TU Wien Informatics

20 Years

External Lecturers

Our dedicated lecturers fuel the dynamic environment in both research and teaching. They are a creative, diverse and passionate group of experts.



Markus Angermann
Markus Angermann M. Angermann

External Lecturer
Logic and Computation


Johanna Barzen
Johanna Barzen J. Barzen

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering

Andrea Birbaumer
Andrea Birbaumer A. Birbaumer

External Lecturer
Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology

Nathaniel Boisgard
Nathaniel Boisgard N. Boisgard

External Lecturer
Logic and Computation

Georg Brandstätter
Georg Brandstätter G. Brandstätter

External Lecturer
Logic and Computation


Miriam Kathleen Carter
Miriam Kathleen Carter M. Carter

External Lecturer
Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology

Gabriele Cerwinka
Gabriele Cerwinka G. Cerwinka

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering

Günther Charwat
Günther Charwat G. Charwat

External Lecturer
Logic and Computation


Christopher Dawoud
Christopher Dawoud C. Dawoud

External Lecturer
Logic and Computation

Markus Donko-Huber
Markus Donko-Huber M. Donko-Huber

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering


Daniel Moritz Felsenreich
Daniel Moritz Felsenreich D. Felsenreich

External Lecturer
Logic and Computation

Markus Ferringer
Markus Ferringer M. Ferringer

External Lecturer
Computer Engineering

Gabriele Fischer
Gabriele Fischer G. Fischer

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering

Peter Frühwirt
Peter Frühwirt P. Frühwirt

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering


Thomas Gorbach
Thomas Gorbach T. Gorbach

External Lecturer
Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology

Paul Grünbacher
Paul Grünbacher P. Grünbacher

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering

Niklas Gudowsky
Niklas Gudowsky N. Gudowsky

External Lecturer
Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology

Tobias Guggemos
Tobias Guggemos T. Guggemos

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering


Bernhard Haslhofer
Bernhard Haslhofer B. Haslhofer

External Lecturer
Logic and Computation

Lukas Hetzenecker
Lukas Hetzenecker L. Hetzenecker

External Lecturer
Logic and Computation

Michael D. Hoffmann
Michael D. Hoffmann M. Hoffmann

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering


Hans Kellerer
Hans Kellerer H. Kellerer

External Lecturer
Logic and Computation

Stefan Kitzler
Stefan Kitzler S. Kitzler

External Lecturer
Logic and Computation

Jaro Krieger-Lamina
Jaro Krieger-Lamina J. Krieger-Lamina

External Lecturer
Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology

Katharina Krösl
Katharina Krösl K. Krösl

PostDoc Researcher
Computer Graphics

Stefan Kutzenberger
Stefan Kutzenberger S. Kutzenberger

External Lecturer
Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology


Georg Langs
Georg Langs G. Langs

External Lecturer
Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology

Monika Lanzenberger
Monika Lanzenberger M. Lanzenberger

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering

Karyn Laudisi
Karyn Laudisi K. Laudisi

External Lecturer
Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology

Jakob Lechner
Jakob Lechner J. Lechner

External Lecturer
Computer Engineering

Ronald Lobnig
Ronald Lobnig R. Lobnig

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering

Lev Lumesberger
Lev Lumesberger L. Lumesberger

External Lecturer
Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology


Alexander Mandl
Alexander Mandl A. Mandl

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering

Rudolf Mayer
Rudolf Mayer R. Mayer

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering

Wilfried Mayer
Wilfried Mayer W. Mayer

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering

Georg Merzdovnik
Georg Merzdovnik G. Merzdovnik

External Lecturer
Logic and Computation

Haydar Metin
Haydar Metin H. Metin

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering


Marion Oswald
Marion Oswald M. Oswald

External Lecturer
Logic and Computation


Alexander Pacha
Alexander Pacha A. Pacha

External Lecturer
Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology

Markus Pichlmair
Markus Pichlmair M. Pichlmair

External Lecturer
Logic and Computation

Julian Roman Pölsler
Julian Roman Pölsler J. Pölsler

External Lecturer
Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology

Matthias Prandtstetter
Matthias Prandtstetter M. Prandtstetter

External Lecturer
Logic and Computation

Erich Prem
Erich Prem E. Prem

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering

Michael Pucher
Michael Pucher M. Pucher

External Lecturer
Logic and Computation


Rudolf Ramler
Rudolf Ramler R. Ramler

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering

Ulrike Maria Ritzinger
Ulrike Maria Ritzinger U. Ritzinger

External Lecturer
Logic and Computation


Christian Sack
Christian Sack C. Sack

External Lecturer
Logic and Computation

Alexander Schatten
Alexander Schatten A. Schatten

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering

Alexander Schindler
Alexander Schindler A. Schindler

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering

Johanna Schmidt
Johanna Schmidt J. Schmidt

External Lecturer
Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology

Martin Schmiedecker
Martin Schmiedecker M. Schmiedecker

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering

Bruno Schneeweiß
Bruno Schneeweiß B. Schneeweiß

External Lecturer
Logic and Computation

Markus Schranz
Markus Schranz M. Schranz

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering

Manfred Siegl
Manfred Siegl M. Siegl

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering

Dimitrios Simos
Dimitrios Simos D. Simos

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering

Friedrich Stallinger
Friedrich Stallinger F. Stallinger

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering


Abdel Aziz Taha
Abdel Aziz Taha A. Taha

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering

Karsten Theiner
Karsten Theiner K. Theiner

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering

Christoph Traxler
Christoph Traxler C. Traxler

External Lecturer
Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology


Daniel Vietz
Daniel Vietz D. Vietz

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering


Johannes Weidl-Rektenwald
Johannes Weidl-Rektenwald J. Weidl-Rektenwald

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering

Martin Weissenböck
Martin Weissenböck M. Weissenböck

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering

Dietmar Winkler
Dietmar Winkler D. Winkler

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering

Philipp Wintersberger
Philipp Wintersberger P. Wintersberger

External Lecturer
Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology


Felix Zilk
Felix Zilk F. Zilk

External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering