Knowledge-Based Systems E192-03
Our major research topic are programming languages for knowledge, including how to represent knowledge in an understandable and intuitive way, and how to process it in an inferential manner, by manipulating chunks of knowledge in symbolic form.

- Head: Magdalena Ortiz
- Web:
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- Phone: +43-1-58801-18405
- Location: Favoritenstrasse 9-11
On This Page
Our major research topic are programming languages for knowledge, including how to represent knowledge in an understandable and intuitive way, and how to process it in an inferential manner, by manipulating chunks of knowledge in symbolic form.
The goal of our research is to gain insight into these questions and to obtain fundamental results, to develop algorithms, and to build prototype implementations of tools for knowledge representation and reasoning.
To this end, we use methods from mathematics, theoretical computer science, and logic (formal analysis), engineering (algorithms and prototypes), as well as statistics and cognitive science (evaluation).
For more information, see our research area description.
The research Unit Knowledge-Based Systems is part of the Institute of Logic and Computation.
Scientific Staff
Administrative Staff
Student Staff
- Abstract Argumentation / 184.682 / VU
- Artificial Intelligence Seminar / 184.068 / SE
- Bachelor Thesis for Computer Science and Business Informatics / 184.713 / PR
- Bachelor Thesis for Computer Science and Business Informatics / 192.143 / PR
- Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing / 192.039 / VU
- Description Logics and Ontologies / 184.772 / VU
- Formal Methods in Computer Science / 185.A93 / UE
- Formal Methods in Computer Science / 185.291 / VU
- Introduction to Knowledge-based Systems / 192.023 / VU
- Introduction to Logical Methods in Computer Science / 184.766 / VO
- Introduction to Quantum Computing, Complexity Theory, and Algorithmics / 192.042 / VU
- Logic for Knowledge Representation / 192.025 / VU
- Processing of Declarative Knowledge / 184.205 / VO
- Project in Computer Science 1 / 192.021 / PR
- Project in Computer Science 2 / 192.022 / PR
- Quantum Computing / 192.070 / VU
- Quantum Computing, Complexity Theory, and Algorithmics / 192.043 / VU
- Refutation Systems / 192.094 / VO
- Research Seminar LogiCS / 184.767 / SE
- Scientific Research and Writing / 193.052 / SE
- Seminar for Master Students in Logic and Computation / 180.773 / SE
- Seminar for PhD Students / 184.721 / SE
- Seminar for PhD Students / 192.031 / SE
- Seminar in Artificial Intelligence : Neuroscience-based Artificial Intelligence / 192.047 / SE
- Seminar in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning / 184.712 / SE
- Seminar in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning : Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence / 192.048 / SE
- Seminar in Logic / 184.264 / SE
- Seminar in Theoretical Computer Science / 184.067 / SE
- Theory of Knowledge Representation / 184.186 / VU
- Argumentation and Proof / 184.765 / VU
- Artificial Intelligence Seminar / 184.068 / SE
- Bachelor Thesis for Computer Science and Business Informatics / 184.713 / PR
- Bachelor Thesis for Computer Science and Business Informatics / 192.143 / PR
- Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing / 192.039 / VU
- Fundamental research methods for doctoral students / 195.079 / VU
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence / 192.027 / VU
- Introduction to Deep Learning / 192.151 / VU
- Introduction to Logical Methods in Computer Science / 184.766 / VO
- Introduction to Quantum Computing / 192.036 / VU
- Knowledge-based Systems / 184.730 / VU
- Logic and Reasoning in Computer Science / 192.033 / VU
- Project in Computer Science 1 / 192.021 / PR
- Project in Computer Science 2 / 192.022 / PR
- Research Seminar LogiCS / 184.767 / SE
- SAT Solving / 184.090 / VU
- Scientific Research and Writing / 193.052 / SE
- Semantic Technologies / 184.729 / VU
- Seminar for Master Students in Logic and Computation / 180.773 / SE
- Seminar for PhD Students / 184.721 / SE
- Seminar for PhD Students / 192.031 / SE
- Seminar in Artificial Intelligence : Neuroscience-based Artificial Intelligence / 192.047 / SE
- Seminar in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning / 184.712 / SE
- Seminar in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning : Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence / 192.048 / SE
- Seminar in Logic / 184.264 / SE
- Seminar in Theoretical Computer Science / 184.067 / SE
Bilateral Artificial Intelligence
2024 – 2029 / Austrian Science Fund (FWF) -
Training and Guiding AI Agents with Ethical Rules
2023 – 2027 / Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF)
Publications: 177540 / 193925 / 191154 / 190260 / 190235 / 190656 / 201809 / 203675 / 202376 / 202184 / 202371 / 202379 / 205429 / 208706 / 209346 / 212561 -
Doktorand/inn/enprogramm der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften]
2022 – 2025 / Austrian Academy of Sciences -
Foundations of Reasoning in the Shape Constraint Language
2021 – 2025 / Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Publications: 142175 / 150305 / 150282 / 191189 / 192943 / 210135 / 209311 / 209551 -
HumanE AI Network
2020 – 2024 / European Commission
Publications: 138101 / 154164 / 208696 / 209788 / 209346 -
A European AI On Demand Platform and Ecosystem
2019 – 2021 / European Commission
Publications: 138100 / 138101 / 143250 / 193264 / 193875 / 39887 / 55553 / 57886 -
Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us
2019 – 2020 / European Commission
Publications: 193264 / 193875 -
2017 – 2021 / TU-Stream -
Dynamic knowledge-based (re)configuration of cyber-physical systems
2017 – 2020 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Publications: 137204 / 139806 / 141309 / 141544 / 141545 / 141546 / 141547 / 144661 / 55542 / 55694 / 56253 / 57328 / 57536 / 57611 / 57886 / 58118 / 58119 / 58244 / 87110 / 87111 -
Integrated Evaluation of Answer Set Programs and Extensions
2015 – 2018 / Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Publications: 142359 / 144661 / 145618 / 147598 / 148289 / 149117 / 16727 / 38596 / 38688 / 38689 / 38690 / 38954 / 55434 / 55435 / 55568 / 55705 / 55894 / 56572 / 56573 / 56574 / 56575 / 56579 / 56687 / 56904 / 56928 / 57110 / 57220 / 57263 / 57612 / 86214 / 86800 -
Doctorate's College
2014 – 2023 / Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Publications: 138101 / 152197 / 141101 / 192701 / 192683 / 193252 / 192768 / 193203 / 193322 / 193575 / 193264 / 193875 / 195540 / 209424 / 209319 / 209910 / 55544 / 58146 / 58147 / 58275 / 58728 / 58731 -
Quantified Boolean Formulas
2011 – 2019 / Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Publications: 149733 / 149734 / 149737 / 151629 / 151824 / 157864 / 157902 / 23937 / 24255 / 39349 / 53735 / 53833 / 54131 / 54255 / 54407 / 54460 / 54461 / 54582 / 54587 / 54717 / 54893 / 54894 / 55227 / 55291 / 55294 / 55295 / 55296 / 55351 / 55748 / 55974 / 55980 / 56243 / 56244 / 56245 / 56821 / 56822 / 56844 / 57142 / 85468 / 85469 / 85891 / 85946 / 85997 / 85998 / 85999 / 86000 / 86001 / 86173 / 86432 / 86433 / 86434 / 86444 / 86672 / 86673 / 86674
- Self-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation Using Deep Reinforced Adaptive Masking / Xu, Z., Liu, Y., Xu, G., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2025). Self-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation Using Deep Reinforced Adaptive Masking. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 44(1), 180–193.
- Adaptive large-neighbourhood search for optimisation in answer-set programming / Eiter, T., Geibinger, T., Higuera Ruiz, N. N., Musliu, N., Oetsch, J., Pfliegler, D., & Stepanova, D. (2024). Adaptive large-neighbourhood search for optimisation in answer-set programming. Artificial Intelligence, 337, Article 104230.
- Fool Me Once? Contrasting Textual and Visual Explanations in a Clinical Decision-Support Setting / Kayser, M., Menzat, B. I., Emde, C., Bercean, B., Novak, A., Espinosa, A., Papiez, B. W., Gaube, S., Lukasiewicz, T., & Camburu, O.-M. (2024). Fool Me Once? Contrasting Textual and Visual Explanations in a Clinical Decision-Support Setting. In Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (pp. 18891–18919). Association for Computational Linguistics.
Investigating constraint programming and hybrid methods for real world industrial test laboratory scheduling
Geibinger, T., Mischek, F., & Musliu, N. (2024). Investigating constraint programming and hybrid methods for real world industrial test laboratory scheduling. Journal of Scheduling.
Project: ARTIS (2017–2025) -
Declarative Knowledge Distillation from Large Language Models forVisual Question Answering Datasets
Eiter, T., Hadl, J., Higuera Ruiz, N. N., & Oetsch, J. (2024). Declarative Knowledge Distillation from Large Language Models forVisual Question Answering Datasets. In K. Satoh, H.-T. Nguyen, & F. Toni (Eds.), Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Next-Generation Language Models for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (NeLaMKRR 2024).
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Towards SHACL Validation of Evolving Graphs
Ahmetaj, S. (2024, October 3). Towards SHACL Validation of Evolving Graphs [Presentation]. 16th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management, Mexico City, Mexico.
Project: FRESH (2021–2025) -
Shapes in Graph Data: Theory and Implementation (Dagstuhl Seminar24102)
Ahmetaj, S., Staworko, S., Van den Bussche, J., & Jakubowski, M. (2024). Shapes in Graph Data: Theory and Implementation (Dagstuhl Seminar24102). Dagstuhl Reports, 14(3), 9–30.
Project: FRESH (2021–2025) -
Leveraging Neurosymbolic AI for Slice Discovery
Collevati, M., Eiter, T., & Higuera Ruiz, N. N. (2024). Leveraging Neurosymbolic AI for Slice Discovery. In T. R. Besold, A. Garcez, E. Jimenez-Ruiz, R. Confalonieri, P. Madhyastha, & B. Wagner (Eds.), Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning : 18th International Conference, NeSy 2024, Barcelona, Spain, September 9–12, 2024, Proceedings, Part I (pp. 403–418). Springer.
Project: LCS (2017–2025) -
Epistemic Logic Programs: Non-Ground and Counting Complexity
Eiter, T., Fichte, J. K., Hecher, M., & Woltran, S. (2024). Epistemic Logic Programs: Non-Ground and Counting Complexity. In Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, {IJCAI} 2024, Jeju, South Korea, August 3-9,2024 (pp. 3333–3341).
Download: PDF (244 KB) - Combining SHACL and description logics / Oudshoorn, A. M., Ahmetaj, S., Ortiz, M., & Simkus, M. (2024, June 25). Combining SHACL and description logics [Conference Presentation]. Logic Colloquium 2024, Göteburg, Sweden.
Towards Practicable Algorithms for Rewriting Graph Queries beyondDL-Lite (Extended Abstract)
Löhnert, B., Augsten, N., Okulmus, C., & Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2024). Towards Practicable Algorithms for Rewriting Graph Queries beyondDL-Lite (Extended Abstract). In L. Giordano, J. C. Jung, & A. Ozaki (Eds.), Proceedings of the 37th International Workshop on Description Logics.
Download: PDF (1.08 MB) - Explanations for Non-Validation in SHACL / Ahmetaj, S. (2024, May 31). Explanations for Non-Validation in SHACL [Conference Presentation]. Mini-Symposium Formal Methods in Graph Data Management, Belgium.
Grounding stream reasoning research
Bonte, P., Calbimonte, J.-P., de Leng, D., Dell’Aglio, D., Valle, E. D., Eiter, T., Giannini, F., Heintz, F., Kostyantyn Shchekotykhin, Le Phuoc, D., Mileo, A., Schneider, P., Tommasini, R., Urbani, J., & Ziffer, G. (2024). Grounding stream reasoning research. Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge, 2(1).
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Projects: HumanE-AI-Net (2020–2024) / TAIGER (2023–2027) -
aspmc: New frontiers of algebraic answer set counting
Eiter, T., Hecher, M., & Kiesel, R. P. D. (2024). aspmc: New frontiers of algebraic answer set counting. Artificial Intelligence, 330, Article 104109.
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Project: DK - Logic (2014–2023) -
Datalog rewritability and data complexity of ALCHOIQ with closed predicates
Lukumbuzya, S., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2024). Datalog rewritability and data complexity of ALCHOIQ with closed predicates. Artificial Intelligence, 330, Article 104099.
Projects: KtoAPP (2018–2025) / OMEGA (2017–2022) - Parallel Empirical Evaluations: Resilience despite Concurrency / Fichte, J. K., Geibinger, T., Hecher, M., & Schlögel, M. (2024). Parallel Empirical Evaluations: Resilience despite Concurrency. In Proceedings of the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2024) (pp. 8004–8012). AAAI Press.
- Hard Regularization to Prevent Deep Online Clustering Collapse without Data Augmentation / Mahon, L., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2024). Hard Regularization to Prevent Deep Online Clustering Collapse without Data Augmentation. In Proceedings of the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence : AAAI-24 Technical Tracks 13 (pp. 14281–14288). AAAI Press.
Ich sehe was, das du nicht siehst: Visual Question Answering heute & in Zukunft
Eiter, T., Higuera Ruiz, N. N., & Oetsch, J. (2024, March 1). Ich sehe was, das du nicht siehst: Visual Question Answering heute & in Zukunft. Bulletin. Alumni-Magazin der TU Wien, 56, 14–15.
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Answer-Set Programming for Lexicographical Makespan Optimisation in Parallel Machine Scheduling - ADDENDUM
Eiter, T., Geibinger, T., Musliu, N., Oetsch, J., Skočovský, P., & Stepanova, D. (2024). Answer-Set Programming for Lexicographical Makespan Optimisation in Parallel Machine Scheduling - ADDENDUM. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 24(2).
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Künstliche Intelligenz ist mehr als CHATGPT
Eiter, T., & Woltran, S. (2024, March 1). Künstliche Intelligenz ist mehr als CHATGPT. Bulletin. Alumni-Magazin der TU Wien, 56, 4–5.
Download: PDF (242 KB) - A Stable, Fast, and Fully Automatic Learning Algorithm for Predictive Coding Networks / Tommaso Salvatori, Song, Y., Yordanov, Y., Millidge, B., Sha, L., Emde, C., Xu, Z., Bogacz, R., & Thomas Lukasiewicz. (2024). A Stable, Fast, and Fully Automatic Learning Algorithm for Predictive Coding Networks. In The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (p. 25).
- Explanations for Guess-and-Check ASP Encodings Using an LLM (Extended Abstract) / Geibinger, T., Kaminski, T., & Oetsch, J. (2024). Explanations for Guess-and-Check ASP Encodings Using an LLM (Extended Abstract). In Program TAASP. Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming (TAASP 2024), Klagenfurt, Austria.
Contracted Temporal Equilibrium Logic
Cabalar, P., Eiter, T., & Soldà, D. (2024). Contracted Temporal Equilibrium Logic. In P. Marquis, M. M. Ortiz de la Fuente, & M. Pagnucco (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (pp. 221–231). IJCAI Organization.
Download: PDF (296 KB) - Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning / Marquis, P., Ortiz, M., & Pagnucco, M. (Eds.). (2024). Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning.
- The IMO Small Challenge: Not-Too-Hard Olympiad Math Datasets for LLMs / Frieder, S., Olšák, M., Berner, J., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2024). The IMO Small Challenge: Not-Too-Hard Olympiad Math Datasets for LLMs. In The Second Tiny Papers Track at ICLR 2024. The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024), Wien, Austria.
- How Realistic Is Your Synthetic Data? Constraining Deep Generative Models for Tabular Data / Stoian, M. C., Dyrmishi, S., Cordy, M., Lukasiewicz, T., & Giunchiglia, E. (2024). How Realistic Is Your Synthetic Data? Constraining Deep Generative Models for Tabular Data. In The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations. 12th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024), Wien, Austria.
- Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems : 13th International Symposium, FoIKS 2024, Sheffield, UK, April 8–11, 2024, Proceedings / Meier, A., & Ortiz, M. (Eds.). (2024). Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems : 13th International Symposium, FoIKS 2024, Sheffield, UK, April 8–11, 2024, Proceedings (Vol. 14589). Springer.
- Predictive Coding beyond Correlations / Salvatori, T., Pinchetti, L., M’Charrak, A., Millidge, B., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2024). Predictive Coding beyond Correlations. In Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning. Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2024, Wien, Austria.
- PiShield: A NeSy Framework for Learning with Requirements / Stoian, M. C., Tatomir, A., Lukasiewicz, T., & Giunchiglia, E. (2024). PiShield: A NeSy Framework for Learning with Requirements. In K. Larson (Ed.), IJCAI ’24: Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 8805–8809). Association for Computing Machinery.
Inferring neural activity before plasticity as a foundation for learning beyond backpropagation
Song, Y., Millidge, B., Salvatori, T., Lukasiewicz, T., Xu, Z., & Bogacz, R. (2024). Inferring neural activity before plasticity as a foundation for learning beyond backpropagation. Nature Neuroscience.
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Minimum description length clustering to measure meaningful image complexity
Mahon, L., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2024). Minimum description length clustering to measure meaningful image complexity. Pattern Recognition, 145, Article 109889.
Download: Article (3.29 MB) - Bad Predictive Coding Activation Functions / Frieder, S., Pinchetti, L., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2024). Bad Predictive Coding Activation Functions. In The Second Tiny Papers Track at ICLR 2024. The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024), Wien, Austria.
- Explanations and Repairs for Non-Validation in SHACL / Ahmetaj, S. (2024). Explanations and Repairs for Non-Validation in SHACL [Conference Presentation]. Dagstuhl Seminar 24102, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany.
Consistent Query Answering over SHACL Constraints
Ahmetaj, S., Merkl, T. C., & Pichler, R. (2024). Consistent Query Answering over SHACL Constraints. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2024) (pp. 2–13).
Projects: DeConquer (2023–2027) / FRESH (2021–2025) -
Reasoning with the Core Chase: the Case of SHACL Validation over ELHI Knowledge Bases
Oudshoorn, A. M., Ortiz, M., & Simkus, M. (2024). Reasoning with the Core Chase: the Case of SHACL Validation over ELHI Knowledge Bases. In Proceedings of the 37th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2024). 37th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2024), Bergen, Norway.
Project: KtoAPP (2018–2025)
- Hydrodynamic and Morphological Adaptation of Two Consecutive Sharp Bends of the Middle Yangtze River to Upstream Damming / Liu, X., Xia, J., Deng, S., Zhou, M., Mao, B., & Blanckaert, K. (2023). Hydrodynamic and Morphological Adaptation of Two Consecutive Sharp Bends of the Middle Yangtze River to Upstream Damming. Water Resources Research, 60(1), 1–22.
- The Defeat of the Winograd Schema Challenge / Kocijan, V., Davis, E., Lukasiewicz, T., Marcus, G., & Morgenstern, L. (2023). The Defeat of the Winograd Schema Challenge. Artificial Intelligence, 325, Article 103971.
ECHO: A hierarchical combination of classical and multi-agent epistemic planning problems
Soldà, D., Fabiano, F., & Dovier, A. (2023). ECHO: A hierarchical combination of classical and multi-agent epistemic planning problems. Journal of Logic and Computation, 33(8), 1804–1831.
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Neuro-Symbolic Visual Graph Question Answering with LLMs for Language Parsing
Bauer, J. J., Eiter, T., Higuera Ruiz, N. N., & Oetsch, J. (2023, November 21). Neuro-Symbolic Visual Graph Question Answering with LLMs for Language Parsing [Conference Presentation]. TAASP23: Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming, Potsdam, Germany.
Download: PDF (835 KB) - Collaborative Attention Guided Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Network for Medical Image Segmentation / Xu, Z., Tian, B., Liu, S., Wang, X., Yuan, D., Gu, J., Chen, J., Lukasiewicz, T., & Leung, V. C. M. (2023). Collaborative Attention Guided Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Network for Medical Image Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 1–15.
- Explaining Answer-Set Programs with Abstract Constraint Atoms (Extended Abstract) / Eiter, T., & Geibinger, T. (2023). Explaining Answer-Set Programs with Abstract Constraint Atoms (Extended Abstract). In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Challenges and Adequacy Conditions for Logics in the New Age of Artificial Intelligence (ACLAI 2023) (pp. 1–6).
Reconciling SHACL and Ontologies: Semantics and Validation via Rewriting (Extended Abstract)
Ahmetaj, S., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Oudshoorn, A. M., & Simkus, M. (2023). Reconciling SHACL and Ontologies: Semantics and Validation via Rewriting (Extended Abstract). In Proceedings of the 36th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2023), co-located with the 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning and the 21st International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (KR 2023 and NMR 2023). 36th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2023), Rhodos, Greece.
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Projects: FRESH (2021–2025) / KtoAPP (2018–2025) -
Reconciling SHACL and Ontologies: Semantics and Validation via Rewriting
Ahmetaj, S., Ortiz, M., Oudshoorn, A., & Šimkus, M. (2023). Reconciling SHACL and Ontologies: Semantics and Validation via Rewriting. In K. Gal, A. Nowé, G. J. Nalepa, R. Fairstein, & R. Rădulescu (Eds.), ECAI 2023 : 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, September 30–October 4, 2023, Kraków, Poland. Including 12th Conference on Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems (PAIS 2023). Proceedings (pp. 27–35). IOS Press.
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Projects: FRESH (2021–2025) / KtoAPP (2018–2025) / OMEGA (2017–2022) - EFPN: Effective medical image detection using feature pyramid fusion enhancement / Xu, Z., Zhang, X., Zhang, H., Liu, Y., Zhan, Y., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2023). EFPN: Effective medical image detection using feature pyramid fusion enhancement. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 163, Article 107149.
- Contrastive Explanations for Answer-Set Programs / Eiter, T., Geibinger, T., & Oetsch, J. (2023). Contrastive Explanations for Answer-Set Programs. In Logics in Artificial Intelligence - 18th European Conference, JELIA 2023, Dresden, Germany, September 20-22, 2023, Proceedings (pp. 73–89). Springer.
- Explainable Answer-set Programming / Geibinger, T. (2023). Explainable Answer-set Programming. In Proceedings ICLP 2023 (pp. 423–429).
- Explaining Answer-Set Programs with Abstract Constraint Atoms / Eiter, T., & Geibinger, T. (2023). Explaining Answer-Set Programs with Abstract Constraint Atoms. In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23) (pp. 3193–3202). International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence.
- A Logic-based Approach to Contrastive Explainability for Neurosymbolic Visual Question Answering / Eiter, T., Geibinger, T., Higuera, N., & Oetsch, J. (2023). A Logic-based Approach to Contrastive Explainability for Neurosymbolic Visual Question Answering. In E. Elkind (Ed.), Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 3668–3676). International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence.
- Semiring Reasoning Frameworks in AI and Their Computational Complexity / Eiter, T., & Kiesel, R. P. D. (2023). Semiring Reasoning Frameworks in AI and Their Computational Complexity. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 77, 207–293.
Contextual Reasoning for Scene Generation. Technical Report
Bozzato, L., Eiter, T., Kiesel, R. P. D., & Stepanova, D. (2023). Contextual Reasoning for Scene Generation. Technical Report. arXiv.
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Projects: AI4EU (2019–2021) / DK - Logic (2014–2023) / Humane AI (2019–2020) - ROAD-R: the autonomous driving dataset with logical requirements / Giunchiglia, E., Stoian, M. C., Khan, S., Cuzzolin, F., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2023). ROAD-R: the autonomous driving dataset with logical requirements. Machine Learning, 112, 3261–3291.
- μ-Net: Medical image segmentation using efficient and effective deep supervision / Yuan, D., Xu, Z., Tian, B., Wang, H., Zhan, Y., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2023). μ-Net: Medical image segmentation using efficient and effective deep supervision. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 160, Article 106963.
- Recurrent predictive coding models for associative memory employing covariance learning / Tang, M., Salvatori, T., Millidge, B., Song, Y., Lukasiewicz, T., & Bogacz, R. (2023). Recurrent predictive coding models for associative memory employing covariance learning. PLoS Computational Biology, 19(4), e1010719.
- PAC-Net: Multi-pathway FPN with position attention guided connections and vertex distance IoU for 3D medical image detection / Xu, Z., Li, T., Liu, Y., Zhan, Y., Chen, J., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2023). PAC-Net: Multi-pathway FPN with position attention guided connections and vertex distance IoU for 3D medical image detection. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 11, Article 1049555.
- Painless and accurate medical image analysis using deep reinforcement learning with task-oriented homogenized automatic pre-processing / Yuan, D., Liu, Y., Xu, Z., Zhan, Y., Chen, J., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2023). Painless and accurate medical image analysis using deep reinforcement learning with task-oriented homogenized automatic pre-processing. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 153, Article 106487.
- Hi-BEHRT: Hierarchical Transformer-Based Model for Accurate Prediction of Clinical Events Using Multimodal Longitudinal Electronic Health Records / Li, Y., Mamouei, M., Salimi-Khorshidi, G., Rao, S., Hassaine, A., Canoy, D., Lukasiewicz, T., & Rahimi, K. (2023). Hi-BEHRT: Hierarchical Transformer-Based Model for Accurate Prediction of Clinical Events Using Multimodal Longitudinal Electronic Health Records. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 27(2), 1106–1117.
- Witnesses for Answer Sets of Logic Programs / Wang, Y., Eiter, T., Zhang, Y., & Lin, F. (2023). Witnesses for Answer Sets of Logic Programs. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, Article 3568955.
Answer-Set Programming for Lexicographical Makespan Optimisation in Parallel Machine Scheduling
EITER, T., GEIBINGER, T., MUSLIU, N., OETSCH, J., SKOČOVSKÝ, P., & STEPANOVA, D. (2023). Answer-Set Programming for Lexicographical Makespan Optimisation in Parallel Machine Scheduling. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 23(6), 1281–1306.
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Domain-Specific Heuristics in Answer Set Programming: A Declarative Non-Monotonic Approach
Comploi-Taupe, R., Friedrich, G., Schekotihin, K., & Weinzierl, A. (2023). Domain-Specific Heuristics in Answer Set Programming: A Declarative Non-Monotonic Approach. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 76, 59–114.
Project: DynaCon (2017–2020) - MvCo-DoT: Multi-View Contrastive Domain Transfer Network for Medical Report Generation / Wang, R., Wang, X., Xu, Z., Xu, W., Chen, J., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2023). MvCo-DoT: Multi-View Contrastive Domain Transfer Network for Medical Report Generation. In ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). 2023 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Rhodes, Greece. IEEE.
- MPS-AMS: Masked Patches Selection and Adaptive Masking Strategy Based Self-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation / Wang, X., Wang, R., Tian, B., Zhang, J., Zhang, S., Chen, J., Lukasiewicz, T., & Xu, Z. (2023). MPS-AMS: Masked Patches Selection and Adaptive Masking Strategy Based Self-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation. In ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Rhodes, Greece. IEEE.
Semantically Guided Scene Generation via Contextual Reasoning and Algebraic Measures
Bozzato, L., Eiter, T., Kiesel, R. P. D., & Stepanova, D. (2023). Semantically Guided Scene Generation via Contextual Reasoning and Algebraic Measures. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Logic Programming 2023 Workshops co-located with the 39th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2023). 16th Workshop on Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms (ASPOCP 2023), London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the).
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Projects: AI4EU (2019–2021) / DK - Logic (2014–2023) / Humane AI (2019–2020) - Associative Memories in the Feature Space / Salvatori, T., Millidge, B., Song, Y., Bogacz, R., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2023). Associative Memories in the Feature Space. In K. Gal, A. Nowé, & G. J. Nalepa (Eds.), 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, September 30–October 4, 2023, Kraków, Poland – Including 12th Conference on Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems (PAIS 2023) (pp. 2065–2072). IOS Press.
- Multi-Head Feature Pyramid Networks for Breast Mass Detection / Zhang, H., Xu, Z., Yao, D., Zhang, S., Chen, J., & Thomas Lukasiewicz. (2023). Multi-Head Feature Pyramid Networks for Breast Mass Detection. In ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Rhodes, Greece. IEEE.
- Adaptive-Masking Policy with Deep Reinforcement Learning for Self-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation / Xu, G., Wang, S., Lukasiewicz, T., & Xu, Z. (2023). Adaptive-Masking Policy with Deep Reinforcement Learning for Self-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) (pp. 2285–2290). IEEE.
- Prolog: The Next 50 Years / Warren, D. S., Dahl, V., Eiter, T., Hermenegildo, M., Kowalski. Robert A., & Rossi, F. (Eds.). (2023). Prolog: The Next 50 Years (Vol. 13900). Springer.
- NP-SemiSeg: When Neural Processes meet Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation / Wang, J., Massiceti, D., Hu, X., Pavlovic, V., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2023). NP-SemiSeg: When Neural Processes meet Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation. In A. Krause, E. Brunskill, K. Cho, B. Engelhardt, S. Sabato, & J. Scarlett (Eds.), PMLR Proceedings of Machine Learning Research.
- KNOW How to Make Up Your Mind! Adversarially Detecting and Remedying Inconsistencies in Natural Language Explanations / Jang, M., Majumder, B. P., McAuley, J., Lukasiewicz, T., & Camburu, O.-M. (2023). KNOW How to Make Up Your Mind! Adversarially Detecting and Remedying Inconsistencies in Natural Language Explanations. In A. Rogers, J. Boyd-Graber, & N. Okazaki (Eds.), Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers) (pp. 540–553). Association for Computational Linguistics.
- The Collection of Papers Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of TPLP, Part II / EITER, T., MAHER, M., PONTELLI, E., DE RAEDT, L., & TRUSZCZYNSKI, M. (2023). The Collection of Papers Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of TPLP, Part II. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 23(1).
A modular neurosymbolic approach for visual graph question answering
Eiter, T., Higuera Ruiz, N. N., & Oetsch, J. (2023). A modular neurosymbolic approach for visual graph question answering. In A. S. d’Avila Garcez, T. R. Besold, M. Gori, & E. Jiménez-Ruiz (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (NeSy 2023) (pp. 139–149).
Download: PDF (533 KB) - Complexity of Inconsistency-Tolerant Query Answering in Datalog+/- under Preferred Repairs / Lukasiewicz, T., Malizia, E., & Molinaro, C. (2023). Complexity of Inconsistency-Tolerant Query Answering in Datalog+/- under Preferred Repairs. In P. Marquis, T. C. Son, & G. Kern-Isberner (Eds.), Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (pp. 472–481). IJCAI Organization.
- A is the B of C: (Semi)-Automatic Creation of Vossian Antonomasias / Rockstroh, J., D’Ippolito, G., Lazzari, N., Oudshoorn, A. M., Purohit, D., Raoufi, E., & Rudolph, S. (2023). A is the B of C: (Semi)-Automatic Creation of Vossian Antonomasias. In Proceedings of the Wikidata Workshop 2023 (Wikidata 2023), Athens, Greece, November 13, 2023. The 4th Wikidata Workshop 2023 co-located with 22nd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2023), Athens, Greece.
- Counter−GAP: Counterfactual Bias Evaluation through Gendered Ambiguous Pronouns / Zhongbin, X., Kocijan, V., Lukasiewicz, T., & Camburu, O.-M. (2023). Counter−GAP: Counterfactual Bias Evaluation through Gendered Ambiguous Pronouns. In A. Vlachos & Isabelle Augenstein (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (pp. 3761–3773). Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Improving Language Models’ Meaning Understanding and Consistency by Learning Conceptual Roles from Dictionary / Jang, M., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2023). Improving Language Models’ Meaning Understanding and Consistency by Learning Conceptual Roles from Dictionary. In H. Bouamor, J. Pino, & K. Bali (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (pp. 8496–8510). Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Backpropagation at the Infinitesimal Inference Limit of Energy-Based Models: Unifying Predictive Coding, Equilibrium Propagation, and Contrastive Hebbian Learning / Millidge, B., Song, Y., Salvatori, T., Lukasiewicz, T., & Bogacz, R. (2023). Backpropagation at the Infinitesimal Inference Limit of Energy-Based Models: Unifying Predictive Coding, Equilibrium Propagation, and Contrastive Hebbian Learning. In The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2023 (pp. 1–14).
- Consistency Analysis of ChatGPT / Jang, M., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2023). Consistency Analysis of ChatGPT. In H. Bouamor, J. Pino, & K. Bali (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (pp. 15970–15985). Association for Computational Linguistics.
- A Theoretical Framework for Inference and Learning in Predictive Coding Networks / Millidge, B., Song, Y., Salvatori, T., Lukasiewicz, T., & Bogacz, R. (2023). A Theoretical Framework for Inference and Learning in Predictive Coding Networks. In The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2023 (pp. 1–24).
- Sequent-type rejection systems for finite-valued non-deterministic logics / Gius, M., & Tompits, H. (2023). Sequent-type rejection systems for finite-valued non-deterministic logics. Journal of Logic and Computation, 33(3–4), 606–640.
Progression for Monitoring in Temporal ASP
Soldà, D., López Miguel, I. D., Bartocci, E., & Eiter, T. (2023). Progression for Monitoring in Temporal ASP. In K. Gal, A. Nowé, G. J. Nalepa, R. Fairstein, & R. Rădulescu (Eds.), ECAI 2023 : 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Including 12th Conference on Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems (PAIS 2023). Proceedings (pp. 2170–2177). Frontiers.
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Project: TAIGER (2023–2027) -
Knowledge Compilation and More with SharpSAT-TD
Kiesel, R., & Eiter, T. (2023). Knowledge Compilation and More with SharpSAT-TD. In P. Marquis, T. C. Son, & G. Kern-Isberner (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th IInternational Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (pp. 406–416). IJCAI Organization.
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Project: DK - Logic (2014–2023) -
Deontic Paradoxes in ASP with Weak Constraints
Ciabattoni, A., Eiter, T., & Hatschka, C. (2023). Deontic Paradoxes in ASP with Weak Constraints. In Proceedings 39th International Conference on Logic Programming (pp. 367–380).
Project: TAIGER (2023–2027)
- Enhancing AI Capabilities by Rules: Challenges and Opportunities / Eiter, T. (2022, December 13). Enhancing AI Capabilities by Rules: Challenges and Opportunities [Conference Presentation]. 9th International Chinese Scholar Workshop on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Guiyang, Guizhou, China.
- Witnesses for Answer Sets of Logic Programs / Wang, Y., Eiter, T., Yuanlin Zhang, & Lin, F. (2022, November 29). Witnesses for Answer Sets of Logic Programs [Conference Presentation]. TAASP - Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming, Wien, Austria.
- Elaboration for Neurosymbolic Compuation / Eiter, T., & Higuera Ruiz, N. N. (2022, November 29). Elaboration for Neurosymbolic Compuation [Conference Presentation]. TAASP - Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming, Wien, Austria.
- Representing Normative Reasoning in Answer Set Programming Using Weak Constraints / Hatschka, C., Ciabattoni, A., & Eiter, T. (2022, November 28). Representing Normative Reasoning in Answer Set Programming Using Weak Constraints [Conference Presentation]. TAASP - Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming, Wien, Austria.
- ALASPO: An Adaptive Large-Neighbourhood ASP Optimiser (Extended Abstract) / Eiter, T., Geibinger, T., Higuera, N., Musliu, N., Oetsch, J., & Stepanova, D. (2022). ALASPO: An Adaptive Large-Neighbourhood ASP Optimiser (Extended Abstract). In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming. 5th Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming, Vienna, Austria.
Formalizing Property Constraints in Wikidata
Ferranti, N., Polleres, A., de Souza, J. F., & Ahmetaj, S. (2022). Formalizing Property Constraints in Wikidata. In Proceedings of the 3rd Wikidata Workshop 2022. Wikidata Workshop 2022, Hangzhou, China.
Project: FRESH (2021–2025) - Enhancing AI Capabilities by Rules: Applications and Opportunities / Eiter, T. (2022, November 4). Enhancing AI Capabilities by Rules: Applications and Opportunities [Conference Presentation]. CS Seminar, Binghamton, New York, United States of America (the).
- Reasoning on Multi-Relational Contextual Hierarchies via Answer Set Programming with Algebraic Measures (Extended Abstract) / Bozzato, L., Eiter, T., & Kiesel, R. P. D. (2022). Reasoning on Multi-Relational Contextual Hierarchies via Answer Set Programming with Algebraic Measures (Extended Abstract). In Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2022) co-located with Federated Logic Conference (FLoC 2022). 35th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2022), Haifa, Israel.
- Enhancing AI Capabilities by Rules: Applications and Opportunities / Eiter, T. (2022, October 18). Enhancing AI Capabilities by Rules: Applications and Opportunities [Presentation]. interne Veranstaltung des Bosch Labs, Renningen, Germany.
Repairing SHACL Constraint Violations Using Answer Set Programming
Ahmetaj, S., David, R., Polleres, A., & Simkus, M. (2022). Repairing SHACL Constraint Violations Using Answer Set Programming. In The Semantic Web – ISWC 2022 (pp. 375–391). Springer.\_22
Projects: FRESH (2021–2025) / KtoAPP (2018–2025) / OMEGA (2017–2022) - BECEL: Benchmark for Consistency Evaluation of Language Models / Jang, M., Kwon, D. S., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2022). BECEL: Benchmark for Consistency Evaluation of Language Models. In N. Calzolari, C.-R. Huang, & H. Kim (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (pp. 3680–3696). International Committee on Computational Linguistics.
- Clustering Generative Adversarial Networks for Story Visualization / Li, B., Torr, P. H. S., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2022). Clustering Generative Adversarial Networks for Story Visualization. In MM ’22: Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (pp. 769–778). Association for Computing Machinery.
- Implementations for Shor's algorithm for the DLP / Mandl, A., & Egly, U. (2022). Implementations for Shor’s algorithm for the DLP. In 52. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik (pp. 1133–1143). Gesellschaft für Informatik.
Magic Shapes for SHACL Validation
Ahmetaj, S., Löhnert, B., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2022). Magic Shapes for SHACL Validation. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 15(10), 2284--2296.
Projects: FRESH (2021–2025) / KtoAPP (2018–2025) / OMEGA (2017–2022) - Introduction to the Collection of Papers Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of TPLP / EITER, T., MAHER, M., PONTELLI, E., DE RAEDT, L., & TRUSZCZYNSKI, M. (2022). Introduction to the Collection of Papers Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of TPLP. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 22(6), 770–775.
- Explaining Chest X-Ray Pathologies in Natural Language / Kayser, M., Emde, C., Camburu, O.-M., Parsons, G., Papiez, B., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2022). Explaining Chest X-Ray Pathologies in Natural Language. In L. Wang, Q. Dou, P. T. Fletcher, S. Speidel, & S. Li (Eds.), Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2022 (pp. 701–713).
- Large-Neighbourhood Search for Optimisation in Answer-Set Solving (Extended Abstract) / Eiter, T., Geibinger, T., Higuera Ruiz, N., Musliu, N., Oetsch, J., & Stepanova, D. (2022). Large-Neighbourhood Search for Optimisation in Answer-Set Solving (Extended Abstract). In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Logic Programming. 38th International Conference on Logic Programming, Haifa, Israel. Open Publishing Association.
- History of KR: A Personal View / Eiter, T. (2022, July 11). History of KR: A Personal View [Presentation]. Current and Future Challenges in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany.
- Large-Neighbourhood Search for Optimisation in Answer-Set Solving / Eiter, T., Geibinger, T., Higuera Ruiz, N., Musliu, N., Oetsch, J., & Stepanova, D. (2022). Large-Neighbourhood Search for Optimisation in Answer-Set Solving. In Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 5616–5625). AAAI Press.
- An Open Challenge for Exact Job Scheduling with Reticle Batching in Photolithography / Eiter, T., Geibinger, T., Gisbrecht, A., Higuera Ruiz, N. N., Musliu, N., Oetsch, J., & Stepanova, D. (2022). An Open Challenge for Exact Job Scheduling with Reticle Batching in Photolithography. In KEPS 2022 Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling. Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling, Singapore.
From Truth Degree Comparison Games to Sequents-of-Relations Calculi for Gödel Logic
Fermüller, C., Lang, T. A., & Pavlova, A. (2022). From Truth Degree Comparison Games to Sequents-of-Relations Calculi for Gödel Logic. Logica Universalis, 16(1–2), 221–235.
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Project: SEGACAB (2019–2023) - Cross-Industry Overview of Fault-Tolerant Approaches used in Autonomous Systems / Horeis, T. F., Plinke, F., Kain, T., Tompits, H., Rinaldo, R. C., & Heinrich, J. (2022). Cross-Industry Overview of Fault-Tolerant Approaches used in Autonomous Systems. In Proceedings of the 35th VDI-Fachtagung Fahrerassistenzsysteme und Automatisiertes Fahren (pp. 89–108).
- Reasoning on DL-LiteR with Defeasibility in ASP / Bozzato, L., Eiter, T., & Serafini, L. (2022). Reasoning on DL-LiteR with Defeasibility in ASP. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 22(2), 254–304.
- A Confidence-Based Interface for Neuro-Symbolic Visual Question Answering / Eiter, T., Oetsch, J., Pritz, M., & Higuera Ruiz, N. N. (2022, February 28). A Confidence-Based Interface for Neuro-Symbolic Visual Question Answering [Poster Presentation]. First International Workshop on Combining Learning and Reasoning: Programming Languages, Formalisms, and Representations (CLeaR 2022), Vancouver, Canada.
- Reasoning on with Defeasibility in ASP / BOZZATO, L., EITER, T., & SERAFINI, L. (2022). Reasoning on with Defeasibility in ASP. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 22(2), 254–304.
- Knowledge-Grounded Self-Rationalization via Extractive and Natural Language Explanations / Majumder, B. P., Camburu, O.-M., Lukasiewicz, T., & McAuley, J. (2022). Knowledge-Grounded Self-Rationalization via Extractive and Natural Language Explanations. In K. Chaudhuri, S. Jegelka, & L. Song (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 14786–14801). MLResearch Press.
- ALASPO: An Adaptive Large-Neighbourhood ASP Optimiser / Eiter, T., Geibinger, T., Higuera, N., Musliu, N., Oetsch, J., & Stepanova, D. (2022). ALASPO: An Adaptive Large-Neighbourhood ASP Optimiser. In G. Kern-Isberner, G. Lackemeyer, & T. Meyer (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning — Applications and Systems (pp. 565–569). IJCAI Organization.
