Margit Pohl Mag.a rer.soc.oec. phil.
Research Focus
- Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology: 100%
Research Areas
- Visual Analytics, Cognitive Psychology, Human-Computer Interaction
1) Human computer interaction 2) Visual analytics 3) Cognitive Psycology
Human Computer Interaction, E193-05
- Cognitive Foundations of Visualization / 193.133 / VO
- Design and Evaluation of Visualizations / 193.134 / UE
Pairwise Visual Comparison of Directed Acyclic Graphs: A HCI Perspective
2016 – 2019 / Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Publications: 145762 / 56945 / 57213 / 86663 -
Development of the basics for gender and diversity sensitive cooling stations for foodsharing in urban areas
2015 – 2017 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Human Factors in Using Collaboration Systems in Companies
2015 – 2016 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Visual Analytics for Sense-making in CRiminal Intelligence Analysis
2014 – 2018 / European Commission
Publication: 145774 -
Gender sensitive design of working places in the area of safety critical systems
2013 – 2015 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Interactive Information Visualization (in cooperation with 188)
2004 – 2007 / Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF)
Publications: 173366 / 51028 / 51241 / 51446 / 51789 / 51811 / 51897 / 84549
Visualization Literacy
Pohl, M. (2023). Visualization Literacy. MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung, 55, 109–125.
Download: PDF (351 KB) - Analysis of Sensemaking Strategies: Psychological Theories in Practice / Pohl, M., Haider, J. D., Seidler, P., Kodagoda, N., & Wong, B. L. W. (2023). Analysis of Sensemaking Strategies: Psychological Theories in Practice. In D. A. Szafir, R. Borgo, & D. J. Edwards (Eds.), Visualization Psychology (pp. 371–388). Springer.
- Visualization Onboarding Grounded in Educational Theories / Stoiber, C., Wagner, M., Grassinger, F., Pohl, M., Stitz, H., Streit, M., Potzmann, B., & Aigner, W. (2023). Visualization Onboarding Grounded in Educational Theories. In D. A. Szafir, R. Borgo, & M. Chen (Eds.), Visualization Psychology (pp. 139–164). Springer.
- Design Actions for the Design of Visualization Onboarding Methods / Stoiber, C., Pohl, M., & Aigner, W. (2023). Design Actions for the Design of Visualization Onboarding Methods. In 2023 IEEE VIS Workshop on Visualization Education, Literacy, and Activities (EduVis) (pp. 1–10).
Comparative evaluations of visualization onboarding methods
Stoiber, C., Walchshofer, C., Pohl, M., Potzmann, B., Grassinger, F., Stitz, H., Streit, M., & Aigner, W. (2022). Comparative evaluations of visualization onboarding methods. Visual Informatics, 6(4), 34–50.
Download: PDF (1.95 MB)
- Toward Flexible Visual Analytics Augmented through Smooth Display Transitions / Tominski, C., Andrienko, G., Andrienko, N., Bleisch, S., Fabrikant, S. I., Mayr, E., Miksch, S., Pohl, M., & Skupin, A. (2021). Toward Flexible Visual Analytics Augmented through Smooth Display Transitions. Visual Informatics, 5(3), 28–38.
- Who talks to whom: an evaluation of a call log visualization / Riegler, V., Wang, L., Doppler-Haider, J., & Pohl, M. (2021). Who talks to whom: an evaluation of a call log visualization. Journal of Visualization, 24(1), 133–156.
- Strategies for Detecting Difference in Map Line-Up Tasks / Haider, J. D., Pohl, M., Beecham, R., & Dykes, J. (2021). Strategies for Detecting Difference in Map Line-Up Tasks. In Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2021 (pp. 558–578). Springer, Cham.
- Visual Analysis of Multilayer Networks / McGee, F., Renoust, B., Archambault, D., Ghoniem, M., Kerren, A., Pinaud, B., Pohl, M., Otjacques, B., Melançon, G., & Landesberger, T. von. (2021). Visual Analysis of Multilayer Networks. In Synthesis Lectures on Visualization (p. 150). Morgan & Claypool Publishers.
- Influence of Shape, Density, and Edge Crossings on the Perception of Graph Differences / Wallner, G., Pohl, M., Graniczkowska, C., Ballweg, K., & von Landesberger, T. (2020). Influence of Shape, Density, and Edge Crossings on the Perception of Graph Differences. In Diagrammatic Representation and Inference 11th International Conference, Diagrams 2020 (pp. 348–356). Springer.
- Perception of Differences in Directed Acyclic Graphs: Influence Factors & Cognitive Strategies / Wallner, G., Pohl, M., von Landesberger, T., & Ballweg, K. (2019). Perception of Differences in Directed Acyclic Graphs: Influence Factors & Cognitive Strategies. In Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics. ACM, Austria. ACM Digital Library.
- Visualization Onboarding: Learning How to Read and Use Visualizations / Stoiber, C., Grassinger, F., Pohl, M., Stitz, H., Streit, M., & Aigner, W. (2019). Visualization Onboarding: Learning How to Read and Use Visualizations. In VisComm Workshop. OSF Preprint.
- Human Factors and Multilayer Networks / Pohl, M., & Kerren, A. (2019). Human Factors and Multilayer Networks. In Workshop on Visualization of Multilayer Networks (MNLVIS ’19) at IEEE VIS ’19, (p. 4). IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
- Evaluation of a novel visualization for dynamic social networks / Riegler, V., Wang, L., Doppler-Haider, J., & Pohl, M. (2019). Evaluation of a novel visualization for dynamic social networks. In Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction. ACM Digital Library.
- Life at risk - an empirical investigation of the design of workplaces in control rooms / Pohl, M., Weissenböck, E., Judmaier, P., Viertelmayr, A., & Rottermanner, G. (2018). Life at risk - an empirical investigation of the design of workplaces in control rooms. IADIS International Journal on Computers Science and Information Systems, 13(1), 68–81.
- Visual Interactive Creation, Customization, and Analysis of Data Quality Metrics / Bors, C., Kriglstein, S., Gschwandtner, T., Miksch, S., & Pohl, M. (2018). Visual Interactive Creation, Customization, and Analysis of Data Quality Metrics. ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality, 10(1), 1–26.
Visual Similarity Perception of Directed Acyclic Graphs: A Study on Influencing Factors and Similarity Judgment Strategies
Ballweg, K., Pohl, M., Wallner, G., & von Landesberger, T. (2018). Visual Similarity Perception of Directed Acyclic Graphs: A Study on Influencing Factors and Similarity Judgment Strategies. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 22(3), 519–553.
Project: PAIR (2016–2019) - EVA: Visual Analytics to Identify Fraudulent Events / Leite, R. A., Gschwandtner, T., Miksch, S., Kriglstein, S., Pohl, M., Gstrein, E., & Kuntner, J. (2018). EVA: Visual Analytics to Identify Fraudulent Events. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(1), 330–339.
Sense-making Strategies in Explorative Intelligence Analysis of Network Evolutions
Doppler Haider, J., Gastecker, B., Pohl, M., Seidler, P., Kodagoda, N., & Wong, B. L. W. (2018). Sense-making Strategies in Explorative Intelligence Analysis of Network Evolutions. Behaviour and Information Technology, 38(2), 198–215.
