirements in Model-Driven Development: An ongoing industrial survey / Ameller, D., Franch, X., Gómez, C., Araujo, J., Berntsson Svensson, R., Biffl, S., Cabot, J., Cortellessa, V., Daneva, M., Méndez Fernández, D., Moreira, A., Muccini, H., Vallecillo, A., Wimmer, M., Amaral, V., Brunelière, H., Burgueño, L., Goulão, M., Schätz, B., & Teufl, S. (2015). Handling non-functional requirements in Model-Driven Development: An ongoing industrial survey. In 2015 IEEE 23rd International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE). 23rd IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2015), Ottawa, Canada, Non-EU. IEEE Computer Society.
- Toward a statistical data integration environment / Do, B. L., Aryan, P. R., Trinh, T. D., Wetz, P., Kiesling, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2015). Toward a statistical data integration environment. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Semantic Systems. 11th International Conference on Semantic Systems (SEMANTiCS ’15), Wien, Austria. ACM.
- Spectral convolutional neural network for music classification / Lidy, T. (2015). Spectral convolutional neural network for music classification.
- A Novel Approach for Wi-Fi Fingerprinting Using Logical Sequences of Intelligent Checkpoints / Retscher, G., & Hofer, H. (2015). A Novel Approach for Wi-Fi Fingerprinting Using Logical Sequences of Intelligent Checkpoints. In IGNSS 2015 (p. 16).
- QR Code Security: A Survey of Attacks and Challenges for Usable Security / Krombholz, K., Frühwirt, P., Kieseberg, P., Kapsalis, I., Huber, M., & Weippl, E. (2014). QR Code Security: A Survey of Attacks and Challenges for Usable Security. In Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy, and Trust (pp. 79–90). Springer.
- Security and privacy in business networking / Wohlgemuth, S., Sackmann, S., Sonehara, N., & Tjoa, A. M. (2014). Security and privacy in business networking. Electronic Markets, 24(2), 81–88.
- Automated Analysis of Underground Marketplaces / Hudic, A., Krombholz, K., Otterbein, T., Platzer, C., & Weippl, E. (2014). Automated Analysis of Underground Marketplaces. In Research Advances in Digital Forensics. Annual IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics, Wien, Austria.
- De-identification of unstructured paper-based health records for privacy-preserving secondary use / Fenz, S., Heurix, J., Neubauer, T., & Rella, A. (2014). De-identification of unstructured paper-based health records for privacy-preserving secondary use. Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 38(5), 260–268.
- Integration Framework for Simulations and SCADA Systems / Novak, P., Sindelar, R., & Mordinyi, R. (2014). Integration Framework for Simulations and SCADA Systems. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 47, 121–140.
- Advanced technologies for homeland defense and security / Tjoa, A. M., & You, I. (2014). Advanced technologies for homeland defense and security. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 38, 1–2.
- Using Query Logs of USPTO Patent examiners for automatic Query Expansion in Patent Searching / Tannebaum, W., & Rauber, A. (2014). Using Query Logs of USPTO Patent examiners for automatic Query Expansion in Patent Searching. INFORMATION RETRIEVAL JOURNAL, 17(5–6), 452–470.
- E-voting authentication with QR-codes / Falkner, S., Kieseberg, P., Simos, D. E., Traxler, C., & Weippl, E. (2014). E-voting authentication with QR-codes. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy, and Trust (pp. 149–159). Springer.
- The Semantic Model Editor: Efficient Data Modeling and Integration based on OWL Ontologies / Grünwald, A., Winkler, D., Sabou, M., & Biffl, S. (2014). The Semantic Model Editor: Efficient Data Modeling and Integration based on OWL Ontologies. In Proceedings of the 10th International Semantic Systems (SEMANTIC). 10th International Semantic Systems (SEMANTIC), Leipzig, Germany, EU. ACM.
- Automating Cross-Disciplinary Defect Detection in Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Environments / Kovalenko, O., Serral Asensio, E., Sabou, M., Ekaputra, F. J., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2014). Automating Cross-Disciplinary Defect Detection in Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Environments. In Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. 19th Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW), Linköping,Sweden, EU. Springer.
- Supporting Information Sharing for Reuse and Analysis of Scientific Research Publication Data / Ekaputra, F. J., Sabou, M., Serral Asensio, E., & Biffl, S. (2014). Supporting Information Sharing for Reuse and Analysis of Scientific Research Publication Data. In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Semantic Publishing (Sepublica), co-located with the 11th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), Volume 1155 (p. 12). CEUR.
- Which One to Choose: Random Walks or Spreading Activation? / Sabetghadam, S., Lupu, M., & Rauber, A. (2014). Which One to Choose: Random Walks or Spreading Activation? In Multidisciplinary Information Retrieval 7th Information Retrieval Facility Conference, IRFC 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 10-12, 2014, Proceedings (pp. 112–119). Springer.
- Extracting Nanopublications from IR Papers / Lipani, A., Piroi, F., Andersson, L., & Hanbury, A. (2014). Extracting Nanopublications from IR Papers. In Multidisciplinary Information Retrieval 7th Information Retrieval Facility Conference, IRFC 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 10-12, 2014, Proceedings (pp. 53–62). Springer.
- A Real-World Framework for Translator as Expert Retrieval / Rekabsaz, N., & Lupu, M. (2014). A Real-World Framework for Translator as Expert Retrieval. In Information Access Evaluation -- Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction 5th International Conference of the CLEF Initiative, CLEF 2014, Sheffield, UK, September 15-18, 2014, Proceedings (pp. 141–152). Springer.
- An Information Retrieval Ontology for Information Retrieval Nanopublications / Lipani, A., Piroi, F., Andersson, L., & Hanbury, A. (2014). An Information Retrieval Ontology for Information Retrieval Nanopublications. In Information Access Evaluation -- Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction 5th International Conference of the CLEF Initiative, CLEF 2014, Sheffield, UK, September 15-18, 2014, Proceedings (pp. 44–49). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- Towards Semantic Mashup Tools for Big Data Analysis / Anjomshoaa, A., Tjoa, A. M., & Hendrik, H. (2014). Towards Semantic Mashup Tools for Big Data Analysis. In E. Neuhold, A. M. Tjoa, & I. You (Eds.), Information and Communication Technology Second IFIP TC 5/8 International Conference, ICT-EurAsia 2014, Bali, Indonesia, April 14-17, 2014, Proceedings. Springer LNCS 8407.
- Automated Testing of Industrial Automation Software: Practical Receipts and Lessons Learned / Ramler, R., Putschögl, W., & Winkler, D. (2014). Automated Testing of Industrial Automation Software: Practical Receipts and Lessons Learned. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Modern Software Engineering Methods for Industrial Automation (MoSEMInA), In Conjunction with ICSE 2014 (pp. 7–16). ACM.
- Systematic skin segmentation: merging spatial and non-spatial data / Khan, R., Hanbury, A., Sablatnig, R., Stöttinger, J., Khan, F. A., & Khan, F. A. (2014). Systematic skin segmentation: merging spatial and non-spatial data. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 69(3), 717–741.
- Risk Driven Selection of Preservation Activities for Increasing Sustainability of Open Source Systems and Workflows / Miksa, T., Mayer, R., Strodl, S., Rauber, A., Vieira, R., & Antunes, G. (2014). Risk Driven Selection of Preservation Activities for Increasing Sustainability of Open Source Systems and Workflows. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Digital Preservation. International Conference on Digital Preservation, Melbourne, Australia, Non-EU.
- Resilient Web Services for Timeless Business Processes / Miksa, T., & Rauber, A. (2014). Resilient Web Services for Timeless Business Processes. In International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services. The 16th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS 2014), Hanoi, Vietnam, Non-EU. ACM.
- Process Management Plans / Miksa, T., Strodl, S., & Rauber, A. (2014). Process Management Plans. International Journal of Digital Curation, 9(1), 83–97.
- Ontologies for Describing the Context of Scientific Experiment Processes / Mayer, R., Miksa, T., & Rauber, A. (2014). Ontologies for Describing the Context of Scientific Experiment Processes. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on e-Science. International Conference on e-Science, Guarujá, SP, Brazil, Non-EU.
- Cloud-Sicherheit. Leitfaden für Behörden und Klein- und Mittelbetriebe / Fenz, S., Heurix, J., Neubauer, T., Tjoa, A. M., Quirchmayr, G., Schatten, A., Neuhold, E., Göllner, J., Meurers, C., & Hitz, W. (Eds.). (2014). Cloud-Sicherheit. Leitfaden für Behörden und Klein- und Mittelbetriebe. Republik Österreich. Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung und Sport.
- Evaluation criteria for cloud computing based on the upcoming European data protection regulation / Halper, M., Fenz, S., Göllner, J., & Quirchmayr, G. (2014). Evaluation criteria for cloud computing based on the upcoming European data protection regulation. In 2014 Civilisation at the Crossroads Response and Responsibility of the Systems Sciences (pp. 599–603). EMCSR.
- Automatic Discovery of Preservation Alternatives Supported by Community Maintained Knowledge Bases / Mayer, R., Binder, J., Strodl, S., & Rauber, A. (2014). Automatic Discovery of Preservation Alternatives Supported by Community Maintained Knowledge Bases. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Digital Preservation (pp. 65–74).
- Multi-Actor Urban Energy Planning Support: Building refurbishment and building-integrated Solar PV / Ouhajjou, N., Loibl, W., Fenz, S., & Tjoa, A. M. (2014). Multi-Actor Urban Energy Planning Support: Building refurbishment and building-integrated Solar PV. In Proceedings of the 28th EnviroInfo 2014 Conference (pp. 77–84). BIS-Verlag.
- Towards a forensic-aware database solution: Using a secured database replication protocol and transaction management for digital investigations / Frühwirt, P., Kieseberg, P., Krombholz, K., & Weippl, E. (2014). Towards a forensic-aware database solution: Using a secured database replication protocol and transaction management for digital investigations. Digital Investigation, 11(4), 336–348.
- Using machine learning techniques for traffic classification and preliminary surveying of an attackers profile / Frühwirt, P., Schrittwieser, S., & Weippl, E. (2014). Using machine learning techniques for traffic classification and preliminary surveying of an attackers profile. In International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust. ASE International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT), Cambridge, MA, USA, Non-EU.
- InnoDB Datenbank Forensik Rekonstruktion von Abfragen über Datenbank-interne Logfiles / Frühwirt, P., Kieseberg, P., Hochreiner, C., Schrittwieser, S., & Weippl, E. (2014). InnoDB Datenbank Forensik Rekonstruktion von Abfragen über Datenbank-interne Logfiles. In GI Sicherheit 2014. GI Sicherheit 2014, Wien, Austria.
- Genie in a Model? Why Model Driven Security will not secure your Web Application / Hochreiner, C., Frühwirt, P., Ma, Z., Kieseberg, P., Schrittwieser, S., & Weippl, E. (2014). Genie in a Model? Why Model Driven Security will not secure your Web Application. Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications, 5(3), 44–62.
- Protecting Anonymity in Data-Driven Biomedical Science / Kieseberg, P., Hobel, H., Schrittwieser, S., Weippl, E., & Holzinger, A. (2014). Protecting Anonymity in Data-Driven Biomedical Science. In A. Holzinger & I. Jurisica (Eds.), Interactive Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining in Biomedical Informatics (pp. 301–316). Springer-Verlag.
- Analysing supplier locations using social and semantic data / Madlberger, L., Hobel, H., Thöni, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2014). Analysing supplier locations using social and semantic data. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-driven Business - i-KNOW ’14. International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies, Graz, Austria. ACM.
- Hardware Trojans - Detect and React? / Dabrowski, A., Fejes, P., Ullrich, J., Krombholz, K., Hobel, H., & Weippl, E. (2014). Hardware Trojans - Detect and React? Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), USA, Non-EU.
- Towards a Hardware Trojan Detection Cycle / Dabrowski, A., Hobel, H., Ullrich, J., Krombholz, K., & Weippl, E. (2014). Towards a Hardware Trojan Detection Cycle. In International Workshop on Emerging Cyberthreats and Countermeasures. International Workshop on Emerging Cyberthreats and Countermeasures, ARES ECTCM 2014, Fribourg, Switzerland, Non-EU.
- Determining Qualified Production Processes for New Product Ramp-up using Semantic Web Technologies / Willmann, R., Biffl, S., & Serral Asensio, E. (2014). Determining Qualified Production Processes for New Product Ramp-up using Semantic Web Technologies. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-Driven Business (I-KNOW). 14th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-Driven Business (I-KNOW), Graz, Austria. ACM.
- Domain Specific Search / Lupu, M., Hanbury, A., & Salampasis, M. (2014). Domain Specific Search. In G. Paltoglou, F. Loizides, & P. Hansen (Eds.), Professional Search in the Modern World (pp. 96–117). Springer LNCS.
- A Structured Comparison of Security Standards / Beckers, K., Côté, I., Fenz, S., Hatebur, D., & Heisel, M. (2014). A Structured Comparison of Security Standards. In Engineering Secure Future Internet Services and Systems (pp. 1–34). Springer.
- IMSI-Catch Me If You Can: IMSI-Catcher-Catchers / Dabrowski, A., Pianta, N., Klepp, T., Mulazzani, M., & Weippl, E. (2014). IMSI-Catch Me If You Can: IMSI-Catcher-Catchers. In Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC). Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), Miami, USA, Non-EU.
- Exploring Linked Statistical Data Using Linked Widgets / Tjoa, A. M., Anjomshoaa, A., Kiesling, E., Wetz, P., & Do, B. L. (2014). Exploring Linked Statistical Data Using Linked Widgets. In T. B. Nguyen (Ed.), The fifth international symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2014). Acm Icps.
- An algorithm for collusion-resistant anonymization and fingerprinting of sensitive microdata / Kieseberg, P., Schrittwieser, S., Mulazzani, M., Echizen, I., & Weippl, E. (2014). An algorithm for collusion-resistant anonymization and fingerprinting of sensitive microdata. Electronic Markets, 24(2), 113–124.
- Spoiled Onions: Exposing Malicious Tor Exit Relays / Winter, P., Köwer, R., Mulazzani, M., Huber, M., Schrittwieser, S., Lindskog, S., & Weippl, E. (2014). Spoiled Onions: Exposing Malicious Tor Exit Relays. In Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium. Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS), Amsterdam, Netherlands, EU.
- Using Model Driven Security Approaches in Web Application Development / Hochreiner, C., Ma, Z., Kieseberg, P., Schrittwieser, S., & Weippl, E. (2014). Using Model Driven Security Approaches in Web Application Development. In Asian Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. AsiaARES (The 2014 Asian Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security), Bali, Indonesia, Non-EU.
- Towards Fully Automated Digital Alibis with Social Interaction / Beyer, S., Mulazzani, M., Schrittwieser, S., Huber, M., & Weippl, E. (2014). Towards Fully Automated Digital Alibis with Social Interaction. In Research Advances in Digital Forensics. Annual IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics, Wien, Austria.
- A Scalable Framework for Dynamic Data Citation of Arbitrary Structured Data / Pröll, S., & Rauber, A. (2014). A Scalable Framework for Dynamic Data Citation of Arbitrary Structured Data. In International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications. 3rd International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (DATA 2014), Wien, Austria. SCITEPRESS Digital Library.
- QR - Inception: Barcode in Barcode Attacks / Dabrowski, A., Krombholz, K., Ullrich, J., & Weippl, E. (2014). QR - Inception: Barcode in Barcode Attacks. In ACM CCS Workshop on Security and Privacy in Smartphones and Mobile Devices. 4th Annual ACM CCS Workshop on Security and Privacy in Smartphones and Mobile Devices (SPSM), Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, Non-EU.
- IPv6 Security: Attacks and Countermeasures in a Nutshell / Ullrich, J., Krombholz, K., Hobel, H., Dabrowski, A., & Weippl, E. (2014). IPv6 Security: Attacks and Countermeasures in a Nutshell. In 8th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT 14) (p. 11). USENIX Association.
- Visual Methods for Analyzing Probabilistic Classification Data / Alsallakh, B., Hanbury, A., Hauser, H., Miksch, S., & Rauber, A. (2014). Visual Methods for Analyzing Probabilistic Classification Data. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 20(12), 1703–1712.
- Evolving Secure Information Systems through Attack Simulation / Kiesling, E., Ekelhart, A., Grill, B., Stummer, C., & Strauss, C. (2014). Evolving Secure Information Systems through Attack Simulation. In 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE Computer Society.
- Plugin in the Middle - Minimising Security Risks in Mobile Middleware Implementations / Aufner, P., Merzdovnik, G., Huber, M., & Weippl, E. (2014). Plugin in the Middle - Minimising Security Risks in Mobile Middleware Implementations. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (pp. 434–440). ACM Digital Library.
- Analyse von Anforderungen an Software-Systeme zum Steuerungsentwurf / Lüder, A., Schmidt, N., Steininger, H., & Biffl, S. (2014). Analyse von Anforderungen an Software-Systeme zum Steuerungsentwurf. In Tagungsband der 13. Fachtagung für den Entwurf Komplexer Automatisierungssysteme (EKA) (p. 14). IFAK.
- Analyzing requirements on software tools according to functional engineering phase in the Technical Systems Engineering Process / Schmidt, N., Lüder, A., Biffl, S., & Steininger, H. (2014). Analyzing requirements on software tools according to functional engineering phase in the Technical Systems Engineering Process. In Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Barcelona, Spain, EU. IEEE.
- AutomationML for User Requirements fulfillment related to Engineering Process Efficiency / Schmidt, N., Lüder, A., Steininger, H., & Biffl, S. (2014). AutomationML for User Requirements fulfillment related to Engineering Process Efficiency. In Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2014). 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2014), Dallas, Texas, Non-EU. IEEE.
- Semantic Mapping Support in AutomationML / Biffl, S., Kovalenko, O., Lüder, A., Schmidt, N., & Rosendahl, R. (2014). Semantic Mapping Support in AutomationML. In Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Barcelona, Spain, EU. IEEE.
- Semantic Mapping Support for Mechatronic Objects in AutomationML / Biffl, S., Kovalenko, O., Lüder, A., Schmidt, N., & Rosendahl, R. (2014). Semantic Mapping Support for Mechatronic Objects in AutomationML. In Proceedings of the AutomationML User Conference (p. 13).
- Early and Efficient Quality Assurance of Risky Technical Parameters in a Mechatronic Design Process / Biffl, S., Lüder, A., Schmidt, N., & Winkler, D. (2014). Early and Efficient Quality Assurance of Risky Technical Parameters in a Mechatronic Design Process. In Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2014). 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2014), Dallas, Texas, Non-EU. IEEE.
- Guest Editorial: Emerging Software Reliability and System Security Technologies / Tjoa, A. M. (2014). Guest Editorial: Emerging Software Reliability and System Security Technologies. Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications, 5(1), 1–3.
- Performance models preventing multi-agent systems from overloading computational resources / Kadera, P., Novak, P., Jirkovsky, V., & Vrba, P. (2014). Performance models preventing multi-agent systems from overloading computational resources. Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems, 2(6), 105.
- Current challenges in information security risk management / Fenz, S., Heurix, J., Neubauer, T., & Pechstein, F. (2014). Current challenges in information security risk management. Information Management & Computer Security, 22(5), 410–430.
- SEMERGY: Performance-Guided Building Design and Refurbishment within a Semantically Augmented Optimization Environment / Wolosiuk, D., Ghiassi, N., Pont, U., Shayeganfar, F., Mahdavi, A., Fenz, S., Heurix, J., Anjomshoaa, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2014). SEMERGY: Performance-Guided Building Design and Refurbishment within a Semantically Augmented Optimization Environment. Advanced Materials Research, 899, 589–595.
- Leveraging the Web of Data via Linked Widgets / Anjomshoaa, A., Trinh, T. D., Do, B. L., Wetz, P., Kiesling, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2014). Leveraging the Web of Data via Linked Widgets. Journal of Service Science Research, 6(1), 7–27.
- Guest editorial: special section on software quality assurance and quality management / Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2014). Guest editorial: special section on software quality assurance and quality management. Software Quality Journal, 22(3), 467–468.
- From project-oriented to service-oriented software development: an industrial experience guided by a service reference model / Kalinowski, M., Biffl, S., Spínola, R. O., & Reinehr, S. (2014). From project-oriented to service-oriented software development: an industrial experience guided by a service reference model. Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development, 2(10).
- Imparare l'informatica con il concorso Bebras / Futschek, G. (2014). Imparare l’informatica con il concorso Bebras. Bricks, 4(4), 6.
- A Distributed Generic Data Structure for Urban Level Building Data Monitoring / Glawischnig, S., Hofstätter, H., & Mahdavi, A. (2014). A Distributed Generic Data Structure for Urban Level Building Data Monitoring. In I. Linawati, M. S. Mahendra, E. J. Neuhold, A. M. Tjoa, & I. You (Eds.), Information and Communication Technology (pp. 86–95). Springer - Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London.
- Enter Sandbox: Android Sandbox Comparison / Neuner, S., van der Veen, V., Lindorfer, M., Huber, M., Georg, M., Mulazzani, M., & Weippl, E. (2014). Enter Sandbox: Android Sandbox Comparison. In Proceedings of the IEEE Mobile Security Technologies Workshop (MoST). IEEE.
- A Glimpse into the State and Future of (Big) Data Analytics in Austria / Bierig, R., Hanbury, A., Haas, M., Piroi, F., Berger, H., Lupu, M., & Dittenbach, M. (2014). A Glimpse into the State and Future of (Big) Data Analytics in Austria. In M. Helfert, A. Holzinger, O. Belo, & C. Francalanci (Eds.), Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (pp. 178–188). ScitePress.
- Linked Widgets Platform: Lowering the Barrier for Open Data Exploration / Trinh, T. D., Wetz, P., Do, B. L., Anjomshoaa, A., Kiesling, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2014). Linked Widgets Platform: Lowering the Barrier for Open Data Exploration. In V. Presutti, E. Blomqvist, R. Troncy, H. Sack, I. Papadakis, & A. Tordai (Eds.), The Semantic Web: ESWC 2014 Satellite Events - ESWC 2014 Satellite Events, Anissaras, Crete, Greece, May 25-29, 2014, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 171–182). Springer LNCS.
- Semantic-Aware Mashups for Personal Resources in SemanticLIFE and SocialLIFE / Khue, V. S., Anjomshoaa, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2014). Semantic-Aware Mashups for Personal Resources in SemanticLIFE and SocialLIFE. In S. Teufel, A. M. Tjoa, I. You, & E. Weippl (Eds.), Availability, Reliability, and Security in Information Systems (pp. 138–154). Springer LNCS 8708.
- Toward a Data-Driven Performance-Guided Urban Decision-Support Environment / Ghiassi, N., Glawischnig, S., Pont, U., & Mahdavi, A. (2014). Toward a Data-Driven Performance-Guided Urban Decision-Support Environment. In I. Linawati, M. S. Mahendra, E. J. Neuhold, A. M. Tjoa, & I. You (Eds.), Information and Communication Technology (pp. 96–107). Springer - Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London.
- Empirical and Computational Issues of Microclimate Simulation / Maleki, A., Kiesel, K., Vuckovic, M., & Mahdavi, A. (2014). Empirical and Computational Issues of Microclimate Simulation. In I. Linawati, M. S. Mahendra, E. J. Neuhold, A. M. Tjoa, & I. You (Eds.), Information and Communication Technology (pp. 78–85). Springer - Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London.
- Post OCR Correction of Swedish Patent Text - The Difference between Reading Tongue 'Lästunga' and Security Tab 'Låstunga' / Andersson, L., Rastas, H., & Rauber, A. (2014). Post OCR Correction of Swedish Patent Text - The Difference between Reading Tongue “Lästunga” and Security Tab “Låstunga.” 7th Information Retrieval Facility Conference (IRFC2014), Copenhagen, Denmark, EU.
- Learning Concepts of Informatics using Scratch 2.0 and Snap! / Futschek, G. (2014). Learning Concepts of Informatics using Scratch 2.0 and Snap! IKT Projektai Mokyklai (Open Conference on ICT Projects at Schools), Vilnius, EU.
- Efficient building design model generation and evaluation: The SEMERGY Approach / Ghiassi, N., Pont, U., Mahdavi, A., Heurix, J., & Fenz, S. (2014). Efficient building design model generation and evaluation: The SEMERGY Approach. In tba (Ed.), Proceedings of the 30th International PLEA Conference - Sustainable Habitat for developing Societies - Choosing the way forward (p. 8).
- Toward constructive evidence of linked open data in AEC domain / Anjomshoaa, A., Shayeganfar, F., Mahdavi, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2014). Toward constructive evidence of linked open data in AEC domain. In A. Mahdavi, B. Martens, & R. J. Scherer (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling (ECPPM2014), Vienna, Austria, 17-19 September 2014 (pp. 535–542). Taylor & Francis - Balkema.
- SEMERGY: Utilizing semantic web technologies for performance-guided building design optimization / Pont, U., Ghiassi, N., Shayeganfar, F., Mahdavi, A., Fenz, S., Heurix, J., & Anjomshoaa, A. (2014). SEMERGY: Utilizing semantic web technologies for performance-guided building design optimization. In A. Mahdavi & B. Martens (Eds.), ECPPM 2014. Eigenauflage mit wissenschaftlichem Lektorat.
- Big Data Analysis for Sensor Time-Series in Automation / Jirkovsky, V., Obitko, M., Novak, P., & Kadera, P. (2014). Big Data Analysis for Sensor Time-Series in Automation. In Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (pp. 1–8). IEEE.
- Towards an Environmental Information System for Semantic Stream Data / Wetz, P., Trinh, T. D., Do, B. L., Anjomshoaa, A., Kiesling, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2014). Towards an Environmental Information System for Semantic Stream Data. In Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Environmental Informatics - Informatics for Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Risk Management (pp. 637–644). BIS-Verlag.
- Towards a Visualization of Multi-faceted Search Results / Alsallakh, B., Miksch, S., & Rauber, A. (2014). Towards a Visualization of Multi-faceted Search Results. In Workshop on Knowledge Maps and Information Retrieval (KMIR). Workshop on Knowledge Maps and Information Retrieval (KMIR), at the the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, London, EU.
- An SME Transition from Plan-Driven to Hybrid Project Management with Agile Software Development Methods / Biffl, S., Mordinyi, R., Raidl, G., Steininger, H., & Winkler, D. (2014). An SME Transition from Plan-Driven to Hybrid Project Management with Agile Software Development Methods. In Proceedings of the 21th EuroSPI Conference on Systems Software and Service Process Improvement, Industrial Track. 21th EuroSPI Conference on Systems Software and Service Process Improvement, Industrial Track, Luxembourg, Luxemburg, EU. Delta.
- Efficient Monitoring of Constraints in a Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Project with Semantic Data Integration in the Multi-Model Dashboard Process / Biffl, S., Winkler, D., Mordinyi, R., Scheiber, S., & Holl, G. (2014). Efficient Monitoring of Constraints in a Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Project with Semantic Data Integration in the Multi-Model Dashboard Process. In Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (pp. 1–10). IEEE.
- Towards a semantic knowledge base on threats to validity and control actions in controlled experiments / Biffl, S., Kalinowski, M., Ekaputra, F., Neto, A. A., Conte, T., & Winkler, D. (2014). Towards a semantic knowledge base on threats to validity and control actions in controlled experiments. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement - ESEM ’14. 8th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2014), Torino, Italien, EU. ACM.
- Building Empirical Software Engineering Bodies of Knowledge with Systematic Knowledge Engineering / Biffl, S., Kalinowski, M., Ekaputra, F. J., Serral Asensio, E., & Winkler, D. (2014). Building Empirical Software Engineering Bodies of Knowledge with Systematic Knowledge Engineering. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE) (pp. 552–559). Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School.
- The SCAPE preservation lifecycle / Duretec, K., Kraxner, M., Kulmukhametov, A., Plangg, M., Becker, C., & Faria, L. (2014). The SCAPE preservation lifecycle. In IEEE/ACM Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. Digital Libraries 2014, London, UK, EU.
- TUW @ Retrieving Diverse Social Images Task 2014 / Palotti, J., Rekabsaz, N., Lupu, M., & Hanbury, A. (2014). TUW @ Retrieving Diverse Social Images Task 2014. In Working Notes Proceedings of the MediaEval 2014 Workshop. MediaEval Benchmarking Initiative for Multimedia Evaluation, Barcelona, ES, EU. CEUR-WS.
- Insight to Hyponymy Lexical Relation Extraction in the Patent Genre Versus Other Text Genres / Andersson, L., Lupu, M., Palotti, J., Piroi, F., Hanbury, A., & Rauber, A. (2014). Insight to Hyponymy Lexical Relation Extraction in the Patent Genre Versus Other Text Genres. In Patent Mining and Its Applications. First International Workshop on Patent Mining and Its Applications (IPaMin 2014), Hildesheim, Germany, EU. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- A formal method for selecting evaluation metrics for image segmentation / Taha, A. A., Hanbury, A., & del Toro, O. A. J. (2014). A formal method for selecting evaluation metrics for image segmentation. In 2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). IEEE ICIP Proceedings, Austria. IEEE.
- Corpus Annotation through Crowdsourcing:Towards Best Practice Guidelines / Sabou, R. M., Bontcheva, K., Derczynski, L., & Scharl, A. (2014). Corpus Annotation through Crowdsourcing:Towards Best Practice Guidelines. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’14). Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’14), Reykjavik, Iceland, Non-EU. European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
- The uComp Protege Plugin: Crowdsourcing Enabled Ontology Engineering / Hanika, F., Wohlgenannt, G., & Sabou, R. M. (2014). The uComp Protege Plugin: Crowdsourcing Enabled Ontology Engineering. In Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (pp. 181–196). Springer.
- Content Profiling for Preservation: Improving Scale, Depth and Quality / Kulmukhametov, A., & Becker, C. (2014). Content Profiling for Preservation: Improving Scale, Depth and Quality. In The Emergence of Digital Libraries – Research and Practices (pp. 1–11). Springer International Publishing.
- Automated Quality Assurance for Migration of Born-digital Images / Kulmukhametov, A., Plangg, M., & Becker, C. (2014). Automated Quality Assurance for Migration of Born-digital Images. In IS&T Archiving Conference 2014. IS&T Archiving 2014, Berlin, Germany, EU. Society for Imaging Science & Technology.
- Scalable decision support for digital preservation / Becker, C., Faria, L., & Duretec, K. (2014). Scalable decision support for digital preservation. In OCLC Systems & Services: International digital library perspectives (pp. 249–284). OCLC Systems & Services.
- Windows Installer Security / Kadluba, C., Mulazzani, M., Zechner, L., Neuner, S., & Weippl, E. (2014). Windows Installer Security. In International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust. ASE International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT), Cambridge, MA, USA, Non-EU.
- Experimental measurements of the rotor oscillations in an synchronous generator during the three-phased sudden short-circuit test / Piroi, I., Spunei, E., & Piroi, F. (2014). Experimental measurements of the rotor oscillations in an synchronous generator during the three-phased sudden short-circuit test. In 2014 International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity (ICATE). International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity (ICATE) 2014, University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania, EU. IEEExplore.
- ABS failure diagnosis charts for a blocked CL / Spunei, E., Piroi, I., Muscai, C., & Piroi, F. (2014). ABS failure diagnosis charts for a blocked CL. In 2014 International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity (ICATE). International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity (ICATE) 2014, University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania, EU. IEEExplore.
- Diagnosis charts for regular inversion failures of an Automatic Block Signal Installation / Piroi, I., Spunei, E., Muscai, C., & Piroi, F. (2014). Diagnosis charts for regular inversion failures of an Automatic Block Signal Installation. In 2014 International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity (ICATE). International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity (ICATE) 2014, University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania, EU. IEEExplore.
- Automatic block signaling installation failure diagnosis with LCOBla / Spunei, E., Piroi, I., Muscai, C., & Piroi, F. (2014). Automatic block signaling installation failure diagnosis with LCOBla. In 2014 International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity (ICATE). International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity (ICATE) 2014, University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania, EU. IEEExplore.
- Real-time screen watermarking using overlaying layer / Piec, M., & Rauber, A. (2014). Real-time screen watermarking using overlaying layer. In International Workshop on Digital Forensics. International Workshop on Digital Forensics (WSDF), Fribourg, Switzerland, Non-EU.
- Robustness against data availability problems in urban energy planning support software / Tjoa, A. M., Anjomshoaa, A., & Fenz, S. (2014). Robustness against data availability problems in urban energy planning support software. In M. Collard, R. Deneckere, & M. Bajec (Eds.), 2014 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS). IEEE.
- User intent behind medical queries / Palotti, J. R. M., Stefanov, V., & Hanbury, A. (2014). User intent behind medical queries. In Proceedings of the 5th Information Interaction in Context Symposium. Information Interaction in Context conference, Regensburg, EU. ACM.
- Retrieving Diverse Social Images at MediaEval 2014: Challenge, Dataset and Evaluation / Ionescu, B., Popescu, A., Lupu, M., Gansca, A., & Müller, H. (2014). Retrieving Diverse Social Images at MediaEval 2014: Challenge, Dataset and Evaluation. In Working Notes Proceedings of the MediaEval 2014 Workshop. MediaEval Benchmarking Initiative for Multimedia Evaluation, Barcelona, ES, EU. CEUR-WS.
- A System Framework for Concept- and Credibility-Based Multimedia Retrieval / Bierig, R., Serban, C., Siriteanu, A., Lupu, M., & Hanbury, A. (2014). A System Framework for Concept- and Credibility-Based Multimedia Retrieval. In Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval. International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR 2014), Glasgow, EU. ACM Press.
- A Combined Approach of Structured and Non-structured IR in Multimodal Domain / Sabetghadam, S., Lupu, M., Bierig, R., & Rauber, A. (2014). A Combined Approach of Structured and Non-structured IR in Multimodal Domain. In Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval. International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR 2014), Glasgow, EU. ACM Press.
- Ongoing social sustainability monitoring in supply chains / Thöni, A., King, J., & Tjoa, A. M. (2014). Ongoing social sustainability monitoring in supply chains. In M. Avital, J. M. Leimeister, & U. Schultze (Eds.), Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2014.
- Guest editorial: Special issue on information retrieval in the intellectual property domain / Hanbury, A., Lupu, M., Kando, N., Diallo, B., & Adams, S. (2014). Guest editorial: Special issue on information retrieval in the intellectual property domain. In Information Retrieval (pp. 407–411). Springer.
- On the Usability of Random Indexing in Patent Retrieval / Lupu, M. (2014). On the Usability of Random Indexing in Patent Retrieval. In Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning (pp. 202–216). Springer LNCS.
- A Web-based Platform for Dynamic Integration of Heterogeneous Data / Trinh, T. D., Wetz, P., Do, B. L., Anjomshoaa, A., Kiesling, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2014). A Web-based Platform for Dynamic Integration of Heterogeneous Data. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS 2014) (pp. 253–261). ACM.
- Open Mashup Platform - A Smart Data Exploration Environment / Trinh, T. D., Do, B. L., Wetz, P., Anjomshoaa, A., Kiesling, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2014). Open Mashup Platform - A Smart Data Exploration Environment. In Proceedings of the ISWC 2014 Posters & Demonstrations Track a track within the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014) (pp. 53–56). CEUR-WS.
- Implementing Linked Widgets: lessons learned for Linked Data developers / Trinh, T. D., Wetz, P., Do, B. L., Anjomshoaa, A., Kiesling, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2014). Implementing Linked Widgets: lessons learned for Linked Data developers. In Proceedings of the ISWC Developers Workshop 2014 (p. 6). CEUR-WS.
- A Drag-and-block Approach for Linked Open Data Exploration / Trinh, T. D., Do, B. L., Wetz, P., Anjomshoaa, A., Kiesling, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2014). A Drag-and-block Approach for Linked Open Data Exploration. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data (COLD 2014) co-located with the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014) (p. 12). CEUR-WS.
- Widget-based Exploration of Linked Statistical Data Spaces / Do, B. L., Trinh, T. D., Wetz, P., Kiesling, E., Anjomshoaa, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2014). Widget-based Exploration of Linked Statistical Data Spaces. In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (pp. 282–290). SCITEPRESS Digital Library.
- Open Linked Widgets Mashup Platform / Trinh, T. D., Wetz, P., Do, B. L., Anjomshoaa, A., Kiesling, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2014). Open Linked Widgets Mashup Platform. In Proceedings of the AI Mashup Challenge 2014 co-located with 11th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2014) (p. 10). CEUR-WS.
- Efficient Data Integration and Communication Issues in Distributed Engineering Projects and Project Consortia / Winkler, D., Ekaputra, F. J., Serral Asensio, E., & Biffl, S. (2014). Efficient Data Integration and Communication Issues in Distributed Engineering Projects and Project Consortia. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-Driven Business (I-KNOW). 14th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-Driven Business (I-KNOW), Graz, Austria. ACM.
- Towards Automated Process and Workflow Management: A Feasibility Study on Tool-Supported and Automated Engineering Process Modeling Approaches / Winkler, D., Schönbauer, M., & Biffl, S. (2014). Towards Automated Process and Workflow Management: A Feasibility Study on Tool-Supported and Automated Engineering Process Modeling Approaches. In Proceedings of the 40th Euromicro Conferences on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), Software Management Track (pp. 102–110). IEEE.
- Isolated Testing of Software Components in Distributed Software Systems / Thillen, F., Mordinyi, R., & Biffl, S. (2014). Isolated Testing of Software Components in Distributed Software Systems. In Proceedings of the 6th Software Quality Days, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (pp. 170–184). Springer.
- Component-Based Design of Simulation Models Utilizing Bond-Graph Theory / Novak, P., & Sindelar, R. (2014). Component-Based Design of Simulation Models Utilizing Bond-Graph Theory. In Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) (pp. 9229–9234). IFAC.
- Engineering of Coupled Simulation Models for Mechatronic Systems / Novak, P., Kadera, P., Jirkovsky, V., & Vrba, P. (2014). Engineering of Coupled Simulation Models for Mechatronic Systems. In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing (SOHOMA) (pp. 1–9). AGIR Publishing House.
- Towards a Coordination-Centric Architecture Metamodel for Social Web Applications / Musil, J., Musil, A., & Biffl, S. (2014). Towards a Coordination-Centric Architecture Metamodel for Social Web Applications. In Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA). 8th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA), Wien, Austria. Springer.
- Evaluating Software Architectures using Ontologies for Storing and Versioning of Engineering Data in Heterogeneous Systems Engineering Environments / Mordinyi, R., Serral Asensio, E., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2014). Evaluating Software Architectures using Ontologies for Storing and Versioning of Engineering Data in Heterogeneous Systems Engineering Environments. In Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Barcelona, Spain, EU. IEEE.
- Engineering Process Improvement in Heterogeneous Multi-Disciplinary Environments with the Defect Causal Analysis / Kovalenko, O., Winkler, D., Kalinowski, M., Serral Asensio, E., & Biffl, S. (2014). Engineering Process Improvement in Heterogeneous Multi-Disciplinary Environments with the Defect Causal Analysis. In Proceedings of the 21th EuroSPI Conference on Systems Software and Service Process Improvement, Communication in Computer and Information Science (pp. 73–85). Springer.
- Building an Empirical Software Engineering Research Knowledge Base from Heterogeneous Data Sources / Ekaputra, F. J., Serral Asensio, E., & Biffl, S. (2014). Building an Empirical Software Engineering Research Knowledge Base from Heterogeneous Data Sources. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-Driven Business (I-KNOW). 14th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-Driven Business (I-KNOW), Graz, Austria. ACM.
- How to Assess Confidentiality Requirements of Corporate Assets? / Cervantes, G. V., & Fenz, S. (2014). How to Assess Confidentiality Requirements of Corporate Assets? In ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection (pp. 234–241). IFIP Press.
- Gestalt Interest Points for Image Description in Weight-Invariant Face Recognition / Hörhan, M., & Eidenberger, H. (2014). Gestalt Interest Points for Image Description in Weight-Invariant Face Recognition. In SPIE Visual Communications Proceedings. SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing Conference, Paris, FR, EU. SPIE.
- SEMERGY - Identifying optimal building refurbishment strategies / Fenz, S., Heurix, J., Neubauer, T., Anjomshoaa, A., Shayeganfar, F., Ghiassi, N., Taheri, M., Hammerberg, K., Wolosiuk, D., Sustr, C., Pont, U., Mahdavi, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2014). SEMERGY - Identifying optimal building refurbishment strategies.
- Visualisation of User-Generated Event Information: Towards Geospatial Situation Awareness Using Hierarchical Granularity Levels / Hobel, H., Madlberger, L., Thöni, A., & Fenz, S. (2014). Visualisation of User-Generated Event Information: Towards Geospatial Situation Awareness Using Hierarchical Granularity Levels. In Workshop on Social Media and Linked Data for Emergency Response (SMILE2014) 11th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2014) (pp. 1–12). Online Proceedings for Scientific Workshops.
- Biber der Informatik 2014, Aufgaben und Lösungen / Futschek, G. (2014). Biber der Informatik 2014, Aufgaben und Lösungen.
- The 16th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS 2014) / Tjoa, A. M., & Kotsis, G. (Eds.). (2014). The 16th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS 2014). ACM.
- Software Quality. Model-Based Approaches for Advanced Software and Systems Engineering / Software Quality. Model-Based Approaches for Advanced Software and Systems Engineering. (2014). In D. Winkler, J. Bergsmann, & S. Biffl (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Springer.
- SOFSEM 2014: Theory and Practice of Computer Science / SOFSEM 2014: Theory and Practice of Computer Science. (2014). In A. M. Tjoa, V. Geffert, B. Preneel, B. Rovan, & J. Stuller (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer LNCS 8327.
- Availability, Reliability, and Security in Information Systems / Availability, Reliability, and Security in Information Systems. (2014). In S. Teufel, A. M. Tjoa, I. You, & E. Weippl (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer LNCS 8708.
- Information Access Evaluation. Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction / Information Access Evaluation. Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction. (2014). In E. Kanoulas, M. Lupu, P. Clough, M. Sanderson, M. Hall, A. Hanbury, & E. Toms (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
- Information and Communication Technology / Information and Communication Technology. (2014). In E. Neuhold, A. M. Tjoa, & I. You (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer LNCS 8407.
- Constructionism and Creativity, Proceedings of the 3rd International Constructionism Conference 2014 / Futschek, G., & Kynigos, C. (Eds.). (2014). Constructionism and Creativity, Proceedings of the 3rd International Constructionism Conference 2014. OCG (Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft).
- UbiqLog: a generic mobile phone-based life-log framework / Rawassizadeh, R., Tomitsch, M., Wac, K., & Tjoa, A. M. (2013). UbiqLog: a generic mobile phone-based life-log framework. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 17(4), 621–637.
- Ambient media today and tomorrow / Lugmayr, A., Serral Asensio, E., Scherp, A., & Mustaquim, M. (2013). Ambient media today and tomorrow. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 71(1), 7–37.
- Qualität nach Maß / Eidenberger, H. (2013, February). Qualität nach Maß. IX : Magazin Für Professionelle Informationstechnik, 02/2013, 132–136.
- Extraction of Automation System Engineering Knowledge for Mapping Plant and Simulation Interfaces / 2022-12-07: book title and DOI corrected, editors, book information, chapter number and page numbers added /EK, Novak, P., Melik-Merkumians, M., Steinegger, M., Moser, T., Sindelar, R., & Zoitl, A. (2013). Extraction of Automation System Engineering Knowledge for Mapping Plant and Simulation Interfaces. In T. Borangi, A. Thomas, & D. Trentesaux (Eds.), Studies in Computational Intelligence (Vol. 472, pp. 247–261). Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg.
- Automating unobtrusive personalized services in ambient media environments / Serral, E., Gil, M., Valderas, P., & Pelechano, V. (2013). Automating unobtrusive personalized services in ambient media environments. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 71(1), 159–178.
- Designing for user attention: A method for supporting unobtrusive routine tasks / Gil, M., Serral Asensio, E., Valderas, P., & Pelechano, V. (2013). Designing for user attention: A method for supporting unobtrusive routine tasks. Science of Computer Programming, 78.
- Addressing the evolution of automated user behaviour patterns by runtime model interpretation / Serral, E., Valderas, P., & Pelechano, V. (2013). Addressing the evolution of automated user behaviour patterns by runtime model interpretation. Software and Systems Modeling, 14(4), 1387–1420.
- A comparison of representations for discrete multi-criteria decision problems / Gettinger, J., Kiesling, E., Stummer, C., & Vetschera, R. (2013). A comparison of representations for discrete multi-criteria decision problems. Decision Support Systems, 54(2), 976–985.
- Development of Information Systems for Transparent Corporate Sustainability Using Data-Driven Technologies / Madlberger, L. (2013). Development of Information Systems for Transparent Corporate Sustainability Using Data-Driven Technologies. In On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2013 Workshops Confederated International Workshops: OTM Academy, OTM Industry Case Studies Program, ACM, EI2N, ISDE, META4eS, ORM, SeDeS, SINCOM, SMS and SOMOCO 2013, Graz, Austria, September 9 - 13, 2013, Proceedings (pp. 12–21). Springer.
- Integrating IR Technologies for Professional Search / Salampasis, M., Fuhr, N., Hanbury, A., Lupu, M., Larsen, B., & Strindberg, H. (2013). Integrating IR Technologies for Professional Search. In Advances in Information Retrieval 35th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2013, Moscow, Russia, March 24-27, 2013, Proceedings (pp. 882–885). Springer LNCS.
Overview of CLEF-IP 2013 Lab - Information Retrieval in the Patent Domain.
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Project: PROMISE (2011–2013) - UMAP: A Universal Layer for Schema Mapping Languages / Chertes, F., & Feinerer, I. (2013). UMAP: A Universal Layer for Schema Mapping Languages. In H. Decker, L. Lhotská, S. Link, J. Basl, & A. M. Tjoa (Eds.), Database and Expert Systems Applications (pp. 349–363). Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Improved Prioritization of Auditing Social Factors, Leveraging Up-to-Date Information Technology / Thöni, A. (2013). Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Improved Prioritization of Auditing Social Factors, Leveraging Up-to-Date Information Technology. In Y. T. Demey & H. Panetto (Eds.), On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2013 Workshops (pp. 447–447). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- A Formative Evaluation of a Comprehensive Search System for Medical Professionals / Stefanov, V., Sachs, A., Kritz, M., Samwald, M., Gschwandtner, M., & Hanbury, A. (2013). A Formative Evaluation of a Comprehensive Search System for Medical Professionals. In P. Forner, H. Müller, R. Paredes, P. Rosso, & B. Stein (Eds.), Information Access Evaluation. Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Visualization (pp. 81–92). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- Investigating the Impact of Experience and Solo/Pair Programming on Coding Efficiency: Results and Experiences from Coding Contests / Winkler, D., Kitzler, M., Steindl, C., & Biffl, S. (2013). Investigating the Impact of Experience and Solo/Pair Programming on Coding Efficiency: Results and Experiences from Coding Contests. In H. Baumeister & B. Weber (Eds.), Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming (pp. 106–120). Springer.