- Explanations for Negative Query Answers under Inconsistency-Tolerant Semantics / Lukasiewicz, T., Malizia, E., & Molinaro, C. (2022). Explanations for Negative Query Answers under Inconsistency-Tolerant Semantics. In L. De Raedt (Ed.), Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 2705–2711). International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence.
- Few-Shot Out-of-Domain Transfer Learning of Natural Language Explanations in a Label-Abundant Setup / Yordanov, Y., Kocijan, V., Lukasiewicz, T., & Camburu, O.-M. (2022). Few-Shot Out-of-Domain Transfer Learning of Natural Language Explanations in a Label-Abundant Setup. In Y. Goldberg, K. Zornitsa, & Y. Zhang (Eds.), Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022 (pp. 3486–3501). Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Deep Learning with Logical Constraints / Giunchiglia, E., Stoian, M. C., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2022). Deep Learning with Logical Constraints. In L. De Raedt (Ed.), Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 5478–5485). International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence.
- Memory-Driven Text-to-Image Generation / Li, B., Torr, P. H. S., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2022). Memory-Driven Text-to-Image Generation. In The 33rd British Machine Vision Conference Proceedings. 33rd British Machine Vision Conference, London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the).
- (Non-)Convergence Results for Predictive Coding Networks / Frieder, S., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2022). (Non-)Convergence Results for Predictive Coding Networks. In Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 6793–6810).
- Predictive Coding beyond Gaussian Distributions / Pinchetti, L., Salvatori, T., Yordanov, Y., Millidge, B., Song, Y., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2022). Predictive Coding beyond Gaussian Distributions. In S. Koyejo, S. Mohamed, & A. Agarwal (Eds.), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35 (NeurIPS 2022) (pp. 1280–1293).
- Beyond Distributional Hypothesis: Let Language Models Learn Meaning-Text Correspondence / Jang, M., Mtumbuka, F., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2022). Beyond Distributional Hypothesis: Let Language Models Learn Meaning-Text Correspondence. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022 (pp. 2030–2042). Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Abstraction for Non-Ground Answer Set Programs (Extended Abstract) / Saribatur, Z. G., Eiter, T., & Schüller, P. (2022). Abstraction for Non-Ground Answer Set Programs (Extended Abstract). In Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 5767–5771).
- PAUL: An Algorithmic Composer for Classical Piano Music Supporting Multiple Complexity Levels / Schön, F., & Tompits, H. (2022). PAUL: An Algorithmic Composer for Classical Piano Music Supporting Multiple Complexity Levels. In Progress in Artificial Intelligence - 21st EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings (EPIA 2022) (pp. 415–426). Springer.
- A Neuro-Symbolic ASP Pipeline for Visual Question Answering / Eiter, T., Higuera Ruiz, N. N., Oetsch, J., & Pritz, M. (2022). A Neuro-Symbolic ASP Pipeline for Visual Question Answering. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 22(5), 739–754.
- A Qualitative Temporal Extension of Here-and-There Logic / Eiter, T., & Schneider, P. (2022). A Qualitative Temporal Extension of Here-and-There Logic. In Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: 16th International Conference, LPNMR 2022 (pp. 159–176).
- Chasing Streams with Existential Rules / Urbani, J., Krötzsch, M., & Eiter, T. (2022). Chasing Streams with Existential Rules. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning — Applications and Systems (pp. 415–419). IJCAI Organization.
- Reasoning on Multirelational Contextual Hierarchies via Answer Set Programming with Algebraic Measures / Bozatto, L., Eiter, T., & Kiesel, R. P. D. (2021). Reasoning on Multirelational Contextual Hierarchies via Answer Set Programming with Algebraic Measures. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 21(5), 593–609.
- IoTCrawler: Challenges and Solutions for Searching the Internet of Things / Iggena, T., Ilyas, E. B., Fischer, M., Tönjes, R., Elsaleh, T., Rezvani, R., Pourshahrokhi, N., Bischof, S., Fernbach, A., Parreira, J., Schneider, P., Smirnov, P., Strohbach, M., Truong, H., García-González, A., Skarmeta, A. F., Singh, P., Beliatis, M. J., Presser, M., & Martinez, J. A. (2021). IoTCrawler: Challenges and Solutions for Searching the Internet of Things. Sensors, 21(5), 1559.
- Omission-Based Abstraction for Answer Set Programs - ERRATUM / SARIBATUR, Z. G., & EITER, T. (2021). Omission-Based Abstraction for Answer Set Programs - ERRATUM. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 21(2), 292–292.
- Process Mining with Common Sense / Calvanese, D., Lukumbuzya, S., Montali, M., & Simkus, M. (2021). Process Mining with Common Sense. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on BPM Problems to Solve Before We Die (PROBLEMS 2021) (pp. 45–50). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Ontologies for On-Demand Designof Data-Centric Systems / Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2021). Ontologies for On-Demand Designof Data-Centric Systems. In Formal Concept Analysis. International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis ICFCA, Unknown. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- D-DEG: A Dynamic Cooperation-Based Approach for Reducing Resource Consumption in Autonomous Vehicles. / Kain, T., Mehlhorn, M. A., Müller, J.-S., & Tompits, H. (2021). D-DEG: A Dynamic Cooperation-Based Approach for Reducing Resource Consumption in Autonomous Vehicles. In B. Castanier, M. Cepin, & D. Bigaud (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2021) (pp. 2807–2817). Research Publishing Services.
- Dagstuhl Seminar on the Foundations of Composite Event Recognition / Eiter, T., Artikis, A., Margara, A., & Vansummeren, S. (2021). Dagstuhl Seminar on the Foundations of Composite Event Recognition. In ACM SIGMOD Record (pp. 24–27). ACM SIGMOND Record.
- CQELS 2.0: Towards A Unified Framework for Semantic Stream Fusion / Le-Tuan, A., Nguyen Duc, M., Chien-Quang, L., Tran, T.-K., Hauswirth, M., Eiter, T., & Le Phuoc, D. (2021). CQELS 2.0: Towards A Unified Framework for Semantic Stream Fusion. In 5th Stream Reasoning Workshop (SRW 2021). 5th Stream Reasoning Workshop (SRW 2021), Mailand, Italy.
Determining Inference Semantics for Disjunctive Logic Programs (Extended Abstract)
Shen, Y.-D., & Eiter, T. (2021). Determining Inference Semantics for Disjunctive Logic Programs (Extended Abstract). In C. Bessiere (Ed.), Proceedings of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-20) (pp. 5040–5044).
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) - A Description Logic for Analogical Reasoning / Schockaert, S., Ibanez Garcia, Y. A., & Gutierrez-Basulto, V. (2021). A Description Logic for Analogical Reasoning. In Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. IJCAI 2021, Montreal, Canada. IJCAI.
- Overcoming the Grounding Bottleneck Due to Constraints in ASP Solving: Constraints Become Propagators / Cuteri, B., Dodaro, C., Ricca, F., & Schüller, P. (2021). Overcoming the Grounding Bottleneck Due to Constraints in ASP Solving: Constraints Become Propagators. In C. Bessiere (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
- How Hard to Tell? Complexity of Belief Manipulation Through Propositional Announcements / Eiter, T., Hunter, A., & Schwarzentruber, F. (2021). How Hard to Tell? Complexity of Belief Manipulation Through Propositional Announcements. In Z.-H. Zhou (Ed.), Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. IJCAI.
- Quantitative and Stream Extensions of Answer Set Programming / Kiesel, R. (2021). Quantitative and Stream Extensions of Answer Set Programming. In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2021). 37th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2021), Unknown.
Treewidth-Aware Cycle Breaking for Algebraic Answer Set Counting
Eiter, T., Hecher, M., & Kiesel, R. (2021). Treewidth-Aware Cycle Breaking for Algebraic Answer Set Counting. In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2021). 37th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2021), Unknown.
Projects: DK - Logic (2014–2023) / HYPAR (2019–2024) / START (2014–2022) - Modelling Concept Interpolation in Description Logics using Abstract Betweenness Relations / Schockaert, S., Ibanez Garcia, Y. A., & Gutierrez-Basulto, V. (2021). Modelling Concept Interpolation in Description Logics using Abstract Betweenness Relations. In Proceedings of the 34th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2021). 34th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2021), Bratislava, Slovenia. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Closed- and Open-world Reasoning in DL-Lite for Cloud Infrastructure Security (Extended Abstract) / Cauli, C., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Piterman, N. (2021). Closed- and Open-world Reasoning in DL-Lite for Cloud Infrastructure Security (Extended Abstract). In Proceedings of the 34th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2021). 34th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2021), Bratislava, Slovenia. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Reasoning about Explanations for Non-validation in SHACL (Extended abstract) / Ahmetaj, S., David, R., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Polleres, A., Shehu, B., & Simkus, M. (2021). Reasoning about Explanations for Non-validation in SHACL (Extended abstract). In Proceedings of the 34th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2021). 34th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2021), Bratislava, Slovakia. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Treewidth-Aware Cycle Breaking for Algebraic Answer Set Counting
Eiter, T., Hecher, M., & Kiesel, R. (2021). Treewidth-Aware Cycle Breaking for Algebraic Answer Set Counting. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. KR 2021 - 18th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, virtual event, Unknown.
Projects: DK - Logic (2014–2023) / HYPAR (2019–2024) / START (2014–2022) - Reasoning about Explanations for Non-validation in SHACL / Ahmetaj, S., David, R., Ortiz, M., Polleres, A., Shehu, B., & Šimkus, M. (2021). Reasoning about Explanations for Non-validation in SHACL. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. KR 2021 - 18th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, virtual event, Unknown.
- Closed- and Open-world Reasoning in DL-Lite for Cloud Infrastructure Security / Cauli, C., Ortiz, M., & Piterman, N. (2021). Closed- and Open-world Reasoning in DL-Lite for Cloud Infrastructure Security. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. KR 2021 - 18th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, virtual event, Unknown.
Answer-Set Programming for Lexicographical Makespan Optimisation in Parallel Machine Scheduling
Eiter, T., Geibinger, T., Musliu, N., Oetsch, J., Skočovský, P., & Stepanova, D. (2021). Answer-Set Programming for Lexicographical Makespan Optimisation in Parallel Machine Scheduling. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. KR 2021 - 18th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, virtual event, Unknown.
Project: KIRAS-PrEMI (2019–2022) - Magic Shapes for Validation in SHACL / Ahmetaj, S., Loehnert, B., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2021). Magic Shapes for Validation in SHACL. In Proceedings of the ISWC 2021 Posters, Demos and Industry Tracks: From Novel Ideas to Industrial Practice co-located with 20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2021). ISWC 2021 - The 20th International Semantic Web Conference, online event, Unknown. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- A Scalable Reasoning and Learning Approach for Neural-Symbolic Stream Fusion / Eiter, T., Le-Phuoc, D., & Le-Tuan, A. (2021). A Scalable Reasoning and Learning Approach for Neural-Symbolic Stream Fusion. In AAAI 2021 Proceedings (pp. 4996–5005). AAAI Press.
- Turbocharging Treewidth-Bounded Bayesian Network Structure Learning / Ramaswamy, V. P., & Szeider, S. (2021). Turbocharging Treewidth-Bounded Bayesian Network Structure Learning. In Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 3895–3903). AAAI Press.
- On the Complexity of Sum-of-Products Problems over Semirings. / Eiter, T., & Kiesel, R. P. D. (2021). On the Complexity of Sum-of-Products Problems over Semirings. In Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2021, Thirty-Third Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, IAAI 2021, The Eleventh Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence, EAAI 2021, Virtual Event, February 2-9, 2021 (pp. 6304–6311).
- Bounded Predicates in Description Logics with Counting / Lukumbuzya, S., & Simkus, M. (2021). Bounded Predicates in Description Logics with Counting. In Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. IJCAI 2021 - 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Montreal, Canada, Canada. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence.
- Ein Ansatz zur Wiederherstellung ausgefallener Hardwarekomponenten in Fail-Operational Architekturen - Eine Erweiterung von FDIRO / Kain, T., Mehlhorn, M. A., Horeis, T. F., Heinrich, J., & Tompits, H. (2021). Ein Ansatz zur Wiederherstellung ausgefallener Hardwarekomponenten in Fail-Operational Architekturen - Eine Erweiterung von FDIRO. In VDI Wissensforum GmbH (Ed.), Technische Zuverlässigkeit 2021 (pp. 297–308). VDI Verlag.
- C-PO: A Context-Based Application-Placement Optimization for Autonomous Vehicles / Tompits, H., Kain, T., Horeis, T. F., Heinrich, J., Müller, J.-S., Plinke, F., Decke, H., & Mehlhorn, M. A. (2021). C-PO: A Context-Based Application-Placement Optimization for Autonomous Vehicles. In 2021 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE). DATE 2021, Grenoble, France. IEEE.
Combining Task and Motion Planning: Challenges and Guidelines
Mansouri, M., Pecora, F., & Schüller, P. (2021). Combining Task and Motion Planning: Challenges and Guidelines. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 8.
Project: AI4EU (2019–2021) - Beyond Uniform Equivalence between Answer-set Programs / Oetsch, J., Seidl, M., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2021). Beyond Uniform Equivalence between Answer-set Programs. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 22(1), 1–46.
- Two SAT solvers for solving quantified Boolean formulas with an arbitrary number of quantifier alternations / Bloem, R., Braud-Santoni, N., Hadzic, V., Egly, U., Lonsing, F., & Seidl, M. (2021). Two SAT solvers for solving quantified Boolean formulas with an arbitrary number of quantifier alternations. Formal Methods in System Design, 57(2), 157–177.
Deploying Spatial-Stream Query Answering in C-ITS Scenarios
Eiter, T., Ichise, R., Parreira, J. X., Schneider, P., & Zhao, L. (2021). Deploying Spatial-Stream Query Answering in C-ITS Scenarios. Semantic Web, 12(1), 41–77.
Project: DynaCon (2017–2020) -
Solving Configuration Problems with ASP and Declarative Domain Specific Heuristics
Taupe, R., Friedrich, G., Schekotihin, K., & Weinzierl, A. (2021). Solving Configuration Problems with ASP and Declarative Domain Specific Heuristics. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Configuration Workshop (CWS/ConfWS 2021) (p. 8). CEUR-WS.
Project: DynaCon (2017–2020) - Pruning external minimality checking for answer set programs using semantic dependencies / Eiter, T., & Kaminski, T. (2021). Pruning external minimality checking for answer set programs using semantic dependencies. Artificial Intelligence, 290(103402), 103402.
Abstraction for non-ground answer set programs
Saribatur, Z. G., Eiter, T., & Schüller, P. (2021). Abstraction for non-ground answer set programs. Artificial Intelligence, 300(103563), 103563.
Projects: AI4EU (2019–2021) / DK - Logic (2014–2023) / HumanE-AI-Net (2020–2024)
- Preface: Special issue of the 25th RCRA International Workshop on Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for Solving Problems with Combinatorial Explosion / Eiter, T., Maratea, M., & Vallati, M. (2020). Preface: Special issue of the 25th RCRA International Workshop on Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for Solving Problems with Combinatorial Explosion. Fundamenta Informaticae, 174(3–4), i–iii.
Managing Caching Strategies for Stream Reasoning with Reinforcement Learning
Dodaro, C., Eiter, T., Ogris, P., & Schekotihin, K. (2020). Managing Caching Strategies for Stream Reasoning with Reinforcement Learning. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 20(5: 36th International Conference on Logic Programming Special issue I), 625–640.
Project: DynaCon (2017–2020) - Querying Rich Ontologies by Exploiting the Structure of Data / Bajraktari, L. (2020). Querying Rich Ontologies by Exploiting the Structure of Data. Kuenstliche Intelligenz, 34(3), 395–398.
- Österreichische AI Strategie aus Sicht der Wissenschaft / Moser, B., Dorffner, G., Eiter, T., Faber, W., Klambauer, G., Legenstein, R., Nessler, B., Polleres, A., & Woltran, S. (2020). Österreichische AI Strategie aus Sicht der Wissenschaft. OCG Journal, 01–02, 14–17.
- An ExpTime Upper Bound for ALC with Integers (Extended Version) / Labai, N., Simkus, M., & Ortiz, M. (2020). An ExpTime Upper Bound for ALC with Integers (Extended Version). arXiv.
- MaxSAT-Based Postprocessing for Treedepth / Peruvemba Ramaswamy, V., & Szeider, S. (2020). MaxSAT-Based Postprocessing for Treedepth. In Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming 26th International Conference, CP 2020, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, September 7–11, 2020, Proceedings (pp. 478–495). LNCS.
- Catching the Ouroboros: On debugging non-ground answer-set programs / Oetsch, J., Pührer, J., & Tompits, H. (2020). Catching the Ouroboros: On debugging non-ground answer-set programs. 36th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2020), Rende, Italy.
- Ontology-Enriched Data Management with Partially Complete Data / Lukumbuzya, S. (2020). Ontology-Enriched Data Management with Partially Complete Data. 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2020, Rhodes, Greece.
Conflict Generalisation in ASP: Learning Correct and Effective Non-Ground Constraints
Taupe, R., Weinzierl, A., & Friedrich, G. (2020). Conflict Generalisation in ASP: Learning Correct and Effective Non-Ground Constraints. ICLP 2020, Rende, Italy.
Project: DynaCon (2017–2020) -
Advancing Lazy-Grounding ASP Solving Techniques - Restarts, Phase Saving, Heuristics, and More
Weinzierl, A., Taupe, R., & Friedrich, G. (2020). Advancing Lazy-Grounding ASP Solving Techniques - Restarts, Phase Saving, Heuristics, and More. ICLP 2020, Rende, Italy.
Project: DynaCon (2017–2020) - Abstraction for Zooming-In to Unsolvability Reasons of Grid-Cell Problems / Eiter, T., Saribatur, Z. G., & Schüller, P. (2020). Abstraction for Zooming-In to Unsolvability Reasons of Grid-Cell Problems. KR 2020 - 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Rhodos, online, Greece.
- Weighted LARS for Quantitative Stream Reasoning / Eiter, T., & Kiesel, R. P. D. (2020). Weighted LARS for Quantitative Stream Reasoning. In 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 29 August-8 September 2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain - Including 10th Conference on Prestigious Applications of Artificial Intelligence (PAIS 2020) (pp. 729–736).
- Ontology Focusing: Knowledge-Enriched Databases on Demand / Gogacz, T., Gutierrez-Basulto, V., Ibanez Garcia, Y. A., Murlak, F., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2020). Ontology Focusing: Knowledge-Enriched Databases on Demand. In ECAI 2020 - 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 745–752). Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications.
- Reasoning with Justifiable Exceptions in Contextual Hierarchies / Bozzato, L., Eiter, T., & Serafini, L. (2020). Reasoning with Justifiable Exceptions in Contextual Hierarchies. In G. De Giacomo (Ed.), ECAI 2020 - 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 29 August-8 September 2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, August 29 - September 8, 2020 - Including 10th Conference on Prestigious Applications of Artificial Intelligence (PAIS 2020) (pp. 2889–2890). IOS Press - Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications.
- A Semantic Perspective on Omission Abstraction in ASP / Saribatur, Z. G., & Eiter, T. (2020). A Semantic Perspective on Omission Abstraction in ASP. In D. Calvanese & E. Erdem (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. IJCAI Organization.
- Plausible Reasoning about EL-Ontologies using Concept Interpolation / Gutierrez-Basulto, V., Ibanez Garcia, Y. A., & Schockaert, S. (2020). Plausible Reasoning about EL-Ontologies using Concept Interpolation. In D. Calvanese, E. Erdem, & M. Thielscher (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. AAAI Press.
- Pebble-Intervals Automata and FO² with Two Orders / Labai, N., Kotek, T., Ortiz, M., & Veith, H. (2020). Pebble-Intervals Automata and FO2 with Two Orders. In Language and Automata Theory and Applications (pp. 208–221). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
Query Rewriting for Ontology-Mediated Conditional Answers
Andresel, M., Ortiz, M., & Simkus, M. (2020). Query Rewriting for Ontology-Mediated Conditional Answers. In V. Conitzer & F. Sha (Eds.), Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 2734–2741). AAAI-20 Technical Tracks.
Projects: KtoAPP (2018–2025) / OMEGA (2017–2022) - Quantitative and Stream Extensions of Answer Set Programming / Kiesel, R. P. D. (2020). Quantitative and Stream Extensions of Answer Set Programming. KR 2020 - 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Rhodos, Greece.
- Quantities in Stream Reasoning / Eiter, T., & Kiesel, R. P. D. (2020). Quantities in Stream Reasoning. Reasoning about ACtions and Events over Streams (RACES), Rhodes, Greece.
- ASP(AC): Answer Set Programming with Algebraic Constraints / Eiter, T., & Kiesel, R. P. D. (2020). ASP(AC): Answer Set Programming with Algebraic Constraints. 36th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2020), Rende, Italy.
- A Hitchhiker's Tour Through Computational Complexity in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning / Eiter, T. (2020). A Hitchhiker’s Tour Through Computational Complexity in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. KR 2020 - 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Rhodos, Greece.
- Stable Model Semantics for Recursive SHACL / Andresel, M., Corman, J., Ortiz, M., Reutter, J. L., Savkovic, O., & Simkus, M. (2020). Stable Model Semantics for Recursive SHACL. In Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020. International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), UK, Unknown. ACM.
- Sequent-Type Calculi for Systems of Nonmonotonic Paraconsistent Logics / Geibinger, T., & Tompits, H. (2020). Sequent-Type Calculi for Systems of Nonmonotonic Paraconsistent Logics. In Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (pp. 178–191). Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS).
ASP-Based Signal Plan Adjustments for Traffic Flow Optimization
Eiter, T., Falkner, A., Schneider, P., & Schüller, P. (2020). ASP-Based Signal Plan Adjustments for Traffic Flow Optimization. In ECAI 2020 - 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 29 August-8 September 2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, August 29 - September 8, 2020 - Including 10th Conference on Prestigious Applications of Artificial Intelligence (PAIS 2020) (p. 7). IOS Press - Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications.
Project: DynaCon (2017–2020) - On Finite Entailment of Non-Local Queries in Description Logics / Gogacz, T., Gutierrez-Basulto, V., Gutowski, A., Ibanez Garcia, Y. A., & Murlak, F. (2020). On Finite Entailment of Non-Local Queries in Description Logics. In D. Calvanese, E. Erdem, & M. Thielscher (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. AAAI Press.
- Towards a Reliable and Context-Based System Architecture for Autonomous Vehicles / Kain, T., Mundhenk, P., Müller, J.-S., Tompits, H., Wesche, M., & Decke, H. (2020). Towards a Reliable and Context-Based System Architecture for Autonomous Vehicles. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Autonomous Systems Design (pp. 1–7). Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
- Optimizing the Placement of Applications in Autonomous Vehicles / Kain, T., Tompits, H., Müller, J.-S., Wesche, M., Martinez Flores, Y. A., & Decke, H. (2020). Optimizing the Placement of Applications in Autonomous Vehicles. In E-proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (p. 8).
- Fdiro: A General Approach for a Fail-Operational System Design / Kain, T., Tompits, H., Müller, J.-S., Mundhenk, P., Wesche, M., & Decke, H. (2020). Fdiro: A General Approach for a Fail-Operational System Design. In E-proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (ESREL2020 PSAM15) (p. 8).
- Rewritability Results for OMQs with Closed Predicates / Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2020). Rewritability Results for OMQs with Closed Predicates. In Proceedings of the 33rd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2020) co-located with the 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2020). Proceedings of the 33rd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2020) co-located with the 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2020), Rhodes, Greece. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- A Framework for Exploratory Query Answering with Ontologies / Andresel, M.-P., Ibanez Garcia, Y. A., & Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2020). A Framework for Exploratory Query Answering with Ontologies. In Proceedings of the 33rd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2020) co-located with the 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2020). Proceedings of the 33rd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2020) co-located with the 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2020), Rhodes, Greece. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- An Adaptive Semantic Stream Reasoning Framework for Deep Neural Networks / Le-Phuoc, D., & Eiter, T. (2020). An Adaptive Semantic Stream Reasoning Framework for Deep Neural Networks. In Proceedings of the CIKM 2020 Workshops, co-located with 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2020) Galway, Ireland, October 19-23, 2020 (pp. 1–5). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Towards Comprehensible ASP Reasoning by Means of Abstraction / Saribatur, Z. G. (2020). Towards Comprehensible ASP Reasoning by Means of Abstraction. In KR 2020 Workshop on Explainable Logic-Based Knowledge Representation (XLoKR) (pp. 1–6).
- Abstraction for ASP Planning / Saribatur, Z. G. (2020). Abstraction for ASP Planning. In G. De Giacomo (Ed.), ECAI 2020 - 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 29 August-8 September 2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, August 29 - September 8, 2020 - Including 10th Conference on Prestigious Applications of Artificial Intelligence (PAIS 2020) (pp. 2933–2934). IOS Press - Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications.
- An ExpTime Upper Bound for ALC with Integers / Labai, N., Simkus, M., & Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2020). An ExpTime Upper Bound for ALC with Integers. In D. Calvanese, E. Erdem, & M. Thielscher (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. AAAI Press.
- Datalog Rewritability and Data Complexity of ALCHOIF with Closed Predicates / Gogacz, T., Lukumbuzya, S., Simkus, M., & Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2020). Datalog Rewritability and Data Complexity of ALCHOIF with Closed Predicates. In D. Calvanese, E. Erdem, & M. Thielscher (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. AAAI Press.
A new OWLAPI interface for HEX-programs applied to explaining contingencies in production planning
Schüller, P. (2020). A new OWLAPI interface for HEX-programs applied to explaining contingencies in production planning. In A. Saffiotti, L. Serafini, & P. Lukowicz (Eds.), Proceedings of the First International Workshop on New Foundations for Human-Centered AI (NeHuAI) co-located with 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020), Santiago de Compostella, Spain, September 4, 2020 (p. 6). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Project: AI4EU (2019–2021) -
Towards Lightweight Completion Formulas for Lazy Grounding in Answer Set Programming
Bogaerts, B., Marynissen, S., & Weinzierl, A. (2020). Towards Lightweight Completion Formulas for Lazy Grounding in Answer Set Programming. In M. V. Martinez & I. Varzinczak (Eds.), NMR 2020 Workshop Notes (p. 9).
Project: DynaCon (2017–2020) - Sequent-Type Calculi for Three-Valued and Disjunctive Default Logic / Pkhakadze, S., & Tompits, H. (2020). Sequent-Type Calculi for Three-Valued and Disjunctive Default Logic. Axioms, 9(3), 84.
Conflict Generalisation in ASP: Learning Correct and Effective Non-Ground Constraints
Taupe, R., Weinzierl, A., & Friedrich, G. (2020). Conflict Generalisation in ASP: Learning Correct and Effective Non-Ground Constraints. arXiv.
Project: DynaCon (2017–2020) -
Advancing Lazy-Grounding ASP Solving Techniques - Restarts, Phase Saving, Heuristics, and More
Weinzierl, A., Taupe, R., & Friedrich, G. (2020). Advancing Lazy-Grounding ASP Solving Techniques - Restarts, Phase Saving, Heuristics, and More. arXiv.
Project: DynaCon (2017–2020) - On Finite Entailment of Non-Local Queries in Description Logics / Gogacz, T., Gutierrez-Basulto, V., Gutowski, A., Ibanez Garcia, Y. A., & Murlak, F. (2020). On Finite Entailment of Non-Local Queries in Description Logics. arXiv.
- Fast Out‐of‐Core Octree Generation for Massive Point Clouds / Schütz, M., Ohrhallinger, S., & Wimmer, M. (2020). Fast Out‐of‐Core Octree Generation for Massive Point Clouds. Computer Graphics Forum, 39(7), 155–167.
- Considering Constraint Monotonicity and Foundedness in Answer Set Programming / Shen, Y.-D., & Eiter, T. (2020). Considering Constraint Monotonicity and Foundedness in Answer Set Programming. In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming. 4th Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming (TAASP 2020), Klagenfurt, Austria.
- Resilient Logic Programs: Answer Set Programs Challenged by Ontologies / Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Simkus, M., & Lukumbuzya, S. (2020). Resilient Logic Programs: Answer Set Programs Challenged by Ontologies. In V. Conitzer & F. Sha (Eds.), Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 2917–2924). AAAI-20 Technical Tracks.
Advancing Lazy-Grounding ASP Solving Techniques - Restarts, Phase Saving, Heuristics, and More
WEINZIERL, A., TAUPE, R., & FRIEDRICH, G. (2020). Advancing Lazy-Grounding ASP Solving Techniques - Restarts, Phase Saving, Heuristics, and More. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 20(5), 609–624.
Project: DynaCon (2017–2020) -
Conflict Generalisation in ASP: Learning Correct and Effective Non-Ground Constraints
TAUPE, R., WEINZIERL, A., & FRIEDRICH, G. (2020). Conflict Generalisation in ASP: Learning Correct and Effective Non-Ground Constraints. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 20(5), 799–814.
Project: DynaCon (2017–2020) - Omission-based Abstraction for Answer Set Programs / SARIBATUR, Z. G., & EITER, T. (2020). Omission-based Abstraction for Answer Set Programs. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 21(2), 145–195.
- Fixed point semantics for stream reasoning / Antić, C. (2020). Fixed point semantics for stream reasoning. Artificial Intelligence, 288(103370), 103370.
Polynomial rewritings from expressive Description Logics with closed predicates to variants of Datalog
Ahmetaj, S., Ortiz, M., & Šimkus, M. (2020). Polynomial rewritings from expressive Description Logics with closed predicates to variants of Datalog. Artificial Intelligence, 280(103220), 103220.
Projects: KtoAPP (2018–2025) / OMEGA (2017–2022) - ASP(AC): Answer Set Programming with Algebraic Constraints / Eiter, T., & Kiesel, R. (2020). ASP(AC): Answer Set Programming with Algebraic Constraints. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 20(6), 895–910.
- Answering Regular Path Queries Over SQ Ontologies / Gutierrez-Basulto, V., Ibanez Garcia, Y. A., & Jung, J. C. (2020). Answering Regular Path Queries Over SQ Ontologies. arXiv.
- On Finite and Unrestricted Query Entailment beyond SQ with Number Restrictions on Transitive Roles / Gogacz, T., Gutierrez-Basulto, V., Ibanez Garcia, Y. A., Jung, J. C., & Murlak, F. (2020). On Finite and Unrestricted Query Entailment beyond SQ with Number Restrictions on Transitive Roles. arXiv.
- Plausible Reasoning about EL-Ontologies using Concept Interpolation / Ibanez Garcia, Y. A., Gutierrez-Basulto, V., & Schockaert, S. (2020). Plausible Reasoning about EL-Ontologies using Concept Interpolation. arXiv.
- Omission-based Abstraction for Answer Set Programs / Saribatur, Z. G., & Eiter, T. (2020). Omission-based Abstraction for Answer Set Programs. arXiv.
- Weighted LARS for Quantitative Stream Reasoning / Eiter, T., & Kiesel, R. P. D. (2020). Weighted LARS for Quantitative Stream Reasoning. Austrian Workshop on Logic in Computer Science, Turracher Höhe, Austria.
- SAT and Interactions (Dagstuhl Seminar 20061) / Beyersdorff, O., Egly, U., Mahajan, M., & Nalon, C. (Eds.). (2020). SAT and Interactions (Dagstuhl Seminar 20061). Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Germany.
- Foundations of Composite Event Recognition (Dagstuhl Seminar 20071) / Artikis, A., Eiter, T., Margara, A., & Vansummeren, S. (Eds.). (2020). Foundations of Composite Event Recognition (Dagstuhl Seminar 20071). Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Germany.
- A Distributed Approach to LARS Stream Reasoning (System paper) / Eiter, T., Ogris, P., & Schekotihin, K. (2019). A Distributed Approach to LARS Stream Reasoning (System paper). Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 19(5–6), 974–989.
- Special issue on stream reasoning / Dell´Aglio, D., Eiter, T., Heintz, F., & Le Phuoc, D. (2019). Special issue on stream reasoning. Semantic Web, 10(3), 453–455.
- Distributed Stream Reasoning with LARS and ASP / Eiter, T., Ogris, P., & Schekotihin, K. (2019). Distributed Stream Reasoning with LARS and ASP. In 3rd Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming (p. 2).
Abstraction for Non-Ground Answer Set Programs
Saribatur, Z. G., Eiter, T., & Schüller, P. (2019). Abstraction for Non-Ground Answer Set Programs (LOGCOMP RR-1923-19-01).
Project: AI4EU (2019–2021) -
Pebble-Intervals Automata and FO2 with Two Orders (Extended Version)
Labai, N., Kotek, T., Ortiz, M., & Veith, H. (2019). Pebble-Intervals Automata and FO2 with Two Orders (Extended Version). arXiv.
Projects: KtoAPP (2018–2025) / OMEGA (2017–2022) -
Ontology Focusing: Knowledge-enriched Databases on Demand
Gogacz, T., Gutierrez-Basulto, V., Ibanez Garcia, Y. A., Murlak, F., Ortiz, M., & Simkus, M. (2019). Ontology Focusing: Knowledge-enriched Databases on Demand. arXiv.
Projects: KtoAPP (2018–2025) / OMEGA (2017–2022) - Logic Programming for Stream Reasoning / Eiter, T. (2019). Logic Programming for Stream Reasoning. Autumn School on Logic Programming, Las Cruces, New Mexico, United States of America (the).
Optimizing Horn-SHIQ Reasoning for OBDA
Bajraktari, L., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Xiao, G. (2019). Optimizing Horn-SHIQ Reasoning for OBDA. In The Semantic Web – ISWC 2019 18th International Semantic Web Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, October 26–30, 2019, Proceedings, Part I. ISWC 2019 - International Semantic Web Conference, Auckland, New Zealand. Springer.
Project: KtoAPP (2018–2025) - QRATPre+: Effective QBF Preprocessing via Strong Redundancy Properties / Lonsing, F., & Egly, U. (2019). QRATPre+: Effective QBF Preprocessing via Strong Redundancy Properties. In Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2019 22nd International Conference, SAT 2019, Lisbon, Portugal, July 9–12, 2019, Proceedings (pp. 203–210). LNCS.
- Reasoning with Justifiable Exceptions in $$\mathcal{E}\mathcal{L}_\bot $$ Contextualized Knowledge Repositories / Bozzato, L., Eiter, T., & Serafini, L. (2019). Reasoning with Justifiable Exceptions in $$\mathcal{E}\mathcal{L}_\bot $$ Contextualized Knowledge Repositories. In A.-Y. Turhan, U. Sattler, F. Wolter, & C. Lutz (Eds.), Description Logic, Theory Combination, and All That (pp. 110–134). Springer LNCS.
- A Sequent-Type Calculus for Three-Valued Default Logic, Or: Tweety Meets Quartum Non Datur / Pkhakadze, S., & Tompits, H. (2019). A Sequent-Type Calculus for Three-Valued Default Logic, Or: Tweety Meets Quartum Non Datur. In Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (pp. 163–177). Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Degrees of Laziness in Grounding
Taupe, R., Weinzierl, A., & Friedrich, G. (2019). Degrees of Laziness in Grounding. In M. Balduccini, Y. Lierler, & S. Woltran (Eds.), Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (pp. 298–311).
Project: DynaCon (2017–2020) -
Enhancing Lazy Grounding with Lazy Normalization in Answer-Set Programming
Bomanson, J., Janhunen, T., & Weinzierl, A. (2019). Enhancing Lazy Grounding with Lazy Normalization in Answer-Set Programming. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 2694–2702). AAAI Press.
Project: DynaCon (2017–2020) - A Datalog Translation for Reasoning on DL-lite_R with Defeasibility / Bozzato, L., Eiter, T., & Serafini, L. (2019). A Datalog Translation for Reasoning on DL-lite_R with Defeasibility. In Informal Proceedings of the 32nd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL-2019), Oslo, Norway, June 18-21, 2019 (p. 13).
- Meta-Interpretive Learning Using HEX-Programs / Kaminski, T., Eiter, T., & Inoue, K. (2019). Meta-Interpretive Learning Using HEX-Programs. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. IJCAI 2019 - 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Macao, Macao.
Relaxing and Restraining Queries for OBDA
Andresel, M.-P., Ibanez Garcia, Y. A., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2019). Relaxing and Restraining Queries for OBDA. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 2654–2661).
Projects: KtoAPP (2018–2025) / OMEGA (2017–2022) - Abstraction for Zooming-In to Unsolvability Reasons of Grid-Cell Problems / Eiter, T., Saribatur, Z. G., & Schüller, P. (2019). Abstraction for Zooming-In to Unsolvability Reasons of Grid-Cell Problems. In Proceedings of the IJCAI 2019 Workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (pp. 7–13).
- From Complete to Incomplete Data and Back in Ontology-Enriched Databases / Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2019). From Complete to Incomplete Data and Back in Ontology-Enriched Databases. In A. Hogan & T. Milo (Eds.), Aidan Hogan, Tova Milo: Proceedings of the 13th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management, Asunción, Paraguay, June 3-7, 2019. CEUR Workshop proceedings.
- Defeasible Reasoning in Description Logic Contexts / Eiter, T. (2019). Defeasible Reasoning in Description Logic Contexts. Colloquium for Franz Baader´s 60th Birthday, Dresden, Germany.
- The Role of Answer Set Programming for Non-monotonic Reasoning / Eiter, T. (2019). The Role of Answer Set Programming for Non-monotonic Reasoning. Dagstuhl Seminar 19072 - The Role of Non-Monotonic Reasoning in Future Development of Artificial Intelligence, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany.
- Stream Reasoning and Multi-Context Systems / Eiter, T. (2019). Stream Reasoning and Multi-Context Systems. 4th Stream Reasoning Workshop (SR 2019), Linköping, Sweden.
- Lazy Grounding for Answer Set Programming: Challenges and Potential / Weinzierl, A. (2019). Lazy Grounding for Answer Set Programming: Challenges and Potential. LaSh 2019 Workshop on Logic and Search, Lissabon, Portugal.
- On Translating Multi-Modal Logics to Quantified Propositional Logic / Marinkovic, V., & Tompits, H. (2019). On Translating Multi-Modal Logics to Quantified Propositional Logic. In Goedel’s Legacy Conference. Gödel’s Legacy: Does Future lie in the Past?, Wien, Austria.
- The Alpha Solver for Lazy-GroundingAnswer-Set Programming / Weinzierl, A., Bogaerts, B., Bomanson, J., Eiter, T., Friedrich, G., Janhunen, T., Kaminski, T., Langowski, M., Leutgeb, L., Schenner, G., & Taupe, R. (2019). The Alpha Solver for Lazy-GroundingAnswer-Set Programming. ALP Newsletter, 12.
- A Gentzen-Type Calculus for Disjunctive Default Logic. / Pkhakadze, S., & Tompits, H. (2019). A Gentzen-Type Calculus for Disjunctive Default Logic. In Goedel’s Legacy Conference. Gödel’s Legacy: Does Future lie in the Past?, Wien, Austria.
- Determining Inference Semantics for Disjunctive Logic Programs (Extended Abstract) / Shen, Y.-D., & Eiter, T. (2019). Determining Inference Semantics for Disjunctive Logic Programs (Extended Abstract). In 3rd Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming (p. 2).
- Uhura: An Authoring Tool for Specifying Answer-Set Programs Using Controlled Natural Language / Kain, T., & Tompits, H. (2019). Uhura: An Authoring Tool for Specifying Answer-Set Programs Using Controlled Natural Language. In Logics in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 559–575). Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- Reasoning on $$\textit{DL-Lite}_\mathcal{R}$$ with Defeasibility in ASP / Bozzato, L., Eiter, T., & Serafini, L. (2019). Reasoning on $$\textit{DL-Lite}_\mathcal{R}$$ with Defeasibility in ASP. In P. Fodor, M. Montali, D. Calvanese, & D. Roman (Eds.), Rules and Reasoning (pp. 19–35). LNCS, Springer.
The Hexlite Solver
Schüller, P. (2019). The Hexlite Solver. In Logics in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 593–607). Springer, Cham, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Projects: AI4EU (2019–2021) / DynaCon (2017–2020) -
Characterising Relativised Strong Equivalence with Projection for Non-ground Answer-Set Programs
Geibinger, T., & Tompits, H. (2019). Characterising Relativised Strong Equivalence with Projection for Non-ground Answer-Set Programs. In F. Calimeri, N. Leone, & M. Manna (Eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence: 16th European Conference, JELIA 2019 (pp. 542–558). Springer.
Project: ARTIS (2017–2025) - Exploiting Partial Knowledge in Declarative Domain-Specific Heuristics for ASP / Taupe, R., Schekotihin, K., Schüller, P., Weinzierl, A., & Friedrich, G. (2019). Exploiting Partial Knowledge in Declarative Domain-Specific Heuristics for ASP. In B. Bogaerts, E. Erdem, P. Fodor, A. Formisano, G. Ianni, D. Inclezan, M. De Vos, & F. Yang (Eds.), Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (pp. 22–35).
- Finding optimal feasible global plans for multiple teams of heterogeneous robots using hybrid reasoning: an application to cognitive factories / Saribatur, Z. G., Patoglu, V., & Erdem, E. (2019). Finding optimal feasible global plans for multiple teams of heterogeneous robots using hybrid reasoning: an application to cognitive factories. Autonomous Robots, 43(1), 213–238.
- Justifiable Exceptions in General Contextual Hierarchies / Bozzato, L., Eiter, T., & Serafini, L. (2019). Justifiable Exceptions in General Contextual Hierarchies. In Modeling and Using Context (pp. 26–39). LNCS, Springer.
- Ontology-Mediated Queries from Examples: a Glimpse at the DL-Lite Case / Ortiz, M. (2019). Ontology-Mediated Queries from Examples: a Glimpse at the DL-Lite Case. In D. Calvanese & L. Iocchi (Eds.), EPiC Series in Computing. EPiC Series in Computing, Easychair.
Abstraction for Non-ground Answer Set Programs
Saribatur, Z. G., Schüller, P., & Eiter, T. (2019). Abstraction for Non-ground Answer Set Programs. In F. Calimeri, N. Leone, & M. Manna (Eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 576–592). Springer LNCS.
Project: DynaCon (2017–2020) - Ontology-Enriched Data Management with Partially Complete Data / Lukumbuzya, S. (2019). Ontology-Enriched Data Management with Partially Complete Data. In A. Soylu, S. Moschoyiannis, G. Governatori, M. Simkus, P. Stefaneas, A. Steen, & A. Giurca (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th RuleML+RR 2019 Doctoral Consortium and Rule Challenge, September 16-19, 2019 - Bolzano, Italy. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- A Brief Survey on Forgetting from a Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Perspective / Eiter, T., & Kern-Isberner, G. (2019). A Brief Survey on Forgetting from a Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Perspective. Kuenstliche Intelligenz, 33(1), 9–33.