Project: VALCRI (2014–2018) - What Moves Players? / Drescher, C., Wallner, G., Kriglstein, S., Sifa, R., Drachen, A., & Pohl, M. (2018). What Moves Players? In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. CHI’18, Montreal, Non-EU.
- Cognitive Biases in Visual Analytics - A Critical Reflection / Pohl, M. (2018). Cognitive Biases in Visual Analytics - A Critical Reflection. In G. Ellis (Ed.), Cognitive Biases in Visualizations (pp. 177–184). Springer.
- How Users Transform Node-Link Diagrams to Matrices and Vice Versa / Kriglstein, S., Pohl, M., & Doppler Haider, J. (2018). How Users Transform Node-Link Diagrams to Matrices and Vice Versa. In Diagrammatic Representation and Inference (pp. 526–534). Sprnger.
- A location-based educational game for understanding the traveling salesman problem / Kriglstein, S., Brandmüller, M., Pohl, M., & Bauer, C. (2017). A location-based educational game for understanding the traveling salesman problem. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services -- MobileHCI 2017, Wien, Austria. ACM.
Visual Similarity Perception of Directed Acyclic Graphs: A Study on Influencing Factors
Ballweg, K., Pohl, M., Wallner, G., & von Landesberger, T. (2017). Visual Similarity Perception of Directed Acyclic Graphs: A Study on Influencing Factors. In F. Frati & K.-L. Ma (Eds.), Graph Drawing and Network Visualization. GD 2017 (pp. 241–255). Springer.
Project: PAIR (2016–2019) - Designing Cooling Stations for Food Sharing in Public Spaces / Pohl, M., Weißenböck, E., Gemballa, S., Wauschek, R., Kalleitner-Huber, M., Mraz, G., & Bernhofer, G. (2017). Designing Cooling Stations for Food Sharing in Public Spaces. In Proceedings of the SustainIT 2017 conference. SustainIT 2017, Madeira, Portugal, EU.
- Sense-making Strategies for the Interpretation of Visualizations-Bridging the Gap between Theory and Empirical Research / Pohl, M., & Haider, J. (2017). Sense-making Strategies for the Interpretation of Visualizations-Bridging the Gap between Theory and Empirical Research. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 1(3), 16.
- EVA: Visual Analytics to Identify Fraudulent Events / Leite, R. A., Gschwandtner, T., Miksch, S., Kriglstein, S., Pohl, M., Gstrein, E., & Kuntner, J. (2017). EVA: Visual Analytics to Identify Fraudulent Events. IEEE VIS Conference, Phoenix, AZ, USA, Non-EU.
A Proposal for Measuring the Perceived Pairwise Similarity Inspired by Tversky's Similarity Model on the Example of Directed Acyclic Graphs
Ballweg, K., Pohl, M., Wallner, G., & von Landesberger, T. (2017). A Proposal for Measuring the Perceived Pairwise Similarity Inspired by Tversky’s Similarity Model on the Example of Directed Acyclic Graphs. IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (IEEE VAST 2017), Phoenix, AZ, Non-EU.
Project: PAIR (2016–2019) - Designing Workplaces For Control Rooms: A Study Using Focus Groups And Stakeholder Interviews / Weißenböck, E., Pohl, M., Judmaier, P., Viertelmayr, A., & Rottermanner, G. (2017). Designing Workplaces For Control Rooms: A Study Using Focus Groups And Stakeholder Interviews. In Proceedings of the ICT 2017 conference (pp. 19–26). IADIS Press.
Investigating Graph Similarity Perception: A Preliminary Study and Methodological Challenges
von Landesberger, T., Pohl, M., Wallner, G., Distler, M., & Ballweg, K. (2017). Investigating Graph Similarity Perception: A Preliminary Study and Methodological Challenges. In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, Porto, EU.
Project: PAIR (2016–2019) - How Analysts Think: Sense-making Strategies in the Analysis of Temporal Evolution and Criminal Network Structures and Activities / Haider, J., Seidler, P., Pohl, M., Kodagoda, N., Adderley, R., & Wong, W. B. L. (2017). How Analysts Think: Sense-making Strategies in the Analysis of Temporal Evolution and Criminal Network Structures and Activities. In Proceedings of the HFES 2017 conference. HFES 2017, Austin, Texas, USA, Non-EU. SAGE.
- Visual Analytics in Process Mining: Classification of Process Mining Techniques / Kriglstein, S., Pohl, M., Rinderle-Ma, S., & Stallinger, M. (2016). Visual Analytics in Process Mining: Classification of Process Mining Techniques. In N. Andrienko & M. Sedlmair (Eds.), EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (pp. 43–47). The Eurographics Association.
- Animated Scatterplot - Analysis of Time-Oriented Data of Diabetes Patients / Pohl, M., Endl, H., & Fels, U. (2016). Animated Scatterplot - Analysis of Time-Oriented Data of Diabetes Patients. In Health Informatics Meets eHealth - Proceedings of the 10th eHealth2016 Conference (pp. 191–198). IOS Press.
- Who, Where, When and with Whom? Evaluation of Group Meeting Visualizations / Kriglstein, S., Haider, J., Wallner, G., & Pohl, M. (2016). Who, Where, When and with Whom? Evaluation of Group Meeting Visualizations. In M. Jamnik, Y. Uesaka, & S. Elzer Schwartz (Eds.), Diagrammatic Representation and Inference : 9th International Conference, Diagrams 2016, Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 7-10, 2016, Proceedings (pp. 235–249). Springer.
- Using lag-sequential analysis for understanding interaction sequences in visualizations / Pohl, M., Wallner, G., & Kriglstein, S. (2016). Using lag-sequential analysis for understanding interaction sequences in visualizations. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 96, 54–66.
- Proceedings of EmoVis 2016, ACM IUI 2016 Workshop on Emotion and Visualization, Sonoma, CA, USA, March 10, 2016 / Kerren, A., Cernea, D., & Pohl, M. (Eds.). (2016). Proceedings of EmoVis 2016, ACM IUI 2016 Workshop on Emotion and Visualization, Sonoma, CA, USA, March 10, 2016 (Vol. 103). Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings.
- Design for Intelligence Analysis of Complex Systems: Evolution of Criminal Networks / Seidler, P., Haider, J., Pohl, M., Kodagoda, N., Adderley, R., & Wong, W. B. L. (2016). Design for Intelligence Analysis of Complex Systems: Evolution of Criminal Networks. In European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference Proceedings 2016. European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference EISIC 2016, Uppsala, Schweden, EU.
- Organisational Overview: Institute for Design and Assessment of Technology, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) / Fitzpatrick, G., Tellioglu, H., Zagler, W., Pohl, M., Güldenpfennig, F., Hödl, O., Ganhör, R., Mayer, P., & Frauenberger, C. (2015). Organisational Overview: Institute for Design and Assessment of Technology, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien). In Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2015 (pp. 624–625). INTERACT 2015.
- Guidelines for Sensemaking in Intelligence Analysis / Pohl, M., Haider, J., Pallaris, C., & Wong, B. L. W. (2015). Guidelines for Sensemaking in Intelligence Analysis. In J. Brynielsson & M. H. Yap (Eds.), 2015 European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (pp. 177–177).