- Information and Communicatiaon Technology / Mustofa, K., Neuhold, E., Tjoa, A. M., Weippl, E., & You, I. (Eds.). (2013). Information and Communicatiaon Technology: Vol. LNCS 7804. Springer.
- Using Semantic Web to Enhance User Understandability for Online Shopping License Agreement / Asfand-e-yar, M., & Tjoa, A. M. (2013). Using Semantic Web to Enhance User Understandability for Online Shopping License Agreement. In K. Mustofa, E. Neuhold, A. M. Tjoa, E. Weippl, & I. You (Eds.), Information and Communication Technology International Conference, ICT-EurAsia 2013 (pp. 233–242). Springer LNCS.
- Framework for verification of preserved and redeployed processes / Miksa, T., Rauber, A., Mayer, R., Pröll, S., Strodl, S., Vieira, R., & Barateiro, J. (2013). Framework for verification of preserved and redeployed processes. In iPRES 2013 - 10th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (pp. 136–145). Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal.
- Integrating Linked Open Data for improved Social Sustainability Risk Management in Supply Chains / Thöni, A. (2013). Integrating Linked Open Data for improved Social Sustainability Risk Management in Supply Chains. In M. Horbach (Ed.), INFORMATIK 2013 – Informatik angepasst an Mensch, Organisation und Umwelt (pp. 916–927). Lecture Notes in Informatics.
- Communication in Multi-discipline Engineering Projects using Local Data Point References / Mordinyi, R., Prybila, C., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2013). Communication in Multi-discipline Engineering Projects using Local Data Point References. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) (pp. 6848–6855). IEEE.
- Digital Preservation of a Process and its Application to e-Science Experiments / Strodl, S., Mayer, R., Rauber, A., & Draws, A. (2013). Digital Preservation of a Process and its Application to e-Science Experiments. In iPRES 2013: proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (pp. 128–135). Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal.
- Towards Security-Enhanced and Privacy-Preserving Mashup Compositions / Hobel, H., Heurix, J., Anjomshoaa, A., & Weippl, E. (2013). Towards Security-Enhanced and Privacy-Preserving Mashup Compositions. In Security and Privacy Protection in Information Processing Systems (pp. 286–299). Springer-Verlag GmbH.
- Hardware Malware / Krieg, C., Dabrowski, A., Hobel, H., Krombholz, K., & Weippl, E. (2013). Hardware Malware. Synthesis Lectures on Information Security, Privacy, and Trust, 4(2), 1–115.
- Shortening of product ramp-up by using a centralized knowledge base / Willmann, R., Serral, E., Kastner, W., & Biffl, S. (2013). Shortening of product ramp-up by using a centralized knowledge base. In 2013 11th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN). 11th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Bochum, Germany, EU. IEEE.
- Malware in Hardware Infrastructure Components / Krieg, C., & Weippl, E. (2013). Malware in Hardware Infrastructure Components. In Advances in IT Early Warning. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag.
- Vermittlung informatischer Kompetenzen und Medienkompetenzen in allen Lehramtstudien aller Ausbildungsinstitute Österreichs / Bachinger, A., Brandhofer, G., Fuchs, K., Futschek, G., Freund, R., Gabriel, S., Goebl, R., Grossmann, W., Micheuz, P., Neuwirth, E., Nosko, C., Schedler, M., Traxler, P., & Wohlhart, D. (2013). Vermittlung informatischer Kompetenzen und Medienkompetenzen in allen Lehramtstudien aller Ausbildungsinstitute Österreichs. In Digitale Schule Österreich (pp. 67–70).
- Workflow Validation Framework in Collaborative Engineering Environments / Sunindyo, W. D., Moser, T., Winkler, D., Mordinyi, R., & Biffl, S. (2013). Workflow Validation Framework in Collaborative Engineering Environments. In Advances in Systems Analysis, Software Engineering, and High Performance Computing (pp. 285–299). Information Science Reference.
- Automated Test Case Generation for Industrial Control Applications / Hametner, R., Kormann, B., Vogel-Heuser, B., Winkler, D., & Zoitl, A. (2013). Automated Test Case Generation for Industrial Control Applications. In Recent Advances in Robotics and Automation (pp. 263–273). Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg.
- Guiding principles of natural ecosystems and their applicability to software ecosystems / Dhungana, D., Groher, I., Schludermann, E., & Biffl, S. (2013). Guiding principles of natural ecosystems and their applicability to software ecosystems. In Software Ecosystems, Analyzing and Managing Business Networks in th Software Industry (pp. 43–58). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
- Evaluating Flowchart Recognition for Patent Retrieval / Lupu, M., Piroi, F., & Hanbury, A. (2013). Evaluating Flowchart Recognition for Patent Retrieval. In The Fifth International Workshop on Evaluating Information Access. The Fifth International Workshop on Evaluating Information Access, Tokyo, Japan, Non-EU.
- Toward a Model of Domain-Specific Search / Hanbury, A., & Lupu, M. (2013). Toward a Model of Domain-Specific Search. In Open Research Areas In Information Retrieval. Open Research Areas In Information Retrieval, Lisbon, Portugal, EU.
- FORISK: Formalizing information security risk and compliance management / Fenz, S., Neubauer, T., Accorsi, R., & Koslowski, T. (2013). FORISK: Formalizing information security risk and compliance management. In 2013 43rd Annual IEEE/IFIP Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshop (DSN-W). 2013 43rd Annual IEEE/IFIP Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshop (DSN-W), Budapest, EU.
- SEMERGY: Performance-Guided Building Design and Refurbishment within a Semantically Augmented Optimization Environment / Wolosiuk, D., Ghiassi, N., Pont, U., Shayeganfar, F., Mahdavi, A., Fenz, S., Heurix, J., Anjomshoaa, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2013). SEMERGY: Performance-Guided Building Design and Refurbishment within a Semantically Augmented Optimization Environment. In J. Hraska (Ed.), enviBUILD 2013 - Buildings and Environment (p. 6). STU - Nakladateľstvo STU, Bratislava 2013.
- Covert Computation - Hiding Code in Code for Obfuscation Purposes / Schrittwieser, S., Huber, M., Leithner, M., Mulazzani, M., Katzenbeisser, S., Weippl, E., & Kieseberg, P. (2013). Covert Computation - Hiding Code in Code for Obfuscation Purposes. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGSAC symposium on Information, computer and communications security. ASIA CCS ’13 8th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security, Hangzhou, Non-EU.
- SHPF: Enhancing HTTP(S) Session Security with Browser Fingerprinting / Mulazzani, M., Weippl, E., Schrittwieser, S., Unger, T., Huber, M., & Frühwirt, D. (2013). SHPF: Enhancing HTTP(S) Session Security with Browser Fingerprinting. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES). Eighth International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), Regensburg, EU.
- Ethics in Security Research - Which Lines Should Not Be Crossed? / Schrittwieser, S., Weippl, E., & Mulazzani, M. (2013). Ethics in Security Research - Which Lines Should Not Be Crossed? Cyber-security Research Ethics Dialog & Strategy Workshop (CREDS 2013), San Francisco, Non-EU.
- Cloudoscopy: Services Discovery and Topology Mapping / Herzberg, A., Shulman, H., Ullrich, J., & Weippl, E. (2013). Cloudoscopy: Services Discovery and Topology Mapping. In Fifth ACM cloud computing security workshop (CCSW 2013) (pp. 113–122).
- Semantic Technologies to Accelerate Model-Driven Development / Grünwald, A., Winkler, D., Serral Asensio, E., & Biffl, S. (2013). Semantic Technologies to Accelerate Model-Driven Development. In Proceedings of the Work in Progress Session (pp. 15–16). SEA-Publications.
- Modelle der Integration von Schulpraxis in die Informatik LehrerInnenbildung Modelle der Integration von Schulpraxis in die Informatik LehrerInnenbildung / Grossmann, W., Standl-Gruber, B., & Planteu, L. (2013). Modelle der Integration von Schulpraxis in die Informatik LehrerInnenbildung Modelle der Integration von Schulpraxis in die Informatik LehrerInnenbildung. In eEducation Sommertagung (pp. 381–389).
- Digitale Kompetenz: Ausbildung und LehrerInnenbildung / Futschek, G., Grossmann, W., & Standl, B. (2013). Digitale Kompetenz: Ausbildung und LehrerInnenbildung. eEducation Sommertagung 2013, Klagenfurt, Austria.
- Integrating School Practice in Austrian Computer Science Teacher Education / Grossmann, W., Neuwirth, E., Standl-Gruber, B., & Planteu, L. (2013). Integrating School Practice in Austrian Computer Science Teacher Education. In Local Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives (ISSEP) (pp. 151–153).
- LehrerInnen aller Fächer und Schulstufen brauchen IKT- und Informatikkenntnisse / Futschek, G., & Grossmann, W. (2013). LehrerInnen aller Fächer und Schulstufen brauchen IKT- und Informatikkenntnisse. OCG Journal, 38(1), 10–11.
- A simulation-optimization approach for information security risk management / Kiesling, E., Ekelhart, A., Grill, B., Strauss, C., & Stummer, C. (2013). A simulation-optimization approach for information security risk management. International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2013), Rotterdam, EU.
- Multi-objective decision support for IT security control selection / Kiesling, E., Ekelhart, A., Grill, B., Strauss, C., & Stummer, C. (2013). Multi-objective decision support for IT security control selection. EURO INFORMS MMXIII: 26th European Conference on Operational Research, Rom, EU.
- Simulation-Based Optimization Of Information Security Controls: An Adversary-Centric Approach / Kiesling, E., Ekelhart, A., Grill, B., Strauss, C., & Stummer, C. (2013). Simulation-Based Optimization Of Information Security Controls: An Adversary-Centric Approach. In Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation conference (pp. 2054–2065). IEEE Computer Society.
- Simulation based optimization of IT security controls: Initial experiences with metaheuristic solution procedures / Kiesling, E., Ekelhart, A., Grill, B., Strauss, C., & Stummer, C. (2013). Simulation based optimization of IT security controls: Initial experiences with metaheuristic solution procedures. In Proceedings of the 14th EU/ME Workshop (pp. 18–20). EURO Working Group “EU/ME: the metaheuristics community.”
- Quo vadis Softwarewerkzeuge - Studienergebnis zum Thema Entwicklungswerkzeuge / Lüder, A., Steininger, H., Biffl, S., Schmidt, N., & Petzold, T. (2013). Quo vadis Softwarewerkzeuge - Studienergebnis zum Thema Entwicklungswerkzeuge. SPS Magazin, 7, 43–45.
- Anforderungen an Engineeringketten / Lüder, A., Schmidt, N., Petzold, T., Steininger, H., & Biffl, S. (2013). Anforderungen an Engineeringketten. ETZ Elektrotechnik & Automation, 9, 18–22.
- Towards web-based information security knowledge sharing / Feledi, D., Fenz, S., & Lechner, L. (2013). Towards web-based information security knowledge sharing. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 17(4), 199–209.
- A General Framework for the Development of MDD Projects / Marın, B., Pereira, J., Giachetti, G., Hermosilla, F., & Serral Asensio, E. (2013). A General Framework for the Development of MDD Projects. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development. 1st International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, MODELSWARD 2013, Barcelona, Spain, EU. SCITEPRESS.
- Effiziente Datenintegration zur Verbesserung der Projekt- und Prozessqualität in heterogenen Entwicklungsprojekten / Winkler, D. (2013). Effiziente Datenintegration zur Verbesserung der Projekt- und Prozessqualität in heterogenen Entwicklungsprojekten. Computerwelt, 25, 19.
- A Rule-Based Transformation System for Converting Semi-Structured Medical Documents / Heurix, J., Rella, A., Fenz, S., & Neubauer, T. (2013). A Rule-Based Transformation System for Converting Semi-Structured Medical Documents. Health and Technology, 3(1), 51–63.
- Research on Decreasing the Cost Price for the Synchronous Hydrogenerator / Spunei, E., Padeanu, L., Piroi, F., Piroi, I., & Liuba, G. (2013). Research on Decreasing the Cost Price for the Synchronous Hydrogenerator. Buletinul AGIR, 3, 163–168.
- Bewertung der Offenheit von Engineering-Tools / Barth, M., Biffl, S., Drath, R., Fay, A., & Winkler, D. (2013). Bewertung der Offenheit von Engineering-Tools. Open Automation, 4, 12–15.
- Weg von den Software-Werkzeuginseln - Lücken beim parallelen Engineering industrieller Anlagen schließen / Biffl, S. (2013). Weg von den Software-Werkzeuginseln - Lücken beim parallelen Engineering industrieller Anlagen schließen. Ke NEXT, 6, 88–90.
- Guest Editorial for the Special Section on the Euromicro 2011 Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) / Biffl, S. (2013). Guest Editorial for the Special Section on the Euromicro 2011 Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA). Information and Software Technology, 55(6), 1063.
- Research Prototypes versus Products: Lessons Learned from Software Development Processes in Research Projects / Winkler, D., Mordinyi, R., & Biffl, S. (2013). Research Prototypes versus Products: Lessons Learned from Software Development Processes in Research Projects. In F. McCaffery, R. V. O´Connor, & R. Messnarz (Eds.), Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement (pp. 48–59). Springer.
- A Systematic Comparison of Semantic Integration Data Storage Architectures for Multidisciplinary Systems / Serral Asensio, E., Kovalenko, O., Moser, T., & Biffl, S. (2013). A Systematic Comparison of Semantic Integration Data Storage Architectures for Multidisciplinary Systems. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (pp. 190–197). SciTePress.
- Conceptual Patterns for Secondary School Computer Science Education / Standl, B. (2013). Conceptual Patterns for Secondary School Computer Science Education. In Proceedings of the 8th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education on - WiPSE ’13 (pp. 45–46). ACM Press.
- Fast and Reliable Browser Identification with JavaScript Engine Fingerprinting / Mulazzani, M., Schrittwieser, S., Reschl, P., Leithner, M., Weippl, E., & Huber, M. (2013). Fast and Reliable Browser Identification with JavaScript Engine Fingerprinting. Web 2.0 Security & Privacy 2013, San Francisco, Non-EU.
- LINKED OPEN DATA for Business Oriented Applications / Tjoa, A. M. (2013). LINKED OPEN DATA for Business Oriented Applications. OGIK 2013, Györ, Ungarn, EU.
- The use of OPEN LINKED DATA for decision making / Tjoa, A. M. (2013). The use of OPEN LINKED DATA for decision making. IIT.SRC 2013, Bratislava, Slovakei, EU.
- Supporting the preservation lifecycle in repositories / Faria, L., Becker, C., Duretec, K., Ferreira, M., & Ramalho, J. C. (2013). Supporting the preservation lifecycle in repositories. Open Repositories 2013, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, Non-EU.
- Can Linked Open Data be Used to Empower "Continuous Auditing"? / Tjoa, A. M. (2013). Can Linked Open Data be Used to Empower “Continuous Auditing”? NII SHONAN “Privacy by Transparency for Data-Centric Services,” Shonan, Japan, Non-EU.
- Exploring patent passage retrieval using nouns phrases / Andersson, L., Mahdabi, P., Hanbury, A., & Rauber, A. (2013). Exploring patent passage retrieval using nouns phrases. Proceeding of the 35th European conference on Advances in Information Retrieval (ECIR’13), Berlin, Heidelberg,, EU.
- Domain Adaptation of General Natural Language Processing Tools for a Patent Claim Visualization System / Andersson, L., Lupu, M., & Hanbury, A. (2013). Domain Adaptation of General Natural Language Processing Tools for a Patent Claim Visualization System. In Proceedings of Multidisciplinary Information Retrieval, Berlin Heidelberg, EU.
- Ein Streifzug durch die Programmiersprachenlandschaft in der Schule / Futschek, G. (2013). Ein Streifzug durch die Programmiersprachenlandschaft in der Schule. Informatiktag 2013, Wien, Austria.
- Biber der Informatik, ein Contest für alle Schultypen / Futschek, G. (2013). Biber der Informatik, ein Contest für alle Schultypen. eEducation Sommertagung 2013, Klagenfurt, Austria.
- Wie SchülerInnen zu einem Informatikstudium motiviert werden / Futschek, G. (2013). Wie SchülerInnen zu einem Informatikstudium motiviert werden. ADV Bildungskongress 2013, Wien, Austria.
- Aktives und Kreatives Informatik-Lernen / Futschek, G. (2013). Aktives und Kreatives Informatik-Lernen. Inf2School 2013, Klagenfurt, Austria.
- Active Learning of Computational Thinking / Futschek, G. (2013). Active Learning of Computational Thinking. DidactIG 2013, Liberec, EU.
- Database and Expert Systems Applications / Decker, H., Lhotská, L., Link, S., Basl, J., & Tjoa, A. M. (Eds.). (2013). Database and Expert Systems Applications. Springer LNCS8056.
- Database and Expert Systems Applications / Decker, H., Lhotská, L., Link, S., Basl, J., & Tjoa, A. M. (Eds.). (2013). Database and Expert Systems Applications. Springer LNCS8055.
- Accounting and Management Information Systems: A Semantic Integration / Schwaiger, W., & Abmayer, M. (2013). Accounting and Management Information Systems: A Semantic Integration. In G. Kotsis, E. Weippl, M. Steinbauer, I. Khalil, & M. Indrawan-Santiago (Eds.), iiWAS2013; (pp. 346–352). The Association for Computing Machinery.
- An ontology-aided Optimization Approach to Eco-Efficient Building Design / Shayeganfar, F., Anjomshoaa, A., Heurix, J., Sustr, C., Ghiassi, N., Pont, U., Fenz, S., Neubauer, T., Tjoa, A. M., & Mahdavi, A. (2013). An ontology-aided Optimization Approach to Eco-Efficient Building Design. In IBPSA (Ed.), Building Simulation 2013 - 13th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association. (pp. 2193–2199). IBPSA.
- A comprehensive building model for performance-guided decision support / Ghiassi, N., Shayeganfar, F., Pont, U., Mahdavi, A., Heurix, J., Fenz, S., Anjomshoaa, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2013). A comprehensive building model for performance-guided decision support. In A. Mahdavi & B. Martens (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd Central European Symposium on Building Physics 9-11 September 2013, Vienna, Austria (pp. 35–42). ÖKK-Editions.
- Multi-objective optimization in the SEMERGY environment for sustainable building design and retrofit / Heurix, J., Fenz, S., Anjomshoaa, A., Neubauer, T., Tjoa, A. M., Taheri, M., Shayeganfar, F., Pont, U., Ghiassi, N., Sustr, C., & Mahdavi, A. (2013). Multi-objective optimization in the SEMERGY environment for sustainable building design and retrofit. In A. Mahdavi & B. Martens (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd Central European Symposium on Building Physics 9-11 September 2013, Vienna, Austria (pp. 27–34). ÖKK-Editions.
- Recent advances in SEMERGY: A semantically enriched optimization environment for performance-guided building design and refurbishment / Pont, U., Shayeganfar, F., Ghiassi, N., Taheri, M., Sustr, C., Mahdavi, A., Heurix, J., Fenz, S., Neubauer, T., Tjoa, A. M., & Anjomshoaa, A. (2013). Recent advances in SEMERGY: A semantically enriched optimization environment for performance-guided building design and refurbishment. In A. Mahdavi & B. Martens (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd Central European Symposium on Building Physics 9-11 September 2013, Vienna, Austria (pp. 19–26). ÖKK-Editions.
- Ontology-based Data Integration for Corporate Sustainability Information Systems / Madlberger, L., Thöni, A., Wetz, P., Schatten, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2013). Ontology-based Data Integration for Corporate Sustainability Information Systems. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2013) (pp. 353–357). ACM.
- Linked Widgets - An Approach to Exploit Open Government Data / Trinh, T. D., Do, B. L., Wetz, P., Anjomshoaa, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2013). Linked Widgets - An Approach to Exploit Open Government Data. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2013) (pp. 438–442). ACM.
- Austrian Environmental Data Consumption - A Mashup-based Approach / Wetz, P., Trinh, T. D., Do, B. L., Anjomshoaa, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2013). Austrian Environmental Data Consumption - A Mashup-based Approach. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Semantic Machine Learning and Linked Open Data (SML2OD) for Agricultural and Environmental Informatics. International Semantic Web Conference 2013 (ISWC), Sydney, Non-EU. IEEE.
- A Survey on Environmental Open Data in Austria / Wetz, P., Anjomshoaa, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2013). A Survey on Environmental Open Data in Austria. In Proceedings 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) (pp. 4566–4570). IEEE.
- Improving Decision Support for Software Component Selection through Systematic Cross-Referencing and Analysis of Multiple Decision Criteria / Becker, C., Kraxner, M., Plangg, M., & Rauber, A. (2013). Improving Decision Support for Software Component Selection through Systematic Cross-Referencing and Analysis of Multiple Decision Criteria. In 2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’46), Wailea, Maui, USA, Non-EU.
- Free benchmark corpora for preservation experiments / Becker, C., & Duretec, K. (2013). Free benchmark corpora for preservation experiments. In Proceedings of the 13th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries - JCDL ’13. Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2013, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, Non-EU. ACM.
- Evaluating a process for developing a capability maturity model / Proença, D., Vieira, R., Antunes, G., da Silva, M. M., Borbinha, J., Becker, C., & Kulovits, H. (2013). Evaluating a process for developing a capability maturity model. In Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC ’13. 28th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2013, Coimbra, Portugal, EU. ACM.
- Scalable preservation decisions: A controlled case study / Kulovits, H., Becker, C., & Andersen, B. (2013). Scalable preservation decisions: A controlled case study. In P. Burns (Ed.), Archiving 2013 (pp. 167–172). Society for Imaging Sciences and Technology.
- Open Preservation Data: Controlled vocabularies and ontologies for preservation ecosystems / Kulovits, H., Kraxner, M., Plangg, M., Becker, C., & Bechhofer, S. (2013). Open Preservation Data: Controlled vocabularies and ontologies for preservation ecosystems. In J. Borbinha, M. Nelson, & S. Knight (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (pp. 63–72). Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal.
- The SCAPE Planning and Watch suite / Kraxner, M., Plangg, M., Duretec, K., Becker, C., & Faria, L. (2013). The SCAPE Planning and Watch suite. In iPRES 2013: proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (pp. 262–265). Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal.
- Towards a Data-Integration Approach for Enterprise Sustainability Risk Information Systems / Thöni, A., Madlberger, L., & Schatten, A. (2013). Towards a Data-Integration Approach for Enterprise Sustainability Risk Information Systems. In J. Basl, P. Jasek, O. Novotny, & A. M. Tjoa (Eds.), CONFENIS-2013: 7th International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems (pp. 269–277). Tauner Verlag.
- Bebras, A Contest to Motivate Students to Study Computer Science and Develop Computational Thinking / Dagiene, V., & Futschek, G. (2013). Bebras, A Contest to Motivate Students to Study Computer Science and Develop Computational Thinking. In N. Reynolds, M. Webb, M. Syslo, & V. Dagiene (Eds.), learning while we are connected, vol 3, book of abstracts (pp. 139–141).
- Extreme Didactic Reduction in Computational Thinking Education / Futschek, G. (2013). Extreme Didactic Reduction in Computational Thinking Education. In N. Reynolds, M. Webb, M. Syslo, & V. Dagiene (Eds.), learning while we are connected, vol. 3, book of abstracts, (p. 106).
- New Content-Based Features for the Distinction of Violent Videos and Martial Arts / Hörhan, M., & Eidenberger, H. (2013). New Content-Based Features for the Distinction of Violent Videos and Martial Arts. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. IEEE, Austria. IEEE Press.
Visualizing Complex Process Hierarchies During the Modeling Process
Seyfang, A., Kaiser, K., Gschwandtner, T., & Miksch, S. (2013). Visualizing Complex Process Hierarchies During the Modeling Process. In M. La Rosa & P. Soffer (Eds.), BPM 2012 International Workshops (pp. 768–779). Springer.
Project: Brigid (2010–2015) - Extreme Didactic Reduction in Computational Thinking Education / Futschek, G. (2013). Extreme Didactic Reduction in Computational Thinking Education. In World Conference on Computers in Education WCCE 2013 (p. 6). Ifip Tc3.
- A modular methodology for the development of urban energy planning support software / Ouhajjou, N., Palensky, P., Stifter, M., Page, J., Fenz, S., & Tjoa, A. M. (2013). A modular methodology for the development of urban energy planning support software. In IECON 2013 - 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. IEEE Computer Society.
- Companies as Drivers of Sustainability-Towards Requirements for an Integrative Sustainability Risk Management System / Thöni, A., Madlberger, L., & Schatten, A. (2013). Companies as Drivers of Sustainability-Towards Requirements for an Integrative Sustainability Risk Management System. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experience, SAME 2013, in Conjunction with the 6th International Conference on Communities and Technologies, 29.6.-2.7., Munich, Germany (pp. 1–7). lugYmedia Inc.
- A Data Mashup Engine for Smartphones Based on XProc / Anjomshoaa, A., Tjoa, A. M., & Hofstätter, H. (2013). A Data Mashup Engine for Smartphones Based on XProc. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (pp. 440–444). ACM.
- A Framework for Automated Verification in Software Escrow / Binder, J., Weigl, E., Strodl, S., Draws, A., & Rauber, A. (2013). A Framework for Automated Verification in Software Escrow. In iPRES 2013 - 10th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (pp. 95–103). Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal.
- Citable by Design A Model for Making Data in Dynamic Environments Citable / Rauber, A., & Pröll, S. (2013). Citable by Design A Model for Making Data in Dynamic Environments Citable. In DATA 2013 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications. 2nd International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (DATA2013), Reykjavík, Non-EU.
- Quantifying Windows File Slack in Size and Stability / Mulazzani, M., Neuner, S., Schrittwieser, S., Weippl, E., Kieseberg, P., & Huber, M. (2013). Quantifying Windows File Slack in Size and Stability. In Advances in Digital Forensics IX. Springer.
- Ethik in der Sicherheitsforschung / Schrittwieser, S., Mulazzani, M., Weippl, E., & Panhans, S. (2013). Ethik in der Sicherheitsforschung. In D-A-CH Security 2013. DACH Security 2013, Nürnberg, EU.
- Appinspect: large-scale evaluation of social networking apps / Huber, M., Schrittwieser, S., Mulazzani, M., & Weippl, E. (2013). Appinspect: large-scale evaluation of social networking apps. In Proceedings of the first ACM conference on Online social networks (pp. 143–154).
- Securing a Space-Based Service Architecture with Coordination-Driven Access Control / Craß, S., Dönz, T., Joskowicz, G., Kühn, E., & Marek, A. (2013). Securing a Space-Based Service Architecture with Coordination-Driven Access Control. In E. Weippl, A. M. Tjoa, & S. Tjoa (Eds.), Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications (JoWUA), Special Issue on Frontiers in Security and Dependability (p. 22). Innovative Information Science & Technology Research Group (ISYOU).
- Project Progress and Risk Monitoring in Automation Systems Engineering / Sunindyo, W. D., Moser, T., Winkler, D., & Mordinyi, R. (2013). Project Progress and Risk Monitoring in Automation Systems Engineering. In Software Quality - Increasing Value in Software and Systems Development - Proc. SWQD 2013 (pp. 30–54). Springer.
- A Semantic Directory for Content and Partner Discovery in Empirical Software Engineering Research / Biffl, S., Musil, J., Serral Asensio, E., & Winkler, D. (2013). A Semantic Directory for Content and Partner Discovery in Empirical Software Engineering Research. In Proceedings of the Work in Progress Session (pp. 17–18). SEA-Publications.
- Longevity as an Information Systems Design Concern / Proenca, D., Antunes, G., Borbinha, J., Caetano, A., Biffl, S., Winkler, D., & Becker, C. (2013). Longevity as an Information Systems Design Concern. In Proceedings of the CAiSE’13 Forum at the 25th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE) (pp. 73–80).
- A method to evaluate the openness of automation tools for increased interoperability / Fay, A., Biffl, S., Winkler, D., Drath, R., & Barth, M. (2013). A method to evaluate the openness of automation tools for increased interoperability. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) (pp. 6842–6847). IEEE.
- Replication Data Management: Needs and Solutions - An initial evaluation of conceptual approaches for integrating heterogeneous replication study data / Biffl, S., Serral Asensio, E., Winkler, D., Dieste, O., Juristo, N., & Condori-Fernández, N. (2013). Replication Data Management: Needs and Solutions - An initial evaluation of conceptual approaches for integrating heterogeneous replication study data. In ACM / IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, 2013 (pp. 233–242). IEEE.
- Ontology-Based Industrial Plant Description Supporting Simulation Model Design and Maintenance / Novak, P., & Sindelar, R. (2013). Ontology-Based Industrial Plant Description Supporting Simulation Model Design and Maintenance. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) (pp. 6864–6869). IEEE.
- Architecture of a multi-agent system for SCADA level in smart distributed environments / Novak, P., Kadera, P., Vrba, P., & Sindelar, R. (2013). Architecture of a multi-agent system for SCADA level in smart distributed environments. In 2013 IEEE 18th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA). 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2013), Cagliari, Italy, EU. IEEE.
- Evaluation of Technologies for Mapping Representation in Ontologies / Kovalenko, O., Debruyne, C., Serral, E., & Biffl, S. (2013). Evaluation of Technologies for Mapping Representation in Ontologies. In On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2013 Conferences (pp. 564–571). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Towards evaluation and comparison of tools for ontology population from spreadsheet data / Kovalenko, O., Serral, E., & Biffl, S. (2013). Towards evaluation and comparison of tools for ontology population from spreadsheet data. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Semantic Systems - I-SEMANTICS ’13. 9th International Conference on Semantic Systems (I-SEMANTICS 2013), Graz, Austria. ACM.
- Elements of software ecosystem early-stage design for collective intelligence systems / Musil, J., Musil, A., & Biffl, S. (2013). Elements of software ecosystem early-stage design for collective intelligence systems. In Proceedings of the 2013 International Workshop on Ecosystem Architectures - WEA 2013. The 1st International Workshop on Software Ecosystem Architectures (WEA 2013), Saint Petersburg, Russia, Non-EU. ACM.
- An analysis framework for ontology querying tools / Ekaputra, F. J., Serral Asensio, E., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2013). An analysis framework for ontology querying tools. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Semantic Systems, I-SEMANTICS 2013 (pp. 1–8). ACM.
- Evaluation of Semantic Data Storages for Integrating Heterogeneous Disciplines in Automation Systems Engineering / Serral Asensio, E., Mordinyi, R., Kovalenko, O., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2013). Evaluation of Semantic Data Storages for Integrating Heterogeneous Disciplines in Automation Systems Engineering. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) (pp. 6856–6863). IEEE.
- A Software Infrastructure for Executing Adaptive Daily Routines in Smart Automation Environments / Serral Asensio, E., Valderas, P., & Pelechano, V. (2013). A Software Infrastructure for Executing Adaptive Daily Routines in Smart Automation Environments. In The Fifth International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications (pp. 30–35). IARIA XPS Press.
- A Web-Application for building Common Cartridge Learning Objects / Standl-Gruber, B. (2013). A Web-Application for building Common Cartridge Learning Objects. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA) (pp. 1461–1466).
- A Goal-Driven Risk Management Approach to Support Security and Privacy Analysis of Cloud-Based System / Islam, S., Mouratidis, H., & Weippl, E. (2013). A Goal-Driven Risk Management Approach to Support Security and Privacy Analysis of Cloud-Based System. In Security Engineering for Cloud Computing: Approaches and Tools (pp. 97–122). IGI Global.
- Biber der Informatik 2013, Aufgaben und Lösungen / Futschek, G. (2013). Biber der Informatik 2013, Aufgaben und Lösungen.
BAT - The Brigid Authoring Tool
Seyfang, A. (2013). BAT - The Brigid Authoring Tool (Asgaard-TR-2013-1).
Project: Brigid (2010–2015) - Software Quality. Increasing Value in Software and Systems Development / Software Quality. Increasing Value in Software and Systems Development. (2013). In D. Winkler, S. Biffl, & J. Bergsmann (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Springer.
- CONFENIS 2013 / Tjoa, A. M., Basl, J., Jasek, P., & Novotny, O. (Eds.). (2013). CONFENIS 2013. Trauner Verlag.
- Patent Retrieval / Patent Retrieval. (2013). In M. Lupu & A. Hanbury (Eds.), Foundations and Trends® in Information Retrieval (p. 97). Now Publishers.
- Ambient bloom: new business, content, design and models to increase the semantic ambient media experience / Pogorelc, B., Lugmayr, A., Stockleben, B., Vatavu, R.-D., Tahmasebi, N., Serral Asensio, E., Stojmenova, E., Imperl, B., Risse, T., Zenz, G., & Gams, M. (2012). Ambient bloom: new business, content, design and models to increase the semantic ambient media experience. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 66(1), 7–32.
- 399 Automatic Control of the Inspired Oxygen Fraction in Preterm Infants. Preliminary Results of a Multicenter Randomized Cross-Over Trial / Hallenberger, A., Urschitz, M., Müller-Hansen, I., Miksch, S., Seyfang, A., Horn, W., & Poets, C. F. (2012). 399 Automatic Control of the Inspired Oxygen Fraction in Preterm Infants. Preliminary Results of a Multicenter Randomized Cross-Over Trial. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 97(Suppl 2), A117–A117.
- Person-centered technology enhanced learning: Dimensions of added value / Motschnig, R., & Standl, B. (2012). Person-centered technology enhanced learning: Dimensions of added value. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(2), 401–409.
- Enhancing Ontology-based Antipattern Detection using Bayesian Networks / Settas, D., Cerone, A., & Fenz, S. (2012). Enhancing Ontology-based Antipattern Detection using Bayesian Networks. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(10), 9041–9053.
- Workflow scheduling using multi-agent systems in a dynamically changing environment / Merdan, M., Moser, T., Sunindyo, W., Biffl, S., & Vrba, P. (2012). Workflow scheduling using multi-agent systems in a dynamically changing environment. Journal of Simulation, 7(3), 144–158.
- Patent images - a glass-encased tool / Lupu, M., Mörzinger, R., Schleser, T., Schuster, R., Piroi, F., & Hanbury, A. (2012). Patent images - a glass-encased tool. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies - i-KNOW ’12. ACM.
- Quality Needs Structure: Industrial Experiences in Systematically Defining Software Security Requirements / Frühwirth, C., Mordinyi, R., & Biffl, S. (2012). Quality Needs Structure: Industrial Experiences in Systematically Defining Software Security Requirements. In Software Quality (pp. 217–229). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
- An ontology-based approach for constructing Bayesian networks / Fenz, S. (2012). An ontology-based approach for constructing Bayesian networks. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 73, 73–88.
- Random Test Case Generation and Manual Unit Testing: Substitute or Complement in Retrofitting Tests for Legacy Code / Ramler, R., Winkler, D., & Schmidt, M. (2012). Random Test Case Generation and Manual Unit Testing: Substitute or Complement in Retrofitting Tests for Legacy Code. In Proceedings of the 38th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (pp. 286–293).
- Improving Unfamiliar Code with Unit-Tests: An Empirical Investigation on Tool-Supported and Human-Based Testing / Winkler, D., Schmidt, M., Ramler, R., & Biffl, S. (2012). Improving Unfamiliar Code with Unit-Tests: An Empirical Investigation on Tool-Supported and Human-Based Testing. In 13th International Conference, PROFES 2012, Madrid, Spain, June 13-15, 2012 Proceedings (pp. 290–304). Springer.
- Systematic skin segmentation: merging spatial and non-spatial data / Khan, R., Hanbury, A., Sablatnig, R., Stöttinger, J., Khan, F. A., & Khan, F. A. (2012). Systematic skin segmentation: merging spatial and non-spatial data. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 69(3), 717–741.
- Agile Testing Concepts Based on Keyword-driven Testing for Industrial Automation Systems / Hametner, R., Winkler, D., & Zoitl, A. (2012). Agile Testing Concepts Based on Keyword-driven Testing for Industrial Automation Systems. In IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (pp. 3707–3712).
- Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement / Winkler, D., O´Connor, R. V., & Messnarz, R. (Eds.). (2012). Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
- Cloud Security and Privacy in the Light of the 2012 EU Data Protection Regulation / Kronabeter, A., & Fenz, S. (2012). Cloud Security and Privacy in the Light of the 2012 EU Data Protection Regulation. In Proceedings of the 2012 CloudComp Conference (pp. 1–10).
- A Context-Aware Mashup Integration Guideline for Enterprise 2.0 / Bader, G., Anjomshoaa, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2012). A Context-Aware Mashup Integration Guideline for Enterprise 2.0. In G. Quirchmayr, J. Basl, I. You, L. Xu, & E. R. Weippl (Eds.), Multidisciplinary Research and Practice for Informations Systems : IFIP WG 8.4, 8.9, TC 5 International Cross Domain Conference and Workshop on Availability, Reliability, and Security, CD-ARES 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, August 20-24, 2012, Proceedings (pp. 17–30). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) / Springer Verlag.
- Guess Who's Texting You? Evaluating the Security of Smartphone Messaging Applications / Schrittwieser, S., Frühwirt, P., Kieseberg, P., Leithner, M., Mulazzani, M., Huber, M., & Weippl, E. (2012). Guess Who’s Texting You? Evaluating the Security of Smartphone Messaging Applications. In Proceedings of the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, NDSS 2012 (p. 9). The Internet Society.
- InnoDB Database Forensics: Reconstructing Data Manipulation Queries from Redo Logs / Frühwirt, P., Kieseberg, P., Schrittwieser, S., Huber, M., & Weippl, E. (2012). InnoDB Database Forensics: Reconstructing Data Manipulation Queries from Redo Logs. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES) (pp. 625–633). IEEE.
- Using Semantic Relatedness and Locality for Requirements Elicitation Guidance / Farfeleder, S., Moser, T., & Krall, A. (2012). Using Semantic Relatedness and Locality for Requirements Elicitation Guidance. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE’2012), Hotel Sofitel, Redwood City, San Francisco Bay, USA July 1-3, 2012 (pp. 19–24).
- Malicious Pixels: Using QR Codes as Attack Vector / Kieseberg, P., Schrittwieser, S., Leithner, M., Mulazzani, M., Weippl, E., Munroe, L., & Sinha, M. (2012). Malicious Pixels: Using QR Codes as Attack Vector. In Trustworthy Ubiquitous Computing (pp. 21–38). Atlantic Press.
- Applying Random Indexing to Structured Data to Find Contextually Similar Words / Damljanovic, D., Kruschwitz, U., Albakour, M.-D., Petrak, J., & Lupu, M. (2012). Applying Random Indexing to Structured Data to Find Contextually Similar Words. In LREC 2012 8th ELRA Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (pp. 2023–2030). European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
- On the Complexity of Process Preservation: A Case Study on an E-Science Experiment / Mayer, R., Strodl, S., & Rauber, A. (2012). On the Complexity of Process Preservation: A Case Study on an E-Science Experiment. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (IPRES 2012) (pp. 1–2).
- On the Applicability of Workflow Management Systems for the Preservation of Business Processes / Mayer, R., Pröll, S., & Rauber, A. (2012). On the Applicability of Workflow Management Systems for the Preservation of Business Processes. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (IPRES 2012) (pp. 58–65).
- umlTUowl - A Both Generic and Vendor-Specific Approach for UML to OWL Transformation / Grünwald, A., & Moser, T. (2012). umlTUowl - A Both Generic and Vendor-Specific Approach for UML to OWL Transformation. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE’2012), Hotel Sofitel, Redwood City, San Francisco Bay, USA July 1-3, 2012 (pp. 730–736).
- A Cloud Repository and Discovery Framework Based on a Unified Business and Cloud Service Ontology / Tahamtan, A., Beheshti, S. A., Anjomshoaa, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2012). A Cloud Repository and Discovery Framework Based on a Unified Business and Cloud Service Ontology. In 2012 IEEE Eighth World Congress on Services. 2012 IEEE Eighth World Congress on Services (SERVICES), Honolulu, Hawaii, Non-EU. IEEE.
- The Arden Syntax Standard for Clinical Decision Support: Experiences and Directions / Samwald, M., Fehre, K., de Bruin, J., & Adlassnig, K.-P. (2012). The Arden Syntax Standard for Clinical Decision Support: Experiences and Directions. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 45(4), 711–718.
- PERiMETER - pseudonymization and personal metadata encryption for privacy-preserving searchable documents / Heurix, J., Karlinger, M., & Neubauer, T. (2012). PERiMETER - pseudonymization and personal metadata encryption for privacy-preserving searchable documents. Health Systems, 1(1), 46–57.
- Query-by-example approach towards on-demand multidimensional analysis / Tjoa, A. M., Hoang, D. T. A., & Priebe, T. (2012). Query-by-example approach towards on-demand multidimensional analysis. International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, 7(3), 137.
- Resource Discovery Service while Minimizing Maintenance Overhead in Hierarchical DHT Systems / Tjoa, A. M., Hameurlain, A., & Mokadem, R. (2012). Resource Discovery Service while Minimizing Maintenance Overhead in Hierarchical DHT Systems. International Journal of Adaptive, Resilient and Autonomic Systems, 3(2), 1–17.
- Anforderungsanalyse für das integrierte Engineering - Mechanismen und Bedarfe aus der Praxis / Biffl, S., Mordinyi, R., & Moser, T. (2012). Anforderungsanalyse für das integrierte Engineering - Mechanismen und Bedarfe aus der Praxis. Atp Edition, 5, 28–35.
- Alle auf "einer" Spur / Biffl, S., Moser, T., & Mordinyi, R. (2012). Alle auf “einer” Spur. Computer & AUTOMATION, 6, 41–44.
- Integriertes Engineering mit Automation Service Bus - Paralleles Engineering mit heterogenen Werkzeugen / Biffl, S., Mordinyi, R., & Moser, T. (2012). Integriertes Engineering mit Automation Service Bus - Paralleles Engineering mit heterogenen Werkzeugen. Atp Edition, 12, 36–43.
- SCAPE: Big Data meets Digital Preservation / King, R., Schmidt, R., Becker, C., & Schlarb, S. (2012). SCAPE: Big Data meets Digital Preservation. ERCIM NEWS, SPECIAL THEME: BIG DATA(89), 30–31.
- SIEM-based framework for security controls automation / Montesino, R., Fenz, S., & Baluja, W. (2012). SIEM-based framework for security controls automation. Information Management & Computer Security, 20(4), 248–263.
- Self-Monitoring in Social Networks / Anjomshoaa, A., Khue, V. S., Tahamtan, A., Tjoa, A. M., & Weippl, E. (2012). Self-Monitoring in Social Networks. International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 6(4), 363.
- View Driven Interorganizational Workflows / Tahamtan, A., & Eder, J. (2012). View Driven Interorganizational Workflows. International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 6(2), 93.
- PROMISE retreat report prospects and opportunities for information access evaluation / Ferro, N., Berendsen, R., Hanbury, A., Lupu, M., Petras, V., de Rijke, M., & Silvello, G. (2012). PROMISE retreat report prospects and opportunities for information access evaluation. ACM SIGIR Forum, 46(2), 60–84.
- Increasing Knowledge Capturing Efficiency by Enterprise Portals / Fenz, S. (2012). Increasing Knowledge Capturing Efficiency by Enterprise Portals. VINE, 42(2), 237–250.
- Improving Quality Assurance in Automation Systems Development Projects / Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2012). Improving Quality Assurance in Automation Systems Development Projects. In M. Savsar (Ed.), Quality Assurance and Management (pp. 379–398). InTech.
- ICT as Key Technology against Global Warming / Auweter, A., Kranzlmüller, D., Tahamtan, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (Eds.). (2012). ICT as Key Technology against Global Warming. Springer LNCS.
- Database and Expert Systems Applications / Liddle, S. W., Schewe, K.-D., Tjoa, A. M., & Zhou, X. (Eds.). (2012). Database and Expert Systems Applications. Springer LNCS.
- Database and Expert Systems Applications / Liddle, S. W., Schewe, K.-D., Tjoa, A. M., & Zhou, X. (Eds.). (2012). Database and Expert Systems Applications. Springer LNCS.
- Energy efficient buildings for a greener future - computer science meets building physics / Fenz, S. (2012). Energy efficient buildings for a greener future - computer science meets building physics. International Conference on Computer Science, Electronics, and Instrumentation (ICCSE2012), Yogyakarta, Non-EU.
- Report on the CLEF-IP 2012 Experiments: Exploring Passage Retrieval with the PIPExtractor / Andersson, L., Mahdabi, P., Rauber, A., & Hanbury, A. (2012). Report on the CLEF-IP 2012 Experiments: Exploring Passage Retrieval with the PIPExtractor. In Proceeding of the of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF2012), Pisa, EU.
- Automatic refinement of patent queries using concept importance predictors / Mahdabi, P., Andersson, L., Keikha, M., & Crestani, F. (2012). Automatic refinement of patent queries using concept importance predictors. ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2012), Portland, Oregon, USA, Non-EU.
- ICT Education in Austria , Selected Projects and Initiatives / Futschek, G. (2012). ICT Education in Austria , Selected Projects and Initiatives. CEPIS Meeting on Computing in Schools, Brüssel, EU.
- Criteria for writing informatics education doctoral thesis from a reader's viewpoint. / Futschek, G. (2012). Criteria for writing informatics education doctoral thesis from a reader’s viewpoint. 3rd INTERNATIONAL DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM ON INFORMATICS AND INFORMATICS ENGINEERING EDUCATION RESEARCH: METHODOLOGIES, METHODS, AND PRACTICE, Druskininkai, EU.
- Programmieren Lernen mit BYOB / Futschek, G. (2012). Programmieren Lernen mit BYOB. Informatiktag 2012, Wien, Austria.
- On the Way to a Competence-Oriented Approach to Informatics Education in Austria / Micheuz, P., & Futschek, G. (2012). On the Way to a Competence-Oriented Approach to Informatics Education in Austria. 8th International Bebras Workshop, Druskininkai, EU.
- Fachdidaktik Informatik. Was ist wesentlich, was ist entbehrlich? / Futschek, G. (2012). Fachdidaktik Informatik. Was ist wesentlich, was ist entbehrlich? Fachtagung ELEKTRONIK der PH Niederösterreich, Windischgarsten, Austria.
- Guess Who's Texting You? / Schrittwieser, S. (2012). Guess Who’s Texting You? Troopers12, Heidelberg, EU.
- Ethics in Security Research / Schrittwieser, S. (2012). Ethics in Security Research. 29th Chaos Communication Congress (29C3), Hamburg, EU.
- Bertin was Right: An Empirical Evaluation of Indexing to Compare Multivariate Time-Series Data Using Line Plots / Aigner, W., Kainz, C., Ma, R., & Miksch, S. (2012). Bertin was Right: An Empirical Evaluation of Indexing to Compare Multivariate Time-Series Data Using Line Plots. EuroVis 2012, Wien, Austria.
- Software Quality / Biffl, S., Winkler, D., & Bergsmann, J. (Eds.). (2012). Software Quality. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
- Semantic Runtime Interface Description Based on Engineering Knowledge / Novák, P., Melik-Merkumians, M., Steinegger, M., Moser, T., Ŝindelář, R., & Zoitl, A. (2012). Semantic Runtime Interface Description Based on Engineering Knowledge. In IFAC Proceedings Volumes (pp. 805–810).
- Improving the usability of energy simulation applications in processing common building performance inquiries / Ghiassi, N., Shayeganfar, F., Pont, U., Mahdavi, A., Fenz, S., Heurix, J., Anjomshoaa, A., Neubauer, T., & Tjoa, A. M. (2012). Improving the usability of energy simulation applications in processing common building performance inquiries. In O. Sikula & J. Hirs (Eds.), Simulace Budov a Techniky Prostredi (p. 6). Ceska Technika - nakladatelstvi CVUT.
- Exploring the utility of semantic web technology in building performance simulation / Mahdavi, A., Pont, U., Shayeganfar, F., Ghiassi, N., Anjomshoaa, A., Fenz, S., Heurix, J., Neubauer, T., & Tjoa, A. M. (2012). Exploring the utility of semantic web technology in building performance simulation. In C. Nytsch-Geusen (Ed.), BauSIM 2012 - “Gebäudesimulation auf den Größenskalen Bauteil, Raum, Gebäude, Stadtquartier” (p. 7). Eigenverlag / wissenschaftliches Kommittee der IBPSA Germany-Austria.
- SEMERGY: Semantic web technology support for comprehensive building design assessment / Mahdavi, A., Pont, U., Shayeganfar, F., Ghiassi, N., Anjomshoaa, A., Fenz, S., Heurix, J., Neubauer, T., & Tjoa, A. M. (2012). SEMERGY: Semantic web technology support for comprehensive building design assessment. In G. Gudnason & R. Scherer (Eds.), eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (pp. 363–370). Taylor & Francis.
- Managing Implicit Requirements Using Semantic Case-Based Reasoning Research Preview / Daramola, O., Moser, T., Sindre, G., & Biffl, S. (2012). Managing Implicit Requirements Using Semantic Case-Based Reasoning Research Preview. In Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (pp. 172–178). Springer.
- Simulation Integration Framework / Sindelar, R., & Novak, P. (2012). Simulation Integration Framework. In INDIN 2012: IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial Informatics : 25 Jul - 27 Jul 2012, Beijing, China (pp. 80–85).
- Digital Forensics for Enterprise Rights Management Systems / Schrittwieser, S., Kieseberg, P., & Weippl, E. (2012). Digital Forensics for Enterprise Rights Management Systems. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS) (p. 10). ACM.
- Design and Verfication of Simulation Models of Passive Houses / Novak, P., & Sindelar, R. (2012). Design and Verfication of Simulation Models of Passive Houses. In Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA). 17th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Krakow, Poland, EU.
- Communicating Continuous Integration Servers for Increasing Effectiveness of Automated Testing / Dösinger, S., Mordinyi, R., & Biffl, S. (2012). Communicating Continuous Integration Servers for Increasing Effectiveness of Automated Testing. In Proceedings of 27th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) (pp. 374–377).
- Bootstraping a Comparable Corpus from Patent Family Members / Lupu, M. (2012). Bootstraping a Comparable Corpus from Patent Family Members. In 9th International Workshop on Text-based Information Retrieval. 9th International Workshop on Text-based Information Retrieval.
- Design and architecture of a novel preservation watch system / Faria, L., Becker, C., Petrov, P., Duretec, K., Ferreira, M., & Ramalho, J. C. (2012). Design and architecture of a novel preservation watch system. In The 14th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2012) (p. 10). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- Preservation Watch: What to monitor and how / Becker, C., Duretec, K., Petrov, P., Faria, L., Ferreira, M., & Ramalho, J. C. (2012). Preservation Watch: What to monitor and how. In R. Moore, K. Ashley, & S. Ross (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (IPRES 2012) (p. 8).
- Assessing Digital Preservation Capabilities Using a Checklist Assessment Method / Antunes, G., Proenca, D., Barateiro, J., Vieira, R., Borbinha, J., & Becker, C. (2012). Assessing Digital Preservation Capabilities Using a Checklist Assessment Method. In R. Moore, K. Ashley, & S. Ross (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (IPRES 2012) (p. 8).
- Large-scale content profiling for preservation analysis / Petrov, P., & Becker, C. (2012). Large-scale content profiling for preservation analysis. In R. Moore, K. Ashley, & S. Ross (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (IPRES 2012) (p. 2).
A comparison of Web service technologies for smart meter data exchange
Jung, M., Kastner, W., Kienesberger, G., & Leithner, M. (2012). A comparison of Web service technologies for smart meter data exchange. In Proceedings of 2012 3rd IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe), Berlin (pp. 1–8). IEEE.
Project: SmartWebGrid (2011–2013) - Model-based Validation of Integrated Automation Systems Engineering Environments / Mordinyi, R., Moser, T., & Biffl, S. (2012). Model-based Validation of Integrated Automation Systems Engineering Environments. In Proceedings of 7th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD’12) - Modelling and Model Transformation in Automation Technologies. 7th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD’12), Vienna, Austria.
- Internet of Things Applications in Bulk Shipping Logistics: Problems and Potential Solutions / Song, X., Huang, L., & Fenz, S. (2012). Internet of Things Applications in Bulk Shipping Logistics: Problems and Potential Solutions. In Internet of Things (pp. 565–571). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Navigating between Tools in Heterogeneous Automation Systems Engineering Landscapes / Mordinyi, R., Moser, T., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2012). Navigating between Tools in Heterogeneous Automation Systems Engineering Landscapes. In Proceedings of the IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (pp. 6182–6188).
- Extending Mechatronic Objects for Automation Systems Engineering in Heterogeneous Engineering Environments / Moser, T., Mordinyi, R., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2012). Extending Mechatronic Objects for Automation Systems Engineering in Heterogeneous Engineering Environments. In Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA). 17th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Krakow, Poland, EU.
- A First Account on Stigmergic Information Systems and their Impact on Platform Development / Musil, J., Musil, A., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2012). A First Account on Stigmergic Information Systems and their Impact on Platform Development. In Proceedings of the WICSA/ECSA 2012 (pp. 69–73).
- Dashboard by-Example: A Hypergraph-based approach to On-demand Data warehousing systems / Tjoa, A. M., Hoang, D. T. A., & Nguyen, T. B. (2012). Dashboard by-Example: A Hypergraph-based approach to On-demand Data warehousing systems. In IEEE Catalog Number: CFP12SMC-USB (p. 6). IEEE.
- Challenges of Web-Based Information Security Knowledge Sharing / Feledi, D., & Fenz, S. (2012). Challenges of Web-Based Information Security Knowledge Sharing. In 2012 Seventh International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. Seventh International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security (ARES 2012), Prague, EU. IEEE.
- Recognition and Privacy Preservation of Paper-based Health Records / Fenz, S., Heurix, J., & Neubauer, T. (2012). Recognition and Privacy Preservation of Paper-based Health Records. In Quality of Life through Quality of Information - Proceedings of MIE2012 (pp. 751–755).
- Automated Transformation of Semi-Structured Text Elements / Heurix, J., Rella, A., Fenz, S., & Neubauer, T. (2012). Automated Transformation of Semi-Structured Text Elements. In AMCIS 2012 Proceedings (pp. 1–11).
- Knowledge construction in the Bebras problem solving contest / Dagiene, V., & Futschek, G. (2012). Knowledge construction in the Bebras problem solving contest. In C. Kynigos, J. Clayson, & N. Yiannoutsou (Eds.), Constructionism: Theory, Practice and Impact (pp. 678–680). The Educational Technology Lab, University of Athens.
- Recognition and Pseudonymization of Personal Data in Paper-Based Health Records / Fenz, S., Heurix, J., & Neubauer, T. (2012). Recognition and Pseudonymization of Personal Data in Paper-Based Health Records. In Business Information Systems (pp. 153–164). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Pseudonymization with Metadata Encryption for Privacy-Preserving Searchable Documents / Heurix, J., Karlinger, M., & Neubauer, T. (2012). Pseudonymization with Metadata Encryption for Privacy-Preserving Searchable Documents. In 2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’45), Wailea, Maui, USA, Non-EU. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
- Improving Open Source Software Process Quality Based on Defect Data Mining / Sunindyo, W. D., Moser, T., Winkler, D., & Dhungana, D. (2012). Improving Open Source Software Process Quality Based on Defect Data Mining. In Proceedings of Software Quality Days 2012, Research Track (pp. 84–102).
- Process Model Validation for Heterogeneous Engineering Environments / Sunindyo, W. D., Moser, T., & Winkler, D. (2012). Process Model Validation for Heterogeneous Engineering Environments. In Proceedings of Software Quality Days 2012, Practical Part (pp. 1–14).
- Simulating Innovation Adoption Behavior: Lessons learned for modelers and programmers / Stummer, C., & Kiesling, E. (2012). Simulating Innovation Adoption Behavior: Lessons learned for modelers and programmers. In Proceedings of the 24th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium (pp. 90–96). EMSS.
- A Multi-objective Decision Support Framework for Simulation-Based Security Control Selection / Kiesling, E., Strausss, C., & Stummer, C. (2012). A Multi-objective Decision Support Framework for Simulation-Based Security Control Selection. In 2012 Seventh International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. IEEE Computer Society.
- Semantic design and integration of simulation models in the industrial automation area / Novak, P., & Sindelar, R. (2012). Semantic design and integration of simulation models in the industrial automation area. In Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 17th International Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA 2012). 2nd Workshop on Industrial Automation Tool Integration for Engineering Project Automation (iATPA 2012), Krakow, Poland, EU. IEEE.
- Case study on Person-Centered Assessment in Computer Science and its Support by the VLE Moodle / Motschnig, R., Standl-Gruber, B., & Haselberger, D. (2012). Case study on Person-Centered Assessment in Computer Science and its Support by the VLE Moodle. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA) (pp. 2343–2351).
- Preserving Scientific Processes from Design to Publication / Mayer, R., Rauber, A., Neumann, M. A., Thomson, J., & Antunes, G. (2012). Preserving Scientific Processes from Design to Publication. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2012) (pp. 113–124). Springer, Heidelberg.
- Towards a Decision Support Architecture for Digital Preservation of Business Processes / Neumann, M. A., Miri, H., Thomson, J., Antunes, G., Mayer, R., & Beigl, M. (2012). Towards a Decision Support Architecture for Digital Preservation of Business Processes. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (IPRES 2012) (pp. 74–81).
- Facilitating Comprehensive Benchmarking Experiments on the Million Song Dataset / Schindler, A., Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2012). Facilitating Comprehensive Benchmarking Experiments on the Million Song Dataset. In Proceedings of the 13th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2012) (pp. 469–474).
- Patent information retrieval / Lupu, M. (2012). Patent information retrieval. In Proceedings of the 35th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval - SIGIR ’12. ACM.
Effects of Language and Topic Size in Patent IR: An Empirical Study
Piroi, F., Lupu, M., & Hanbury, A. (2012). Effects of Language and Topic Size in Patent IR: An Empirical Study. In Information Access Evaluation. Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Visual Analytics (pp. 54–66). Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Projects: IMPEx (2012–2015) / PROMISE (2011–2013) - QMHE2012 / Avasilcai, S., Tjoa, A. M., Hutu, C. A., & Weippl, E. (Eds.). (2012). QMHE2012. OCG (Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft).
- Data Management in Cloud, Grid and P2P Systems / Data Management in Cloud, Grid and P2P Systems. (2012). In A. M. Tjoa, A. Hameurlain, F. Morvan, & F. K. Hussain (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer LNCS.
- Handbook of Multimedia Information Retrieval / Eidenberger, H. (2012). Handbook of Multimedia Information Retrieval. atpress.
- Frontiers of Media Understanding / Eidenberger, H. (2012). Frontiers of Media Understanding. atpress.
- Twenty-Third International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2012 / Hameurlain, A., Tjoa, A. M., & Wagner, R. (Eds.). (2012). Twenty-Third International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2012. IEEE Computer Society.
- Professional Media Understanding / Eidenberger, H. (2012). Professional Media Understanding. atpress.
- Bertin was Right: An Empirical Evaluation of Indexing to Compare Multivariate Time-Series Data Using Line Plots / Aigner, W., Kainz, C., Ma, R., & Miksch, S. (2011). Bertin was Right: An Empirical Evaluation of Indexing to Compare Multivariate Time-Series Data Using Line Plots. Computer Graphics Forum, 30(1), 215–228.
- A Hybrid Approach integrating Encryption and Pseudonymization for Protecting Electronic Health Records / Heurix, J., Neubauer, T., Schrefl, M., & Karlinger, M. (2011). A Hybrid Approach integrating Encryption and Pseudonymization for Protecting Electronic Health Records. In Proceedings of the Eighth IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (pp. 117–124).
- Learning Algorithmic Thinking with Tangible Objects Eases Transition to Computer Programming / Futschek, G., & Moschitz, J. (2011). Learning Algorithmic Thinking with Tangible Objects Eases Transition to Computer Programming. In Informatics in Schools: Contributing to 21st Century Education. 5th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution and Perspectives, ISSEP 2011, Bratislava, EU. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
- Software Project Portofolio Optimization with Advanced Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms / Kremmel, T., Kubalík, J., & Biffl, S. (2011). Software Project Portofolio Optimization with Advanced Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms. Applied Soft Computing, 11(1), 1416–1426.
Verification, Validation, and Evaluation in Information Security Risk Management
Fenz, S., & Ekelhart, A. (2011). Verification, Validation, and Evaluation in Information Security Risk Management. IEEE Security and Privacy, 9(2), 58–65.
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) - Investigating the Robustness of Re-Scheduling Policies with Multi-Agent System Simulation / Merdan, M., Moser, T., Vrba, P., & Biffl, S. (2011). Investigating the Robustness of Re-Scheduling Policies with Multi-Agent System Simulation. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 55(1–4), 355–367.
- Risk Assessment In Multi-Disciplinary (Software+) Engineering Projects / BIFFL, S., MOSER, T., & WINKLER, D. (2011). Risk Assessment In Multi-Disciplinary (Software+) Engineering Projects. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 21(02), 211–236.
- A methodology for the pseudonymization of medical data / Neubauer, T., & Heurix, J. (2011). A methodology for the pseudonymization of medical data. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 80(3), 190–204.
- Friend-in-the-middle Attacks: Exploiting Social Networking Sites for Spam / Huber, M., Mulazzani, M., Weippl, E., Kitzler, G., & Goluch, S. (2011). Friend-in-the-middle Attacks: Exploiting Social Networking Sites for Spam. IEEE Internet Computing, SPECIAL ISSUE ON SECURITY AND PRIVACY IN SOCIAL NETWORKS.
- A Decision Framework for Discovery and Integration of Cloud Services / Tahamtan, A., Anjomshoaa, A., Beheshti, S. A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2011). A Decision Framework for Discovery and Integration of Cloud Services. In Proceedings of the 2011 Fourth IEEE International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, UCC 2011 (p. 1). IEEE Computer Society.
- Availability, Reliability and Security for Business, Enterprise and Health Information Systems / Tjoa, A. M., Quirchmayr, G., You, I., & Xu, L. (Eds.). (2011). Availability, Reliability and Security for Business, Enterprise and Health Information Systems. Springer LNCS 6908.
- Ontology-Driven Guidance for Requirements Elicitation / Farfeleder, S., Moser, T., Krall, A., Stalhane, T., Omoronyia, I., & Zojer, H. (2011). Ontology-Driven Guidance for Requirements Elicitation. In Proceedings of 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2011) (pp. 1–15).
- DODT: Increasing Requirements Formalism using Domain Ontologies for Improved Embedded Systems Development / Farfeleder, S., Moser, T., Krall, A., Stalhane, T., Zojer, H., & Panis, C. (2011). DODT: Increasing Requirements Formalism using Domain Ontologies for Improved Embedded Systems Development. In Proceedings of 14th IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS 2011) (pp. 1–4).
- Simulating the Effect of Preservation Actions on Repository Evolution / Weihs, C., & Rauber, A. (2011). Simulating the Effect of Preservation Actions on Repository Evolution. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (pp. 62–69). Nanyang Technical University Singapore.
Trustworthy Preservation Planning
Becker, C. (2011). Trustworthy Preservation Planning. In Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2010 (pp. 11–20). Gesellschaft für Informatik.
Project: SCAPE (2011–2014) - Temporal Management of WS-BPEL Processes / Tahamtan, A., Oesterle, C., Tjoa, A. M., & Hameurlain, A. (2011). Temporal Management of WS-BPEL Processes. In Enterprise Information Systems (pp. 256–269). Springer-Verlag.
- Österreich braucht gut ausgebildete InformatiklehrerInnen / Futschek, G. (2011). Österreich braucht gut ausgebildete InformatiklehrerInnen. In Best Spirit : Best Practice, Lehramt an Österreichischen Universitäten (pp. 100–104). Braumüller.
Identifying Treatment Activities for Modelling Computer-Interpretable Clinical Practice Guidelines
Kaiser, K., Seyfang, A., & Miksch, S. (2011). Identifying Treatment Activities for Modelling Computer-Interpretable Clinical Practice Guidelines. In D. Riano, A. ten Teije, S. Miksch, & M. Peleg (Eds.), Knowledge Representation for Health-Care (pp. 115–126). Springer Verlag, LNAI 6512.
Projects: Brigid (2010–2015) / REMINE (2008–2013) -
E-Business and Information Security Risk Management
Fenz, S. (2011). E-Business and Information Security Risk Management. In E. Kajan (Ed.), Electronic Business Interoperability (pp. 596–614). IGI Global.
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) - Understanding Architectural Elements from Requirements Traceability Networks / Omoronyia, I., Sindre, G., Biffl, S., & Stalhane, T. (2011). Understanding Architectural Elements from Requirements Traceability Networks. In P. Avgeriou, J. Grundy, J. G. Hall, P. Lago, & I. Mistrík (Eds.), Relating Software Requirements and Architectures (pp. 61–83). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
- A Layered Manufacturing System Architecture Supported with Semantic Agent Capabilities / Merdan, M., Vallee, M., Moser, T., & Biffl, S. (2011). A Layered Manufacturing System Architecture Supported with Semantic Agent Capabilities. In A. Elci, M. T. Kone, & M. A. Orgun (Eds.), Semantic Agent Systems: Foundations and Applications (pp. 1–29). Springer-Verlag.
- Multi Agent Systems combined with Semantic Technologies for Automated Negotiation in Virtual Enterprises / Koppensteiner, G., Merdan, M., Lepuschitz, W., Moser, T., & Reinprecht, C. (2011). Multi Agent Systems combined with Semantic Technologies for Automated Negotiation in Virtual Enterprises. In Modeling, Control, Programming, Simulations and Applications (pp. 221–240). INTECH.
- Model-driven Development Meets Security: An Evaluation of Current Approaches / Kasal, K., Heurix, J., & Neubauer, T. (2011). Model-driven Development Meets Security: An Evaluation of Current Approaches. In 2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 44nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’11), Koloa, Hawaii, USA, Non-EU. IEEE.
- A cost model for small scale automated digital preservation archives / Strodl, S., & Rauber, A. (2011). A cost model for small scale automated digital preservation archives. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPres 2011) (pp. 97–106).
- Code Obfuscation Against Static and Dynamic Reverse Engineering / Schrittwieser, S., & Katzenbeisser, S. (2011). Code Obfuscation Against Static and Dynamic Reverse Engineering. In Proceedings of the 13th Information Hiding Conference. Information Hiding Conference, Prag, EU.
- On the Relationship between Query Characteristics and IR Functions Retrieval Bias / Bashir, S., & Rauber, A. (2011). On the Relationship between Query Characteristics and IR Functions Retrieval Bias. Journal Of The American Society For Information Science And Technology, 62(8), 1515–1532.
- Design Decisions in Emulator Construction: A Case Study on Home Computer Software Preservation / Guttenbrunner, M., & Rauber, A. (2011). Design Decisions in Emulator Construction: A Case Study on Home Computer Software Preservation. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPres 2011) (pp. 171–180).
- Re-awakening the Philips Videopac: From an old tape to a vintage feeling on a modern screen / Guttenbrunner, M., & Rauber, A. (2011). Re-awakening the Philips Videopac: From an old tape to a vintage feeling on a modern screen. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPres 2011) (pp. 250–251).
- The DOPLER meta-tool for decision-oriented variability modeling: a multiple case study / Dhungana, D., Grünbacher, P., & Rabiser, R. (2011). The DOPLER meta-tool for decision-oriented variability modeling: a multiple case study. Automated Software Engineering, 18(1), 77–114.
- Migrating Home Computer Audio Waveforms to Digital Objects: A Case Study on Digital Archaeology / Guttenbrunner, M., Ghete, M., John, A., Lederer, C., & Rauber, A. (2011). Migrating Home Computer Audio Waveforms to Digital Objects: A Case Study on Digital Archaeology. International Journal of Digital Curation, 6(1), 79–98.
Towards an interoperable information infrastructure providing decision support for genomic medicine
Samwald, M., Stenzhorn, H., Dumontier, M., Marshall, M. S., Luciano, J., & Adlassnig, K.-P. (2011). Towards an interoperable information infrastructure providing decision support for genomic medicine. In User Centred Networked Health Care - Proceedings of MIE 2011 (pp. 165–169). IOS Press.
Project: KHRESMOI (2011–2014) - A Community Knowledge Base for IT Security / Fenz, S., Parkin, S., & Moorsel, A. van. (2011). A Community Knowledge Base for IT Security. IT Professional, 13(3), 24–30.
- A Systematic Empirical Analysis of Forging Fingerprints to Fool Biometric Systems / Schwarzl, C., & Weippl, E. (2011). A Systematic Empirical Analysis of Forging Fingerprints to Fool Biometric Systems. International Journal of Secure Software Engineering, 2(1), 40–83.
- Information Security Risk Management: In which security solutions is it worth investing? / Fenz, S., Ekelhart, A., & Neubauer, T. (2011). Information Security Risk Management: In which security solutions is it worth investing? Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 28(1), 329–356.
Decision criteria in digital preservation: What to measure and how
Becker, C., & Rauber, A. (2011). Decision criteria in digital preservation: What to measure and how. Journal Of The American Society For Information Science And Technology, 62(6), 1009–1028.
Project: SCAPE (2011–2014) - Kollaboratives Engineering vereinfachen / Biffl, S., Zoitl, A., & Steininger, H. (2011). Kollaboratives Engineering vereinfachen. All-Electronics.De, 1.
TREC Chemical Information Retrieval - An Evaluation Effort for Chemical IR Systems
Lupu, M., Huang, J., Zhu, J., & Tait, J. (2011). TREC Chemical Information Retrieval - An Evaluation Effort for Chemical IR Systems. World Patent Information, 33(3), 248–256.
Project: PROMISE (2011–2013) - Think-Tank on the Future of Music Search, Access and Consumption / Lidy, T., Rauber, A., van der Linden, P., & Point, J.-C. (2011). Think-Tank on the Future of Music Search, Access and Consumption. D-Lib Magazine, MARCH/APRIL.
- Engineering project management using the Engineering Cockpit: A collaboration platform for project managers and engineers / Moser, T., Mordinyi, R., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2011). Engineering project management using the Engineering Cockpit: A collaboration platform for project managers and engineers. In 2011 9th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics. IEEE 9th International Conference on. Industrial Informatics (INDIN’2011), Caparica, Lisbon, Portugal, EU.
- On Wires and Cables: Content Analysis of WikiLeaks Using Self-Organising Maps / Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2011). On Wires and Cables: Content Analysis of WikiLeaks Using Self-Organising Maps. In J. Laaksonen & T. Honkela (Eds.), Advances in Self-Organizing Maps (pp. 238–246). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Search Computing: Business Areas, Research and Socio-economic Challenges / Lidy, T. (2011). Search Computing: Business Areas, Research and Socio-economic Challenges (S. Nikolopoulos & Y. Kompatsiaris, Eds.). European Commission; Publications Office of the European Union.
An open, trustworthy and multilingual search engine for medical practitioners
Samwald, M., Kritz, M., Gschwandtner, M., Stefanov, V., & Hanbury, A. (2011). An open, trustworthy and multilingual search engine for medical practitioners. 23rd International Conference of the European Federation for Medical Informatics (MIE2011), Oslo, Norwegen, Non-EU.
Project: KHRESMOI (2011–2014) - Poster Abstract: Efficient Browser Identification with JavaScript Engine Fingerprinting / Reschl, P., Mulazzani, M., Huber, M., & Weippl, E. (2011). Poster Abstract: Efficient Browser Identification with JavaScript Engine Fingerprinting. Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), Miami, USA, Non-EU.
- Report on the CLEF-IP 2011 Experiments: Exploring Patent Summarisation / Mahdabi, P., Andersson, L., Hanbury, A., & Crestani, F. (2011). Report on the CLEF-IP 2011 Experiments: Exploring Patent Summarisation. In Proceeding of the of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF2011), Pisa, EU.
- Test Case Generation Approach for Industrial Automation Systems / Hametner, R., Kormann, B., Vogel-Heuser, B., Winkler, D., & Zoitl, A. (2011). Test Case Generation Approach for Industrial Automation Systems. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications (pp. 57–62).
- Towards an open, trustworthy and multilingual search engine for medical practitioners: News from the European Khresmoi project / Samwald, M., Kritz, M., Gschwandtner, M., Stefanov, V., & Hanbury, A. (2011). Towards an open, trustworthy and multilingual search engine for medical practitioners: News from the European Khresmoi project. In G. Schreier, D. Hayn, & E. Ammenwerth (Eds.), eHealth2011: Health Informatics meets eHealth - von der Wissenschaft zur Anwendung und zurück Grenzen überwinden - Continuity of Care. OCG.
- Toward a Management Catalog of Security Measures against Social Engineering Attacks / Ehringfeld, A., Naber, L., Kappel, K., Fischer, G., & Grechenig, T. (2011). Toward a Management Catalog of Security Measures against Social Engineering Attacks. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Management (pp. 1–5).
- Learning from a Distributed Denial of Service Attack against a Legally Binding Electronic Election: Scenario, Operational Experience, Legal Consequences / Ehringfeld, A., Naber, L., Kappel, K., Fischer, G., Pichl, E., & Grechenig, T. (2011). Learning from a Distributed Denial of Service Attack against a Legally Binding Electronic Election: Scenario, Operational Experience, Legal Consequences. In K. N. Andersen, E. Francesconi, Å. Grönlund, & T. M. van Engers (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second international conference on Electronic government and the information systems perspective (EGOVIS’11) (pp. 56–67). Springer-Verlag.
- Musical Genre Classification by Ensembles of Audio and Lyrics Features / Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2011). Musical Genre Classification by Ensembles of Audio and Lyrics Features. In Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2012) (pp. 675–680). University of Miami.
- Combination of Feature Selection Methods for Text Categorisation / Neumayer, R., Mayer, R., & Nørvåg, K. (2011). Combination of Feature Selection Methods for Text Categorisation. In Proceedings of 33nd European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR´10) (pp. 763–766). Springer.
- How the Cloud Computing Paradigm Could Shape the Future of Enterprise Information Processing / Anjomshoaa, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2011). How the Cloud Computing Paradigm Could Shape the Future of Enterprise Information Processing. In Proceedings of the13th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2011). The 13th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2011), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Non-EU.
- A Lightweight Data Integration Architecture Based on Semantic Annotated RSS Feeds / Anjomshoaa, A., Tjoa, A. M., & Rezaiee, H. (2011). A Lightweight Data Integration Architecture Based on Semantic Annotated RSS Feeds. In On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2011 Workshops (pp. 170–177). Springer-Verlag.
- Data Provenance with Watermarks for Usage Control Monitors at Disaster Recovery / Salfer, M., Wohlgemuth, S., Schrittwieser, S., Bauer, B., & Echizen, I. (2011). Data Provenance with Watermarks for Usage Control Monitors at Disaster Recovery. In In Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conferences on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing. International Workshop on Resilience and ICT for Secure Open Cities 2011, Dalian, Non-EU.
An Analysis of the Structure and Dynamics of Large-Scale Q/A Communities
Schall, D., & Skopik, F. (2011). An Analysis of the Structure and Dynamics of Large-Scale Q/A Communities. In J. Eder, M. Bielikova, & A. M. Tjoa (Eds.), Advances in Databases and Information Systems Proceedings of the 15th International Conference, ADBIS 2011 (pp. 285–301). Springer.
Project: COIN (2008–2011) - Modeling digital preservation capabilities in enterprise architecture / Becker, C., Antunes, G., Barateiro, J., Vieira, R., & Borbinha, J. (2011). Modeling digital preservation capabilities in enterprise architecture. In Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Digital Government Research Conference on Digital Government Innovation in Challenging Times - dg.o ’11. 12th Annual International Digital Government Research Conference: Digital Government Innovation in Challenging Times, College Park, MD, USA, Non-EU. ACM New York, NY, USA.
- Impact Assessment of Decision Criteria in Preservation Planning / Hamm, M., & Becker, C. (2011). Impact Assessment of Decision Criteria in Preservation Planning. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPres 2011) (p. 10).
A Capability Model for Digital Preservation: Analysing Concerns, Drivers, Constraints, Capabilities and Maturities.
Becker, C., Antunes, G., Barateiro, J., & Vieira, R. (2011). A Capability Model for Digital Preservation: Analysing Concerns, Drivers, Constraints, Capabilities and Maturities. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPres 2011) (p. 10).
Project: SCAPE (2011–2014) -
Modeling Contextual Concerns in Enterprise Architecture
Antunes, G., Barateiro, J., Becker, C., Borbinha, J., & Vieira, R. (2011). Modeling Contextual Concerns in Enterprise Architecture. In 2011 IEEE 15th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops. 15th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops (EDOCW) 2011, Helsinki, EU. IEEE Computer Society.
Project: SCAPE (2011–2014) -
Automated Preservation: The Case of Digital Raw Photographs
Bauer, S., & Becker, C. (2011). Automated Preservation: The Case of Digital Raw Photographs. In Digital Libraries: For Cultural Heritage, Knowledge Dissemination, and Future Creation (pp. 39–49). Springer.
Project: SCAPE (2011–2014) -
Quality assurance in document conversion
Becker, C. (2011). Quality assurance in document conversion. In Proceedings of the 4th ACM workshop on Online books, complementary social media and crowdsourcing - BooksOnline ’11. BooksOnline ’11, Glasgow, EU. ACM New York, NY, USA.
Project: SCAPE (2011–2014) -
On the relevance of Enterprise Architecture and IT Governance for Digital Preservation
Becker, C., Barateiro, J., Antunes, G., Vieira, R., & Borbinha, J. (2011). On the relevance of Enterprise Architecture and IT Governance for Digital Preservation. In EGOV 2011 (pp. 332–344). Springer.
Project: SCAPE (2011–2014) -
Control Objectives for DP: Digital Preservation as an Integrated Part of IT Governance.
Becker, C., Antunes, G., Barateiro, J., Vieira, R., & Borbinha, J. (2011). Control Objectives for DP: Digital Preservation as an Integrated Part of IT Governance. In ASIST 2011 (p. 10). American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST).
Project: SCAPE (2011–2014) - Integration of Cloud Computing in The Public Sector: A Case Study in the Austrian Government / Tahamtan, A., Kern, R., & Tjoa, A. M. (2011). Integration of Cloud Computing in The Public Sector: A Case Study in the Austrian Government. In Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing (p. 1).
- View-based interorganizational workflows / Eder, J., Kerschbaumer, N., Koepke, J., & Tahamtan, A. (2011). View-based interorganizational workflows. In Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (pp. 1–10).
- BPEL-TIME: WS-BPEL Time Management Extension / Tahamtan, A., Oesterle, C., Tjoa, A. M., & Hameurlain, A. (2011). BPEL-TIME: WS-BPEL Time Management Extension. In Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (pp. 34–45).
- Toward Deadline Aware Low Carbon Supply Chain / Tahamtan, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2011). Toward Deadline Aware Low Carbon Supply Chain. In Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science (LISS 2011) (pp. 20–23).
- Trees Cannot Lie: Using Data Structures for Forensics Purposes / Kieseberg, P., Schrittwieser, S., Mulazzani, M., Huber, M., & Weippl, E. (2011). Trees Cannot Lie: Using Data Structures for Forensics Purposes. In Proceedings of the European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference. European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference 2011, Athens, EU.
- Using Generalization Patterns for Fingerprinting Sets of Partially Anonymized Microdata in the Course of Disasters / Schrittwieser, S., Kieseberg, P., Echizen, I., Wohlgemuth, S., & Sonehara, N. (2011). Using Generalization Patterns for Fingerprinting Sets of Partially Anonymized Microdata in the Course of Disasters. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. Sixth International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security (ARES 2011), Vienna, Austria. IEEE.
- Cloud Speicherdienste als Angriffsvektoren / Mulazzani, M., Schrittwieser, S., Leithner, M., Huber, M., & Weippl, E. (2011). Cloud Speicherdienste als Angriffsvektoren. In Proceedings of 9. Sicherheitskonferenz Krems. Sicherheitskonferenz Krems, Krems, Austria.
- Using the Structure of B+ Trees for Enhancing Logging Mechanisms of Databases / Kieseberg, P., Schrittwieser, S., Morgan, L., Mulazzani, M., Huber, M., & Weippl, E. (2011). Using the Structure of B+ Trees for Enhancing Logging Mechanisms of Databases. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services. IIWAS International Conference on Information Integration, Web-Applications and Services, Yogyakarta Indonesien, Non-EU.
- Social Snapshots: Digital Forensics for Online Social Networks / Huber, M., Mulazzani, M., Leithner, M., Schrittwieser, S., Wondracek, G., & Weippl, E. (2011). Social Snapshots: Digital Forensics for Online Social Networks. In Proceedings of 27th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) (pp. 113–122).
- An Algorithm for k-anonymity-based Fingerprinting / Schrittwieser, S., Kieseberg, P., Echizen, I., Wohlgemuth, S., Sonehara, N., & Weippl, E. (2011). An Algorithm for k-anonymity-based Fingerprinting. In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking. International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking, Atlantic City, USA, Non-EU.
- Dark Clouds on the Horizon: Using Cloud Storage as Attack Vector and Online Slack Space / Mulazzani, M., Schrittwieser, S., Huber, M., Leithner, M., & Weippl, E. (2011). Dark Clouds on the Horizon: Using Cloud Storage as Attack Vector and Online Slack Space. In Proceedings of 20th USENIX Security Symposium. Usenix Security Symposium, Baltimore, USA, Austria.
- Observing and Validating Heterogeneous Workflows in Multidisciplinary Engineering Environments / Sunindyo, W. D. (2011). Observing and Validating Heterogeneous Workflows in Multidisciplinary Engineering Environments. In D. Dhungana (Ed.), Proceedings of International Doctoral Symposium on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (IDoSEAA 2011) (pp. 1–7).
- SemTrace: Semantic Requirements Tracing Using Explicit Requirement Knowledge / Moser, T., & Biffl, S. (2011). SemTrace: Semantic Requirements Tracing Using Explicit Requirement Knowledge. In Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Ontologies, Databases, and Applications of Semantics (ODBASE 2011) (pp. 1–15).
- Using Explicit and Machine-Understandable Engineering Knowledge for Defect Detection in Automation Systems Engineering / Kovalenko, O., & Moser, T. (2011). Using Explicit and Machine-Understandable Engineering Knowledge for Defect Detection in Automation Systems Engineering. In D. Dhungana (Ed.), Proceedings of International Doctoral Symposium on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (IDoSEAA 2011) (pp. 1–5).
- Workflow Validation Framework in Distributed Engineering Environments / Sunindyo, W. D., Moser, T., Winkler, D., Mordinyi, R., & Biffl, S. (2011). Workflow Validation Framework in Distributed Engineering Environments. In On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2011 Workshops (pp. 236–245).
- Enforcing Safety Requirements for Industrial Automation System at Runtime - Position Paper / Sunindyo, W. D., Melik-Merkumians, M., Moser, T., & Biffl, S. (2011). Enforcing Safety Requirements for Industrial Automation System at Runtime - Position Paper. In Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Requirements@Run.Time (RE@RunTime 2011) (pp. 37–42).
- Interdisziplinäre Systementwicklungsprojekte: Änderungsmanagement über Werkzeuggrenzen hinweg / Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2011). Interdisziplinäre Systementwicklungsprojekte: Änderungsmanagement über Werkzeuggrenzen hinweg. In Proceedings of Software & Systems Engineering Essentials (SEE-2011) (pp. 65–77).
- Engineering Object Change Management Process Observation in Distributed Automation Systems Projects / Winkler, D., Moser, T., Mordinyi, R., Sunindyo, W. D., & Biffl, S. (2011). Engineering Object Change Management Process Observation in Distributed Automation Systems Projects. In Proceedings of 18th European System & Software Process Improvement and Innovation (EuroSPI 2011) (pp. 1–12).
- Framework for Simulation Integration / Sindelar, R., & Novak, P. (2011). Framework for Simulation Integration. In Proceedings of 18th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC 2011) (pp. 1–6).
- Angepasste Testverfahren für automatisches Testen von Automatisierungssystemen / Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2011). Angepasste Testverfahren für automatisches Testen von Automatisierungssystemen. In Proceedings of Software & Systems Engineering Essentials (SEE-2011) (pp. 357–369).
- Integrated Design of Simulation Models for Passive Houses / Novak, P., & Sindelar, R. (2011). Integrated Design of Simulation Models for Passive Houses. In T. Moser, H. Koziolek, R. Mordinyi, M. Schleipen, & A. Zoitl (Eds.), Proceedings of First Workshop on Industrial Automation Tool Integration for Engineering Project Automation (iATPA 2011) (pp. 1–6).
- Applications of Ontologies for Assembling Simulation Models of Industrial Systems / Novak, P., & Sindelar, R. (2011). Applications of Ontologies for Assembling Simulation Models of Industrial Systems. In R. Meersman, T. Dillon, & P. Herrero (Eds.), On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2011Workshops (pp. 148–157). Springer.
- Requirements Management with Semantic Technology: An Empirical Study on Automated Requirements Categorization and Conflict Analysis / Moser, T., Winkler, D., Heindl, M., & Biffl, S. (2011). Requirements Management with Semantic Technology: An Empirical Study on Automated Requirements Categorization and Conflict Analysis. In Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design (pp. 3–17). Springer.
- Efficient automation systems engineering process support based on semantic integration of engineering knowledge / Moser, T., Mordinyi, R., Winkler, D., Melik-Merkumians, M., & Biffl, S. (2011). Efficient automation systems engineering process support based on semantic integration of engineering knowledge. In Z. Mammeri & R. Zurawski (Eds.), ETFA2011.
- Towards Automatic Generation of Ontology-Based Antipattern Bayesian Network Models / Settas, D., Cerone, A., & Fenz, S. (2011). Towards Automatic Generation of Ontology-Based Antipattern Bayesian Network Models. In 2011 Ninth International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications. 9th International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA 2011), Baltimore, Maryland USA, Non-EU.
- Automating the Detection of Complex Semantic Conflicts between Software Requirements / Moser, T., Winkler, D., Heindl, M., & Biffl, S. (2011). Automating the Detection of Complex Semantic Conflicts between Software Requirements. In M. Sadjadi (Ed.), Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2011) (pp. 729–735).
- Quality assurance for data from low-tech participants in distributed automation engineering environments / Mordinyi, R., Pacha, A., & Biffl, S. (2011). Quality assurance for data from low-tech participants in distributed automation engineering environments. In Z. Mammeri (Ed.), ETFA2011.
- Flexible Support for Adaptable Software and Systems Engineering Processes / Mordinyi, R., Moser, T., Biffl, S., & Dhungana, D. (2011). Flexible Support for Adaptable Software and Systems Engineering Processes. In Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2011) (pp. 608–612).
Supporting Knowledge Modelling by Multi-modal Learning: Defining the Requirements
Kaiser, K., & Seyfang, A. (2011). Supporting Knowledge Modelling by Multi-modal Learning: Defining the Requirements. In D. Riano, A. ten Teije, & S. Miksch (Eds.), Proc. of the Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Healthcare (KR4HC) in conjunction with the Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2011 (p. 11).
Project: Brigid (2010–2015) - Privacy-Preserving Storage and Access of Medical Data through Pseudonymization and Encryption / Heurix, J., & Neubauer, T. (2011). Privacy-Preserving Storage and Access of Medical Data through Pseudonymization and Encryption. In Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Trust, privacy and security in digital business (TrustBus’11) (pp. 186–197). Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg.
- A Conceptual Framework for Semantic Case-based Safety Analysis / Daramola, O., Stalhane, T., Moser, T., & Biffl, S. (2011). A Conceptual Framework for Semantic Case-based Safety Analysis. In Z. Mammeri (Ed.), Proceeding of 16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (pp. 1–8).
Preservation decisions
Becker, C., & Rauber, A. (2011). Preservation decisions. In Proceeding of the 11th annual international ACM/IEEE joint conference on Digital libraries - JCDL ’11. ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2011), Ottawa, Kanada, Non-EU. ACM New York, NY, USA.
Project: SCAPE (2011–2014) - Workshop: Developing Algorithmic Thinking Through a Contest / Dagiene, V., & Futschek, G. (2011). Workshop: Developing Algorithmic Thinking Through a Contest. In ICT and Informatics in a Globalized World of Education, Book of Abstracts (p. 34). IFIP.
- The Need for a Digital Domestic Right / Futschek, G., Proksch, W., Prosser, A., Schwaighofer, E., & Werthner, H. (2011). The Need for a Digital Domestic Right. In Proceedings of the ACM WebSci’11 (p. 3).
- Information Security Automation: How Far Can We Go? / Montesino, R., & Fenz, S. (2011). Information Security Automation: How Far Can We Go? In 2011 Sixth International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. Sixth International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security (ARES 2011), Vienna, Austria. IEEE.
- Design and Evaluation of an Interactive Visualization of Therapy Plans and Patient Data / Gschwandtner, T., Aigner, W., Kaiser, K., Miksch, S., & Seyfang, A. (2011). Design and Evaluation of an Interactive Visualization of Therapy Plans and Patient Data. In Proceedings of the 25th BCS Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2011) (pp. 421–428). BCS.
- A-plan / Schneider, T., & Aigner, W. (2011). A-plan. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies - i-KNOW ’11. International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies (I-KNOW), Special Track on Theory and Applications of Visual Analytics (TAVA), Graz, Austria. ACM.
- Version Management and Conflict Detection across Tools in a (Software+) Engineering Environment / Moser, T., Waltersdorfer, F., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2011). Version Management and Conflict Detection across Tools in a (Software+) Engineering Environment. In Proceedings of the Software Quality Days 2011 (pp. 1–4).
- CareCruiser: Exploring and visualizing plans, events, and effects interactively / Gschwandtner, T., Aigner, W., Kaiser, K., Miksch, S., & Seyfang, A. (2011). CareCruiser: Exploring and visualizing plans, events, and effects interactively. In G. Di Battista, J.-D. Fekete, & H. Qu (Eds.), 2011 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium. IEEE.
- Automation Possibilities in Information Security Management / Montesino, R., & Fenz, S. (2011). Automation Possibilities in Information Security Management. In 2011 European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference. European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference 2011, Athens, EU.
An ontology- and Bayesian-based approach for determining threat probabilities
Fenz, S. (2011). An ontology- and Bayesian-based approach for determining threat probabilities. In Proceedings of the 6th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security - ASIACCS ’11. ACM Symposium on Information, Computer, and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2011), Hongkong, Non-EU. ACM.
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) - Supporting Runtime Decision Making in the Production Automation Domain Using Design Time Engineering Knowledge / Moser, T., Sunindyo, W. D., Merdan, M., & Biffl, S. (2011). Supporting Runtime Decision Making in the Production Automation Domain Using Design Time Engineering Knowledge. In A. Garcia, C. Toro, L. Ramos, & L. Schröder (Eds.), Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web for Manufacturing (OSEMA 2011) (pp. 9–22).
- Person-centred technology enhanced learning in ICT at secondary level / Standl-Gruber, B. (2011). Person-centred technology enhanced learning in ICT at secondary level. In Proceedings of 6th Plymouth e-Learning Conference: Digital futures: learning in a connected world (pp. 150–155).
- Towards Time-resilient MIR Processes / Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2011). Towards Time-resilient MIR Processes. In Proceedings of the 13th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2012) (pp. 337–342). University of Miami.
- Analysing the Similarity of Album Art with Self-Organsing Maps / Mayer, R. (2011). Analysing the Similarity of Album Art with Self-Organsing Maps. In Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM’11) (pp. 357–366). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
4th international workshop on patent information retrieval (PaIR'11)
Lupu, M., Hanbury, A., & Rauber, A. (2011). 4th international workshop on patent information retrieval (PaIR’11). In Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management - CIKM ’11. ACM.
Project: IMPEx (2012–2015) -
Patent image retrieval
Hanbury, A., Bhatti, N., Lupu, M., & Mörzinger, R. (2011). Patent image retrieval. In Proceedings of the 4th workshop on Patent information retrieval - PaIR ’11. ACM.
Project: IMPEx (2012–2015) -
Lupu, M. (2011). PatOlympics. In Proceedings of the 2011 workshop on Data infrastructurEs for supporting information retrieval evaluation - DESIRE ’11. ACM.
Project: PROMISE (2011–2013) -
The status of retrieval evaluation in the patent domain
Lupu, M. (2011). The status of retrieval evaluation in the patent domain. In Proceedings of the 4th workshop on Patent information retrieval - PaIR ’11. ACM Press.
Project: PROMISE (2011–2013) - Action scene detection from motion and events / Sorschag, R., & Hörhan, M. (2011). Action scene detection from motion and events. In 2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. IEEE, Austria. IEEE.
- Data Models for the Pseudonymization of DICOM Data / Abouakil, D., Heurix, J., & Neubauer, T. (2011). Data Models for the Pseudonymization of DICOM Data. In Proceedings of the 44nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (p. 1).