- Towards a Semantically Enriched Local Dynamic Map / Eiter, T., Füreder, H., Kasslatter, F., Xavier Parreira, J., & Schneider, P. (2019). Towards a Semantically Enriched Local Dynamic Map. International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, 17(1), 32–48.
- Determining Inference Semantics for Disjunctive Logic Programs / Shen, Y.-D., & Eiter, T. (2019). Determining Inference Semantics for Disjunctive Logic Programs. Artificial Intelligence, 277(103165), 103165.
Partial Compilation of ASP Programs
CUTERI, B., DODARO, C., RICCA, F., & SCHÜLLER, P. (2019). Partial Compilation of ASP Programs. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 19(5–6), 857–873.
Project: AI4EU (2019–2021) -
Inlining External Sources in Answer Set Programs
REDL, C. (2019). Inlining External Sources in Answer Set Programs. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 19(3), 360–411.
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) - Abstraction for Zooming-In to Unsolvability Reasons of Grid-Cell Problems (Extended Abstract) / Eiter, T., Saribatur, Z. G., & Schüller, P. (2019). Abstraction for Zooming-In to Unsolvability Reasons of Grid-Cell Problems (Extended Abstract). TAASP - Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming, Wien, Austria.
- Abstraction for Zooming-In to Unsolvability Reasons of Grid-Cell Problems (Extended Abstract) / Eiter, T., Saribatur, Z. G., & Schüller, P. (2019). Abstraction for Zooming-In to Unsolvability Reasons of Grid-Cell Problems (Extended Abstract). In 3rd Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming (p. 2). 3rd Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming (TAASP 2019).
- Answer Set Programs Challenged by Ontologies / Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Simkus, M., & Lukumbuzya, S. (2019). Answer Set Programs Challenged by Ontologies. In M. Simkus & G. Weddell (Eds.), 32nd International Workshop on Description Logics. CEUR Workshop proceedings.
Abstraction for Non-Ground Answer Set Programs
Saribatur, Z. G., Schüller, P., & Eiter, T. (2018). Abstraction for Non-Ground Answer Set Programs. In 2nd Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming (TAASP 2018). 2nd Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming 2018, Wien, Austria.
Project: DynaCon (2017–2020) -
An extension-based approach to belief revision in abstract argumentation
Diller, M., Haret, A., Linsbichler, T., Rümmele, S., & Woltran, S. (2018). An extension-based approach to belief revision in abstract argumentation. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 93, 395–423.
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / GRAPPA (2016–2019) / START (2014–2022) - Deploying Spatial-Stream Query Answering in C-ITS Scenarios / Eiter, T., Ichise, R., Xavier Parreira, J., Schneider, P., & Zhao, L. (2018). Deploying Spatial-Stream Query Answering in C-ITS Scenarios. In Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management 21st International Conference, EKAW 2018, Nancy, France, November 12-16, 2018, Proceedings (pp. 386–406).
- Evaluating QBF Solvers: Quantifier Alternations Matter / Lonsing, F., & Egly, U. (2018). Evaluating QBF Solvers: Quantifier Alternations Matter. In Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming 24th International Conference, CP 2018, Lille, France, August 27-31, 2018, Proceedings (pp. 276–294). Springer.
- Intentional Forgetting in Artificial Intelligence Systems: Perspectives and Challenges / Timm, I. J., Staab, S., Siebers, M., Schon, C., Schmid, U., Sauerwald, K., Reuter, L., Ragni, M., Niederee, C., Maus, H., Kern-Isberner, G., Eiter, T., Jilek, C., Friemann, P., Dengel, A., Dames, H., Bock, T., Berndt, J. O., & Beierle, C. (2018). Intentional Forgetting in Artificial Intelligence Systems: Perspectives and Challenges. In KI 2018: Advances in Artificial Intelligence 41st German Conference on AI, Berlin, Germany, September 24–28, 2018, Proceedings. Springer.
Investigating Subclasses of Abstract Dialectical Frameworks
Keshavarzi Zafarghandi, A., Linsbichler, T., Woltran, S., & Diller, M. (2018). Investigating Subclasses of Abstract Dialectical Frameworks. In Computational Models of Argument - Proceedings of {COMMA} 2018 (pp. 61–72). IOS Press.
Project: GRAPPA (2016–2019) -
Techniques for Efficient Lazy-Grounding ASP Solving
Leutgeb, L., & Weinzierl, A. (2018). Techniques for Efficient Lazy-Grounding ASP Solving. In D. Seipel, M. Hanus, & S. Abreu (Eds.), Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (pp. 132–148). Springer International Publishing.
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) - Finding Optimal Feasible Global Plans for Multiple Teams of Heterogeneous Robots using Hybrid Reasoning: An Application to Cognitive Factories / Saribatur, Z. G., Patoglu, V., & Erdem, E. (2018). Finding Optimal Feasible Global Plans for Multiple Teams of Heterogeneous Robots using Hybrid Reasoning: An Application to Cognitive Factories. The 28th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling ICAPS 2018, Delft, The Netherlands, EU.
- Research Directions for Principles of Data Management (Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 16151) / Abiteboul, S., Arenas, M., Barceló, P., Bienvenu, M., Calvanese, D., David, C., Hull, R., Hüllermeier, E., Kimelfeld, B., Libkin, L., Martens, W., Milo, T., Murlak, F., Neven, F., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Schwentick, T., Stoyanovich, J., Su, J., Suciu, D., … Yi, K. (2018). Research Directions for Principles of Data Management (Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 16151). In Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 16151 (Vols. 7, 1, Issue 1, pp. 1–29).
- Answer Set Programming in Linguistics / Schüller, P. (2018). Answer Set Programming in Linguistics. Kuenstliche Intelligenz, 32(2–3), 151–155.
- Answer Set Programming Applied to Coreference Resolution and Semantic Similarity / Schüller, P. (2018). Answer Set Programming Applied to Coreference Resolution and Semantic Similarity. Kuenstliche Intelligenz, 32(2–3), 207–208.
- Lazy Grounding for Dynamic Configuration - Efficient Large-Scale (Re)Configuration of Cyber-Physical Systems with ASP / Eiter, T., Friedrich, G., Taupe, R., & Weinzierl, A. (2018). Lazy Grounding for Dynamic Configuration - Efficient Large-Scale (Re)Configuration of Cyber-Physical Systems with ASP. Kuenstliche Intelligenz, 32(2–3), 197–198.
- Stream Reasoning with LARS / Beck, H., Dao-Tran, M., Eiter, T., & Folie, C. (2018). Stream Reasoning with LARS. Kuenstliche Intelligenz, 32(2–3), 193–195.
- Alonzo Church Award 2018 - Call for Nominations / Eiter, T., Esparza, J., Palamidessi, C., Plotkin, G., & Shankar, N. (2018). Alonzo Church Award 2018 - Call for Nominations. European Association for Theoretical Computer Science. Bulletin, 124, 2.
- A Tool for Building Topic-specific Ontologies Using a Knowledge Graph / Böhm, K., & Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2018). A Tool for Building Topic-specific Ontologies Using a Knowledge Graph. In Proceedings of the 31st International Workshop on Description Logics co-located with 16th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2018), Tempe, Arizona, US, October 27th - to - 29th, 2018. (p. 12). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Validation of similarity measures for industrial alarm flood analysis? / Fullen, M., Schüller, P., & Niggemann, O. (2018). Validation of similarity measures for industrial alarm flood analysis? In IMPROVE - Innovative Modelling Approaches for Production Systems to Raise Validatable Efficiency (pp. 93–109). Springer.
The Hexlite Solver
Schüller, P. (2018). The Hexlite Solver. In Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming (p. 15).
Project: DynaCon (2017–2020) -
Towards Exploiting Partial Knowledge in Declarative Domain-Specific Heuristics for ASP
Taupe, R., Schekotihin, K., Schüller, P., Weinzierl, A., & Friedrich, G. (2018). Towards Exploiting Partial Knowledge in Declarative Domain-Specific Heuristics for ASP. In Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming (p. 15).
Project: DynaCon (2017–2020) - Extended Resolution Simulates DRAT / Kiesl, B., Rebola Pardo, A., & Heule, M. (2018). Extended Resolution Simulates DRAT. In Automated Reasoning (pp. 516–531). LNCS.
- Parallel Solving of Quantified Boolean Formulas / Lonsing, F., & Seidl, M. (2018). Parallel Solving of Quantified Boolean Formulas. In Handbook of Parallel Constraint Reasoning (pp. 101–139). Springer.
- Expansion-Based QBF Solving Without Recursion / Bloem, R., Braud-Santoni, N., Hadzic, V., Egly, U., Lonsing, F., & Seidl, M. (2018). Expansion-Based QBF Solving Without Recursion. In 2018 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design (FMCAD). International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD), Portland, OR, USA, Non-EU. IEEE.
- Local Redundancy in SAT: Generalizations of Blocked Clauses / Kiesl, B., Seidl, M., Tompits, H., & Biere, A. (2018). Local Redundancy in SAT: Generalizations of Blocked Clauses. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 14(4).
- Rewriting Guarded Existential Rules into Small Datalog Programs / Ahmetaj, S., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2018). Rewriting Guarded Existential Rules into Small Datalog Programs. In B. Kimelfeld & Y. Amsterdamer (Eds.), 21st International Conference on Database Theory, {ICDT} 2018 (pp. 1–24). Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik.
- Stepwise debugging of answer-set programs / Oetsch, J., Pührer, J., & Tompits, H. (2018). Stepwise debugging of answer-set programs. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 18(1), 30–80.
- A many-sorted variant of Japaridze's polymodal provability logic / Berger, G., Beklemishev, L. D., & Tompits, H. (2018). A many-sorted variant of Japaridze’s polymodal provability logic. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 26(5), 505–538.
- Enhancing Contextualized Knowledge Repositories with Justifiable Exceptions / Bozzato, L., Eiter, T., & Serafini, L. (2018). Enhancing Contextualized Knowledge Repositories with Justifiable Exceptions. Artificial Intelligence, 257, 72–126.
- LARS: A Logic-based Framework for Analytic Reasoning over Streams / Beck, H., Dao-Tran, M., & Eiter, T. (2018). LARS: A Logic-based Framework for Analytic Reasoning over Streams. Artificial Intelligence, 261, 16–70.
Exploiting Answer Set Programming with External Sources for Meta-Interpretive Learning
KAMINSKI, T., EITER, T., & INOUE, K. (2018). Exploiting Answer Set Programming with External Sources for Meta-Interpretive Learning. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 18(3–4), 571–588.
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) - Adjudication of Coreference Annotations via Answer Set Optimization / Schüller, P. (2018). Adjudication of Coreference Annotations via Answer Set Optimization. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 30(4), 525–546.
Best-Effort Inductive Logic Programming via Fine-grained Cost-based Hypothesis Generation
Schüller, P., & Benz, M. (2018). Best-Effort Inductive Logic Programming via Fine-grained Cost-based Hypothesis Generation. Machine Learning, 107(7), 1141–1169.
Projects: DynaCon (2017–2020) / IE of ASP (2015–2018) -
Efficiently Encoding Meta-Interpretive Learning by Answer Set Programming
Kaminski, T., Eiter, T., & Inoue, K. (2018). Efficiently Encoding Meta-Interpretive Learning by Answer Set Programming. 28th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, Ferrara, Italy, EU.
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) - Omission-based Abstraction for Answer Set Programs (Extended Abstract) / Saribatur, Z. G., & Eiter, T. (2018). Omission-based Abstraction for Answer Set Programs (Extended Abstract). TAASP - Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming, Wien, Austria.
- Streams, Multi-Context Systems, and Dynamic Configuration / Eiter, T. (2018). Streams, Multi-Context Systems, and Dynamic Configuration. 3rd International Workshop on Ontology Modularity, Contextuality, and Evolution, Tempe, AZ, USA, Non-EU.
- Answer Set Programs go 30: Past and Future / Eiter, T. (2018). Answer Set Programs go 30: Past and Future. International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP), Sitges, Spain, Austria.
- LARS: A Framework for Analytic Reasoning over Streams / Eiter, T. (2018). LARS: A Framework for Analytic Reasoning over Streams. Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Non-EU.
- Enhancing Context Knowledge Repositories with Exceptions / Eiter, T. (2018). Enhancing Context Knowledge Repositories with Exceptions. Guizhou University, Guiyang, China, Non-EU.
- Forgetting: A Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Perspective / Eiter, T. (2018). Forgetting: A Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Perspective. Tandem-Workshop des SPP1921, Limburg, Germany, EU.
- Exploiting Answer Set Programming with External Sources for Meta-Interpretive Learning Knowledge Graph Forum / Eiter, T. (2018). Exploiting Answer Set Programming with External Sources for Meta-Interpretive Learning Knowledge Graph Forum. 2nd World Intelligence Conference (WIC), Tianjin, China, Non-EU.
- Answer Set Programming / Eiter, T. (2018). Answer Set Programming. Seminar at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Trient, Italien, EU.
- From Łukasiewicz to Gentzen: On Sequent-type Refutation Calculi for Three-valued Logics / Tompits, H. (2018). From Łukasiewicz to Gentzen: On Sequent-type Refutation Calculi for Three-valued Logics. Refutation Symposium 2018 at Poznań Reasoning Week, Poznań, Poland, EU.
- ASP-based Perspective on Reactive Policies with Planning / Saribatur, Z. G. (2018). ASP-based Perspective on Reactive Policies with Planning. Workshop on Reasoning about Actions and Processes: Highlights of Recent Advances (ACTIONS@KR’18), Tempe, AZ, USA, Non-EU.
- An Approach for Representing Answer Sets in Natural Language / Fang, M., & Tompits, H. (2018). An Approach for Representing Answer Sets in Natural Language. In Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management - Conference on Declarative Programming, DECLARE 2017, Unifying INAP, WFLP, and WLP, Würzburg, Germany, September 19-22, 2017, Revised Selected Papers. (pp. 115–131). Springer LNCS.
- A Tableau Calculus for a Multi-modal Logic of Dishonesty / Pavlovic, S., & Tompits, H. (2018). A Tableau Calculus for a Multi-modal Logic of Dishonesty. In AI*IA 2018 - Advances in Artificial Intelligence - XVIIth International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, Trento, Italy, November 20-23, 2018, Proceedings (pp. 238–251). Springer.
- $${\textsf {QRAT}}^{+}$$: Generalizing QRAT by a More Powerful QBF Redundancy Property / Lonsing, F., & Egly, U. (2018). $${\textsf {QRAT}}^{+}$$: Generalizing QRAT by a More Powerful QBF Redundancy Property. In Automated Reasoning (pp. 161–177). LNCS.
- Improving Data Management using Domain Knowledge / Ortiz, M. (2018). Improving Data Management using Domain Knowledge. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, Austria.
- LARS: A Logic-Based Framework for Analytic Reasoning over Streams / Beck, H., Dao-Tran, M., & Eiter, T. (2018). LARS: A Logic-Based Framework for Analytic Reasoning over Streams. In SOFSEM 2018: Theory and Practice of Computer Science (pp. 87–93).
- Preference-Based Inconsistency Management in Multi-Context Systems (Extended Abstract) / Eiter, T., & Weinzierl, A. (2018). Preference-Based Inconsistency Management in Multi-Context Systems (Extended Abstract). In Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, Austria.
- Enhancing Context Knowledge Repositories with Justifiable Exceptions (Extended Abstract) / Bozzato, L., Eiter, T., & Serafini, L. (2018). Enhancing Context Knowledge Repositories with Justifiable Exceptions (Extended Abstract). In Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, Austria.
- Reasoning with Justifiable Exceptions in Contextual Hierarchies / Bozzato, L., Eiter, T., & Serafini, L. (2018). Reasoning with Justifiable Exceptions in Contextual Hierarchies. In Proceedings 16th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2018), October 30 -- November 2, 2018, Tempe, Arizona, USA (pp. 329–338). AAAI Press.
- Compiling Model Representations for Querying Large ABoxes in Expressive DLs / Bajraktari, L., Ortiz, M., & Simkus, M. (2018). Compiling Model Representations for Querying Large ABoxes in Expressive DLs. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. IJCAI - International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm, EU.
- Combining Rules and Ontologies into Clopen Knowledge Bases / Bajraktari, L., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2018). Combining Rules and Ontologies into Clopen Knowledge Bases. In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence e (AAAI-18) (pp. 1728–1735).
- Finite Query Answering in Expressive Description Logics with Transitive Roles / Gogacz, T., Ibanez Garcia, Y. A., & Murlak, F. (2018). Finite Query Answering in Expressive Description Logics with Transitive Roles. In Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference, KR 2018, Tempe, Arizona, 30 October-2 November 2018. (pp. 369–378). AAAI Press.
- Relaxing and Restraining Queries for OBDA - Extended Abstract / Andresel, M.-P., Ibanez Garcia, Y. A., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2018). Relaxing and Restraining Queries for OBDA - Extended Abstract. In Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference, KR 2018, Tempe, Arizona, 30 October-2 November 2018. (pp. 617–618).
- Taming Complex Role Inclusions for DL-Lite / Andresel, M.-P., Ibanez Garcia, Y. A., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2018). Taming Complex Role Inclusions for DL-Lite. In Proceedings of the 31st International Workshop on Description Logics co-located with 16th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2018), Tempe, Arizona, US, October 27th - to - 29th, 2018. (p. 12).
- Omission-Based Abstraction for Answer Set Programs / Saribatur, Z. G., & Eiter, T. (2018). Omission-Based Abstraction for Answer Set Programs. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. 16th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning - KR 2018, Tempe, AZ, USA, Non-EU. AAAI Press.
Application of ASP in formal argumentation
Dvorak, W., Pührer, J., Wallner, J. P., Woltran, S., & Diller, M. (2018). Application of ASP in formal argumentation. In 2nd Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming (TAASP 2018) (pp. 1–11).
Projects: GRAPPA (2016–2019) / START (2014–2022) - TUWienKBS at GermEval 2018: German Abusive Tweet Detection / Padilla Montani, J., & Schüller, P. (2018). TUWienKBS at GermEval 2018: German Abusive Tweet Detection. In Proceedings of GermEval 2018, 14th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2018) (p. 5).
- Answering Regular Path Queries over SQ ontologies / Gutierrez-Basulto, V., Ibanez Garcia, Y. A., & Jung, J. C. (2018). Answering Regular Path Queries over SQ ontologies. In Proceedings of the 32st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 1845–1862). AAAI Press.
- Towards Abstraction in ASP with an Application on Reasoning about Agent Policies / Saribatur, Z. G., & Eiter, T. (2018). Towards Abstraction in ASP with an Application on Reasoning about Agent Policies. In Workshop on Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms. 11th Workshop on Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms (ASPOCP’18), Oxford, UK, EU.
- Omission-Based Abstraction for Answer Set Programs / Saribatur, Z. G., & Eiter, T. (2018). Omission-Based Abstraction for Answer Set Programs (LOGCOMP RR-1923-18-06).
- Inconsistency in Answer Set Programs and Extensions / Redl, C. (2018). Inconsistency in Answer Set Programs and Extensions (LOGCOMP RR-1923-18-04).
- Exploiting Partial Assignments for Efficient Evaluation of Answer Set Programs with External Source Access / Eiter, T., Kaminski, T., Redl, C., & Weinzierl, A. (2018). Exploiting Partial Assignments for Efficient Evaluation of Answer Set Programs with External Source Access (LOGCOMP RR-1923-18-02}).
- Inlining External Sources in Answer Set Programs / Redl, C. (2018). Inlining External Sources in Answer Set Programs (LOGCOMP RR-1923-18-01).
- Proceedings of the 31st International Workshop on Description Logics co-located with 16th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2018), Tempe, Arizona, US, October 27-29, 2018. / Proceedings of the 31st International Workshop on Description Logics co-located with 16th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2018), Tempe, Arizona, US, October 27-29, 2018. (2018). In M. M. Ortiz de la Fuente & T. Schneider (Eds.), CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- IMPROVE - Innovative Modelling Approaches for Production Systems to Raise Validatable Efficiency / IMPROVE - Innovative Modelling Approaches for Production Systems to Raise Validatable Efficiency. (2018). In O. Niggemann & P. Schüller (Eds.), Technologien für die intelligente Automation. Springer.
- IWIL@LPAR 2017 Workshop and LPAR-21 Short Presentations, Maun, Botswana, May 7-12, 2017. Kalpa Publications in Computing, Volume 1 / Eiter, T., Sands, D., Sutcliffe, G., & Voronkov, A. (Eds.). (2017). IWIL@LPAR 2017 Workshop and LPAR-21 Short Presentations, Maun, Botswana, May 7-12, 2017. Kalpa Publications in Computing, Volume 1. EasyChair.
- Expressive Stream Reasoning with Laser / Bazoobandi, H. R., Beck, H., & Urbani, J. (2017). Expressive Stream Reasoning with Laser. In The Semantic Web – ISWC 2017 16th International Semantic Web Conference, Vienna, Austria, October 21–25, 2017, Proceedings, Part I (pp. 87–103). Springer, LNCS.
Integrating Answer Set Programming with Procedural Languages
Rath, J., & Redl, C. (2017). Integrating Answer Set Programming with Procedural Languages. In Y. Lierler & W. Taha (Eds.), Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (pp. 50–67). Springer.
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) -
Techniques for Efficient Lazy-Grounding ASP Solving
Leutgeb, L., & Weinzierl, A. (2017). Techniques for Efficient Lazy-Grounding ASP Solving. In D. Seipel, M. Hanus, & S. Abreu (Eds.), Declare 2017 - Conference on Declarative Programming (p. 16).
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) -
Introducing Heuristics for Lazy-Grounding ASP Solving
Taupe, R., Weinzierl, A., & Schenner, G. (2017). Introducing Heuristics for Lazy-Grounding ASP Solving. In M. Gebser, M. Maratea, & F. Ricca (Eds.), 1st International Workshop on Practical Aspects of Answer Set Programming (PAoASP 2017) (p. 13).
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) - The Constraint Satisfaction Problem: Complexity and Approximability / Szeider, S., Ordyniak, S., & Gaspers, S. (2017). The Constraint Satisfaction Problem: Complexity and Approximability. In The Constraint Satisfaction Problem: Complexity and Approximability (pp. 137–157). Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Germany.
- Stream Reasoning / Mileo, A., Dao-Tran, M., Eiter, T., & Fink, M. (2017). Stream Reasoning. In L. Liu & O. M. Tamer (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Database Systems (pp. 1–7). Springer Science+Business Media.
- PRuning Through Satisfaction / Heule, M. J. H., Kiesl, B., Seidl, M., & Biere, A. (2017). PRuning Through Satisfaction. In Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing (pp. 179–194). Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Springer.
- Blockedness in Propositional Logic: Are You Satisfied With Your Neighborhood? / Kiesl, B., Seidl, M., Tompits, H., & Biere, A. (2017). Blockedness in Propositional Logic: Are You Satisfied With Your Neighborhood? In F. Bacchus (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
- A Little Blocked Literal Goes a Long Way / Kiesl, B., Heule, M. J. H., & Seidl, M. (2017). A Little Blocked Literal Goes a Long Way. In S. Gaspers & T. Walsh (Eds.), Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2017 (pp. 281–297). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) / Springer.
- Managing Change in Graph-Structured Data Using Description Logics / Ahmetaj, S., Calvanese, D., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2017). Managing Change in Graph-Structured Data Using Description Logics. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 18(4), 1–35.
- $$\mathsf {Harvey}$$ : A System for Random Testing in ASP / Greßler, A., Oetsch, J., & Tompits, H. (2017). $$\mathsf {Harvey}$$ : A System for Random Testing in ASP. In M. Balduccini & T. Janhunen (Eds.), Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (pp. 229–235). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer LNCS.
- Short Proofs Without New Variables / Heule, M. J. H., Kiesl, B., & Biere, A. (2017). Short Proofs Without New Variables. In L. de Moura (Ed.), Automated Deduction – CADE 26 (pp. 130–147). Springer.
- Stream reasoning-based control of caching strategies in CCN routers / Beck, H., Bierbaumer, B., Dao-Tran, M., Eiter, T., Hellwagner, H., & Schekotihin, K. (2017). Stream reasoning-based control of caching strategies in CCN routers. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Preference-Based Inconsistency Management in Multi-Context Systems
Eiter, T., & Weinzierl, A. (2017). Preference-Based Inconsistency Management in Multi-Context Systems. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 60, 347–424.
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) -
Conformant planning as a case study of incremental QBF solving
Egly, U., Kronegger, M., Lonsing, F., & Pfandler, A. (2017). Conformant planning as a case study of incremental QBF solving. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 80(1), 21–45.
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / START (2014–2022) - Constraints, lazy constraints, or propagators in ASP solving: An empirical analysis / CUTERI, B., DODARO, C., RICCA, F., & SCHÜLLER, P. (2017). Constraints, lazy constraints, or propagators in ASP solving: An empirical analysis. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 17(5–6), 780–799.
Extending Answer Set Programs with Interpreted Functions as First-class Citizens
Redl, C. (2017). Extending Answer Set Programs with Interpreted Functions as First-class Citizens. In Y. Lierler & W. Taha (Eds.), Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (pp. 68–85). Springer.
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) - ASP-based Inductive Logic Programming applied to Phrase Chunking: Challenges and Improvements / Schüller, P. (2017). ASP-based Inductive Logic Programming applied to Phrase Chunking: Challenges and Improvements. Language-Learning-Logic Workshop (3L 2017), London, EU.
- Semi-supervised Case-based Reasoning Approach to Alarm Flood Analysis / Fullen, M., Schüller, P., & Niggemann, O. (2017). Semi-supervised Case-based Reasoning Approach to Alarm Flood Analysis. 3. Konferenz ML4CPS - Machine Learning for Cyber Physical Systems and Industry 4.0, Lemgo, Deutschland, EU.
Parallel QBF Solving: State of the Art Techniques and Future Perspectives
Lonsing, F. (2017). Parallel QBF Solving: State of the Art Techniques and Future Perspectives. First Workshop on Parallel Constraint Reasoning, Gothenburg, Sweden, EU.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
Evaluating QBF Solvers: Quantifier Alternations Matter
Lonsing, F. (2017). Evaluating QBF Solvers: Quantifier Alternations Matter. Alpine Verification Meeting, IST Austria, Austria.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
An Introduction to QBF Solving
Lonsing, F. (2017). An Introduction to QBF Solving. The Second Indian SAT+SMT School, Mysuru, India, Non-EU.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) - DLVHEX: A user-oriented integration of answer set programming with external sources / Redl, C. (2017). DLVHEX: A user-oriented integration of answer set programming with external sources. Second International Workshop on User-Oriented Logic Paradigms, Helsinki, Finland, EU.
Solving Advanced Argumentation Problems with Answer-Set Programming
Diller, M., Linsbichler, T., Woltran, S., Brewka, G., & Heissenberger, G. (2017). Solving Advanced Argumentation Problems with Answer-Set Programming. In Proceedings of the 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 1077–1083).
Project: GRAPPA (2016–2019) -
Explaining Inconsistency in Answer Set Programs and Extensions
Redl, C. (2017). Explaining Inconsistency in Answer Set Programs and Extensions. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2017) (pp. 176–190).
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) - Event Detection and Diagnosis for Intelligent Transport Systems / Schneider, P. (2017). Event Detection and Diagnosis for Intelligent Transport Systems. In N. Bassiliades, A. Bikakis, S. Constantini, E. Franconi, A. Giurca, R. Kontchakov, T. Patkos, F. Sadri, & W. Van Woensel (Eds.), Nick Bassiliades, Antonis Bikakis, Stefania Costantini, Enrico Franconi, Adrian Giurca, Roman Kontchakov, Theodore Patkos, Fariba Sadri, William Van Woensel: Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium, Challenge, Industry Track, Tutorials and Posters @ RuleML+RR 2017 hosted by International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning 2017 (RuleML+RR 2017). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Streaming Multi-Context Systems / Eiter, T., & Dao-Tran, M. (2017). Streaming Multi-Context Systems. In C. Sierra (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
- Constructive Satisfiability Procedure for ALCP(Z) (Preliminary Report) / Labai, N., Homola, M., & Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2017). Constructive Satisfiability Procedure for ALCP(Z) (Preliminary Report). In A. Artale, B. Glimm, & R. Kontchakov (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Description Logics (pp. 1–13). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Clopen Knowledge Bases: Combining Description Logics and Answer Set Programming / Bajraktari, L., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2017). Clopen Knowledge Bases: Combining Description Logics and Answer Set Programming. In A. Artale, B. Glimm, & R. Kontchakov (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Description Logics (pp. 1–13). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Encoding monotonic multiset preferences using CI-nets / Diller, M., & Hunter, A. (2017). Encoding monotonic multiset preferences using CI-nets. In Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2017), 17. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Datenbanken und Informationssysteme (DBIS), Workshopband (pp. 169–180).
- Detecting Mobility Patterns using Spatial Query Answering over Streams / Eiter, T., Parreira, J., & Schneider, P. (2017). Detecting Mobility Patterns using Spatial Query Answering over Streams. In D. Dell´Aglio, D. Anicic, P. Barnaghi, E. Della Valle, D. McGuinness, L. Bozzato, T. Eiter, M. Homola, & D. Porello (Eds.), Joint Proceedings of the Web Stream Processing workshop (WSP 2017) and the 2nd International Workshop on Ontology Modularity, Contextuality, and Evolution (WOMoCoE 2017) co-located with 16th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2017) (pp. 17–32). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Evaluating Epistemic Negation in Answer Set Programming (Extended Abstract) / Eiter, T., & Shen, Y.-D. (2017). Evaluating Epistemic Negation in Answer Set Programming (Extended Abstract). In C. Sierra (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
- An Approach for Representing Answer Sets in Natural Language / Tompits, H., & Fang, M. (2017). An Approach for Representing Answer Sets in Natural Language. In D. Seipel, M. Hanus, & S. Abreu (Eds.), Declare 2017 - Conference on Declarative Programming (pp. 107–122). Technical Report, Institute of Computer Science, University of Würzburg.
- Blending Lazy-Grounding and CDNL Search for Answer-Set Solving / Weinzierl, A. (2017). Blending Lazy-Grounding and CDNL Search for Answer-Set Solving. In M. Balduccini & T. Janhunen (Eds.), Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (pp. 191–204). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence / Springer.
- On Query Answering in Description Logics with Number Restrictions on Transitive Roles / Gutierrez-Basulto, V., Ibanez Garcia, Y. A., & Jung, J. C. (2017). On Query Answering in Description Logics with Number Restrictions on Transitive Roles. In Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Description Logics (pp. 1–13).
- Spatial Ontology-Mediated Query Answering over Mobility Streams / Eiter, T., Parreira, J. X., & Schneider, P. (2017). Spatial Ontology-Mediated Query Answering over Mobility Streams. In E. Blomqvist, D. Maynard, A. Gangemi, R. Hoekstra, P. Hitzler, & O. Hartig (Eds.), The Semantic Web (pp. 219–237). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS.
- Ticker: A system for incremental ASP-based stream reasoning / BECK, H., EITER, T., & FOLIE, C. (2017). Ticker: A system for incremental ASP-based stream reasoning. In Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (pp. 744–763). Cambridge University Press.
- Number Restrictions on Transitive Roles in Description Logics with Nominals / Ibanez Garcia, Y. A., Gutierrez-Basulto, V., & Jung, J. C. (2017). Number Restrictions on Transitive Roles in Description Logics with Nominals. In Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Description Logics. International Workshop on Description Logics (DL), Windermere, Lake District, UK, EU. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- The Potential of Interference-Based Proof Systems / Heule, M., & Kiesl, B. (2017). The Potential of Interference-Based Proof Systems. In EPiC Series in Computing. The First International ARCADE (Automated Reasoning: Challenges, Applications, Directions, Exemplary Achievements) Workshop, Gothenburg, Sweden, EU. EPiC Series in Computing / EasyChair.
DepQBF 6.0: A Search-Based QBF Solver Beyond Traditional QCDCL
Lonsing, F., & Egly, U. (2017). DepQBF 6.0: A Search-Based QBF Solver Beyond Traditional QCDCL. In Automated Deduction – CADE 26 (pp. 371–384). Springer.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
Lazy-Grounding for Answer Set Programs with External Source Access
Eiter, T., Kaminski, T., & Weinzierl, A. (2017). Lazy-Grounding for Answer Set Programs with External Source Access. In C. Sierra (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Projects: CDCP (2008–2012) / IE of ASP (2015–2018) - A uniform framework for substructural logics with modalities / Lellmann, B. (2017). A uniform framework for substructural logics with modalities. In T. Eiter (Ed.), LPAR-21. 21st International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning, Maun, Botswana, 7-12th May 2017 (pp. 435–455). EasyChair EPiC Series in Computing.
- Bunched Hypersequent Calculi for Distributive Substructural Logics / Ramanayake, R., & Ciabattoni, A. (2017). Bunched Hypersequent Calculi for Distributive Substructural Logics. In T. Eiter (Ed.), LNCS 7180, 21st International Proceedings of 21st Int. Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (pp. 417–434). Springer LNCS.
Conflict-driven ASP Solving with External Sources and Program Splits
Redl, C. (2017). Conflict-driven ASP Solving with External Sources and Program Splits. In Proceedings of the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2017) (pp. 1239–1246). AAAI Press.
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) -
Answer Set Programs with Queries over Subprograms
Redl, C. (2017). Answer Set Programs with Queries over Subprograms. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2017) (pp. 160–175). Springer.
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) - Number Restrictions on Transitive Roles in Description Logics with Nominals / Gutierrez-Basulto, V., Ibanez Garcia, Y. A., & Jung, J. C. (2017). Number Restrictions on Transitive Roles in Description Logics with Nominals. In Proceeding of the 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 1121–1127). AAAI Press.
Answer Set Programs with External Source Access: Integrated Evaluation and New Applications
Kaminski, T. (2017). Answer Set Programs with External Source Access: Integrated Evaluation and New Applications. In M. De Vos (Ed.), LPNMR 2017 Doctoral Consortium (pp. 17–22).
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) -
On Equivalance and Inconsistency of Answer Set Programs with External Sources
Redl, C. (2017). On Equivalance and Inconsistency of Answer Set Programs with External Sources. In Proceedings of the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-17) (pp. 1222–1228).
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) -
Efficient Evaluation of Answer Set Programs with External Sources Based on External Source Inlining
Redl, C. (2017). Efficient Evaluation of Answer Set Programs with External Sources Based on External Source Inlining. In Proceedings of the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-17) (pp. 1229–1235).
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) -
Defeasible AceRules: A prototype
Diller, M., Wyner, A. Z., & Strass, H. (2017). Defeasible AceRules: A prototype. In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS). Twelfth International Conference on Computational Semantics, Montpellier, Frankreich, EU. ACL anthology.
Project: GRAPPA (2016–2019) -
Evaluating QBF Solvers: Quantifier Alternations Matter
Lonsing, F., & Egly, U. (2017). Evaluating QBF Solvers: Quantifier Alternations Matter.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) - Joint Proceedings of the Web Stream Processing workshop (WSP 2017) and the 2nd International Workshop on Ontology Modularity, Contextuality, and Evolution (WOMoCoE 2017) co-located with 16th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2017), Vienna, Austria, October 22nd, 2017 / Joint Proceedings of the Web Stream Processing workshop (WSP 2017) and the 2nd International Workshop on Ontology Modularity, Contextuality, and Evolution (WOMoCoE 2017) co-located with 16th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2017), Vienna, Austria, October 22nd, 2017. (2017). In D. Dell´Aglio, D. Anicic, P. Barnaghi, E. Della Valle, D. McGuinness, L. Bozzato, T. Eiter, M. Homola, & D. Porello (Eds.), CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Reasoning Web: Logical Foundation of Knowledge Graph Construction and Query Answering / Reasoning Web: Logical Foundation of Knowledge Graph Construction and Query Answering. (2017). In J. Z. Pan, D. Calvanese, T. Eiter, I. Horrocks, M. Kifer, F. Lin, & Y. Zhao (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer LNCS.
- LPAR-21, 21st International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning, Maun, Botswana, May 7-12, 2017. EPiC Series in Computing 46 / Eiter, T., & Sands, D. (Eds.). (2017). LPAR-21, 21st International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning, Maun, Botswana, May 7-12, 2017. EPiC Series in Computing 46. EasyChair EPiC Series in Computing.
A model building framework for answer set programming with external computations
Eiter, T., Fink, M., Ianni, G., Krennwallner, T., Redl, C., & Schüller, P. (2016). A model building framework for answer set programming with external computations. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 16(4), 418–464.
Project: ASP (2012–2015) - A Query Model to Capture Event Pattern Matching in RDF Stream Processing Query Languages / Dell´Aglio, D., Dao-Tran, M., Calbimonte, J.-P., Le Phuoc, D., & Della Valle, E. (2016). A Query Model to Capture Event Pattern Matching in RDF Stream Processing Query Languages. In E. Blomqvist, P. Ciancarini, F. Poggi, & F. Vitali (Eds.), Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (pp. 145–162). Springer.
Problem Solving Using the HEX Family
Eiter, T., Redl, C., & Schüller, P. (2016). Problem Solving Using the HEX Family. In 60 Birthday: Gabriele Kern-Isberner, 2016 (pp. 150–174). College Publications.
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) - Artificial Intelligence at the Gates of Dawn? / Eiter, T. (2016). Artificial Intelligence at the Gates of Dawn? In M. Pinzger (Ed.), 46. Jahrestag der Gesellschaft fuer Informatik (pp. 37–38). Lni / Gi.
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBF 2016)
Lonsing, F., & Seidl, M. (Eds.). (2016). Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBF 2016).
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
Dynamic Programming-based QBF Solving
Charwat, G., & Woltran, S. (2016). Dynamic Programming-based QBF Solving. In F. Lonsing & M. Seidl (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBF 2016) (p. 14).
Projects: D-Flat (2013–2017) / START (2014–2022) -
Q-Resolution with Generalized Axioms
Lonsing, F., Egly, U., & Seidl, M. (2016). Q-Resolution with Generalized Axioms. In Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2016 (pp. 435–452). Springer.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
The QBF Gallery 2014: The QBF Competition at the FLoC Olympic Games
Janota, M., Jordan, C., Klieber, W., Lonsing, F., Seidl, M., & Van Gelder, A. (2016). The QBF Gallery 2014: The QBF Competition at the FLoC Olympic Games. Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation, 9, 187–206.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
The QBF Gallery: Behind the Scenes
Lonsing, F., Seidl, M., & Van Gelder, A. (2016). The QBF Gallery: Behind the Scenes. Artificial Intelligence, 237, 92–114.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) - Blocked clauses in first-order logic / Biere, A., Kiesl, B., Seidl, M., & Suda, M. (2016). Blocked clauses in first-order logic. The Third Vampire Workshop, VAMPIRE 2016, Coimbra, Portugal, EU.
Counting Answer Sets via Dynamic Programming
Fichte, J., Hecher, M., Morak, M., & Woltran, S. (2016). Counting Answer Sets via Dynamic Programming. In T. Eiter, W. Faber, & S. Woltran (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming (TAASP 2016) (p. 14).
Project: START (2014–2022) -
Clique-Width and Directed Width Measures for Answer-Set Programming
Bliem, B., Ordyniak, S., & Woltran, S. (2016). Clique-Width and Directed Width Measures for Answer-Set Programming. In T. Eiter, W. Faber, & S. Woltran (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming (TAASP 2016) (p. 17).
Project: START (2014–2022) -
The Impact of Active Domain Predicates on Guarded Existential Rules
Gottlob, G., Pieris, A., & Šimkus, M. (2016). The Impact of Active Domain Predicates on Guarded Existential Rules. In M. M. Ortiz de la Fuente & S. Schlobach (Eds.), Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (pp. 94–110). Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Springer.
Projects: HINT (2012–2017) / START (2014–2022) -
Verification of Evolving Graph-structured Data under Expressive Path Constraints
Calvanese, D., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2016). Verification of Evolving Graph-structured Data under Expressive Path Constraints. In W. Martens & T. Zeume (Eds.), 19th International Conference on Database Theory, ICDT 2016, Bordeaux, France, March 15-18, 2016 (pp. 15:1-15:19). Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik.
Projects: HINT (2012–2017) / SEE (2012–2016) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
Semantically Enriched Multi-Modal Routing
Eiter, T., Krennwallner, T., Prandtstetter, M., Rudloff, C., Schneider, P., & Straub, M. (2016). Semantically Enriched Multi-Modal Routing. International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, 14(1), 20–35.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / MyITS (2011–2013) - Research Directions for Principles of Data Management (Abridged) / Abiteboul, S., Arenas, M., Barceló, P., Bienvenu, M., Calvanese, D., David, C., Hull, R., Hüllermeier, E., Kimelfeld, B., Libkin, L., Martens, W., Milo, T., Murlak, F., Neven, F., Ortiz, M., Schwentick, T., Stoyanovich, J., Su, J., Suciu, D., … Yi, K. (2016). Research Directions for Principles of Data Management (Abridged). ACM SIGMOD Record, 45(4), 5–17.
- Rule-based Stream Reasoning for Intelligent Administration of Content-Centric Networks / Beck, H., Bierbaumer, B., Dao-Tran, M., Eiter, T., Hellwagner, H., & Schekotihin, K. (2016). Rule-based Stream Reasoning for Intelligent Administration of Content-Centric Networks. In L. Michael & A. C. Kakas (Eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 522–528). Springer.
- Computing Repairs of Inconsistent DL-Programs over EL Ontologies / Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Stepanova, D. (2016). Computing Repairs of Inconsistent DL-Programs over EL Ontologies. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 56, 463–515.
- Data repair of inconsistent nonmonotonic description logic programs / Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Stepanova, D. (2016). Data repair of inconsistent nonmonotonic description logic programs. Artificial Intelligence, 239, 7–53.
- Evaluating epistemic negation in answer set programming / Eiter, T., & Shen, Y.-D. (2016). Evaluating epistemic negation in answer set programming. Artificial Intelligence, 237, 115–135.
- Semi-equilibrium models for paracoherent answer set programs / Amendola, G., Eiter, T., Fink, M., Leone, N., & Moura, J. (2016). Semi-equilibrium models for paracoherent answer set programs. Artificial Intelligence, 234, 219–271.
Conformant Planning as a Case Study of Incremental QBF Solving
Egly, U., Kronegger, M., Lonsing, F., & Pfandler, A. (2016). Conformant Planning as a Case Study of Incremental QBF Solving. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 80(1), 21–45.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
The DLVHEX System for Knowledge Representatin: Recent Advances (System Description)
REDL, C. (2016). The DLVHEX System for Knowledge Representatin: Recent Advances (System Description). Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 16(5–6), 866–883.
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) - Domain Expansion for ASP-Programs with External Sources / Eiter, T., Fink, M., Krennwallner, T., & Redl, C. (2016). Domain Expansion for ASP-Programs with External Sources. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 233, 84–121.
- Obituary Peter Lucas / Eiter, T. (2016). Obituary Peter Lucas. Almanach, Österreichische Akademie Der Wissenschaften, 166, 330–333.
- Obituary Helmut Veith (1971-2016) / Eiter, T. (2016). Obituary Helmut Veith (1971-2016). ACM SIGLOG News, 3(2), 3–5.
- Answer Set Programming: An Introduction to the Special Issue / Brewka, G., Eiter, T., & Truszczynski, M. (2016). Answer Set Programming: An Introduction to the Special Issue. AI Magazine, 37(3), 5–6.
Angry-HEX: an Artificial Player for Angry Birds Based on Declarative Knowledge Bases
Ianni, G., Calimeri, F., Germano, S., Humenberger, A., Redl, C., Stepanova, D., Tucci, A., & Wimmer, A. (2016). Angry-HEX: an Artificial Player for Angry Birds Based on Declarative Knowledge Bases. IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, 8(2), 128–139.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / IE of ASP (2015–2018) - A Benchmarking Framework for Stream Processors / Mossburger, A., Beck, H., Dao-Tran, M., & Eiter, T. (2016). A Benchmarking Framework for Stream Processors. 20th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW), Bologna, EU.
- First-Order Logic and Blocked Clauses / Kiesl, B., & Suda, M. (2016). First-Order Logic and Blocked Clauses. 4th International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBF 2016), Bordeaux, France, EU.
- Knowledge-Based System Group, Vienna University of Technology / Eiter, T. (2016). Knowledge-Based System Group, Vienna University of Technology. Current AI Research in Austria (CAIRA) Workshop at the 39th German conference on Artificial Intelligence, Klagenfurt, Austria.
Managing Change in Graph-Structured Data Using Description Logics
Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2016). Managing Change in Graph-Structured Data Using Description Logics. Workshop on New Trends in Belief Change, Vienna, Austria.
Project: SemDat (2012–2016) - Some Thoughts on Stream Reasoning, Revision and Update / Eiter, T. (2016). Some Thoughts on Stream Reasoning, Revision and Update. Workshop on New Trends in Belief Change, Vienna, Austria.
- Georg Gottlob: Life and Pictures / Eiter, T. (2016). Georg Gottlob: Life and Pictures. GG@60: Workshop on Databases and AI, Genova, Italy, EU.
- Answer Set Programming and Extensions / Eiter, T. (2016). Answer Set Programming and Extensions. Summer School 2016: Verification Technology, Systems & Applications, Liege, Belgium, EU.
Query Answering with Description Logic Ontologies
Bienvenu, M., & Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2016). Query Answering with Description Logic Ontologies. 28th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Bolzano, Italy, EU.
Project: SemDat (2012–2016) -
Expressive Ontology and Query Languages for Data Access and Management
Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2016). Expressive Ontology and Query Languages for Data Access and Management. 12th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2016), Aberdeen, Scotland, EU.
Project: SemDat (2012–2016) -
A Compilation Technique for Interactive Ontology-mediated Data Exploration
Andresel, M.-P. (2016). A Compilation Technique for Interactive Ontology-mediated Data Exploration. 12th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2016), Aberdeen, Scotland, EU.
Project: SemDat (2012–2016) -
Translations from QBFs to First-order Logic
Egly, U. (2016). Translations from QBFs to First-order Logic. Deduktionstreffen, Klagenfurt, Austria.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
Submissions to QBFEVAL'16
Lonsing, F. (2016). Submissions to QBFEVAL’16. 4th International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBF 2016), Bordeaux, France, EU.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
An Overview of QBF Reasoning Techniques
Lonsing, F. (2016). An Overview of QBF Reasoning Techniques. Dagstuhl Seminar 16381: SAT and Interactions, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Zentrum für Informatik, EU.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
Tutorial at IJCAI 2016: Solving (Problems with) Quantified Boolean Formulas: Recent Trends and Challenges
Lonsing, F. (2016). Tutorial at IJCAI 2016: Solving (Problems with) Quantified Boolean Formulas: Recent Trends and Challenges. Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence - IJCAI 2016, New York, NY, USA, Non-EU.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) - Advances in QBF Reasoning / Lonsing, F. (2016). Advances in QBF Reasoning. SAT/SMT/AR Summer School 2016, Lissabon, Portugal, EU.
- Towards Spatial Ontology-Mediated Query Answering over Mobility Streams / Eiter, T., Parreira, J., & Schneider, P. (2016). Towards Spatial Ontology-Mediated Query Answering over Mobility Streams. In D. Dell´Aglio, E. Della Valle, T. Eiter, & M. Krötzsch (Eds.), Joint Proceedings of the 3rd Stream Reasoning (SR 2016) and the 1st Semantic Web Technologies for the Internet of Things (SWIT 2016) workshops co-located with 15th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2016) (pp. 13–24). CEUR.
- Towards a Semantically Enriched Local Dynamic Map / Eiter, T., Füreder, H., Kasslatter, F., Parreira, J., & Schneider, P. (2016). Towards a Semantically Enriched Local Dynamic Map. In E. Chung & B. Smith (Eds.), 23rd World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems 2016. IEEE.
On Stronger Calculi for QBFs
Egly, U. (2016). On Stronger Calculi for QBFs. In Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2016 (pp. 419–434). Springer.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) - Generalized Consistent Query Answering under Existential Rules / Eiter, T., Lukasiewicz, T., & Predoiu, L. (2016). Generalized Consistent Query Answering under Existential Rules. In J. P. Delgrande & F. Wolter (Eds.), Proceedings, Fifteenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2016) (pp. 359–368).
HordeQBF: A Modular and Massively Parallel QBF Solver
Balyo, T., & Lonsing, F. (2016). HordeQBF: A Modular and Massively Parallel QBF Solver. In Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2016 (pp. 531–538). Springer.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) - Equivalent Stream Reasoning Programs / Beck, H., Dao-Tran, M., & Eiter, T. (2016). Equivalent Stream Reasoning Programs. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2016, New York, NY, USA, 9-15 July 2016 (pp. 929–935). IJCAI/AAAI Press.
- Reactive Policies with Planning for Action Languages / Saribatur, Z. G., & Eiter, T. (2016). Reactive Policies with Planning for Action Languages. In G. Kern-Isberner & R. Wassermann (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (pp. 143–152).
A Compilation Technique for Interactive Ontology-mediated Data Exploration
Andresel, M.-P., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2016). A Compilation Technique for Interactive Ontology-mediated Data Exploration. In M. Lenzerini & R. Penaloza (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th International Workshop on Description Logics, Cape Town, South Africa, April 22-25, 2016. (p. 12). CEUR Workshop Proceedings /
Projects: HINT (2012–2017) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
Polynomial Disjunctive Datalog Rewritings of Instance Queries in Expressive Description Logics
Ahmetaj, S., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2016). Polynomial Disjunctive Datalog Rewritings of Instance Queries in Expressive Description Logics. In M. Lenzerini & R. Penaloza (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th International Workshop on Description Logics, Cape Town, South Africa, April 22-25, 2016. (p. 13). CEUR Workshop Proceedings /
Projects: HINT (2012–2017) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
Closed Predicates in Description Logics: Results on Combined Complexity
Ngo, N., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2016). Closed Predicates in Description Logics: Results on Combined Complexity. In R. Pichler & A. S. da Silva (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management, Panama City, Panama, May 8-10, 2016 (p. 5). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Projects: HINT (2012–2017) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
Polynomial Datalog Rewritings for Ontology Mediated Queries with Closed Predicates
Ahmetaj, S., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2016). Polynomial Datalog Rewritings for Ontology Mediated Queries with Closed Predicates. In R. Pichler & A. S. da Silva (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management, Panama City, Panama, May 8-10, 2016 (p. 5). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Projects: HINT (2012–2017) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
Exploiting Partial Assignments for Efficient Evaluation of Answer Set Programs with External Source Access
Eiter, T., Kaminski, T., Redl, C., & Weinzierl, A. (2016). Exploiting Partial Assignments for Efficient Evaluation of Answer Set Programs with External Source Access. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2016, New York, NY, USA, 9-15 July 2016 (pp. 1058–1065). IJCAI/AAAI Press.
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) -
Automated Benchmarking of KR-Systems
Redl, C. (2016). Automated Benchmarking of KR-Systems. In Proceedings of the 23rd RCRA International Workshop on Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for Solving Problems with Combinatorial Explosion. 23rd RCRA International Workshop on Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for Solving Problems with Combinatorial Explosion, Genua, Italy, EU.
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) - Reactive Policy Checking for Action Languages / Saribatur, Z. G. (2016). Reactive Policy Checking for Action Languages. In S. Kambhampati (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 4024–4025). IJCAI/AAAI Press.
Closed Predicates in Description Logics: Results on Combined Complexity
Ngo, N., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2016). Closed Predicates in Description Logics: Results on Combined Complexity. In C. Baral, J. P. Delgrande, & F. Wolter (Eds.), Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference, {KR} 2016, Cape Town, South Africa, April 25-29, 2016. (pp. 237–246). AAAI Press.
Projects: HINT (2012–2017) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
Polynomial Datalog Rewritings for Expressive Description Logics with Closed Predicates
Ahmetaj, S., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2016). Polynomial Datalog Rewritings for Expressive Description Logics with Closed Predicates. In S. Kambhampati (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2016, New York, NY, USA, 9-15 July 2016 (pp. 878–885). IJCAI/AAAI Press.
Projects: HINT (2012–2017) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
The ABC Benchmarking System User Manual
Redl, C. (2016). The ABC Benchmarking System User Manual (INFSYS RR-1843-16-01).
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) - Joint Proceedings of the 3rd Stream Reasoning (SR 2016) and the 1st Semantic Web Technologies for the Internet of Things (SWIT 2016) workshops co-located with 15th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2016) / Joint Proceedings of the 3rd Stream Reasoning (SR 2016) and the 1st Semantic Web Technologies for the Internet of Things (SWIT 2016) workshops co-located with 15th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2016). (2016). In D. Dell´Aglio, E. Della Valle, T. Eiter, M. Krötzsch, M. Maleshkova, R. Verborgh, F. M. Facca, & M. Mrissa (Eds.), CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Web Reasoning and Rule Systems
Web Reasoning and Rule Systems. (2016). In M. M. Ortiz de la Fuente & S. Schlobach (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, LNCS.
Project: SemDat (2012–2016)
- Reduction-Based Approaches to Implement Modgil’s Extended Argumentation Frameworks / Dvořák, W., Gaggl, S. A., Linsbichler, T., & Wallner, J. P. (2015). Reduction-Based Approaches to Implement Modgil’s Extended Argumentation Frameworks. In T. Eiter, H. Strass, M. Truszczynski, & S. Woltran (Eds.), Advances in Knowledge Representation, Logic Programming, and Abstract Argumentation (pp. 249–264). Springer.
- Answer Set Application Programming: a Case Study on Tetris / Schüller, P., & Weinzierl, A. (2015). Answer Set Application Programming: a Case Study on Tetris. In M. De Vos, T. Eiter, Y. Lierler, & F. Toni (Eds.), Proceedings of the Technical Communications of the 31st International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2015) (p. 14). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- On Structural Analysis of Non-Ground Answer-Set Programs / Kiesl, B., Schüller, P., & Tompits, H. (2015). On Structural Analysis of Non-Ground Answer-Set Programs. In M. De Vos, T. Eiter, Y. Lierler, & F. Toni (Eds.), Proceedings of the Technical Communications of the 31st International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2015) (p. 14).
Problem Solving Using the HEX Family
Eiter, T., Redl, C., & Schüller, P. (2015). Problem Solving Using the HEX Family (NFSYS RR-1843-15-07).
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) -
Intra- and interdiagram consistency checking of behavioral multiview models
Kaufmann, P., Kronegger, M., Pfandler, A., Seidl, M., & Widl, M. (2015). Intra- and interdiagram consistency checking of behavioral multiview models. Computer Languages, Systems and Structures, 44, 72–88.
Project: FAIR (2013–2018) -
Backdoors to tractable answer-set programming
Fichte, J. K., & Szeider, S. (2015). Backdoors to tractable answer-set programming. Artificial Intelligence, 220, 64–103.
Project: START (2014–2022) -
Dual-normal logic programs - the forgotten class
FICHTE, J. K., TRUSZCZYŃSKI, M., & WOLTRAN, S. (2015). Dual-normal logic programs - the forgotten class. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 15(4–5), 495–510.
Project: START (2014–2022) -
Distributed Evaluation of Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems
Dao-Tran, M., Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Krennwallner, T. (2015). Distributed Evaluation of Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 52, 543–600.
Project: ASP (2012–2015) - Polynomial-time Construction of Optimal Tree-structured Communication Data Layout Descriptions / Ganian, R., Kalany, M., Szeider, S., & Träff, J. L. (2015). Polynomial-time Construction of Optimal Tree-structured Communication Data Layout Descriptions. arXiv.
Parameterized Complexity of Asynchronous Border Minimization
Ganian, R., Kronegger, M., Pfandler, A., & Popa, A. (2015). Parameterized Complexity of Asynchronous Border Minimization. In R. Jain, S. Jain, & F. Stephan (Eds.), Theory and Applications of Models of Computation : 12th Annual Conference, TAMC 2015, Singapore, May 18-20, 2015, Proceedings (pp. 428–440). Springer.
Project: FAIR (2013–2018) -
Incrementally Computing Minimal Unsatisfiable Cores of QBFs via a Clause Group Solver API
Lonsing, F., & Egly, U. (2015). Incrementally Computing Minimal Unsatisfiable Cores of QBFs via a Clause Group Solver API. In Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing -- SAT 2015 18th International Conference, Austin, TX, USA, September 24-27, 2015, Proceedings (pp. 191–198). Springer.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) - A Glimpse on Gerhard Brewka's Contributions to Artificial Intelligence / Eiter, T., Strass, H., Truszczynski, M., & Woltran, S. (2015). A Glimpse on Gerhard Brewka’s Contributions to Artificial Intelligence. In T. Eiter, H. Strass, M. Truszczynski, & S. Woltran (Eds.), Advances in Knowledge Representation, Logic Programming, and Abstract Argumentation (pp. 1–16). Springer LNCS.
- Infinite Argumentation Frameworks / Baumann, R., & Spanring, C. (2015). Infinite Argumentation Frameworks. In T. Eiter, H. Strass, M. Truszczynski, & S. Woltran (Eds.), Advances in Knowledge Representation, Logic Programming, and Abstract Argumentation (pp. 281–295). Springer LNCS.
- Preference-Based Diagnosis Selection in Multi-Context Systems / Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Weinzierl, A. (2015). Preference-Based Diagnosis Selection in Multi-Context Systems. In T. Eiter, H. Strass, M. Truszczynski, & S. Woltran (Eds.), Advances in Knowledge Representation, Logic Programming, and Abstract Argumentation (pp. 233–248). Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
Ontology-Mediated Query Answering with Data-Tractable Description Logics
Bienvenu, M., & Ortiz, M. (2015). Ontology-Mediated Query Answering with Data-Tractable Description Logics. In W. Faber & A. Paschke (Eds.), Reasoning Web. Web Logic Rules (pp. 218–307). Springer LNCS.
Project: SemDat (2012–2016) -
Collecting, Integrating, Enriching and Republishing Open City Data as Linked Data
Bischof, S., Martin, C., Polleres, A., & Schneider, P. (2015). Collecting, Integrating, Enriching and Republishing Open City Data as Linked Data. In M. Arenas (Ed.), The Semantic Web - ISWC 2015 (pp. 57–75).
Project: SEE (2012–2016) -
Clause Elimination for SAT and QSAT
Heule, M., Järvisalo, M., Lonsing, F., Seidl, M., & Biere, A. (2015). Clause Elimination for SAT and QSAT. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 53, 127–168.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
Enhancing Search-Based QBF Solving by Dynamic Blocked Clause Elimination
Lonsing, F., Bacchus, F., Biere, A., Egly, U., & Seidl, M. (2015). Enhancing Search-Based QBF Solving by Dynamic Blocked Clause Elimination. In Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning (pp. 418–433). Springer.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) - Introduction to the 31st International Conference on Logic Programming Special Issue / EITER, T., & TONI, F. (2015). Introduction to the 31st International Conference on Logic Programming Special Issue. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 15(4–5), 413–418.
Regular Path Queries in Lightweight Description Logics: Complexity and Algorithms
Bienvenu, M., Ortiz, M., & Simkus, M. (2015). Regular Path Queries in Lightweight Description Logics: Complexity and Algorithms. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 53, 315–374.
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / SEE (2012–2016) / SemDat (2012–2016) - Inter-organizational success factors: a cause and effect model / Krathu, W., Pichler, C., Xiao, G., Werthner, H., Neidhardt, J., Zapletal, M., & Huemer, C. (2015). Inter-organizational success factors: a cause and effect model. Information Systems and E-Business Management, 13(3), 553–593.
- What is the Semantics of Your SPARQL Extension? / Beck, H., Dao-Tran, M., & Eiter, T. (2015). What is the Semantics of Your SPARQL Extension? ALP Newsletter, Vol. 28, No. 4, December 2015, 28.
- Reasoning in Abstract Dialectical Frameworks using Quantified Boolean Formulas / Diller, M., Wallner, J. P., & Woltran, S. (2015). Reasoning in Abstract Dialectical Frameworks using Quantified Boolean Formulas. Argument and Computation, 6(2), 149–177.
Exact location of the phase transition for random (1,2)-QSAT
Creignou, N., Daudé, H., Egly, U., & Rossignol, R. (2015). Exact location of the phase transition for random (1,2)-QSAT. RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications, 49(1), 23–45.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
Linking Open-World Knowledge Bases Using Nonmonotonic Rules
Eiter, T., & Simkus, M. (2015). Linking Open-World Knowledge Bases Using Nonmonotonic Rules. In F. Calimeri, G. Ianni, & M. Truszczynski (Eds.), Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (pp. 294–308). Springer LNCS.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / HINT (2012–2017) / SEE (2012–2016) - Identifying, Quantifying and Modifying Reaction Pathways of Oxygen Reduction on Lanthanum Manganite (LSM) Model Electrodes / Huber, T., Navickas, E., Opitz, A., Chen, Y., Hetaba, W., Yildiz, B., & Fleig, J. (2015). Identifying, Quantifying and Modifying Reaction Pathways of Oxygen Reduction on Lanthanum Manganite (LSM) Model Electrodes. Joint Retreat Of Hydrogen Production Division and Fuel Cell Division of Kyushu University 2015, Yamaguchi, Non-EU.
- Semantics and Complexity of RDF Stream Processing & Reasoning: Expression of Interest / Beck, H., Dao-Tran, M., & Eiter, T. (2015). Semantics and Complexity of RDF Stream Processing & Reasoning: Expression of Interest. RDF Stream Processing Workshop at ESWC2015, Portoros, EU.
- Platform-Agnostic Execution Framework Towards RDF Stream Processing / Le-Phuoc, D., Dao-Tran, M., Le Van, C., Le Tuan, A., Nguyen Duc, M., & Hauswirth, M. (2015). Platform-Agnostic Execution Framework Towards RDF Stream Processing. RDF Stream Processing Workshop at ESWC2015, Portoros, EU.
Twelve speedy tricks for answering NP-complete problems
Weinzierl, A. (2015). Twelve speedy tricks for answering NP-complete problems. TNG Big Techday 8, München, Deutschland, EU.
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) - A Logic-Based Framework for Analyzing Reasoning over Streams / Eiter, T. (2015). A Logic-Based Framework for Analyzing Reasoning over Streams. Stream Reasoning Workshop 2015, Wien, Austria.
- Querying Ontology Knowledge Bases Using Datalog / Eiter, T. (2015). Querying Ontology Knowledge Bases Using Datalog. PhDs in Logic VII, Wien, Austria.
- A Logic-Based Frameworks for Analyzing Stream Reasoning / Eiter, T. (2015). A Logic-Based Frameworks for Analyzing Stream Reasoning. PhDs in Logic VII, Wien, Austria.
- Towards a Logic-Based Framework for Analyzing Stream Reasoning / Eiter, T. (2015). Towards a Logic-Based Framework for Analyzing Stream Reasoning. Seminar of the CS Department, KU Leuven, Belgien, EU.
Enhancing Search-Based QBF Solving by Dynamic Blocked Clause Elimination
Lonsing, F. (2015). Enhancing Search-Based QBF Solving by Dynamic Blocked Clause Elimination. PUMA/RiSE Workshop, Mondsee, Austria.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs Using Fully Enriched Automata
Feier, C., & Eiter, T. (2015). Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs Using Fully Enriched Automata. In O. Papini (Ed.), Joint Ontology Workshops 2015 (p. 10).
Project: ASP (2012–2015) - DEBS Grand Challenge: RDF Stream Processing with CQELS Framework for Real-time Analysis / Le-Phuoc, D., Dao-Tran, M., Le Tuan, A., Nguyen Duc, M., & Hauswirth, M. (2015). DEBS Grand Challenge: RDF Stream Processing with CQELS Framework for Real-time Analysis. In Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems. 9th International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS 2015), Oslo, Norway, EU.
The Combined Complexity of Reasoning with Closed Predicates in Description Logics
Ngo, N., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2015). The Combined Complexity of Reasoning with Closed Predicates in Description Logics. In D. Calvanese & B. Konev (Eds.), Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Description Logics, Athens,Greece, June 7-10, 2015 (pp. 249–261). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Projects: HINT (2012–2017) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
Navigational Queries Based on Frontier-Guarded Datalog: Preliminary Results
Bienvenu, M., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2015). Navigational Queries Based on Frontier-Guarded Datalog: Preliminary Results. In Proceedings of the 9th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management, Lima, Peru, May 6 - 8, 2015 (pp. 162–171). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Projects: HINT (2012–2017) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
From Classical to Consistent Query Answering under Existential Rules
Lukasiewicz, T., Martinez, M. V., Pieris, A., & Simari, G. I. (2015). From Classical to Consistent Query Answering under Existential Rules. In Proceedings of the 9th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management, Lima, Peru, May 6 - 8, 2015 (p. 6). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Project: START (2014–2022) - Efficient Extraction of QBF (Counter)models from Long-Distance Resolution Proofs / Balabanov, V., Jiang, J.-H. R., Janota, M., & Widl, M. (2015). Efficient Extraction of QBF (Counter)models from Long-Distance Resolution Proofs. In B. Bonet & S. Koenig (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, January 25-30, 2015, Austin, Texas, USA. (pp. 3694–3701). AAAI Press.
- Bilissel Fabrikalarda Nedensel Icra Takibi / Erdem, E., Patoglu, V., & Saribatur, Z. G. (2015). Bilissel Fabrikalarda Nedensel Icra Takibi. In 2. Türkiye Robotbilim Konferansı (ToRK), Istanbul (p. 2).
Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs Using Fully Enriched Automata
Feier, C., & Eiter, T. (2015). Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs Using Fully Enriched Automata. In F. Calimeri, G. Ianni, & M. Truszczynski (Eds.), Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (pp. 346–353). Springer.
Project: ASP (2012–2015) - Towards Enriching CQELS with Complex Event Processing and Path Navigation / Dao-Tran, M., & Le-Phuoc, D. (2015). Towards Enriching CQELS with Complex Event Processing and Path Navigation. In Towards Enriching CQELS with Complex Event Processing and Path Navigation (pp. 15–27).
- Towards Comparing RDF Stream Processing Semantics / Dao-Tran, M., Beck, H., & Eiter, T. (2015). Towards Comparing RDF Stream Processing Semantics. In 1st Workshop on High-Level Declarative Stream Processing (HiDeSt), September 22, 2015, Dresden, Germany, 2015. (pp. 15–27).
- Answer Update for Rule-based Stream Reasoning / Beck, H., Dao-Tran, M., & Eiter, T. (2015). Answer Update for Rule-based Stream Reasoning. In Proceedings of the 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), July 25-31, 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentinia. (pp. 2741–2747).
- Contrasting RDF Stream Processing Semantics / Dao-Tran, M., Beck, H., & Eiter, T. (2015). Contrasting RDF Stream Processing Semantics. In 5th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST), November 11-13, 2015, YiChang, China. (p. 8).
- LARS: A Logic-based Framework for Analyzing Reasoning over Streams / Beck, H., Dao-Tran, M., Eiter, T., & Fink, M. (2015). LARS: A Logic-based Framework for Analyzing Reasoning over Streams. In Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference, January 25-30, 2015, Austin, Texas, USA. (pp. 1431–1438).
Automated Benchmarking of Incremental SAT and QBF Solvers
Egly, U., Lonsing, F., & Oetsch, J. (2015). Automated Benchmarking of Incremental SAT and QBF Solvers. In Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning (pp. 178–186). Springer.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
Dynamic Programming on Tree Decompositions using Binary Decision Diagrams
Charwat, G. (2015). Dynamic Programming on Tree Decompositions using Binary Decision Diagrams. In M. De Vos, T. Eiter, Y. Lierler, & F. Toni (Eds.), Proceedings of the Technical Communications of the 31st International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2015), Cork, Ireland, August 31 - September 4, 2015 (p. 10).
Project: START (2014–2022) -
A Rule-based Framework for Creating Instance Data from OpenStreetMap
Eiter, T., Pan, J. Z., Schneider, P., Šimkus, M., & Xiao, G. (2015). A Rule-based Framework for Creating Instance Data from OpenStreetMap. In B. ten Cate & A. Mileo (Eds.), Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (pp. 93–104). Springer LNCS.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HINT (2012–2017) / SEE (2012–2016) -
Constraint Answer Set Programming based on HEX-Programs
De Rosis, A., Eiter, T., Redl, C., & Ricca, F. (2015). Constraint Answer Set Programming based on HEX-Programs. In Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms (p. 15).
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / IE of ASP (2015–2018) -
From Classical to Consistent Query Answering under Existential Rules
Lukasiewicz, T., Martinez, M. V., Pieris, A., & Simari, G. I. (2015). From Classical to Consistent Query Answering under Existential Rules. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 1546–1552). AAAI Press.
Project: START (2014–2022) - An extension-based approach to belief revision in abstract argumentation / Diller, M., Haret, A., Linsbichler, T., Rümmele, S., & Woltran, S. (2015). An extension-based approach to belief revision in abstract argumentation. In Q. Yang & M. Wooldridge (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence - IJCAI 2015 (pp. 2926–2932). AAAI Press.
Variable-Deletion Backdoors to Planning
Kronegger, M., Pfandler, A., & Ordyniak, S. (2015). Variable-Deletion Backdoors to Planning. In B. Bonet & S. Koenig (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, January 25-30, 2015, Austin, Texas, USA (pp. 3305–3312). AAAI Press.
Project: FAIR (2013–2018) -
Computing Repairs of Inconsistent DL-programs over EL Ontologies
Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Stepanova, D. (2015). Computing Repairs of Inconsistent DL-programs over EL Ontologies (INFSYS RR-1843-15-08).
Projects: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IE of ASP (2015–2018) -
Data Repair of Inconsistent Nonmonotonic Description Logic Programs
Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Stepanova, D. (2015). Data Repair of Inconsistent Nonmonotonic Description Logic Programs (INFSYS RR-1843-15-03).
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) - Evaluating Epistemic Negation in Answer Set Programming / Shen, Y.-D., & Eiter, T. (2015). Evaluating Epistemic Negation in Answer Set Programming (INFSYS RR-1843-15-04).
- Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs Using Fully Enriched Automata / Feier, C., & Eiter, T. (2015). Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs Using Fully Enriched Automata (INFSYS RR-1843-15-02).
User Guide: dlvhex 2.X
Eiter, T., Mehuljic, M., Redl, C., & Schüller, P. (2015). User Guide: dlvhex 2.X (INFSYS RR-1843-15-05).
Project: IE of ASP (2015–2018) -
A Model Building Framework for Answer Set Programming with External Computations
Eiter, T., Fink, M., Ianni, G., Krennwallner, T., Redl, C., & Schüller, P. (2015). A Model Building Framework for Answer Set Programming with External Computations (INFSYS RR-1843-15-01).
Project: ASP (2012–2015) - Advances in Knowledge Representation, Logic Programming, and Abstract Argumentation / Advances in Knowledge Representation, Logic Programming, and Abstract Argumentation. (2015). In T. Eiter, H. Strass, M. Truszczynski, & S. Woltran (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
- Proceedings of the Technical Communications of the 31st International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2015) / Proceedings of the Technical Communications of the 31st International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2015). (2015). In M. De Vos, T. Eiter, Y. Lierler, & F. Toni (Eds.), CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Lower bounds on the complexity of MSO₁ model-checking
Ganian, R., Hliněný, P., Langer, A., Obdržálek, J., Rossmanith, P., & Sikdar, S. (2014). Lower bounds on the complexity of MSO₁ model-checking. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 80(1), 180–194.
Projects: Complex Reason (2010–2014) / X-TRACT (2014–2018) -
FLP answer set semantics without circular justifications for general logic programs
Shen, Y.-D., Wang, K., Eiter, T., Fink, M., Redl, C., Krennwallner, T., & Deng, J. (2014). FLP answer set semantics without circular justifications for general logic programs. Artificial Intelligence, 213, 1–41.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Efficient HEX-Program Evaluation based on Unfounded Sets
Eiter, T., Fink, M., Krennwallner, T., Redl, C., & Schüller, P. (2014). Efficient HEX-Program Evaluation based on Unfounded Sets. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 49, 269–321.
Project: ASP (2012–2015) - Inconsistency-tolerant reasoning with OWL DL / Zhang, X., Xiao, G., Lin, Z., & Van den Bussche, J. (2014). Inconsistency-tolerant reasoning with OWL DL. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 55(2), 557–584.
- Finding Explanations of Inconsistency in Multi-Context Systems / Eiter, T., Fink, M., Schüller, P., & Weinzierl, A. (2014). Finding Explanations of Inconsistency in Multi-Context Systems. Artificial Intelligence, 216, 233–274.
Digraph Width Measures in Parameterized Algorithmics
Ganian, R., Hliněný, P., Kneis, J., Langer, A., Obdržálek, J., & Rossmanith, P. (2014). Digraph Width Measures in Parameterized Algorithmics. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 168, 88–107.
Projects: Complex Reason (2010–2014) / X-TRACT (2014–2018) -
Guarantees and limits of preprocessing in constraint satisfaction and reasoning
Gaspers, S., & Szeider, S. (2014). Guarantees and limits of preprocessing in constraint satisfaction and reasoning. Artificial Intelligence, 216, 1–19.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Answering Regular Path Queries in Expressive Description Logics via Alternating Tree-Automata
Calvanese, D., Eiter, T., & Ortiz, M. (2014). Answering Regular Path Queries in Expressive Description Logics via Alternating Tree-Automata. Information and Computation, 237, 12–55.
Projects: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
Complexity Classifications for Logic-Based Argumentation
Creignou, N., Egly, U., & Schmidt, J. (2014). Complexity Classifications for Logic-Based Argumentation. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 15(3), 1–20.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
The break scheduling problem: complexity results and practical algorithms
Widl, M., & Musliu, N. (2014). The break scheduling problem: complexity results and practical algorithms. Memetic Computing, 6(2), 97–112.
Projects: ARTE (2012–2017) / Boolean (2011–2019) / FAME (2011–2014) - On cascade products of answer set programs / ANTIĆ, C. (2014). On cascade products of answer set programs. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 14(4–5), 711–723.
QBF Resolution Systems and Their Proof Complexities
Balabanov, V., Widl, M., & Jiang, J.-H. R. (2014). QBF Resolution Systems and Their Proof Complexities. In C. Sinz & U. Egly (Eds.), Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2014 17th International Conference, Held as Part of the Vienna Summer of Logic, VSL 2014, Vienna, Austria, July 14-17, 2014, Proceedings (pp. 154–169). LNCS / Springer.
Projects: Boolean (2011–2019) / FAME (2011–2014) -
Incremental QBF Solving
Lonsing, F., & Egly, U. (2014). Incremental QBF Solving. In Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming 20th International Conference, CP 2014, Lyon, France, September 8-12, 2014, Proceedings (pp. 514–530). Springer.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
MPIDepQBF: Towards Parallel QBF Solving without Knowledge Sharing
Jordan, C., Kaiser, L., Lonsing, F., & Seidl, M. (2014). MPIDepQBF: Towards Parallel QBF Solving without Knowledge Sharing. In Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2014 17th International Conference, Held as Part of the Vienna Summer of Logic, VSL 2014, Vienna, Austria, July 14-17, 2014, Proceedings (pp. 430–437). LNCS / Springer.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) - Causal Graph Justifications of Logic Programs / Cabalar, P., Fandiño, J., & Fink, M. (2014). Causal Graph Justifications of Logic Programs. arXiv.
- Towards Ideal Semantics for Analyzing Stream Reasoning / Beck, H., Dao-Tran, M., Eiter, T., & Fink, M. (2014). Towards Ideal Semantics for Analyzing Stream Reasoning. In International Workshop on Reactive Concepts in Knowledge Representation 2014 (pp. 17–22).
Efficient Extraction of QBF (Counter)models from Long-Distance Resolution Proofs
Balabanov, V., Jiang, J.-H. R., Janota, M., & Widl, M. (2014). Efficient Extraction of QBF (Counter)models from Long-Distance Resolution Proofs. In 2nd International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas (p. 13).
Projects: Boolean (2011–2019) / FAME (2011–2014) -
Conformant Planning as a Case Study of Incremental QBF Solving
Egly, U., Kronegger, M., Lonsing, F., & Pfandler, A. (2014). Conformant Planning as a Case Study of Incremental QBF Solving. In Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation (pp. 120–131). Springer.
Projects: Boolean (2011–2019) / FAIR (2013–2018) - On Axiomatic Rejection for the Description Logic $$\mathcal {ALC}$$ / Berger, G., & Tompits, H. (2014). On Axiomatic Rejection for the Description Logic $$\mathcal {ALC}$$. In M. Hanus & R. Rocha (Eds.), Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (pp. 65–82). Springer LNCS.
- Characteristics of Multiple Viewpoints in Abstract Argumentation / Dunne, P. E., Dvorak, W., Linsbichler, T., & Woltran, S. (2014). Characteristics of Multiple Viewpoints in Abstract Argumentation. In C. Baral, G. De Giacomo, & T. Eiter (Eds.), Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference (pp. 72–81). AAAI Press.
- Compact Argumentation Frameworks / Baumann, R., Dvorak, W., Linsbichler, T., Strass, H., & Woltran, S. (2014). Compact Argumentation Frameworks. In S. Konieczny & H. Tompits (Eds.), 15th International Workshop on Non-monotonic Reasoning (NMR 2014) (p. 10).
- Causal Graph Justifications of Logic Programs / Cabalar, P., Fandinno, J., & Fink, M. (2014). Causal Graph Justifications of Logic Programs. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 14(4–5), 603–618.
Semantically Enriched Multi-Modal Routing
Eiter, T., Krennwallner, T., Prandtstetter, M., Rudloff, C., Schneider, P., & Straub, M. (2014). Semantically Enriched Multi-Modal Routing. International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, 14(1), 20–35.
Project: MyITS (2011–2013) -
SPARQL Update for Materialized Triple Stores under DL-Lite_RDFS Entailment
Ahmeti, A., Calvanese, D., & Polleres, A. (2014). SPARQL Update for Materialized Triple Stores under DL-Lite_RDFS Entailment. In M. Bienvenu, M. M. Ortiz de la Fuente, R. Rosati, & M. Simkus (Eds.), Informal Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics, Vienna, Austria, July 17-20, 2014 (p. 13). CEUR-WS.
Project: SEE (2012–2016) - Vienna Summer of Logic / Baaz, M., Eiter, T., & Veith, H. (2014). Vienna Summer of Logic. Vienna Summer of Logic, Wien, Austria, Austria.
- A SAT-based Debugging Tool for State Machines and Sequence Diagrams / Kaufmann, P., Kronegger, M., Pfandler, A., Seidl, M., & Widl, M. (2014). A SAT-based Debugging Tool for State Machines and Sequence Diagrams. PUMA/RiSE Workshop, Mondsee, Austria.
AngryHEX: An Angry Birds-playing Agent based on HEX-Programs
Calimeri, F., Fink, M., Germano, S., Humenberger, A., Ianni, G., Redl, C., Stepanova, D., & Tucci, A. (2014). AngryHEX: An Angry Birds-playing Agent based on HEX-Programs. AngryBirds Competition 2014, Prague, Czech Republic, EU.
Project: ASP (2012–2015) - On cascade products of answer set programs / Antic, C. (2014). On cascade products of answer set programs. 30th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2014), Vienna, Austria, Austria.
- Causal Graph Justifications of Logic Programs / Cabalar, P., Fandiño, J., & Fink, M. (2014). Causal Graph Justifications of Logic Programs. 30th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2014), Vienna, Austria, Austria.
Search-Based QBF Solving
Lonsing, F. (2014). Search-Based QBF Solving. Advanced Winter School on Reasoning Engines for Rigorous System Engineering, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
Deduction Concepts for Quantified Boolean Formulas
Egly, U. (2014). Deduction Concepts for Quantified Boolean Formulas. Advanced Winter School on Reasoning Engines for Rigorous System Engineering, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
Quantifier Handling in Different Calculi for Quantified Boolean Formulas
Egly, U. (2014). Quantifier Handling in Different Calculi for Quantified Boolean Formulas. Algebra, Logic and Algorithms seminar, University of Leeds, United Kingdom, EU.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
On the Relation between Resolution Calculi for QBFs and First-order Formulas
Egly, U. (2014). On the Relation between Resolution Calculi for QBFs and First-order Formulas. International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas, Helsinki, EU.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
Quantifier handling in calculi for quantified Boolean formulas
Egly, U. (2014). Quantifier handling in calculi for quantified Boolean formulas. International Workshop on Quantification (QUANTIFY), Wien, Austria.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
Conformant Planning as a Case Study of Incremental QBF Solving
Egly, U., Kronegger, M., Lonsing, F., & Pfandler, A. (2014). Conformant Planning as a Case Study of Incremental QBF Solving. International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas, Helsinki, EU.
Projects: Boolean (2011–2019) / FAIR (2013–2018) -
Incremental QBF Solving
Lonsing, F. (2014). Incremental QBF Solving. Alpine Verification Meeting, IST Austria, Austria.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
hex-Programs with Existential Quantification
Eiter, T., Fink, M., Krennwallner, T., & Redl, C. (2014). hex-Programs with Existential Quantification. In M. Hanus & R. Rocha (Eds.), Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (pp. 99–117). Springer.
Project: ASP (2012–2015) -
SAT-Based Methods for Circuit Synthesis
Bloem, R., Egly, U., Klampfl, P., Könighofer, R., & Lonsing, F. (2014). SAT-Based Methods for Circuit Synthesis. In Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (pp. 31–34). IEEE.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
Exploiting Support Sets for Answer Set Programs with External Evaluations
Eiter, T., Fink, M., Redl, C., & Stepanova, D. (2014). Exploiting Support Sets for Answer Set Programs with External Evaluations. In C. E. Brodley & P. Stone (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Aritifical Intelligence (pp. 1041–1048). AAAI Press.
Project: ASP (2012–2015) - Extension-based Semantics of Abstract Dialectical Frameworks / Polberg, S. (2014). Extension-based Semantics of Abstract Dialectical Frameworks. In S. Konieczny & H. Tompits (Eds.), 15th International Workshop on Non-monotonic Reasoning (NMR 2014) (p. 10).
- Reasoning in Abstract Dialectical Frameworks Using Quantified Boolean Formulas / Diller, M., Wallner, J. P., & Woltran, S. (2014). Reasoning in Abstract Dialectical Frameworks Using Quantified Boolean Formulas. In Computational Models of Argument (pp. 241–252). IOS Press.
Computing Repairs for Inconsistent DL-programs over $\mathcal{EL}$ Ontologies
Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Stepanova, D. (2014). Computing Repairs for Inconsistent DL-programs over $\mathcal{EL}$ Ontologies. In E. Fermé & J. Leite (Eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 426–441). Springer.
Project: ASP (2012–2015) -
Towards Practical Deletion Repair of Inconsistent DL-programs
Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Stepanova, D. (2014). Towards Practical Deletion Repair of Inconsistent DL-programs. In T. Schaub, G. Friedrich, & B. O´Sullivan (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 285–290). Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications.
Project: ASP (2012–2015) - Inconsistencies in Hybrid Knowledge Bases / Stepanova, D. (2014). Inconsistencies in Hybrid Knowledge Bases. In C. Baral, G. De Giacomo, & T. Eiter (Eds.), Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Proceedings (pp. 1–4). AAAI Press.
Towards Practical Deletion Repair of Inconsistent DL-programs
Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Stepanova, D. (2014). Towards Practical Deletion Repair of Inconsistent DL-programs. In M. Bienvenu, M. M. Ortiz de la Fuente, R. Rosati, & M. Simkus (Eds.), Informal Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (pp. 169–180). CEUR-WS.
Project: ASP (2012–2015) -
Small Unsatisfiable Subsets in Constraint Satisfaction
Kanj, I., de Haan, R., & Szeider, S. (2014). Small Unsatisfiable Subsets in Constraint Satisfaction. In IEEE-ICTAI 2014. The IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Special Track on SAT and CSP Technologies (ICTAI), Washington D.C., USA, Non-EU.
Projects: Compilation (2014–2018) / Complex Reason (2010–2014) - Contextualized Knowledge Repositories with Justifiable Exceptions / Bozzato, L., Eiter, T., & Serafini, L. (2014). Contextualized Knowledge Repositories with Justifiable Exceptions. In M. Bienvenu, M. M. Ortiz de la Fuente, R. Rosati, & M. Simkus (Eds.), Informal Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (pp. 112–123). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Defeasibility in Contextual Reasoning with CKR / Bozzato, L., Eiter, T., & Serafini, L. (2014). Defeasibility in Contextual Reasoning with CKR. In L. Giordano, V. Gliozzi, & G. L. Pozzato (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Italian Conference on Computational Logic (pp. 132–146). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Towards a Logic-Based Framework for Analyzing Stream Reasoning / Beck, H., Dao-Tran, M., Eiter, T., & Fink, M. (2014). Towards a Logic-Based Framework for Analyzing Stream Reasoning. In 3rd International Workshop on Ordering and Reasoning (pp. 11–22).
Using OpenStreetMap Data to Create Benchmarks for Description Logic Reasoners 51-57
Eiter, T., Schneider, P., Simkus, M., & Xiao, G. (2014). Using OpenStreetMap Data to Create Benchmarks for Description Logic Reasoners 51-57. In Informal Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on OWL Reasoner Evaluation (ORE 2014) (pp. 51–57). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / SEE (2012–2016) -
Nested Regular Path Queries in Description Logics (Extended Abstract)
Bienvenu, M., Calvanese, D., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2014). Nested Regular Path Queries in Description Logics (Extended Abstract). In G. Gottlob & J. Perez (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th Alberto Mendelzon Workshop on Foundations of Data Management. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / SEE (2012–2016) / SemDat (2012–2016) - Modular Paracoherent Answer Sets / Amendola, G., Eiter, T., & Leone, N. (2014). Modular Paracoherent Answer Sets. In E. Fermé & J. Leite (Eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 457–471). LNCS/Springer.
Planning Problems for Graph Structured Data in Description Logics
Ahmetaj, S., Calvanese, D., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2014). Planning Problems for Graph Structured Data in Description Logics. In M. Bienvenu, M. M. Ortiz de la Fuente, R. Rosati, & M. Simkus (Eds.), Informal Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (pp. 4–7). CEUR-WS.
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / SEE (2012–2016) / SemDat (2012–2016) - A Complexity Assessment for Queries Involving Sufficient and Necessary Causes / Cabalar, P., Fandiño, J., & Fink, M. (2014). A Complexity Assessment for Queries Involving Sufficient and Necessary Causes. In E. Fermé & J. Leite (Eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 297–310). Springer.
Revisiting the Hardness of Query Answering in Expressive Description Logics
Ortiz, M., & Šimkus, M. (2014). Revisiting the Hardness of Query Answering in Expressive Description Logics. In R. Kontchakov & M.-L. Mugnier (Eds.), Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (pp. 216–223). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / SEE (2012–2016) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
Nested Regular Path Queries in Description Logics
Bienvenu, M., Calvanese, D., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2014). Nested Regular Path Queries in Description Logics. In C. Baral, G. De Giacomo, & T. Eiter (Eds.), Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference (KR 2014) (pp. 218–227). AAAI Press.
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / SEE (2012–2016) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
Planning and Change in Graph Structured Data under Description Logics Constraints
Ahmetaj, S., Calvanese, D., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2014). Planning and Change in Graph Structured Data under Description Logics Constraints. In G. Gottlob & J. Perez (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th Alberto Mendelzon Workshop on Foundations of Data Management. CEUR-Proceedings.
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / SEE (2012–2016) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
Managing Change in Graph-Structured Data Using Description Logics
Ahmetaj, S., Calvanese, D., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2014). Managing Change in Graph-Structured Data Using Description Logics. In C. E. Brodley & P. Stone (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Aritifical Intelligence (pp. 966–973). AAAI Press/IJCAI.
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / SEE (2012–2016) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
Dependency Schemes and Q-resolution
Slivovsky, F., & Szeider, S. (2014). Dependency Schemes and Q-resolution. In SAT 2014 (pp. 269–284). LNCS / Springer.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
The Complexity of Repairing, Adjusting, and Aggregating of Extensions in Abstract Argumentation
Kim, E. J., Ordyniak, S., & Szeider, S. (2014). The Complexity of Repairing, Adjusting, and Aggregating of Extensions in Abstract Argumentation. In TAFA 2013 (pp. 158–175). LNAI / Springer.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
The Complexity of Width Minimization for Existential Positive Queries
Bova, S., & Chen, H. (2014). The Complexity of Width Minimization for Existential Positive Queries. In ICDT 2014 (pp. 235–244).
Projects: Compilation (2014–2018) / Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Model Checking Existential Logic on Partially Ordered Sets
Bova, S., Ganian, R., & Szeider, S. (2014). Model Checking Existential Logic on Partially Ordered Sets. In CSL-LICS 2014. Joint Meeting of the Twenty-Third EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL) and the Twenty-Ninth Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS), Vienna, Austria. ACM New York, NY, USA.
Projects: Compilation (2014–2018) / Complex Reason (2010–2014) / X-TRACT (2014–2018) -
Quantified Conjunctive Queries on Partially Ordered Sets
Bova, S., Ganian, R., & Szeider, S. (2014). Quantified Conjunctive Queries on Partially Ordered Sets. In IPEC 2014 (pp. 122–134). LNCS / Springer.
Projects: Compilation (2014–2018) / Complex Reason (2010–2014) / X-TRACT (2014–2018) -
Subexponential Time Complexity of CSP with Global Constraints
Kanj, I., de Haan, R., & Szeider, S. (2014). Subexponential Time Complexity of CSP with Global Constraints. In CP 2014 (pp. 272–288). LNCS / Springer.
Projects: Compilation (2014–2018) / Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Backdoors into Heterogeneous Classes of SAT and CSP
Gaspers, S., Misra, N., Ordyniak, S., Szeider, S., & Zivný, S. (2014). Backdoors into Heterogeneous Classes of SAT and CSP. In AAAI 2014 (pp. 2652–2658).
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Fixed-Parameter Tractable Reductions to SAT
de Haan, R., & Szeider, S. (2014). Fixed-Parameter Tractable Reductions to SAT. In SAT 2014 (pp. 85–102). LNCS / Springer.
Projects: Compilation (2014–2018) / Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
The Parameterized Complexity of Reasoning Problems Beyond NP
de Haan, R., & Szeider, S. (2014). The Parameterized Complexity of Reasoning Problems Beyond NP. In KR 2014 (pp. 82–91).
Projects: Compilation (2014–2018) / Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Parameterized Complexity Results for Agenda Safety in Judgment Aggregation
Endriss, U., de Haan, R., & Szeider, S. (2014). Parameterized Complexity Results for Agenda Safety in Judgment Aggregation. In COMSOC 2014. International Workshop on Computational Social Choice (COMSOC), Krakow, Poland, EU.
Projects: Compilation (2014–2018) / Complex Reason (2010–2014) - Analyzing the Computational Complexity of Abstract Dialectical Frameworks via Approximation Fixpoint Theory / Strass, H., & Wallner, J. P. (2014). Analyzing the Computational Complexity of Abstract Dialectical Frameworks via Approximation Fixpoint Theory. In C. Baral, G. De Giacomo, & T. Eiter (Eds.), Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference (pp. 101–110). AAAI Press.
A SAT-Based Debugging Tool for State Machines and Sequence Diagrams
Kaufmann, P., Kronegger, M., Pfandler, A., Seidl, M., & Widl, M. (2014). A SAT-Based Debugging Tool for State Machines and Sequence Diagrams. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE) (pp. 21–40).
Projects: Boolean (2011–2019) / FAIR (2013–2018) / FAME (2011–2014) -
Incremental QBF Solving by DepQBF
Lonsing, F., & Egly, U. (2014). Incremental QBF Solving by DepQBF. In Mathematical Software – ICMS 2014 (pp. 307–314). Springer.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
Domain Expansion for ASP-Programs with External Sources
Eiter, T., Fink, M., Krennwallner, T., & Redl, C. (2014). Domain Expansion for ASP-Programs with External Sources (INFSYS RR-1843-14-02).
Project: ASP (2012–2015) - Semi-equilibrium models for paracoherent answer set programs / Amendola, G., Eiter, T., Leone, N., & Moura, J. (2014). Semi-equilibrium models for paracoherent answer set programs (INFSYS RR 1843-14-07).
- Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference, KR 2014, Vienna, Austria, July 20-24, 2014 / Baral, C., De Giacomo, G., & Eiter, T. (Eds.). (2014). Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference, KR 2014, Vienna, Austria, July 20-24, 2014. AAAI Press.
- Workshop Notes of the 6th International Workshop on Acquisition, Representation and Reasoning about Context with Logic (ARCOE-Logic 2014) / Fink, M., Homola, M., & Mileo, A. (Eds.). (2014). Workshop Notes of the 6th International Workshop on Acquisition, Representation and Reasoning about Context with Logic (ARCOE-Logic 2014). Computing Research Repository (CoRR).
- Informal Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics / Informal Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics. (2014). In M. Bienvenu, M. M. Ortiz de la Fuente, R. Rosati, & M. Simkus (Eds.), CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR-Proceedings.
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2014
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2014. (2014). In C. Sinz & U. Egly (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) - Graph Structures for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning / Graph Structures for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. (2014). In M. Croitoru, S. Rudolph, S. Woltran, & C. Gonzales (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
Long-Distance Resolution: Proof Generation and Strategy Extraction in Search-Based QBF Solving
Egly, U., Lonsing, F., & Widl, M. (2013). Long-Distance Resolution: Proof Generation and Strategy Extraction in Search-Based QBF Solving. In K. McMillan, A. Middeldorp, & A. Voronkov (Eds.), Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning (pp. 291–308). Springer.
Projects: Boolean (2011–2019) / FAME (2011–2014) -
Parameterized Complexity and Kernel Bounds for Hard Planning Problems
Bäckström, C., Jonsson, P., Ordyniak, S., & Szeider, S. (2013). Parameterized Complexity and Kernel Bounds for Hard Planning Problems. In P. G. Spirakis & M. Serna (Eds.), Algorithms and Complexity 8th International Conference, CIAC 2013, Barcelona, Spain, May 22-24, 2013. Proceedings. Springer / LNCS.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) - Making Use of Advances in Answer-Set Programming for Abstract Argumentation Systems / Dvořák, W., Gaggl, S. A., Wallner, J. P., & Woltran, S. (2013). Making Use of Advances in Answer-Set Programming for Abstract Argumentation Systems. In H. Tompits, S. Abreu, J. Oetsch, J. Puehrer, D. Seipel, M. Umeda, & A. Wolf (Eds.), Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (pp. 114–133). Springer.
- Generic Expression Hardness Results for Primitive Positive Formula Comparison / Bova, S., Chen, H., & Valeriote, M. (2013). Generic Expression Hardness Results for Primitive Positive Formula Comparison. Information and Computation, 222, 108–120.
A Model-Theoretic Approach to Belief Change in Answer Set Programming
Delgrande, J., Schaub, T., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2013). A Model-Theoretic Approach to Belief Change in Answer Set Programming. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 14(2), 1–46.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) - Discrete and continuous models for partitioning problems / Lellmann, J., Lellmann, B., Widmann, F., & Schnörr, C. (2013). Discrete and continuous models for partitioning problems. International Journal of Computer Vision, 104(3), 241–269.
SeaLion: An Eclipse-based IDE for Answer-Set Programming with Advanced Debugging Support
Busoniu, P.-A., Oetsch, J., Puehrer, J., Skocovsky, P., & Tompits, H. (2013). SeaLion: An Eclipse-based IDE for Answer-Set Programming with Advanced Debugging Support. In Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, Volume 13, Special Issue 4-5 (29th International Conference on Logic Programming) (pp. 657–673). Cambridge University Press.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
Upper and Lower Bounds for Weak Backdoor Set Detection
Misra, N., Ordyniak, S., Raman, V., & Szeider, S. (2013). Upper and Lower Bounds for Weak Backdoor Set Detection. In M. Järvisalo & A. Van Gelder (Eds.), Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2013 16th International Conference, Helsinki, Finland, July 8-12, 2013, Proceedings. Springer / LNCS.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Local Backbones
de Haan, R., Kanj, I., & Szeider, S. (2013). Local Backbones. In M. Järvisalo & A. Van Gelder (Eds.), Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2013 16th International Conference, Helsinki, Finland, July 8-12, 2013, Proceedings. LNCS / Springer.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
A SAT Approach to Clique-Width
Heule, M., & Szeider, S. (2013). A SAT Approach to Clique-Width. In M. Järvisalo & A. Van Gelder (Eds.), Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2013 16th International Conference, Helsinki, Finland, July 8-12, 2013, Proceedings. Springer / LNCS.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
HEX-Programs with Nested Program Calls
Eiter, T., Krennwallner, T., & Redl, C. (2013). HEX-Programs with Nested Program Calls. In H. Tompits, S. Abreu, J. Oetsch, J. Puehrer, D. Seipel, M. Umeda, & A. Wolf (Eds.), Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (pp. 269–278). Springer.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) -
Finding Similar/Diverse Solutions in Answer Set Programming
EITER, T., ERDEM, E., ERDOGAN, H., & FINK, M. (2013). Finding Similar/Diverse Solutions in Answer Set Programming. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 13(3), 303–359.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) - Complexity Classifications for logic-based Argumentation / Egly, U., Creignou, N., & Schmidt, J. (2013). Complexity Classifications for logic-based Argumentation. arXiv.
- Unification and Projectivity in De Morgan and Kleene Algebras / Bova, S., & Cabrer, L. (2013). Unification and Projectivity in De Morgan and Kleene Algebras. Order, 31(2), 159–187.
Liberal Safety for Answer Set Programs with External Sources
Eiter, T., Fink, M., Krennwallner, T., & Redl, C. (2013). Liberal Safety for Answer Set Programs with External Sources. In M. desJardins & M. Littman (Eds.), Twenty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-13) (pp. 267–275). AAAI Press.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
The Fourth Answer Set Programming Competition: Preliminary Report
Alviano, M., Calimeri, F., Charwat, G., Dao-Tran, M., Dodaro, C., Ianni, G., Krennwallner, T., Kronegger, M., Oetsch, J., Pfandler, A., Puehrer, J., Redl, C., Ricca, F., Schneider, P., Schwengerer, M., Spendier, L., Wallner, J. P., & Xiao, G. (2013). The Fourth Answer Set Programming Competition: Preliminary Report. In P. Cabalar & T. C. Son (Eds.), 12th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2013) (pp. 42–53). Springer.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) -
VCWC: A Versioning Competition Workflow Compiler
Charwat, G., Ianni, G., Krennwallner, T., Kronegger, M., Pfandler, A., Redl, C., Schwengerer, M., Spendier, L., Wallner, J. P., & Xiao, G. (2013). VCWC: A Versioning Competition Workflow Compiler. In T. C. Son & P. Cabalar (Eds.), 12th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2013) (pp. 233–238). Springer.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) - On Axiomatic Rejection for the Description Logic ALC / Berger, G., & Tompits, H. (2013). On Axiomatic Rejection for the Description Logic ALC. In M. Hanus & R. Rocha (Eds.), Kiel Declarative Programming Days 2013 (pp. 78–92).
Variable Dependencies and Q-Resolution
Slivovsky, F., & Szeider, S. (2013). Variable Dependencies and Q-Resolution. In F. Lonsing & M. Seidl (Eds.), International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas 2013 Informal Workshop Report (pp. 22–29).
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Reasoning about Explanations for Negative Query Answers in DL-Lite
Calvanese, D., Ortiz, M., Simkus, M., & Stefanoni, G. (2013). Reasoning about Explanations for Negative Query Answers in DL-Lite. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 48, 635–669.
Projects: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / Net2 (2010–2013) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
Kara: A System for Visualising and Visual Editing of Interpretations for Answer-Set Programs
Kloimüllner, C., Oetsch, J., Puehrer, J., & Tompits, H. (2013). Kara: A System for Visualising and Visual Editing of Interpretations for Answer-Set Programs. In Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management, 19th International Conference, INAP 2011 and 25th Workshop on Logic Programming, WLP 2011 Vienna, Austria, September 28-30, 2011 Revised Selected Papers (pp. 325–344). Springer, LNAI.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
Parameterized Complexity Results for Exact Bayesian Network Structure Learning
Ordyniak, S., & Szeider, S. (2013). Parameterized Complexity Results for Exact Bayesian Network Structure Learning. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 46, 263–302.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Satisfiability of acyclic and almost acyclic CNF formulas
Ordyniak, S., Paulusma, D., & Szeider, S. (2013). Satisfiability of acyclic and almost acyclic CNF formulas. Theoretical Computer Science, 481, 85–99.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Backdoors to q-Horn
Gaspers, S., Ordyniak, S., Ramanujan, M. S., Saurabh, S., & Szeider, S. (2013). Backdoors to q-Horn. In N. Portier & T. Wilke (Eds.), 30th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS´13) (pp. 67–79). Dagstuhl Publishing.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Eliminating Nonmonotonic DL-Atoms in Description Logic Programs
Wang, Y., You, J.-H., Yuan, L. Y., Shen, Y.-D., & Eiter, T. (2013). Eliminating Nonmonotonic DL-Atoms in Description Logic Programs. In D. Lembo & W. Faber (Eds.), Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (pp. 168–182).
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Global State Checker: Towards SAT-Based Reachability Analysis of Communicating State Machines
Kaufmann, P., Kronegger, M., Pfandler, A., Seidl, M., & Widl, M. (2013). Global State Checker: Towards SAT-Based Reachability Analysis of Communicating State Machines. In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Model Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation co-located with 16th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2013) (pp. 31–40). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Projects: Boolean (2011–2019) / FAIR (2013–2018) / FAME (2011–2014) -
Strong Backdoors to Bounded Treewidth SAT
Gaspers, S., & Szeider, S. (2013). Strong Backdoors to Bounded Treewidth SAT. In O. Reingold (Ed.), 2013 IEEE 54th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science. IEEE.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Guided Merging of Sequence Diagrams
Widl, M., Biere, A., Kaufmann, P., Egly, U., Heule, M., Kappel, G., Seidl, M., & Tompits, H. (2013). Guided Merging of Sequence Diagrams. In Software Language Engineering (pp. 164–183). Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7745.
Projects: Boolean (2011–2019) / FAME (2011–2014) - Marco Cadoli's Work on Nonmonotonic Reasoning / Eiter, T., & Gottlob, G. (2013). Marco Cadoli’s Work on Nonmonotonic Reasoning. Intelligenza Artificiale, 7(1), 7–17.
- Model-Based Recasting in Answer-Set Programming / Eiter, T., Fink, M., Pührer, J., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2013). Model-Based Recasting in Answer-Set Programming. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 23(1–2), 75–104.
The Parameterized Complexity of Constraint Satisfaction and Reasoning
Szeider, S. (2013). The Parameterized Complexity of Constraint Satisfaction and Reasoning. In H. Tompits, S. Abreu, J. Oetsch, J. Pührer, D. Seipel, M. Umeda, & A. Wolf (Eds.), Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (pp. 27–37). Springer / LNCS.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Revisiting Space in Proof Complexity: Treewidth and Pathwidth
Müller, M., & Szeider, S. (2013). Revisiting Space in Proof Complexity: Treewidth and Pathwidth. In K. Chatterjee & J. Sgall (Eds.), Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2013 (pp. 704–716). Springer / LNCS.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) - Questions around quantified boolean formulas / Egly, U. (2013). Questions around quantified boolean formulas. ANR Boole Réunion Finale, Paris, Frankreich, EU.
- Solving quantified Boolean formula / Egly, U. (2013). Solving quantified Boolean formula. Journées ANR BOOLE, Marseille, Frankreich, EU.
SAT Approach to Clique-Width
Szeider, S. (2013). SAT Approach to Clique-Width. Workshop on Graph Classes, Optimization, and Width Parameters (GROW), Santorini Island, Greece, EU.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Parameterized Complexity
Szeider, S. (2013). Parameterized Complexity. the International SAT/SMT Summer School, Espoo, Finland, EU.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) - Uniform Equivalence of Logic Programs under the Stable Model Semantics / Eiter, T., & Fink, M. (2013). Uniform Equivalence of Logic Programs under the Stable Model Semantics. 29th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2013), Istanbul, Non-EU.
- Reasoning and Query Answering in Description Logics / Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2013). Reasoning and Query Answering in Description Logics. School of the Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management, Puebla, Mexico, Non-EU.
Meta-Kernelization with Structural Parameters
Ganian, R. (2013). Meta-Kernelization with Structural Parameters. Contemporary Trends in Theoretical Computer Science (STTI 2013), Prague, Czech Republic, EU.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Meta-Kernelization with Structural Parameters
Ganian, R. (2013). Meta-Kernelization with Structural Parameters. Workshop on Graph Classes, Optimization, and Width Parameters (GROW), Santorini Island, Greece, EU.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
AngryHEX: An Angry Birds-playing Agent based on HEX-Programs
Calimeri, F., Fink, M., Germano, S., Ianni, G., Redl, C., Stepanova, D., & Wimmer, A. (2013). AngryHEX: An Angry Birds-playing Agent based on HEX-Programs. AngryBirds Competition 2013, Beijing, China, Non-EU.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) - Search-based QBF Solving: Basics, Recent Trends and Challenges / Lonsing, F. (2013). Search-based QBF Solving: Basics, Recent Trends and Challenges. JST ERATO Minato Discrete Strucure Manipulation System Project Seminar, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Non-EU.
- The QBF Gallery 2013 / Lonsing, F., & Seidl, M. (2013). The QBF Gallery 2013. International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas, Helsinki, EU.
- The QBF Gallery 2013 / Lonsing, F., & Seidl, M. (2013). The QBF Gallery 2013. 16th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing, Helsinki, EU.
Expanding the Expressive Power of Monadic Second-Order Logic on Restricted Graph Classes
Ganian, R., & Obdrálek, J. (2013). Expanding the Expressive Power of Monadic Second-Order Logic on Restricted Graph Classes. In T. Lecroq & L. Mouchard (Eds.), Combinatorial Algorithms - 24th International Workshop (pp. 164–177). Springer / LNCS.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
FO Model Checking of Interval Graphs
Ganian, R., Hlinený, P., Král, D., Obdrálek, J., Schwartz, J., & Teska, J. (2013). FO Model Checking of Interval Graphs. In Automata, Languages, and Programming - 40th International Colloquium (pp. 250–262). Springer / LNCS.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Model Counting for Formulas of Bounded Clique-Width
Slivovsky, F., & Szeider, S. (2013). Model Counting for Formulas of Bounded Clique-Width. In L. Cai, S.-W. Cheng, & T.-W. Lam (Eds.), Algorithms and Computation (pp. 677–687). Springer / LNCS.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Model Counting for CNF Formulas of Bounded Modular Treewidth
Paulusma, D., Slivovsky, F., & Szeider, S. (2013). Model Counting for CNF Formulas of Bounded Modular Treewidth. In N. Portier & T. Wilke (Eds.), 30th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS´13) (pp. 55–66). Dagstuhl Publishing.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
On the Subexponential Time Complexity of CSP
Kanj, I., & Szeider, S. (2013). On the Subexponential Time Complexity of CSP. In M. desJardins & M. Littman (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI´13) (pp. 459–465). AAAI Press.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Meta-kernelization with Structural Parameters
Ganian, R., Slivovsky, F., & Szeider, S. (2013). Meta-kernelization with Structural Parameters. In K. Chatterjee & J. Sgall (Eds.), Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2013 (pp. 457–468). Springer / LNCS.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Backdoors to Normality for Disjunctive Logic Programs
Fichte, J., & Szeider, S. (2013). Backdoors to Normality for Disjunctive Logic Programs. In M. desJardins & M. Littman (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI´13) (pp. 320–327). AAAI Press.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Parameterized Complexity Results for Plan Reuse
de Haan, R., Roubickova, A., & Szeider, S. (2013). Parameterized Complexity Results for Plan Reuse. In M. desJardins & M. Littman (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI´13) (pp. 224–231). AAAI Press.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Inconsistency Management for Description Logic Programs and Beyond
Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Stepanova, D. (2013). Inconsistency Management for Description Logic Programs and Beyond. In Web Reasoning and Rule Systems - 7th International Conference, RR 2013, Mannheim, Germany, July 27-29, 2013. Proceedings (pp. 1–3).
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Data Repair of Inconsistent DL-programs
Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Stepanova, D. (2013). Data Repair of Inconsistent DL-programs. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 869–876). AAAI Press.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Backdoors to Abduction
Pfandler, A., Rümmele, S., & Szeider, S. (2013). Backdoors to Abduction. In F. Rossi (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 1046–1052). AAAI Press.
Projects: Complex Reason (2010–2014) / FAIR (2013–2018) -
AngryHEX: An Artificial Player for Angry Birds Based on Declarative Knowledge Bases
Calimeri, F., Fink, M., Germano, S., Ianni, G., Redl, C., & Wimmer, A. (2013). AngryHEX: An Artificial Player for Angry Birds Based on Declarative Knowledge Bases. In M. Baldoni, F. Chesani, P. Mello, & M. Montali (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop Popularize Artificial Intelligence co-located with the 13th Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2013), Turin, Italy, December 5, 2013 (pp. 29–35).
Project: ASP (2012–2015) -
ActHEX: Implementing HEX Programs with Action Atoms
Fink, M., Germano, S., Ianni, G., Redl, C., & Schüller, P. (2013). ActHEX: Implementing HEX Programs with Action Atoms. In P. Cabalar & T. C. Son (Eds.), Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (pp. 317–322). Springer.
Project: ASP (2012–2015) - Efficient Clause Learning for Quantified Boolean Formulas via QBF Pseudo Unit Propagation / Lonsing, F., Egly, U., & Van Gelder, A. (2013). Efficient Clause Learning for Quantified Boolean Formulas via QBF Pseudo Unit Propagation. In Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2013 (pp. 100–115).
Grounding HEX-Programs with Expanding Domains
Eiter, T., Fink, M., Krennwallner, T., & Redl, C. (2013). Grounding HEX-Programs with Expanding Domains. In D. Pearce, S. Tasharrofi, E. Ternovska, & C. Vidal (Eds.), 2nd Workshop on Grounding and Transformations for Theories With Variables (GTTV’13) (p. 13).
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) -
Lightweight Spatial Conjunctive Query Answering Using Keywords
Eiter, T., Krennwallner, T., & Schneider, P. (2013). Lightweight Spatial Conjunctive Query Answering Using Keywords. In P. Cimiano, O. Corcho, V. Presutti, L. Hollink, & S. Rudolph (Eds.), The Semantic Web: Semantics and Big Data (pp. 243–258). Springer.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / MyITS (2011–2013) / Net2 (2010–2013) -
Semantics-Aware Versioning Challenge: Merging Sequence Diagrams along with State Machine Diagrams
Kaufmann, P., Seidl, M., & Widl, M. (2013). Semantics-Aware Versioning Challenge: Merging Sequence Diagrams along with State Machine Diagrams. In Softwaretechnik-Trends (pp. 1–3). Gesellschaft für Informatik.
Projects: Boolean (2011–2019) / FAME (2011–2014) -
The SeaLion has Landed: An IDE for Answer-Set Programming-Preliminary Report
Oetsch, J., Puehrer, J., & Tompits, H. (2013). The SeaLion has Landed: An IDE for Answer-Set Programming-Preliminary Report. In Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management, 19th International Conference, INAP 2011, and 25th Workshop on Logic Programming, WLP 2011, Vienna, Austria, September 28-30, 2011, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 305–324). Springer, LNAI.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
Ontology Based Query Answering: The Story So Far
Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2013). Ontology Based Query Answering: The Story So Far. In L. Bravo & M. Lenzerini (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management (pp. 1–14). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Project: SemDat (2012–2016) -
Tractability Guarantees for DL-Lite Query Answering
Bienvenu, M., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Simkus, M., & Xiao, G. (2013). Tractability Guarantees for DL-Lite Query Answering. In T. Eiter, B. Glimm, Y. Kazakov, & M. Krötzsch (Eds.), Informal Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Description Logics (pp. 41–52). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / Net2 (2010–2013) / SEE (2012–2016) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
Evolving Graph Databases under Description Logic Constraints
Calvanese, D., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2013). Evolving Graph Databases under Description Logic Constraints. In T. Eiter, B. Glimm, Y. Kazakov, & M. Krötzsch (Eds.), Informal Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Description Logics (pp. 120–131). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Projects: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / Net2 (2010–2013) / SemDat (2012–2016) - Towards Query Answering in Relational Multi-Context Systems / Barilaro, R., Fink, M., Ricca, F., & Terracina, G. (2013). Towards Query Answering in Relational Multi-Context Systems. In P. Cabalar & T. C. Son (Eds.), Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 12th International Conference, LPNMR 2013, Corunna, Spain, September 15-19, 2013. Proceedings (pp. 168–173). Springer.
Debugging Answer-Set Programs with Ouroboros - Extending the SeaLion Plugin
Frühstück, M., Puehrer, J., & Friedrich, G. (2013). Debugging Answer-Set Programs with Ouroboros - Extending the SeaLion Plugin. In Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 12th International Conference, LPNMR 2013, Corunna, Spain, September 2013, Proceedings (pp. 323–328). Springer.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
Conjunctive Regular Path Queries in Lightweight Description Logics
Bienvenu, M., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2013). Conjunctive Regular Path Queries in Lightweight Description Logics. In F. Rossi (Ed.), IJCAI 2013, Proceedings of the 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 761–767). AAAI Press.
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / Net2 (2010–2013) / SEE (2012–2016) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
Tractable Queries for Lightweight Description Logics
Bienvenu, M., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Simkus, M., & Xiao, G. (2013). Tractable Queries for Lightweight Description Logics. In F. Rossi (Ed.), IJCAI 2013, Proceedings of the 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 768–774). AAAI Press.
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / Net2 (2010–2013) / SEE (2012–2016) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
Solution extraction from long-distance resolution proofs
Egly, U., & Widl, M. (2013). Solution extraction from long-distance resolution proofs. In M. Seidl & F. Lonsing (Eds.), International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas 2013 Informal Workshop Report (p. 10).
Projects: Boolean (2011–2019) / FAME (2011–2014) -
Defeasibility in contextual reasoning with CKR
Bozzato, L., Eiter, T., & Serafini, L. (2013). Defeasibility in contextual reasoning with CKR. In Working Notes of the 5th International Workshop on Acquisition, Representation and Reasoning with Contextualized Knowledge (ARCOE-LogIC 2013) (p. 13).
Project: ASP (2012–2015) -
Hex Semantics via Approximation Fixpoint Theory
Antić, C., Eiter, T., & Fink, M. (2013). Hex Semantics via Approximation Fixpoint Theory. In P. Cabalar & T. C. Son (Eds.), Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (pp. 102–115).
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) - Learning Non-Ground Rules for Answer-Set Solving / Weinzierl, A. (2013). Learning Non-Ground Rules for Answer-Set Solving. In D. Pearce, S. Tasharrofi, E. Ternovska, & C. Vidal (Eds.), 2nd Workshop on Grounding and Transformations for Theories With Variables (GTTV’13) (p. 13).
Capturing Structure in Hard Combinatorial Problems.
Szeider, S. (2013). Capturing Structure in Hard Combinatorial Problems. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI). The IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Special Track on SAT and CSP Technologies (ICTAI), Washington D.C., USA, Non-EU.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Declarative Dynamic Programming as an Alternative Realization of Courcelle’s Theorem
Bliem, B., Pichler, R., & Woltran, S. (2013). Declarative Dynamic Programming as an Alternative Realization of Courcelle’s Theorem. In G. Gutin & S. Szeider (Eds.), Parameterized and Exact Computation (pp. 28–40). Springer.
Project: D-Flat (2013–2017) - Model-Based Recasting in Answer-Set Programming / Eiter, T., Fink, M., Puehrer, J., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2013). Model-Based Recasting in Answer-Set Programming (DBAI-TR-2013-83).
- Proceedings of Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms (ASPOCP 2013), 6th International Workshop, August 25, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey / Fink, M., & Lierler, Y. (Eds.). (2013). Proceedings of Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms (ASPOCP 2013), 6th International Workshop, August 25, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey. Computing Research Repository (CoRR).
Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management, 19th International Conference, INAP 2011 and 25th Workshop on Logic Programming, WLP 2011 Vienna, Austria, September 28-30, 2011, Revised Selected Papers
Tompits, H., Abreu, S., Oetsch, J., Puehrer, J., Seipel, D., Umeda, M., & Wolf, A. (Eds.). (2013). Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management, 19th International Conference, INAP 2011 and 25th Workshop on Logic Programming, WLP 2011 Vienna, Austria, September 28-30, 2011, Revised Selected Papers. Springer, LNAI.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) - Workshop Notes of the 5th International Workshop on Acquisition, Representation and Reasoning with Contextualized Knowledge ARCOE-13 September 15, 2013, La Corunna, Spain / Fink, M., Homola, M., Mileo, A., & Varzinczak, I. (Eds.). (2013). Workshop Notes of the 5th International Workshop on Acquisition, Representation and Reasoning with Contextualized Knowledge ARCOE-13 September 15, 2013, La Corunna, Spain. Online Publication.
- Informal Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Description Logics / Informal Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Description Logics. (2013). In T. Eiter, B. Glimm, Y. Kazakov, & M. Krötzsch (Eds.), CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
MFCS & CSL 2010 Satellite Workshops: Selected Papers, Fundamenta Informaticae 123
MFCS & CSL 2010 Satellite Workshops: Selected Papers, Fundamenta Informaticae 123. (2013). In A. Kucera, I. Potapov, A. Ciabattoni, S. Szeider, & R. Freivalds (Eds.), Fundamenta Informaticae. IOS Press.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Parameterized and Exact Computation, 8th International Symposium, IPEC 2013 (LNCS 8246)
Gutin, G., & Szeider, S. (Eds.). (2013). Parameterized and Exact Computation, 8th International Symposium, IPEC 2013 (LNCS 8246). Springer-Verlag.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014)
- Forgetting for Defeasible Logic / Antoniou, G., Eiter, T., & Wang, K. (2012). Forgetting for Defeasible Logic. In N. Bjørner & A. Voronkov (Eds.), Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning (pp. 77–91). LNCS, Springer.
The Complexity of Planning Revisited - A Parameterized Analysis
Bäckström, C., Chen, Y., Jonsson, P., Ordyniak, S., & Szeider, S. (2012). The Complexity of Planning Revisited - A Parameterized Analysis. In J. Hoffmann & B. Selman (Eds.), Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2012) (pp. 1735–1741). AAAI Press.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) - The Added Value of Argumentation / Modgil, S., Toni, F., Bex, F., Bratko, I., Chesñevar, C. I., Dvořák, W., Falappa, M. A., Fan, X., Gaggl, S. A., García, A. J., González, M. P., Gordon, T. F., Leite, J., Možina, M., Reed, C., Simari, G. R., Szeider, S., Torroni, P., & Woltran, S. (2012). The Added Value of Argumentation. In S. Ossowski (Ed.), Agreement Technologies (pp. 357–403). Springer Netherlands.
Tractable Answer-Set Programming with Weight Constraints: Bounded Treewidth is not Enough
PICHLER, R., RÜMMELE, S., SZEIDER, S., & WOLTRAN, S. (2012). Tractable Answer-Set Programming with Weight Constraints: Bounded Treewidth is not Enough. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 14(2), 141–164.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Parameterized Complexity Results for General Factors in Bipartite Graphs with an Application to Constraint Programming
Gutin, G., Kim, E. J., Soleimanfallah, A., Szeider, S., & Yeo, A. (2012). Parameterized Complexity Results for General Factors in Bipartite Graphs with an Application to Constraint Programming. Algorithmica, 64(1), 112–125.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
On Graph Contractions and Induced Minors
van ’t Hof, P., Kamiński, M., Paulusma, D., Szeider, S., & Thilikos, D. M. (2012). On Graph Contractions and Induced Minors. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 160(6), 799–809.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) - Editing Graphs to Satisfy Degree Constraints: A Parameterized Approach / Mathieson, L., & Szeider, S. (2012). Editing Graphs to Satisfy Degree Constraints: A Parameterized Approach. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 78(1), 179–191.
Parameterizing by the Number of Numbers
Fellows, M. R., Gaspers, S., & Rosamond, F. A. (2012). Parameterizing by the Number of Numbers. Theory of Computing Systems, 50(4), 675–693.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
A universally fastest algorithm for Max 2-Sat, Max 2-CSP, and everything in between
Gaspers, S., & Sorkin, G. B. (2012). A universally fastest algorithm for Max 2-Sat, Max 2-CSP, and everything in between. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 78(1), 305–335.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
On Independent Sets and Bicliques in Graphs
Gaspers, S., Kratsch, D., & Liedloff, M. (2012). On Independent Sets and Bicliques in Graphs. Algorithmica, 62(3–4), 637–658.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
A Branch-and-Reduce Algorithm for Finding a Minimum Independent Dominating Set
Gaspers, S., & Liedloff, M. (2012). A Branch-and-Reduce Algorithm for Finding a Minimum Independent Dominating Set. DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE, 78–89.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Tractable Answer-Set Programming with Weight Constraints: Bounded Treewidth is not Enough
Pichler, R., Rümmele, S., Szeider, S., & Woltran, S. (2012). Tractable Answer-Set Programming with Weight Constraints: Bounded Treewidth is not Enough. CoRR - Computing Research Repository.
Project: TTPC (2008–2012) -
Comparing the Expressiveness of Argumentation Semantics
Dvorak, W., & Spanring, C. (2012). Comparing the Expressiveness of Argumentation Semantics. In B. Verheij, S. Szeider, & S. Woltran (Eds.), Proceedings of Computational Models of Argument - Proceedings of COMMA 2012 (pp. 261–272). Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications / IOS Press.
Project: Argu (2009–2012) -
Comparing Inconsistency Resolutions in Multi-Context Systems
Weinzierl, A. (2012). Comparing Inconsistency Resolutions in Multi-Context Systems. In D. Lassiter & M. Slavkovik (Eds.), New Directions in Logic, Language, and Computation ESSLLI 2010 and ESSLLI 2011 Student Sessions, Selected Papers (pp. 158–174). Springer, LNCS.
Project: IncMan (2009–2012) -
The Good, the Bad, and the Odd: Cycles in Answer-Set Programs
Fichte, J. K. (2012). The Good, the Bad, and the Odd: Cycles in Answer-Set Programs. In D. Lassiter & M. Slavkovik (Eds.), New Directions in Logic, Language, and Computation ESSLLI 2010 and ESSLLI 2011 Student Sessions, Selected Papers (pp. 78–90). Springer LNCS.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Abstract Argumentation via Monadic Second Order Logic
Dvořák, W., Szeider, S., & Woltran, S. (2012). Abstract Argumentation via Monadic Second Order Logic. In E. Hüllermeier, S. Link, T. Fober, & B. Seeger (Eds.), Scalable Uncertainty Management 6th International Conference, SUM 2012, Marburg, Germany, September 17-19, 2012, Proceedings (pp. 85–98). Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Springer.
Projects: Argu (2009–2012) / Complex Reason (2010–2014) - Datalog and Its Extensions for Semantic Web Databases / Gottlob, G., Orsi, G., Pieris, A., & Šimkus, M. (2012). Datalog and Its Extensions for Semantic Web Databases. In T. Eiter & T. Krennwallner (Eds.), Reasoning Web - Semantic Technologies for Advanced Query Answering 8th International Summer School 2012, Vienna, Austria, September 3-8, 2012. Proceedings (pp. 54–77). Springer LNCS.
Reasoning and Query Answering in Description Logics
Ortiz, M., & Šimkus, M. (2012). Reasoning and Query Answering in Description Logics. In T. Eiter & T. Krennwallner (Eds.), Reasoning Web - Semantic Technologies for Advanced Query Answering : 8th International Summer School 2012, Vienna, Austria, September 3-8, 2012. Proceedings (pp. 1–53). Springer LNCS.
Projects: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
Uniform Evaluation of Nonmonotonic DL-Programs
Eiter, T., Krennwallner, T., Schneider, P., & Xiao, G. (2012). Uniform Evaluation of Nonmonotonic DL-Programs. In T. Lukasiewicz & A. Sali (Eds.), Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (pp. 1–22). Springer.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
The Answer Set Programming Competition
Calimeri, F., Ianni, G., Krennwallner, T., & Ricca, F. (2012). The Answer Set Programming Competition. AI Magazine, 33(4), 114–118.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Conflict-driven ASP solving with external sources
EITER, T., FINK, M., KRENNWALLNER, T., & REDL, C. (2012). Conflict-driven ASP solving with external sources. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 12(4–5), 659–679.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Augmenting Tractable Fragments of Abstract Argumentation
Dvořák, W., Ordyniak, S., & Szeider, S. (2012). Augmenting Tractable Fragments of Abstract Argumentation. Artificial Intelligence, 186, 157–173.
Projects: Argu (2009–2012) / Complex Reason (2010–2014) - Detection of Windows in Facades Using Image Processing Algorithms / Miljanovic, M., Egly, U., & Eiter, T. (2012). Detection of Windows in Facades Using Image Processing Algorithms. Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, 3(4), 539–547.
On the Small-Scope Hypothesis for Testing Answer-Set Programs
Oetsch, J., Prischink, M., Puehrer, J., Schwengerer, M., & Tompits, H. (2012). On the Small-Scope Hypothesis for Testing Answer-Set Programs. In 13th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (pp. 43–53). AAAI Press.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
Parsing Combinatory Categorial Grammar via Planning in Answer Set Programming
Lierler, Y., & Schüller, P. (2012). Parsing Combinatory Categorial Grammar via Planning in Answer Set Programming. In E. Erdem, J. Lee, Y. Lierler, & D. Pearce (Eds.), Correct Reasoning (pp. 436–453). Springer LNCS.
Project: IncMan (2009–2012) - Simulating Production Rules Using ACTHEX / Eiter, T., Feier, C., & Fink, M. (2012). Simulating Production Rules Using ACTHEX. In E. Erdem, J. Lee, Y. Lierler, & D. Pearce (Eds.), Correct Reasoning (pp. 211–228). Springer, LNCS 7265.