- Gender and the Design of Computer Interfaces in Control Rooms / Pohl, M., Weißenböck, E., Judmaier, P., Rottermanner, G., Größbacher, S., & Erharter, D. (2015). Gender and the Design of Computer Interfaces in Control Rooms. In M. Seidl & G. Schmiedl (Eds.), Forum Medientechnik - Next Generation, New Ideas (pp. 11–22).
- Feasibility of Eye Tracking in a Safety-Critical Environment to Support the Design Process of Gender & Diversity / Rottermanner, G., Judmaier, P., Größbacher, S., Erharter, D., Pohl, M., & Weißenböck, E. (2015). Feasibility of Eye Tracking in a Safety-Critical Environment to Support the Design Process of Gender & Diversity. In M. Seidl & G. Schmiedl (Eds.), Forum Medientechnik - Next Generation, New Ideas (pp. 133–140).
- Choosing the Right Sample? Experiences of Selecting Participants for Visualization Evaluation / Kriglstein, S., & Pohl, M. (2015). Choosing the Right Sample? Experiences of Selecting Participants for Visualization Evaluation. In W. Aigner, P. Rosenthal, & C. Scheidegger (Eds.), EuroVis Workshop on Reproducibility, Verification, and Validation in Visualization (EuroRV3). The Eurographics Association.
- Supporting Sense-Making and Insight Processes in Visual Analytics by Deriving Guidelines from Empirical Results / Haider, J., Pohl, M., Pallaris, C., & Wong, W. B. L. (2015). Supporting Sense-Making and Insight Processes in Visual Analytics by Deriving Guidelines from Empirical Results. In Proceedings of the Internation Summer School on Visual Computing 2015 (pp. 59–68).
- Exploring the Challenges of Implementing Guidelines for the Design of Visual Analytics Systems / Haider, J., Pohl, M., Hillemann, E.-C., Nussbaumer, A., Attfield, S., Passmore, P., & Wong, W. B. L. (2015). Exploring the Challenges of Implementing Guidelines for the Design of Visual Analytics Systems. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 59th Annual Meeting - 2015 (pp. 259–263).
- Visual Exploration and Analysis of Uncertain Time-oriented Data / Bögl, M. (2015). Visual Exploration and Analysis of Uncertain Time-oriented Data. In E. Marai, C. Collins, & M. Pohl (Eds.), Proceedings of the IEEE VIS 2015 Doctoral Colloquium - closed, invitation only special session (p. 4).
- How to Investigate Interaction with Information Visualisation: An Overview of Methodologies / Pohl, M., & Scholz, F. (2014). How to Investigate Interaction with Information Visualisation: An Overview of Methodologies. In A. Ebert, G. van der Veer, G. Domik, N. D. Gershon, & I. Scheler (Eds.), Building Bridges: HCI, Visualization, and Non-formal Modeling (pp. 17–29). Springer.
- Experiences and Challenges with Evaluation Methods in Practice: A Case Study / Kriglstein, S., Pohl, M., Suchy, N., Gärtner, J., Gschwandtner, T., & Miksch, S. (2014). Experiences and Challenges with Evaluation Methods in Practice: A Case Study. In Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Beyond Time and Errors: Novel Evaluation Methods for Visualization (BELIV 2014) (pp. 118–125). ACM digital library.
- TimeCleanser / Gschwandtner, T., Aigner, W., Miksch, S., Gärtner, J., Kriglstein, S., Pohl, M., & Suchy, N. (2014). TimeCleanser. In S. Lindstaedt, M. Granitzer, & H. Sack (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-driven Business - i-KNOW ’14. ACM Press.
- A user study of different gameplay visualizations / Kriglstein, S., Wallner, G., & Pohl, M. (2014). A user study of different gameplay visualizations. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI, Quebec, Canada, Non-EU.
- A Visual Analytics Approach to Segmenting and Labeling Multivariate Time Series Data / Alsallakh, B., Bögl, M., Gschwandtner, T., Miksch, S., Esmael, B., Arnaout, A., Thonhauser, G., & Zöllner, P. (2014). A Visual Analytics Approach to Segmenting and Labeling Multivariate Time Series Data. In M. Pohl & J. C. Roberts (Eds.), EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA) (pp. 31–35). Eurographics.
- Evaluating the Dot-Based Contingency Wheel: Results from a Usability and Utility Study / Pohl, M., Scholz, F., Kriglstein, S., Alsallakh, B., & Miksch, S. (2014). Evaluating the Dot-Based Contingency Wheel: Results from a Usability and Utility Study. In S. Yamamoto (Ed.), Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information and Knowledge Design and Evaluation (pp. 76–86). Springer.
- EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics / Pohl, M., & Roberts, J. C. (Eds.). (2014). EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics. Eurographics Association.
- Designing Online Tests For A Virtual Learning Environment - Evaluation Of Visual Behaviour Between Tasks / Rakoczi, G., Duchowski, A., & Pohl, M. (2014). Designing Online Tests For A Virtual Learning Environment - Evaluation Of Visual Behaviour Between Tasks. International Conference On Human Behavior In Design (HBiD 2014), Ascona, Non-EU.
- Untersuchungsmethoden zur Gendersensibilität von Arbeitsplätzen im Umfeld sicherheitskritischer Systeme / Judmaier, P., Pohl, M., Michelberger, F., Bichler, R., Erharter, D., Fränzl, T., & Kunz, A. (2014). Untersuchungsmethoden zur Gendersensibilität von Arbeitsplätzen im Umfeld sicherheitskritischer Systeme. In Netzwerk Gender-UseIT - Tagungsdokumentation der Fachtagung am 3./4. April in Berlin (p. 4). Eigenverlag.
- Sensemaking and Cognitive Bias Mitigation in Visual Analytics / Pohl, M., Winter, L.-C., Pallaris, C., Attfield, S., & Wong, B. L. W. (2014). Sensemaking and Cognitive Bias Mitigation in Visual Analytics. In 2014 IEEE Joint Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference. Ieee Jisic 2014, The Hague, Netherlands, EU.
- Special Section of Computers & Graphics Journal on Visual Analytics / Schulz, H.-J., Schumann, H., & Pohl, M. (2013). Special Section of Computers & Graphics Journal on Visual Analytics. Computers and Graphics, 38, A3–A4.
- Sieht gut aus - Visuelle Gestaltung auf wahrnehmungspsychologischen Grundlagen / Rakoczi, G., Bochud, Y., Garbely, M., Hedinger, A., & Pohl, M. (2013). Sieht gut aus - Visuelle Gestaltung auf wahrnehmungspsychologischen Grundlagen. In M. Ebner & S. Schön (Eds.), Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien (pp. 427–434). epubli GmbH.
- Proceedings of the EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics 2013 / Pohl, M., & Schumann, H. (Eds.). (2013). Proceedings of the EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics 2013. Eurographics Association.
Mind the Time: Unleashing the Temporal Aspects in Pattern Discovery
Lammarsch, T., Aigner, W., Bertone, A., Miksch, S., & Rind, A. (2013). Mind the Time: Unleashing the Temporal Aspects in Pattern Discovery. In M. Pohl & H. Schumann (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth International EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics held in Europe (EuroVA 2013) (pp. 31–35). Eurographics Publications.
Project: HypoVis (2011–2015) -
Pep Up Your Time Machine: Recommendations for the Design of Information Visualizations of Time-Dependent Data
Kriglstein, S., Pohl, M., & Smuc, M. (2013). Pep Up Your Time Machine: Recommendations for the Design of Information Visualizations of Time-Dependent Data. In W. Huang (Ed.), Handbook of Human Centric Visualization (pp. 203–225). Springer.
Project: EXPAND (2012–2016) - Organising Information on Big Walls - Human Perception and Large Displays / Pohl, M. (2013). Organising Information on Big Walls - Human Perception and Large Displays. In P. Judmaier, T. De Groeve, M. Rester, & A. Annunziato (Eds.), Collaborative Human-Computer Interaction with Big Wall Displays - BigWallHCI2013 (pp. 9–11). Publications Office of the European Union.
- Interaktion und Exploration - Über den Aufforderungscharakter von Visualisierungen / Pohl, M. (2013). Interaktion und Exploration - Über den Aufforderungscharakter von Visualisierungen. Strategien der Visualisierung in den Geisteswissenschaften: Probleme und Chancen, Wien, Austria.
- The User Puzzle / Pohl, M. (2013). The User Puzzle. Emerging Topics in Visual Computing and Computer Graphics, Alt-Schwerin, Deutschland, EU.
- Organising Information on big walls - human perception and large displays / Pohl, M. (2013). Organising Information on big walls - human perception and large displays. 3rd JRC European Crisis Management Laboratory Workshop (ECML), Ispra, Italy, EU.
- Visual perception of international traffic signs / Rakoczi, G., Duchowski, A., Casas-Tost, H., & Pohl, M. (2013). Visual perception of international traffic signs. In Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Eye Tracking South Africa - ETSA ’13. ACM.
- Defining Visual User Interface Design Recommendations for Highway Traffic Management Centres / Haider, J., Pohl, M., & Fröhlich, P. (2013). Defining Visual User Interface Design Recommendations for Highway Traffic Management Centres. In Proceedings of the IV 2013 conference (pp. 204–209). IEEE Computer Society.
- The User Puzzle - Explaining the Interaction with Visual Analytics Systems / Pohl, M., Smuc, M., & Mayr, E. (2012). The User Puzzle - Explaining the Interaction with Visual Analytics Systems. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(12), 2908–2916.
- Animation for Time-oriented Data: An Overview of Empirical Research / Kriglstein, S., Pohl, M., & Stachl, C. (2012). Animation for Time-oriented Data: An Overview of Empirical Research. In 2012 16th International Conference on Information Visualisation. 16th International Conference on Information Visualization, IV 2012, Montpellier, EU. CPS.
- Analysing Interactivity in Information Visualisation / Pohl, M., Wiltner, S., Miksch, S., Aigner, W., & Rind, A. (2012). Analysing Interactivity in Information Visualisation. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, 26(2), 151–159.
- Visualisation and Analysis of Multiuser Gaze Data: Eye Tracking Usability Studies in the Special Context of E-learning / Rakoczi, G., & Pohl, M. (2012). Visualisation and Analysis of Multiuser Gaze Data: Eye Tracking Usability Studies in the Special Context of E-learning. In 2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. IEEE Computer Society Publications, Austria. IEEE Computer Society.
- Methodologies for the Analysis of Usage Patterns in Information Visualization / Pohl, M. (2012). Methodologies for the Analysis of Usage Patterns in Information Visualization. In Proceedings of the BELIV 2012 workshop. BELIV 2012 workshop, Seattle, WA, USA, Non-EU. ACM Digital Libraries.
- Visual Exploration of Time-Oriented Patient Data for Chronic Diseases: Design Study and Evaluation / Rind, A., Aigner, W., Miksch, S., Wiltner, S., Pohl, M., Turic, T., & Drexler, F. (2011). Visual Exploration of Time-Oriented Patient Data for Chronic Diseases: Design Study and Evaluation. In A. Holzinger & K.-M. Simonic (Eds.), Information Quality in e-Health : 7th Conference of the Workgroup Human-Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering of the Austrian Computer Society, USAB 2011, Graz, Austria, November 25-26, 2011, Proceedings (pp. 301–320). Springer.
- Interactive Sonification of Medical Data / Kovar, S., & Pohl, M. (2011). Interactive Sonification of Medical Data. In Proceedings of the Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2011 (IHCI 2011) conference (pp. 341–344). IADIS Press.
- How to Investigate Interaction with Information Visualization - an Overview of Methodologies / Pohl, M., & Wiltner, S. (2011). How to Investigate Interaction with Information Visualization - an Overview of Methodologies. In Building Bridges – HCI and Visualization. Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2011, Lissabon, PT, EU. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
- Patient Development at a Glance: An Evaluation of a Medical Data Visualization / Pohl, M., Wiltner, S., Rind, A., Aigner, W., Miksch, S., Turic, T., & Drexler, F. (2011). Patient Development at a Glance: An Evaluation of a Medical Data Visualization. In P. Campos, N. Graham, J. Jorge, N. Nunes, P. Palanque, & M. Winckler (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2011 (pp. 292–299). Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
- Human Aspects of Visualization / Ebert, A., Dix, A., Gershon, N., & Pohl, M. (Eds.). (2011). Human Aspects of Visualization. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Visually Exploring Multivariate Trends in Patient Cohorts Using Animated Scatter Plots / Rind, A., Aigner, W., Miksch, S., Wiltner, S., Pohl, M., Drexler, F., Neubauer, B., & Suchy, N. (2011). Visually Exploring Multivariate Trends in Patient Cohorts Using Animated Scatter Plots. In M. M. Robertson (Ed.), Ergonomics and Health Aspects of Work with Computers (pp. 139–148). Springer.
- Solving Problems with Visual Analytics / Kohlhammer, J., Keim, D., Pohl, M., Andrienko, G., & Santucci, G. (2011). Solving Problems with Visual Analytics. In Procedia Computer Science (pp. 117–120).
- Enthusiasm or Skepticism? What Students Think about E-Learning / Pohl, M., & Wieser, D. (2010). Enthusiasm or Skepticism? What Students Think about E-Learning. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunication 2010 (pp. 3921–3928).
- Distributed Cognition als Rahmen für Interpretation und Analyse von E-Learning / Pohl, M. (2010). Distributed Cognition als Rahmen für Interpretation und Analyse von E-Learning. In H. Risku & M. F. Peschl (Eds.), Kognition und Technologie im kooperativen Lernen. Vom Wissenstransfer zur Knowledge Creation (pp. 173–190). V&R unipress.
- Perception and Cognitive Aspects. / Dix, A., Pohl, M., & Ellis, G. (2010). Perception and Cognitive Aspects. In D. Keim, J. Kohlhammer, G. Ellis, & F. Mansmann (Eds.), Mastering the Information Age: Solving Problems with Visual Analytics (pp. 109–130). Eurographics Association.