MHB-F Specification
Seyfang, A., & Kaiser, K. (2011). MHB-F Specification (Asgaard-TR-2011-1).
Project: Brigid (2010–2015) - Report on 3rd CHORUS+ Think-Tank: Think-Tank on the Future of Music Search, Access and Consumption, MIDEM 2011 / Lidy, T., & van der Linden, P. (2011). Report on 3rd CHORUS+ Think-Tank: Think-Tank on the Future of Music Search, Access and Consumption, MIDEM 2011.
- International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2011 / Tjoa, A. M., Wagner, R., & Franck, M. (Eds.). (2011). International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2011. IEEE Computer Society.
- ADBIS 2011 Research Communications / Tjoa, A. M., Eder, J., & Bielikova, M. (Eds.). (2011). ADBIS 2011 Research Communications. OCG (Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft).
- Information and Communication on Technology for the Fight against Global Warming / Information and Communication on Technology for the Fight against Global Warming. (2011). In A. M. Tjoa & D. Kranzlmüller (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer LNCS 6868.
- Advances in Databases and Information Systems / Advances in Databases and Information Systems. (2011). In A. M. Tjoa, J. Eder, & M. Bielikova (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer LNCS 6909.
- Pseudonymisierung für die datenschutzkonforme Speicherung medizinischer Daten / Neubauer, Th., Heurix, J., Min Tjoa, A., & Weippl, E. R. (2010). Pseudonymisierung für die datenschutzkonforme Speicherung medizinischer Daten. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik : e & i, 127(5), 135–142.
- Improving component selection and monitoring with controlled experimentation and automated measurements / Becker, C., & Rauber, A. (2010). Improving component selection and monitoring with controlled experimentation and automated measurements. Information and Software Technology, 52(6), 641–655.
Keeping the Game Alive: Evaluating Strategies for the Preservation of Console Video Games
Guttenbrunner, M., Becker, C., & Rauber, A. (2010). Keeping the Game Alive: Evaluating Strategies for the Preservation of Console Video Games. International Journal of Digital Curation, 5(1), 27.
Project: SCAPE (2011–2014) - Addressing misalignment between information security metrics and business-driven security objectives / Fruehwirth, C., Biffl, S., Tabatabai, M., & Weippl, E. (2010). Addressing misalignment between information security metrics and business-driven security objectives. In G. Succi, M. Morisio, & N. Nagappan (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Security Measurements and Metrics - MetriSec ’10.
- An event-based empirical process analysis framework / Sunindyo, W. D., Biffl, S., Mordinyi, R., Moser, T., Schatten, A., Tabatabai, M., Wahyudin, D., Weippl, E., & Winkler, D. (2010). An event-based empirical process analysis framework. In Proceedings of the 2010 ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement - ESEM ’10. 4th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2010) - Poster Sessions, Bolzano-Bozen, Italy, EU.
- Informatikunterricht in der Wiener AHS-Unterstufe / Smejkal, P., & Di Angelo, M. (2010). Informatikunterricht in der Wiener AHS-Unterstufe. In G. Brandhofer, G. Futschek, P. Micheuz, A. Reiter, & K. Schoder (Eds.), 25 Jahre Schulinformatik (pp. 326–331). OCG.
- CLEF-IP 2009: Retrieval Experiments in the Intellectual Property Domain / Roda, G., Tait, J., Piroi, F., & Zenz, V. (2010). CLEF-IP 2009: Retrieval Experiments in the Intellectual Property Domain. In Multilingual Information Access Evaluation I - Text Retrieval Experiments (pp. 385–409). Springer.
- Structuring Complexity Issues for Efficient Realization of Agile Business Requirements in Distributed Environments / Mordinyi, R., Kühn, E., & Schatten, A. (2010). Structuring Complexity Issues for Efficient Realization of Agile Business Requirements in Distributed Environments. In Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming (pp. 202–207). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Improving Video Game Development: Facilitating Heterogeneous Team Collaboration through Flexible Software Processes / Musil, J., Schweda, A., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2010). Improving Video Game Development: Facilitating Heterogeneous Team Collaboration through Flexible Software Processes. In A. Riel, R. O´Connor, S. Tickiewitch, & R. Messnarz (Eds.), Communications in Computer and Information Science (pp. 83–94). Springer.
- Software Process Improvement Initiatives Based on Quality Assurance Strategies: A QATAM Pilot Application / Winkler, D., Elberzhager, F., Biffl, S., & Eschbach, R. (2010). Software Process Improvement Initiatives Based on Quality Assurance Strategies: A QATAM Pilot Application. In Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement (pp. 71–82). springer.
- On the Suitability of State-of-the-art Music Information Retrieval Methods for Analyzing, Categorizing, Structuring and Accessing Non-Western and Ethnic Music Collections / Lidy, T., Silla, C. N., Cornelis, O., Gouyon, F., Rauber, A., Kaestner, C. A. A., & Koerich, A. L. (2010). On the Suitability of State-of-the-art Music Information Retrieval Methods for Analyzing, Categorizing, Structuring and Accessing Non-Western and Ethnic Music Collections. Signal Processing, 90(4), 1032–1048.
Easing Semantically Enriched Information Retrieval - An Interactive Semi-Automatic Annotation System for Medical Documents
Gschwandtner, T., Kaiser, K., Martini, P., & Miksch, S. (2010). Easing Semantically Enriched Information Retrieval - An Interactive Semi-Automatic Annotation System for Medical Documents. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 68(6), 370–385.
Project: REMINE (2008–2013) - Identifying and Incorporating Affective States and Learning Styles in Web-based Learning Management Systems / Khan, F. A., Graf, S., Weippl, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2010). Identifying and Incorporating Affective States and Learning Styles in Web-based Learning Management Systems. Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal, 9–10, 85–103.
- Implementation of Affective States and Learning Styles Tactics in Web-based Learning Management Systems / Khan, F. A., Graf, S., Weippl, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2010). Implementation of Affective States and Learning Styles Tactics in Web-based Learning Management Systems. In Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (pp. 734–735).
- Developing Algorithmic Thinking by Inventing and Playing Algorithms / Futschek, G., & Moschitz, J. (2010). Developing Algorithmic Thinking by Inventing and Playing Algorithms. In Constructionist approaches to creative learning, thinking and education (p. 10).
- Facebook im Unterricht / Planinc, R., & Di Angelo, M. (2010). Facebook im Unterricht. In G. Brandhofer, G. Futschek, P. Micheuz, A. Reiter, & K. Schoder (Eds.), 25 Jahre Schulinformatik (pp. 296–304). OCG.
- Von der Kamera ins Web / Planinc, R., Wetzinger, E., & Di Angelo, M. (2010). Von der Kamera ins Web. In G. Brandhofer, G. Futschek, P. Micheuz, A. Reiter, & K. Schoder (Eds.), 25 Jahre Schulinformatik (pp. 285–290). OCG.
- Trend-based similarity search in time-series data / Suntinger, M., Obweger, H., Schiefer, J., Limbeck, P., & Raidl, G. (2010). Trend-based similarity search in time-series data. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advances in Database, Knowledge, and Data Applications - DBKDA 2010 (pp. 97–106).
- InnoDB Database Forensics / Frühwirt, P., Huber, M., Mulazzani, M., & Weippl, E. (2010). InnoDB Database Forensics. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2010). IEEE Press.
- Experimentieren mit digitalem Ton / Eisenbarth, M., & Di Angelo, M. (2010). Experimentieren mit digitalem Ton. In G. Brandhofer, G. Futschek, P. Micheuz, A. Reiter, & K. Schoder (Eds.), 25 Jahre Schulinformatik (pp. 291–295). OCG.
- Multimodal Aspects of Music Retrieval: Audio, Song Lyrics - and Beyond? / Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2010). Multimodal Aspects of Music Retrieval: Audio, Song Lyrics - and Beyond? In Advances in Music Information Retrieval (pp. 333–363). Springer-Verlag.
- Efficient Integration of Complex Information Systems in the ATM Domain with Explicit Expert Knowledge Models / Moser, T., Mordinyi, R., Mikula, A., & Biffl, S. (2010). Efficient Integration of Complex Information Systems in the ATM Domain with Explicit Expert Knowledge Models. In Complex Intelligent Systems and Their Applications (pp. 1–19). Springer-Verlag.
- Semantic Service Matchmaking in the ATM Domain Considering Infrastructure Capability Constraints / Moser, T., Mordinyi, R., Sunindyo, W. D., & Biffl, S. (2010). Semantic Service Matchmaking in the ATM Domain Considering Infrastructure Capability Constraints. In W. Du & F. Ensan (Eds.), Canadian Semantic Web: Technologies and Applications (pp. 133–157). Springer-Verlag.
- Begabtenförderung mit LEGO Mindstorms / Di Angelo, M., Berger, K., & Schönbauer, A. (2010). Begabtenförderung mit LEGO Mindstorms. In G. Brandhofer, G. Futschek, P. Micheuz, A. Reiter, & K. Schoder (Eds.), 25 Jahre Schulinformatik (pp. 275–279). OCG.
- Tor HTTP usage and information leakage / Mulazzani, M., Huber, M., & Weippl, E. (2010). Tor HTTP usage and information leakage. In Proceedings of IFIP CMS 2010. Proceedings of IFIP CMS 2010, Linz, Austria.
- A Frame of Reference for Research of Integrated Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) / Racz, N., Seufert, A., & Weippl, E. (2010). A Frame of Reference for Research of Integrated Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC). In Proceedings of IFIP CMS 2010. Proceedings of IFIP CMS 2010, Linz, Austria.
- Der Biber der Informatik / Futschek, G. (2010). Der Biber der Informatik. In 25 Jahre Schulinformatik (pp. 202–205). OCG (Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft).
- Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for Software Project Portofolio Optimization / Kremmel, T., Kubalik, J., & Biffl, S. (2010). Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for Software Project Portofolio Optimization. In Proc. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (Gecco 2010) - Poster Session (pp. 1–2).
- Evaluating Tools that Support Pair Programming in a Distributed Engineering Environment / Winkler, D., Biffl, S., & Kaltenbach, A. (2010). Evaluating Tools that Support Pair Programming in a Distributed Engineering Environment. In Proc. Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE) (pp. 1–10).
- Introducing informatics concepts through a contest / Dagiene, V., & Futschek, G. (2010). Introducing informatics concepts through a contest. In IFIP Working Conference: New Developments in ICT and Education (p. 15). Universite de Picardie Jules Verne.
- Updating a Protocol-Based Decision-Support System's Knowledge Base: a Breast Cancer Case Study / Eccher, C., Seyfang, A., Ferro, A., & Miksch, S. (2010). Updating a Protocol-Based Decision-Support System’s Knowledge Base: a Breast Cancer Case Study. In 2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Health Care (pp. 109–118). ECCAI.
- Second Life for Illiterates: A 3D Virtual World Platform for Adult Basic Education / Iqbal, T., Hammermueller, K., & Tjoa, A. M. (2010). Second Life for Illiterates: A 3D Virtual World Platform for Adult Basic Education. In G. Kotsis, D. Taniar, E. Pardede, I. Saleh, & I. Khalil Ibrahim (Eds.), iiWAS2010 (pp. 371–378).
- Social Engineering / Böck, B., & Weippl, E. (2010). Social Engineering. In The Handbook of Technology Management. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Privacy Aspects of Mashup Architecture / Bader, G., Anjomshoaa, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2010). Privacy Aspects of Mashup Architecture. In 2010 IEEE Second International Conference on Social Computing. The Second IEEE International Conference on Information Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT 2010), Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, Non-EU. IEEE Computer Society.
- Improving Retrievability of Patents in Prior-Art Search / Bashir, S., & Rauber, A. (2010). Improving Retrievability of Patents in Prior-Art Search. In Proceedings of 32nd European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR´10) (pp. 457–470). Springer.
- Improving Retrievability and Recall by Automatic Corpus Partitioning / Bashir, S., & Rauber, A. (2010). Improving Retrievability and Recall by Automatic Corpus Partitioning. Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge Centered Systems, 2, 122–140.
- Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems II / Tjoa, A. M., Bach Pedersen, T., Küng, J., Wagner, R., & Hameurlain, A. (Eds.). (2010). Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems II. Springer LNCS 6380.
- Towards an Ontology-Based Solution for Managing License Agreement Using Semantic Desktop / Ahmed, M., & Weippl, E. (2010). Towards an Ontology-Based Solution for Managing License Agreement Using Semantic Desktop. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), Workshop on Frontiers in Availability, Reliability and Security (FARES 2010). IEEE Press.
- Anonymity & Monitoring: How to Monitor the Infrastructure of an Anonymity System / Mulazzani, M., Huber, M., & Weippl, E. (2010). Anonymity & Monitoring: How to Monitor the Infrastructure of an Anonymity System. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, 40(5), 539–546.
- Long-term Archiving of Digital Data on Microfilm / Schilke, S., & Rauber, A. (2010). Long-term Archiving of Digital Data on Microfilm. International Journal of Electronic Governance, 3(3), 237–253.
- HOPPLA - Archiving System for Small Institutions / Greifeneder, M., Strodl, S., Petrov, P., & Rauber, A. (2010). HOPPLA - Archiving System for Small Institutions. ERCIM NEWS, 80(80), 18–19.
- Trustworthy Preservation Planning with Plato / Becker, C., Kulovits, H., & Rauber, A. (2010). Trustworthy Preservation Planning with Plato. ERCIM NEWS, 80, 24–25.
- Exploiting Ontology for Software License Agreements / Asfand-E-Yar, M., Anjomshoaa, A., Weippl, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2010). Exploiting Ontology for Software License Agreements. International Journal of Software and Informatics, 4(1), 89–100.
- Bebras Contest and Digital Competence Assessment: Analysis of Frameworks / Cartelli, A., Dagiene, V., & Futschek, G. (2010). Bebras Contest and Digital Competence Assessment: Analysis of Frameworks. International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence, 1(1), 24–39.
- Workshop-based Security Safeguard Selection with AURUM / Neubauer, T., & Pehn, M. (2010). Workshop-based Security Safeguard Selection with AURUM. International Journal On Advances in Security, 3, 123–134.
- Integrating Production Automation Expert Knowledge Across Engineering Domains / Moser, T., Biffl, S., Sunindyo, W. D., & Winkler, D. (2010). Integrating Production Automation Expert Knowledge Across Engineering Domains. International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies, 2(3), 88–103.
- Combining and Integrating Advanced IT-Concepts with Semantic Web Technology Mashups Architecture Case Study / Anjomshoaa, A., Tjoa, A. M., & Hubmer, A. (2010). Combining and Integrating Advanced IT-Concepts with Semantic Web Technology Mashups Architecture Case Study. In N. T. Nguyen, M. T. Le, & J. Świątek (Eds.), Intelligent Information and Database Systems (pp. 13–22). Springer.
- iweightings: Enhancing Structure-based Ontology Alignment by Enriching Models with Importance Weighting / Mazak, A., Schandl, B., & Lanzenberger, M. (2010). iweightings: Enhancing Structure-based Ontology Alignment by Enriching Models with Importance Weighting. In P. Amirian, A. Alesheikh, & A. Bassiri (Eds.), 2010 International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (pp. 992–997). IEEE Computer Society.
- A Vector Space analysis of Swedish patent claims with different linguistic indices / Andersson, L. (2010). A Vector Space analysis of Swedish patent claims with different linguistic indices. Patent Information Retrieval Workshop, Toronto, Canada, EU.
- IT Certificates at Austria's Schools / Futschek, G. (2010). IT Certificates at Austria’s Schools. BILETA 2010 Conference, Wien, Austria.
- Semantic Tool Interoperability for Engineering Manufacturing Systems / Moser, T., & Biffl, S. (2010). Semantic Tool Interoperability for Engineering Manufacturing Systems. In 2010 IEEE 15th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA 2010) - Proceedings. 15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Work in Progress Session, Bilbao, Spain, EU.
- Ontology-based fault diagnosis for industrial control applications / Melik-Merkumians, M., Zoitl, A., & Moser, T. (2010). Ontology-based fault diagnosis for industrial control applications. In 2010 IEEE 15th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA 2010). IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Praha, Czech Republic, EU.
- Selecting UML Models for Test-Driven Development along the Automation Systems Engineering Process / Hametner, R., Winkler, D., Östreicher, T., Surnic, N., & Biffl, S. (2010). Selecting UML Models for Test-Driven Development along the Automation Systems Engineering Process. In Proceedings IEEE Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2010) (p. 4). IEEE Press.
- A Framework for Automated Testing of Automation Systems / Winkler, D., Hametner, R., Östreicher, T., & Biffl, S. (2010). A Framework for Automated Testing of Automation Systems. In Proceedings IEEE Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2010) (p. 4). IEEE Press.
- The Adaption of Test-Driven Software Processes to Industrial Automation Engineering / Hametner, R., Winkler, D., Östreicher, T., Biffl, S., & Zoitl, A. (2010). The Adaption of Test-Driven Software Processes to Industrial Automation Engineering. In Proceedings INDIN 2010 - 8th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (p. 7).
- Version Management and Conflict Detection Across Heterogeneous Engineering Data Models / Waltersdorfer, F., Moser, T., Zoitl, A., & Biffl, S. (2010). Version Management and Conflict Detection Across Heterogeneous Engineering Data Models. In Proceedings INDIN 2010 - 8th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (p. 8).
- Using Models at Runtime For Monitoring and Adaptation of Networked Physical Devices: Example of a Flexible Manufacturing System / Vallee, M., Merdan, M., & Moser, T. (2010). Using Models at Runtime For Monitoring and Adaptation of Networked Physical Devices: Example of a Flexible Manufacturing System. In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Models@run.time at the ACM/IEEE 13th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2010) (p. 12).
- On the Singularity of Valuating IT Security Investments / Neubauer, T., & Hartl, C. (2010). On the Singularity of Valuating IT Security Investments. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/ACIS 9th International Conference on Computer and Information Science (pp. 549–556). IEEE Computer Society Washington.
- Investigating the Temporal Behavior of Defect Detection in Software Inspection and Inspection-Based Testing / Winkler, D., Biffl, S., & Faderl, K. (2010). Investigating the Temporal Behavior of Defect Detection in Software Inspection and Inspection-Based Testing. In Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (pp. 17–31). Springer.
- A process model discovery approach for enabling model interoperability in signal engineering / Sunindyo, W. D., Moser, T., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2010). A process model discovery approach for enabling model interoperability in signal engineering. In J. Bezivin, R. M. Soley, & A. Vallecillo (Eds.), Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Model-Drive Interoperability - MDI ’10. ACM Press.
- Observability of Software Engineering Processes in Open Source Software Projects Domain / Sunindyo, W. D. (2010). Observability of Software Engineering Processes in Open Source Software Projects Domain. In S. Biffl (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th International Doctoral Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering (pp. 1–9).
- Analysis of Recommendation Rec(2004)11 Based on the Experiences of Specific Attacks Against the First Legally Binding Implementation of E-Voting in Austria / Ehringfeld, A., Naber, L., Grechenig, T., Krimmer, R., Traxl, M., & Fischer, G. (2010). Analysis of Recommendation Rec(2004)11 Based on the Experiences of Specific Attacks Against the First Legally Binding Implementation of E-Voting in Austria. In R. Krimmer & R. Grimm (Eds.), Electronic Voting (pp. 225–237). Gi, Lni.
- Workshop-Based Risk Assessment for the Definition of Secure Business Processes / Neubauer, T., & Pehn, M. (2010). Workshop-Based Risk Assessment for the Definition of Secure Business Processes. In 2010 Second International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management. Second International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management (eKNOW’10), St. Maarten, EU. IEEE Computer Society.
- A process model for integrated IT governance, risk, and compliance management / Racz, N., Seufert, A., & Weippl, E. (2010). A process model for integrated IT governance, risk, and compliance management. In Proceedings of the Ninth Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems (DB&IS 2010) (pp. 155–170).
- Who On Earth Is Mr. Cypher? Automated Friend Injection Attacks on Social Networking Sites / Huber, M., Mulazzani, M., & Weippl, E. (2010). Who On Earth Is Mr. Cypher? Automated Friend Injection Attacks on Social Networking Sites. In Proceedings of the IFIP International Information Security Conference 2010: Security \& Privacy --- Silver Linings in the Cloud. IFIP International Information Security Conference 2010: Security & Privacy --- Silver Linings in the Cloud, Brisbane, Australia, Non-EU.
- Role of Learning Styles & Affective States in Web-based Adaptive Learning Environments / Farman, A. K., Graf, S., Weippl, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2010). Role of Learning Styles & Affective States in Web-based Adaptive Learning Environments. In Proceedings of EDMEDIA 2010. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA), Montreal, Non-EU.
- Questioning the need for separate IT risk management frameworks / Racz, N., Seufert, A., & Weippl, E. (2010). Questioning the need for separate IT risk management frameworks. In Konferenz Risk Management, Compliance und Governance für widerstandsfähige Informationssysteme, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), P-176, Informatik 2010 Proceedings, Band 2. Risk Management, Compliance und Governance für widerstandsfähige Informationssysteme, Leipzig, EU. Springer LNI.
- Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) Status Quo and Software Use: Results from a Survey among Large Enterprises / Racz, N., Panitz, J., Amberg, M., Weippl, E., & Seufert, A. (2010). Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) Status Quo and Software Use: Results from a Survey among Large Enterprises. In Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS). ACIS 2010, Brisbane, Australia, Non-EU.
- Securing Shareable Life-logs / Tjoa, A. M., & Rawassizadeh, R. (2010). Securing Shareable Life-logs. In R. Rawassizadeh (Ed.), 2010 IEEE Second International Conference on Social Computing (pp. 1105–1110). IEEE Computer Society.
- A holistic multipurpose life-log framework / Rawassizadeh, R. (2010). A holistic multipurpose life-log framework. In R. Rawassizadeh (Ed.), Proceedings of the 12th ACM international conference adjunct papers on Ubiquitous computing - Ubicomp ’10. Proceedings of 12th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing.
- A Roadmap for Personal Identity Management / Neubauer, T., & Heurix, J. (2010). A Roadmap for Personal Identity Management. In 2010 Fifth International Conference on Systems. 2010 Fifth International Conference on Systems (ICONS), Menuires, Frankreich, EU. IEEE Computer Society.
- On the Security of Outsourced and Untrusted Databases / Heurix, J., & Neubauer, T. (2010). On the Security of Outsourced and Untrusted Databases. In 2010 IEEE/ACIS 9th International Conference on Computer and Information Science. 9th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science, Kaminoyama (Yamagata), Japan, Non-EU. IEEE Computer Society Washington.
- A Functionality Perspective on Digital Library Interoperability / Athanasopoulos, G., Fox, E., Ioannidis, Y. E., Kakaletris, G., Manola, N., Meghini, C., Rauber, A., & Soergel, D. (2010). A Functionality Perspective on Digital Library Interoperability. In Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL 2010) (pp. 405–408). Springer-Verlag.
- (Semi-)Automated digital preservation archives for small institutions and private users / Strodl, S. (2010). (Semi-)Automated digital preservation archives for small institutions and private users. In Automation in Digital Preservation. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Germany.
- Visualising Clusters in Self-Organising Maps with Minimum Spanning Trees. / Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2010). Visualising Clusters in Self-Organising Maps with Minimum Spanning Trees. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN ’10) (pp. 426–431). Springer-Verlag Berlin.
- Feature selection in a cartesian ensemble of feature subspace classifiers for music categorisation / Mayer, R., Rauber, A., Ponce de León, P. J., Pérez-Sancho, C., & Iñesta, J. M. (2010). Feature selection in a cartesian ensemble of feature subspace classifiers for music categorisation. In Proceedings of 3rd international workshop on Machine learning and music - MML ’10. ACM Multimedia 2010 - Workshop on Machine Learning and Music, Florence, Italy, EU. ACM.
- Digital Preservation for Enterprise Content: A Gap-Analysis between ECM and OAIS / Korb, J., & Strodl, S. (2010). Digital Preservation for Enterprise Content: A Gap-Analysis between ECM and OAIS. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (pp. 221–229). Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
- Building Ensembles of Audio and Lyrics Features to Improve Musical Genre Classification / Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2010). Building Ensembles of Audio and Lyrics Features to Improve Musical Genre Classification. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Framework & Applications (DFmA ’10) (pp. 165–170).
- Automating logical preservation for small institutions with Hoppla / Strodl, S., Petrov, P., Greifeneder, M., & Rauber, A. (2010). Automating logical preservation for small institutions with Hoppla. In Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (pp. 124–136). Springer-Verlag.
- Same Same But Different – Comparing Rendering Environments for Interactive Digital Objects / Guttenbrunner, M., Wieners, J., Rauber, A., & Thaller, M. (2010). Same Same But Different – Comparing Rendering Environments for Interactive Digital Objects. In Digital Heritage (pp. 140–152). Springer -Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
View Driven Federation of Choreographies
Tahamtan, A., & Eder, J. (2010). View Driven Federation of Choreographies. In Advances in Intelligent Information and Database Systems (pp. 145–156). Springer.
Project: Secure2.0 (2009–2014) -
Privacy Preservation Through Process Views
Tahamtan, A., & Eder, J. (2010). Privacy Preservation Through Process Views. In Advanced Information Networking and Applications (pp. 1100–1107). IEEE Computer Society.
Project: Secure2.0 (2009–2014) -
A SOM-Based Technique for a User-Centric Content Extraction and Classification of Web 2.0 with a Special Consideration of Security Aspects:
Tahamtan, A., Anjomshoaa, A., Weippl, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2010). A SOM-Based Technique for a User-Centric Content Extraction and Classification of Web 2.0 with a Special Consideration of Security Aspects: In Knowledge Science, Engineering & Management (pp. 412–423). Springer.
Project: Secure2.0 (2009–2014) - Federated Choreographies for Interorganizational Workflows / Eder, J., Kerschbaumer, N., Koepke, J., Pichler, H., & Tahamtan, A. (2010). Federated Choreographies for Interorganizational Workflows. In II Krajowa Konferencja Naukowa Technologie Przetwarzania Danych. Politechnika Poznańska, Instytut Informatyki, Austria. Politechnika Poznańska, Instytut Informatyki.
Identifying Actions Described in Clinical Practice Guidelines Using Semantic Relations
Kaiser, K., Seyfang, A., & Miksch, S. (2010). Identifying Actions Described in Clinical Practice Guidelines Using Semantic Relations. In A. ten Teije, D. Riano, M. Peleg, & S. Miksch (Eds.), KR4HC 2010 - 2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Health Care (pp. 99–108).
Projects: Brigid (2010–2015) / REMINE (2008–2013) - Challenges in preservation (planning). / Becker, C. (2010). Challenges in preservation (planning). In J.-P. Chanod, M. Dobreva, A. Rauber, & S. Ross (Eds.), Automation in Digital Preservation (p. 5). Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings.
- Knowledge-based Runtime Failure Detection for Industrial Automation Systems / Melik-Merkumians, M., Moser, T., Schatten, A., Zoitl, A., & Biffl, S. (2010). Knowledge-based Runtime Failure Detection for Industrial Automation Systems. In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Models@run.time at the ACM/IEEE 13th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (p. 12).
- Similarity searching in sequences of complex events / Obweger, H., Suntinger, M., Schiefer, J., & Raidl, G. (2010). Similarity searching in sequences of complex events. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science - RCIS 2010 (pp. 631–639).
- Towards an Architectural Framework for Agile Software Development / Mordinyi, R., Kühn, E., & Schatten, A. (2010). Towards an Architectural Framework for Agile Software Development. In 2010 17th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (pp. 276–280).
- Foundations for Event-Based Process Analysis in Heterogeneous Software Engineering Environments / Sunindyo, W. D., Moser, T., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2010). Foundations for Event-Based Process Analysis in Heterogeneous Software Engineering Environments. In 2010 36th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications. 36th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2010), Lille, France, EU.
- Defect Detection Using Event-Based Process Analysis in (Software+) Engineering Projects / Sunindyo, W. D., Biffl, S., Frühwirth, C., Mordinyi, R., Moser, T., Schatten, A., Schrittwieser, S., Weippl, E., & Winkler, D. (2010). Defect Detection Using Event-Based Process Analysis in (Software+) Engineering Projects. In E. Grosspietsch & K. Klöckner (Eds.), Proc. 36th Euromicro Conference Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2010) - Work in Progress Session (pp. 1–2). COREP Vauban.
- A Domain Ontology Building Process for Guiding Requirements Elicitation / Omoronyia, I., Sindre, G., Stalhane, T., Biffl, S., Moser, T., & Sunindyo, W. D. (2010). A Domain Ontology Building Process for Guiding Requirements Elicitation. In R. Wieringa & A. Persson (Eds.), Proc. 16th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering (RefsQ 2010) (pp. 188–202). Springer.
- Ontology-Based Test Case Generation For Simulating Complex Production Automation Systems / Moser, T., Dürr, G., & Biffl, S. (2010). Ontology-Based Test Case Generation For Simulating Complex Production Automation Systems. In Proc. Twenty-Second International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2010) (pp. 478–482). Knowledge Systems Institute.
- Performance Testing of Semantic Publish/Subscribe Systems / Murth, M., Winkler, D., Biffl, S., Kühn, E., & Moser, T. (2010). Performance Testing of Semantic Publish/Subscribe Systems. In On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2010 Workshops (pp. 45–46).
- Process-Driven Feature Modeling for Variability Management of Project Environment Configurations / Moser, T., Biffl, S., & Winkler, D. (2010). Process-Driven Feature Modeling for Variability Management of Project Environment Configurations. In M. Ali Babar, M. Vierimaa, & M. Oivo (Eds.), Proc. 11th International Conference on Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement (PROFES 2010) - Short Paper Track (pp. 1–4).
- RDF Containers – A Framework for the Integration of Distributed and Heterogeneous Applications / Mordinyi, R., Moser, T., Murth, M., Kühn, E., & Biffl, S. (2010). RDF Containers – A Framework for the Integration of Distributed and Heterogeneous Applications. In On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2010 Workshops (pp. 90–99).
- Quantitative software security measurement in an engineering service bus platform / Fruehwirth, C., Biffl, S., Schatten, A., Winkler, D., & Sunindyo, W. D. (2010). Quantitative software security measurement in an engineering service bus platform. In G. Succi, M. Morisio, & N. Nagappan (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2010 ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement - ESEM ’10.
- Research Challenges in the Security Design and Evaluation of an Engineering Service Bus Platform / Frühwirth, C., Biffl, S., Schatten, A., Schrittwieser, S., Weippl, E., & Sunindyo, W. D. (2010). Research Challenges in the Security Design and Evaluation of an Engineering Service Bus Platform. In E. Grosspietsch & K. Klöckner (Eds.), Proc. 36th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) - Work in Progress Session (pp. 1–2).
- Software Ecosystems vs. Natural Ecosystems: Learning from the Ingenious Mind of Nature / Dhungana, D., Groher, I., Schludermann, E., & Biffl, S. (2010). Software Ecosystems vs. Natural Ecosystems: Learning from the Ingenious Mind of Nature. In I. Gorton, C. E. Cuesta, & M. Ali Babar (Eds.), Proc. Second Workshop on Software Ecosystems (pp. 96–102). ACM.
- A Project Monitoring Cockpit Based On Integrating Data Sources in Open Source Software Development / Biffl, S., Sunindyo, W. D., & Moser, T. (2010). A Project Monitoring Cockpit Based On Integrating Data Sources in Open Source Software Development. In Proc. Twenty-Second International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2010) (pp. 620–627).
- Automated Derivation of Configurations for the Integration of Software(+) Engineering Environments / Biffl, S., Mordinyi, R., & Moser, T. (2010). Automated Derivation of Configurations for the Integration of Software(+) Engineering Environments. In Proc. 1st International Workshop on Automated Configuration and Tailoring of Applications (ACoTA 2010) (pp. 6–13).
- align++ - A Heuristic-based Method for Approximating the Mismatch-at-Risk in Schema-based Ontology Alignment / Mazak, A., Schandl, B., & Lanzenberger, M. (2010). align++ - A Heuristic-based Method for Approximating the Mismatch-at-Risk in Schema-based Ontology Alignment. In J. L. G. Dietz (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development. SciTePress.
- A cartesian ensemble of feature subspace classifiers for music categorization / Lidy, T., Mayer, R., Rauber, A., Ponce de Leon, P. J., Pertusa, A., & Iñesta, J. M. (2010). A cartesian ensemble of feature subspace classifiers for music categorization. In Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2010) (pp. 279–284).
From the Resource to the Business Process Risk Level
Fenz, S. (2010). From the Resource to the Business Process Risk Level. In Proceedings of the South African Information Security Multi-Conference (SAISMC’2010) (pp. 100–109).
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) -
Ontology-based generation of IT-security metrics
Fenz, S. (2010). Ontology-based generation of IT-security metrics. In Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC ’10. 25th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2010), Sierre, Switzerland, Non-EU. ACM.
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) - Bridging Semantic Heterogeneities in Open Source Software Development Projects with Semantic Web Technologies / Sunindyo, W. D., & Biffl, S. (2010). Bridging Semantic Heterogeneities in Open Source Software Development Projects with Semantic Web Technologies. In H. Kaiser & R. Kirner (Eds.), Proceedings of the Junior Scientist Conference 2010 (pp. 285–286). Vienna University of Technology.
- Flexible Engineering Environment Integration for (Software+) Engineering Teams / Pieber, A., & Biffl, S. (2010). Flexible Engineering Environment Integration for (Software+) Engineering Teams. In H. Kaiser & R. Kirner (Eds.), Proceedings of the Junior Scientist Conference 2010 (pp. 49–50). Vienna University of Technology.
- Space-based Architectures as Abstraction Layer for Distributed Business Applications / Mordinyi, R., Kühn, E., & Schatten, A. (2010). Space-based Architectures as Abstraction Layer for Distributed Business Applications. In L. Barolli, F. Xhafa, S. Vitabile, & H.-H. Hsu (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS 2010) (p. 8). IEEE Computer Society.
- Semantic Integration of Heterogeneous Data Sources for Monitoring Frequent-Release Software Projects / Biffl, S., Sunindyo, W. D., & Moser, T. (2010). Semantic Integration of Heterogeneous Data Sources for Monitoring Frequent-Release Software Projects. In L. Barolli, F. Xhafa, S. Vitabile, & H.-H. Hsu (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS 2010) (p. 8). IEEE Computer Society.
- Integrating Production Automation Expert Knowledge Across Engineering Stakeholder Domains / Moser, T., Biffl, S., Sunindyo, W. D., & Winkler, D. (2010). Integrating Production Automation Expert Knowledge Across Engineering Stakeholder Domains. In L. Barolli, F. Xhafa, S. Vitabile, & H.-H. Hsu (Eds.), 2010 International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems. IEEE Computer Society.
- A Pattern-Based Coordination and Test Framework for Multi-Agent Simulation of Production Automation Systems / Moser, T., Merdan, M., & Biffl, S. (2010). A Pattern-Based Coordination and Test Framework for Multi-Agent Simulation of Production Automation Systems. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS 2010) (p. 8). IEEE Computer Society.
- Context Oriented Analysis of Web 2.0 Social Network Contents - MindMeister Use-case / Anjomshoaa, A., Khue, V. S., Tjoa, A. M., Weippl, E., & Michael, H. (2010). Context Oriented Analysis of Web 2.0 Social Network Contents - MindMeister Use-case. In Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2010) (pp. 180–189). Springer.
- Schülerzentrierter Unterricht / Standl-Gruber, B. (2010). Schülerzentrierter Unterricht. In Tagungsband zu 25 Jahre Schulinformatik (pp. 321–324). OCG.
- Towards person-centered technology enhanced learning in ICT at secondary level / Standl-Gruber, B. (2010). Towards person-centered technology enhanced learning in ICT at secondary level. In Proceedings of International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN10) (pp. 5161–5168).
- Preparation of secondary ICT teachers - Duo cum faciunt idem, non est idem) / Standl-Gruber, B., Pitner, T., & Rydlo, L. (2010). Preparation of secondary ICT teachers - Duo cum faciunt idem, non est idem). In Proceedings of Conference of Information and Communication Technology in Education (pp. 90–93).
- A Controlled Experiment on Team Meeting Style in Software Architecture Evaluation / Winkler, D., Biffl, S., & Seemann, C. (2010). A Controlled Experiment on Team Meeting Style in Software Architecture Evaluation. In Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2010) (p. 10).
- Integration von Software-Werkzeugen für die Entwicklung von Automatisierungssystemen mit dem "Engineering Service Bus" / Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2010). Integration von Software-Werkzeugen für die Entwicklung von Automatisierungssystemen mit dem “Engineering Service Bus.” In Proc. Software and Systems Engineering Essentials (pp. 165–176).
- Synthesized essence / Musil, J., Schweda, A., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2010). Synthesized essence. In Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering - ICSE ’10. 32nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER) Track, Cape Town, South Africa, Non-EU.
- ReMINE Deliverable 4.8 -- Third Release of the Adverse Risk Management Support System / Gschwandtner, T., Kaiser, K., Miksch, S., & Seyfang, A. (2010). ReMINE Deliverable 4.8 -- Third Release of the Adverse Risk Management Support System (4.8).
- Secure Distributed Transparent File Storage (DTFS) / Neubauer, T. (2010). Secure Distributed Transparent File Storage (DTFS) (No. TR2010-03).
- Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Preservation of Digital Objects (iPRPES2010) / Constantopoulos, P., Guenther, R., Kaiser, M., & Rauber, A. (Eds.). (2010). Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Preservation of Digital Objects (iPRPES2010). OCG (Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft).
- Digital Preservation / Rauber, A., & Solvberg, I. (Eds.). (2010). Digital Preservation. European Research Consortium on Informatics and Mathematics.
- Data Warhousing and Knowledge Discovery, DAWAK 2010 / Tjoa, A. M., Mohania, M., & Bach Pedersen, T. (Eds.). (2010). Data Warhousing and Knowledge Discovery, DAWAK 2010. Springer LNCS 6263.
- Data Management in Grid and Peer-to-Peer Systems / Tjoa, A. M., Hameurlain, A., & Franck, M. (Eds.). (2010). Data Management in Grid and Peer-to-Peer Systems. Springer LNCS 6265.
- International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2010 / Tjoa, A. M., & Wagner, R. (Eds.). (2010). International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2010. IEEE Computer Society.
- Proceeedings of the 14th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL2010) / Lalmas, M., Jose, J., Rauber, A., & Sebastiani, F. (Eds.). (2010). Proceeedings of the 14th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL2010). Springer LNCS.
- Best Practice Software-Engineering / Schatten, A., Demolsky, M., Winkler, D., Biffl, S., Gostischa-Franta, E., & Östreicher, T. (2010). Best Practice Software-Engineering. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Heidelberg.
- Automation of Post-exploitation / Irani, M. T., & Weippl, E. R. (2009). Automation of Post-exploitation. In Security Technology (pp. 250–257). Springer LNCS.
- Analyzing Document Retrievability in Patent Retrieval Settings / Bashir, S., & Rauber, A. (2009). Analyzing Document Retrievability in Patent Retrieval Settings. In Database and Expert Systems Applications (pp. 753–760). Springer.
Business Process-Based Resource Importance Determination
Fenz, S., Ekelhart, A., & Neubauer, T. (2009). Business Process-Based Resource Importance Determination. In Business Process Management (pp. 113–127). Springer.
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) - Creating Ambient Music Spaces in Real and Virtual Worlds / Frank, J., Lidy, T., Peiszer, E., Genswaider, R., & Rauber, A. (2009). Creating Ambient Music Spaces in Real and Virtual Worlds. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 44(3), 449–468.
- Interactive selection of Web services under multiple objectives / Neubauer, T., & Stummer, C. (2009). Interactive selection of Web services under multiple objectives. Information Technology and Management, 11(1), 25–41.
- Crowd-based Ontology Engineering with the uComp Protégé Plugin / Wohlgenannt, G., Sabou, R. M., & Hanika, F. (2009). Crowd-based Ontology Engineering with the uComp Protégé Plugin. Semantic Web: Interoperability, Usability, Applicability, 1.
- Integration of Shareable Containers with Distributed Hash Tables for Storage of Structured and Dynamic Data / Kühn, E., Mordinyi, R., Goiss, H.-D., Moser, T., Bessler, S., & Tomic, S. (2009). Integration of Shareable Containers with Distributed Hash Tables for Storage of Structured and Dynamic Data. In 2009 International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems. Intl. Conf. on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS 2009), Fukuoka, Japan, Non-EU.
- A Process Model for RFID based Business Process Analysis / Neubauer, T., Goluch, G., Jakoubi, S., Tjoa, S., & Wisser, M. (2009). A Process Model for RFID based Business Process Analysis. In 2009 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (IEEE APSCC 2009) (pp. 478–483). IEEE.
- Value-Based Requirements Traceability: Lessons Learned / Egyed, A., Grünbacher, P., Heindl, M., & Biffl, S. (2009). Value-Based Requirements Traceability: Lessons Learned. In K. J. Lyytinen, P. Loucopoulos, J. Mylopoulos, & W. Robinson (Eds.), Design Requirements Engineering: A Ten-Year Perspective (pp. 240–257). Springer.
- Digital Preservation / Strodl, S., Becker, C., & Rauber, A. (2009). Digital Preservation. In Handbook of Research on Digital Libraries (pp. 431–440). Information Science Reference.
- Security in Data Warehouses / Weippl, E. (2009). Security in Data Warehouses. In Data Warehousing Design and Advanced Engineering Applications: Methods for Complex Construction (pp. 272–279). IGI Global.
- Music Information Retrieval / Lidy, T., & Rauber, A. (2009). Music Information Retrieval. In Handbook of Research on Digital Libraries: Design, Development, and Impact (pp. 448–456). IGI Global.
- Correlating Business Events for Event-Triggered Rules / Schiefer, J., Obweger, H., & Suntinger, M. (2009). Correlating Business Events for Event-Triggered Rules. In International RuleML Symposium on Rule Interchange and Applications (pp. 56–70).
Ontologiebasiertes IT Risikomanagement
Ekelhart, A., Fenz, S., & Neubauer, T. (2009). Ontologiebasiertes IT Risikomanagement. In D.A.CH Security 2009 (pp. 14–24). Heise Zeitschriften Verlag GmbH & Co. KG.
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) - Analytic Comparison of Audio Feature Sets using Self-Organising Maps / Mayer, R., Frank, J., & Rauber, A. (2009). Analytic Comparison of Audio Feature Sets using Self-Organising Maps. In WEMIS 2009 - Workshop on Exploring Musical Information Spaces (pp. 62–67). University of Alicante.
- Multi-modal Analysis of Music: A large-scale Evaluation / Mayer, R., & Neumayer, R. (2009). Multi-modal Analysis of Music: A large-scale Evaluation. In N. Orio, A. Rauber, & D. Rizo (Eds.), WEMIS 2009 - Workshop on Exploring Musical Information Spaces (pp. 30–35). University of Alicante.
- Massenpseudonymisierung von persönlichen medizinischen Daten / Heurix, J., & Neubauer, T. (2009). Massenpseudonymisierung von persönlichen medizinischen Daten. In D.A.CH Security 2009 (p. 8). Heise Zeitschriften Verlag GmbH & Co. KG.
- A Roadmap to Risk-Aware Business Process Management / Jakoubi, S., Neubauer, T., & Tjoa, S. (2009). A Roadmap to Risk-Aware Business Process Management. In 2009 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (IEEE APSCC 2009) (pp. 23–27). IEEE.
- Automation Of Post-Exploitation / Tabatabai Irani, M., & Weippl, E. (2009). Automation Of Post-Exploitation. International Journal of Web Information Systems (IJWIS), 5(4), 518–536.
- SARI-SQL: Event Query Language for Event Analysis / Rozsnyai, S., Schiefer, J., & Roth, H. (2009). SARI-SQL: Event Query Language for Event Analysis. In IEEE Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (pp. 67–76). IEEE Computer Society.
- Semantic Event Correlation Using Ontologies / Moser, T., Roth, H., Rozsnyai, S., Mordinyi, R., & Biffl, S. (2009). Semantic Event Correlation Using Ontologies. In On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2009 (pp. 1087–1094). Springer.
- Exploiting Mashup Architecture in Business Use Cases / Anjomshoaa, A., Bader, G., & Tjoa, A. M. (2009). Exploiting Mashup Architecture in Business Use Cases. In 2009 International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (pp. xx–xxvii). IEEE.
- Applying a Threshold Scheme to the Pseudonymization of Health Data / Riedl, B., Grascher, V., & Neubauer, T. (2009). Applying a Threshold Scheme to the Pseudonymization of Health Data. In Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC’07) (pp. 397–400).
Ontology-based generation of Bayesian networks
Fenz, S., Tjoa, A. M., & Hudec, M. (2009). Ontology-based generation of Bayesian networks. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems - International Workshop on Ontology Alignment and Visualization - OnAV’09 (pp. 712–717).
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) - Zentralisierte Pseudonymisierung von medizinischen Patientendaten / Heurix, J., Mück, T., & Neubauer, T. (2009). Zentralisierte Pseudonymisierung von medizinischen Patientendaten. In Tagunsgsband eHealth2009 & eHealth Benchmarking 2009 (pp. 207–213).
- Identification of low/high retrievable patents using content-based features / Bashir, S., & Rauber, A. (2009). Identification of low/high retrievable patents using content-based features. In Proceeding of the 2nd international workshop on Patent information retrieval - PaIR ’09. Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (ACM-CIKM2009), Austria. ACM.
- Improving Retrievability of Patents with Cluster-Based Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Documents Selection / Bashir, S., & Rauber, A. (2009). Improving Retrievability of Patents with Cluster-Based Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Documents Selection. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2009) (pp. 1863–1866). ACM.
- An Extensible Monitoring Framework for Measuring and Evaluating Tool Performance in a Service-oriented Architecture / Becker, C., Kulovits, H., Kraxner, M., Gottardi, R., & Rauber, A. (2009). An Extensible Monitoring Framework for Measuring and Evaluating Tool Performance in a Service-oriented Architecture. In M. Gaedke, M. Grossniklaus, & O. Díaz (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Engineering (pp. 221–235). Springer.
Digital Archeology: Recovering Digital Objects from Audio Waveforms.
Guttenbrunner, M., Ghete, M., John, A., Lederer, C., & Rauber, A. (2009). Digital Archeology: Recovering Digital Objects from Audio Waveforms. In Proceedings of the Sixth international Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPRES 2009) (p. 8).
Project: PLANETS (2006–2011) - On the Suitability of Modeling Approaches For Engineering Distributed Control Systems / Lüder, A., Hundt, L., & Biffl, S. (2009). On the Suitability of Modeling Approaches For Engineering Distributed Control Systems. In 7th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2009) (pp. 440–445). IEEE Computer Society Press.
Modelling Clinical Guidelines and Protocols for the Prevention of Risks Against Patient Safety
Seyfang, A., Kaiser, K., & Miksch, S. (2009). Modelling Clinical Guidelines and Protocols for the Prevention of Risks Against Patient Safety. In K.-P. Adlassnig (Ed.), Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe (pp. 633–637). IOS Press.
Projects: EviX (2006–2009) / REMINE (2008–2013) - An Empirical Study about the Status of Business Process Management / An Empirical Study about the Status of Business Process Management. (2009). Business Process Management Journal, 15(2), 166–183.
- Systematic planning for digital preservation: Evaluating potential strategies and building preservation plans / Becker, C., Kulovits, H., Guttenbrunner, M., Strodl, S., Rauber, A., & Hofman, H. (2009). Systematic planning for digital preservation: Evaluating potential strategies and building preservation plans. International Journal on Digital Libraries, 10(4), 133–157.
- From TIFF to JPEG2000? Preservation Planning at the Bavarian State Library Using a Collection of Digitized 16th Century Printings / Kulovits, H., Rauber, A., Kugler, A., Brantl, M., Beinert, T., & Schoger, A. (2009). From TIFF to JPEG2000? Preservation Planning at the Bavarian State Library Using a Collection of Digitized 16th Century Printings. D-Lib Magazine, 15(11/12).
- Webarchivierung und Web Archive Mining: Notwendigkeit, Probleme und Lösungsansätze / Rauber, A., & Kaiser, M. (2009). Webarchivierung und Web Archive Mining: Notwendigkeit, Probleme und Lösungsansätze. HMD Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 268(268), 35–43.
- An Evaluation of Technologies for the Pseudonymization of Medical Data / Neubauer, T., & Kolb, M. (2009). An Evaluation of Technologies for the Pseudonymization of Medical Data. Computer and Information Science 2009, 47–60.
- Informatics for All - Everywhere, Any Time / Federer, P., Futschek, G., & Ruegg, J. (2009). Informatics for All - Everywhere, Any Time. UPGRADE, VOL. X(4), 4.
- So many topics, so little time / Roda, G., Zenz, V., Lupu, M., Järvelin, K., Sanderson, M., & Womser-Hacker, C. (2009). So many topics, so little time. ACM SIGIR Forum, 43(1), 9–16.
- Ein leicht-gewichtiger Einstieg in SPICE: eine Roadmap zum Erfolg / Winkler, D. (2009). Ein leicht-gewichtiger Einstieg in SPICE: eine Roadmap zum Erfolg. Software Quality Days 2009, Vienna, Austria.
- Exploitation of Semantic Building Model in Indoor Navigation Systems / Anjomshoaa, A., Shayeganfar, F., & Tjoa, A. M. (2009). Exploitation of Semantic Building Model in Indoor Navigation Systems. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009, Wien, Austria.
- How to Explain Algorithms, a Discipline of Algorithmic Thinking / Futschek, G. (2009). How to Explain Algorithms, a Discipline of Algorithmic Thinking. Seminar on Informatics Didactics, Druskininkai, EU.
- Some Gender Investigations on Solving Bebras Tasks / Futschek, G. (2009). Some Gender Investigations on Solving Bebras Tasks. 5th International Bebras Task Workshop, Pasvalys, Lithuania, EU.
- Makumba: the role of the technology for the sustainability of amateur programming practice and community / Bogdan, C., & Mayer, R. (2009). Makumba: the role of the technology for the sustainability of amateur programming practice and community. In C&T ’09: Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Communities and technologies (pp. 205–214). ACM New York, NY, USA.
- Automation Component Aspects for Efficient Unit Testing / Winkler, D., Hametner, R., & Biffl, S. (2009). Automation Component Aspects for Efficient Unit Testing. In 2009 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (p. 8).
- Integration of Heterogeneous Engineering Environments for the Automation Systems Lifecycle / Biffl, S., Schatten, A., & Zoitl, A. (2009). Integration of Heterogeneous Engineering Environments for the Automation Systems Lifecycle. In INDIN 2009 7th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (p. 6). IEEE.
- A Comparison of Security Safeguard Selection Methods / Neubauer, T. (2009). A Comparison of Security Safeguard Selection Methods. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2009 (p. 4). Springer.
- Technologies for the Pseudonymization of Medical Data: A Legal Evaluation / Neubauer, T., & Kolb, M. (2009). Technologies for the Pseudonymization of Medical Data: A Legal Evaluation. In 2009 Fourth International Conference on Systems. Second International Conference on Systems, Cancun, Mexiko, Non-EU. IEEE Computer Society.
How to determine threat probabilities using ontologies and Bayesian networks
Fenz, S., & Neubauer, T. (2009). How to determine threat probabilities using ontologies and Bayesian networks. In Proceedings of the 5th Annual Workshop on Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Challenges and Strategies - CSIIRW ’09. 5th Annual Workshop on Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research, Knoxville, TN, Non-EU. ACM New York.
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) - Evaluierung von Werkzeugen für Distributed Pair Programming: Eine Fallstudie / Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2009). Evaluierung von Werkzeugen für Distributed Pair Programming: Eine Fallstudie. In Proceedings of Conference on Software & Systems Engineering Essentials (SEE 2009) (pp. 111–122). TU Clausthal, Germany.
- Migrating Content in WARC Files / Strodl, S., Beran, P. P., & Rauber, A. (2009). Migrating Content in WARC Files. In The 9th International Web Archiving Workshop (IWAW 2009) Proceedings (pp. 43–49).
- Strategies to Support Ambulance Scheduling with Efficient Routing Services / Kiechle, G., Dörner, K. F., & Biffl, S. (2009). Strategies to Support Ambulance Scheduling with Efficient Routing Services. In Proceedings of Business Informatics Conference (pp. 1–10).
- Test-Driven Automation - Adopting Test-First Development to Improve Automation Systems Engineering Processes / Winkler, D., Biffl, S., & Östreicher, T. (2009). Test-Driven Automation - Adopting Test-First Development to Improve Automation Systems Engineering Processes. In Proceedings of the 16th EuroSPI Conference (pp. 1–13).
- Can End-to-End Verifiable E-Voting be Explained Easily? / Kalchgruber, P., & Weippl, E. (2009). Can End-to-End Verifiable E-Voting be Explained Easily? In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Integration and Web Based Applications and Services (iiWAS2009), Workshop on Emerging Research Projects, Applications and Services (ERPAS2009). IIWAS, Austria. ACM Press.
- An Approach for Identifying Affective States through Behavioral Patterns in Web-based Learning Management System / Farman, A. K., & Weippl, E. (2009). An Approach for Identifying Affective States through Behavioral Patterns in Web-based Learning Management System. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Integration and Web Based Applications and Services (iiWAS2009). IIWAS, Austria. ACM.
- Blending the Sketched Use Case Scenario with License Agreements Using Semantics / Asfand-e-yar, M., Anjomshoaa, A., Weippl, E. R., & Tjoa, A. M. (2009). Blending the Sketched Use Case Scenario with License Agreements Using Semantics. In Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (pp. 275–284). Springer, LNAI.
- Analysing and Evaluating Playlists on Music Maps / Frank, J. (2009). Analysing and Evaluating Playlists on Music Maps. In F. Babic, J. Paralic, & A. Rauber (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9#^{th} International Student Workshop (pp. 10–17).
- Requirements modelling and evaluation for digital preservation / Becker, C., & Rauber, A. (2009). Requirements modelling and evaluation for digital preservation. In S. Shin & S. Ossowski (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2009 ACM symposium on Applied Computing - SAC ’09. ACM.
- Adding quality-awareness to evaluate migration web-services and remote emulation for digital preservation / Becker, C., Kulovits, H., Kraxner, M., Gottardi, R., Rauber, A., & Welte, R. (2009). Adding quality-awareness to evaluate migration web-services and remote emulation for digital preservation. In M. Agosti, J. Borbinha, S. Kapidakis, C. Papatheodorou, & G. Tsakonas (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL 2009) (pp. 39–50). Springer.
Challenges for the Evaluation of Emulation
Guttenbrunner, M. (2009). Challenges for the Evaluation of Emulation. In Workshop on Data Analysis (WDA’2009) Proceedings. Workshop on Data Analysis (WDA’2009), Certovica, Vysná Boca, Slovakia, EU.
Project: PLANETS (2006–2011) - Documenting a Virtual World - A Case Study in Preserving Scenes from Second Life / Antonescu, M.-D., Guttenbrunner, M., & Rauber, A. (2009). Documenting a Virtual World - A Case Study in Preserving Scenes from Second Life. In The 9th International Web Archiving Workshop (IWAW 2009) Proceedings (p. 5).
- Digital Preservation Time Capsule: A Showcase for Digital Preservation / Surnic, N., & Rauber, A. (2009). Digital Preservation Time Capsule: A Showcase for Digital Preservation. In Workshop on Data Analysis (WDA 2009). Workshop on Data Analysis, Abaújszántó, Tokay-region, Hungary, Austria.
- "Green" Supply Chains: Using Information Integration for Sustainable Development / Schatten, A. (2009). “Green” Supply Chains: Using Information Integration for Sustainable Development. In Proceedings of the CISIS conference, Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Environmental (Knowledge) Engineering and EcoInformatics, IEEE (pp. 1–4).
- A Platform for Service-Oriented Integration of Software Engineering Environments / Biffl, S., & Schatten, A. (2009). A Platform for Service-Oriented Integration of Software Engineering Environments. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques (SOMET 09) (pp. 75–92). Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques (SOMET 09).
- Agent-Based Meeting Scheduling Support using Mobile Clients / Niederer, M., & Schatten, A. (2009). Agent-Based Meeting Scheduling Support using Mobile Clients. In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT 2009) (pp. 1–6). Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT 2009).
- Sustainable Development: The Role of Information and Communication Technology / Schatten, A. (2009). Sustainable Development: The Role of Information and Communication Technology. In M. Grasserbauer & L. Sakalauskas (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Development (KORSD 2009) (pp. 1–6).
- Evaluation of CASE Tool Methods and Processes - An Analysis of Eight Open-source CASE Tools / Biffl, S., Ferstl, C., Höllwieser, C., & Moser, T. (2009). Evaluation of CASE Tool Methods and Processes - An Analysis of Eight Open-source CASE Tools. In J. Cordeiro & J. Filipe (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. Springer.
- Efficient System Integration Using Semantic Requirements and Capability Models - An Approach for Integrating Heterogeneous Business Services / Moser, T., Mordinyi, R., Biffl, S., & Mikula, A. (2009). Efficient System Integration Using Semantic Requirements and Capability Models - An Approach for Integrating Heterogeneous Business Services. In J. Cordeiro & J. Filipe (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (pp. 56–63). Springer.
Establishing Context of Digital Objects' Creation, Content and Usage
Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2009). Establishing Context of Digital Objects’ Creation, Content and Usage. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Innovation in Digital Preservation (p. 10).
Project: PLANETS (2006–2011) -
Interacting with (semi-) automatically extracted context of digital objects
Mayer, R., Neumayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2009). Interacting with (semi-) automatically extracted context of digital objects. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Context, Information and Ontologies - CIAO ’09. 1st Workshop on Context, Information and Ontologies (CIAO 2009), Heraklion, Greece, EU. ACM.
Project: PLANETS (2006–2011) - On Feature Selection in Environmental Sound Recognition / Mitrovic, D., Zeppelzauer, M., & Eidenberger, H. (2009). On Feature Selection in Environmental Sound Recognition. In Proceedings ELMAR-2009 (pp. 201–204).
Data Recovery from Distributed Personal Repositories
Mayer, R., Neumayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2009). Data Recovery from Distributed Personal Repositories. In M. Agosti, J. Borbinha, S. Kapidakis, C. Papatheodorou, & G. Tsakonas (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL 2009) (pp. 455–458). Springer.
Project: PLANETS (2006–2011) - A Contest on Informatics and Computer Fluency Attracts School Students to Learn Basic Technology Concepts / Futschek, G., & Dagiene, V. (2009). A Contest on Informatics and Computer Fluency Attracts School Students to Learn Basic Technology Concepts. In Proceedings 9th WCCE 2009, Education and Technology for a Better World (p. 9).
- End-User Development in a Graphical User Interface Setting / Auer, M., Poelz, J., & Biffl, S. (2009). End-User Development in a Graphical User Interface Setting. In J. Cordeiro & J. Filipe (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (pp. 5–14). Springer.
- Bridging Semantic Gaps Between Stakeholders in the Production Automation Domain with Ontology Areas / Biffl, S., Sunindyo, W. D., & Moser, T. (2009). Bridging Semantic Gaps Between Stakeholders in the Production Automation Domain with Ontology Areas. In Proceedings The 21st International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2009) (pp. 233–239).
- Semantic Service Matchmaking in the ATM Domain Considering Infrastructure Capability Constraint / Moser, T., Mordinyi, R., Sunindyo, W. D., & Biffl, S. (2009). Semantic Service Matchmaking in the ATM Domain Considering Infrastructure Capability Constraint. In Proceedings The 21st International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2009) (pp. 222–227).
- Analytic Comparison of Self-Organising Maps / Mayer, R., Baum, D., Neumayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2009). Analytic Comparison of Self-Organising Maps. In J. C. Principe & R. Miikkulainen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Workshop On Self-Organizing Maps St. Augustine, FL, USA (WSOM 2007) (pp. 182–190). Springer.
- Foundations for a Model-Driven Integration of Business Services in a Safety-Critical Application Domain / Mordinyi, R., Moser, T., Kühn, E., Biffl, S., & Mikula, A. (2009). Foundations for a Model-Driven Integration of Business Services in a Safety-Critical Application Domain. In 2009 35th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications. 35th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2009), Patras, Greece, EU. IEEE Computer Society.
Ontological Mapping of Information Security Best-Practice Guidelines
Fenz, S., Pruckner, T., & Manutscheri, A. (2009). Ontological Mapping of Information Security Best-Practice Guidelines. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Business Information Systems (pp. 49–60).
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) -
Automated Risk and Utility Management
Ekelhart, A., Fenz, S., & Neubauer, T. (2009). Automated Risk and Utility Management. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (pp. 393–398). IEEE Computer Society.
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) -
Ontology-based Decision Support for Information Security Risk Management
Fenz, S., Ekelhart, A., & Neubauer, T. (2009). Ontology-based Decision Support for Information Security Risk Management. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Systems (pp. 80–85).
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) -
An evaluation of technologies for the pseudonymization of medical data
Neubauer, T., Ekelhart, A., & Kolb, M. (2009). An evaluation of technologies for the pseudonymization of medical data. In Proceedings of the 2009 ACM symposium on Applied Computing - SAC ’09. 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2009), Honolulu, Hawaii, Non-EU. ACM.
Project: PIPE (2008–2012) -
Formalizing information security knowledge
Fenz, S., & Ekelhart, A. (2009). Formalizing information security knowledge. In Proceedings of the 2009 ACM symposium on Information, computer and communications security (pp. 183–194).
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) - SAMOA - A Semi-Automated Ontology Alignment Method for Systems Integration in Safety-Critical Environments / Moser, T., Schimper, K., Mordinyi, R., & Anjomshoaa, A. (2009). SAMOA - A Semi-Automated Ontology Alignment Method for Systems Integration in Safety-Critical Environments. In 2009 International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems. 2nd IEEE Intl. Wsh. on Ontology, Fukuoka, Japan, Non-EU.
- Making Expert Knowledge Explicit to Facilitate Tool Support for Integrating Complex Information Systems in the ATM Domain / Moser, T., Mordinyi, R., Mikula, A., & Biffl, S. (2009). Making Expert Knowledge Explicit to Facilitate Tool Support for Integrating Complex Information Systems in the ATM Domain. In 2009 International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems. Intl. Conf. on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS 2009), Fukuoka, Japan, Non-EU.
AURUM: A Framework for Information Security Risk Management
Neubauer, T., Ekelhart, A., & Fenz, S. (2009). AURUM: A Framework for Information Security Risk Management. In Proceedings of the 42th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’09) (pp. 1–10).
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) - Integrating Value and Utility Concepts into a Value Decomposition Model for Value-Based Software Engineering / Rönkkö, M., Frühwirth, C., & Biffl, S. (2009). Integrating Value and Utility Concepts into a Value Decomposition Model for Value-Based Software Engineering. In Proceeding of the 10th International Conference on Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement (PROFES) (pp. 362–374). Springer.
- Screen Recording for E-Learning / Weippl, E., & Schnabl, S. (2009). Screen Recording for E-Learning. In Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2009 (pp. 1271–1277).
- Integrated Approach for the Detection of Learning Styles & Affective States / Weippl, E., Tjoa, A. M., Graf, S., & Farman, A. K. (2009). Integrated Approach for the Detection of Learning Styles & Affective States. In Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2009 (pp. 753–761).
- ReMINE Internal Deliverable -- Second Release of the Adverse Risk Management Support System / Gschwandtner, T., Kaiser, K., Miksch, S., & Seyfang, A. (2009). ReMINE Internal Deliverable -- Second Release of the Adverse Risk Management Support System.
- ReMINE Deliverable 4.7 -- First Release of the Adverse Risk Management Support System / Gschwandtner, T., Kaiser, K., & Seyfang, A. (2009). ReMINE Deliverable 4.7 -- First Release of the Adverse Risk Management Support System (D 4.7).
- Data Warhousing and Knowledge Discovery, DAWAK 2009 / Tjoa, A. M., Bach Pedersen, T., & Mohania, M. (Eds.). (2009). Data Warhousing and Knowledge Discovery, DAWAK 2009. Springer LNCS 5691.
- Data Management in Grid and Peer-to-Peer Systems, GLOBE 2009 / Tjoa, A. M., & Hameurlain, A. (Eds.). (2009). Data Management in Grid and Peer-to-Peer Systems, GLOBE 2009. Springer LNCS 5697.
- International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2009 / Tjoa, A. M., & Wagner, R. (Eds.). (2009). International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2009. IEEE Computer Society.
- Decision Manifolds - A Supervised Learning Algorithm Based on Self-Organization / Pölzlbauer, G., Lidy, T., & Rauber, A. (2008). Decision Manifolds - A Supervised Learning Algorithm Based on Self-Organization. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 19(9), 1518–1530.
- Perception as an Exploratory Process: Analysis of Information Visualization Usage / Pohl, M., Rester, M., Miksch, S., Hinum, K., Schmalzl, M., & Stritzelberger, A. (2008). Perception as an Exploratory Process: Analysis of Information Visualization Usage. Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction for Medicine and Health Care (HCI4MED), Liverpool, UK, EU.
- Integration of Semantic XForms and Personal Web Services as a Tool to Bridge the Gap between Personal Desktops and Global Business Processes / Anjomshoaa, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2008). Integration of Semantic XForms and Personal Web Services as a Tool to Bridge the Gap between Personal Desktops and Global Business Processes. In A. Anjomshoaa (Ed.), Information Systems and e-Business Technologies (pp. 37–44). Springer.
- A Smart Indoor Navigation Solution Based on Building Information Model and Google Android / Shayeganfar, F., Anjomshoaa, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2008). A Smart Indoor Navigation Solution Based on Building Information Model and Google Android. In Computers Helping People with Special Needs (pp. 1050–1056). Springer.
- Improving Web Form Accessibility Using Semantic XForms for People with Cognitive Impairments / Anjomshoaa, A., Karim, M. S., & Tjoa, A. M. (2008). Improving Web Form Accessibility Using Semantic XForms for People with Cognitive Impairments. In Computers Helping People with Special Needs (pp. 426–429). Springer.
- The Event Tunnel: Exploring Event-Driven Business Processes / Suntinger, M., Obweger, H., Schiefer, J., & Gröller, E. (2008). The Event Tunnel: Exploring Event-Driven Business Processes. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 28, 46–55.
- Making Ontologies Talk: Knowledge Interoperability in the Semantic Web / Lanzenberger, M., & Sampson, J. (2008). Making Ontologies Talk: Knowledge Interoperability in the Semantic Web. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 23(6), 72.
- Ontology Matching: Status and Challenges / Kotis, K., & Lanzenberger, M. (2008). Ontology Matching: Status and Challenges. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 23(6), 84–85.
- Systematic Characterisation of Objects in Digital Preservation: The eXtensible Characterisation Languages / Becker, C., Rauber, A., Heydegger, V., Schnasse, J., & Thaller, M. (2008). Systematic Characterisation of Objects in Digital Preservation: The eXtensible Characterisation Languages. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 14(18), 2936–2952.
- A Framework for Defect Prediction in Specific Software Project Contexts / Wahyudin, D., Ramler, R., & Biffl, S. (2008). A Framework for Defect Prediction in Specific Software Project Contexts. In Z. Huzar, J. R. Nawrocki, & J. Zendulka (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd IFIP TC2 Central and East European Conference on Software Engineering Techniques CEE-SET 2008 (pp. 295–308). Springer LNCS.
- Unsupervised Learning and Clustering / Greene, D., Cunningham, P., & Mayer, R. (2008). Unsupervised Learning and Clustering. In M. Cord & P. Cunningham (Eds.), Cognitive Technologies. Springer.
- Classification and Clustering of Music for Novel Music Access Applications / Lidy, T., & Rauber, A. (2008). Classification and Clustering of Music for Novel Music Access Applications. In M. Cord & P. Cunningham (Eds.), Machine Learning Techniques for Multimedia (pp. 249–285). Springer.
- Improving Storage Concepts for Semantic Models and Ontologies / Weippl, E., & Klemen, M. (2008). Improving Storage Concepts for Semantic Models and Ontologies. In The Semantic Web for Knowlege and Data Management: Technologies and Practices (pp. 38–48). Idea Group Publishing.
- How to Explain the Underrepresentation of Women in Computer Science Studies / Pohl, M., & Lanzenberger, M. (2008). How to Explain the Underrepresentation of Women in Computer Science Studies. In Current Issues in Computing and Philosophy Volume 175 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (pp. 181–190). IOS Press.
- Das ISO 9000:2000 Regelwerk - Ansätze zur Integration des VM XT mit einem Qualitätsmanagementsystem / Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2008). Das ISO 9000:2000 Regelwerk - Ansätze zur Integration des VM XT mit einem Qualitätsmanagementsystem. In Das V-Modell XT: Grundlagen, Methodik und Anwendungen (pp. 481–509). Springer.
- Objektorientierte Softwareprodukte mit RUP und UML / Fladischer, S., & Biffl, S. (2008). Objektorientierte Softwareprodukte mit RUP und UML. In Das V-Modell XT: Grundlagen, Methodik und Anwendungen (pp. 276–298). Springer.
- A DSP system for audio-signal dynamic-range enhancement / Magrini, M., Giunti, T., Bertini, G., Rauber, A., & Lidy, T. (2008). A DSP system for audio-signal dynamic-range enhancement. In DSP Application Day 2007 (pp. 79–90). Libreria CLUP.
- GridMiner: An advanced support for e-science analytics / Tjoa, A. M., Brezany, P., & Janciak, I. (2008). GridMiner: An advanced support for e-science analytics. In W. Dubitzky (Ed.), Data Mining Techniques in Grid Computing Environments (pp. 37–55). John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Natural/ Novel User Interfaces for Mobile Devices / Siltanen, S., Woodward, C., Valli, S., Honkamaa, P., Rauber, A., Frank, J., Lidy, T., & Neumayer, R. (2008). Natural/ Novel User Interfaces for Mobile Devices. In Multimodal Processing and Interaction - Audio, Video, Text. Springer.
- Multimodal Analysis of Text and Audio Features for Music Information Retrieval / Neumayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2008). Multimodal Analysis of Text and Audio Features for Music Information Retrieval. In P. Maragos, A. Potamianos, & P. Gros (Eds.), Multimodal Processing and Interaction. Springer.
Automating the preservation planning process: An extensible evaluation framework for digital preservation
Becker, C. (2008). Automating the preservation planning process: An extensible evaluation framework for digital preservation. In F. Babic, J. Paralic, & A. Rauber (Eds.), Workshop on Data Analysis WDA´2008 (pp. 27–42). EQUILIBRIA, s.r.o.
Project: PLANETS (2006–2011) - Security, Trust and Privacy on Mobile Devices and Multimedia Applications / Weippl, E., & Riedl, B. (2008). Security, Trust and Privacy on Mobile Devices and Multimedia Applications. In Handbook of Research on Mobile Multimedia, Second Edition (pp. 115–131). Information Science Reference.
Improving the execution of Clinical Guidelines and Temporal Data Abstraction in High-Frequency Domains
Seyfang, A., Paesold, M., Votruba, P., & Miksch, S. (2008). Improving the execution of Clinical Guidelines and Temporal Data Abstraction in High-Frequency Domains. In A. ten Teije, S. Miksch, & P. Lucas (Eds.), Computer-based Medical Guidelines and Protocols: A Primer and Current Trends (pp. 263–272). IOS Press.
Project: REMINE (2008–2013) -
XML Security - A Comparative Literature Review
Ekelhart, A., Fenz, S., Goluch, G., Steinkellner, M., & Weippl, E. (2008). XML Security - A Comparative Literature Review. Journal of Systems and Software, 81(10), 1715–1724.
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) -
Integration of an Ontological Information Security Concept in Risk Aware Business Process Management
Goluch, G., Ekelhart, A., Fenz, S., Jakoubi, S., & Mück, T. (2008). Integration of an Ontological Information Security Concept in Risk Aware Business Process Management. In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2008). 41th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’08), Hawaii, Non-EU. IEEE Computer Society.
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) - Improving Patients Privacy with Pseudonymization / Neubauer, T., & Riedl, B. (2008). Improving Patients Privacy with Pseudonymization. In Proceedings of the International Congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics. Proceedings of the XXIst International Congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics (MIE 2008), Göteborg, Schweden, EU. IOS Press.
- Pseudonymization for improving the Privacy in E-Health Applications / Neubauer, T., Riedl, B., Fenz, S., & Grascher, V. (2008). Pseudonymization for improving the Privacy in E-Health Applications. In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2008). 41th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’08), Hawaii, Non-EU. IEEE Computer Society.
- Economic and Security Aspects of Applying a Threshold Scheme in e-Health / Neubauer, T., Riedl, B., Grascher, V., & Kolb, M. (2008). Economic and Security Aspects of Applying a Threshold Scheme in e-Health. In 2008 Third International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. Third International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security ARES, Barcelona, EU. IEEE Computer Society.
- A Synthetic 3D Multimedia Environment / Genswaider, R., Berger, H., Dittenbach, M., Pesenhofer, A., Merkl, W., Rauber, A., & Lidy, T. (2008). A Synthetic 3D Multimedia Environment. In A.-E. Hassanien, A. Abraham, & J. Kacprzyk (Eds.), Computational Intelligence in Multimedia Processing: Recent Advances (pp. 79–98). Springer.
- Context-Based Privacy Management of Personal Information Using Semantic Desktop: SemanticLIFE Case Study / Ahmed, M., Anjomshoaa, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2008). Context-Based Privacy Management of Personal Information Using Semantic Desktop: SemanticLIFE Case Study. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Informationb Integration and Web-based Application & Services (pp. 214–221). Oesterreichische Computer Geselschaft.
- Visual ontology alignment for knowledge sharing and reuse / Lanzenberger, M., Sampson, J., Rester, M., Naudet, Y., & Latour, T. (2008). Visual ontology alignment for knowledge sharing and reuse. Journal of Knowledge Management, 12(6), 102–120.
- Systemintegration: Open Source ESBs: Mule und Service Mix / Schatten, A., & Demolsky, M. (2008). Systemintegration: Open Source ESBs: Mule und Service Mix. IX : Magazin Für Professionelle Informationstechnik, 2008(7), 120–122.
- Review von Wiki-Engines / Eidenberger, H. (2008). Review von Wiki-Engines. IX : Magazin Für Professionelle Informationstechnik, 2008(12), 50–60.
- Frameworks für Medienverarbeitung / Eidenberger, H. (2008). Frameworks für Medienverarbeitung. IX : Magazin Für Professionelle Informationstechnik, 2008(12), 122–125.
- Strömungslehre / Eidenberger, H. (2008). Strömungslehre. IX : Magazin Für Professionelle Informationstechnik, 2008(11), 114–116.
- Werkzeuge für Medien-Streaming / Eidenberger, H. (2008). Werkzeuge für Medien-Streaming. IX : Magazin Für Professionelle Informationstechnik, 2008(11), 135.
- Map-based Interfaces for Information Management in Large Text Collections / Mayer, R., Roiger, A., & Rauber, A. (2008). Map-based Interfaces for Information Management in Large Text Collections. Journal of Digital Information Management, 6(4), 294–302.
- Automating the Management of Scientif Conferences using Information Mining Techniques / Pesenhofer, A., Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2008). Automating the Management of Scientif Conferences using Information Mining Techniques. Journal of Digital Information Management, 6(1), 3–11.
- Bebras International Contest on Informatics and Computer Literacy: Criteria for Good Tasks / Dagiene, V., & Futschek, G. (2008). Bebras International Contest on Informatics and Computer Literacy: Criteria for Good Tasks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5090, 19–30.
- Interaktive Portfolioauswahl im IT-Servicemanagement / Neubauer, T., & Stummer, C. (2008). Interaktive Portfolioauswahl im IT-Servicemanagement. HMD Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 264.
- Webanwendungen effektiv testen / Schatten, A. (2008). Webanwendungen effektiv testen. Infoweek.Ch, N/A(20).
- Cyber Attacks and the article 5 of the Treaty of NATO / Weippl, E. (2008). Cyber Attacks and the article 5 of the Treaty of NATO. Euro Atlantic Quartely, 3(4), 22.
- J2EE-Umgebung samt Ökosystem / Schatten, A. (2008). J2EE-Umgebung samt Ökosystem. Infoweek.Ch, N/A(22).
- Multiobjective Decision Support for defining Secure Business Processes: A Case Study / Neubauer, T., & Heurix, J. (2008). Multiobjective Decision Support for defining Secure Business Processes: A Case Study. International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, 3(2), 177.
- Plato: a service oriented decision support system for preservation planning / Becker, C., Kulovits, H., Rauber, A., & Hofman, H. (2008). Plato: a service oriented decision support system for preservation planning. In JCDL ’08: Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries (pp. 367–370). ACM.
- Chair’s Message / Weippl, E. (2008). Chair’s Message. In Proceedings of the The Third International Conference on Availability, Security, and Reliability ARES 2008. IEEE Computer Society Press.
MapFace - An Aid for Medical Experts to Easily Annotate Documents with MetaMap Transfer
Gschwandtner, T., Kaiser, K., Martini, P., & Miksch, S. (2008). MapFace - An Aid for Medical Experts to Easily Annotate Documents with MetaMap Transfer. Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction for Medicine and Health Care (HCI4MED), Liverpool, UK, EU.
Projects: EviX (2006–2009) / REMINE (2008–2013) - Value-Based Software Engineering: Overview and Introduction / Biffl, S. (2008). Value-Based Software Engineering: Overview and Introduction. Conference on Object-Oriented Programming - Software meets Business, Munich, Germany, EU.
- Bebras International Contest on Informatics and Computer Literacy: Criteria for Good Tasks / Dagiene, V., & Futschek, G. (2008). Bebras International Contest on Informatics and Computer Literacy: Criteria for Good Tasks. ISSEP (International Conference in Informatics in Secundary Schools - Evolution and Perspectives), Vilnius, EU.
- Fostering Collaboration with DigitalPreservationEurope / Neumayer, R., Rauber, A., Ross, S., & Strodl, S. (2008). Fostering Collaboration with DigitalPreservationEurope. IST-Africa 2008, Windhoek, Namibia, Non-EU.
- Hypertext as incentive for dialogical learning: How students from different faculties learn from a painting and with each other / Obermüller, E., & Krameritsch, J. (2008). Hypertext as incentive for dialogical learning: How students from different faculties learn from a painting and with each other. In J. Luca & E. Weippl (Eds.), Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2008 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (p. 8). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- Delta 3 - A Strategic E-Education Project Creating Added Value from Complementarity / Reichl, F., Csanyi, G., Herbst, I., Hruska, A., Obermüller, E., Fröhlich, J., Michalek, C.-R., & Spiegl, A. (2008). Delta 3 - A Strategic E-Education Project Creating Added Value from Complementarity. In J. Luca & E. Weippl (Eds.), Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2008 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (pp. 465–473). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- The Learning Process According to the Brain / Csanyi, G. (2008). The Learning Process According to the Brain. In J. Luca & E. Weippl (Eds.), Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2008 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (pp. 2342–2347). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- Implementation of an IFD library using semenatic web technologies: A case study / Shayeganfar, F., Mahdavi, A., Suter, G., & Anjomshoaa, A. (2008). Implementation of an IFD library using semenatic web technologies: A case study. In A. Zarli & R. Scherer (Eds.), ECPPM 2008 eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (pp. 539–544).
- Performance Evaluation of Workflow Scheduling Strategies Considering Transportation Times and Conveyor Failures / Merdan, M., Moser, T., Wahyudin, D., & Biffl, S. (2008). Performance Evaluation of Workflow Scheduling Strategies Considering Transportation Times and Conveyor Failures. In Proceedings IEEM 2008 (p. 6).
- Simulation of Workflow Scheduling Strategies using the MAST Test Management System / Merdan, M., Moser, T., Wahyudin, D., Biffl, S., & Vrba, P. (2008). Simulation of Workflow Scheduling Strategies using the MAST Test Management System. In Proceedings 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (p. 6).
- Towards Comprehensive Requirement Analysis for Data Warehouses: Considering Security Requirements / Soler, E., Stefanov, V., Mazón, J.-N., Trujillo, J., Fernandez-Madina, E., & Piattini, M. (2008). Towards Comprehensive Requirement Analysis for Data Warehouses: Considering Security Requirements. In 2008 Third International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. Third International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES’08), BARCELONA, EU. IEEE Computer Society.
- Ontology Matching: Current Status, Dilemmas and Future Challenges / Kotis, K., & Lanzenberger, M. (2008). Ontology Matching: Current Status, Dilemmas and Future Challenges. In 2008 International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems. Workshop of Ontology Alignment and Visualization (OnAV08), Barcelona, Spain, EU. IEEE Computer Society.
- Preservation Planning with Plato / Kulovits, H., & Rauber, A. (2008). Preservation Planning with Plato. In Proceedings of the 10th Russian Conference on Digital Libraries (RCDL 2008): Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections (pp. 16–23).
- Plato: A Preservation Planning Tool Integrating Preservation Action Services / Kulovits, H., Becker, C., Kraxner, M., Motlik, F., Stadler, K., & Rauber, A. (2008). Plato: A Preservation Planning Tool Integrating Preservation Action Services. In Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (pp. 413–414). Springer.
- Plato / Kulovits, H., Becker, C., Kraxner, M., Motlik, F., Stadler, K., & Rauber, A. (2008). Plato. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries - JCDL ’08. 8th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries (JCDL 2008), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Non-EU. ACM.
- Enhancing Music Maps / Frank, J. (2008). Enhancing Music Maps. In F. Babic, J. Paralic, & A. Rauber (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Student Workshop WDA 2008 (pp. 53–59). EQUILIBRIA, s.r.o.
- Preserving Interactive Content: Strategies, Significant Properties and Automatic Testing / Guttenbrunner, M. (2008). Preserving Interactive Content: Strategies, Significant Properties and Automatic Testing. In F. Babic, J. Paralic, & A. Rauber (Eds.), Workshop on Data Analysis WDA´2008: Proceedings of the 8th International Student Workshop (pp. 43–51). EQUILIBRIA, s.r.o.
Ontology- and Bayesian-based Threat Probability Determination
Fenz, S., & Tjoa, A. M. (2008). Ontology- and Bayesian-based Threat Probability Determination. In Proceedings of the Junior Scientist Conference 2008 (pp. 69–70).
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) -
Fortification of IT Security by Automatic Security Advisory Processing
Weippl, E., Fenz, S., & Ekelhart, A. (2008). Fortification of IT Security by Automatic Security Advisory Processing. In 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (aina 2008). 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications AINA 2008, Okinawa, Japan, Non-EU. IEEE Computer Society.
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) - Facilitating Interoperability in Semantic Web Applications Using Ontologies / Sampson, J., Lanzenberger, M., & Veres, C. (2008). Facilitating Interoperability in Semantic Web Applications Using Ontologies. In 2008 International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems. Intl. Conf. on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS 2008), Barcelona, Spain, EU. IEEE.
- Evaluating Strategies for the Preservation of Console Video Games / Guttenbrunner, M., Becker, C., Rauber, A., & Heister, C. (2008). Evaluating Strategies for the Preservation of Console Video Games. In Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (pp. 115–121).
Distributed Preservation Services: Integrating Planning and Actions
Becker, C., Ferreira, M., Kraxner, M., Rauber, A., Baptista, A. A., & Ramalho, J. C. (2008). Distributed Preservation Services: Integrating Planning and Actions. In B. Christensen-Dalsgaard, D. Castelli, B. Ammitzbøll Jurik, & J. Lippincott (Eds.), Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (pp. 25–36). Springer.
Project: PLANETS (2006–2011) - Fast and Flexible Libor Model Pricing: Two-Stage Monte Carlo and On-the-Fly Payoff Processing / Auer, M., & Biffl, S. (2008). Fast and Flexible Libor Model Pricing: Two-Stage Monte Carlo and On-the-Fly Payoff Processing. In C. A. Brebbia, M. Constantino, & M. Larran (Eds.), Computational Finance and Its Applications III (pp. 1–11). Wessex Institute Press.
- Impact of Experience and Team Size on the Quality of Scenarios for Architecture Evaluation / Biffl, S., Ali Babar, M., & Winkler, D. (2008). Impact of Experience and Team Size on the Quality of Scenarios for Architecture Evaluation. In G. Visaggio, M. T. Baldassarre, S. Linkman, & M. Turner (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE) (pp. 1–10).
- Ambient music experience in real and virtual worlds using audio similarity / Frank, J., Lidy, T., Peiszer, E., Genswaider, R., & Rauber, A. (2008). Ambient music experience in real and virtual worlds using audio similarity. In Proceeding of the 1st ACM international workshop on Semantic ambient media experiences - SAME ’08. 1st ACM Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experiences (SAME 2008), Vancouver, Canada, Non-EU. ACM.
- Automatic Audio Segmentation: Segment Boundary and Structure Detection in Popular Music / Peiszer, E., Lidy, T., & Rauber, A. (2008). Automatic Audio Segmentation: Segment Boundary and Structure Detection in Popular Music. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Learning the Semantics of Audio Signals (LSAS). International Workshop on Learning the Semantics of Audio Signals (LSAS), Paris, France, EU.
- Personal & soho archiving / Strodl, S., Motlik, F., Stadler, K., & Rauber, A. (2008). Personal & soho archiving. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries - JCDL ’08. Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2008, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, Non-EU. ACM.
- Waiting strategies for regular and emergency patient transportation / Kiechle, G., Doerner, K. F., Gendreau, M., & Hartl, R. F. (2008). Waiting strategies for regular and emergency patient transportation. In Proceedings of the OR 2008 Conference (pp. 1–6). Gesellschaft für Operations Research e.V.
- Investigating UML- and Ontology-Based Approaches for Process Improvement in Developing Agile Multi-Agent Systems / Moser, T., Kunz, K., Matousek, K., & Wahyudin, D. (2008). Investigating UML- and Ontology-Based Approaches for Process Improvement in Developing Agile Multi-Agent Systems. In 34th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (pp. 1–8). IEEE Computer Society.
- Ontology-supported quality assurance for component-based systems configuration / Biffl, S., Mordinyi, R., Moser, T., & Wahyudin, D. (2008). Ontology-supported quality assurance for component-based systems configuration. In B. Wong (Ed.), Proceedings of 6th international Workshop on Software Quality (pp. 59–64). ACM.
- QATAM: ein Szenario-basierter Ansatz zur Evaluierung von Qualitätsstrategien / Winkler, D., Denger, C., Elberzhager, F., & Biffl, S. (2008). QATAM: ein Szenario-basierter Ansatz zur Evaluierung von Qualitätsstrategien. In J. Friedrich, A. Rausch, & M. Sihling (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Software & Systems Engineering Essentials (pp. 241–252). Insitut für Informatik, Technische Universität Clausthal, Germany.
- Defect Prediction using Combined Product and Project Metrics - A Case Study from the Open Source "Apache" MyFaces Project Family / Wahyudin, D., Schatten, A., Winkler, D., Tjoa, A. M., & Biffl, S. (2008). Defect Prediction using Combined Product and Project Metrics - A Case Study from the Open Source “Apache” MyFaces Project Family. In 2008 34th Euromicro Conference Software Engineering and Advanced Applications. Euromicro International Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, EU. IEEE Computer Society.
- Improving Company Processes by applying a Light-weight Process Approach based on the SPICE Maturity Model / John, K., Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2008). Improving Company Processes by applying a Light-weight Process Approach based on the SPICE Maturity Model. In Proceedings of the 16th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks (pp. 223–236). Trauner Verlag.
- An Empirical Investigation of Scenarios Gained and Lost in Architecture Evaluation Meetings / Winkler, D., Biffl, S., & Ali Babar, M. (2008). An Empirical Investigation of Scenarios Gained and Lost in Architecture Evaluation Meetings. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (p. 348). IEEE Computer Society.
- A Case Study on the Multicriteria Selection of Software Components / Neubauer, T., & Stummer, C. (2008). A Case Study on the Multicriteria Selection of Software Components. In 2008 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference. 2008 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (IEEE APSCC 2008), Yilan, Taiwan, Non-EU. IEEE Computer Society.
- PIPE: Ein System zur Pseudonymisierung von Gesundheitsdaten / Neubauer, T., & Mück, T. (2008). PIPE: Ein System zur Pseudonymisierung von Gesundheitsdaten. In Proceedings of e-Health 2008. eHealth 2008 conference, Portoroz, Slovenia, EU.
- Objective Types for the Valuation of Secure Business Processes / Neubauer, T., & Heurix, J. (2008). Objective Types for the Valuation of Secure Business Processes. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (pp. 231–236).
- Defining Secure Business Processes with Respect to Multiple Objectives / Neubauer, T., & Heurix, J. (2008). Defining Secure Business Processes with Respect to Multiple Objectives. In 2008 Third International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. Third International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security ARES, Barcelona, EU.
Interactive Selection of ISO 27001 Controls under Multiple Objectives
Neubauer, T., Ekelhart, A., & Fenz, S. (2008). Interactive Selection of ISO 27001 Controls under Multiple Objectives. In Proceedings of The Ifip Tc 11 23rd International Information Security Conference (pp. 477–492). Springer-Verlag GmbH.
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) - Map-based music interfaces for mobile devices / Frank, J., Lidy, T., Hlavac, P., & Rauber, A. (2008). Map-based music interfaces for mobile devices. In Proceeding of the 16th ACM international conference on Multimedia - MM ’08. ACM Multimedia, Vancouver, Canada, Non-EU. ACM.
- Combination of audio and lyrics features for genre classification in digital audio collections / Mayer, R., Neumayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2008). Combination of audio and lyrics features for genre classification in digital audio collections. In Proceeding of the 16th ACM international conference on Multimedia - MM ’08. ACM Multimedia, Vancouver, Canada, Non-EU. ACM New York, NY, USA.
- Rhyme and Style Features for Musical Genre Classification by Song Lyrics / Mayer, R., Neumayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2008). Rhyme and Style Features for Musical Genre Classification by Song Lyrics. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (pp. 337–342).
- Model-Driven Development of Intelligent Mass Customization Systems / Matousek, K., Wahyudin, D., & Biffl, S. (2008). Model-Driven Development of Intelligent Mass Customization Systems. In European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research Vol 2 (pp. 573–579). The Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies.
- Multiobjective Prototype Optimization with Evolved Improvement Steps / Kubalik, J., Mordinyi, R., & Biffl, S. (2008). Multiobjective Prototype Optimization with Evolved Improvement Steps. In Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization (pp. 218–229). LNCS/Springer Berlin.
Easing the Formalization of Clinical Guidelines with a User-tailored, Extensible Agile Model Driven Development (AMDD)
Martini, P., Kaiser, K., & Miksch, S. (2008). Easing the Formalization of Clinical Guidelines with a User-tailored, Extensible Agile Model Driven Development (AMDD). In S. Puuronen, M. Pechenizkiy, A. Tsymbal, & D.-J. Lee (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-First IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (pp. 120–125). IEEE Computer Society.
Project: EviX (2006–2009) -
MapFace - An Editor for MetaMap Transfer (MMTx)
Kaiser, K., Gschwandtner, T., & Martini, P. (2008). MapFace - An Editor for MetaMap Transfer (MMTx). In S. Puuronen, M. Pechenizkiy, A. Tsymbal, & D.-J. Lee (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-First IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (pp. 150–152). IEEE Computer Society.
Project: EviX (2006–2009) -
Semantic Potential of existing Security Advisory Standards
Ekelhart, A., Weippl, E., & Fenz, S. (2008). Semantic Potential of existing Security Advisory Standards. In Inproceedings of the FIRST 2008. The Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), Vancouver, Non-EU.
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) - Preservation Planning in the OAIS Model / Strodl, S., & Rauber, A. (2008). Preservation Planning in the OAIS Model. In New Technology of Library and Information Service (pp. 61–68). China International Book Trading Corporation.
A generic XML language for characterising objects to support digital preservation
Becker, C., Rauber, A., Heydegger, V., Schnasse, J., & Thaller, M. (2008). A generic XML language for characterising objects to support digital preservation. In Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Applied computing - SAC ’08. Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), Villa Olmo, Como, Italy, Austria.
Project: PLANETS (2006–2011) - Towards Comprehensive Requirement Analysis for Data Warehouses: Considering Security Requirements (In Spanish: Modelado de Requisitos de Seguridad para Almacenes de Datos) / Soler, E., Stefanov, V., Mazón, J.-N., Trujillo, J., Fernández-Medina, E., & Piattini, M. (2008). Towards Comprehensive Requirement Analysis for Data Warehouses: Considering Security Requirements (In Spanish: Modelado de Requisitos de Seguridad para Almacenes de Datos). In Proceedings of the XI Iberoamerican Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Software Environments (IDEAS 2008) (p. 10).
- Implementing Enterprise Integration Patterns Using Open Source Frameworks / Thullner, R., Schatten, A., & Schiefer, J. (2008). Implementing Enterprise Integration Patterns Using Open Source Frameworks. In Software Engineering Techniques in Progress (pp. 111–124).
- Massive "Multiplayer" E-Learning / Purgathofer, P., & Reinthaler, W. (2008). Massive “Multiplayer” E-Learning. In E. Weippl & J. Luca (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008 (p. 9). AACE.
- Reducing the Risk of Misalignment between Software Process Improvement Initiatives and Stakeholder Values / Oza, N., Biffl, S., Frühwirth, C., Selioukova, Y., & Sarapisto, R. (2008). Reducing the Risk of Misalignment between Software Process Improvement Initiatives and Stakeholder Values. In Proceedings of the European Systems & Software Process Improvement and Innovation (EuroSPI 2008) (p. 1). Springer.
- The Event Tunnel: Interactive Visualization of Complex Event Streams for Business Process Pattern Analysis / Suntinger, M., Obweger, H., Schiefer, J., & Gröller, E. (2008). The Event Tunnel: Interactive Visualization of Complex Event Streams for Business Process Pattern Analysis. In IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium 2008. IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, Kyoto, Non-EU.
- Evaluation of content-based Features for User-Centred Image Retrieval in Small Media Collections / Eidenberger, H., & Zaharieva, M. (2008). Evaluation of content-based Features for User-Centred Image Retrieval in Small Media Collections. In Proceedings of SPIE IS&T Electronic Imaging Conference 2008. SPIE IS&T Electronic Imaging Conference, San Jose, Kalifornien, Non-EU. SPIE Press.
- International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2008 / Tjoa, A. M., & Wagner, R. (Eds.). (2008). International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2008. IEEE Computer Society.
- ED-MEDIA Conference Proceedings 2008 / Weippl, E., & Luca, J. (Eds.). (2008). ED-MEDIA Conference Proceedings 2008. AACE.
- An approach towards an event-fed solution for slowly changing dimensions in data warehouses with a detailed case study / Nguyen, M. T., Tjoa, A. M., Nemec, J., & Windisch, M. (2007). An approach towards an event-fed solution for slowly changing dimensions in data warehouses with a detailed case study. Data and Knowledge Engineering, 63(1), 26–43.
- Spam filtering based on latent semantic indexing / Gansterer, W., Janecek, A., & Neumayer, R. (2007). Spam filtering based on latent semantic indexing. In 2007 SIAM Conference on Data Mining Workshop and Tutorial Proceedings (p. 9).
- Visualising Class Distribution on Self-Organising Maps / Mayer, R., Taha Abdel, A., & Rauber, A. (2007). Visualising Class Distribution on Self-Organising Maps. In J. Marques de Sá, L. A. Alexandre, W. Duch, & D. P. Mandic (Eds.), Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2007 (pp. 359–368). Springer LNCS.
- Integration of Text and Audio Features for Genre Classification in Music Information Retrieval / Neumayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2007). Integration of Text and Audio Features for Genre Classification in Music Information Retrieval. In Advances in Information Retrieval (pp. 724–727). Springer.
- Providing Universal Accessibility Using Connecting Ontologies: A Holistic Approach / Tjoa, A. M., Latif, K., & Karim, S. (2007). Providing Universal Accessibility Using Connecting Ontologies: A Holistic Approach. In Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services (pp. 637–646). Springer.
- Evaluation of content-based image descriptors by statistical methods / Eidenberger, H. (2007). Evaluation of content-based image descriptors by statistical methods. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 5(3), 241–258.
- Monitoring "Health" Status of Open Source Web Engineering Projects / Wahyudin, D., Mustofa, K., Schatten, A., Tjoa, A. M., & Biffl, S. (2007). Monitoring “Health” Status of Open Source Web Engineering Projects. International Journal of Web Information Systems, 3(1/2), 116–139.
- Ontology-Based Constuction of Grid Data Mining Workflows / Tjoa, A. M., Janciak, I., & Brezany, P. (2007). Ontology-Based Constuction of Grid Data Mining Workflows. In Data Minig with Ontologies (pp. 182–210). Information Science Reference.
- OLAP of the Future / Tjoa, A. M., Rauber, A., Tomsich, P., & Wagner, R. (2007). OLAP of the Future. In Informationssysteme: Daten-Information-Wissen (pp. 153–166). Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
- Semantics in Content-based Multimedia Retrieval / Eidenberger, H., & Zaharieva, M. (2007). Semantics in Content-based Multimedia Retrieval. In Multimedia Semantics - The Role of Metadata (pp. 151–174). Springer.
- DelosDLMS - The Integrated DELOS Digital Library Management System / Agosti, M., Berretti, S., Brettlecker, G., del Bimbo, A., Ferro, N., Fuhr, N., Keim, D., Klas, C.-P., Lidy, T., Milano, D., Norrie, M., Ranaldi, P., Rauber, A., Schek, H.-J., Schreck, T., Schuldt, H., Signer, B., & Springmann, M. (2007). DelosDLMS - The Integrated DELOS Digital Library Management System. In C. Thanos, F. Borri, & L. Candela (Eds.), Digital Libraries: Research and Development (pp. 36–45). Springer-Verlag.
- Database Security and Statistical Database Security / Weippl, E. (2007). Database Security and Statistical Database Security. In J. Wang (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining. Idea Group Publishing.
- Social Engineering / Klemen, M., & Weippl, E. (2007). Social Engineering. In The Handbook of Computer Networks. John Wiley and Sons.
- Business Requirements of Backup Systems / Klemen, M., Neubauer, T., & Weippl, E. (2007). Business Requirements of Backup Systems. In The Handbook of Computer Networks. John Wiley and Sons.
- DelosDLMS - the Integrated DELOS Digital Library Management System / Agosti, M., Berretti, S., Brettlecker, G., Del Bimbo, A., Ferro, N., Fuhr, N., Keim, D., Klas, C.-P., Lidy, T., Milano, D., Norrie, M., Ranaldi, P., Rauber, A., Schek, H.-J., Schreck, T., Schuldt, H., Signer, B., & Springmann, M. (2007). DelosDLMS - the Integrated DELOS Digital Library Management System. In DELOS Conference on Digital Libraries 2007 (pp. 71–80).
Evaluating Preservation Strategies for Electronic Theses and Dissertation
Strodl, S., Becker, C., Neumayer, R., Rauber, A., Bettelli, E. N., Kaiser, M., Hofman, H., Neuroth, H., Strathmann, S., Debole, F., & Amato, G. (2007). Evaluating Preservation Strategies for Electronic Theses and Dissertation. In DELOS Conference 2007 (pp. 297–305). ALI s.a.s.
Projects: Delos (2004–2007) / PLANETS (2006–2011) - Concepts and models for typing events for event-based systems / Rozsnyai, S., Schiefer, J., & Schatten, A. (2007). Concepts and models for typing events for event-based systems. In Proceedings of the 2007 inaugural international conference on Distributed event-based systems - DEBS ’07. International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS), Toronto, Non-EU.
- Event Cloud - Searching for Correlated Business Events / Rozsnyai, S., Vecera, R., Schiefer, J., & Schatten, A. (2007). Event Cloud - Searching for Correlated Business Events. In The 9th IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology and The 4th IEEE International Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (CEC-EEE 2007). International Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (EEE ’ 07), Tokyo, Japan, Non-EU.
- Ontological Mapping of Common Criteria's Security Assurance Requirements / Ekelhart, A., Fenz, S., Goluch, G., & Weippl, E. (2007). Ontological Mapping of Common Criteria’s Security Assurance Requirements. In Proceedings of the IFIP TC 11 22nd International Information Security Conference, IFIPSEC2007 (pp. 85–95).
- Architectural approach for handling semi-structured data in an user-centered working environment / Ekelhart, A., Fenz, S., Goluch, G., Klemen, M., & Weippl, E. (2007). Architectural approach for handling semi-structured data in an user-centered working environment. International Journal of Web Information Systems (IJWIS), 3(3), 198–211.
Information Security Fortification by Ontological Mapping of the ISO/IEC 27001 Standard
Fenz, S., Goluch, G., Ekelhar, A., Riedl, B., & Weippl, E. (2007). Information Security Fortification by Ontological Mapping of the ISO/IEC 27001 Standard. In 13th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2007). 13th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 07), Melbourne, Australia, Non-EU. Springer.
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) - Comparative Literature Review on RFID Security and Privacy / Riedl, B., Goluch, G., Pöchlinger, S., & Weippl, E. (2007). Comparative Literature Review on RFID Security and Privacy. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS 2007). 9th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2007), Jarkata, Indonesien, Non-EU. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
- A secure architecture for the pseudonymization of medical data / Riedl, B., Neubauer, T., Goluch, G., Böhm, O., Reinauer, G., & Krumböck, A. (2007). A secure architecture for the pseudonymization of medical data. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES’07) (pp. 318–324).
- A research agenda for Autonomous Business Process Management / Neubauer, T., Goluch, G., & Riedl, B. (2007). A research agenda for Autonomous Business Process Management. In The Second International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES’07). Second International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2007), Wien, Österreich, Austria.
- CASSIS - Computer-based Academy for Security and Safety in Information Systems / Goluch, G., Ekelhart, A., Fenz, S., Jakoubi, S., Riedl, B., & Tjoa, S. (2007). CASSIS - Computer-based Academy for Security and Safety in Information Systems. In Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES2007 (pp. 730–740).
- Pseudonymisierung zur sicheren Umsetzung des elektronischen Gesundheitsakts / Neubauer, T., Riedl, B., & Mück, T. (2007). Pseudonymisierung zur sicheren Umsetzung des elektronischen Gesundheitsakts. OCG Journal, 4, 2.
- Shaping 3D Multimedia Environments: The Media Square / Dittenbach, M., Berger, H., Genswaider, R., Pesenhofer, A., Rauber, A., Lidy, T., & Merkl, W. (2007). Shaping 3D Multimedia Environments: The Media Square. In Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (p. 4).
- Automatic Chord Detection Incorporating Beat and Key Detection / Zenz, V., & Rauber, A. (2007). Automatic Chord Detection Incorporating Beat and Key Detection. In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (ICSPC 2007). The 2007 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (ICSPC 2007), Dubai, UAE, Non-EU. IEEE.
- Towards Integrated Authoring, Annotation, Retrieval, Adaptation, Personalization and Delivery of Multimedia Content / Eidenberger, H., Boll, S., Christodoulakis, S., Divotkey, D., Leopold, K., Martin, A., Perego, A., Scherp, A., & Tsinaraki, C. (2007). Towards Integrated Authoring, Annotation, Retrieval, Adaptation, Personalization and Delivery of Multimedia Content. In Proceedings of DELOS Conference 2007. DELOS Conference 2007, Pisa, Italy, EU.
- Value-Based Requirements Traceability: Lessons Learned / Egyed, A., Grünbacher, P., & Biffl, S. (2007). Value-Based Requirements Traceability: Lessons Learned. In RE’07: 15th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (pp. 266–274). IEEE.
Preserving Interactive Multimedia Art: A Case Study in Preservation Planning
Becker, C., Kolar, G., Küng, J., & Rauber, A. (2007). Preserving Interactive Multimedia Art: A Case Study in Preservation Planning. In D. H.-L. Goh, T. H. Cao, I. T. Sølvberg, & E. Rasmussen (Eds.), Asian Digital Libraries: Looking Back 10 Years and Forging New Frontiers (pp. 257–266). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Project: PLANETS (2006–2011) - Instant Collaboration: Developing a Framework to Support new Patterns of Team-Cooperation / Schatten, A., Epheser, M., & Pölz, D. (2007). Instant Collaboration: Developing a Framework to Support new Patterns of Team-Cooperation. In J. Filipe & J. Cordeiro (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST); (pp. 21–28). INSTICC Press.
Evaluating an InfoVis Technique Using Insight Reports
Rester, M., Pohl, M., Wiltner, S., Hinum, K., Miksch, S., Popow, C., & Ohmann, S. (2007). Evaluating an InfoVis Technique Using Insight Reports. In 2007 11th International Conference Information Visualization (IV ’07). Information Visualization, 11th International Conference Information Visualization, IV2007, Zürich, Switzerland, Non-EU. IEEE Computer Society.
Project: IN2VIS (mit 188) (2004–2007) -
Mixing Evaluation Methods for Assessing the Utility of an Interactive InfoVis Technique
Rester, M., Pohl, M., Wiltner, S., Hinum, K., Miksch, S., Popow, C., & Ohmann, S. (2007). Mixing Evaluation Methods for Assessing the Utility of an Interactive InfoVis Technique. In J. A. Jacko (Ed.), Human-Computer Interaction -- Proc. 12th Intl. HCI Conf. (HCII) (pp. 604–613). Springer.
Project: IN2VIS (mit 188) (2004–2007) -
How can Information Extraction ease formalizing treatment processes in clinical practice guidelines? A method and its evaluation
Kaiser, K., Akkaya, C., & Miksch, S. (2007). How can Information Extraction ease formalizing treatment processes in clinical practice guidelines? A method and its evaluation. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 39(2), 151–163.
Project: EviX (2006–2009) - Towards an Ontology-based Risk Assessment in Collaborative Environment Using the SemanticLIFE / Anjomshoaa, A., Nguyen, M. T., Tjoa, A. M., & Ahmed, M. (2007). Towards an Ontology-based Risk Assessment in Collaborative Environment Using the SemanticLIFE. In The Second International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (pp. 400–407). IEEE Computer Society.
- User Data Privacy in Web Services Context Using Semantic Desktop - SemanticLIFE Case Study / Tjoa, A. M., Ahmed, M., & Anjomshoaa, A. (2007). User Data Privacy in Web Services Context Using Semantic Desktop - SemanticLIFE Case Study. In Proceedings of The 9th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services (iiWAS2007). 9th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2007), Jarkata, Indonesien, Non-EU.
A Meta Schema for Evidence Information in Clinical Practice Guidelines as a Basis for Decision-Making
Kaiser, K., Miksch, S., Martini, P., & Öztürk, A. (2007). A Meta Schema for Evidence Information in Clinical Practice Guidelines as a Basis for Decision-Making. In K. A. Kuhn, J. R. Warren, & T. Y. Leong (Eds.), 12th World Congress on Health (Medical) Informatics (Medinfo’2007) (pp. 925–929). IOS Press.
Project: EviX (2006–2009) -
Embedding the Evidence Information in Guideline Representation Languages
Öztürk, A., Kaiser, K., Martini, P., & Miksch, S. (2007). Embedding the Evidence Information in Guideline Representation Languages. In P. Kokol, V. Podgorelec, D. Micetic-Turk, M. Zorman, & M. Verlic (Eds.), Twentieth IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS’07) (pp. 512–517). IEEE Computer Society.
Project: EviX (2006–2009) - Maintaining Formal Models of Living Guidelines Efficiently / Seyfang, A., Martinez-Salvador, B., Serban, R., Wittenberg, J., Miksch, S., Marcos, M., ten Teije, A., & Rosenbrand, K. (2007). Maintaining Formal Models of Living Guidelines Efficiently. In R. Bellazzi, A. Abu-Hanna, & J. Hunter (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (pp. 441–446). Springer.
A UML Profile for Modeling Data Warehouse Usage
Stefanov, V., & List, B. (2007). A UML Profile for Modeling Data Warehouse Usage. In J.-L. Hainaut, E. Rundensteiner, M. Kirchberg, M. Bertolotto, M. Brochhausen, Y.-P. P. Chen, S. Si-Said Cherfi, M. Doerr, H. Han, S. Hartmann, J. Parsons, G. Poels, C. Rolland, J. Trujillo, E. Yu, & E. Zimányi (Eds.), Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Foundations and Applications ER 2007 Workshops CMLSA, FP-UML, ONISW, QoIS, RIGiM, SeCoGIS Auckland, New Zealand, November 5-9, 2007 Proceedings (pp. 137–147). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Project: WIT (2003–2007) - Dependability in e-assessment / Weippl, E. (2007). Dependability in e-assessment. International Journal on E-Learning: Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education, 6(2), 293–302.
- Bericht von der Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME) 2007 / Seyfang, A. (2007). Bericht von der Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME) 2007. ÖGAI Journal, 26(4), 24–26.
- Ende des Winterschlafs; Persistenz: O/R Mapper und Alternativen / Schatten, A. (2007). Ende des Winterschlafs; Persistenz: O/R Mapper und Alternativen. IX : Magazin Für Professionelle Informationstechnik, 2007(8), 110–112.
- Ungeplante Wege: IT Architekturen: Ereignisbasierte Systeme verbessern SOA / Schatten, A., & Schiefer, J. (2007). Ungeplante Wege: IT Architekturen: Ereignisbasierte Systeme verbessern SOA. IX : Magazin Für Professionelle Informationstechnik, 2007(7), 122–125.
- Handy sapiens / Eidenberger, H. (2007). Handy sapiens. IX : Magazin Für Professionelle Informationstechnik, 2007(2), 95–99.
- An Integrated Approach to Organizational Data Interoperability / Sampson, J., Veres, C., & Lanzenberger, M. (2007). An Integrated Approach to Organizational Data Interoperability. In Enterprise Interoperability, New Challenges and Approaches (pp. 387–396). Springer.
- Auditable WSBPEL: Probing and Monitoring of Business Processes with Web Services / Schiefer, J., Roth, H., & Schatten, A. (2007). Auditable WSBPEL: Probing and Monitoring of Business Processes with Web Services. International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, 2(1), 60.
- ZELESSA: an enabler for real-time sensing, analysing and acting on continuaous event streams / Tjoa, A. M., Nguyen, M. T., & Schiefer, J. (2007). ZELESSA: an enabler for real-time sensing, analysing and acting on continuaous event streams. International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, 2(1), 105.
- Human-Mediated Visual Ontology Alignment / Lanzenberger, M., & Sampson, J. (2007). Human-Mediated Visual Ontology Alignment. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 394–403.
- Supporting Information Management in Digital Libraries with Map-based Interfaces / Mayer, R., Roiger, A., & Rauber, A. (2007). Supporting Information Management in Digital Libraries with Map-based Interfaces. In Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (pp. 475–480). Springer LNCS.
- Agile Business Process Management with Sense and Respond / Schatten, A., & Schiefer, J. (2007). Agile Business Process Management with Sense and Respond. In IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE’07) (pp. 319–322). IEEE.
- Value-Based Software Process / Heindl, M., & Biffl, S. (2007). Value-Based Software Process. VASPO project workshop “Value-Based Software Project Improvement,” TU Helsinki, Finland, EU.
- Forschung und Praxis der Informationssicherheit / Weippl, E. (2007). Forschung und Praxis der Informationssicherheit. University meets Public, Vienna, Austria.
Security Ontologies: Improving Quantitative Risk Analysis
Fenz, S., Ekelhart, A., Klemen, M., & Weippl, E. (2007). Security Ontologies: Improving Quantitative Risk Analysis. In HICSS 2007 (pp. 156–162).
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) -
Towards a Data Warehouse Based Approach to Support Healthcare Knowledge Development and Sharing
Stolba, N., Nguyen, M. T., & Tjoa, A. M. (2007). Towards a Data Warehouse Based Approach to Support Healthcare Knowledge Development and Sharing. In IRMA 2007 Proceedings. IRMA 2007, Vancouver, Canada, Non-EU. IRMA Press.
Project: WIT (2003–2007) - Extending Business Process Management to Determine Efficient IT Investments / Neubauer, T., & Stummer, C. (2007). Extending Business Process Management to Determine Efficient IT Investments. In Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (pp. 1250–1256).
- Interactive Decision Support for multiobjective COTS Selection / Neubauer, T., & Stummer, C. (2007). Interactive Decision Support for multiobjective COTS Selection. In Proceedings of the 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (p. 283).
- Interaktive Entscheidungsunterstützung für die Auswahl von Software-Komponenten bei mehrfachen Zielsetzungen / Neubauer, T., & Stummer, C. (2007). Interaktive Entscheidungsunterstützung für die Auswahl von Software-Komponenten bei mehrfachen Zielsetzungen. In Tagunsgsband Wirtschaftsinformatik (pp. 255–269).
- Multiobjective Decision Support for defining Secure Business Processes / Neubauer, T., & Heurix, J. (2007). Multiobjective Decision Support for defining Secure Business Processes. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications Services (pp. 477–482).
- Formal Threat Descriptions for Enhancing Governmental Risk Assessment / Ekelhart, A., Fenz, S., Neubauer, T., & Weippl, E. (2007). Formal Threat Descriptions for Enhancing Governmental Risk Assessment. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Theory and Practice of Eletronic Governance (ICEGOV2007) (pp. 40–43). ACM Press.
- A Model-Driven Architecture Approach Using Explicit Stakeholder Quality Requirement Models for Building Dependable Information Systems / Biffl, S., Mordinyi, R., & Schatten, A. (2007). A Model-Driven Architecture Approach Using Explicit Stakeholder Quality Requirement Models for Building Dependable Information Systems. In Fifth International Workshop on Software Quality (WoSQ’07: ICSE Workshops 2007). Workshop on Software Quality, St. Louis, Missouri, Non-EU. IEEE Computer Society.
Security Issues for the Use of Semantic Web in E-Commerce
Ekelhart, A., Fenz, S., Tjoa, A. M., & Weippl, E. R. (2007). Security Issues for the Use of Semantic Web in E-Commerce. In Business Information Systems (pp. 1–13). Springer.
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) - In-time role-specific notification as formal means to balance agile practices in global software development settings / Wahyudin, D., Heindl, M., Eckhard, B., Schatten, A., & Biffl, S. (2007). In-time role-specific notification as formal means to balance agile practices in global software development settings. In Proceeding of CEE-SET 2007 (pp. 197–211). Springer Lecture Note on Computer Sciences.
- A Framework to Balance Tracing Agility and Formalism / Heindl, M., & Biffl, S. (2007). A Framework to Balance Tracing Agility and Formalism. In Proceeding of CEE-SET 2007 (pp. 259–270). Springer.
- Requirements Management Infrastructures in Global Software Development - Towards Application Lifecycle Management with Role-based In-time Notification / Heindl, M., Reinisch, F., & Biffl, S. (2007). Requirements Management Infrastructures in Global Software Development - Towards Application Lifecycle Management with Role-based In-time Notification. In International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE), Workshop on Tool-Supported Requirements Management in Distributed Projects (REMIDI). International Conference of Global Software Engineering (ICGSE), Munich, EU. REMIDI, ICGSE.
- In-Time Project Status Notification for All Team Members in Global Software Development as Part of Their work environments / Wahyudin, D., Heindl, M., Biffl, S., Schatten, A., & Berger, R. (2007). In-Time Project Status Notification for All Team Members in Global Software Development as Part of Their work environments. In Proceeding of SOFPIT Workshop 2007 (pp. 20–25). SOFPIT/ICGSE.
- Early Software Product Improvement with Sequential Inspection Sessions: An Empirical Investigation of Inspector Capability and Learning Effects / Winkler, D., Thurnher, B., & Biffl, S. (2007). Early Software Product Improvement with Sequential Inspection Sessions: An Empirical Investigation of Inspector Capability and Learning Effects. In 33rd Euromicro SEAA (pp. 245–254). IEEE.
- Aspects of Software Quality Assurance in Open Source Software Projects: Two Case Studies from Apache Projects / Wahyudin, D., Schatten, A., Biffl, S., & Winkler, D. (2007). Aspects of Software Quality Assurance in Open Source Software Projects: Two Case Studies from Apache Projects. In 33 rd Euromicro SEAA 2007 (pp. 229–236). IEEE.
- Simulating Business Process Scenarios for Event-Based Systems / Schiefer, J., Roth, H., Suntinger, M., & Schatten, A. (2007). Simulating Business Process Scenarios for Event-Based Systems. In Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) (pp. 1729–1740). University of St. Gallen.
- A Near-Real-Time Behaviour Control Framework / Preindl, B., & Schatten, A. (2007). A Near-Real-Time Behaviour Control Framework. In The Second International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES’07). Second International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2007), Wien, Österreich, Austria. IEEE.
- MIREX 2007: Combining Audio And Symbolic Descriptors For Music Classification From Audio / Lidy, T., Rauber, A., Pertusa, A., & Iñesta, J. M. (2007). MIREX 2007: Combining Audio And Symbolic Descriptors For Music Classification From Audio. In MIREX 2007 (p. 4).
- Improving Genre Classification by Combination of Audio and Symbolic Descriptors Using a Transcription System / Lidy, T., Rauber, A., Pertusa, A., & Iñesta, J. M. (2007). Improving Genre Classification by Combination of Audio and Symbolic Descriptors Using a Transcription System. In S. Dixon, D. Bainbridge, & R. Typke (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (pp. 61–66). Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
- Decision Manifolds: Classification Inspired by Self-Organization / Pölzlbauer, G., Lidy, T., & Rauber, A. (2007). Decision Manifolds: Classification Inspired by Self-Organization. In H. Ritter & R. Haschke (Eds.), 6th International Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (p. 8).
- Supporting Information Management in Digital Libraries with Map-based Interfaces / Mayer, R., Roiger, A., & Rauber, A. (2007). Supporting Information Management in Digital Libraries with Map-based Interfaces. In Y. Badr, R. Chbeir, & P. Pichappan (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2007) (pp. 55–60). IEEE.
- A UML 2 Profile for Variability Models and their Dependency to Business Processes / Korherr, B., & List, B. (2007). A UML 2 Profile for Variability Models and their Dependency to Business Processes. In A. M. Tjoa (Ed.), Database and Expert Systems Applications (pp. 829–835). Computer Society IEEE.
Bridging the gap between narrative text guideline and its computer-interpretable version: taking into consideration and supporting the user perspective
Martini, P. (2007). Bridging the gap between narrative text guideline and its computer-interpretable version: taking into consideration and supporting the user perspective. In J. Hunter (Ed.), Doctoral Consortium at AIME 2007.
Project: EviX (2006–2009) - ontoX - A Method for Ontology-Driven Information Extraction / Yildiz, B., & Miksch, S. (2007). ontoX - A Method for Ontology-Driven Information Extraction. In O. Gervasi & M. L. Gavrilova (Eds.), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2007 (pp. 660–673). Springer-Verlag, LNCS 4707.
- User and Context Modeling in SemanticLife System / Khusro, S., Anjomshoaa, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2007). User and Context Modeling in SemanticLife System. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information Processing (pp. 144–153). I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
- Browsing and Visualization of Semantic Web Content - From Web to the Desktop / Khusro, S., Anjomshoaa, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2007). Browsing and Visualization of Semantic Web Content - From Web to the Desktop. In Knowledge Management: Innovations, Technology and Culture (pp. 27–36). World Scientific.
How to choose a digital preservation strategy
Strodl, S., Becker, C., Neumayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2007). How to choose a digital preservation strategy. In Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Digital libraries - JCDL ’07. ACM IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2007, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Non-EU. ACM.
Project: PLANETS (2006–2011) - Bringing mobile based map access to digital audio to the end user / Neumayer, R., Frank, J., Hlavac, P., Lidy, T., & Rauber, A. (2007). Bringing mobile based map access to digital audio to the end user. In ICIAP 2007 Workshops (pp. 9–14). IEEE.
- Component selection for the metro visualisation of the SOM / Neumayer, R., Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2007). Component selection for the metro visualisation of the SOM. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM’07) (p. 6).
- The metro visualisation of component planes for self-organising maps / Neumayer, R., Mayer, R., Pölzlbauer, G., & Rauber, A. (2007). The metro visualisation of component planes for self-organising maps. In Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN’07) (p. 6).
- Event-Based Monitoring of Open Source Software Projects / Tjoa, A. M., & Wahyudin, D. (2007). Event-Based Monitoring of Open Source Software Projects. In The Second International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (pp. 1108–1115). IEEE Computer Society.
- Automating the Schema Matching Process for Heterogeneous Data Warehouses / Tjoa, A. M., Banek, M., Vrdoljak, B., & Skočir, Z. (2007). Automating the Schema Matching Process for Heterogeneous Data Warehouses. In Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (pp. 45–54). Springer.
- Multi-modal music information retrieval - visualisation and evaluation of clusterings by both audio and lyrics / Neumayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2007). Multi-modal music information retrieval - visualisation and evaluation of clusterings by both audio and lyrics. In Proceedings of the 8th Conference Recherche d’Information Assistée par Ordinateur (RIAO’07) (p. 20).
Towards sustainable decision-support system facilitating EBM
Stolba, N., Nguyen, M. T., & Tjoa, A. M. (2007). Towards sustainable decision-support system facilitating EBM. In Sciences and Technologies for Health (pp. 4355–4358).
Project: WIT (2003–2007) - Sky-Metaphor Visualisation for Self-Organising Maps / Latif, K., & Mayer, R. (2007). Sky-Metaphor Visualisation for Self-Organising Maps. In Journal of Universal Computer Science (Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management) (pp. 400–407).
- Logo-Like Learning of Basic Concepts of Algorithms - Having Fun with Algorithms / Futschek, G. (2007). Logo-Like Learning of Basic Concepts of Algorithms - Having Fun with Algorithms. In Proceedings of the 11th European Logo Conference, Eurologo 2007 - 40 Years of Influence on Education (p. 6).
A UML Profile for Representing Business Object States in a Data Warehouse
Stefanov, V., & List, B. (2007). A UML Profile for Representing Business Object States in a Data Warehouse. In I.-Y. Song, J. Eder, & M. T. Nguyen (Eds.), Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (pp. 209–220). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Project: WIT (2003–2007) -
Explaining Data Warehouse Data to Business Users - A Model-Based Approach to Business Metadata
Stefanov, V., & List, B. (2007). Explaining Data Warehouse Data to Business Users - A Model-Based Approach to Business Metadata. In Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2007) (p. 12). Institute of Information Management, University of St. Gallen.
Project: WIT (2003–2007) - Question Driven Semantics Interpretation for Collaborative Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Reuse / Weippl, E., Latif, K., & Tjoa, A. M. (2007). Question Driven Semantics Interpretation for Collaborative Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Reuse. In IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (pp. 170–176).
Security Ontologies: How to Improve Understanding of Complex Relationships
Weippl, E., Fenz, S., & Ekelhart, A. (2007). Security Ontologies: How to Improve Understanding of Complex Relationships. In Ed Media 2007 (pp. 404–407).
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) -
Ontology-Driven Information Systems: Challenges and Requirements
Yildiz, B., & Miksch, S. (2007). Ontology-Driven Information Systems: Challenges and Requirements. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Semantic Web and Digital Libraries (ICSD-2007) (p. 11).
Project: EviX (2006–2009) -
Motivating Ontology-Driven Information Extraction
Yildiz, B., & Miksch, S. (2007). Motivating Ontology-Driven Information Extraction. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Semantic Web and Digital Libraries (ICSD-2007) (p. 11).
Project: EviX (2006–2009) - Die offene Wissensgesellschaft und ihre Feinde / Schatten, A. (2007). Die offene Wissensgesellschaft und ihre Feinde. In S. Gögele (Ed.), Open Source - Ready for Business (pp. 11–46). Leykam.
Security Aspects In Semantic Web Services Filtering
Abramowicz, W., Ekelhart, A., Fenz, S., Kaczmarek, M., Tjoa, A. M., Weippl, E., & Zyskowski, D. (2007). Security Aspects In Semantic Web Services Filtering. In Proceedings of The 9th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services (iiWAS2007) (pp. 21–31).
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) - An approach for testing the usability of UML tools / Auer, M., Meyer, L., & Biffl, S. (2007). An approach for testing the usability of UML tools (TU:IFS:QSE 07-001).
- International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2007 / Tjoa, A. M., & Wagner, R. (Eds.). (2007). International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2007. IEEE Computer Society.
- CISIS The First International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems / Tjoa, A. M. (Ed.). (2007). CISIS The First International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems. IEEE Computer Society.
- The Grid: vision, technology development and applications / Brezany, P., Wöhrer, A., & Tjoa, A. M. (2006). The Grid: vision, technology development and applications. Elektrotechnik Und Informationstechnik : E & i, 123(6), 251–258.
- A Family of Experiments to Investigate the Effects of Groupware for Software Inspection / Biffl, S., Grünbacher, P., & Halling, M. (2006). A Family of Experiments to Investigate the Effects of Groupware for Software Inspection. Automated Software Engineering, 13(3), 373–394.
Integrating different grain levels in a medical data warehouse federation
Banek, M., Tjoa, A. M., & Stolba, N. (2006). Integrating different grain levels in a medical data warehouse federation. In Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (pp. 185–194). Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
Project: WIT (2003–2007) - Improving medical protocols by formal methods / ten Teije, A., Marcos, M., Balser, M., van Croonenborg, J., Duelli, C., van Harmelen, F., Lucas, P., Miksch, S., Reif, W., Rosenbrand, K., & Seyfang, A. (2006). Improving medical protocols by formal methods. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 36(3), 193–209.
- Evaluation and Analysis of Similarity Measures for Content-based Visual Information Retrieval / Eidenberger, H. (2006). Evaluation and Analysis of Similarity Measures for Content-based Visual Information Retrieval. Multimedia Systems, 3.
- Testing Complex Business Process Solutions / Saurer, G., Schiefer, J., & Schatten, A. (2006). Testing Complex Business Process Solutions. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (AReS). ARES 2006 Proceedings, Wien, Austria.
- Improving the Execution of Clinical Guidelines and Temporal Data Abstraction in High-Frequency Domains / Votruba, P., Seyfang, A., Paesold, M., & Miksch, S. (2006). Improving the Execution of Clinical Guidelines and Temporal Data Abstraction in High-Frequency Domains. In A. ten Teije, S. Miksch, & P. Lucas (Eds.), AI Techniques in Healthcare: Evidence-based Guidelines and Protocols (pp. 112–116). European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence.
- Workshop-based multiobjective security safeguard selection / Neubauer, T., Stummer, C., & Weippl, E. (2006). Workshop-based multiobjective security safeguard selection. In First International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES’06). First International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES’06) 2006, Vienna, Austria. IEEE Computer Society.
- Digital Signatures with Familiar Appearance for e-Government Documents: Authentic PDF / Neubauer, T., Weippl, E., & Biffl, S. (2006). Digital Signatures with Familiar Appearance for e-Government Documents: Authentic PDF. In First International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES’06) (pp. 723–731). IEEE Computer Society.
The Security Issue of Federated Data Warehouses in the Area of Evidence-Based Medicine
Stolba, N., Banek, M., & Tjoa, A. M. (2006). The Security Issue of Federated Data Warehouses in the Area of Evidence-Based Medicine. In ARES 2006 Proceedings. First International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES’06) 2006, Vienna, Austria. IEEE Computer Society Press.
Project: WIT (2003–2007) - Building Ontology-Based Annotations for Personal Information Management Systems - The SemanticLIFE Design and Implementation Case / Mustofa, K., & Tjoa, A. M. (2006). Building Ontology-Based Annotations for Personal Information Management Systems - The SemanticLIFE Design and Implementation Case. In International Conference on Computing and Informatics (ICOCI) (p. 6).
- Semantic Enrichment of Search Result: the Coupling of Semantic Store and Google Services / Mustofa, K., Tjoa, A. M., & Anjomshoaa, A. (2006). Semantic Enrichment of Search Result: the Coupling of Semantic Store and Google Services. In International Conference on Information Integration and Web Based Applications & Services. iiWAS2006 - The 8th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services, Yogyjakarta, Indonesia, Non-EU.
An Approach for a Personal Information Management System for Photos of a Lifetime by Exploiting Semantics
Latif, K., Mustofa, K., & Tjoa, A. M. (2006). An Approach for a Personal Information Management System for Photos of a Lifetime by Exploiting Semantics. In Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), vol. 4080 of LNCS (pp. 467–477).
Project: DynamOnt (2005–2007) - Introducing "Health" Perspective in Open Source Web-Engineering Software Projects, Based on Project Data Analysis / Schatten, A., Mustofa, K., Biffl, S., Tjoa, A. M., & Wahyudin, D. (2006). Introducing “Health” Perspective in Open Source Web-Engineering Software Projects, Based on Project Data Analysis. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Integration, Web-Applications and Services. IIWAS International Conference on Information Integration, Web-Applications and Services, Yogyakarta Indonesien, Non-EU. Austrian Computer Society.
- Interactive, Task-Oriented Visualizations to Explore Decay Chain Calculation / Eller, M., Miksch, S., & Lettry, J. (2006). Interactive, Task-Oriented Visualizations to Explore Decay Chain Calculation. In International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV 06) (pp. 95–100). IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Stakeholder-Orientierung beim Einsatz von Vorgehensmodellen / Tjoa, A. M., Biffl, S., Grünbacher, P., & Höhn, R. (2006). Stakeholder-Orientierung beim Einsatz von Vorgehensmodellen. In Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von o.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard Chroust (pp. 141–148). OCG Schriftenreihe, Österreichische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mustererkennung.
- Securing Mobile Communication: RADIUS in a Windows Environment / Weippl, E. (2006). Securing Mobile Communication: RADIUS in a Windows Environment. In Mobile Multimedia: Communication Engineering Perspective (pp. 22–37). Nova Science Publishers.
- Implementing IT Security for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises / Weippl, E., & Klemen, M. (2006). Implementing IT Security for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. In Enterprise Information Systems Assurance and System Managerial and Technical Issues. Idea Group Publishing.
- Computer Security in the Context of E-Learning / Weippl, E. (2006). Computer Security in the Context of E-Learning. In Encyclopedia of E-Commerce, E-Government and Mobile Commerce (pp. 135–141). Idea Group Publishing.
- Mining Web Collections / Aschenbrenner, A., & Rauber, A. (2006). Mining Web Collections. In Web Archiving (pp. 153–176). Springer.
- Approaching Computer Science - an Austrian Case Study / Pohl, M., & Lanzenberger, M. (2006). Approaching Computer Science - an Austrian Case Study. In E. Trauth (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Gender and Information Technology (pp. 970–975). Idea Group Publishing.
- Security and Trust in Mobile Multimedia / Weippl, E. (2006). Security and Trust in Mobile Multimedia. In Handbook of Research on Mobile Multimedia (pp. 22–37). Idea Group Publishing.
- Utilising Web Service Based Business Processes Automation by Semantic Personal Information Management Systems - The SemanticLife Case / Nguyen, M. T., Tjoa, A. M., Anjomshoaa, A., & Shayeganfar, F. (2006). Utilising Web Service Based Business Processes Automation by Semantic Personal Information Management Systems - The SemanticLife Case. In 6th International Conference Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management (PAKM2006) (pp. 1–10). Springer LNCS.
- Environment-Driven Skeletal Plan Execution for the Medical Domain / Votruba, P., Seyfang, A., Paesold, M., & Miksch, S. (2006). Environment-Driven Skeletal Plan Execution for the Medical Domain. In G. Brewka, S. Coradeschi, A. Perini, & P. Traverso (Eds.), 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 847–848). IOS Press.
- Un metodo basato su DSP per l'enhancement dei transienti nella musica registrata (A DSP-based method for transient restoration of recorded music) / Magrini, M., Giunti, T., Bertini, G., Rauber, A., & Lidy, T. (2006). Un metodo basato su DSP per l’enhancement dei transienti nella musica registrata (A DSP-based method for transient restoration of recorded music). In DSP Application Day 2006 (p. 12).
- An Empirical Study on Design Quality Improvement from Best-Practice Inspection and Pair Programming / Winkler, D., & Biffl, S. (2006). An Empirical Study on Design Quality Improvement from Best-Practice Inspection and Pair Programming. In 7th International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement (Profes) (pp. 319–333). Springer.
- Bridging the Gap between Informal and Formal Guideline Representations / Seyfang, A., Miksch, S., Marcos, M., Wittenberg, J., Polo-Conde, C., & Rosenbrand, K. (2006). Bridging the Gap between Informal and Formal Guideline Representations. In G. Brewka, S. Coradeschi, A. Perini, & P. Traverso (Eds.), 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 447–451). IOS Press.
- Nichtabstreitbarkeit und Audits in ELearning / Weippl, E., & Goluch, G. (2006). Nichtabstreitbarkeit und Audits in ELearning. In IRIS 2006. IRIS, Salzburg, Austria, Austria.
- An Empirical Study On Integrating Analytical Quality Assurance Into Pair Programming / Winkler, D., Varvaroi, R., Goluch, G., & Biffl, S. (2006). An Empirical Study On Integrating Analytical Quality Assurance Into Pair Programming. In 5th ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering (pp. 21–23). ACM Press.
- Social Rewarding in Wiki Systems - Motivating the Community / Hoisl, B., Aigner, W., & Miksch, S. (2006). Social Rewarding in Wiki Systems - Motivating the Community. Wikiposium 2006, Wien, Austria.
- KonsumentInnen als ProduzentInnen - Partizipation als Erfolgsfaktor von Online Communities / Hoisl, B., & Aigner, W. (2006). KonsumentInnen als ProduzentInnen - Partizipation als Erfolgsfaktor von Online Communities. TimNews, 38(3), 5.
- Optimal Project Feature Weights in Analogy-Based Cost Estimation: Improvement and Limitations / Auer, M., Trendowicz, A., Graser, B., Biffl, S., & Haunschmid, E. (2006). Optimal Project Feature Weights in Analogy-Based Cost Estimation: Improvement and Limitations. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 32(2), 83–92.
- Dynamic XML Query Table Editor / Skritek, S., Aigner, W., & Miksch, S. (2006). Dynamic XML Query Table Editor (Asgaard-TR-2006-4).
- Advanced visualization of Self-Organizing Maps with vector fields / Pölzlbauer, G., Dittenbach, M., & Rauber, A. (2006). Advanced visualization of Self-Organizing Maps with vector fields. Neural Networks, 19(6–7), 911–922.
- Stakeholder-Orientierung beim Einsatz von Vorgehensmodellen / Grünbacher, P., Biffl, S., Höhn, R., & Tjoa, A. M. (Eds.). (2006). Stakeholder-Orientierung beim Einsatz von Vorgehensmodellen. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
- Web-based Multiple Choice Question Answering for English and Arabic Questions / Awadallah, R., & Rauber, A. (2006). Web-based Multiple Choice Question Answering for English and Arabic Questions. In Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2006) (pp. 515–518). Springer.
- Zum hohen Stellenwert einer Usability-Untersuchung in der Evaluierung einer interaktiven Informationsvisualisierung / Rester, M., Pohl, M., Banovic, S., Hinum, K., Miksch, S., Ohmann, S., & Popow, C. (2006). Zum hohen Stellenwert einer Usability-Untersuchung in der Evaluierung einer interaktiven Informationsvisualisierung. In Information nutzbar machen (pp. 143–147). Pabst Science Publishers.
Methods for the Evaluation of an Interactive InfoVis Tool Supporting Exploratory Reasoning Processes
Rester, M., Pohl, M., Hinum, K., Miksch, S., Popow, C., Ohmann, S., & Banovic, S. (2006). Methods for the Evaluation of an Interactive InfoVis Tool Supporting Exploratory Reasoning Processes. In E. Bertini, C. Plaisant, & G. Santucci (Eds.), Proceedings of BELIV’06 (pp. 32–37). ACM Press.
Project: IN2VIS (mit 188) (2004–2007) - Adding SOMLib capabilities to the Greenstone Digital Library System / Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2006). Adding SOMLib capabilities to the Greenstone Digital Library System. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries (pp. 486–489). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4312 - Proceedings of ICADL 2006.
The Virtual Query Language for Information Retrieval in the SemanticLIFE Framework
Hoang, H. H., & Tjoa, A. M. (2006). The Virtual Query Language for Information Retrieval in the SemanticLIFE Framework. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Web Information Systems Modeling (pp. 1065–1076).
Project: ÖNB -Semantic Web (2005–2006) -
Ontology-Based Business Knowledge for Simulating Threats to Corporate Assets
Tjoa, A. M., Weippl, E., Klemen, M., Ekelhart, A., & Fenz, S. (2006). Ontology-Based Business Knowledge for Simulating Threats to Corporate Assets. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management (pp. 37–48). Springer.
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) - Cocoon: mehr als Web Publishing / Schatten, A., & Pötz, R. (2006). Cocoon: mehr als Web Publishing. IX : Magazin Für Professionelle Informationstechnik, 2006(2), 148–150.
- Mein Wald. Apaches Forrest: mehr als ein Dokumentations-Framework / Schatten, A. (2006). Mein Wald. Apaches Forrest: mehr als ein Dokumentations-Framework. IX : Magazin Für Professionelle Informationstechnik, 2006(5), 146–149.
- Quaero (me) ante portas / Eidenberger, H. (2006). Quaero (me) ante portas. IX : Magazin Für Professionelle Informationstechnik, 2006(11), 118–122.
- The 7th European Research Framework / Eidenberger, H. (2006). The 7th European Research Framework. IX : Magazin Für Professionelle Informationstechnik, 2006(9), 114–117.
- D3G: Novel Approaches to Data Statistics, Understanding and Processing on the Grid / Tjoa, A. M., Wöhrer, A., & Brezany, P. (2006). D3G: Novel Approaches to Data Statistics, Understanding and Processing on the Grid. In Proc. AINA’06 (pp. 313–318). IEEE.
- Ontology-based Virtual Query System for the SemanticLIFE Digital Memory Project: Concepts, Designs and Implementation / Hoang, H. H., Tjoa, A. M., & Nguyen, M. T. (2006). Ontology-based Virtual Query System for the SemanticLIFE Digital Memory Project: Concepts, Designs and Implementation. In Addendum Contributions of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer Sciences (pp. 39–45). Studia Informatica Universalis.
The State of the Art of Ontology-based Query Systems: A Comparison of Existing Approaches
Hoang, H. H., & Tjoa, A. M. (2006). The State of the Art of Ontology-based Query Systems: A Comparison of Existing Approaches. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computing & Informatics (p. 06).
Project: ÖNB -Semantic Web (2005–2006) - Improving Scientific Conferences by enhancing Conference Management Systems with Information Mining Capabilities / Pesenhofer, A., Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2006). Improving Scientific Conferences by enhancing Conference Management Systems with Information Mining Capabilities. In P. Pichappan (Ed.), Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2006) (pp. 359–366). IEEE.
- Map of Mozart / Mayer, R., Lidy, T., & Rauber, A. (2006). Map of Mozart. OCG Journal, 2/2006(2), 12–13.
- Testing Event-Driven Business Processes / Saurer, G., Schiefer, J., & Schatten, A. (2006). Testing Event-Driven Business Processes. Journal of Computers, 1(7), 69–80.
- Visual Ontology Alignment for Semantic Web Applications / Sampson, J., & Lanzenberger, M. (2006). Visual Ontology Alignment for Semantic Web Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, BERLIN / HEIDELBERG(4231), 405–414.
- Java Objekte mit SQL verheiraten / Schatten, A. (2006). Java Objekte mit SQL verheiraten. Infoweek.Ch, 1(21), 48–49.
- Volltextsuche a la Lucene / Schatten, A. (2006). Volltextsuche a la Lucene. Infoweek.Ch, 1(1), 6–8.