Event-Sequence Testing using Answer-Set Programming
Brain, M., Erdem, E., Inoue, K., Oetsch, J., Puehrer, J., Tompits, H., & Yilmaz, C. (2012). Event-Sequence Testing using Answer-Set Programming. International Journal On Advances in Software, 5(3 & amp; 4), 15.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
Conflict-driven ASP Solving with External Sources
Eiter, T., Fink, M., Krennwallner, T., & Redl, C. (2012). Conflict-driven ASP Solving with External Sources. arXiv.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
The DReW System for Nonmonotonic DL-Programs
Xiao, G., Eiter, T., & Heymans, S. (2012). The DReW System for Nonmonotonic DL-Programs. In J. Li (Ed.), Proceedings of Joint Conference of the Sixth Chinese Semantic Web Symposium and the First Chinese Web Science Conference. Sprlinger.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
OMiGA : An Open Minded Grounding On-The-Fly Answer Set Solver
Dao-Tran, M., Eiter, T., Fink, M., Weidinger, G., & Weinzierl, A. (2012). OMiGA : An Open Minded Grounding On-The-Fly Answer Set Solver. In L. F. del Cerro, A. Herzig, & J. Mengin (Eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 480–483). Springer.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Backdoors to Satisfaction
Gaspers, S., & Szeider, S. (2012). Backdoors to Satisfaction. In H. L. Bodlaender, R. G. Downey, F. Fomin, & D. Marx (Eds.), The Multivariate Algorithmic Revolution and Beyond (pp. 287–317). Springer LNCS.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Stepwise Debugging of Description-Logic Programs
Oetsch, J., Puehrer, J., & Tompits, H. (2012). Stepwise Debugging of Description-Logic Programs. In Correct Reasoning - Essays on Logic-Based AI in Honour of Vladimir Lifschitz (pp. 492–508). Springer, LNCS 7265.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
Inconsistency Managment for Traffic Regulations
Beck, H., Eiter, T., & Krennwallner, T. (2012). Inconsistency Managment for Traffic Regulations. In B. Srivastava, F. Lecue, & A. Joshi (Eds.), The AAAI 2012 Workshop on Semantic Cities (p. 6). AAAI Press.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / MyITS (2011–2013) / Net2 (2010–2013) -
Semantically Enriched Multi-Modal Routing
Eiter, T., Krennwallner, T., Prandtstetter, M., Rudloff, C., Schneider, P., & Straub, M. (2012). Semantically Enriched Multi-Modal Routing. In V. Blervaque & R. Pfliegl (Eds.), 19th ITS World Congress (ITS World 2012) (p. 10). ERTICO-ITS Europe.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / MyITS (2011–2013) / Net2 (2010–2013) - Utilizing ASP for Generating and Visualizing Argumentation Frameworks / Charwat, G., Wallner, J. P., & Woltran, S. (2012). Utilizing ASP for Generating and Visualizing Argumentation Frameworks. In M. Fink & Y. Lierler (Eds.), 5th Workshop on Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms (ASPOCP 2012) (p. 15). CoRR.
Worst-Case Optimal Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs
Feier, C. (2012). Worst-Case Optimal Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs. In G. Brewka, T. Eiter, & S. McIlraith (Eds.), 13th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (pp. 608–612). AAAI Press.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) - Extending Object-Oriented Languages by Declarative Specifications of Complex Objects using Answer-Set Programming / Oetsch, J., Puehrer, J., & Tompits, H. (2012). Extending Object-Oriented Languages by Declarative Specifications of Complex Objects using Answer-Set Programming. In 26th Workshop on Logic Programming (WLP 2012) (pp. 129–137).
LANA: A Language for Annotating Answer-Set Programs
De Vos, M., Kisa, D. G., Oetsch, J., Puehrer, J., & Tompits, H. (2012). LANA: A Language for Annotating Answer-Set Programs. In 14th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (p. 9).
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
The Complexity of Explaining Negative Query Answers in DL-Lite
Calvanese, D., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Simkus, M., & Stefanoni, G. (2012). The Complexity of Explaining Negative Query Answers in DL-Lite. In G. Brewka, T. Eiter, & S. McIlraith (Eds.), Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference, KR 2012 (pp. 583–587). AAAI Press.
Projects: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / Net2 (2010–2013) / SemDat (2012–2016) - Strong Equivalence of Qualitative Optimization Problems / Faber, W., Truszczynski, M., & Woltran, S. (2012). Strong Equivalence of Qualitative Optimization Problems. In G. Brewka, T. Eiter, & S. McIlraith (Eds.), Proceedings of 13#^{th} int. conf. on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (pp. 188–198). AAAI Press.
Mapping between RDF and XML with XSPARQL
Bischof, S., Decker, S., Krennwallner, T., & Polleres, A. (2012). Mapping between RDF and XML with XSPARQL. Journal on Data Semantics, 1(3), 147–185.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / Net2 (2010–2013) -
Conjunctive query answering in the description logic SH using knots
Eiter, T., Ortiz, M., & Šimkus, M. (2012). Conjunctive query answering in the description logic SH using knots. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 78(1), 47–85.
Projects: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / Net2 (2010–2013) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
Inconsistency Management for Traffic Regulations: Formalization and Complexity Results
Beck, H., Eiter, T., & Krennwallner, T. (2012). Inconsistency Management for Traffic Regulations: Formalization and Complexity Results. In L. F. del Cerro, A. Herzig, & J. Mengin (Eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 80–93). Springer.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / MyITS (2011–2013) -
Test Case Generation by Grammar-based Fuzzing for Model-driven Engineering
Widl, M. (2012). Test Case Generation by Grammar-based Fuzzing for Model-driven Engineering. In A. Biere, A. Nahir, & T. Vos (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eighth Haifa Verification Conference (p. 2).
Projects: Boolean (2011–2019) / FAME (2011–2014) -
qbf2epr: A Tool for Generating EPR Formulas from QBF
Seidl, M., Lonsing, F., & Biere, A. (2012). qbf2epr: A Tool for Generating EPR Formulas from QBF. In P. Fontaine, R. Schmidt, & S. Schulz (Eds.), Proceedings of PAAR 2012 (p. 8).
Project: FAME (2011–2014) -
Resolution-Based Certificate Extraction for QBF
Niemetz, A., Preiner, M., Lonsing, F., Seidl, M., & Biere, A. (2012). Resolution-Based Certificate Extraction for QBF. In A. Cimatti & R. Sebastiani (Eds.), Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing -- SAT 2012 (pp. 430–435). Springer LNCS.
Project: FAME (2011–2014) -
Guided Merging of Sequence Diagrams
Widl, M., Biere, A., Kaufmann, P., Egly, U., Heule, M., Kappel, G., Seidl, M., & Tompits, H. (2012). Guided Merging of Sequence Diagrams. In K. Czarnecki & G. Hedin (Eds.), SLE 2012 - Pre-proceedings (pp. 163–182).
Projects: Boolean (2011–2019) / FAME (2011–2014) -
Parameterized Complexity
Szeider, S. (2012). Parameterized Complexity. The Logic and Interactions Winter School, CIRM, Marseille, France, EU.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
The Parameterized Complexity of Propositional Satisfiability
Szeider, S. (2012). The Parameterized Complexity of Propositional Satisfiability. Statistical Mechanics of Unsatisfiability and Glasses, Ferry Stockholm-Mariehamn and Hotel Arkipelag, Mariehamn, Åland, EU.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Parameterized Complexity Results for Probabilistic Network Structure Learning
Szeider, S. (2012). Parameterized Complexity Results for Probabilistic Network Structure Learning. Workshop on Applications of Parameterized Algorithms and Complexit, Warwick, UK, EU.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
On sequent systems and resolution for quantified boolean formulas
Egly, U. (2012). On sequent systems and resolution for quantified boolean formulas. Dagstuhl Seminar 12471 - SAT Interactions, Dagstuhl, Deutschland, EU.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
A new learning scheme for QDPLL solvers
Egly, U. (2012). A new learning scheme for QDPLL solvers. Dagstuhl Seminar 12461: Games and Decisions for Rigorous Systems Engineering, Dagstuhl, Deutschland, EU.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
dynPARTIX 2.0 - Dynamic Programming Argumentation Reasoning Tool
Charwat, G., & Dvorak, W. (2012). dynPARTIX 2.0 - Dynamic Programming Argumentation Reasoning Tool. In B. Verheij, S. Szeider, & S. Woltran (Eds.), Proceedings of Computational Models of Argument - Proceedings of COMMA 2012 (pp. 507–508). Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications / IOS Press.
Project: Argu (2009–2012) -
Complexity of logic-based argumentation in Schaefer's framework
Egly, U., Creignou, N., & Schmidt, J. (2012). Complexity of logic-based argumentation in Schaefer’s framework. In B. Verheij, S. Szeider, & S. Woltran (Eds.), Computational Models of Argument (pp. 237–248). IOS Press.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
On Sequent Systems and Resolution for QBFs
Egly, U. (2012). On Sequent Systems and Resolution for QBFs. In Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2012 (pp. 100–113). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Project: Boolean (2011–2019) -
Linked Stream Data Processing Engines: Facts and Figures
Le-Phuoc, D., Dao-Tran, M., Pham, M.-D., Boncz, P., Eiter, T., & Fink, M. (2012). Linked Stream Data Processing Engines: Facts and Figures. In P. Cudre-Mauroux (Ed.), The Semantic Web – ISWC 2012 (pp. 300–312). Springer.
Project: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) -
Paraconsistent Hybrid Theories
Fink, M. (2012). Paraconsistent Hybrid Theories. In G. Brewka, T. Eiter, & S. McIlraith (Eds.), Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference, KR 2012, Rome, Italy, June 10-14, 2012 (pp. 391–401). AAAI Press.
Projects: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Semantic Independence in DL-programs
Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Stepanova, D. (2012). Semantic Independence in DL-programs. In M. Krötzsch & U. Straccia (Eds.), Web Reasoning and Rule Systems - 6th International Conference, RR 2012, Vienna, Austria, September 10-12, 2012. Proceedings (pp. 58–74). Springer.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Answering Expressive Path Queries over Lightweight DL Knowledge Bases
Bienvenu, M., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2012). Answering Expressive Path Queries over Lightweight DL Knowledge Bases. In Y. Kazakov, D. Lembo, & F. Wolter (Eds.), Proc. of the 2012 International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2012) (pp. 81–91).
Projects: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / Net2 (2010–2013) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
Backdoors to Normality for Disjunctive Logic Programs
Fichte, J., & Szeider, S. (2012). Backdoors to Normality for Disjunctive Logic Programs. In Y. Lierler & M. Fink (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms (ASPOCP 2012) (pp. 99–113).
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Valued-Based Argumentation for Tree-like Value Graphs
Kim, E. J., & Ordyniak, S. (2012). Valued-Based Argumentation for Tree-like Value Graphs. In B. Verheij, S. Szeider, & S. Woltran (Eds.), Fourth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (Comma 2012) (pp. 378–389). IOS Press.
Projects: Complex Reason (2010–2014) / Complexity (2011–2013) -
k-Gap Interval Graphs
Fomin, F. V., Gaspers, S., Golovach, P., Suchan, K., Szeider, S., van Leeuwen, E. J., Vatshelle, M., & Villanger, Y. (2012). k-Gap Interval Graphs. In D. Fernández-Baca (Ed.), LATIN 2012: Theoretical Informatics (pp. 350–361). Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Springer.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Strong Backdoors to Nested Satisfiability
Gaspers, S., & Szeider, S. (2012). Strong Backdoors to Nested Satisfiability. In A. Cimatti & R. Sebastiani (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifteen International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2012) (pp. 58–71). LNCS / Springer.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Computing Resolution-Path Dependencies in Linear Time ,
Slivovsky, F., & Szeider, S. (2012). Computing Resolution-Path Dependencies in Linear Time ,. In A. Cimatti & R. Sebastiani (Eds.), Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2012 (pp. 58–71). LNCS / Springer.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Backdoors to Acyclic SAT
Gaspers, S., & Szeider, S. (2012). Backdoors to Acyclic SAT. In Automata, Languages, and Programming (pp. 363–374). Springer-Verlag.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Don't Be Strict in Local Search!
Gaspers, S., Kim, E. J., Ordyniak, S., Saurabh, S., & Szeider, S. (2012). Don’t Be Strict in Local Search! In J. Hoffmann & B. Selman (Eds.), Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2012) (pp. 486–492). AAAI Press.
Projects: Complex Reason (2010–2014) / Complexity (2011–2013) -
On Finding Optimal Polytrees
Gaspers, S., Koivisto, M., Liedloff, M., Ordyniak, S., & Szeider, S. (2012). On Finding Optimal Polytrees. In J. Hoffmann & B. Selman (Eds.), Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2012) (pp. 750–756). AAAI Press.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Towards Practical Query Answering for Horn SHIQ.
Eiter, T., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Simkus, M., Tran, T.-K., & Xiao, G. (2012). Towards Practical Query Answering for Horn SHIQ. In Y. Kazakov, D. Lembo, & F. Wolter (Eds.), Proc. of the 2012 International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2012) (pp. 158–168). CEUR workshop proceedings.
Projects: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
An FLP-Style Answer-Set Semantics for Abstract-Constraint Programs with Disjunctions
Oetsch, J., Puehrer, J., & Tompits, H. (2012). An FLP-Style Answer-Set Semantics for Abstract-Constraint Programs with Disjunctions. In Technical Communications of the 28th International Conference on Logic Programming (p. 12). LIPIcs, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) - Annotating Answer-Set Programs in LANA / DE VOS, M., KISA, D. G., OETSCH, J., PÜHRER, J., & TOMPITS, H. (2012). Annotating Answer-Set Programs in LANA. In Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (pp. 619–637). Cambridge University Press.
Eliminating Unfounded Set Checking for HEX-Programs
Eiter, T., Fink, M., Krennwallner, T., Redl, C., & Schüller, P. (2012). Eliminating Unfounded Set Checking for HEX-Programs. In M. Fink & Y. Lierler (Eds.), Proceedings of Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms (ASPOCP 2012), 5th International Workshop, September 4, 2012, Budapest, Hungary (p. 15). CoRR - Computing Research Repository.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Exploiting Unfounded Sets for HEX-Program Evaluation
Eiter, T., Fink, M., Krennwallner, T., Redl, C., & Schüller, P. (2012). Exploiting Unfounded Sets for HEX-Program Evaluation. In L. F. del Cerro, A. Herzig, & J. Mengin (Eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 160–175). Springer.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) - Evaluating Abstract Dialectical Frameworks with ASP / Ellmauthaler, S., & Wallner, J. P. (2012). Evaluating Abstract Dialectical Frameworks with ASP. In B. Verheij, S. Szeider, & S. Woltran (Eds.), Proceedings of Computational Models of Argument - Proceedings of COMMA 2012 (pp. 505–506). IOS Press.
Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Finding Minimal Models
Lackner, M., & Pfandler, A. (2012). Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Finding Minimal Models. In G. Brewka, T. Eiter, & S. McIlraith (Eds.), Proceedings of 13#^{th} int. conf. on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (p. 11). AAAI Press.
Project: TTPC (2008–2012) - Computational Aspects of cf2 and stage2 Argumentation Semantics. / Dvorak, W., & Gaggl, S. (2012). Computational Aspects of cf2 and stage2 Argumentation Semantics. In B. Verheij, S. Szeider, & S. Woltran (Eds.), Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (pp. 273–284). “Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications” series/IOS Press.
Complexity-Sensitive Decision Procedures for Abstract Argumentation
Dvorak, W., Järvisalo, M., Wallner, J. P., & Woltran, S. (2012). Complexity-Sensitive Decision Procedures for Abstract Argumentation. In G. Brewka, T. Eiter, & S. McIlraith (Eds.), Proceedings of 13#^{th} int. conf. of Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (pp. 54–64). AAAI Press.
Project: Argu (2009–2012) -
Belief Revision within Fragments of Propositional Logic
Creignou, N., Papini, O., Pichler, R., & Woltran, S. (2012). Belief Revision within Fragments of Propositional Logic. In G. Brewka, T. Eiter, & S. McIlraith (Eds.), Proceedings of 13#^{th} int. conf. on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (p. 11). AAAI Press.
Project: TTPC (2008–2012) -
Towards Semantics-Aware Merge Support in Optimistic Model Versioning
Kaufmann, P., Egly, U., Gabmeyer, S., Kappel, G., Seidl, M., Tompits, H., Widl, M., & Wimmer, M. (2012). Towards Semantics-Aware Merge Support in Optimistic Model Versioning. In Models in Software Engineering (pp. 246–256). Springer LNCS.
Projects: Boolean (2011–2019) / FAME (2011–2014) -
Towards Scenario-Based Testing of UML Diagrams
Kaufmann, P., Egly, U., Gabmeyer, S., Kappel, G., Seidl, M., Tompits, H., Widl, M., & Wimmer, M. (2012). Towards Scenario-Based Testing of UML Diagrams. In Tests and Proofs (pp. 149–155). Springer.
Projects: Boolean (2011–2019) / FAME (2011–2014) -
Answer Set Programming with External Sources
Redl, C. (2012). Answer Set Programming with External Sources. In A. Dovier & V. S. Costa (Eds.), Technical Communications of the 28th International Conference on Logic Programming (pp. 469–475). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics / Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik.
Project: ASP (2012–2015) -
Inconsistency Measurement based on Variables in Minimal Unsatisfiable Subsets
Xiao, G., & Ma, Y. (2012). Inconsistency Measurement based on Variables in Minimal Unsatisfiable Subsets. In C. Bessiere, L. D. Raedt, D. Dubois, P. Doherty, P. Frasconi, F. Heintz, & P. Lucas (Eds.), Proceedings of 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 864–869). IOS Press.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Query Rewriting for Horn-SHIQ Plus Rules
Eiter, T., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Simkus, M., Tran, T.-K., & Xiao, G. (2012). Query Rewriting for Horn-SHIQ Plus Rules. In J. Hoffmann & B. Selman (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 726–733). AAAI Press.
Projects: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / Net2 (2010–2013) / SemDat (2012–2016) -
A Framework for the Specification of Random SAT and QSAT Formulas
Creignou, N., Egly, U., & Seidl, M. (2012). A Framework for the Specification of Random SAT and QSAT Formulas. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Tests and Proofs (TAP 2012) (pp. 163–168). Springer.
Project: FAME (2011–2014) -
Improving HEX-Program Evaluation based on Unfounded Sets
Eiter, T., Fink, M., Krennwallner, T., Redl, C., & Schüller, P. (2012). Improving HEX-Program Evaluation based on Unfounded Sets (RR-1843-12-08).
Project: ASP (2012–2015) -
Abstract Argumentation via Monadic Second Order Logic.
Dvorak, W., Szeider, S., & Woltran, S. (2012). Abstract Argumentation via Monadic Second Order Logic. (DBAI-TR-2012-79).
Projects: Argu (2009–2012) / Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Finding Explanations of Inconsistency in Multi-Context Systems
Eiter, T., Fink, M., Schüller, P., & Weinzierl, A. (2012). Finding Explanations of Inconsistency in Multi-Context Systems (INFSYS RR-1843-12-09).
Project: IncMan (2009–2012) -
Managing Inconsistency in Multi-Context Systems using the IMPL Policy Language
Eiter, T., Fink, M., Ianni, G., & Schüller, P. (2012). Managing Inconsistency in Multi-Context Systems using the IMPL Policy Language (INFSYS RR-1843-12-05).
Project: IncMan (2009–2012) -
A Paraconsistent Semantics for Hybrid Theories
Fink, M. (2012). A Paraconsistent Semantics for Hybrid Theories (INFSYS RR-1843-12-02).
Project: IncMan (2009–2012) - Proceedings of Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms (ASPOCP 2012), 5th International Workshop, September 4, 2012, Budapest, Hungary / Fink, M., & Lierler, Y. (Eds.). (2012). Proceedings of Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms (ASPOCP 2012), 5th International Workshop, September 4, 2012, Budapest, Hungary. Computing Research Repository (CoRR).
Fourth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2012)
Verheij, B., Szeider, S., & Woltran, S. (Eds.). (2012). Fourth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2012). IOS Press.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Reasoning Web. Semantic Technologies for Advanced Query Answering
Reasoning Web. Semantic Technologies for Advanced Query Answering. (2012). In T. Eiter & T. Krennwallner (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer LNCS 7487.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / MyITS (2011–2013) / Net2 (2010–2013) - Workshop Notes of the 4th International Workshop on Acquisition, Representation and Reasoning with Contextualized Knowledge ARCOE-12 August 28, 2012 Montpellier, France / Fink, M., Homola, M., Mileo, A., & Varzinczak, I. (Eds.). (2012). Workshop Notes of the 4th International Workshop on Acquisition, Representation and Reasoning with Contextualized Knowledge ARCOE-12 August 28, 2012 Montpellier, France. Online Publication.
- Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference, KR 2012 / Brewka, G., Eiter, T., & McIlraith, S. (Eds.). (2012). Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference, KR 2012. AAAI Press.
- The Complexity of Conjunctive Query Abduction in DL-Lite / Calvanese, D., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Simkus, M., & Stefanoni, G. (2011). The Complexity of Conjunctive Query Abduction in DL-Lite. In R. Rosati, S. Rudolph, & M. Zakharyaschev (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL-2011), Barcelona, Spain, July 13-16, 2011 (p. 11). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems: A Flexible Approach for Integrating Heterogeneous Knowledge Sources
Brewka, G., Eiter, T., & Fink, M. (2011). Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems: A Flexible Approach for Integrating Heterogeneous Knowledge Sources. In M. Balduccini & T. C. Son (Eds.), Logic Programming, Knowledge Representation, and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (pp. 233–258). Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems: Recent Advancements
Fink, M. (2011). Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems: Recent Advancements. Sabanci University Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey.
Project: IncMan (2009–2012) -
A General Framework for Equivalences in Answer-Set Programming by Countermodels in the Logic of Here-and-There
FINK, M. (2011). A General Framework for Equivalences in Answer-Set Programming by Countermodels in the Logic of Here-and-There. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 11(2–3), 171–202.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) - Well-founded semantics for description logic programs in the Semantic Web / Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Lukasiewicz, T., & Schindlauer, R. (2011). Well-founded semantics for description logic programs in the Semantic Web. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 12(2), 1–41.
Embedding Non-Ground Logic Programs into Autoepistemic Logic for Knowledge Base Combination
Bruijn, J. D., Eiter, T., Polleres, A., & Tompits, H. (2011). Embedding Non-Ground Logic Programs into Autoepistemic Logic for Knowledge Base Combination. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 12(3), 1–39.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
The Parameterized Complexity of k-Flip Local Search for SAT and MAX SAT
Szeider, S. (2011). The Parameterized Complexity of k-Flip Local Search for SAT and MAX SAT. Discrete Optimization, 8(1), 139–145.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
A Probabilistic Approach to Problems Parameterized Above or Below Tight Bounds
Gutin, G., Kim, E. J., Szeider, S., & Yeo, A. (2011). A Probabilistic Approach to Problems Parameterized Above or Below Tight Bounds. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 77(2), 422–429.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Monadic Second Order Logic on Graphs with Local Cardinality Constraints
Szeider, S. (2011). Monadic Second Order Logic on Graphs with Local Cardinality Constraints. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 12(2), 1–21.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Clause-learning algorithms with many restarts and bounded-width resolution
Atserias, A., Fichte, J. K., & Thurley, M. (2011). Clause-learning algorithms with many restarts and bounded-width resolution. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 40, 353–373.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Algorithms and Complexity Results for Persuasive Argumentation
Kim, E. J., Ordyniak, S., & Szeider, S. (2011). Algorithms and Complexity Results for Persuasive Argumentation. Artificial Intelligence, 175(9–10), 1722–1736.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) - Digraph decompositions and monotonicity in digraph searching / Kreutzer, S., & Ordyniak, S. (2011). Digraph decompositions and monotonicity in digraph searching. Theoretical Computer Science, 412(35), 4688–4703.
- On the Complexity of Some Colorful Problems Parameterized by Treewidth / Fellows, M. R., Fomin, F. V., Lokshtanov, D., Rosamond, F., Saurabh, S., Szeider, S., & Thomassen, C. (2011). On the Complexity of Some Colorful Problems Parameterized by Treewidth. Information and Computation, 209(2), 143–153.
- Kernels for Feedback Arc Set In Tournaments / Bessy, S., Fomin, F. V., Gaspers, S., Paul, C., Perez, A., Saurabh, S., & Thomassé, S. (2011). Kernels for Feedback Arc Set In Tournaments. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 77(6), 1071–1078.
- Tractable Cases of the Extended Global Cardinality Constraint / Samer, M., & Szeider, S. (2011). Tractable Cases of the Extended Global Cardinality Constraint. Constraints, 16(1), 1–24.
- Parameterized Proof Complexity / Dantchev, S. S., Martin, B., & Szeider, S. (2011). Parameterized Proof Complexity. Computational Complexity, 20(1), 51–85.
Solving MAX-r-SAT Above a Tight Lower Bound
Alon, N., Gutin, G., Kim, E. J., Szeider, S., & Yeo, A. (2011). Solving MAX-r-SAT Above a Tight Lower Bound. Algorithmica, 61(3), 638–655.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Answer Set Programming at a Glance
Brewka, G., Eiter, T., & Truszczyński, M. (2011). Answer Set Programming at a Glance. Communications of the ACM, 54(12), 92–103.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) - Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs and f-hybrid knowledge bases / FEIER, C., & HEYMANS, S. (2011). Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs and f-hybrid knowledge bases. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 13(3), 395–463.
Stepping through an Answer-Set Program
Oetsch, J., Puehrer, J., & Tompits, H. (2011). Stepping through an Answer-Set Program. In Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning. 11th International Conference, LPNMR 2011 (pp. 134–147). Springer.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
Random vs. Structure-Based Testing of Answer-Set Programs: An Experimental Comparison
Janhunen, T., Niemelä, I., Oetsch, J., Puehrer, J., & Tompits, H. (2011). Random vs. Structure-Based Testing of Answer-Set Programs: An Experimental Comparison. In Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning. 11th International Conference, LPNMR 2011 (pp. 242–247). Springer.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
Pushing Efficient Evaluation of HEX Programs by Modular Decomposition
Eiter, T., Fink, M., Ianni, G., Krennwallner, T., & Schüller, P. (2011). Pushing Efficient Evaluation of HEX Programs by Modular Decomposition. In J. P. Delgrande & W. Faber (Eds.), Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning. 11th International Conference, LPNMR 2011 (pp. 93–106). Springer.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Gentzen-Type Refutation Systems for Three-Valued Logics with an Application to Disproving Strong Equivalence
Oetsch, J., & Tompits, H. (2011). Gentzen-Type Refutation Systems for Three-Valued Logics with an Application to Disproving Strong Equivalence. In Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning. 11th International Conference, LPNMR 2011 (pp. 254–259). Springer.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
Symmetry Breaking for Distributed Multi-Context Systems
Drescher, C., Eiter, T., Fink, M., Krennwallner, T., & Walsh, T. (2011). Symmetry Breaking for Distributed Multi-Context Systems. In J. P. Delgrande & W. Faber (Eds.), Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning. 11th International Conference, LPNMR 2011 (pp. 26–39). Springer.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) / Net2 (2010–2013) -
Answer-Set Programming as a new Approach to Event-Sequence Testing
Erdem, E., Inoue, K., Oetsch, J., Puehrer, J., Tompits, H., & Yilmaz, C. (2011). Answer-Set Programming as a new Approach to Event-Sequence Testing. In Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle (pp. 25–34). Xpert Publishing Services.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) - Finding Similar/Diverse Solutions in Answer Set Programming / EITER, T., ERDEM, E., ERDOGAN, H., & FINK, M. (2011). Finding Similar/Diverse Solutions in Answer Set Programming. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 13(3), 303–359.
- Finding Similar/Diverse Solutions in Answer Set Programming / Eiter, T., Erdem, E., Erdogan, H., & Fink, M. (2011). Finding Similar/Diverse Solutions in Answer Set Programming. arXiv.
Symmetry Breaking for Distributed Multi-Context Systems
Drescher, C., Eiter, T., Fink, M., Krennwallner, T., & Walsh, T. (2011). Symmetry Breaking for Distributed Multi-Context Systems. arXiv.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) - A Practical Automata-Based Technique for Reasoning in Expressive Description Logics / Calvanese, D., Carbotta, D., & Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2011). A Practical Automata-Based Technique for Reasoning in Expressive Description Logics. In T. Walsh (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 798–804). AAAI Press/International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence.
Multivariate Complexity Theory
Fellows, M. R., Gaspers, S., & Rosamond, F. (2011). Multivariate Complexity Theory. In E. K. Blum & A. V. Aho (Eds.), Computer Science (pp. 269–293). Springer.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Dynamic Distributed Nonmontonic Multi-Context Systems
Dao-Tran, M., Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Krennwallner, T. (2011). Dynamic Distributed Nonmontonic Multi-Context Systems. In G. Brewka, V. Marek, & M. Truszczynski (Eds.), Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Essays Celebrating its 30th Anniversary. College Publications.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Kara: A System for Visualising and Visual Editing of Interpretations for Answer-Set Programs
Kloimüllner, C., Oetsch, J., Puehrer, J., & Tompits, H. (2011). Kara: A System for Visualising and Visual Editing of Interpretations for Answer-Set Programs. In 19th International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (INAP 2011) and 25th Workshop on Logic Programming (WLP 2011) (pp. 152–164). INFSYS Research Report.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
Relational Information Exchange and Aggregation in Multi-Context Systems
Fink, M., Ghionna, L., & Weinzierl, A. (2011). Relational Information Exchange and Aggregation in Multi-Context Systems. In J. P. Delgrande & W. Faber (Eds.), Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (pp. 120–133). Springer.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Mapping between RDF and XML with XSPARQL
Bischof, S., Decker, S., Krennwallner, T., Lopes, N., & Polleres, A. (2011). Mapping between RDF and XML with XSPARQL (DERI-TR-2011-04-04).
Project: Net2 (2010–2013) -
Query Answering in the Horn Fragments of the Description Logics SHOIQ and SROIQ
Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Rudolph, S., & Simkus, M. (2011). Query Answering in the Horn Fragments of the Description Logics SHOIQ and SROIQ. In T. Walsh (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 1039–1044). AAAI Press/International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) - Containment of Regular Path Queries under Description Logic Constraints / Calvanese, D., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2011). Containment of Regular Path Queries under Description Logic Constraints. In T. Walsh (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 805–812). AAAI Press/International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence.
Managed Multi-Context Systems
Brewka, G., Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Weinzierl, A. (2011). Managed Multi-Context Systems. In T. Walsh (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 786–791). AAAI Press/International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) - On a new Idiom in the study of Entailment / Jennings, R. E., Chen, Y., & Sahasrabudhe, J. (2011). On a new Idiom in the study of Entailment. Logica Universalis, 5(1), 101–113.
Approximations for Explanations of Inconsistency in Partially Known Multi-Context Systems
Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Schüller, P. (2011). Approximations for Explanations of Inconsistency in Partially Known Multi-Context Systems. In J. P. Delgrande & W. Faber (Eds.), Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (pp. 107–119). Springer.
Project: IncMan (2009–2012) -
HEX Programs with Action Atoms
Fink, M. (2011). HEX Programs with Action Atoms. DIADEM 1.0 Workshop, Vienna, Austria, Austria.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / IncMan (2009–2012) - Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems in Dynamic Environments / Eiter, T. (2011). Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems in Dynamic Environments. International Workshop on Logic-Based Interpretation of Context: Modelling and Applications, Potsdam, Deutschland, EU.
Pushing Efficient Evaluation of HEX Programs by Modular Decomposition
Eiter, T., Fink, M., Ianni, G., Krennwallner, T., & Schüller, P. (2011). Pushing Efficient Evaluation of HEX Programs by Modular Decomposition. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, Austria.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) - DPLL Procedures for Non-clausal SAT and QSAT Problems / Egly, U. (2011). DPLL Procedures for Non-clausal SAT and QSAT Problems. Workshop on Computational Logics and Applications, Wien, Austria.
- Paracoherent Answer Set Programming / Eiter, T. (2011). Paracoherent Answer Set Programming. Workshop on Logic and Computer Science, Vienna, Austria.
Pushing Efficient Evaluation of HEX Programs by Modular Decomposition
Eiter, T., Fink, M., Ianni, G., Krennwallner, T., & Schüller, P. (2011). Pushing Efficient Evaluation of HEX Programs by Modular Decomposition. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, Austria.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Promoting Modular Nonmonotonic Logic Programs
Krennwallner, T. (2011). Promoting Modular Nonmonotonic Logic Programs. Net2 WP3 Mini-Workshop, Galway, Ireland, EU.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) / Net2 (2010–2013) -
Recent Advancements in Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems
Fink, M. (2011). Recent Advancements in Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems. In 19th International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (INAP 2011) (p. 2). TU Wien.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Towards a Uniform Framework to Support the Evolution of Software Models
Widl, M. (2011). Towards a Uniform Framework to Support the Evolution of Software Models. In Proceedings of the Doctoral Symposium at MODELS 2011 (p. 8).
Projects: Boolean (2011–2019) / FAME (2011–2014) -
Advancing Multi-Context Systems by Inconsistency Management
Weinzierl, A. (2011). Advancing Multi-Context Systems by Inconsistency Management. In C. V. Damasio, A. Preece, & U. Straccia (Eds.), Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium and Poster Session (p. 8).
Project: IncMan (2009–2012) -
Semantic Reasoning with SPARQL in Heterogeneous Multi-context Systems
Schüller, P., & Weinzierl, A. (2011). Semantic Reasoning with SPARQL in Heterogeneous Multi-context Systems. In C. Salinesi & O. Pastor (Eds.), Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications (pp. 575–585). Springer.
Project: IncMan (2009–2012) - A Native and Adaptive Approach for Unified Processing of Linked Streams and Linked Data / Le-Phuoc, D., Dao-Tran, M., Xavier Parreira, J., & Hauswirth, M. (2011). A Native and Adaptive Approach for Unified Processing of Linked Streams and Linked Data. In The Semantic Web – ISWC 2011 (pp. 370–388). Springer.
The SeaLion has Landed: An IDE for Answer-Set Programming-Preliminary Report
Oetsch, J., Puehrer, J., & Tompits, H. (2011). The SeaLion has Landed: An IDE for Answer-Set Programming-Preliminary Report. In 19th International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (INAP 2011) and 25th Workshop on Logic Programming (WLP 2011) (pp. 141–151). INFSYS Research Report.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
The Good, the Bad, and the Odd: Cycles in Answer-Set Programs
Fichte, J. (2011). The Good, the Bad, and the Odd: Cycles in Answer-Set Programs. In Proceedings of the 2011 ESSLLI Student Session (23rd European Summer School in Logic, Language, & Information) (p. 9).
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Complexity of Splits Reconstruction for Low-Degree Trees
Gaspers, S., Liedloff, M., Stein, M., & Suchan, K. (2011). Complexity of Splits Reconstruction for Low-Degree Trees. In Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (pp. 167–178). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Satisfiability of Acyclic and almost Acyclic CNF Formulas (II)
Ordyniak, S., Paulusma, D., & Szeider, S. (2011). Satisfiability of Acyclic and almost Acyclic CNF Formulas (II). In Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2011 (pp. 47–60). Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Backdoors to Tractable Answer-Set Programming
Fichte, J., & Szeider, S. (2011). Backdoors to Tractable Answer-Set Programming. In T. Walsh (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 863–868).
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Augmenting Tractable Fragments of Abstract Argumentation
Ordyniak, S., & Szeider, S. (2011). Augmenting Tractable Fragments of Abstract Argumentation. In T. Walsh (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 1033–1038).
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Kernels for Global Constraints
Gaspers, S., & Szeider, S. (2011). Kernels for Global Constraints. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2011) (pp. 540–545).
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Limits of Preprocessing
Szeider, S. (2011). Limits of Preprocessing. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2011) (pp. 93–98).
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
The Parameterized Complexity of Local Consistency
Gaspers, S., & Szeider, S. (2011). The Parameterized Complexity of Local Consistency. In Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming – CP 2011 (pp. 302–316). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
VIDEAS: Supporting Answer-Set Program Development using Model-Driven Engineering Techniques
Oetsch, J., Puehrer, J., Seidl, M., Tompits, H., & Zwickl, P. (2011). VIDEAS: Supporting Answer-Set Program Development using Model-Driven Engineering Techniques. In Proceedings of the MELO 2011Workshop: Model-Driven Engineering, Logic and Optimization: friends or foes? (p. 16).
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
VIDEAS: A Development Tool for Answer-Set Programs Based on Model-Driven Engineering Technology
Oetsch, J., Pührer, J., Seidl, M., Tompits, H., & Zwickl, P. (2011). VIDEAS: A Development Tool for Answer-Set Programs Based on Model-Driven Engineering Technology. In Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (pp. 382–387). Springer.
Projects: FAME (2011–2014) / Methods (2009–2013) -
Parsing Combinatory Categorial Grammar with Answer Set Programming: Preliminary Report
Lierler, Y., & Schüller, P. (2011). Parsing Combinatory Categorial Grammar with Answer Set Programming: Preliminary Report. In S. Abreu, J. Oetsch, J. Puehrer, D. Seipel, H. Tompits, M. Umeda, & A. Wolf (Eds.), 19th International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (INAP 2011) and 25th Workshop on Logic Programming (WLP 2011) (pp. 208–219). INFSYS Research Report.
Project: IncMan (2009–2012) - Inline Evaluation of Hybrid Knowledge Bases - PhD Description / Xiao, G., & Eiter, T. (2011). Inline Evaluation of Hybrid Knowledge Bases - PhD Description. In S. Rudolph & C. Gutierrez (Eds.), Web Reasoning and Rule Systems - 5th International Conference (pp. 300–305). Springer LNCS.
- DC Proposal: Towards a Framework for Efficient Query Answering and Integration of Geospatial Data / Schneider, P. (2011). DC Proposal: Towards a Framework for Efficient Query Answering and Integration of Geospatial Data. In L. Aroyo, C. Welty, H. Alani, J. Taylor, A. Bernstein, L. Kagal, N. Noy, & E. Blomqvist (Eds.), 10th International Semantic Web Conference 2011 (pp. 349–356). Springer.
Nested HEX-Programs
Eiter, T., Krennwallner, T., & Redl, C. (2011). Nested HEX-Programs. In H. Tompits (Ed.), 19th International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (INAP 2011) (p. 6). Computing Research Repository (CoRR), arXiv.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Declarative Merging of and Reasoning about Decision Diagrams
Eiter, T., Krennwallner, T., & Redl, C. (2011). Declarative Merging of and Reasoning about Decision Diagrams. In A. Dal Palù, A. Dovier, & A. Formisano (Eds.), Workshop on Constraint Based Methods for Bioinformatics 2011 (WCB 2011) (p. 13). Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Universita degli Studi di Perugia.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Towards a Policy Language for Managing Inconsistency in Multi-Context Systems
Eiter, T., Fink, M., Ianni, G., & Schüller, P. (2011). Towards a Policy Language for Managing Inconsistency in Multi-Context Systems. In A. Mileo & M. Fink (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Logic-based Interpretation of Context: Modelling and Applications (p. 13). CEUR workshop proceedings.
Project: IncMan (2009–2012) -
Promoting Modular Nonmonotonic Logic Programs
Krennwallner, T. (2011). Promoting Modular Nonmonotonic Logic Programs. In J. Gallagher & M. Gelfond (Eds.), Technical Communications of the 27th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP’11) (p. 6). Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) / Net2 (2010–2013) -
Model Streaming for Distributed Multi-Context Systems
Dao-Tran, M., Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Krennwallner, T. (2011). Model Streaming for Distributed Multi-Context Systems. In A. Mileo & M. Fink (Eds.), 2nd International Workshop on Logic-based Interpretation of Context: Modeling and Applications (p. 12). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) / Net2 (2010–2013) -
First-Order Encodings of Modular Nonmonotonic Logic Programs
Dao-Tran, M., Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Krennwallner, T. (2011). First-Order Encodings of Modular Nonmonotonic Logic Programs. In O. de Moor, G. Gottlob, T. Furche, & A. Sellers (Eds.), Datalog Reloaded, 1st International Workshop on Datalog 2010 (pp. 59–77). Springer.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Declarative Belief Set Merging Using Merging Plans
Redl, C., Eiter, T., & Krennwallner, T. (2011). Declarative Belief Set Merging Using Merging Plans. In R. Rocha & J. Launchbury (Eds.), Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (pp. 99–114). Springer.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Towards Semantics-Aware Merge Support in Optimistic Model Versioning
Kaufmann, P., Egly, U., Gabmeyer, S., Kappel, G., Seidl, M., Tompits, H., Widl, M., & Wimmer, M. (2011). Towards Semantics-Aware Merge Support in Optimistic Model Versioning. In Proceedings of the Models and Evolution Workshop @ MoDELS’11 (p. 10).
Projects: Boolean (2011–2019) / FAME (2011–2014) / FAME (2011–2014) - D2.6 Consistency Maintenance. Final Report / Fink, M., El Ghali, A., Chniti, A., Korf, R., Schwichtenberg, A., Lévy, F., Puehrer, J., & Eiter, T. (2011). D2.6 Consistency Maintenance. Final Report (D2.6).
- D3.4 Converged and Optimized Combinations of Rules and Ontologies / Feier, C., Eiter, T., Kifer, M., Mosca, A., Rezk, M., Rosati, R., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Simkus, M., Tran, T.-K., & Xiao, G. (2011). D3.4 Converged and Optimized Combinations of Rules and Ontologies (D3.4).
- Worst-Case Optimal Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs / Feier, C. (2011). Worst-Case Optimal Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs (INFSYS RR-1843-11-07).
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Logic-Based Interpretation of Context: Modelling and Applications, Vancouver, Canada, May 16, 2011
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Logic-Based Interpretation of Context: Modelling and Applications, Vancouver, Canada, May 16, 2011. (2011). In A. Mileo & M. Fink (Eds.), CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) - Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (INAP 2011) and 25th Workshop on Logic Programming (WLP 2011) / Abreu, S., Oetsch, J., Puehrer, J., Seipel, D., Tompits, H., Umeda, M., & Wolf, A. (Eds.). (2011). Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (INAP 2011) and 25th Workshop on Logic Programming (WLP 2011). TU Wien.
FDNC: Decidable nonmonotonic Disjunctive Logic Programs with Function Symbols
Eiter, T., & Šimkus, M. (2010). FDNC: Decidable nonmonotonic Disjunctive Logic Programs with Function Symbols. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 11(2), 1–50.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) - Tightly coupled fuzzy description logic programs under the answer set semantics for the Semantic Web / Lukasiewicz, T., & Straccia, U. (2010). Tightly coupled fuzzy description logic programs under the answer set semantics for the Semantic Web. In M. Lytras & A. Sheth (Eds.), Progressive Concepts for Semantic Web Evolution: Applications and Developments (pp. 237–256). Information Science Reference.
- A SAT Solver for Circuits Based on the Tableau Method / Egly, U., & Haller, L. (2010). A SAT Solver for Circuits Based on the Tableau Method. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, 24(1), 15–23.
- Exact exponential-time algorithms for finding bicliques / Binkele-Raible, D., Fernau, H., Gaspers, S., & Liedloff, M. (2010). Exact exponential-time algorithms for finding bicliques. Information Processing Letters, 111(2), 64–67.
- A novel combination of answer set programming with description logics for the Semantic Web / Lukasiewicz, T. (2010). A novel combination of answer set programming with description logics for the Semantic Web. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 22(11), 1577–1592.