- VisuExplore: Gaining New Medical Insights from Visual Exploration / Rind, A., Miksch, S., Aigner, W., Turic, T., & Pohl, M. (2010). VisuExplore: Gaining New Medical Insights from Visual Exploration. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH) (pp. 149–152).
- VisuExplore: Gewinnung neuer medizinischer Erkenntnisse durch visuelle Exploration. / Rind, A., Miksch, S., Aigner, W., Turic, T., & Pohl, M. (2010). VisuExplore: Gewinnung neuer medizinischer Erkenntnisse durch visuelle Exploration. In G. Schreier, D. Haydn, & E. Ammenwerth (Eds.), eHealth2010: Health Informatics meets eHealth (pp. 273–278). Tagungsband der eHealth2010.
- Exploring Information Visualization - Describing Different Interaction Patterns / Pohl, M., Wiltner, S., & Miksch, S. (2010). Exploring Information Visualization - Describing Different Interaction Patterns. In E. Bertini, H. Lam, & A. Perer (Eds.), Proceedings of the BELIV’10 Workshop (pp. 16–23).
- International Perspectives on Women in Computing: Women in Computing in Austria. / Pohl, M., & Wiltner, S. (2009). International Perspectives on Women in Computing: Women in Computing in Austria. In Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering. (pp. 3111–3112). Wiley.
- Eye Tracking Study of the E-Learning Environment Moodle: Investigation of User Behavior / Rakoczi, G., & Pohl, M. (2009). Eye Tracking Study of the E-Learning Environment Moodle: Investigation of User Behavior. In Dr. Kinshuk, D. G. Sampson, M. J. Spector, P. Isaias, & D. Ifenthaler (Eds.), Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2009) (pp. 466–469). IADIS Press.
- Human Aspects of Visualization / Ebert, A., Dix, A., Gershon, N., & Pohl, M. (2009). Human Aspects of Visualization. In Human-Computer Interaction -- INTERACT 2009 (pp. 965–966). Springer LNCS.
- Interactive Game Based Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages / Pohl, M., Rester, M., & Judmaier, P. (2009). Interactive Game Based Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages. In Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 92–101). Springer.
- Computer Supported Collaborative Learning and Vocational Training - Adapting the Technology the Technology to the Learners' Needs / Pohl, M., Rester, M., Stöckelmayr, K., Jerlich, J., Judmaier, P., Reichl, F., & Obermüller, E. (2008). Computer Supported Collaborative Learning and Vocational Training - Adapting the Technology the Technology to the Learners’ Needs. Universal Access in the Information Society, 7(4), 259–272.
- Perception as an Exploratory Process: Analysis of Information Visualization Usage / Pohl, M., Rester, M., Miksch, S., Hinum, K., Schmalzl, M., & Stritzelberger, A. (2008). Perception as an Exploratory Process: Analysis of Information Visualization Usage. Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction for Medicine and Health Care (HCI4MED), Liverpool, UK, EU.
- How to Explain the Underrepresentation of Women in Computer Science Studies / Pohl, M., & Lanzenberger, M. (2008). How to Explain the Underrepresentation of Women in Computer Science Studies. In Current Issues in Computing and Philosophy Volume 175 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (pp. 181–190). IOS Press.
- Formal and Informal Technology Enhanced Learning for Initial and Continuing Engineering Education / Csanyi, G., Jerlich, J., Pohl, M., & Reichl, F. (2008). Formal and Informal Technology Enhanced Learning for Initial and Continuing Engineering Education. In Proceedings: IACEE 11th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education (p. 6). SMARTech - Scholary Materials And Research at Georgia Tech.
- Interactive and Game-Based Learning / Pohl, M. (2008). Interactive and Game-Based Learning. Workgroup HCI&UE of the Austrian Computer Society (OCG), Graz, Austria.
- Differences between text and electronic text and their relevance for educational research / Pohl, M. (2008). Differences between text and electronic text and their relevance for educational research. European conference on Computing and philosophy, Montpellier, France, EU.
- Perception and Cognitive Aspects of Information Visualization / Pohl, M. (2008). Perception and Cognitive Aspects of Information Visualization. EuroVis 2008, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, EU.
- Designing Game Based Learning - a Participatory Approach / Pohl, M., Rester, M., Judmaier, P., & Leopold, D. (2008). Designing Game Based Learning - a Participatory Approach. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008 (pp. 1317–1322).
- Sustainable Living - A Multiplayer Educational Game Based on Ecodesign / Judmaier, P., Huber, M., Pohl, M., Rester, M., & Leopold, D. (2008). Sustainable Living - A Multiplayer Educational Game Based on Ecodesign. In New Perspectives in Design Education - Proc. 10th Intl. Conf. on Engineering and Product Design Education (pp. 734–740).
- Students' Attitudes Towards Novel Interfaces in E-Learning / Pohl, M., Herbst, I., Reichl, F., & Wiltner, S. (2007). Students’ Attitudes Towards Novel Interfaces in E-Learning. In C. Stephanidis (Ed.), Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services - 4th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, UAHCI 2007, held as Part of HCi International 2007, Beijing,China, July 22-27, 2007, Proceedings, Part III (pp. 738–747). Springer LNCS.
Evaluating an InfoVis Technique Using Insight Reports
Rester, M., Pohl, M., Wiltner, S., Hinum, K., Miksch, S., Popow, C., & Ohmann, S. (2007). Evaluating an InfoVis Technique Using Insight Reports. In 2007 11th International Conference Information Visualization (IV ’07). Information Visualization, 11th International Conference Information Visualization, IV2007, Zürich, Switzerland, Non-EU. IEEE Computer Society.
Project: IN2VIS (mit 188) (2004–2007) -
Mixing Evaluation Methods for Assessing the Utility of an Interactive InfoVis Technique
Rester, M., Pohl, M., Wiltner, S., Hinum, K., Miksch, S., Popow, C., & Ohmann, S. (2007). Mixing Evaluation Methods for Assessing the Utility of an Interactive InfoVis Technique. In J. A. Jacko (Ed.), Human-Computer Interaction -- Proc. 12th Intl. HCI Conf. (HCII) (pp. 604–613). Springer.
Project: IN2VIS (mit 188) (2004–2007) -
Usability and Transferability of a Visualization Methodology for Medical Data
Pohl, M., Rester, M., & Wiltner, S. (2007). Usability and Transferability of a Visualization Methodology for Medical Data. In HCI and Usability for Medicine and Health Care (pp. 171–184). Springer.
Project: IN2VIS (mit 188) (2004–2007)
- Designing Communication and Cooperation Processes for Adult Learners / Pohl, M., Rester, M., Judmaier, P., Reichl, F., Jerlich, J., Obermüller, E., & Stöckelmayr, K. (2006). Designing Communication and Cooperation Processes for Adult Learners. In M. Jones, A. Krieger, F. Reichl, & A. Steiner (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th IACEE World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education (WCCEE) (pp. 1–5). Vienna University of Technology.
- Kognitive Faktoren in der Visualisierung / Pohl, M. (2006). Kognitive Faktoren in der Visualisierung. Grenzflächen der Informatik 2006, Dagstuhl, Germany.
- Approaching Computer Science - an Austrian Case Study / Pohl, M., & Lanzenberger, M. (2006). Approaching Computer Science - an Austrian Case Study. In E. Trauth (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Gender and Information Technology (pp. 970–975). Idea Group Publishing.
- Zum hohen Stellenwert einer Usability-Untersuchung in der Evaluierung einer interaktiven Informationsvisualisierung / Rester, M., Pohl, M., Banovic, S., Hinum, K., Miksch, S., Ohmann, S., & Popow, C. (2006). Zum hohen Stellenwert einer Usability-Untersuchung in der Evaluierung einer interaktiven Informationsvisualisierung. In Information nutzbar machen (pp. 143–147). Pabst Science Publishers.
Methods for the Evaluation of an Interactive InfoVis Tool Supporting Exploratory Reasoning Processes
Rester, M., Pohl, M., Hinum, K., Miksch, S., Popow, C., Ohmann, S., & Banovic, S. (2006). Methods for the Evaluation of an Interactive InfoVis Tool Supporting Exploratory Reasoning Processes. In E. Bertini, C. Plaisant, & G. Santucci (Eds.), Proceedings of BELIV’06 (pp. 32–37). ACM Press.
Project: IN2VIS (mit 188) (2004–2007) - Guidelines for the Design and Evaluation of E-Learning Systems / Pohl, M. (2006). Guidelines for the Design and Evaluation of E-Learning Systems. In EDEN 2006 Annual Conference (pp. 542–547).
- M3-Interdisciplinary Aspects on Digital Media & Education / Pohl, M., Holzinger, A., Motschnig, R., & Swertz, C. (Eds.). (2006). M3-Interdisciplinary Aspects on Digital Media & Education. Verlag Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
- Ecodesign - Design and Evaluation of an E-Learning System for Vocational Training / Pohl, M., Rester, M., Judmaier, P., & Stöckelmayr, K. (2005). Ecodesign - Design and Evaluation of an E-Learning System for Vocational Training. Elektrotechnik Und Informationstechnik : E & i, 122(12), 473–476.
- Ecodesign - ein Online-Universitätslehrgang für nachhaltige Produktentwicklung / Pohl, M., Rester, M., Judmaier, P., Reichl, F., Jerlich, J., Obermüller, E., & Stöckelmayr, K. (2005). Ecodesign - ein Online-Universitätslehrgang für nachhaltige Produktentwicklung. In Forschung zu Blended Learning: österreichische F & E Projekte und EU-Beteiligungen (pp. 181–192). Forum Neue Medien.
Assessing the Usability of an Interactive Information Visualization Method as the First Step of a Sustainable Evaluation
Rester, M., Pohl, M., Hinum, K., Miksch, S., Ohmann, S., Popow, C., & Banovic, S. (2005). Assessing the Usability of an Interactive Information Visualization Method as the First Step of a Sustainable Evaluation. In Usability Symposium: Empowering Software Quality: How can Usability Engineering reach these goals? (pp. 31–43). Austrian Computer Society (OCG).
Project: IN2VIS (mit 188) (2004–2007) -
Gravi++: Interactive Information Visualization of Highly Structured Temporal Data
Hinum, K., Miksch, S., Aigner, W., Ohmann, S., Popow, C., Pohl, M., & Rester, M. (2005). Gravi++: Interactive Information Visualization of Highly Structured Temporal Data. In Workshop IDAMAP 2005 Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology (pp. 67–72).
Project: IN2VIS (mit 188) (2004–2007) -
Gravi++: Interactive Information Visualization to Explore Highly Structured Temporal Data
Hinum, K., Miksch, S., Aigner, W., Ohmann, S., Popow, C., Pohl, M., & Rester, M. (2005). Gravi++: Interactive Information Visualization to Explore Highly Structured Temporal Data. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 11(11), 1792–1805.
Project: IN2VIS (mit 188) (2004–2007) - Ecodesign - an Online University Course for Sustainable Product Design / Rester, M., & Pohl, M. (2005). Ecodesign - an Online University Course for Sustainable Product Design. In Proceedings of of ED-MEDIA 2005. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications. (pp. 316–323).
- Media Informatics or Software Engineering: Why do women study computer science? / Lanzenberger, M., & Pohl, M. (2005). Media Informatics or Software Engineering: Why do women study computer science? In J. Achibald, J. Emms, F. Grundy, J. Payne, & E. Turner (Eds.), The Gender Politics of ICT (p. 7). Middlesex University Press.
- Exploring Highly Structured Data - A Comparative Study of Stardinates and Parallel Coordinates / Lanzenberger, M., Miksch, S., & Pohl, M. (2005). Exploring Highly Structured Data - A Comparative Study of Stardinates and Parallel Coordinates. In E. Banissi (Ed.), Procedings of the Ninth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV’05) (pp. 312–320). IEEE Computer Society.
- "I know that's not the topic we're on, but it is all linked isn't it?": Gender and Interaction in Email List Cooperation / Pohl, M., & Michaelson, G. (2005). “I know that’s not the topic we’re on, but it is all linked isn’t it?”: Gender and Interaction in Email List Cooperation. In The Gender Politics of ICT (pp. 179–190). Middlesex University Press.
- Innovation and Technology Transfer / Pohl, M. (2004). Innovation and Technology Transfer. IRC Spring School, Dublin, Irland, Austria.
- Hypertext und Visualisierung / Pohl, M. (2002). Hypertext und Visualisierung. Kultur der Visualisierung, Semmering, Austria.
Visualization Onboarding. Supporting Users in Understanding Unfamiliar Visual Representations
Stoiber, C. (2024). Visualization Onboarding. Supporting Users in Understanding Unfamiliar Visual Representations [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Influence factors in the perception of differences in directed acyclic graphs
Graniczkowska, C. (2022). Influence factors in the perception of differences in directed acyclic graphs [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Evaluierung der Nutzer-Aufmerksamkeit für dynamische Kartenbeschriftung
Zernpfennig, V. (2020). Evaluierung der Nutzer-Aufmerksamkeit für dynamische Kartenbeschriftung [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Evaluating E-Learning approaches in the context of web development
Meczkowski, M. (2020). Evaluating E-Learning approaches in the context of web development [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Learning methods for non-experts to understand the fundamentals of blockchain in an energy trading context
Riegler, M. V. (2020). Learning methods for non-experts to understand the fundamentals of blockchain in an energy trading context [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Entwicklung eines kompetenzbasierten Frameworks mit Aktivitätsschablonen und die Adaptierung des Child-Centered-Designs - eine empirische Studie zur frühen Technikbildung in Informatik
Stöckelmayr, K. (2019). Entwicklung eines kompetenzbasierten Frameworks mit Aktivitätsschablonen und die Adaptierung des Child-Centered-Designs - eine empirische Studie zur frühen Technikbildung in Informatik [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Analyzing and visualizing long-term microblogging data
Drescher, C. (2019). Analyzing and visualizing long-term microblogging data [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Supporting sense-making and insight models for visual analytics
Doppler, J. (2019). Supporting sense-making and insight models for visual analytics [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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A usability design approach of tailored visualizations for mobile applications
Jakob, R. (2019). A usability design approach of tailored visualizations for mobile applications [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (11.6 MB) - Eco-Feedback / Rohrer, K. (2019). Eco-Feedback [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Sense-Making Stragegien in Matrix- und Graphvisualisierungen
Gastecker, B. (2018). Sense-Making Stragegien in Matrix- und Graphvisualisierungen [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.8 MB) - Analyse des algorithmischen Denkens von Kindern und Jugendlichen im Alter von 11 bis 14 Jahren anhand der Programmiersprache Scratch / Dallinger, I. (2018). Analyse des algorithmischen Denkens von Kindern und Jugendlichen im Alter von 11 bis 14 Jahren anhand der Programmiersprache Scratch [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Der Einfluss einer verbesserten Usability auf Konversionsraten : Analyse der Jobbörse
Smolikova, K. (2017). Der Einfluss einer verbesserten Usability auf Konversionsraten : Analyse der Jobbörse [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.73 MB) - Ökologie und IT - ein Spannungsfeld im Klassenzimmer / Oberhauser, E. (2017). Ökologie und IT - ein Spannungsfeld im Klassenzimmer [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Techniques and methods for the collection of location data and influencing factors on the accuracy of location measurements
Simerle, C. (2016). Techniques and methods for the collection of location data and influencing factors on the accuracy of location measurements [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Anwendungen von Bilderkennungssystemen in der Medizin
Pointner, E.-M. (2016). Anwendungen von Bilderkennungssystemen in der Medizin [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Evaluation einer Deutschlernsoftware am Beispiel von Tell Me More
Yavasliol, A. (2015). Evaluation einer Deutschlernsoftware am Beispiel von Tell Me More [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Design und Entwicklung einer mobilen Lernanwendung unter Einbeziehung des Human-Centered Design Prozesses zur Vermittlung des Travelling Salesman Problems anhand von Geokoordinaten des Global Positioning Systems
Brandmüller, M. (2015). Design und Entwicklung einer mobilen Lernanwendung unter Einbeziehung des Human-Centered Design Prozesses zur Vermittlung des Travelling Salesman Problems anhand von Geokoordinaten des Global Positioning Systems [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Informationsvisualisierung in der Medizin
Endl, H. (2015). Informationsvisualisierung in der Medizin [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Usability Analyse des Programms Animated Scatter Plot
Fels, U. (2015). Usability Analyse des Programms Animated Scatter Plot [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Blended Learning und E-Tutoring : Evaluierung der TrainerInnenausbildung der PPÖ mittels Fokusgruppen
Furm-Hazivar, A. (2015). Blended Learning und E-Tutoring : Evaluierung der TrainerInnenausbildung der PPÖ mittels Fokusgruppen [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (2.52 MB) - Lernsoftware zur Erlernung der deutschen Sprachwahrnehmung für Kinder / Adamer, J. (2015). Lernsoftware zur Erlernung der deutschen Sprachwahrnehmung für Kinder [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Videos in der Erwachsenenbildung : entbehrliche Spielereien oder unverzichtbare Arbeitsmittel?
Der Manuelian, M. (2014). Videos in der Erwachsenenbildung : entbehrliche Spielereien oder unverzichtbare Arbeitsmittel? [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Analysis of eye movements in the context of E-learning : recommendations for eye-efficient user interfaces
Rakoczi, G. (2014). Analysis of eye movements in the context of E-learning : recommendations for eye-efficient user interfaces [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Kinder und Jugendliche im Umgang mit persönlichen Daten im Internet
Gruber, M. (2014). Kinder und Jugendliche im Umgang mit persönlichen Daten im Internet [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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The imperfect remote control
Linecker, S. (2013). The imperfect remote control [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Lern-Apps für Vorschulkinder : Entwicklung von Gestaltungs-Guidelines und Evaluation von bestehenden Systemen
Hartl, K. (2013). Lern-Apps für Vorschulkinder : Entwicklung von Gestaltungs-Guidelines und Evaluation von bestehenden Systemen [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.62 MB) - Sequentielle Analyse von Denkprozessen und Benutzerverhalten auf Muster bei Interaktion mit dem Informationsvisualisierungssystem Contingency Wheel / Wittmann, R., & Lavaulx-Vrécourt, D. (2013). Sequentielle Analyse von Denkprozessen und Benutzerverhalten auf Muster bei Interaktion mit dem Informationsvisualisierungssystem Contingency Wheel [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Sequentielle Analyse von Denkprozessen und Benutzerverhalten auf Muster bei Interaktion mit dem Informationsvisualisierungssystem Contingency Wheel / Lavaulx-Vrécourt, D., & Wittmann, R. (2013). Sequentielle Analyse von Denkprozessen und Benutzerverhalten auf Muster bei Interaktion mit dem Informationsvisualisierungssystem Contingency Wheel [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Design guidelines for effective visualisations on the basis of empirical studies
Haider, J. (2012). Design guidelines for effective visualisations on the basis of empirical studies [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (4.12 MB) -
Attitude of teachers towards ICT (information and communication technologies) and problems with its use: implementation of ICTs in education in Malaysia
Wong, M. Y. (2012). Attitude of teachers towards ICT (information and communication technologies) and problems with its use: implementation of ICTs in education in Malaysia [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (12.7 MB) -
Informatikunterricht in der österreichischen technischen Auslandsschule in Albanien : Probleme und Lösungsansätze
Kashi, E. (2012). Informatikunterricht in der österreichischen technischen Auslandsschule in Albanien : Probleme und Lösungsansätze [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Evaluation einer Sprachlernsoftware
Spiteller, V. (2011). Evaluation einer Sprachlernsoftware [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Hypertext - digitale und konkrete Poesie : Bausteine für eine multimediale, interdisziplinäre Didaktik
Knotek, A. (2011). Hypertext - digitale und konkrete Poesie : Bausteine für eine multimediale, interdisziplinäre Didaktik [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Evaluation von Informationsvisualisierung : Wegweiser für Design
Wiener, S. (2011). Evaluation von Informationsvisualisierung : Wegweiser für Design [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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e-Learning in the form of an interactive multimedia German course