- Apache Derby: Datenbank für alle Anwendungsfälle / Schatten, A. (2006). Apache Derby: Datenbank für alle Anwendungsfälle. Infoweek.Ch, 1(15), 43–46.
- Softwarebau mit Ant und Maven / Schatten, A. (2006). Softwarebau mit Ant und Maven. Infoweek.Ch, 1(12), 47–48.
- Apache: Mehr als ein Webserver / Schatten, A. (2006). Apache: Mehr als ein Webserver. Infoweek.Ch, 1(9), 51–53.
- Algorithmic Thinking: The Key for Understanding Computer Science / Futschek, G. (2006). Algorithmic Thinking: The Key for Understanding Computer Science. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4226, 159–168.
- Sarbanes-Oxley Act Compliance: Strategies for Implementing a Audit Committee Complaints Procedure / Weippl, E. (2006). Sarbanes-Oxley Act Compliance: Strategies for Implementing a Audit Committee Complaints Procedure. Information Systems Control Journal, 4(10).
- Security Aspects of Ubiquitious Computing in Health Care / Weippl, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2006). Security Aspects of Ubiquitious Computing in Health Care. Elektrotechnik Und Informationstechnik, 123(4), 156–161.
- Towards Realization of Dataspaces / Tjoa, A. M., & Brezany, P. (2006). Towards Realization of Dataspaces. In Proc. of DEXA 2006. DEXA - International Conference on Database and Expert System Applications, Krakow, EU. IEEE.
A Front-End Approach for User Query Generation and Information Retrieval in the SemanticLIFE Framework
Hoang, H. H., Nguyen, M. T., Tjoa, A. M., & Anjomshoaa, A. (2006). A Front-End Approach for User Query Generation and Information Retrieval in the SemanticLIFE Framework. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services (pp. 107–116). Austrian Computer Society.
Project: ZELESSA (2006–2007) - InfoVis:Wiki - Eine Informations- und Diskussionsplattform für die Informationsvisualisierungs-Community / Aigner, W., Hinum, K., & Miksch, S. (2006). InfoVis:Wiki - Eine Informations- und Diskussionsplattform für die Informationsvisualisierungs-Community. Wikiposium 2006, Wien, Austria.
- Algorithmic Thinking: The Key for Understanding Computer Science / Futschek, G. (2006). Algorithmic Thinking: The Key for Understanding Computer Science. ISSEP (International Conference in Informatics in Secundary Schools - Evolution and Perspectives), Vilnius, EU.
Towards a New Approach for Information Retrieval in the SemanticLIFE Digital Memory Framework
Hoang, H. H., Tjoa, A. M., & Anjomshoaa, A. (2006). Towards a New Approach for Information Retrieval in the SemanticLIFE Digital Memory Framework. In Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence. WI2006 - The 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Hong Kong, Non-EU. IEEE Computer Society Press.
Project: ÖNB -Semantic Web (2005–2006) - Probing and Monitoring of WSBPEL Processes with Web Services / Roth, H., Schiefer, J., & Schatten, A. (2006). Probing and Monitoring of WSBPEL Processes with Web Services. In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC 06). CEC/EEE 2006, San Francisco, Kalifornien, USA, Non-EU.
- Data Integration: an Experience of Information System Migration / Liem, I., Schatten, A., & Wahyudin, D. (2006). Data Integration: an Experience of Information System Migration. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Integration, Web-Applications and Services. IIWAS International Conference on Information Integration, Web-Applications and Services, Yogyakarta Indonesien, Non-EU.
The Relevance of Data Warehousing and Data Mining in the Field of Evidence-Based Medicine to Support Healthcare Decision Making
Stolba, N., & Tjoa, A. M. (2006). The Relevance of Data Warehousing and Data Mining in the Field of Evidence-Based Medicine to Support Healthcare Decision Making. In K. Ardil (Ed.), Computer Science (pp. 12–17). Enformatika.
Project: WIT (2003–2007) -
An Approach towards the Fulfilment of Security Requirements for Decision Support Systems in the Field of Evidence-Based Healthcare
Stolba, N., & Tjoa, A. M. (2006). An Approach towards the Fulfilment of Security Requirements for Decision Support Systems in the Field of Evidence-Based Healthcare. In P. Sint & E. Schweighofer (Eds.), KnowRight2006 (Knowledge Rights - Legal, Societal and Related Technological Aspects) (pp. 51–59).
Project: WIT (2003–2007) -
Business Metadata for the Data Warehouse - Weaving Enterprise Goals and Multidimensional Models
Stefanov, V., & List, B. (2006). Business Metadata for the Data Warehouse - Weaving Enterprise Goals and Multidimensional Models. In Models for Enterprise Computing 2006 - International Workshop at EDOC 2006 (p. 9). IEEE Digital Library.
Project: WIT (2003–2007) - Risk Management with Enhanced Tracing of Requirements Rationale in Highly Distributed Projects / Heindl, M., & Biffl, S. (2006). Risk Management with Enhanced Tracing of Requirements Rationale in Highly Distributed Projects. In First International Workshop on Global Software Development for the Practitioner at the Int. Conf. on Software Engineering (pp. 20–26). ACM.
- The Impact of Trace Correctness on Requirements Tracing Cost-Benefit - An Evaluation Concept / Heindl, M., Biffl, S., & Egyed, A. (2006). The Impact of Trace Correctness on Requirements Tracing Cost-Benefit - An Evaluation Concept. In 5th ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering (pp. 51–53). ACM Press.
- Secure Business Process Management: A Roadmap / Neubauer, T., Klemen, M., & Biffl, S. (2006). Secure Business Process Management: A Roadmap. In First International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES’06) (pp. 457–464). IEEE Computer Society.
- Value-Based Selection of Requirements Engineering Tool Support / Heindl, M., Biffl, S., & Egyed, A. (2006). Value-Based Selection of Requirements Engineering Tool Support. In Software Engineering and Advanced Applications,2006, 32nd EUROMICRO Conference (pp. 266–273). IEEE Computer Society.
- Software Process Improvement in Europe: Potential of the new V-Model XT and Research Issues / Biffl, S., Winkler, D., Höhn, R., & Wetzel, H. (2006). Software Process Improvement in Europe: Potential of the new V-Model XT and Research Issues. In M. Biro, R. Messnarz, & J. von Neumann (Eds.), Proceeding of EuroSPI 2005 Experience Sessions (pp. 9–19). Computer Society.
- MIREX 2006: Computing Statistical Spectrum Descriptors for Audio Music Similarity and Retrieval / Lidy, T., & Rauber, A. (2006). MIREX 2006: Computing Statistical Spectrum Descriptors for Audio Music Similarity and Retrieval. In MIREX 2006 (p. 5).
- The Map of Mozart / Mayer, R., Lidy, T., & Rauber, A. (2006). The Map of Mozart. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (pp. 351–352).
- Visually Profiling Radio Stations / Lidy, T., & Rauber, A. (2006). Visually Profiling Radio Stations. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (pp. 186–191).
- Zero-Latency Data Warehousing (ZLDWH): the State-of-the-art and experimental implementation approaches / Nguyen, M. T., & Tjoa, A. M. (2006). Zero-Latency Data Warehousing (ZLDWH): the State-of-the-art and experimental implementation approaches. In RIVF 2006 - The 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer Science, Research, Innovation, and Vision for the Future (pp. 166–175). IEEE.
- Testing supervised classifiers based on non-negative matrix factorization to musical instrument classification / Benetos, E., Kotropoulos, C., Lidy, T., & Rauber, A. (2006). Testing supervised classifiers based on non-negative matrix factorization to musical instrument classification. In Proceeedings of the 14th European Signal Processing Conference. EUSIPCO European Signal Processing Conference, Florence, Italy, EU.
- Combining Context Ontology and Landmarks for Personal Information Management / Latif, K., & Tjoa, A. M. (2006). Combining Context Ontology and Landmarks for Personal Information Management. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computing & Informatics (ICOCI) (p. 6).
- Fulfilling the Needs of a Metadata Creator and Analyst - An Investigation of RDF Browsing and Visualization Tools / Khusro, S., & Tjoa, A. M. (2006). Fulfilling the Needs of a Metadata Creator and Analyst - An Investigation of RDF Browsing and Visualization Tools. In The Past and Future of Information Systems: 1976-2006 and Beyond (pp. 177–188). Springer.
- Eliciting Better Quality Architecture Evaluation Scenarios: A Controlled Experiment On Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up / Ali Babar, M., & Biffl, S. (2006). Eliciting Better Quality Architecture Evaluation Scenarios: A Controlled Experiment On Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up. In The International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering (ISESE) 2006 (pp. 307–315). ACM Press.
- Exploitation of Semantic Web Technology in ERP Systems / Tjoa, A. M., Anjomshoaa, A., Karim, S., & Shayeganfar, F. (2006). Exploitation of Semantic Web Technology in ERP Systems. In A. M. Tjoa (Ed.), Research and practical issues of enterprise infomation systems (pp. 417–427). Springer.
- AlViz - A Tool for Visual Ontology Alignment / Lanzenberger, M., & Sampson, J. (2006). AlViz - A Tool for Visual Ontology Alignment. In E. Banissi, R. A. Burkhard, & A. Ursyn (Eds.), Information Visulization (pp. 430–438). IEEE Computer Science Societ.
- Using Semantic Personal Information Management Systems - The Semantic Life Case / Tjoa, A. M., Anjomshoaa, A., Nguyen, M. T., & Shayeganfar, F. (2006). Using Semantic Personal Information Management Systems - The Semantic Life Case. In Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management (pp. 1–12). Springer.
- The DELOS Testbed for Choosing a Digital Preservation Strategy / Strodl, S., Rauch, C., Rauber, A., Hofman, H., Debole, F., & Amato, G. (2006). The DELOS Testbed for Choosing a Digital Preservation Strategy. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries (pp. 323–332). Springer.
- Emotional Descriptors for Map-based Access to Music Libraries / Baum, D., & Rauber, A. (2006). Emotional Descriptors for Map-based Access to Music Libraries. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries (pp. 370–379). Soringer.
- Conservation of the Electronic National Heritage for the Future - Legal and Political Considerations / Schweighofer, E., & Rauber, A. (2006). Conservation of the Electronic National Heritage for the Future - Legal and Political Considerations. In Proceedings KnowRight 2006. KnowRight 2006, Wien, Austria. OCG.
- Mining Data to Extract Semantic Concepts / Rauber, A. (2006). Mining Data to Extract Semantic Concepts. In Proceedings of the 5th Conference Znalosti 2006. Znalosti 2006, Hradec Králové, EU.
- Towards the Use of Ontologies for Improving User Interaction for People with Special Needs / Tjoa, A. M., & Karim, S. (2006). Towards the Use of Ontologies for Improving User Interaction for People with Special Needs. In Computers Helping People with Special Needs (pp. 77–84). Springer.
- Exploiting SenseCam for Helping the Blind in Business Negotiations / Tjoa, A. M., Anjomshoaa, A., & Karim, S. (2006). Exploiting SenseCam for Helping the Blind in Business Negotiations. In Computers Helping People with Special Needs (pp. 1147–1154). Springer.
VQS - An Ontology-based Query System for the SemanticLIFE Digital Memory Project
Hoang, H. H., Tjoa, A. M., & Anjomshoaa, A. (2006). VQS - An Ontology-based Query System for the SemanticLIFE Digital Memory Project. In Proceedings of the 2nd IFIP WG 2.12 & 12.4 International Workshop on Web Semantics (pp. 1796–1805). Springer.
Project: ÖNB -Semantic Web (2005–2006) - Clustering based ensemble classification for spam filtering / Neumayer, R. (2006). Clustering based ensemble classification for spam filtering. In Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Data Analysis (pp. 11–22). Elfa Academic Press.
- Digitale PDF-Signaturen mit der Bürgerkarte / Weippl, E. (2006). Digitale PDF-Signaturen mit der Bürgerkarte. In Proceedings of D-A-CH 2006. D-A-CH 2006, Duesseldorf, EU.
Security Ontology: Simulating Threats to Corporate Assets
Klemen, M., Weippl, E., Ekelhart, A., & Fenz, S. (2006). Security Ontology: Simulating Threats to Corporate Assets. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security(ICISS 2006) (pp. 249–259). Springer.
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) - Workshop-based Multiobjective Security Safeguard Selection / Neubauer, T., & Weippl, E. (2006). Workshop-based Multiobjective Security Safeguard Selection. In Proceedings of ARES 2006. IEEE Computer Society, Vienna, Austria.
- Addressing the Weakest Link: How to improve teaching of IT security / Weippl, E. (2006). Addressing the Weakest Link: How to improve teaching of IT security. In Proceedings of EDMEDIA 2006 (pp. 223–227).
Ontology-based IT-Security planning
Weippl, E., & Fenz, S. (2006). Ontology-based IT-Security planning. In Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Symposium Pacific Rim Dependable Computing (PRDC’06) (pp. 389–390).
Project: SecOnt (2008–2010) -
Bridging the Gap between Data Warehouses and Organizations
Stefanov, V. (2006). Bridging the Gap between Data Warehouses and Organizations. In Proceedings of Workshops and Doctoral Consortium, 18th Conference on Advanced Information System Engineering (CAiSE’06) (pp. 1160–1167). Namur University Press.
Project: WIT (2003–2007) - Temporal Dimension of Medical Guidelines: The Semantics of Asbru Time Annotations / Schmitt, J., Reif, W., Seyfang, A., & Miksch, S. (2006). Temporal Dimension of Medical Guidelines: The Semantics of Asbru Time Annotations. In A. ten Teije, S. Miksch, & P. Lucas (Eds.), AI Techniques in Healthcare: Evidence-based Guidelines and Protocols (pp. 68–73). European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence.
- Analysis of the Data Quality of Audio Descriptions of Environmental Sounds / Mitrovic, D., Zeppelzauer, M., & Eidenberger, H. (2006). Analysis of the Data Quality of Audio Descriptions of Environmental Sounds. In Fourth Special Workshop Proceedings (pp. 70–79).
- Kalman Filtering for Illumination-invariant Face Recognition / Eidenberger, H. (2006). Kalman Filtering for Illumination-invariant Face Recognition. In Proceedings IEEE ELMAR 2006. IEEE ELMAR 2006, Zadar, Croatia, Non-EU.
- Ontology Evolution and Versioning / Yildiz, B. (2006). Ontology Evolution and Versioning.
- Evidence-Based Medicine. A State-of-the-Art Report. / Öztürk, A. (2006). Evidence-Based Medicine. A State-of-the-Art Report.
- International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2006 / Tjoa, A. M., & Wagner, R. (Eds.). (2006). International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2006. IEEE Computer Society.
- Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems / Tjoa, A. M. (Ed.). (2006). Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems. Springer.
- Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery / Tjoa, A. M. (Ed.). (2006). Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery. Springer LNCS.
- Workshop on Data Analysis / Butka, P., Paralic, J., & Rauber, A. (Eds.). (2006). Workshop on Data Analysis. Equilibria.
- Digital Libraries: Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities / Sugimoto, S., Hunter, J., Rauber, A., & Morishima, A. (Eds.). (2006). Digital Libraries: Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities. Springer LNCS.
- Systematic Management of Software Product Lines / Schmid, K., & Biffl, S. (2005). Systematic Management of Software Product Lines. Software Process Improvement and Practice, 10, 61–76.
- Anwendung der Nutzwertanalyse zur Bewertung von Strategien zur langfristigen Erhaltung digitaler Objekte / Rauch, C., & Rauber, A. (2005). Anwendung der Nutzwertanalyse zur Bewertung von Strategien zur langfristigen Erhaltung digitaler Objekte. Zeitschrift Für Bibliothekswesen Und Bibliographie, 3–4(52), 172–180.
- Value-Based Management of Software Testing / Ramler, R., Biffl, S., & Grünbacher, P. (2005). Value-Based Management of Software Testing. In Value-Based Software Engineering (pp. 225–244). Springer.
- Stakeholder Value Proposition Elicitation and Reconciliation / Grünbacher, P., Köszegi, S., & Biffl, S. (2005). Stakeholder Value Proposition Elicitation and Reconciliation. In Value-Based Software Engineering (pp. 133–154). Springer.
- Security in E-Learning / Weippl, E. (2005). Security in E-Learning. In The Handbook of Information Security. John Wiley and Sons.
- E-Learning ohne Text und Sprache / Kalinyaprak, H. (2005). E-Learning ohne Text und Sprache. In E-Learning an der FH JOANNEUM, Beiträge zum 3. E-Learning Tag des Zentrums für Multimediales Lernen (pp. 97–107). Nausner & Nausner.
Ausbildungsaspekte im Projekt TELFI - Tele-Lernen für HaftinsassInnen
Futschek, G., & Hammerschick, W. (2005). Ausbildungsaspekte im Projekt TELFI - Tele-Lernen für HaftinsassInnen. In E. Schweighofer, D. Liebwald, S. Augeneder, & T. Menzel (Eds.), IRIS 2005, Effizienz von e-Lösungen in Staat und Gesellschaft, Aktuelle Fragen der Rechtsinformatik (pp. 515–521). Richard Boorberg Verlag, Stuttgart, München, Hannover, Berlin, Weimar, Dresden.
Project: TELFI (2002–2005) - Begabung Computerprogrammieren: Vorhandene und noch fehlende Fördermaßnahmen / Futschek, G. (2005). Begabung Computerprogrammieren: Vorhandene und noch fehlende Fördermaßnahmen. In Die Forscher/innen von morgen, Bericht des 4. Internationalen Begabtenkongresses in Salzburg (pp. 197–201). StudienVerlag.
Rehabilitation of Prisoners via e-Learning
Futschek, G., Kalinyaprak, H., & Kargl, H. (2005). Rehabilitation of Prisoners via e-Learning. In 8th IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education (p. 7).
Project: TELFI (2002–2005) - Gigabit Ethernet-based Parallel Video Processing / Eidenberger, H. (2005). Gigabit Ethernet-based Parallel Video Processing. In IEEE Multimedia Modelling Conference. IEEE Multimedia Modelling Conference, Melbourne, Australien, Austria.
- Determining the Cost-Quality Trade-Off for Automated Software Traceability / Egyed, A., Biffl, S., Heindl, M., & Grünbacher, P. (2005). Determining the Cost-Quality Trade-Off for Automated Software Traceability. In The 20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (pp. 360–363). ACM Press.
- Towards the Stream Analysis Model in Grid-based Zero-Latency Data Stream Warehouse / Nguyen, M. T., Tjoa, A. M., & Josef Schiefer, J. S. (2005). Towards the Stream Analysis Model in Grid-based Zero-Latency Data Stream Warehouse. In The 3rd Conference Professional Knowledge Management: Experiences and Visions (WM2005) (pp. 630–635). DFKI.
- Sense & response service architecture (SARESA): an approach towards a real-time business intelligence solution and its use for a fraud detection application / Nguyen, M. T., Josef Schiefer, J. S., & Tjoa, A. M. (2005). Sense & response service architecture (SARESA): an approach towards a real-time business intelligence solution and its use for a fraud detection application. In ACM 8th International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP (DOLAP 2005) (pp. 77–86). ACM.
- Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery: A Chronological View of Research Challenges / Nguyen, M. T., Tjoa, A. M., & Juan Trujillo, J. T. (2005). Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery: A Chronological View of Research Challenges. In 7th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, DaWaK 2005 (pp. 530–535). Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- On cooperatively creating dynamic ontologies / Gahleitner, E., Palkoska, J., & Weippl, E. (2005). On cooperatively creating dynamic ontologies. In Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia. Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Salzburg, Austria.
- An Empirical Investigation on the Visualization of Temporal Uncertainties in Software Engineering Project Planning / Biffl, S., Thurnher, B., Goluch, G., Winkler, D., Aigner, W., & Miksch, S. (2005). An Empirical Investigation on the Visualization of Temporal Uncertainties in Software Engineering Project Planning. In Empirical Software Engineering, 2005 (pp. 437–446). IEEE Society Press.
- Improvement of Design Specification with Inspection and Testing / Winkler, D., Riedl, B., & Biffl, S. (2005). Improvement of Design Specification with Inspection and Testing. In Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (pp. 222–231). IEEE Society Press.
- Does it make sense using Ajax for a Dynamic XML Table-Editor? / Skritek, S., Aigner, W., & Miksch, S. (2005). Does it make sense using Ajax for a Dynamic XML Table-Editor? (Asgaard-TR-2005-12).
- Semantic Web: Challenges and New Requirements / Tjoa, A. M., Wagner, R., Anjomshoaa, A., & Shayeganfar, F. (2005). Semantic Web: Challenges and New Requirements. In DEXA Workshops 2005 (pp. 1160–1163). IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Applying Text Classification in Conference Management: Some Lessons Learned / Pesenhofer, A., Berger, H., Dittenbach, M., & Rauber, A. (2005). Applying Text Classification in Conference Management: Some Lessons Learned. In Proceedings of the 7th Russian Conference on Digital Libraries (RCDL 2005) (pp. 126–133). Russian Academy of Sciences.
- PlaySOM: An Alternative Approach to Track Selection and Playlist Generation in Large Music Collections / Dittenbach, M., Neumayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2005). PlaySOM: An Alternative Approach to Track Selection and Playlist Generation in Large Music Collections. In Proceedings of the Workshop of the EU Network of Excellence DELOS on Audio-Visual Content and Information Visualization in Digital Libraries (AVIVDiLib 2005) (pp. 226–235). DELOS.
- PlaySOM and PocketSOMPlayer, Alternative Interfaces to Large Music Collections / Neumayer, R., Dittenbach, M., & Rauber, A. (2005). PlaySOM and PocketSOMPlayer, Alternative Interfaces to Large Music Collections. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (pp. 618–623).
A visualization technique for self-organizing maps with vector fields to obtain the cluster structure at desired levels of detail
Pölzlbauer, G., Dittenbach, M., & Rauber, A. (2005). A visualization technique for self-organizing maps with vector fields to obtain the cluster structure at desired levels of detail. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2005) (pp. 1558–1563). IEEE Computer Society.
Project: Muscle (2004–2009) -
Investigation of alternative strategies and quality measures for controlling the growth process of the growing hierarchical self-organizing map
Dittenbach, M., Rauber, A., & Pölzlbauer, G. (2005). Investigation of alternative strategies and quality measures for controlling the growth process of the growing hierarchical self-organizing map. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2005) (pp. 2954–2959). IEEE Computer Society.
Project: Muscle (2004–2009) -
Graph projection techniques for Self-Organizing Maps
Pölzlbauer, G., Rauber, A., & Dittenbach, M. (2005). Graph projection techniques for Self-Organizing Maps. In Proceedings of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN’05) (pp. 533–538). d-side Publications.
Project: Muscle (2004–2009) - Gradient visualization of grouped component planes on the SOM lattice / Pölzlbauer, G., Dittenbach, M., & Rauber, A. (2005). Gradient visualization of grouped component planes on the SOM lattice. In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (pp. 331–338).
A Vector Field Visualization Technique for Self-organizing Maps
Pölzlbauer, G., Rauber, A., & Dittenbach, M. (2005). A Vector Field Visualization Technique for Self-organizing Maps. In Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 399–409). Springer.
Project: Muscle (2004–2009) -
Advanced Visualization Techniques for Self-organizing Maps with Graph-Based Methods
Pölzlbauer, G., Rauber, A., & Dittenbach, M. (2005). Advanced Visualization Techniques for Self-organizing Maps with Graph-Based Methods. In Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2005, Part II (pp. 75–80). Springer.
Project: Muscle (2004–2009) - A SOM-view of Oilfield Data: A Novel Vector Field Visualization for Self-Organizing Maps and its Applications in the Petroleum Industry / Pölzlbauer, G., Rauber, A., & Dittenbach, M. (2005). A SOM-view of Oilfield Data: A Novel Vector Field Visualization for Self-Organizing Maps and its Applications in the Petroleum Industry. In Proceedings of I-Know’05 (pp. 502–509). J.UCS - Journal of Universal Computer Science.
- A Value-Based Approach for Understanding Cost-Benefit Trade-Offs During Automated Software Traceability / Egyed, A., Biffl, S., Heindl, M., & Grünbacher, P. (2005). A Value-Based Approach for Understanding Cost-Benefit Trade-Offs During Automated Software Traceability. In The Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Workshop on Traceability in Emerging Forms of Software Engineering (pp. 2–7). ACM Press.
- Value-Based Software Engineering / Biffl, S., Aurum, A., Boehm, B. W., Erdogmus, H., & Grünbacher, P. (Eds.). (2005). Value-Based Software Engineering. Springer.
Assessing the Usability of an Interactive Information Visualization Method as the First Step of a Sustainable Evaluation
Rester, M., Pohl, M., Hinum, K., Miksch, S., Ohmann, S., Popow, C., & Banovic, S. (2005). Assessing the Usability of an Interactive Information Visualization Method as the First Step of a Sustainable Evaluation. In Usability Symposium: Empowering Software Quality: How can Usability Engineering reach these goals? (pp. 31–43). Austrian Computer Society (OCG).
Project: IN2VIS (mit 188) (2004–2007) -
Gravi++: Interactive Information Visualization of Highly Structured Temporal Data
Hinum, K., Miksch, S., Aigner, W., Ohmann, S., Popow, C., Pohl, M., & Rester, M. (2005). Gravi++: Interactive Information Visualization of Highly Structured Temporal Data. In Workshop IDAMAP 2005 Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology (pp. 67–72).
Project: IN2VIS (mit 188) (2004–2007) -
Gravi++: Interactive Information Visualization to Explore Highly Structured Temporal Data
Hinum, K., Miksch, S., Aigner, W., Ohmann, S., Popow, C., Pohl, M., & Rester, M. (2005). Gravi++: Interactive Information Visualization to Explore Highly Structured Temporal Data. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 11(11), 1792–1805.
Project: IN2VIS (mit 188) (2004–2007) - Gaining Process Information from Clinical Practice Guidelines Using Information Extraction / Kaiser, K., Akkaya, C., & Miksch, S. (2005). Gaining Process Information from Clinical Practice Guidelines Using Information Extraction. In S. Miksch, J. Hunter, & E. Keravnou (Eds.), Artificial intelligence in Medicine (pp. 181–190). Springer.
- Gaining Process Information from Clinical Practice Guidelines Using Information Extraction / Kaiser, K., Akkaya, C., & Miksch, S. (2005). Gaining Process Information from Clinical Practice Guidelines Using Information Extraction.
- Toward a Grid-Based Zero-Latency Data Warehousing Implementation for Continuous Data Streams Processing / Nguyen, M. T., Tjoa, A. M., Weippl, E., & Brezany, P. (2005). Toward a Grid-Based Zero-Latency Data Warehousing Implementation for Continuous Data Streams Processing. International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining, IDEA GROUP(Vol. 1-4), 22–55.
- ISMIR 2004 5th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval / Lidy, T., & Leitich, S. (2005). ISMIR 2004 5th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval. ÖGAI Journal, 24(1), 26–28.
- Artificial Intelligence and Query Execution Methods in the VizIR Framework / Divotkey, D., Eidenberger, H., & Divotkey, R. (2005). Artificial Intelligence and Query Execution Methods in the VizIR Framework. ÖGAI Journal, 24(2), 17–27.
- Web automatization with Mechanize / Eidenberger, H., & Michlmayr, E. (2005). Web automatization with Mechanize. IX : Magazin Für Professionelle Informationstechnik, 2005(7), 142–145.
- Java RDBMS-Freie Datenbanken: Derby und hsqldb / Schatten, A., & Zapletal, M. (2005). Java RDBMS-Freie Datenbanken: Derby und hsqldb. IX : Magazin Für Professionelle Informationstechnik, 2005(5), 70–73.
- Visual Information Retrieval / Eidenberger, H. (2005). Visual Information Retrieval. IX : Magazin Für Professionelle Informationstechnik, 2005(2), 114–117.
- Geschäftsprozessmanagement -Eine empirische Studie zum Status quo in Österreich, der Schweiz und Deutschland / Neubauer, T., & Biffl, S. (2005). Geschäftsprozessmanagement -Eine empirische Studie zum Status quo in Österreich, der Schweiz und Deutschland. OCG Journal, 5, 9–10.
- IT Governance Definition, Standards & Zertifizierung / Tjoa, A. M., & Karagiannis, D. (2005). IT Governance Definition, Standards & Zertifizierung. OCG Journal, 30.JHG.(4), 18–19.
- Security in e-learning / Weippl, E. (2005). Security in e-learning. ACM ELearn, 2005, 3.
- Privacy in e-learning: Anonymity, pseudonyms and authenticated usage / Weippl, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2005). Privacy in e-learning: Anonymity, pseudonyms and authenticated usage. Interactive Technology and Smart Education (ITSE), 2005(2), 247–256.
- Maps of Music / Rauber, A., Lidy, T., & Neumayer, R. (2005). Maps of Music. ERCIM NEWS, 62(62), 18–19.
- Mnemonic SOMs: Recognizable Shapes for Self-Organizing Maps / Mayer, R., Merkl, D., & Rauber, A. (2005). Mnemonic SOMs: Recognizable Shapes for Self-Organizing Maps. In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop On Self-Organizing Maps Paris (WSOM 2005) (pp. 131–138). WSOM.
- CoCoMA: Content and Context Aware Multimedia Content Retrieval, Delivery and / Breiteneder, C., & Eidenberger, H. (2005). CoCoMA: Content and Context Aware Multimedia Content Retrieval, Delivery and. ECDL 2005, Vienna, Austria, Austria.
- Experiences with Logo in Higher Education / Futschek, G. (2005). Experiences with Logo in Higher Education. 10th Hungarologo, Budapest, Austria.
- MIREX 2005: Combined fluctuation features for music genre classification / Lidy, T., & Rauber, A. (2005). MIREX 2005: Combined fluctuation features for music genre classification. In MIREX 2005 (p. 3).
Extending UML 2 Activity Diagrams with Business Intelligence Objects
Stefanov, V., List, B., & Korherr, B. (2005). Extending UML 2 Activity Diagrams with Business Intelligence Objects. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK2005) (pp. 53–63). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3589, Springer Verlag.
Project: WIT (2003–2007) - Business process-based valuation of IT-Security / Neubauer, T., Klemen, M., & Biffl, S. (2005). Business process-based valuation of IT-Security. In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Economics-Driven Software Engineering Research EDSER ’05, Volume 30 Issue 4 (pp. 1–5). ACM Press.
- A Case Study on Value-Based Requirements Tracing / Heindl, M., & Biffl, S. (2005). A Case Study on Value-Based Requirements Tracing. In Proceedings of the 10th European Software Engineering Conference (pp. 60–69). ACM.
- Investigating the Impact of Active Guidance on Design Inspection / Winkler, D., Biffl, S., & Thurnher, B. (2005). Investigating the Impact of Active Guidance on Design Inspection. In Product Focused Software Process Improvement (pp. 458–473). Springer.
- pdf2table: A Method to Extract Table Information from PDF Files / Yildiz, B., Kaiser, K., & Miksch, S. (2005). pdf2table: A Method to Extract Table Information from PDF Files. In Proceedings of the 2nd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI), India, Non-EU.
- Media Informatics or Software Engineering: Why do women study computer science? / Lanzenberger, M., & Pohl, M. (2005). Media Informatics or Software Engineering: Why do women study computer science? In J. Achibald, J. Emms, F. Grundy, J. Payne, & E. Turner (Eds.), The Gender Politics of ICT (p. 7). Middlesex University Press.
- Exploring Highly Structured Data - A Comparative Study of Stardinates and Parallel Coordinates / Lanzenberger, M., Miksch, S., & Pohl, M. (2005). Exploring Highly Structured Data - A Comparative Study of Stardinates and Parallel Coordinates. In E. Banissi (Ed.), Procedings of the Ninth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV’05) (pp. 312–320). IEEE Computer Society.
- ZELESSA: Sensing, Analysing and Acting on Continuous Event Streams / Nguyen, M. T., Josef Schiefer, J. S., & Tjoa, A. M. (2005). ZELESSA: Sensing, Analysing and Acting on Continuous Event Streams. In 7th IIWAS International Conference on Information Integration, Web-Applications and Services (iiWAS2005) (pp. 1101–1112). OCG.
- Supporting ECDL'05 using TCeReview / Pesenhofer, A., Berger, H., & Rauber, A. (2005). Supporting ECDL’05 using TCeReview. In Proceedings 9th European Conference, ECDL 2005 (pp. 535–537).
- Evaluating preservation strategies for audio and video files / Rauch, C., Pavuza, F., Strodl, S., & Rauber, A. (2005). Evaluating preservation strategies for audio and video files. In Proceedings of the DELOS Workshop on Digital Repositories. Workshop on Digital Repositories, Heraklion, Greece, Austria. DELOS.
- Event-Feeded Dimension Solution / Nguyen, M. T., Martin Windisch, M. W., & Jaromir Nemec, J. N. (2005). Event-Feeded Dimension Solution. In Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, 7th International Conference, DaWaK 2005 (pp. 22–31). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3589 Springer 2005, Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, 7th International Conference.
- Evaluation of Feature Extractors and Psycho-acoustic Transformations for Music Genre Classification / Lidy, T., & Rauber, A. (2005). Evaluation of Feature Extractors and Psycho-acoustic Transformations for Music Genre Classification. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (pp. 34–41).
- E-Learning without Text and Language: A Language-Free Learning Model / Kalinyaprak, H., Futschek, G., Blaha, G., & Weippl, E. (2005). E-Learning without Text and Language: A Language-Free Learning Model. In ED-MEDIA 2005. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA), Montreal, Non-EU.
- PlanningLines: Novel Glyphs for Representing Temporal Uncertainties and their Evaluation / Aigner, W., Miksch, S., Thurnher, B., & Biffl, S. (2005). PlanningLines: Novel Glyphs for Representing Temporal Uncertainties and their Evaluation. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV05) (pp. 457–463). IEEE Computer Society Press.
Bridging the Gap between Data Warehouses and Business Processes - A Business Intelligence Perspective for Event-Driven Process Chains
Stefanov, V., List, B., & Schiefer, J. (2005). Bridging the Gap between Data Warehouses and Business Processes - A Business Intelligence Perspective for Event-Driven Process Chains. In Proceedings of the 2005 Ninth IEEE International EDOC Enterprise Computing Conference (EDOC’05) (pp. 3–14). IEEE Press.
Project: WIT (2003–2007) -
A Performance Measurement Persptective for Event-Driven Process Chains
Stefanov, V., & List, B. (2005). A Performance Measurement Persptective for Event-Driven Process Chains. In Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA2005), First International Workshop on Business Process Monitoring & Performance Management (BPMPM) (pp. 967–971). IEEE Press.
Project: WIT (2003–2007) - Improving Clinical Guideline Implementation through Prototypical Design Patterns / Moser, M., & Miksch, S. (2005). Improving Clinical Guideline Implementation through Prototypical Design Patterns. In Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2005) (pp. 126–130). Springer.
- Mapping Temporal Data Warehouse Concepts to SAP BW Components / Tjoa, A. M., & Hezzah, A. (2005). Mapping Temporal Data Warehouse Concepts to SAP BW Components. In Proc. ICEIS 2005 (pp. 391–397).
- Implicit Analogy-Based Cost Estimation Using Textual Use Case Similarities / Auer, M., Rauber, A., Biffl, S., & Becker, C. (2005). Implicit Analogy-Based Cost Estimation Using Textual Use Case Similarities. In Proc. of 2nd International Conference of Intelligent Computing and Information Systems (ICICIS 2005) (pp. 369–376). ACM Press.
- Privacy in e-learning: How to implement anonymity / Weippl, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2005). Privacy in e-learning: How to implement anonymity. In Proceedings the 3rd ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA-05), Workshop on E-Learning Online Communities (eLOC). International Workshop on e-Learning Online Communities - eLOC 2005, Cairo, Non-EU. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- The semantic desktop: A semantic personal information management system based on rdf and topic maps / Klemen, M., Weippl, E., & Tjoa, A. M. (2005). The semantic desktop: A semantic personal information management system based on rdf and topic maps. In In Proceedings the ODBIS Workshop, 31st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB). ODBIS Workshop, 31st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), Trondheim, Non-EU. ACM.
- Dependability in e-assessment / Weippl, E. (2005). Dependability in e-assessment. In Proceedings of EDMEDIA 2005 (pp. 1674–1679). AACE.
- Semantic storage: A report on performance and flexibility / Weippl, E., Klemen, M., & Tjoa, A. M. (2005). Semantic storage: A report on performance and flexibility. In Proceedings of DEXA, LNCS (pp. 586–595). Springer.
- Non-repudiation and audits in e-learning / Weippl, E. (2005). Non-repudiation and audits in e-learning. In Proceedings of E-Learn 2005 (pp. 1785–1790).
- Towards Web Services Interaction Mining Rchitecture For E-Commerce Applications Analysis / Gombotz, R., Karim, S., & Dustdar, S. (2005). Towards Web Services Interaction Mining Rchitecture For E-Commerce Applications Analysis. In Proceedings of the EBEL O5 Conference. International Conference on E-Business and E-learning (EBEL) 05, Amman 23, Austria.
- Assessment of MHB: an intermediate language for the representation of medical guidelines / Polo-Conde, C., Marcos, M., Seyfang, A., Wittenberg, J., Miksch, S., & Rosenbrand, K. (2005). Assessment of MHB: an intermediate language for the representation of medical guidelines. In R. Marin, E. Onaindia, A. Bugarín, & J. Santos (Eds.), Proc. of the 10th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA-05) (pp. I-19-I–28). University of Corunna.
- Content-based Querying Embedded in Multimedia Presentations / Divotkey, D., & Eidenberger, H. (2005). Content-based Querying Embedded in Multimedia Presentations. In Proceedings IEEE MMSP 2005. IEEE Multimedia Signal Processing Workshop, Shanghai, Austria.
- Visualization of Data from the Petroleum Industry with Vector Fields on top of Self-Organizing Maps / Pölzlbauer, G. (2005). Visualization of Data from the Petroleum Industry with Vector Fields on top of Self-Organizing Maps. In WDA 2005 (pp. 42–49). Elfa Academic Press, Kosice.
- Content-based Organization of Digital Audio Collections / Neumayer, R., Lidy, T., & Rauber, A. (2005). Content-based Organization of Digital Audio Collections. In Proceedings of the 5th Open Workshop of MUSICNETWORK (p. 11).
- Sound Re-synthesis from Rhythm Pattern Features - Audible Insight into a Music Feature Extraction Process / Lidy, T., Pölzlbauer, G., & Rauber, A. (2005). Sound Re-synthesis from Rhythm Pattern Features - Audible Insight into a Music Feature Extraction Process. In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (pp. 93–96).
- MHB - A Many-Headed Bridge between Informal and Formal Guideline Representations / Seyfang, A., Miksch, S., Polo-Conde, C., Wittenberg, J., Marcos, M., & Rosenbrand, K. (2005). MHB - A Many-Headed Bridge between Informal and Formal Guideline Representations. In S. Miksch, J. Hunter, & E. Keravnou (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (pp. 146–150). Springer.
- Explaining and Understanding LOGO Programs, a Discipline of Learning Computer Programming / Futschek, G. (2005). Explaining and Understanding LOGO Programs, a Discipline of Learning Computer Programming. In EUROLOGO 2005 Proceedings, Digital Tools for Lifelong Learning (pp. 327–333).
- Technological Toolkit for Entrepreneurs @ 40 / Kargl, H., & Lanzenberger, M. (2005). Technological Toolkit for Entrepreneurs @ 40. In P. Kommers & griff richards (Eds.), World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (pp. 4806–4811).
- Didactic Aspects of e-Learning Contents Development, Outline of a Tutorial / Futschek, G., & Scheidl, G. (2005). Didactic Aspects of e-Learning Contents Development, Outline of a Tutorial. In P. Micheuz, P. Antonitsch, & R. Mittermeir (Eds.), Innovative Concepts for Teaching Informatics (pp. 160–162). Ueberreuter.
- InfoVis:Wiki - Projektbeschreibung (in German) / Strutz, K., Aigner, W., Hinum, K., & Miksch, S. (2005). InfoVis:Wiki - Projektbeschreibung (in German) (Asgaard-TR-2005-13).
- Tutorial for the Document Exploration and Linking Tool / Votruba, P., Kaiser, K., & Miksch, S. (2005). Tutorial for the Document Exploration and Linking Tool.
- Improving the Analysis Process of Computerized Protocols and Temporal Data by Integrated Visualization Techniques - Evaluation Aspects / Aigner, W., Miksch, S., Thurnher, B., & Biffl, S. (2005). Improving the Analysis Process of Computerized Protocols and Temporal Data by Integrated Visualization Techniques - Evaluation Aspects.
- PlanningLines Usability Studie - User Study zum Vergleich von PlanningLines und PERT Darstellung (in German) / Aigner, W., Miksch, S., Thurnher, B., & Biffl, S. (2005). PlanningLines Usability Studie - User Study zum Vergleich von PlanningLines und PERT Darstellung (in German).
- Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Data Analysis (WDA 2005) / Bednar, P., Horvath, T., Paralic, J., & Rauber, A. (Eds.). (2005). Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Data Analysis (WDA 2005). Elfa Academic Press.
- Security in E-Learning / Weippl, E. (2005). Security in E-Learning. Springer.
- Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery DaWaK2005 / Tjoa, A. M., & Trujillo, J. (Eds.). (2005). Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery DaWaK2005. Springer.
- Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries / Rauber, A., Christodoulakis, S., & Tjoa, A. M. (Eds.). (2005). Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. Springer, LNCS.
- Perl. Einführung in die Programmierung und Problemlösen / Eidenberger, H., & Michlmayr, E. (2005). Perl. Einführung in die Programmierung und Problemlösen. dpunkt.verlag.
- Need for Rigorous Methods and Tools in Collaborative Mobile Software Solutions - a Use Case Study on a "Travel Service Application" / Abe, R., Beinhart, M., Biffl, S., Kühn, E., Ly, M., & Thurnher, B. (2004). Need for Rigorous Methods and Tools in Collaborative Mobile Software Solutions - a Use Case Study on a “Travel Service Application.” In Preliminary Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods(ISOLA 2004) (pp. 42–43). Department of Computer Science, University Cyprus.
- Specification of AsbruLight / Seyfang, A., Miksch, S., & Votruba, P. (2004). Specification of AsbruLight.
- MHB - A Many-Headed Bridge between Guideline Formats / Seyfang, A., Miksch, S., Votruba, P., Rosenbrand, K., Wittenberg, J., van Croonenborg, J., Reif, W., Balser, M., Schmitt, J., von der Weide, T., Lucas, P., & Hommersom, A. (2004). MHB - A Many-Headed Bridge between Guideline Formats.
Process Data Store: A Real-Time Data Store for Monitoring Business Processes
Schiefer, J., List, B., & Bruckner, R. (2004). Process Data Store: A Real-Time Data Store for Monitoring Business Processes. 14th International Conference (DEXA 2003), Prague, Austria.
Project: WIT (2003–2007) - Visualizing Software Project Analogies to Support Cost Estimation / Auer, M., Graser, B., & Biffl, S. (2004). Visualizing Software Project Analogies to Support Cost Estimation. In Proc. of 6th IEEE International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2004) (pp. 61–68). IEEE.
- Content-basierte Zugriffsrechte in E-Learning Systemen / Weippl, E., & Klemen, M. (2004). Content-basierte Zugriffsrechte in E-Learning Systemen. ÖGAI Journal, 23(4), 24–29.
- Zwei Medaillen für Österreich bei der Informatikolympiade 2004 / Futschek, G., & Fuchs, K. (2004). Zwei Medaillen für Österreich bei der Informatikolympiade 2004. OCG Journal, 29(4), 19.
- Grid-based Mobile Phone Fraud Detection System / Nguyen, M. T., & Tjoa, A. M. (2004). Grid-based Mobile Phone Fraud Detection System. Workshop on Access to Knowledge through Grid in a Mobile World, 5th International Conference on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management, Vienna, Austria, Austria.
- Towards a preservation strategy evaluation workflow / Rauch, C. (2004). Towards a preservation strategy evaluation workflow. ERPANET Workshop “Workflow in Preservation,” Budapest, Austria.
- Towards an analytical evaluation of preservation strategies / Rauch, C., & Rauber, A. (2004). Towards an analytical evaluation of preservation strategies. ERPANET Workshop “File formats for preservation,” Wien, Austria.
- Investigating the Effect of V&V and Modern Construction Techniques on Improving Software Quality / Biffl, S., Winkler, D., Thelin, T., Höst, M., Russo, B., & Succi, G. (2004). Investigating the Effect of V&V and Modern Construction Techniques on Improving Software Quality. ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Non-EU.
- Grid-Enabled Zero-Latency Data Warehousing for Processing Continuous Data Streams / Nguyen, M. T., & Tjoa, A. M. (2004). Grid-Enabled Zero-Latency Data Warehousing for Processing Continuous Data Streams. School on Computational Sciences and Engineering: Theory and Applications (COSCI 2004), Hochiminh City, Vietnam, Non-EU.
- ECDL Certification, The Austrian Success Story / Futschek, G. (2004). ECDL Certification, The Austrian Success Story. ECDL Russia, Moscow, Austria.
- Kann man Computerprogramme erklären? / Futschek, G. (2004). Kann man Computerprogramme erklären? PIthagoras, Wien, Austria.
- Begabung Computerprogrammieren, Vorhandene und noch fehlende Fördermaßnahmen / Futschek, G. (2004). Begabung Computerprogrammieren, Vorhandene und noch fehlende Fördermaßnahmen. özbf: Die Forscher/innen von morgen suchen>finden>fördern, Kongress 2004, Salzburg, Austria.
Project TELFI, Tele-Learning for Imprisoned People
Futschek, G., Kalinyaprak, H., & Kargl, H. (2004). Project TELFI, Tele-Learning for Imprisoned People. LearnTec, Karlsruhe, Germany, Austria.
Project: TELFI (2002–2005) -
E-Learning "without text and language"
Kalinyaprak, H., Futschek, G., & Blaha, G. (2004). E-Learning “without text and language.” ICL Prolearn Workshop, Villach, Austria.
Project: TELFI (2002–2005) - A new method for visual descriptor evaluation / Eidenberger, H. (2004). A new method for visual descriptor evaluation. SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference, San Jose, USA, Non-EU.
- A new perspective on visual information retrieval / Eidenberger, H. (2004). A new perspective on visual information retrieval. SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference, San Jose, USA, Non-EU.
- SMIL and SVG in teaching / Eidenberger, H. (2004). SMIL and SVG in teaching. SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference, San Jose, USA, Non-EU.