Logical Foundations of RDF(S) with Datatypes
De Bruijn, J., & Heymans, S. (2010). Logical Foundations of RDF(S) with Datatypes. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 38, 535–568.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) - Updating action domain descriptions / Eiter, T., Erdem, E., Fink, M., & Senko, J. (2010). Updating action domain descriptions. Artificial Intelligence, 174(15), 1172–1221.
Dealing with Inconsistency When Combining Ontologies and Rules Using DL-Programs
Pührer, J., Heymans, S., & Eiter, T. (2010). Dealing with Inconsistency When Combining Ontologies and Rules Using DL-Programs. In A. Lora, G. Antoniou, E. Hyvönen, A. ten Teije, H. Stuckenschmidt, L. Cabral, & T. Tudorache (Eds.), The Semantic Web: Research and Applications : 7th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2010, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 30 - June 2, 2010, Proceedings, Part I (pp. 183–197). Springer.
Projects: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / Methods (2009–2013) - Datalog+/-: A Family of Logical Knowledge Representation and Query Languages for New Applications / Calì, A., Gottlob, G., Lukasiewicz, T., Marnette, B., & Pieris, A. (2010). Datalog+/-: A Family of Logical Knowledge Representation and Query Languages for New Applications. In J.-P. Jouannaud (Ed.), 2010 25th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science. IEEE Computer Society.
- Ontological reasoning with F-Logic Lite and its extensions / Cali, A., Gottlob, G., Kifer, M., Lukasiewicz, T., & Pieris, A. (2010). Ontological reasoning with F-Logic Lite and its extensions. In M. Fox & D. Poole (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2010) (pp. 1660–1665). AAAI Press.
A General Framework for Equivalences in Answer-Set Programming by Countermodels in the Logic of Here-and-There
Fink, M. (2010). A General Framework for Equivalences in Answer-Set Programming by Countermodels in the Logic of Here-and-There. arXiv.
Project: IncMan (2009–2012) - Datalog extensions for tractable query answering over ontologies / Cali, A., Gottlob, G., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2010). Datalog extensions for tractable query answering over ontologies. In R. De Virgilio, F. Giunchiglia, & L. Tanca (Eds.), Semantic Web Information Management: A Model-Based Perspective (pp. 249–279). Springer.
- The Model Checking Problem for Prefix Classes of Second-Order Logic: A Survey / Eiter, T., Gottlob, G., & Schwentick, T. (2010). The Model Checking Problem for Prefix Classes of Second-Order Logic: A Survey. In A. Blass, N. Dershowitz, & W. Reisig (Eds.), Fields of Logic and Computation (pp. 227–250). Springer LNCS.
RDF and XML: Towards a Unified Query Layer
Lopes, N., Polleres, A., Passant, A., Decker, S., Bischof, S., Berrueta, D., Campos, A., Corlosquet, S., Erling, O., Euzenat, J., Idehen, K., Kopecký, J., Krennwallner, T., Palmisano, D., Saarela, J., & Zaremba, M. (2010). RDF and XML: Towards a Unified Query Layer. In D. Wood, S. Decker, & I. Herman (Eds.), W3C Workshop on RDF Next Steps (p. 5).
Project: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) - Constraint Satisfaction with Bounded Treewidth Revisited / Samer, M., & Szeider, S. (2010). Constraint Satisfaction with Bounded Treewidth Revisited. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 76(2), 103–114.
HEX Programs with Action Atoms
Basol, S., Erdem, O., Fink, M., & Ianni, G. (2010). HEX Programs with Action Atoms. In M. Hermenegildo & T. Schaub (Eds.), Technical Communications of the 26th International Conference on Logic Programming, ICLP 2010, July 16-19, 2010, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK (pp. 24–33). Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik.
Project: IncMan (2009–2012) - Redundancy Elimination on RDF Graphs in the Presence of Rules, Constraints, and Queries / Pichler, R., Polleres, A., Skritek, S., & Woltran, S. (2010). Redundancy Elimination on RDF Graphs in the Presence of Rules, Constraints, and Queries. In P. Hitzler & T. Lukasiewicz (Eds.), Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (pp. 133–148). Lecture Notes/ Springer.
- Semantic search on the Web / Fazzinga, B., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2010). Semantic search on the Web. Semantic Web: Interoperability, Usability, Applicability, 1(1/2), 89–96.
- Semantic Web search based on ontological conjunctive queries / Fazzinga, B., Gianforme, G., Gottlob, G., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2010). Semantic Web search based on ontological conjunctive queries. In S. Link & H. Prade (Eds.), Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (pp. 153–172). Springer LNCS.
- Combining Semantic Web search with the power of inductive reasoning / d´Amato, C., Fanizzi, N., Fazzinga, B., Gottlob, G., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2010). Combining Semantic Web search with the power of inductive reasoning. In A. Deshpande & A. Hunter (Eds.), Scalable Uncertainty Management (pp. 137–150). Springer LNCS.
Algorithms for Propositional Model Counting
Samer, M., & Szeider, S. (2010). Algorithms for Propositional Model Counting. Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 8(1), 50–64.
Project: Complexity (2011–2013) - Computational Complexity and Anytime Algorithm for Inconsistency Measurement / Ma, Y., Qi, G., Xiao, G., Hitzler, P., & Lin, Z. (2010). Computational Complexity and Anytime Algorithm for Inconsistency Measurement. Int. J. Software and Informatics, 1, 3–21.
Answer-Set Programming Encodings for Argumentation Frameworks
Egly, U., Gaggl, S., & Woltran, S. (2010). Answer-Set Programming Encodings for Argumentation Frameworks. Argument and Computation, 1(2), 147–177.
Projects: Argu (2009–2012) / TTPC (2008–2012) - Application of artificial intelligence in Geodesy - A review of theoretical foundations and practical examples / Reiterer, A., Egly, U., Vicovac, T., Mai, E., Moafipoor, S., Grejner-Brzezinska, D. A., & Toth, C. K. (2010). Application of artificial intelligence in Geodesy - A review of theoretical foundations and practical examples. Journal of Applied Geodesy, 4(4).
Journal of Discrete Algorithms 8(2) - Editorial
Broersma, H., Dantchev, S. S., Johnson, M., & Szeider, S. (2010). Journal of Discrete Algorithms 8(2) - Editorial. Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 8(2), iii–iv.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Meta-Reasoning in Multi-Context Systems
Weinzierl, A., Fink, M., & Eiter, T. (2010). Meta-Reasoning in Multi-Context Systems. Junior Scientist Conference 2010, Wien, Austria.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Methods and Algorithms for Managing Inconsistency in Multi-Context Systems
Schüller, P. (2010). Methods and Algorithms for Managing Inconsistency in Multi-Context Systems. Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Doctoral Consortium (KR-DC), Toronto, Canada, Non-EU.
Project: IncMan (2009–2012) -
Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems: A Flexible Approach for Integrating Heterogeneous Knowledge Sources
Brewka, G., Eiter, T., & Fink, M. (2010). Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems: A Flexible Approach for Integrating Heterogeneous Knowledge Sources. Symposium on Constructive Mathematics in Computer Science, Lexington, KY, USA, Non-EU.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) - Tractable Reasoning with DL-Programs over Datalog-rewritable Description Logics / Heymans, S. (2010). Tractable Reasoning with DL-Programs over Datalog-rewritable Description Logics. Workshop on Hybrid Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (HKRR), Wien, Austria.
Distributed Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems
Dao-Tran, M., Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Krennwallner, T. (2010). Distributed Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems. Workshop on Hybrid Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (HKRR), Wien, Austria.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) - Finding Explanations of Inconsistency in Multi-Context Systems / Eiter, T., Fink, M., Schüller, P., & Weinzierl, A. (2010). Finding Explanations of Inconsistency in Multi-Context Systems. Workshop on Hybrid Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (HKRR), Wien, Austria.
- Combining Nonmonotonic Knowledge Bases with External Sources / Eiter, T. (2010). Combining Nonmonotonic Knowledge Bases with External Sources. Workshop on Hybrid Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (HKRR), Wien, Austria.
- Reasoning in Logic Programs with Function Symbols and Negation under the Stable Model Semantics / Simkus, M. (2010). Reasoning in Logic Programs with Function Symbols and Negation under the Stable Model Semantics. Workshop on Hybrid Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (HKRR), Wien, Austria.
- A Logical Semantics for Description Logic Programs / Fink, M., & Pearce, D. (2010). A Logical Semantics for Description Logic Programs. Workshop on Hybrid Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (HKRR), Wien, Austria.
- Paracoherent Answer Set Programming / Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Moura, J. (2010). Paracoherent Answer Set Programming. Workshop on Hybrid Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (HKRR), Wien, Austria.
Towards Approximating Output-Projected Equilibria in Partially Known Multi-Context Systems
Schüller, P., Eiter, T., & Fink, M. (2010). Towards Approximating Output-Projected Equilibria in Partially Known Multi-Context Systems. Junior Scientist Conference 2010, Wien, Austria.
Project: IncMan (2009–2012) -
Combining Nonmonotonic Knowledge Bases for Modular and Distributed Knowledge-Based Information Systems
Krennwallner, T. (2010). Combining Nonmonotonic Knowledge Bases for Modular and Distributed Knowledge-Based Information Systems. In T. Eiter, A. El Ghali, S. Fernández, S. Heymans, T. Krennwallner, & F. Lévy (Eds.), 1st International Workshop on Business Models, Business Rules and Ontologies (BuRO 2010) (p. 41). Ontorule Project.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Space Efficient Evaluation of ASP Programs with Bounded Predicate Arities
Eiter, T., Mushthofa, M., & Faber, W. (2010). Space Efficient Evaluation of ASP Programs with Bounded Predicate Arities. In M. Fox & D. Poole (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2010) (pp. 303–308). AAAI Press.
Projects: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) - Inductive reasoning and semantic web search / d’Amato, C., Esposito, F., Fanizzi, N., Fazzinga, B., Gottlob, G., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2010). Inductive reasoning and semantic web search. In S. Shin, S. Ossowski, M. Schumacher, M. J. Palakal, & C.-C. Hung (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC ’10. ACM.
Not So Easy Problems For Tree Decomposable Graphs
Szeider, S. (2010). Not So Easy Problems For Tree Decomposable Graphs. In Selected and revised papers of ICDM 2008 (pp. 179–190). Ramanujan Mathematical Society (RMS).
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) - An Optimization for Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs / Feier, C., & Heymans, S. (2010). An Optimization for Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs. In S. Woltran & M. Balduccini (Eds.), Proc. of the Workshop on Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms (ASPOCP 2010) (p. 15).
Parameterizing by the Number of Numbers
Fellows, M. R., Gaspers, S., & Rosamond, F. A. (2010). Parameterizing by the Number of Numbers. In Parameterized and Exact Computation (pp. 123–134). Springer LNCS.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
A Logical Semantics for Description Logic Programs
Fink, M., & Pearce, D. (2010). A Logical Semantics for Description Logic Programs. In T. Janhunen & I. Niemelä (Eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 156–168). Springer.
Project: IncMan (2009–2012) -
Paracoherent Answer Set Programming
Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Moura, J. (2010). Paracoherent Answer Set Programming. In F. Lin, U. Sattler, & M. Truszczynski (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference, KR 2010, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 9-13, 2010 (pp. 486–496). AAAI Press.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
F-Logic#: Loosely Coupling F-Logic Rules and Ontologies
Heymans, S., Korf, R., Erdmann, M., Puehrer, J., & Eiter, T. (2010). F-Logic#: Loosely Coupling F-Logic Rules and Ontologies. In H. Coelho, R. Studer, & M. Wooldridge (Eds.), 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Comparing Inconsistency Resolutions in Multi-Context Systems
Weinzierl, A. (2010). Comparing Inconsistency Resolutions in Multi-Context Systems. In M. Slavkovik (Ed.), Student Session of the European Summer School for Logic, Language, and Information (p. 8).
Project: IncMan (2009–2012) -
Meta-Reasoning in Multi-Context Systems
Weinzierl, A., Fink, M., & Eiter, T. (2010). Meta-Reasoning in Multi-Context Systems. In H. Kaiser & R. Kirner (Eds.), Proceedings of the Junior Scientist Conference 2010 (pp. 303–304).
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Preference-Based Inconsistency Assessment in Multi-Context Systems
Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Weinzierl, A. (2010). Preference-Based Inconsistency Assessment in Multi-Context Systems. In T. Janhunen & I. Niemelä (Eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 143–155). Springer.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Query Answering in the Description Logic S
Bienvenu, M., Eiter, T., Lutz, C., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2010). Query Answering in the Description Logic S. In V. Haarslev, D. Toman, & G. Weddell (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL-2010) (pp. 149–160). CEUR workshop proceedings.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Worst-Case Optimal Reasoning for the Horn-DL Fragments of OWL 1 and 2
Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Rudolph, S., & Simkus, M. (2010). Worst-Case Optimal Reasoning for the Horn-DL Fragments of OWL 1 and 2. In F. Lin, U. Sattler, & M. Truszczynski (Eds.), Twelfth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2010) (pp. 269–279). AAAI Press, Menlo Park.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
DReW: a Reasoner for Datalog-rewritable Description Logics and DL-Programs
Xiao, G., Heymans, S., & Eiter, T. (2010). DReW: a Reasoner for Datalog-rewritable Description Logics and DL-Programs. In T. Eiter, A. El Ghali, S. Fernández, S. Heymans, T. Krennwallner, & F. Lévy (Eds.), 1st International Workshop on Business Models, Business Rules and Ontologies (BuRO 2010) (p. 14). Ontorule Project.
Projects: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / Net2 (2010–2013) -
Tractable Reasoning with DL-Programs over Datalog-rewritable Description Logics
Heymans, S., Eiter, T., & Xiao, G. (2010). Tractable Reasoning with DL-Programs over Datalog-rewritable Description Logics. In H. Coelho, R. Studer, & M. Wooldridge (Eds.), 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2010) (pp. 35–40). IOS Press.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) - Computing Inconsistency Measurements under Multi-Valued Semantics by Partial Max-SAT Solvers / Xiao, G., Lin, Z., Ma, Y., & Qi, G. (2010). Computing Inconsistency Measurements under Multi-Valued Semantics by Partial Max-SAT Solvers. In F. Lin, U. Sattler, & M. Truszczynski (Eds.), Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference, KR 2010 (pp. 340–349). AAAI Press.
Algorithms and Complexity Results for Exact Bayesian Structure Learning
Ordyniak, S., & Szeider, S. (2010). Algorithms and Complexity Results for Exact Bayesian Structure Learning. In P. Grünwald & P. Spirtes (Eds.), Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2010) (pp. 401–408). AUAI Press.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Reasoning in Argumentation Frameworks of Bounded Clique-Width
Dvorak, W., Szeider, S., & Woltran, S. (2010). Reasoning in Argumentation Frameworks of Bounded Clique-Width. In P. Baroni, F. Cerutti, M. Giacomin, & G. R. Simari (Eds.), Proceedings of COMMA 2010 (pp. 219–230). IOS Press.
Projects: Argu (2009–2012) / Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Algorithms and Complexity Results for Persuasive Argumentation
Kim, E. J., Ordyniak, S., & Szeider, S. (2010). Algorithms and Complexity Results for Persuasive Argumentation. In P. Baroni, F. Cerutti, M. Giacomin, & G. R. Simari (Eds.), Proceedings of Third International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2010) (pp. 311–322). IOS Press.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Parameterized Complexity Results for General Factors in Bipartite Graphs with an Application to Constraint Programming
Gutin, G., Kim, E. J., Soleimanfallah, A., Szeider, S., & Yeo, A. (2010). Parameterized Complexity Results for General Factors in Bipartite Graphs with an Application to Constraint Programming. In V. Raman & S. Saurabh (Eds.), Parameterized and Exact Computation (pp. 158–169). Springer.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Satisfiability of Acyclic and Almost Acyclic CNF Formulas
Ordyniak, S., Paulusma, D., & Szeider, S. (2010). Satisfiability of Acyclic and Almost Acyclic CNF Formulas. In K. Lodaya & M. Mahajan (Eds.), IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS 2010) (pp. 84–95). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs).
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) - On Contracting Graphs to Fixed Pattern Graphs / Van´t Hof, P., Kaminski, M., Paulusma, D., Szeider, S., & Thilikos, D. M. (2010). On Contracting Graphs to Fixed Pattern Graphs. In SOFSEM 2010: Theory and Practice of Computer Science (pp. 503–514). Springer.
Solving MAX-r-SAT Above a Tight Lower Bound
Alon, N., Gutin, G., Kim, E. J., Szeider, S., & Yeo, A. (2010). Solving MAX-r-SAT Above a Tight Lower Bound. In M. Charikar (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (pp. 511–517). ACM-SIAM.
Project: Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
Catching the Ouroboros: On debugging non-ground answer-set programs
OETSCH, J., PÜHRER, J., & TOMPITS, H. (2010). Catching the Ouroboros: On debugging non-ground answer-set programs. In M. Hermenegildo & T. Schaub (Eds.), Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (pp. 513–529). Theory and Practice of Logic Programming / Cambridge University Press.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
The system Kato: Detecting cases of plagiarism for answer-set programs
OETSCH, J., PÜHRER, J., SCHWENGERER, M., & TOMPITS, H. (2010). The system Kato: Detecting cases of plagiarism for answer-set programs. In M. Hermenegildo & T. Schaub (Eds.), Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (pp. 759–775). Theory and Practice of Logic Programming / Cambridge University Press.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
Methods and Methodologies for Developing Answer-Set Programs - Project Description
Oetsch, J., Puehrer, J., & Tompits, H. (2010). Methods and Methodologies for Developing Answer-Set Programs - Project Description. In M. Hermenegildo & T. Schaub (Eds.), Technical Communications of the 26th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2010) (pp. 154–161). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics / Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
On Testing Answer-Set Programs
Niemelä, I., Janhunen, T., Oetsch, J., Puehrer, J., & Tompits, H. (2010). On Testing Answer-Set Programs. In H. Coelho, R. Studer, & M. Wooldridge (Eds.), 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2010) (pp. 951–956). IOS Press.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
Gentzen-type Refutation Systems for Three-Valued Logics
Oetsch, J., & Tompits, H. (2010). Gentzen-type Refutation Systems for Three-Valued Logics. In S. Abdennadher (Ed.), 24th Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming WLP’2010 (pp. 88–98). Technical Report, Faculty of Media Engineering and Technology, German University in Cairo.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
Let's Break the Rules: Interactive Procedural-Style Debugging of Answer-Set Programs
Oetsch, J., Puehrer, J., & Tompits, H. (2010). Let’s Break the Rules: Interactive Procedural-Style Debugging of Answer-Set Programs. In S. Abdennadher (Ed.), 24th Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming WLP’2010 (pp. 77–87). Technical Report, Faculty of Media Engineering and Technology, German University in Cairo.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
The mcs-ie System for Explaining Inconsistency in Multi-Context Systems
Bögl, M., Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Schüller, P. (2010). The mcs-ie System for Explaining Inconsistency in Multi-Context Systems. In T. Janhunen & I. Niemelä (Eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 356–359). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence/Springer.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Tractable Answer-Set Programming with Weight Constraints: Bounded Treewidth Is not Enough
Pichler, R., Rümmele, S., Szeider, S., & Woltran, S. (2010). Tractable Answer-Set Programming with Weight Constraints: Bounded Treewidth Is not Enough. In F. Lin, U. Sattler, & M. Truszczynski (Eds.), Proc. of KR 2010 (p. 10). AAAI Press.
Projects: Argu (2009–2012) / Complex Reason (2010–2014) -
The DMCS Solver for Distributed Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems
Bairakdar, S. E.-D., Dao-Tran, M., Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Krennwallner, T. (2010). The DMCS Solver for Distributed Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems. In T. Janhunen & I. Niemelä (Eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 352–355). Springer.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) / Net2 (2010–2013) -
Decomposition of Distributed Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems
Bairakdar, S. E.-D., Dao-Tran, M., Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Krennwallner, T. (2010). Decomposition of Distributed Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems. In T. Janhunen & I. Niemelä (Eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 24–37). Springer.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) / Net2 (2010–2013) -
Towards Approximating Output-Projected Equilibria in Partially Known Multi-Context Systems
Schüller, P., Eiter, T., & Fink, M. (2010). Towards Approximating Output-Projected Equilibria in Partially Known Multi-Context Systems. In H. Kaiser & R. Kirner (Eds.), Proceedings of the Junior Scientist Conference 2010 (pp. 315–316).
Project: IncMan (2009–2012) -
Decomposition of Distributed Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems
Bairakdar, S. E.-D., Dao-Tran, M., Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Krennwallner, T. (2010). Decomposition of Distributed Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems. In T. Meyer & E. Ternovska (Eds.), 13th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (p. 7).
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Finding Explanations of Inconsistency in Multi-Context Systems
Eiter, T., Fink, M., Schüller, P., & Weinzierl, A. (2010). Finding Explanations of Inconsistency in Multi-Context Systems. In Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference (KR-10) (pp. 329–339). AAAI Press.
Project: IncMan (2009–2012) -
Distributed Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems
Dao-Tran, M., Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Krennwallner, T. (2010). Distributed Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems. In F. Lin, U. Sattler, & M. Truszczynski (Eds.), Twelfth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2010) (pp. 60–70). AAAI Press.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) - Query Answering is undecidable in DLs with regular expressions, inverses, nominals, and counting / Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Rudolph, S., & Simkus, M. (2010). Query Answering is undecidable in DLs with regular expressions, inverses, nominals, and counting (INFSYS RR 1843-10-03).
- Query Answering in the Description Logic S / Bienvenu, M., Eiter, T., Lutz, C., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2010). Query Answering in the Description Logic S (INFSYS RR 1843-10-01).
- D3.3 Complexity and Optimization of Combinations of Rules and Ontologies / Feier, C., Aït-Kaci, H., Angele, J., De Bruijn, J., Citeau, H., Eiter, T., El Ghali, A., Kerhet, V., Kiss, E., Korf, R., Krekeler, T., Krennwallner, T., Heymans, S., Mosca, A., Rezk, M., & Xiao, G. (2010). D3.3 Complexity and Optimization of Combinations of Rules and Ontologies (D3.3).
- Intelligent Deformation Interpretation / Vicovac, T., Reiterer, A., Egly, U., Eiter, T., & Rieke-Zapp, D. (2010). Intelligent Deformation Interpretation. In A. Reiterer, U. Egly, M. Heinert, & B. Riedel (Eds.), Application of Artificial Intelligence and Innovations in Engineering Geodesy (AIEG 2010) (pp. 10–20).
- Knowledge-Based Geo-risk Assessment for an Intelligent Measurement System / Vicovac, T., Reiterer, A., Egly, U., Eiter, T., & Rieke-Zapp, D. (2010). Knowledge-Based Geo-risk Assessment for an Intelligent Measurement System. In M. Bramer (Ed.), Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice III (pp. 215–224). Springer.
- Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2010) / Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2010). (2010). In F. Bobillo, R. Carvalho, P. C. G. da Costa, C. d´Amato, N. Fanizzi, K. B. Laskey, K. J. Laskey, T. Lukasiewicz, T. Martin, M. Nickles, & M. Pool (Eds.), CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR-Proceedings.
- Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Uncertainty in Description Logics (UniDL 2010) / Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Uncertainty in Description Logics (UniDL 2010). (2010). In T. Lukasiewicz, R. Penaloza, & A.-Y. Turhan (Eds.), CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR-Proceedings.
BuRO 2010: 1st International Workshop on Business Models, Business Rules and Ontologies, 21 September 2010, Proceedings
Eiter, T., El Ghali, A., Fernández, S., Heymans, S., Krennwallner, T., & Lévy, F. (Eds.). (2010). BuRO 2010: 1st International Workshop on Business Models, Business Rules and Ontologies, 21 September 2010, Proceedings. Ontorule Project.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) - Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2010 / Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2010. (2010). In O. Strichman & S. Szeider (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
- Datalog±: A Unified Approach to Ontologies and Integrity Constraints / Cali, A., Gottlob, G., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2009). Datalog±: A Unified Approach to Ontologies and Integrity Constraints. In V. De Antonellis, S. Castano, B. Catania, & G. Guerrini (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD 2009) (pp. 5–6). Seneca Edizioni.
A Rule System for Querying Persistent RDFS Data
Ianni, G., Krennwallner, T., Martello, A., & Polleres, A. (2009). A Rule System for Querying Persistent RDFS Data. In L. Arroyo, P. Traverso, F. Ciravegna, P. Cimiano, T. Heath, E. Hyvönen, R. Mizoguchi, E. Oren, M. Sabou, & E. Simperl (Eds.), The Semantic Web: Research and Applications (pp. 857–862). Springer.
Project: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) - (1,2)-QSAT: A Good Candidate for Understanding Phase Transitions Mechanisms / Creignou, N., Daudé, H., Egly, U., & Rossignol, R. (2009). (1,2)-QSAT: A Good Candidate for Understanding Phase Transitions Mechanisms. In O. Kullmann (Ed.), Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2009 (pp. 363–376). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
- spock: A Debugging Support Tool for Logic Programs under the Answer-Set Semantics / Gebser, M., Pührer, J., Schaub, T., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2009). spock: A Debugging Support Tool for Logic Programs under the Answer-Set Semantics. In D. Seipel, M. Hanus, & A. Wolf (Eds.), Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (pp. 247–252). Springer.
- Hybrid Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs / Feier, C., & Heymans, S. (2009). Hybrid Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs. In The Semantic Web: Research and Applications (pp. 338–352). Springer LNCS.
- Uncertainty in the Semantic Web / Lukasiewicz, T. (2009). Uncertainty in the Semantic Web. In L. Godo & A. Pugliese (Eds.), Scalable Uncertainty Management (pp. 2–11). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Answer Set Programming: A Primer
Eiter, T., Ianni, G., & Krennwallner, T. (2009). Answer Set Programming: A Primer. In S. Tessaris, E. Franconi, T. Eiter, C. Gutierrez, S. Handschuh, M.-C. Rousset, & R. Schmidt (Eds.), Reasoning Web. Semantic Technologies for Information Systems : 5th International Summer School 2009, Brixen-Bressanone, Italy, August 30 - September 4, 2009, Tutorial Lectures (pp. 40–110). Springer.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Dynamic Querying of Mass-Storage RDF Data with Rule-Based Entailment Regimes
Ianni, G., Krennwallner, T., Martello, A., & Polleres, A. (2009). Dynamic Querying of Mass-Storage RDF Data with Rule-Based Entailment Regimes. In A. Bernstein, D. Karger, T. Heath, L. Feigenbaum, D. Maynard, E. Motta, & K. Thirunarayan (Eds.), The Semantic Web - ISWC 2009 : 8th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2009, Chantilly, VA, USA, October 25-29, 2009, Proceedings (pp. 310–327). Springer.
Project: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) -
Realizing Default Logic over Description Logic Knowledge Bases
Dao-Tran, M., Eiter, T., & Krennwallner, T. (2009). Realizing Default Logic over Description Logic Knowledge Bases. In C. Sossai & G. Chemello (Eds.), Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (pp. 602–613). Springer.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) - Reasoning about Actions with Sensing under Qualitative and Probabilistic Uncertainty / Iocchi, L., Lukasiewicz, T., Nardi, D., & Rosati, R. (2009). Reasoning about Actions with Sensing under Qualitative and Probabilistic Uncertainty. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 10(1), 1–41.
- A Solver for QBFs in Negation Normal Form / Egly, U., Seidl, M., & Woltran, S. (2009). A Solver for QBFs in Negation Normal Form. Constraints, 14(1), 38–79.
- Modularity Aspects of Disjunctive Stable Models / Janhunen, T., Oikarinen, E., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2009). Modularity Aspects of Disjunctive Stable Models. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 35, 813–857.
- Characterising Equilibrium Logic and Nested Logic Programs: Reductions and Complexity / PEARCE, D., TOMPITS, H., & WOLTRAN, S. (2009). Characterising Equilibrium Logic and Nested Logic Programs: Reductions and Complexity. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 9(05), 565–616.
- Description Logic Programs under Probabilistic Uncertainty and Fuzzy Vagueness / Lukasiewicz, T., & Straccia, U. (2009). Description Logic Programs under Probabilistic Uncertainty and Fuzzy Vagueness. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning: Uncertainty in Intelligent Systems, 50(6), 837–853.
Argumentation Context Systems: A Framework for Abstract Group Argumentation
Brewka, G., & Eiter, T. (2009). Argumentation Context Systems: A Framework for Abstract Group Argumentation. In E. Erdem, F. Lin, & T. Schaub (Eds.), Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (pp. 44–57). LNCS, Springer.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
From Data Integration towards Knowledge Mediation
Brewka, G., & Eiter, T. (2009). From Data Integration towards Knowledge Mediation. In E. Erdem, F. Lin, & T. Schaub (Eds.), Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (pp. 610–612). LNCS, Springer.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) - Finding Similar or Diverse Solutions in Answer Set Programming / Eiter, T., Erdem, E., Erdoğan, H., & Fink, M. (2009). Finding Similar or Diverse Solutions in Answer Set Programming. In P. Hill & D. S. Warren (Eds.), Logic Programming (pp. 342–356). Springer.
ccT on Stage: Generalised Uniform Equivalence Testing for Verifying Student Assignment Solutions
Oetsch, J., Seidl, M., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2009). ccT on Stage: Generalised Uniform Equivalence Testing for Verifying Student Assignment Solutions. In E. Erdem, F. Lin, & T. Schaub (Eds.), Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: 10th International Conference, LPNMR 2009, Potsdam, Germany, September 14-18, 2009, Proceedings (pp. 382–395). Springer.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
Casting Away Disjunction and Negation under a Generalisation of Strong Equivalence with Projection
Puehrer, J., & Tompits, H. (2009). Casting Away Disjunction and Negation under a Generalisation of Strong Equivalence with Projection. In E. Erdem, F. Lin, & T. Schaub (Eds.), Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: 10th International Conference, LPNMR 2009, Potsdam, Germany, September 14-18, 2009, Proceedings (pp. 264–276). Springer.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) -
XSPARQL: Semantics
Krennwallner, T., Lopes, N., & Polleres, A. (2009). XSPARQL: Semantics. In XSPARQL Submission (p. 1). World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
Project: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) -
XSPARQL Language Specification
Polleres, A., Krennwallner, T., Lopes, N., Kopecký, J., & Decker, S. (2009). XSPARQL Language Specification. In XSPARQL Submission (p. 1). World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
Project: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) -
XSPARQL: Implementation and Test-cases
Lopes, N., Krennwallner, T., Polleres, A., Akhtar, W., & Corlosquet, S. (2009). XSPARQL: Implementation and Test-cases. In XSPARQL Submission (p. 1). World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
Project: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) -
Hybrid Reasoning with Rules and Ontologies
Drabent, W., Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Krennwallner, T., Lukasiewicz, T., & Maluszynski, J. (2009). Hybrid Reasoning with Rules and Ontologies. In F. Bry & J. Maluszynski (Eds.), Semantic Techniques for the Web (pp. 1–49). Springer.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Kato: A Plagiarism-Detection Tool for Answer-Set Programs
Oetsch, J., Schwengerer, M., & Tompits, H. (2009). Kato: A Plagiarism-Detection Tool for Answer-Set Programs. In A. Wolf & U. Geske (Eds.), 23rd Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming (pp. 75–79). Universitätsverlag Potsdam.
Project: Methods (2009–2013) - Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web / Lukasiewicz, T. (2009). Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web. In A. F. Polleres & T. Swift (Eds.), Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (pp. 26–39). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- Tightly Coupled Probabilistic Description Logic Programs for the Semantic Web / Cali, A., Lukasiewicz, T., Predoiu, L., & Stuckenschmidt, H. (2009). Tightly Coupled Probabilistic Description Logic Programs for the Semantic Web. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- A 3D optical deformation measurement system supported by knowledge-based and learning techniques / Reiterer, A., Lehmann, M., Miljanovic, M., Ali, H., Paar, G., Egly, U., Eiter, T., & Kahmen, H. (2009). A 3D optical deformation measurement system supported by knowledge-based and learning techniques. Journal of Applied Geodesy, 3(1), 1–13.
- Combining Semantic Web Search with the Power of Inductive Reasoning / d´Amato, C., Fanizzi, N., Fazzinga, B., Gottlob, G., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2009). Combining Semantic Web Search with the Power of Inductive Reasoning. In F. Bobillo, P. C. G. da Costa, C. d´Amato, N. Fanizzi, K. B. Laskey, K. J. Laskey, T. Lukasiewicz, T. Martin, M. Nickles, M. Pool, & P. Smrz (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2009) (pp. 15–26). CEUR-Proceedings.
Query Answering over expressive DL Ontologies
Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2009). Query Answering over expressive DL Ontologies. Seminar of the Artificial Intelligence Department, Technical University of Madrid (DIA - UPM), Technical University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, EU.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Querying Expressive Knowledge Bases
Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2009). Querying Expressive Knowledge Bases. Seminar of the Artificial Intelligence Research Group, University Rey Juan Carlos (GIA - URJC), University Rey Juan Carlos. Madrid, Spain, EU.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Querying Description Logic Knowledge Bases: automata-theoretic techniques
Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2009). Querying Description Logic Knowledge Bases: automata-theoretic techniques. Moscow-Vienna Workshop on Logic and Computation 2009, Wien, Austria.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Reasoning with knots
Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Simkus, M., & Eiter, T. (2009). Reasoning with knots. Tutorial sessions, Faculty of Computer Sicience, BUAP, Puebla, Mexiko, Non-EU.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Bidirectional Answer Set Programs with Function Symbols
Simkus, M. (2009). Bidirectional Answer Set Programs with Function Symbols. Seminar of the KRDB Research Centre at the Faculty of Computer Science of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy, EU.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Query Answering in Horn-SHIQ
Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2009). Query Answering in Horn-SHIQ. Seminar of the KRDB Research Centre at the Faculty of Computer Science of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy, EU.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Merging Logic Programs under Answer Set Semantics
Delgrande, J. P., Schaub, T., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2009). Merging Logic Programs under Answer Set Semantics. In P. M. Hill & D. S. Warren (Eds.), Logic Programming: 25th International Conference, ICLP 2009, Pasadena, CA, USA, July 14-17, 2009, Proceedings (pp. 160–174). Springer.
Project: TTPC (2008–2012) -
Reasoning Web. Semantic Technologies for Information Systems
Tessaris, S., Franconi, E., Eiter, T., Gutierrez, C., Handschuh, S., Rousset, M.-C., & Schmidt, R. (Eds.). (2009). Reasoning Web. Semantic Technologies for Information Systems. Springer LNCS.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) - Inductive Query Answering and Concept Retrieval Exploiting Local Models / d’Amato, C., Fanizzi, N., Esposito, F., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2009). Inductive Query Answering and Concept Retrieval Exploiting Local Models. In B. Lazzerini, L. Jain, A. Abraham, F. Marcelloni, F. Herrera, & V. Loia (Eds.), 2009 Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications. IEEE Computer Society.
- Approximate Classification of Semantically Annotated Web Resources Exploiting Pseudo-metrics Induced by Local Models / d´Amato, C., Fanizzi, N., Esposito, F., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2009). Approximate Classification of Semantically Annotated Web Resources Exploiting Pseudo-metrics Induced by Local Models. In R. Baeza-Yates, B. Berendt, E. Bertino, E.-P. Lim, & G. Pasi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2009) (pp. 689–692). IEEE Computer Society.
- Combining Boolean Games with the Power of Ontologies for Automated Multi-Attribute Negotiation in the Semantic Web / Lukasiewicz, T., & Ragone, A. (2009). Combining Boolean Games with the Power of Ontologies for Automated Multi-Attribute Negotiation in the Semantic Web. In R. Baeza-Yates, J. Lang, S. Mitra, S. Parsons, & G. Pasi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT 2009) (pp. 395–402). IEEE.
- A Combination of Boolean Games with Description Logics for Automated Multi-Attribute Negotiation / Lukasiewicz, T., & Ragone, A. (2009). A Combination of Boolean Games with Description Logics for Automated Multi-Attribute Negotiation. In B. Cuenca Grau, I. Horrocks, B. Motik, & U. Sattler (Eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2009) (pp. 47:1-47:12). CEUR workshop proceedings.
- Tractable Query Answering over Ontologies with Datalog+- / Cali, A., Gottlob, G., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2009). Tractable Query Answering over Ontologies with Datalog+-. In B. Cuenca Grau, I. Horrocks, B. Motik, & U. Sattler (Eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2009) (pp. 46:1-46:12). CEUR workshop proceedings.
- A general datalog-based framework for tractable query answering over ontologies / Calì, A., Gottlob, G., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2009). A general datalog-based framework for tractable query answering over ontologies. In J. Paredaens & S. Jianwen (Eds.), Proceedings of the twenty-eighth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems - PODS ’09. ACM Press.
- A General Datalog-Based Framework for Tractable Query Answering over Ontologies / Cali, A., Gottlob, G., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2009). A General Datalog-Based Framework for Tractable Query Answering over Ontologies. In V. De Antonellis, S. Castano, B. Catania, & G. Guerrini (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD 2009) (pp. 29–36). Seneca Edizioni.
- Datalog±: A Unified Approach to Ontologies and Integrity Constraints / Cali, A., Gottlob, G., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2009). Datalog±: A Unified Approach to Ontologies and Integrity Constraints. In R. Fagin (Ed.), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2009) (pp. 14–30). ACM International Conference Proceeding Series.
Fusion of Logic Programming and Description Logics
Šimkus, M. (2009). Fusion of Logic Programming and Description Logics. In P. Hill & D. S. Warren (Eds.), Logic Programming (pp. 551–552). LNCS, Springer.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) - A Reasoner for Simple Conceptual Logic Programs / Heymans, S., Feier, C., & Eiter, T. (2009). A Reasoner for Simple Conceptual Logic Programs. In Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (pp. 55–70). Springer.
- Complexity of the Stable Model Semantics for Queries on Incomplete Databases / de Bruijn, J., & Heymans, S. (2009). Complexity of the Stable Model Semantics for Queries on Incomplete Databases. In Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (pp. 101–114). Springer.
Some Equivalence Concepts for Hybrid Theories
Fink, M., & Pearce, D. (2009). Some Equivalence Concepts for Hybrid Theories. In Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the Spanish Organization for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA 2009) (pp. 327–336). Spanish Association for Artifical Intelligence.
Projects: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Towards Diagnosing Inconsistency in Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems
Eiter, T., Fink, M., Schüller, P., & Weinzierl, A. (2009). Towards Diagnosing Inconsistency in Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems. In J. P. Delgrande & A. Mileo (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Logic-Based Interpretation of Context: Modelling and Applications colocated with LPNMR 2009 (p. 4). CEUR workshop proceedings.
Project: IncMan (2009–2012) - Testing Relativised Uniform Equivalence under Answer-Set Projection in the System ccT / Oetsch, J., Seidl, M., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2009). Testing Relativised Uniform Equivalence under Answer-Set Projection in the System ccT. In D. Seipel, M. Hanus, & A. Wolf (Eds.), Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (pp. 241–246). Springer.
Bidirectional Answer Set Programs with Function Symbols
Eiter, T., & Simkus, M. (2009). Bidirectional Answer Set Programs with Function Symbols. In C. Boutilier (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09) (pp. 765–771). AAAI Press.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Regular Path Queries in Expressive Description Logics with Nominals
Calvanese, D., Eiter, T., & Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2009). Regular Path Queries in Expressive Description Logics with Nominals. In C. Boutilier (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09) (pp. 714–720). AAAI Press.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Query Answering in Description Logics with Transitive Roles
Eiter, T., Lutz, C., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2009). Query Answering in Description Logics with Transitive Roles. In C. Boutilier (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09) (pp. 759–764). AAAI Press.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Query Answering in Description Logics: The Knots Approach
Eiter, T., Lutz, C., Ortiz, M., & Šimkus, M. (2009). Query Answering in Description Logics: The Knots Approach. In H. Ono, M. Kanazawa, & R. J. G. B. de Queiroz (Eds.), Logic, Language, Information and Computation (pp. 26–36). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Relevance-Driven Evaluation of Modular Nonmonotonic Logic Programs
Dao-Tran, M., Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Krennwallner, T. (2009). Relevance-Driven Evaluation of Modular Nonmonotonic Logic Programs. In E. Erdem, F. Lin, & T. Schaub (Eds.), Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (pp. 87–100). Springer.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Combining Nonmonotonic Knowledge Bases with External Sources
Eiter, T., Brewka, G., Dao-Tran, M., Fink, M., Ianni, G., & Krennwallner, T. (2009). Combining Nonmonotonic Knowledge Bases with External Sources. In S. Ghilardi & R. Sebastiani (Eds.), Frontiers of Combining Systems (pp. 18–42). Springer.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Modular Nonmonotonic Logic Programming Revisited
Dao-Tran, M., Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Krennwallner, T. (2009). Modular Nonmonotonic Logic Programming Revisited. In P. Hill & D. S. Warren (Eds.), Logic Programming (pp. 145–159). Springer.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) -
Decomposition of Declarative Knowledge Bases with External Functions
Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Krennwallner, T. (2009). Decomposition of Declarative Knowledge Bases with External Functions. In C. Boutilier (Ed.), Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09) (pp. 752–758). AAAI Press.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) - Fuzzy Description Logic Reasoning Using a Fixpoint Algorithm / Keller, U., & Heymans, S. (2009). Fuzzy Description Logic Reasoning Using a Fixpoint Algorithm. In Logical Foundations of Computer Science (pp. 265–279). Springer.
Well-Founded Semantics for Description Logic Programs in the Semantic Web
Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Lukasiewicz, T., & Schindlauer, R. (2009). Well-Founded Semantics for Description Logic Programs in the Semantic Web (INFSYS RR 1843-09-01).
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Query answering in description logics with transitive roles
Eiter, T., Lutz, C., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2009). Query answering in description logics with transitive roles (INFSYS RR-1843-09-02).
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Answering Regular Path Queries in Expressive Description Logics via Alternating Tree-Automata
Calvanese, D., Eiter, T., & Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2009). Answering Regular Path Queries in Expressive Description Logics via Alternating Tree-Automata (INFSYS RR-1843-09-04).
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
Conjunctive Query Answering in the Description Logic SH using Knots
Eiter, T., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2009). Conjunctive Query Answering in the Description Logic SH using Knots (INFSYS RR-1843-09-03).
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) -
On Equivalences in Answer-Set Programming by Countermodels in the Logic of Here-and-There
Fink, M. (2009). On Equivalences in Answer-Set Programming by Countermodels in the Logic of Here-and-There (INFSYS RR-1843-09-05).