Makaruk, E. (2011). e-Learning in the form of an interactive multimedia German course [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (2.87 MB) - Einsatz von Video in E-Learning / Schekulin, M. (2011). Einsatz von Video in E-Learning [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Robolab: LEGO Mindstorms im AHS-Informatikunterricht / Angelo, M. di. (2011). Robolab: LEGO Mindstorms im AHS-Informatikunterricht [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Eine Usability- und Utility-Evaluierungsstudie über das "Monitoring of nosocomial infections in intensive care units"-System (Moni) für den Einsatz auf Intensivstationen / Pichler, K. (2011). Eine Usability- und Utility-Evaluierungsstudie über das “Monitoring of nosocomial infections in intensive care units”-System (Moni) für den Einsatz auf Intensivstationen [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Theoretische Aspekte der Ästhetik und deren Diskurs sowie Evaluation anhand pragmatischer Casual InfoVis / Stachl, C. (2011). Theoretische Aspekte der Ästhetik und deren Diskurs sowie Evaluation anhand pragmatischer Casual InfoVis [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Struktur und Dynamik von Mensch-zu-Mensch Kommunikationsnetzwerken : aus der Perspektive der Verbreitung von Informationen, Meinungen und Botschaften
Pfeffer, J. (2010). Struktur und Dynamik von Mensch-zu-Mensch Kommunikationsnetzwerken : aus der Perspektive der Verbreitung von Informationen, Meinungen und Botschaften [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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101 Guidelines : Usability Evaluation eines webbasierten E-Learning-Systems
Furm-Hazivar, A. (2010). 101 Guidelines : Usability Evaluation eines webbasierten E-Learning-Systems [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (5.45 MB) - Evaluierung der Usability von Instant Messaging Tools in der Lehre / Avci, A. (2010). Evaluierung der Usability von Instant Messaging Tools in der Lehre [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Sonifikation am Beispiel medizinischer Daten / Kovar, S. (2010). Sonifikation am Beispiel medizinischer Daten [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Providing electronic assistance for autodidacts of agglutinative languages
Bradley, J. (2009). Providing electronic assistance for autodidacts of agglutinative languages [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Untersuchung des Benutzer-Verhaltens beim E-Learning : eine Eye Tracking Studie des Systems Moodle
Rakoczi, G. (2009). Untersuchung des Benutzer-Verhaltens beim E-Learning : eine Eye Tracking Studie des Systems Moodle [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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A matter of time: multi-time interval pattern discovery to preserve the temporal information in between
Bertone, A. (2009). A matter of time: multi-time interval pattern discovery to preserve the temporal information in between [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Eine Analyse der Wirkung von Social Tagging auf die Wissensorganisation und auf die sozialen Strukturen der Benutzer
Frohner, H. (2009). Eine Analyse der Wirkung von Social Tagging auf die Wissensorganisation und auf die sozialen Strukturen der Benutzer [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (2.48 MB) - Die Evaluierung von Informationsvisualisierungen am Beispiel von Gravi++ / Stritzelberger, A. (2009). Die Evaluierung von Informationsvisualisierungen am Beispiel von Gravi++ [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Design comprehension of embedded real-time systems
Rumpler, B. (2008). Design comprehension of embedded real-time systems [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.28 MB) - Lehrveranstaltungsblogs : sinnvolle Erweiterung der universitären Präsenzlehre oder verzichtbarer Trend? / Peloschek, R. (2008). Lehrveranstaltungsblogs : sinnvolle Erweiterung der universitären Präsenzlehre oder verzichtbarer Trend? [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Mensch - Rekorder - Interaktion : eine qualitative Untersuchung von DVD Rekordern mit Festplatte und deren Bedienbarkeit / Oberschneider, A. (2008). Mensch - Rekorder - Interaktion : eine qualitative Untersuchung von DVD Rekordern mit Festplatte und deren Bedienbarkeit [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Einstellung der Studenten bezüglich E-Learning und Informellen Lernens / Wieser, D. (2008). Einstellung der Studenten bezüglich E-Learning und Informellen Lernens [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Usability-Evaluation der User Interfaces GNOME und KDE / Neuwirth, M. A. (2008). Usability-Evaluation der User Interfaces GNOME und KDE [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Evaluation von E-Learning-Systemen am Beispiel des Kurses Ecodesign
Varol, S. (2007). Evaluation von E-Learning-Systemen am Beispiel des Kurses Ecodesign [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.47 MB) - Zur Evaluierung explorativer Informationsvisualisierung / Rester, M. (2007). Zur Evaluierung explorativer Informationsvisualisierung [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- m-Learning : Zukunftsvision oder Hype? / Tesar, M. (2006). m-Learning : Zukunftsvision oder Hype? [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Lernprogramme in der medizinischen Ausbildung mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der visuellen Darstellung / Knitel, D. (2006). Lernprogramme in der medizinischen Ausbildung mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der visuellen Darstellung [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Anwendungsorientierte Computerschulung für Erwachsene / Tampir, P. (2006). Anwendungsorientierte Computerschulung für Erwachsene [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Evaluation und Konzeption barrierefreier Weblösungen im E-Learning Bereich / Brein, C. (2006). Evaluation und Konzeption barrierefreier Weblösungen im E-Learning Bereich [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- E-Learning in Österreichs Schulen : eine vergleichende Studie zwischen Theorie und Praxis anhand fünf Schulen der Sekundarstufe II in Krems / Schwarzinger, R. (2006). E-Learning in Österreichs Schulen : eine vergleichende Studie zwischen Theorie und Praxis anhand fünf Schulen der Sekundarstufe II in Krems [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
E-learning for the Austrian pharmacy apprentice: a comparative study of linear text vs. hypermedia interface program design and delivery
Koinig, R. J. (2005). E-learning for the Austrian pharmacy apprentice: a comparative study of linear text vs. hypermedia interface program design and delivery [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Konzept und Umsetzung eines eLearning-Kurses für die berufsbegleitende Erwachsenenbildung
Judmaier, P. (2005). Konzept und Umsetzung eines eLearning-Kurses für die berufsbegleitende Erwachsenenbildung [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (7.61 MB) - Didaktische Konzepte von Lernsoftware : Konstruktionismus und LEGO MINDSTORMS / Altman, A. (2005). Didaktische Konzepte von Lernsoftware : Konstruktionismus und LEGO MINDSTORMS [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Anwenderspezifische Aspekte und empirische Untersuchungen von Online Auktionen / Cerveny, T. (2005). Anwenderspezifische Aspekte und empirische Untersuchungen von Online Auktionen [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
How designers teach - a qualitative research on design didactics
Baumann, K. (2004). How designers teach - a qualitative research on design didactics [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (7.73 MB) - Visuelle Wahrnehmung und interface design / Kriglstein, S. (2004). Visuelle Wahrnehmung und interface design [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Lanpartys im Burgenland : Untersuchung der neuen interaktiven und interpersonellen Spielkultur / Pinter, K. (2004). Lanpartys im Burgenland : Untersuchung der neuen interaktiven und interpersonellen Spielkultur [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Email : Versuche des Verstehens / Rester, M. (2003). Email : Versuche des Verstehens [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Computereinsatz in der Musikpädagogik für Kinder / Steffl, H. (2003). Computereinsatz in der Musikpädagogik für Kinder [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Memex und das WWW : Vannevar Bushs visionäre Ideen zur Wissensrepräsentation und deren Umsetzung im World Wide Web / Pohl, C. (2002). Memex und das WWW : Vannevar Bushs visionäre Ideen zur Wissensrepräsentation und deren Umsetzung im World Wide Web [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Lernsoftware für die Grundschule : Design und Implementierung eines Prototypen / Rothmayr, A. (2002). Lernsoftware für die Grundschule : Design und Implementierung eines Prototypen [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Methoden und Modelle zur Einführung von Bildungscontrolling-Maßnahmen in einem Softwareentwicklungs-Unternehmen / Hiermann, W. (2001). Methoden und Modelle zur Einführung von Bildungscontrolling-Maßnahmen in einem Softwareentwicklungs-Unternehmen [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- HyperPuzz - ein Prototyp zum strukturellen Lernen am Computer / Neuditschko, C. (2001). HyperPuzz - ein Prototyp zum strukturellen Lernen am Computer [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
And more…
Soon, this page will include additional information such as reference projects, activities as journal reviewer and editor, memberships in councils and committees, and other research activities.
Until then, please visit Margit Pohl’s research profile in TISS .