- Protocure: Supporting the Development of Medical Protocols Through Formal Methods / Balser, M., Coltell, O., van Croonenborg, J., Duelli, C., van Harmelen, F., Jovell, A., Lucas, P., Marcos, M., Miksch, S., Reif, W., Rosenbrand, K., Seyfang, A., & ten Teije, A. (2004). Protocure: Supporting the Development of Medical Protocols Through Formal Methods. In J. Zvárová, P. Hanzlicek, J. Peleska, P. Precková, V. Svátek, & Z. Valenta (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Joint Meeting EuroMISE 2004 (p. 81). EuroMISE.
- Protocure: Supporting the Development of Medical Protocols Through Formal Methods / Balser, M., Coltell, O., van Croonenborg, J., Duelli, C., van Harmelen, F., Jovell, A., Lucas, P., Marcos, M., Miksch, S., Reif, W., Rosenbrand, K., Seyfang, A., & ten Teije, A. (2004). Protocure: Supporting the Development of Medical Protocols Through Formal Methods. In K. Kaiser, S. Miksch, & S. W. Tu (Eds.), Computer-based Support for Clinical Guidelines and Protocols (pp. 103–107).
- Advanced Temporal Data Abstraction for Guideline Execution / Seyfang, A., & Miksch, S. (2004). Advanced Temporal Data Abstraction for Guideline Execution. In K. Kaiser, S. Miksch, & S. W. Tu (Eds.), Computer-based Support for Clinical Guidelines and Protocols (pp. 88–102). IOS Press.
- Advanced Temporal Data Abstraction for Guideline Execution / Seyfang, A., & Miksch, S. (2004). Advanced Temporal Data Abstraction for Guideline Execution. In J. Zvárová, P. Hanzlicek, J. Peleska, P. Precková, V. Svátek, & Z. Valenta (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Joint Meeting EuroMISE 2004 (p. 94). EuroMISE.
- Guideline Markup Tool - User Manual (Technical Report Asgaard-TR-2004-4) / Votruba, P. (2004). Guideline Markup Tool - User Manual (Technical Report Asgaard-TR-2004-4).
- Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Data Analysis / Paralic, J., Pölzlbauer, G., & Rauber, A. (Eds.). (2004). Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Data Analysis. Elfa Academic Press.
- Adaptive hierarchical incremental grid growing: An architecture for high-dimensional data visualization / Merkl, D., He, S. H., Dittenbach, M., & Rauber, A. (2003). Adaptive hierarchical incremental grid growing: An architecture for high-dimensional data visualization. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM’03) (pp. 293–298). Springer-Verlag.
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Security in e-Learning Systems in a Prison Environment
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Efficient Reuse and Variability Management for Cyber-Physical Production System Families
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Characterizing counterfactual explanation search spaces
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Extending a refinement λ-calculus with polymorphism and data types
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Black-box model watermarking in federated learning
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Federated generation of synthetic tabular data
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Metamorphic testing of ZKC infrastructure
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Towards understanding multi-block maximal extractable value in ethereum
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Semantics-based exploratory search on manufacturing knowledge
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Automated soundness testing of program analyzers
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Internet of things testbed - A modular framework to find vulnerabilities
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From infrastructure to code : generating dockerfiles from server snapshots
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How do we read scatterplots?
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Exact methods for covering array generation
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Multi-domain change impact analysis for agile cyber-physical production systems engineering
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Label generation for time series data
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Privacy and Usability Aspects of Public Blockchains
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Aggregation & analysis of IPv6 prefixes at Internet-scale
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Enabling program analysis through provenance-preserving translation into A-Normal form
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Generating multi-lingual, semantically equivalent fuzzer benchmarks from mazes
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Pay To Win: Algorithmic Incentive Manipulation Attacks on Permissionless Cryptocurrencies
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Injecting shared libraries with LD_PRELOAD for cyber deception
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Topology discovery within the bitcoin network
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Input models for combinatorial testing using source annotations
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Enhancing abstraction and symbolic execution for shape analysis of C-programs operating on linked lists
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Improving rust mutation testing using static and dynamic program analysis
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Security and privacy concerns in shared configuration repositories
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Impact of user trust in IT systems on security and privacy
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Machine learning unplugged - Training decision trees and artificial neural networks with children
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Scanning for IoT devices using a mobile android application: Detecting devices in IP-based networks and the bluetooth environment
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Bayesian inference for inverse software performance problems
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Design process of the learning app studyly for use in Austrian informatics school classes
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Session recording in configuration management environments
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Unified framework for robust microservice communication
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Evaluation of a reengineering-based approach for evaluating software API usability
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Privacy-preserving collaborative anomaly detection
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Analysing the internet aas a graph
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Bitcoin network topology discovery using timing analysis
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Mental models of cryptographic protocols from different stakeholder perspectives
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Identification of pests and diseases in agriculture - conventional models with artificial intelligence
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Ethereum attack simulator : A discrete event simulation engine for attacks against the ethereum blockchain
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Model difference analysis for CPPS engineering models with variability
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A framework for evaluating the readability of test code in the context of code maintainability: A family of empirical studies
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Advances in distributed randomness
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Handling data completeness using statistical experiments: A case study on open-source and industry data
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Multi-aspect test case specification and automation based on cause-effect analysis a case study in industrial environments
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Causal discovery for metric-based root cause analysis in application performance monitoring
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Machine learning for interactive performance prediction
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Research Information system for a smart Lab - Use case scaling up of bio-fuel plant models
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Integrating grassland simulation models into a digital twin concept and life cycle
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Automated stitching for scanning electron microscopy images of integrated circuits
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Smart home privacy leaks
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Measuring privacy-enhancing technologies
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Identification of obfuscated function clones in binaries using machine learning
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Investigating router misconfigurations on the IPv6 internet
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Comparison and evaluation of the attacks and defenses against adversarial attacks
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Backdoor defenses
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Object capabilities and their benefits for web application security
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Zero-rating, one big mess : Analyzing differential pricing practices of European mobile network Operators
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Improving model reviewing and experimentation with tool support: a controlled experiment
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Improving smart manufacturing data analytics with big data concepts - a case study on an industry 4.0 environment
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A bionic view on complex software systems and the consequences for digital sustainability
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Coordinated multi-view graph analysis and improvement with applications in cyber-physical production systems engineering
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Privacy-preserving remote attestation protocol
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Hybrid Human-Machine ontology verification : Identifying common errors in ontologies by integrating human computation with ontology reasoners
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Generating knowledge Graphs with specified ambiguities
Kittenberger, P. (2021). Generating knowledge Graphs with specified ambiguities [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Race to the door - A Goldfinger attack on proof of work cryptocurrencies
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Human-Centric ontology evaluation : A human Computation approach for ontology restrictions verification
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On the Security of proof-of-stake directed acyclic graph protocols : a simulation-based approach
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On Hardware-based security in embedded systems : evaluating potential use of secure hardware in C-ITS stations
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Semantic approaches to detect file system log events for analyzing data exfiltration
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IoT guard: usable transparency and control over smart home IoT devices
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Automated reasoning over Arrays in the superposition calculus
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Open source and privacy aware Push notifications for mobile phones
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Towards a scalable secure element cluster : a recommendation on hardware configuration
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Security and privacy of secure messaging services : a case study of wire
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Context enrichment of crowdsourcing tasks for ontology validation
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Evaluation and improvement of ethereum light clients
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Mitigating return address leaks with software diversity
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Automatic identification of cross-container side-channels
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Experiences with technical debt in parallel multi-disciplinary production systems engineering
Waltersdorfer, L. (2019). Experiences with technical debt in parallel multi-disciplinary production systems engineering [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Performance of paradigms for storing and querying multidisciplinary engineering models
Wapp, M. (2019). Performance of paradigms for storing and querying multidisciplinary engineering models [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Efficient and effective response to computer security incidents and cybercrime : system-level defenses against USB-based attacks
Neuner, S. (2019). Efficient and effective response to computer security incidents and cybercrime : system-level defenses against USB-based attacks [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Improving test automation best practices with test process lines : a case study on classified ads platforms
Putz, C. (2019). Improving test automation best practices with test process lines : a case study on classified ads platforms [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Human assisted information extraction through Bluetooth low energy on android
Szivos, G. Z. (2019). Human assisted information extraction through Bluetooth low energy on android [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Verknüpfung von internen Sensordaten mit externen Datenquellen und Analyse der generierten Verbindungen mithilfe von verteilten Systemen
Haberberger, N. (2019). Verknüpfung von internen Sensordaten mit externen Datenquellen und Analyse der generierten Verbindungen mithilfe von verteilten Systemen [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Rule-based recommender for feature engineering in big data
Lepadat, M.-A. (2019). Rule-based recommender for feature engineering in big data [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Ein Multi-Architektur Decompiler
Wagner, T. (2019). Ein Multi-Architektur Decompiler [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Software architecture evolution of collective intelligence systems into system-of-systems farm platforms
Pilz, E. (2019). Software architecture evolution of collective intelligence systems into system-of-systems farm platforms [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Personal privacy in wireless emissions
Stütz, A. (2019). Personal privacy in wireless emissions [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Auswahl und Anwendung von Modellierungssprachen für multidisziplinäres Engineerng von Produktionssystemen
Kathrein, L. (2019). Auswahl und Anwendung von Modellierungssprachen für multidisziplinäres Engineerng von Produktionssystemen [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (3.26 MB) - Data logistics analysis and design for multi-disciplinary engineering / Rinker, F. P. (2019). Data logistics analysis and design for multi-disciplinary engineering [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Supporting architecture evolution in industrial cloud-edge ecosystems
Gschiel, S. (2018). Supporting architecture evolution in industrial cloud-edge ecosystems [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Simulation of different selfish mining strategies in bitcoin : simulation respecting network topology and reference implementation
Mulser, S. (2018). Simulation of different selfish mining strategies in bitcoin : simulation respecting network topology and reference implementation [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Model driven systems configuration : improving the efficiency & quality of engineering process assembly based on varibility modeling
Meixner, K. (2018). Model driven systems configuration : improving the efficiency & quality of engineering process assembly based on varibility modeling [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Usable authentication ceremonies in secure instant messaging
Fassl, M. (2018). Usable authentication ceremonies in secure instant messaging [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Improving the awareness of technology updates by web mining of heterogeneous online sources
Schrack, M. (2018). Improving the awareness of technology updates by web mining of heterogeneous online sources [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Ontology-based data integration and knowledge change management in multi-disciplinary engineering environments
Ekaputra, F. J. (2018). Ontology-based data integration and knowledge change management in multi-disciplinary engineering environments [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Stop to unlock - improving the security of unlock patterns on mobile devices
Suchan, A. (2018). Stop to unlock - improving the security of unlock patterns on mobile devices [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Efficient algorithms and tools for practical combinatorial testing
Kleine, K. (2018). Efficient algorithms and tools for practical combinatorial testing [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Public Wi-Fi hotspots in the wild : revealing vulnerabilities and restrictions for ordinary hotspot users
Plieschnegger, S. (2018). Public Wi-Fi hotspots in the wild : revealing vulnerabilities and restrictions for ordinary hotspot users [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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A Software platform design approach for knowledge sharing and self-organization among crowd workers
Filler, J. (2018). A Software platform design approach for knowledge sharing and self-organization among crowd workers [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Ortsunabhängige Steuerung hochpräziser Feinmesstechnikaufbauten : Entwicklung einer flexiblen Software-Architektur zum Fernstudium in der Messtechnik : development of a flexible software architecture for metrology research and education from a distance
Zawrel, M. (2018). Ortsunabhängige Steuerung hochpräziser Feinmesstechnikaufbauten : Entwicklung einer flexiblen Software-Architektur zum Fernstudium in der Messtechnik : development of a flexible software architecture for metrology research and education from a distance [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Improving crowdsourced software inspection: development of an experimental process support platform
Penzenstadler, P. (2018). Improving crowdsourced software inspection: development of an experimental process support platform [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Mitigating Rowhammer attacks with software diversity
Wiesinger, M. (2018). Mitigating Rowhammer attacks with software diversity [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Security and privacy in large-scale Infrastructure
Dabrowski, A. M. (2018). Security and privacy in large-scale Infrastructure [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Automated XSS vulnerability detection through context aware fuzzing and dynamic analysis
Fink, T. (2018). Automated XSS vulnerability detection through context aware fuzzing and dynamic analysis [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Sichere mobile Apps mit plattformübergreifenden Frameworks entwickeln : Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze für EntwicklerInnen : challenges and approaches for developers
Leonhartsberger, L. M. (2018). Sichere mobile Apps mit plattformübergreifenden Frameworks entwickeln : Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze für EntwicklerInnen : challenges and approaches for developers [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Semantic integration and exploration of statistical data
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Security and privacy in mobile environments
Merzdovnik, G. (2017). Security and privacy in mobile environments [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Visual detection of anti-adblocking software
Brendler, S. (2017). Visual detection of anti-adblocking software [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Malvertising und Malware im Kontext von Android
Fraihs, N. (2017). Malvertising und Malware im Kontext von Android [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Randomness for blockchains : generating publicly-verifiable and bias-resistant randomness in decentralized systems
Schindler, P. (2017). Randomness for blockchains : generating publicly-verifiable and bias-resistant randomness in decentralized systems [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Security assurance assessment for multi-layered and multi-tenant hybrid clouds
Hudic, A. (2017). Security assurance assessment for multi-layered and multi-tenant hybrid clouds [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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A legacy system migration and software evolution
Fürnweger, A. (2017). A legacy system migration and software evolution [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Modern end-to-end encrypted messaging for the desktop
Bayerle, R. (2017). Modern end-to-end encrypted messaging for the desktop [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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ILDA: interoperability framework for linked data-based applications
Kavický, L. (2017). ILDA: interoperability framework for linked data-based applications [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Bad things happen through USB
Neuner, S. (2017). Bad things happen through USB [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Exploratory search on expert knowledge graphs
Friedl, A. (2017). Exploratory search on expert knowledge graphs [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Merged mining : analysis of effects and implications
Zamyatin, A. (2017). Merged mining : analysis of effects and implications [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Ontology based decision support in urban energy planning
Ouhajjou, N. (2016). Ontology based decision support in urban energy planning [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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IPv6 high performance scanning
Kukovic, C. (2016). IPv6 high performance scanning [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Web browser fingerprinting : a framework for measuring the web browser
Culafic, V. (2016). Web browser fingerprinting : a framework for measuring the web browser [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Geheime Kommunikation im Internet
Ullrich, J. M. M. (2016). Geheime Kommunikation im Internet [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Semantic stream processing of environmental data
Wetz, P. (2016). Semantic stream processing of environmental data [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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The end of the password era : towards password-less authentication based on enhanced FIDO
Bachl, M. (2016). The end of the password era : towards password-less authentication based on enhanced FIDO [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Usable security and privacy challenges with disruptive technologies
Krombholz-Reindl, K. (2016). Usable security and privacy challenges with disruptive technologies [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Deferred peerings as obstacles on the Internet
Rieder, T. (2016). Deferred peerings as obstacles on the Internet [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Monitoring net neutrality of Austrian ISPs
Schreiber, T. (2016). Monitoring net neutrality of Austrian ISPs [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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RFID Inventarisierungs-Management System im medizinischen Umfeld
Kuci, A. (2016). RFID Inventarisierungs-Management System im medizinischen Umfeld [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Mashup-based linked data integration
Trinh, T.-D. (2016). Mashup-based linked data integration [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Biber der Informatik in einer App : Usability für mobiles Lernen
Gerger, U. (2016). Biber der Informatik in einer App : Usability für mobiles Lernen [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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A framework for the application of pseudonymization for primary and secondary use of health data
Heurix, J. (2016). A framework for the application of pseudonymization for primary and secondary use of health data [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Improving lecture interactivity with integrated audience response systems
Prasch, P. (2016). Improving lecture interactivity with integrated audience response systems [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Process and product analysis in multidisciplinary, heterogeneous engineering environments
Petritsch, M. (2016). Process and product analysis in multidisciplinary, heterogeneous engineering environments [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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- Multi-objective optimization of energy networks / Deutsch, D. (2016). Multi-objective optimization of energy networks [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Malware through the looking glass : malware analysis in an evolving threat landscape
Lindorfer, M. (2015). Malware through the looking glass : malware analysis in an evolving threat landscape [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Automated discovery of secure website domains
Frühwirt, D. (2015). Automated discovery of secure website domains [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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A learning environment for teaching maze algorithms
Melbinger, S. (2015). A learning environment for teaching maze algorithms [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Confidential desktop: towards an access control framework for preserving data confidentiality based on environmental conditions
Weiß, S. (2015). Confidential desktop: towards an access control framework for preserving data confidentiality based on environmental conditions [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Software project longevity - a case study on open source software development projects
Kiselka, B. (2015). Software project longevity - a case study on open source software development projects [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Lernerfahrungen mit Apps auf Tablets im Elementarbereich
Holler, M. (2015). Lernerfahrungen mit Apps auf Tablets im Elementarbereich [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Analyse von bestehenden Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
Buk, T. (2015). Analyse von bestehenden Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Implementierung eines Virtual Learning Environments zur Erreichung verbesserter Lernergebnisse der Schüler im Gegenstand Angewandte Informatik und als IT-Prototyp für die Schule
Müller, A. (2015). Implementierung eines Virtual Learning Environments zur Erreichung verbesserter Lernergebnisse der Schüler im Gegenstand Angewandte Informatik und als IT-Prototyp für die Schule [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Anonymization for sensitive linked stream data in bio-surveillance systems
Ortner, B. (2015). Anonymization for sensitive linked stream data in bio-surveillance systems [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Programmiereinstieg durch App-Entwicklung
Ducic, E. (2015). Programmiereinstieg durch App-Entwicklung [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Mobiles Lernen im Fach Softwareentwicklung : Einsatzszenarien
Bacher, S. (2015). Mobiles Lernen im Fach Softwareentwicklung : Einsatzszenarien [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Sustainability risk monitoring in supply chains : ranking suppliers using text mining and Bayesian networks with a focus on child labor
Thöni, A. (2015). Sustainability risk monitoring in supply chains : ranking suppliers using text mining and Bayesian networks with a focus on child labor [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Security-Schätzung von Open Source Webanwendungen
Hernádi, T. (2015). Security-Schätzung von Open Source Webanwendungen [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Straightjacket: tightening process execution policies at runtime
Gadllah, A. (2015). Straightjacket: tightening process execution policies at runtime [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Text-mining based incident identification in the domain of sustainability
Wieser, F. (2015). Text-mining based incident identification in the domain of sustainability [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Performance testing in heterogeneous and distributed engineering environments
Macho, C. (2015). Performance testing in heterogeneous and distributed engineering environments [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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- Analysis of internet-wide TLS usage beyond HTTPS / Mayer, W. (2015). Analysis of internet-wide TLS usage beyond HTTPS [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Konzept für einen kompetenzorientierten Informatikunterricht / Frühwirth, J. (2015). Konzept für einen kompetenzorientierten Informatikunterricht [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Improving engineering processes and quality assurance in heterogeneous engineering environments / Winkler, D. (2015). Improving engineering processes and quality assurance in heterogeneous engineering environments [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Architectural principles and process phases for designing collective intelligence systems : based on an exploratory case study of real-world scenarios / Musil, A. (2015). Architectural principles and process phases for designing collective intelligence systems : based on an exploratory case study of real-world scenarios [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Database forensics : towards a forensic-aware database solution / Frühwirt, P. (2015). Database forensics : towards a forensic-aware database solution [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Bewertungssystem für eLearning Ressourcen : Evaluation bestehender Systeme und Konzeption eines Systems für den speziellen Bedarf der Medizinischen Universität Wien / Sigmund, T. (2015). Bewertungssystem für eLearning Ressourcen : Evaluation bestehender Systeme und Konzeption eines Systems für den speziellen Bedarf der Medizinischen Universität Wien [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien zur Verständnisorientierung im Physikunterricht der Sekundarstufe I
Schmit, A. (2014). Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien zur Verständnisorientierung im Physikunterricht der Sekundarstufe I [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Btrfs filesystem forensics
Juch, A. (2014). Btrfs filesystem forensics [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Statistical methods in managing web performance
Cito, J. (2014). Statistical methods in managing web performance [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Appropriate obfuscation of location information on an application level for mobile devices : empower users to regain control of their location privacy
Hochreiner, C. (2014). Appropriate obfuscation of location information on an application level for mobile devices : empower users to regain control of their location privacy [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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On the applicability of secret sharing cryptography in secure cloud services
Kirchner, M. (2014). On the applicability of secret sharing cryptography in secure cloud services [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Detecting privacy leaks in the private browsing mode of modern web browsers through process monitoring
Brunner, H. (2014). Detecting privacy leaks in the private browsing mode of modern web browsers through process monitoring [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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IKT-Sicherheitsrisiken an Schulen : Analyse und Darstellung möglicher Handlungsempfehlungen für ein Schul-CERT
Mischitz, T. (2014). IKT-Sicherheitsrisiken an Schulen : Analyse und Darstellung möglicher Handlungsempfehlungen für ein Schul-CERT [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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An integration framework for knowledge-supported project management in IT consortia
Grünwald, A. (2014). An integration framework for knowledge-supported project management in IT consortia [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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A survey and taxonomy on privacy enhancing technologies
Zimmermann, P. (2014). A survey and taxonomy on privacy enhancing technologies [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Programming for Smartphones. finally
Pollak, M. (2014). Programming for Smartphones. finally [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Investigating programming techniques in large-scale empirical studies
Kitzler, M. (2014). Investigating programming techniques in large-scale empirical studies [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Multi-Model Dashboard : making interdisciplinary dependencies explicit in complex systems engineering environments
Stampf, L. (2014). Multi-Model Dashboard : making interdisciplinary dependencies explicit in complex systems engineering environments [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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An ontology-based approach for transformer generation in a multi-disciplinary engineering environment
Pircher, M. (2014). An ontology-based approach for transformer generation in a multi-disciplinary engineering environment [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Unterstützung von Facility-Management Prozessen mit NFC-Smartphones am Beispiel eines Gebäudereinigungsdienstes
Paral, S. (2014). Unterstützung von Facility-Management Prozessen mit NFC-Smartphones am Beispiel eines Gebäudereinigungsdienstes [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Entwurf einer Android-Applikation zum Erlernen von Konzepten der Informatik auf Basis von Ideen der Gamification
Fischer, B. (2014). Entwurf einer Android-Applikation zum Erlernen von Konzepten der Informatik auf Basis von Ideen der Gamification [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Der Einfluss von Bildungsmaßnahmen auf die Relevanz von Internet Privacy für Endnutzer
Schmidt, C. (2014). Der Einfluss von Bildungsmaßnahmen auf die Relevanz von Internet Privacy für Endnutzer [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Geospacial information management in Web-based CMS systems : theory, techniques, specifications and data management
Chinquist, J. (2014). Geospacial information management in Web-based CMS systems : theory, techniques, specifications and data management [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Personal Knowledge Desk : Erstellung eines Prototypen zur Verwaltung des persönlichen Wissens in Form eines virtuellen Schreibtischs
Hofbauer, R. (2014). Personal Knowledge Desk : Erstellung eines Prototypen zur Verwaltung des persönlichen Wissens in Form eines virtuellen Schreibtischs [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Semantic-aware mashup for personal resources and its relevance for the open semantic enterprise concept
Vo, S. K. (2014). Semantic-aware mashup for personal resources and its relevance for the open semantic enterprise concept [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Hardware-assisted code obfuscation
Schrittwieser, S. (2014). Hardware-assisted code obfuscation [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Maintaining privacy of medical data : analysis of existing approaches with special focus on ePrescription
Sellner, M. T. (2014). Maintaining privacy of medical data : analysis of existing approaches with special focus on ePrescription [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Consuming Linked Open Data via standard web widgets
Pershina, I. (2014). Consuming Linked Open Data via standard web widgets [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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New challenges in digital forensics : online storage and anonymous communication
Mulazzani, M. (2014). New challenges in digital forensics : online storage and anonymous communication [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Investigation of data modelling approaches for the integration of heterogeneous engineering tools
Waltersdorfer, F. (2014). Investigation of data modelling approaches for the integration of heterogeneous engineering tools [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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A business data modeling methodology for the financial industry
Resutikova, M. (2014). A business data modeling methodology for the financial industry [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Combining testing power of dependent software engineering projects
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Security challenges in mobile middleware
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Ein Technologieentwurf für eine Klasse skalierender Webapplikationen
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Security and privacy implications of third-party access to online social networks
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Transferring Open Government Data into the global Linked Open Data cloud
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A dynamic Java-based model-to-model transformation environment
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On WebSockets in penetration testing
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Challenges of Web-based information security knowledge sharing
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Context-aware security analysis of mashups
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Project observation and analysis in heterogeneous software & systems development environments
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Isolated testing of software components in distributed software systems
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Investigating 3D virtual world for adult basic education
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Entwicklung eines Prozesses zur Sicherung der Qualität von Schnittstellen in heterogenen Systemlandschaften
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Applying semantic web concepts to GeoRSS
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Planung und Entwicklung eines Tools für Reporting, Monitoring und Unterstützung der Durchführung von Tests von Schnittstellen in heterogenen Systemlandschaften
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Security for the integration of software tools in multidisciplinary engineering processes
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Lightweight UML model creation
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Vergleich unterschiedlicher Ansätze zur Implementierung eines Business Continuity Management
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Dataspace support platform for e-science
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User-oriented rule management for complex event processing applications
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Extension of the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) with probabilistic time management of choreographies and time constraints in workflow systems
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Elektronische Verfahrenskommunikation in der öffentlichen Verwaltung : relevante Verfahren, Zustellungsproblematik und Anreize zur Beteiligung
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A semantic web approach to license agreements
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Condition-Monitoring in der Logistik mittels RFID
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Einhaltung der Qualitätskriterien von IT Services
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PPJ - a polymorphic runtime packer for Java
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Governance, risk & compliance (GRC) for information systems : towards an integrated approach
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Web service composition in Drupal
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A unified tooling framework for pedestrian simulation
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Software-based automation of risk assessment
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Lehre von Software-Verifikation in der Berufsbildung unter dem Aspekt von Bildungsstandards
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Event-Condition-Action rules for distributed content management
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Flexible engineering environment integration for (software+) development teams
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Digital game based learning : die Begeisterung als Motivationsgrund beim Lernen
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Using semantic technology to support project reporting : a case study on requirements categorization and conflict analysis reports in a real-life project setting
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Semantic data integration in (software+) engineering projects
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Deriving project health indicators of Open Source Software projects using social network analysis
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Managing complex and dynamic software systems with space-based computing
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Lightweight open-source tool support for requirements management : addressing major shortcomings of typically used ReqM tools, development of a prototype and evaluation with experienced users
Jaros, M. (2010). Lightweight open-source tool support for requirements management : addressing major shortcomings of typically used ReqM tools, development of a prototype and evaluation with experienced users [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Pseudonymisierter Arztbrief auf Basis der HL7 CDA R2 für den sicheren Austausch und die sichere Archivierung
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Evaluation of model-driven security approaches
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Marktanalyse und Vorgehensmodell für den betrieblichen Einsatz von Cloud Computing unter besonderer Berücksichtigung rechtlicher Aspekte
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Die Auswirkungen von IT-Governance auf IT-Service Organisationen : eine empirische Untersuchung von Unterschieden in österreichischen Unternehmen
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Anonymity, integrity and reliability issues with open proxies
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Einsatz und Evaluierung von E-Learning Plattformen für die Zielgruppe Senioren
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Informationssicherheit in Schulen mit besonderem Augenmerk auf die Anwenderschulung
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Lernkurs zum Erstellen eines WYSIWYG-Editors in einer 3D Game Engine
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Improvement of life-quality in the developing regions through mobile device social networks
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A controlled experiment on team meeting effectiveness in software architecture evaluation
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Semantic integration of engineering environments using an engineering knowledge base
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A replicated experiment on the effect of team size and individual experience in software architecture evaluation
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Testing the performance of complex system simulations in the production automation domain
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UML diagram and element generation exemplary study on UMLet
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Data modeling of multi-agent systems : a comparison of UML-based and ontology-based approaches with special focus on didactic skills for ontology-based modeling
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Development of a Workshop Based Security Safeguard Evaluation Process
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Integration of personal services into global business
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Economic and security aspects of pseudonymization approaches in eHealth
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Biometrische Systeme - wie sicher sind sie wirklich?
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Pseudonymization of medical images : development and implementation of a method for the pseudonymized processing of DICOM images
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Anonymity & Monitoring : how to monitor the infrastructure of an anonymity system
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Datengesteuerte Erstellung von Eclipse-basierten Client-Applikationen : zum einfachen Erlernen des Eclipse-Frameworks
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Modularization of Enterprise Applications : an analysis using enterprise-technologies and a module management system
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Suitability study of the CMS trigger supervisor control panel infrastructure : the global trigger case
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Informationelle Selbstbestimmung im Kontext betrieblicher Informationssicherheit
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Exploitation of ontologies in security and privacy domain
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Didaktische Unterlagen für Hardwaretoken Betriebssysteme mit spezieller Berücksichtigung der Datenverwaltung
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IT-Security Management für Klein- und Mittelbetriebe
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IT-Security Management für Klein- und Mittelbetriebe
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Integration of heterogeneous software-intensive systems with rule-engine-based event correlation, analysis and generation
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Implementation and coordination of multi agent systems for production automation simulation using coordination patterns
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A standards-based approach to dynamic tool integration using Java business integration : [a redesign of the toolnet framework built on enterprise integration standards]
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Balancing quality assurance methods along the project life cycle : a concept for systematic quality assurance strategy evaluation
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Tool evaluation for distributed pair programming
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Tool support for semantic-model-driven systems integration
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Managing event streams for querying complex events
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Project Portfolio Decision Support using evolutionary algorithms
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Mapping security frameworks into SecOnt
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The Catalyst Kit : encouraging collaboration and design thinking in interactive systems development
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Managing dependencies in complex global software development projects
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Sicherheit elektronischer Wahlen : eine Methode zur Bewertung und Optimierung der Sicherheit von E-Voting-Systemen
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Implementing enterprise integration patterns using open source frameworks
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Mobile Computing - Innovationen und Trends für Hardware und Software
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Quality prediction and evaluation models for products and processes in distributed software development
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Entwicklung eines Spam-Filter Gateways basierend auf Open-Source-Projekten
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PIPE : pseudonymization of information for privacy in e-health
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Moderne Kryptografie
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Vergleich von IT-Risikomanagement Tools anhand eines Business Cases
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Personal information management systems : an introduction & outlook
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Digital rights management
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Practical vulnerability and threat evaluation on security and privacy aspects of RFID and contactless smart cards
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Umfassendes Risikomanagement
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Anforderungsverfolgung in der modellbasierten Softwareentwicklung
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Towards a sustainable data warehouse approach for evidence-based healthcare
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Efficient indexing, search and analysis of event streams : EventCloud: exploration and analysis tool for events
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Context-aware notification in global software development
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Plugin-basiertes Requirements Tracing in der Softwareentwicklung
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Security and privacy management in service oriented architectures
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Bridging the gap between management and engineering : an extension to the V-Modell XT Framework
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Host- und Softwareinventarisierung in heterogenen Netzwerken am Fallbeispiel Securitymanagement mit atc-inventory
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Semantic web information retrieval : a semantic web based virtual query system for supporting user query formulation and information retrieval in the semanticLIFE personal digital memory framework
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Multiobjective decision support for selecting business application portfolios
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Shared semantic context in lifetime knowledge archive
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Development of a modular extensible framework for penetration testing
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The definition of secure business processes with respect to multiple objectives
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Evaluation of differences between optimization algorithms for the selection of IT and IT-security investments
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The concept of Connecting Ontology and its exploitation for knowledge and information presentation for people with special needs
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Sicherheit und dynamische Veränderung von .pdf Dokumenten
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Generic web service client for SOPA framework
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Aufbau von Lehrinhalten anhand des Beispiels Kryptologie für den Informatikunterricht
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Probing and monitoring of WSBPEL processes with web services
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Prozessmodellierung im Gesundheitswesen : Realität und Visionen des "Elektronischen Rezeptes"
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Feasibility study for RFID-based temperature monitoring of blood bags
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Development and implementation of a quantitative multi-disciplinary information security risk analysis workshop
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High performance computing in finance - on the parallel implementation of pricing and optimization models
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- Ein umfassendes Lehrkonzept für UMBE mit E-Learning Unterstützung und virtuellen Umgebungen / Scholz, M. (2006). Ein umfassendes Lehrkonzept für UMBE mit E-Learning Unterstützung und virtuellen Umgebungen [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Einsatz von ISO 17799 und IT-Grundschutz in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen / Gerdenitsch, P. (2006). Einsatz von ISO 17799 und IT-Grundschutz in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Evaluation of requirements engineering tools and a value-based tool selection process / Kretzel, B. (2006). Evaluation of requirements engineering tools and a value-based tool selection process [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- E-Learning zum Erlernen und Optimieren der Techniken des Schilanglaufs / Prader, A. (2006). E-Learning zum Erlernen und Optimieren der Techniken des Schilanglaufs [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- IT-Projektmanagement: Management des Forschungsprojektes "StegIT" mit Schwerpunkt Steganographie in der digitalen Sprachübertragung / Steigerwald, W. M. (2006). IT-Projektmanagement: Management des Forschungsprojektes “StegIT” mit Schwerpunkt Steganographie in der digitalen Sprachübertragung [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Charakterisierung der Komplexität öffentlicher Software-Projekte / Bistricky, F. (2006). Charakterisierung der Komplexität öffentlicher Software-Projekte [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- IT Governance im KMU / Mayrhofer, H. (2006). IT Governance im KMU [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Security ontologies : improving quantitative risk analysis / Fenz, S. (2006). Security ontologies : improving quantitative risk analysis [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Sichere Web-Services mit ASP.NET 2.0 : eine Beispielanwendung für das Projektmanagement agiler Softwareentwicklung / Bennar, T. (2006). Sichere Web-Services mit ASP.NET 2.0 : eine Beispielanwendung für das Projektmanagement agiler Softwareentwicklung [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Interactive previews in document workflows / Zwanzinger, T. (2006). Interactive previews in document workflows [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Appointment Arrangement Service : Online Terminabsprache mit .Net 2.0 und Anbindung an MS Outlook 2003 / Rauscher, C. (2006). Appointment Arrangement Service : Online Terminabsprache mit .Net 2.0 und Anbindung an MS Outlook 2003 [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Method tailoring in the V-Modell XT process context for small and medium-sized software development projects in the public sector : case study at Bundesrechenzentrum GmbH / Gross, R. (2006). Method tailoring in the V-Modell XT process context for small and medium-sized software development projects in the public sector : case study at Bundesrechenzentrum GmbH [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Software Project Management für embedded Systeme in der automotive Branche mit Fallstudie / Drucker, A. (2006). Software Project Management für embedded Systeme in der automotive Branche mit Fallstudie [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Efficient indexing and searching in correlated business event streams / Rozsnyai, S. (2006). Efficient indexing and searching in correlated business event streams [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Maussteuerung mit zwei Tasten : Entwicklung einer Individuallösung für einen motorisch sehr stark eingeschränkten User / Glatz, S. (2006). Maussteuerung mit zwei Tasten : Entwicklung einer Individuallösung für einen motorisch sehr stark eingeschränkten User [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- WLAN Authentifizierungsmechanismen anhand einer praktischen Implementierung von EAP-TLS / Wahbeh, J. (2006). WLAN Authentifizierungsmechanismen anhand einer praktischen Implementierung von EAP-TLS [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Einsatz von Projektmanagement in Softwareprojekten und eine Veranschaulichung anhand des Projekts LIMA / Steigerwald, S. (2006). Einsatz von Projektmanagement in Softwareprojekten und eine Veranschaulichung anhand des Projekts LIMA [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Enterprise JavaBeans : evaluation of different EJB platforms
Ly, T. M. (2005). Enterprise JavaBeans : evaluation of different EJB platforms [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Sicherheitskonzepte für private Netzwerke
Dusch, A. (2005). Sicherheitskonzepte für private Netzwerke [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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E-learning for the Austrian pharmacy apprentice: a comparative study of linear text vs. hypermedia interface program design and delivery
Koinig, R. J. (2005). E-learning for the Austrian pharmacy apprentice: a comparative study of linear text vs. hypermedia interface program design and delivery [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (11.7 MB) -
Portierung und plattformübergreifende Reimplementierung von Ärztesoftware
Mader, C. (2005). Portierung und plattformübergreifende Reimplementierung von Ärztesoftware [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Zero-latency data warehousing : toward a zero latency event sensing and responding data warehousing
Nguyen, M. T. (2005). Zero-latency data warehousing : toward a zero latency event sensing and responding data warehousing [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (9.46 MB) - Clickshopping : online shopping system using open source technologies / Metzler, P. M. (2005). Clickshopping : online shopping system using open source technologies [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Computer-Forensik / Böck, B. (2005). Computer-Forensik [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- The Blackman Project : gathering and storing semi-structured data for the "Semantik Desktop" / Fenz, S. (2005). The Blackman Project : gathering and storing semi-structured data for the “Semantik Desktop” [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Der elektronische Reisepass mit Chip und PKI / Gasser, T. (2005). Der elektronische Reisepass mit Chip und PKI [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- E-Learning und der Nutzen von sicheren Betriebssystemen am Beispiel von Moodle und SELinux / Frandl, S. (2005). E-Learning und der Nutzen von sicheren Betriebssystemen am Beispiel von Moodle und SELinux [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- The Blackman project : collecting and querying semi-structured data for the "semantic desktop" / Ekelhart, A. (2005). The Blackman project : collecting and querying semi-structured data for the “semantic desktop” [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- A case study on project management process : improvement at a turn-key software solution company / Hödl, O. (2005). A case study on project management process : improvement at a turn-key software solution company [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Strategieentwicklung von Blended-Learning Projekten / Fleck, R. (2005). Strategieentwicklung von Blended-Learning Projekten [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Datadreamer : generating a generic persistence layer / Anjomshoaa, A. (2005). Datadreamer : generating a generic persistence layer [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Multimaster LDAP Replikation für inhomogene verteilte Verzeichnisdienste / Müllner, H.-J. (2005). Multimaster LDAP Replikation für inhomogene verteilte Verzeichnisdienste [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- E-Business und die daraus resultierenden Anforderungen an moderne ERP Systeme / Gall, M. (2005). E-Business und die daraus resultierenden Anforderungen an moderne ERP Systeme [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Escalation management for Siemens PSE Product Teambase 5.0 / Saral, A. R. S. (2005). Escalation management for Siemens PSE Product Teambase 5.0 [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- IT & security auditing / Tomek, A. (2005). IT & security auditing [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Empirical investigation of the effect of V&V and agile software development on software quality improvement using a pilot study / Riedl, B. (2005). Empirical investigation of the effect of V&V and agile software development on software quality improvement using a pilot study [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Mobile usability evaluation within a software project : workflow optimization through a mobile application / Achatschitz, P. (2005). Mobile usability evaluation within a software project : workflow optimization through a mobile application [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Analogy-based software cost estimation: improving explicability, effectiveness and efficiency
Auer, M. (2004). Analogy-based software cost estimation: improving explicability, effectiveness and efficiency [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Modeling temporal information in multidimensional Data warehouses : a business related approach to implementing the time dimension optimized for data warehousing
Hezzah, A. (2004). Modeling temporal information in multidimensional Data warehouses : a business related approach to implementing the time dimension optimized for data warehousing [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (6.7 MB) - E-learning und neue Medien in der Medizin mit dem Projekt "Unified Patient" / Brandstätter, J. (2004). E-learning und neue Medien in der Medizin mit dem Projekt “Unified Patient” [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Ansätze zur Entwicklung von mobilen, serviceorientierten Software-Applikationen anhand eines Fallbeispiels aus dem Bereich e-Government / Güçlü, F. E. (2004). Ansätze zur Entwicklung von mobilen, serviceorientierten Software-Applikationen anhand eines Fallbeispiels aus dem Bereich e-Government [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Evaluating a value-based requirements traceability approach in a real-life project setting / Heindl, M. (2004). Evaluating a value-based requirements traceability approach in a real-life project setting [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Risikomanagementlösung / Pollak, N. (2004). Risikomanagementlösung [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Riskmanagement im IT-Security Bereich : ein quantitativer Ansatz / Aigner, M. (2004). Riskmanagement im IT-Security Bereich : ein quantitativer Ansatz [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Entwurf, Implementierung und Testen eines E-Mail Clients für ältere Leute / Müller, M. (2004). Entwurf, Implementierung und Testen eines E-Mail Clients für ältere Leute [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Empirical evaluation of inspections as a quality management approach for defect detection in the context of software engineering
Winkler, D. (2003). Empirical evaluation of inspections as a quality management approach for defect detection in the context of software engineering [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Barrierefreies Webdesign : Prinzipien, deren Anwendung und Konzeption eines Lehrganges
Rettinger, C. (2003). Barrierefreies Webdesign : Prinzipien, deren Anwendung und Konzeption eines Lehrganges [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Sustainable Web-based organisation of project-related information and knowledge
Schatten, A. (2003). Sustainable Web-based organisation of project-related information and knowledge [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (10.3 MB) - Visualizing a software project portfolio with multidimensional scaling methods : introduction of a novel approach and its application to a real-world project portfolio / Graser, B. (2003). Visualizing a software project portfolio with multidimensional scaling methods : introduction of a novel approach and its application to a real-world project portfolio [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- E-Learning zur Resozialisierung von Haftinsassinnen : Hardware/Software-Architektur ; Sicherheit & Risiko Management / Kalinyaprak, H. (2003). E-Learning zur Resozialisierung von Haftinsassinnen : Hardware/Software-Architektur ; Sicherheit & Risiko Management [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Restfehlerschätzung nach der Inspektion von Softwareanforderungsdokumenten / Szabo, G. (2003). Restfehlerschätzung nach der Inspektion von Softwareanforderungsdokumenten [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Analyse von Website-Zugriffen : Erfassung, Analyse, Kategorisierung und Auswertung von Zugriffen auf Seiten im World Wide Web / Moshammer, W. (2003). Analyse von Website-Zugriffen : Erfassung, Analyse, Kategorisierung und Auswertung von Zugriffen auf Seiten im World Wide Web [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- IT - Ausbildungsframeworks : Vergleich und Implementierung für die Verwendung in einer Ausbildungs- und Berufsdatenbank / Fritz, M. (2003). IT - Ausbildungsframeworks : Vergleich und Implementierung für die Verwendung in einer Ausbildungs- und Berufsdatenbank [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Vergleich von NET und J2EE anhand der Implementierung einer Webapplikation / Kozik, H.-J. (2002). Vergleich von NET und J2EE anhand der Implementierung einer Webapplikation [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Application Service Providing : mit Schwerpunkt auf Organisation und Technik / Walter, G. (2002). Application Service Providing : mit Schwerpunkt auf Organisation und Technik [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
ISIM investigation and specification : a sample implementation on the IBM JavaCard (JC/OP)
Schröttner, R. (2002). ISIM investigation and specification : a sample implementation on the IBM JavaCard (JC/OP) [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (965 KB) - Testautomatisierung für kommerzielle Softwaresysteme : eine wiederverwendbare Architektur für Testautomatisierung / Frast, D. (2002). Testautomatisierung für kommerzielle Softwaresysteme : eine wiederverwendbare Architektur für Testautomatisierung [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- GSM, UMTS und TETRA : drei Mobilfunktechnologien im Vergleich / Barrionuevo, L. (2002). GSM, UMTS und TETRA : drei Mobilfunktechnologien im Vergleich [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- The process warehouse : a data warehouse approach for multidimensional business analysis and improvement / List, B. (2002). The process warehouse : a data warehouse approach for multidimensional business analysis and improvement [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Information technology process reengineering : Konzeption und Realisierung im Rechenzentrum / Sidlo, H. (2002). Information technology process reengineering : Konzeption und Realisierung im Rechenzentrum [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Supporting management decisions in the software inspection process / Halling, M. (2002). Supporting management decisions in the software inspection process [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Zero-latency data warehousing : toward an integrated analysis environment with minimized latency for data propagations / Bruckner, R. M. (2002). Zero-latency data warehousing : toward an integrated analysis environment with minimized latency for data propagations [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- An empirical evaluation of tool-supported software requirements inspection / Weninger, M. (2002). An empirical evaluation of tool-supported software requirements inspection [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Evaluierung des Microsoft Solutions Framework für Applikationsentwicklung / Heilingbrunner, C. (2001). Evaluierung des Microsoft Solutions Framework für Applikationsentwicklung [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Managing metadata in tourism information system / Leewattanakit, W. (2001). Managing metadata in tourism information system [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Integrating heterogeneous resources for web-based application / Ashari, A. (2001). Integrating heterogeneous resources for web-based application [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Business Process Reeingeneering in Klein- und Mittelbetrieben : Vorstudie und Konzept / Awart, P. (2001). Business Process Reeingeneering in Klein- und Mittelbetrieben : Vorstudie und Konzept [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Object-oriented analysis and design with Enterprise JavaBeans / Müller, F. (2001). Object-oriented analysis and design with Enterprise JavaBeans [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Konzeption und Einführung von Knowledge Management Systemen : Theoretische Grundlagen und ein Praxisbeispiel / Blaim, P. (2001). Konzeption und Einführung von Knowledge Management Systemen : Theoretische Grundlagen und ein Praxisbeispiel [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Long-term preservation of digital material : building an archive to preserve digital cultural heritage from the internet / Aschenbrenner, A. (2001). Long-term preservation of digital material : building an archive to preserve digital cultural heritage from the internet [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Gerald Futschek:
Fachdidaktik Informatik
2020 / Ehrenmedaille des ABZ der ETH Zürich für Verdienste um den Informatikunterricht / Switzerland -
Gerald Futschek:
2018 / Ehrenmitglied der Österreichischen Computer Gesellschaft / Austria -
Gerald Futschek:
Biber der Informatik
2018 / eAward 2018, Sieger Kategorie Bildung / Austria / Website -
Stefan Biffl:
Best Paper Award - IEEE Int. Conf. on Industrial Informatics
2009 / UK -
Stefan Biffl:
Int. Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) - Outstanding Service Award
2009 / European Union -
Stefan Biffl:
Best Paper Award - Int. Conf. on Empirial Assessment of Software Engineering
2008 / Italy (South Tyrol) -
Edgar Weippl:
Award for the 2nd highest CISA exam (2005) score in Europe and Africa.
2006 / USA -
Stefan Biffl:
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award
2003 / USA -
Stefan Biffl:
Best Paper Award - 13th Annual International Symposium INCOSE (The International Council on Systems Engineering)
2003 / USA
And more…
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Until then, please visit Software Engineering’s research profile in TISS .