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / IncMan (2009–2012) - First Developement steps for an Automated Knowledge-Based Deformation Interpretation System / Vicovac, T., Reiterer, A., Egly, U., Eiter, T., & Rieke-Zapp, D. (2009). First Developement steps for an Automated Knowledge-Based Deformation Interpretation System. In A. Grün & H. Kahmen (Eds.), Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques IX (pp. 61–90).
- Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2009) / Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2009). (2009). In F. Bobillo, P. C. G. da Costa, C. d´Amato, N. Fanizzi, K. B. Laskey, K. J. Laskey, T. Lukasiewicz, T. Martin, M. Nickles, M. Pool, & P. Smrz (Eds.), CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR-Proceedings.
- Logical approaches to imprecise probabilities / Lukasiewicz, T. (2008). Logical approaches to imprecise probabilities. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 49(1), 1–2.
- Reasoning Using Knots / Eiter, T., Ortiz, M., & Šimkus, M. (2008). Reasoning Using Knots. In I. Cervesato, H. Veith, & A. Voronkov (Eds.), Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning (pp. 377–390). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer.
- Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web / Eiter, T., Franconi, E., & Kifer, M. (2008). Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web. Fundamenta Informaticae, 82(3), i.
- Error Classification in Action Descriptions: A Heuristic Approach. / Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Senko, J. (2008). Error Classification in Action Descriptions: A Heuristic Approach. In D. Fox & C. P. Gomes (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2008, Chicago, Illinois, USA, July 13-17, 2008 (pp. 905–910). AAAI Press.
- Updating Action Domain Descriptions / Eiter, T., Erdem, E., Fink, M., & Senko, J. (2008). Updating Action Domain Descriptions (INFSYS RR-1843-08-13).
- An Approach to Probabilistic Data Integration for the Semantic Web / Calì, A., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2008). An Approach to Probabilistic Data Integration for the Semantic Web. In P. C. G. da Costa, C. d´Amato, N. Fanizzi, K. B. Laskey, K. J. Laskey, T. Lukasiewicz, M. Nickles, & M. Pool (Eds.), Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web I (pp. 52–65). Springer LNCS.
- Rule-Based Approaches for Representing Probabilistic Ontology Mappings / Calì, A., Lukasiewicz, T., Predoiu, L., & Stuckenschmidt, H. (2008). Rule-Based Approaches for Representing Probabilistic Ontology Mappings. In P. C. G. da Costa, C. d´Amato, N. Fanizzi, K. B. Laskey, K. J. Laskey, T. Lukasiewicz, M. Nickles, & M. Pool (Eds.), Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web I (pp. 66–87). Springer LNCS.
Alternative Characterizations for Program Equivalence under Answer-Set Semantics Based on Unfounded Sets
Gebser, M., Schaub, T., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2008). Alternative Characterizations for Program Equivalence under Answer-Set Semantics Based on Unfounded Sets. In S. Hartmann & G. Kern-Isberner (Eds.), Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems. Springer LNCS.
Project: Formale Methoden (2005–2008) -
Elimination of Disjunction and Negation in Answer-Set Programs under Hyperequivalence
Puehrer, J., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2008). Elimination of Disjunction and Negation in Answer-Set Programs under Hyperequivalence. In M. G. de la Banda & E. Pontelli (Eds.), Logic Programming. Springer LNCS.
Project: Formale Methoden (2005–2008) - Tractable Reasoning with Bayesian Description Logics / d’Amato, C., Fanizzi, N., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2008). Tractable Reasoning with Bayesian Description Logics. In S. Greco & T. Lukasiewicz (Eds.), Scalable Uncertainty Management (pp. 146–159). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer.
XSPARQL: Traveling between the XML and RDF Worlds – and Avoiding the XSLT Pilgrimage
Akhtar, W., Kopecký, J., Krennwallner, T., & Polleres, A. (2008). XSPARQL: Traveling between the XML and RDF Worlds – and Avoiding the XSLT Pilgrimage. In S. Bechhofer, M. Hauswirth, J. Hoffmann, & M. Koubarakis (Eds.), The Semantic Web: Research and Applications : 5th European Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2008, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain (pp. 432–447). Springer.
Project: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) - Data complexity of query answering in expressive Description Logics via tableaux / Ortiz, M., Calvanese, D., & Eiter, T. (2008). Data complexity of query answering in expressive Description Logics via tableaux. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 41(1), 61–98.
- Repair Localization for Query Answering from Inconsistent Databases / Eiter, T., Fink, M., Greco, G., & Lembo, D. (2008). Repair Localization for Query Answering from Inconsistent Databases. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 33(2), 10:01-10:51.
- Tightly Coupled Fuzzy Description Logic Programs under the Answer Set Semantics for the Semantic Web / Lukasiewicz, T., & Straccia, U. (2008). Tightly Coupled Fuzzy Description Logic Programs under the Answer Set Semantics for the Semantic Web. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, 4(3), 68–89.
- Fuzzy Description Logic Programs under the Answer Set Semantics for the Semantic Web / Lukasiewicz, T. (2008). Fuzzy Description Logic Programs under the Answer Set Semantics for the Semantic Web. Fundamenta Informaticae, 82(3), 289–310.
- A knowledge-based videotheodolite measurement system for object representation /monitoring / Reiterer, A., Egly, U., Eiter, T., & Kahmen, H. (2008). A knowledge-based videotheodolite measurement system for object representation /monitoring. Advances in Engineering Software, 39(10), 821–827.
- Managing Uncertainty and Vagueness in Description Logics for the Semantic Web / Lukasiewicz, T., & Straccia, U. (2008). Managing Uncertainty and Vagueness in Description Logics for the Semantic Web. Journal of Web Semantics, 6(4), 291–308.
- Probabilistic Description Logic Programs under Inheritance with Overriding for the Semantic Web / Lukasiewicz, T. (2008). Probabilistic Description Logic Programs under Inheritance with Overriding for the Semantic Web. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning: Uncertainty in Intelligent Systems, 49(1), 18–34.
- Expressive Probabilistic Description Logics / Lukasiewicz, T. (2008). Expressive Probabilistic Description Logics. Artificial Intelligence, 172(6–7), 852–883.
- Combining Answer Set Programming with Description Logics for the Semantic Web / Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Lukasiewicz, T., Schindlauer, R., & Tompits, H. (2008). Combining Answer Set Programming with Description Logics for the Semantic Web. Artificial Intelligence, 172(12–13), 1495–1539.
Exploiting conjunctive queries in description logic programs
Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Krennwallner, T., & Schindlauer, R. (2008). Exploiting conjunctive queries in description logic programs. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 53(1–4), 115–152.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) - Maintenance goals of agents in a dynamic environment: Formulation and policy construction / Baral, C., Eiter, T., Bjäreland, M., & Nakamura, M. (2008). Maintenance goals of agents in a dynamic environment: Formulation and policy construction. Artificial Intelligence, 172(12–13), 1429–1469.
- Computational Aspects of Monotone Dualization: A Brief Survey / Eiter, T., Makino, K., & Gottlob, G. (2008). Computational Aspects of Monotone Dualization: A Brief Survey. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 156(11), 2035–2049.
- Semantic Forgetting in Answer Set Programming / Eiter, T., & Wang, K. (2008). Semantic Forgetting in Answer Set Programming. Artificial Intelligence, 172(14), 1644–1672.
- Uncertainty Representation and Reasoning in the Semantic Web / da Costa, P. C. G., Laskey, K. B., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2008). Uncertainty Representation and Reasoning in the Semantic Web. In J. Cardoso & M. Lytras (Eds.), Semantic Web Engineering in the Knowledge Society (pp. 315–340). Information Science Reference.
- New Results for Horn Cores and Envelopes of Horn Disjunctions / Eiter, T., & Makino, K. (2008). New Results for Horn Cores and Envelopes of Horn Disjunctions. In M. Ghallab, C. Spyropoulos, N. Fakotakis, & N. Avouris (Eds.), 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 60–64). IOS Press.
A Generalised Program-Correspondence Framework: Preliminary Report
Oetsch, J., & Tompits, H. (2008). A Generalised Program-Correspondence Framework: Preliminary Report. In S. Schwarz (Ed.), 22nd Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming (pp. 72–82). Technical Report, University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Computer Science.
Project: Formale Methoden (2005–2008) - The SAT-Tableau Calculus / Keller, U., & Heymans, S. (2008). The SAT-Tableau Calculus. In 21st International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2008) (p. 13). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Notions of Strong Equivalence for Logic Programs with Ordered Disjunction
Faber, W., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2008). Notions of Strong Equivalence for Logic Programs with Ordered Disjunction. In G. Brewka & J. Lang (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR’08) (pp. 433–443). AAAI Press.
Project: Formale Methoden (2005–2008) - Answer-Set Programming Encodings for Argumentation Frameworks / Egly, U., Gaggl, S. A., & Woltran, S. (2008). Answer-Set Programming Encodings for Argumentation Frameworks. In W. Faber & J. Lee (Eds.), ICLP-Workshop Proceedings; Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms, ASPOCP 2008 (pp. 1–15).
Rules and Ontologies for the Semantic Web
Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Krennwallner, T., & Polleres, A. (2008). Rules and Ontologies for the Semantic Web. In C. Baroglio, P. A. Bonatti, J. Maluszynski, M. Marchiori, A. Polleres, & S. Schaffert (Eds.), Reasoning Web (pp. 1–53). Springer.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) - Embedding Non-Ground Logic Programs into Autoepistemic Logic for Knowledge Base Combination / De Bruijn, J., Eiter, T., Polleres, A. F., & Tompits, H. (2008). Embedding Non-Ground Logic Programs into Autoepistemic Logic for Knowledge Base Combination (INFSYS RR-1843-08-12).
- SMS and ASP: Hype or TST? / Eiter, T. (2008). SMS and ASP: Hype or TST? In M. Garcia de la Banda & E. Pontelli (Eds.), Logic Programming, 24th International Conference, ICLP 2008, Udine, Italy, December 9-13 2008, Proceedings (pp. 77–82). Springer Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Using Search Strategies and a Description Logic Paradigm with Conditional Preferences for Literature Search / Schellhase, J., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2008). Using Search Strategies and a Description Logic Paradigm with Conditional Preferences for Literature Search. International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 3(1), 68.
- Query Answering in the Description Logic Horn-SHIQ / Eiter, T., Gottlob, G., Ortiz, M., & Šimkus, M. (2008). Query Answering in the Description Logic Horn-SHIQ. In S. Hölldobler, C. Lutz, & H. Wansing (Eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence: 11th European Conference, JELIA 2008, Dresden, Germany, September 28-October 1, 2008. Proceedings (pp. 166–179). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence.
The combined complexity of query answering in expressive DLs
Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2008). The combined complexity of query answering in expressive DLs. Seminar of the KRDB Research Centre at the Faculty of Computer Science of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy, EU.
Project: Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) - Deformation Monitoring by Image Assisted Total Stations - State of the Art and Future Developments / Reiterer, A., Bauer, A., & Egly, U. (2008). Deformation Monitoring by Image Assisted Total Stations - State of the Art and Future Developments. Technologieforum Leica Geosystems, Heerbrugg, Schweiz, Non-EU.
- Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web I / da Costa, P. C. G., d´Amato, C., Fanizzi, N., Laskey, K. B., Laskey, K. J., Lukasiewicz, T., Nickles, M., & Pool, M. (Eds.). (2008). Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web I. Springer LNCS.
- Scalable Uncertainty Management / Greco, S., & Lukasiewicz, T. (Eds.). (2008). Scalable Uncertainty Management. Springer, LNCS.
- New Results on the Phase Transition for Random Quantified Boolean Formulas / Creignou, N., Daude, H., Egly, U., & Rossignol, R. (2008). New Results on the Phase Transition for Random Quantified Boolean Formulas. In Theory and Application of Satisfiability Testing --- SAT 2008 (pp. 34–47). Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- Tightly Integrated Probabilistic Description Logic Programs for Representing Ontology Mappings / Cali, A., Lukasiewicz, T., Predoiu, L., & Stuckenschmidt, H. (2008). Tightly Integrated Probabilistic Description Logic Programs for Representing Ontology Mappings. In S. Hartmann & G. Kern-Isberner (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (FoIKS 2008) (pp. 178–198). Springer LNCS.
- Representing Ontology Mappings with Probabilistic Description Logic Programs / Cali, A., Lukasiewicz, T., Predoiu, L., & Stuckenschmidt, H. (2008). Representing Ontology Mappings with Probabilistic Description Logic Programs. In Proceedings of the 16th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD 2008) (pp. 438–445).
- Representing Uncertain Concepts in Rough Description Logics via Contextual Indiscernibility Relations / Fanizzi, N., d´Amato, C., Esposito, F., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2008). Representing Uncertain Concepts in Rough Description Logics via Contextual Indiscernibility Relations. In F. Bobillo, P. C. G. da Costa, C. d´Amato, N. Fanizzi, K. B. Laskey, K. J. Laskey, & T. Lukasiewicz (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2008) (p. 10). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Combining Boolean Games with the Power of Ontologies for Automated Multi-Attribute Negotiation in the Semantic Web (SMRR) / Lukasiewicz, T., & Ragone, A. (2008). Combining Boolean Games with the Power of Ontologies for Automated Multi-Attribute Negotiation in the Semantic Web (SMRR). In R. Lara Hernandez, T. Di Noia, & I. Toma (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Service Matchmaking and Resource Retrieval in the Semantic Web (SMRR 2008) (p. 15). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Embedding Approaches to Combining Rules and Ontologies into Autoepistemic Logic / De Bruijn, J., Eiter, T., & Tompits, H. (2008). Embedding Approaches to Combining Rules and Ontologies into Autoepistemic Logic. In G. Brewka & J. Lang (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR’08) (pp. 485–495). AAAI Press.
Belief Revision of Logic Programs under Answer Set Semantics
Delgrande, J. P., Schaub, T., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2008). Belief Revision of Logic Programs under Answer Set Semantics. In G. Brewka & J. Lang (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR’08) (pp. 411–421). AAAI Press.
Project: Formale Methoden (2005–2008) - An Automata-based algorithm for description logics around SRIQ / Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2008). An Automata-based algorithm for description logics around SRIQ. In M. Osorio & I. Olmos (Eds.), Fourth Latin American Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (p. 15). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- ASPARTIX: Implementing Argumentation Frameworks Using Answer-Set Programming / Egly, U., Gaggl, S. A., & Woltran, S. (2008). ASPARTIX: Implementing Argumentation Frameworks Using Answer-Set Programming. In M. G. de la Banda & E. Pontelli (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24#^{th} Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP’08) (pp. 734–738). Springer.
- Complexity of Query Answering over Expressive Knowledge Bases / Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2008). Complexity of Query Answering over Expressive Knowledge Bases. In M. Montes y Gomez & M. Gonzalez Mendoza (Eds.), Proceedings of MICAI-2008, Doctoral Consortium (pp. 22–25).
Program Correspondence under the Answer-Set Semantics: The Non-ground Case
Oetsch, J., & Tompits, H. (2008). Program Correspondence under the Answer-Set Semantics: The Non-ground Case. In M. G. de la Banda & E. Pontelli (Eds.), Logic Programming (pp. 591–605). Springer LNCS.
Project: Formale Methoden (2005–2008) -
Decomposing HEX-Programs: Preliminary Results
Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Krennwallner, T. (2008). Decomposing HEX-Programs: Preliminary Results. In H. Kaiser & R. Kirner (Eds.), Proceedings of the Junior Scientist Conference 2008 (pp. 29–30).
Project: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) -
Exploiting Conjunctive Queries in Description Logic Programs
Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Krennwallner, T., & Schindlauer, R. (2008). Exploiting Conjunctive Queries in Description Logic Programs. In M. Kaminski & M. Truszczynski (Eds.), Tenth International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (ISAIM) (p. 9).
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) - Equivalences in Answer-Set Programming by Countermodels in the Logic of Here-and-There / Fink, M. (2008). Equivalences in Answer-Set Programming by Countermodels in the Logic of Here-and-There. In M. Garcia de la Banda & E. Pontelli (Eds.), Logic Programming, 24th International Conference, ICLP 2008, Udine, Italy, December 9-13 2008, Proceedings (pp. 99–113). Springer LNCS.
A Meta-Programming Technique for Debugging Answer-Set Programs
Gebser, M., Puehrer, J., Schaub, T., & Tompits, H. (2008). A Meta-Programming Technique for Debugging Answer-Set Programs. In D. Fox & C. P. Gomes (Eds.), AAAI-08/IAAI-08 Proceedings (pp. 448–453).
Project: Formale Methoden (2005–2008) - Deciding Fuzzy Description Logics by Type Elimination / Keller, U., & Heymans, S. (2008). Deciding Fuzzy Description Logics by Type Elimination. In 4th International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2008) (p. 15).
- Compiling Fuzzy Answer Set Programs to Fuzzy Propositional Theories / Janssen, J., Heymans, S., Vermeir, D., & De Cock, M. (2008). Compiling Fuzzy Answer Set Programs to Fuzzy Propositional Theories. In Logic Programming (pp. 362–376). Springer.
- A Sound and Complete Algorithm for Simple Conceptual Logic Programs / Feier, C., & Heymans, S. (2008). A Sound and Complete Algorithm for Simple Conceptual Logic Programs. In Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Applications of Logic Programming on the (Semantic) Web and Web Services (ALPSWS 2008) (pp. 15–28). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Ranking Services Using Fuzzy HEX Programs / Heymans, S., & Toma, I. (2008). Ranking Services Using Fuzzy HEX Programs. In The Second International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (pp. 181–196). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer.
- Extending Carin to the Description Logics of the $\mathcal{SH}$ Family / Ortiz, M. (2008). Extending Carin to the Description Logics of the $\mathcal{SH}$ Family. In S. Hölldobler, C. Lutz, & H. Wansing (Eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 324–337). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence.
- Worst-case Optimal Conjunctive Query Answering for an Expressive Description Logic without Inverses / Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Simkus, M., & Eiter, T. (2008). Worst-case Optimal Conjunctive Query Answering for an Expressive Description Logic without Inverses. In D. Fox & C. P. Gomes (Eds.), 23rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 504–510). AAAI Press.
- Conjunctive Query Answering in SH using Knots / Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Simkus, M., & Eiter, T. (2008). Conjunctive Query Answering in SH using Knots. In F. Baader, C. Lutz, & B. Motik (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Description Logics (DL2008) (p. 11). CEUR Workshop proceedings.
- Case-Based Deformation Assessment - A Concept / Lehmann, M., & Reiterer, A. (2008). Case-Based Deformation Assessment - A Concept. In A. Reiterer & U. Egly (Eds.), Application of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Geodesy (pp. 91–98).
- Ein bildgestütztes 3D Deformationsmesssystem (An Image-Based 3D Deformation Measurement System) / Reiterer, A., Lehmann, M., Miljanovic, M., Ali, H., Paar, G., Egly, U., Eiter, T., & Kahmen, H. (2008). Ein bildgestütztes 3D Deformationsmesssystem (An Image-Based 3D Deformation Measurement System). In Journal of Alpine Geology, Pangeo 2008 (p. 87). Mitt. Ges. Geol. Bergbaustud. Österr.
- Deformation Monitoring using a new kind of Optical 3D Measurement System: Components and Perspectives / Reiterer, A., Lehmann, M., Miljanovic, M., Ali, H., Paar, G., Egly, U., Eiter, T., & Kahmen, H. (2008). Deformation Monitoring using a new kind of Optical 3D Measurement System: Components and Perspectives. In Measuring the Change (p. 10).
- From Web Search to Semantic Web Search / Fazzinga, B., Gianforme, G., Gottlob, G., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2008). From Web Search to Semantic Web Search (INFSYS RR-1843-08-11).
- "Combining Boolean Games with the Power of Ontologies for Automated Multi-Attribute Negotiation in the Semantic Web / Lukasiewicz, T., & Ragone, A. (2008). "Combining Boolean Games with the Power of Ontologies for Automated Multi-Attribute Negotiation in the Semantic Web (INFSYS RR-1843-08-08).
- Complexity of Conjunctive Query Answering in Description Logics with Transitive Roles / Eiter, T., Lutz, C., Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., & Simkus, M. (2008). Complexity of Conjunctive Query Answering in Description Logics with Transitive Roles (INFSYS RR-1843-08-09).
- Adaptive Game-Theoretic Agent Programming in Golog / Finzi, A., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2008). Adaptive Game-Theoretic Agent Programming in Golog (INFSYS RR-1843-08-07).
- Efficiently querying RDF(S) ontologies with Answer Set Programming / Ianni, G., Martello, A., Panetta, C., & Terracina, G. (2008). Efficiently querying RDF(S) ontologies with Answer Set Programming (INFSYS RR-1843-08-06).
- Answering regular path queries in expressive description logics: An automata-theoretic approach (Preliminary Version) / Calvanese, D., Eiter, T., & Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2008). Answering regular path queries in expressive description logics: An automata-theoretic approach (Preliminary Version) (INFSYS RR-1843-08-05).
- Team Programming in Golog under Partial Observability / Farinelli, A., Finzi, A., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2008). Team Programming in Golog under Partial Observability (INFSYS RR-1843-08-04).
- A Sound and Complete Algorithm for Simple Conceptual Logic Programs / Feier, C., & Heymans, S. (2008). A Sound and Complete Algorithm for Simple Conceptual Logic Programs (INFSYS RR-1843-08-10).
- A Solver for QBFs in Negation Normal Form / Egly, U., Seidl, M., & Woltran, S. (2008). A Solver for QBFs in Negation Normal Form (INFSYS RR-1843-08-03).
- FDNC: Decidable Nonmonotonic Disjunctive Logic Programs with Function Symbols / Simkus, M., & Eiter, T. (2008). FDNC: Decidable Nonmonotonic Disjunctive Logic Programs with Function Symbols (INFSYS RR-1843-08-01).
Exploiting Conjunctive Queries in Description Logic Programs
Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Krennwallner, T., & Schindlauer, R. (2008). Exploiting Conjunctive Queries in Description Logic Programs (INFSYS RR-1843-08-02).
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) - Answer-Set Programming Encodings for Argumentation Frameworks / Egly, U., Gaggl, S. A., & Woltran, S. (2008). Answer-Set Programming Encodings for Argumentation Frameworks (DBAI-TR-2008-62).
- Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2008). Volume 423 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings / Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2008). Volume 423 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings. (2008). In F. Bobillo, P. C. G. da Costa, C. d´Amato, N. Fanizzi, K. B. Laskey, K. J. Laskey, T. Lukasiewicz, T. Martin, M. Nickles, M. Pool, & P. Smrz (Eds.), CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Application of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Geodesy / Reiterer, A., & Egly, U. (Eds.). (2008). Application of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Geodesy. Eigenverlag.
- Reasoning with imprecise probabilities / Cano, A., Cozman, F. G., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2007). Reasoning with imprecise probabilities. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 44(3), 197–199.
- FDNC: Decidable Non-monotonic Disjunctive Logic Programs with Function Symbols / Simkus, M., & Eiter, T. (2007). FDNC: Decidable Non-monotonic Disjunctive Logic Programs with Function Symbols. In N. Dershowitz & A. Voronkov (Eds.), Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning (pp. 514–530). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- Preface: Database Theory / Eiter, T., & Libkin, L. (2007). Preface: Database Theory. Theoretical Computer Science, 371(3), 147.
- Description Logic Programs Under Probabilistic Uncertainty and Fuzzy Vagueness / Lukasiewicz, T., & Straccia, U. (2007). Description Logic Programs Under Probabilistic Uncertainty and Fuzzy Vagueness. In K. Mellouli (Ed.), Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (pp. 187–198). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- Tractable Probabilistic Description Logic Programs / Lukasiewicz, T. (2007). Tractable Probabilistic Description Logic Programs. In H. Prade & V. S. Subrahmanian (Eds.), Scalable Uncertainty Management (pp. 143–156). Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence.
- Top-k Retrieval in Description Logic Programs Under Vagueness for the Semantic Web / Lukasiewicz, T., & Straccia, U. (2007). Top-k Retrieval in Description Logic Programs Under Vagueness for the Semantic Web. In H. Prade & V. S. Subrahmanian (Eds.), Scalable Uncertainty Management (pp. 16–30). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- A Novel Combination of Answer Set Programming with Description Logics for the Semantic Web / Lukasiewicz, T. (2007). A Novel Combination of Answer Set Programming with Description Logics for the Semantic Web. In E. Franconi, M. Kifer, & W. May (Eds.), The Semantic Web: Research and Applications (pp. 384–398). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- Variable-Strength Conditional Preferences for Ranking Objects in Ontologies / Lukasiewicz, T., & Schellhase, J. (2007). Variable-Strength Conditional Preferences for Ranking Objects in Ontologies. Journal of Web Semantics, 5(3), 180–194.
- Probabilistic Description Logic Programs / Lukasiewicz, T. (2007). Probabilistic Description Logic Programs. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning: Uncertainty in Intelligent Systems, 45(2), 288–307.
- Nonmonotonic Probabilistic Logics under Variable-Strength Inheritance with Overriding: Complexity, Algorithms, and Implementation. / Lukasiewicz, T. (2007). Nonmonotonic Probabilistic Logics under Variable-Strength Inheritance with Overriding: Complexity, Algorithms, and Implementation. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning: Uncertainty in Intelligent Systems, 44(3), 301–321.
- A Logic-Based Approach to Finding Explanations for Discrepencies in Optimistic Plan Execution / Eiter, T., Erdem, E., Faber, W., & Senko, J. (2007). A Logic-Based Approach to Finding Explanations for Discrepencies in Optimistic Plan Execution. Fundamenta Informaticae, 79(1–2), 25–69.
- On Computing all Abductive Explanations from a Propositional Horn Theory / Eiter, T., & Makino, K. (2007). On Computing all Abductive Explanations from a Propositional Horn Theory. Journal of the ACM, 54(5), 24.
- Strong Negation and Equivalence in the Safe Belief Semantics / Ortiz, M., & Osorio, M. (2007). Strong Negation and Equivalence in the Safe Belief Semantics. Journal of Logic and Computation, 17(3), 499–515.
- Comparing Action Descriptions based on Semantic Preferences / Eiter, T., Erdem, E., Fink, M., & Senko, J. (2007). Comparing Action Descriptions based on Semantic Preferences. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 50(3–4), 273–304.
- A Knowledge-Based Approach for Selecting Information Sources / Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Tompits, H. (2007). A Knowledge-Based Approach for Selecting Information Sources. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 7(3), 249–300.
- Semantical Characterizations and Complexity of Equivalences in Answer Set Programming / Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Woltran, S. (2007). Semantical Characterizations and Complexity of Equivalences in Answer Set Programming. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 8(3), 1–53.
- Phase Transition for Random Quantified XOR-Formulas / Creignou, N., Daude, H., & Egly, U. (2007). Phase Transition for Random Quantified XOR-Formulas. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 29, 1–18.
- Answering Regular Path Queries in Expressive Description Logics: An Automata-Theoretic Approach / Calvanese, D., Eiter, T., & Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2007). Answering Regular Path Queries in Expressive Description Logics: An Automata-Theoretic Approach. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 391–396). AAAI Press.
- What should an ASP Solver output? / Brain, M., Faber, W., Maratea, M., Polleres, A. F., Schaub, T., & Schindlauer, R. (2007). What should an ASP Solver output? In M. De Vos & T. Schaub (Eds.), First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Answer Set Programming 2007 (SEA’07) (pp. 26–37).
- DLVHEX-SPARQL: A SPARQL Compliant Query Engine Based on DLVHEX / Polleres, A. F., & Schindlauer, R. (2007). DLVHEX-SPARQL: A SPARQL Compliant Query Engine Based on DLVHEX. In S. Heymans, D. Pearce, A. F. Polleres, E. Ruckhaus, & G. Gupta (Eds.), Proceedings of the ICLP’07 Workshop on Applications of Logic Programming to the Web, Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services (ALPSWS2007) (pp. 3–12). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Complexity results for answer set programming with bounded predicate arities and implications / Eiter, T., Faber, W., Fink, M., & Woltran, S. (2007). Complexity results for answer set programming with bounded predicate arities and implications. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 51(2–4), 123–165.
- Characterizing Notions of Strong Equivalence for Logic Programs with Ordered Disjunctions / Faber, W., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2007). Characterizing Notions of Strong Equivalence for Logic Programs with Ordered Disjunctions. In 3rd Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling (M-PREF 2007) (p. 8).
- Workshop on Correspondence and Equivalence for Nonmonotonic Theories (CENT 2007) / Pearce, D., Polleres, A. F., Valverde, A., & Woltran, S. (Eds.). (2007). Workshop on Correspondence and Equivalence for Nonmonotonic Theories (CENT 2007). CEUR-Proceedings.
- Facts do not Cease to Exist Because They are Ignored: Relativised Uniform Equivalence with Answer-Set Projection / Oetsch, J., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2007). Facts do not Cease to Exist Because They are Ignored: Relativised Uniform Equivalence with Answer-Set Projection. In D. Pearce, A. F. Polleres, S. Woltran, & A. Valverde (Eds.), Proceedings of the LPNMR’07 Workshop on Correspondence and Equivalence for Nonmonotonic Theories (pp. 25–36).
- Tutorial on Managing Uncertainty and Vagueness in Semantic Web Languages / Lukasiewicz, T., & Straccia, U. (2007). Tutorial on Managing Uncertainty and Vagueness in Semantic Web Languages. 4th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2007), Innsbruck, Österreich, Austria.
- Tutorial on Managing Uncertainty and Vagueness in Semantic Web Languages / Lukasiewicz, T., & Straccia, U. (2007). Tutorial on Managing Uncertainty and Vagueness in Semantic Web Languages. National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, Austria.
- Facts Do Not Cease to Exist Because They Are Ignored: Relativised Uniform Equivalence with Answer-Set Projection / Oetsch, J., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2007). Facts Do Not Cease to Exist Because They Are Ignored: Relativised Uniform Equivalence with Answer-Set Projection. AAAI ’ 07, Vancouver, Canada, Non-EU.
- A Preference-Based Framework for Updating Logic Programs / Delgrande, J. P., Schaub, T., & Tompits, H. (2007). A Preference-Based Framework for Updating Logic Programs. In C. Baral, G. Brewka, & J. Schlipf (Eds.), Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (pp. 71–83). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- Team Programming in Golog under Partial Observability / Farinelli, A., Finzi, A., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2007). Team Programming in Golog under Partial Observability. In M. Veloso (Ed.), Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2007) (pp. 2097–2102). AAAI Press/IJCAI.
- Tightly Integrated Fuzzy Description Logic Programs Under the Answer Set Semantics for the Semantic Web / Lukasiewicz, T., & Straccia, U. (2007). Tightly Integrated Fuzzy Description Logic Programs Under the Answer Set Semantics for the Semantic Web. In M. Marchiori, J. Z. Pan, & C. de Sainte Marie (Eds.), Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (pp. 289–298). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- Tightly Integrated Probabilistic Description Logic Programs for the Semantic Web / Calì, A., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2007). Tightly Integrated Probabilistic Description Logic Programs for the Semantic Web. In V. Dahl & I. Niemelä (Eds.), Logic Programming (pp. 428–429). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- A Framework for Representing Ontology Mappings under Probabilities and Inconsistency / Cali, A., Lukasiewicz, T., Prodoiu, L., & Stuckenschmidt, H. (2007). A Framework for Representing Ontology Mappings under Probabilities and Inconsistency. In F. Bobillo, P. Costa, C. d´Amato, N. Fanizzi, F. Fung, T. Lukasiewicz, & T. Martin (Eds.), Proceedings of the ISWC-2007 Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2007). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Answer Set Programming for the Semantic Web (Tutorial) / Eiter, T. (2007). Answer Set Programming for the Semantic Web (Tutorial). In I. Niemelä & V. Dahl (Eds.), Proceedings 23th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2007) (pp. 23–26). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- ONTODLV: an ASP-based System for Enterprise Ontologies / Dell´Armi, T., Gallucci, L., Leone, N., Ricca, F., & Schindlauer, R. (2007). ONTODLV: an ASP-based System for Enterprise Ontologies. In S. Costantini & R. Warson (Eds.), Proceedingsof the 4th Workshop on Answer Set Programming: Advances in Theory and Implementation (ASP 2007) (pp. 99–113). University of Porto, Faculty of Sciences.
Exploiting Conjunctive Queries in Description Logic Programs.
Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Krennwallner, T., & Schindlauer, R. (2007). Exploiting Conjunctive Queries in Description Logic Programs. In D. Calvanese, E. Franconi, V. Haarslev, D. Lembo, B. Motik, A.-Y. Turhan, & S. Tessaris (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2007 International Workshop on Description Logics (DL2007) (pp. 259–266). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Projects: HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) - SPARQL++ for Mapping between RDF Vocabularies / Polleres, A. F., Scharffe, F., & Schindlauer, R. (2007). SPARQL++ for Mapping between RDF Vocabularies. In R. Meersman & Z. Tari (Eds.), On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2007: CoopIS, DOA, ODBASE, GADA, and IS (pp. 878–896). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- Equilibria in Heterogeneous Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems / Brewka, G., & Eiter, T. (2007). Equilibria in Heterogeneous Nonmonotonic Multi-Context Systems. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 385–390). AAAI Press.
- Conditional Planning with External Functions / Van Nieuwenborgh, D., Eiter, T., & Vermeir, D. (2007). Conditional Planning with External Functions. In C. Baral, G. Brewka, & J. Schlipf (Eds.), Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (pp. 214–227). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- Embedding Non-Ground Logic Programs into Autoepistemic Logic for Knowledge Base Combination / De Bruijn, J., Eiter, T., Polleres, A. F., & Tompits, H. (2007). Embedding Non-Ground Logic Programs into Autoepistemic Logic for Knowledge Base Combination. In M. Veloso (Ed.), Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-07) (pp. 304–309). AAAI Press/IJCAI.
- On Reversing Actions: Algorithms and Complexity / Eiter, T., Erdem, E., & Faber, W. (2007). On Reversing Actions: Algorithms and Complexity. In M. Veloso (Ed.), Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-07) (pp. 336–341). AAAI Press/IJCAI.
- Foundations of Rule-Based Query / Bry, F., Eisinger, N., Eiter, T., Furche, T., Gottlob, G., Ley, C., Linse, B., Pichler, R., & Wei, F. (2007). Foundations of Rule-Based Query. In Reasoning Web (pp. 1–153). Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- That is illogical Captain! The Debugging Support Tool spock for Answer-Set Programs -- System Description / Brain, M., Gebser, M., Puehrer, J., Schaub, T., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2007). That is illogical Captain! The Debugging Support Tool spock for Answer-Set Programs -- System Description. In Proceeding of the LPNMR’ 07 Workshop on Software Engineering for Answer Set Programming (pp. 71–85).
- Alternative Characterizations for Program Equivalence under Answer-Set Semantics: Preliminary Report / Gebser, M., Schaub, T., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2007). Alternative Characterizations for Program Equivalence under Answer-Set Semantics: Preliminary Report. In Proceedings of the LPNMR’07 Workshop on Correspondence and Equivalence for Nonmonotonic Theories (pp. 37–48). CEUR-Proceedings.
- Relativised Equivalence in Equilibrium Logic and its Applications to Prediction and Explanation: Preliminary Report / Pearce, D., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2007). Relativised Equivalence in Equilibrium Logic and its Applications to Prediction and Explanation: Preliminary Report. In Proceedings of the LPNMR’07 Workshop on Correspondence and Equivalence for Nonmonotonic Theories (pp. 49–60). CEUR-Proceedings.
- A Common View on Strong, Uniform, and Other Notions of Equivalence in Answer-Set Programming / Woltran, S. (2007). A Common View on Strong, Uniform, and Other Notions of Equivalence in Answer-Set Programming. In Proceedings of the LPNMR’07 Workshop on Correspondence and Equivalence for Nonmonotonic Theories (pp. 13–24). CEUR-Proceedings.
- Modularity Aspects of Disjunctive Stable Models / Janhunen, T., Oikarinen, E., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2007). Modularity Aspects of Disjunctive Stable Models. In Proceeding of the 9th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR ’07) (pp. 175–187). LNCS/Springer.
- Debugging ASP Programs by Means of ASP / Brain, M., Gebser, M., Puehrer, J., Schaub, T., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2007). Debugging ASP Programs by Means of ASP. In Proceeding of the 9th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR ’07) (pp. 31–43). LNCS/Springer.
- Facts Do Not Cease to Exist Because They Are Ignored: Relativised Uniform Equivalence with Answer-Set Projection / Oetsch, J., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2007). Facts Do Not Cease to Exist Because They Are Ignored: Relativised Uniform Equivalence with Answer-Set Projection. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (p. 7). AAAI Press.
- Complexity of Rule Redundancy in Non-Ground Answer-Set Programming over Finite Domains / Fink, M., Pichler, R., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2007). Complexity of Rule Redundancy in Non-Ground Answer-Set Programming over Finite Domains. In C. Baral, G. Brewka, & J. Schlipf (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2007) (pp. 123–135). Springer.
- Complexity Results for Checking Equivalence of Stratified Logic Programs / Eiter, T., Fink, M., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2007). Complexity Results for Checking Equivalence of Stratified Logic Programs. In M. Veloso (Ed.), Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2007) (pp. 330–335). AAAI Press.
- spock: A Debugging Support Tool for Logic Programs under the Answer-Set Semantics / Gebser, M., Puehrer, J., Schaub, T., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2007). spock: A Debugging Support Tool for Logic Programs under the Answer-Set Semantics. In Proc. of 17th International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (INAP 2007) and 21st Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming (WLP 2007) (p. 4). Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg,.
- Testing Relativised Uniform Equivalence under Answer-Set Projection in the System ccT / Oetsch, J., Seidl, M., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2007). Testing Relativised Uniform Equivalence under Answer-Set Projection in the System ccT. In Proc. of 17th International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (INAP 2007) and 21st Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming (WLP 2007) (p. 4).
- A New Methode for the Evaluation of Point Detectors / Reiterer, A., & Eiter, T. (2007). A New Methode for the Evaluation of Point Detectors. In A. Grün & H. Kahmen (Eds.), Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques VIII (pp. 242–247).
- Ein neues Verfahren zur Evaluierung von Punkterfassungsalgorithmen (IOPs) / Reiterer, A., & Eiter, T. (2007). Ein neues Verfahren zur Evaluierung von Punkterfassungsalgorithmen (IOPs). In T. Luhmann & C. Müller (Eds.), Photogrammetrie, Laserscanning, Optische 3D-Messtechniken (pp. 156–163). Wichmann Verlag.
- Semantic Forgetting in Answer Set Programming / Eiter, T., & Wang, K. (2007). Semantic Forgetting in Answer Set Programming (INFSYS RR 1843-07-08).
- Data Complexoty of Query Answering In Expressive Description Logics via Tableaux / Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Calvanese, D., & Eiter, T. (2007). Data Complexoty of Query Answering In Expressive Description Logics via Tableaux (INFSYS RR 1843-07-07).
- Tightly Integrated Probabilistic Description Logic Programs. / Cali, A., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2007). Tightly Integrated Probabilistic Description Logic Programs. (INFSYS RR-1843-07-05).
- Uncertainty and Vagueness in Description Logic Programs for the Semantic Web / Lukasiewicz, T., & Straccia, U. (2007). Uncertainty and Vagueness in Description Logic Programs for the Semantic Web (INFSYS RR 1843-07-02).
- Tightly Integrated Fuzzy Description Logic Programs under the Answer Set Semantics for the Semantic Web / Lukasiewicz, T., & Straccia, U. (2007). Tightly Integrated Fuzzy Description Logic Programs under the Answer Set Semantics for the Semantic Web (INFSYS RR 1843-07-03).
- Variable-Strength Conditional Preferences for Ranking Objects in Ontologies / Lukasiewicz, T., & Schellhase, J. (2007). Variable-Strength Conditional Preferences for Ranking Objects in Ontologies (INFSYS RR-1843-07-06).
- Combining Answer Set Programming with Description Logics for the Semantic Web / Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Lukasiewicz, T., Schindlauer, R., & Tompits, H. (2007). Combining Answer Set Programming with Description Logics for the Semantic Web (INFSYS RR-1843-07-04).
- Characterising Equilibrium Logic and Nested Logic Programs: Reductions and Complexity / Pearce, D., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2007). Characterising Equilibrium Logic and Nested Logic Programs: Reductions and Complexity (GIA-TR-2007-12-01).
- Repair Localization for Query Answering from Inconsistent Databases / Eiter, T., Fink, M., Greco, G., & Lembo, D. (2007). Repair Localization for Query Answering from Inconsistent Databases.
- Proceedings of the ISWC-2007 Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2007). / Proceedings of the ISWC-2007 Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2007). (2007). In F. Bobillo, P. Costa, N. Fanizzi, F. Fung, T. Lukasiewicz, T. Martin, M. Nickles, Y. Peng, M. Pool, P. Smrz, & P. Vojt (Eds.), CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR-Proceedings.
- Reasoning with Rules and Ontologies / Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Polleres, A., Schindlauer, R., & Tompits, H. (2006). Reasoning with Rules and Ontologies. In P. Barahona, F. Bry, E. Franconi, N. Henze, & U. Sattler (Eds.), Reasoning Web Second International Summer School 2006, Lisbon, Portugal, September 4-8, 2006, Tutorial Lectures (pp. 93–127). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
- Causes and Explanations in the Structural-Model Approach: Tractable Cases / Eiter, T., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2006). Causes and Explanations in the Structural-Model Approach: Tractable Cases. Artificial Intelligence, 170(6–7), 542–580.
- Temporal phylogenetic networks and logic programming / Erdem, E., Lifschitz, V., & Ringe, D. (2006). Temporal phylogenetic networks and logic programming. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 6(5), 539–558.
- Reasoning Under Minimal Upper Bounds in Propositional Logic / Eiter, T., & Gottlob, G. (2006). Reasoning Under Minimal Upper Bounds in Propositional Logic. Theoretical Computer Science, 369, 82–115.
- Towards Automated Integration of Guess and Check Programs in Answer Set Programming: A Meta-Interpreter and Applications / Eiter, T., & Polleres, A. F. (2006). Towards Automated Integration of Guess and Check Programs in Answer Set Programming: A Meta-Interpreter and Applications. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 6(1–2), 23–60.
- The DLV System for knowledge representation and reasoning / Leone, N., Pfeifer, G., Faber, W., Eiter, T., Gottlob, G., Perri, S., & Scarcello, F. (2006). The DLV System for knowledge representation and reasoning. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, VOL. 7(3), 499–562.
- A Tool for Answering Queries on Action Descriptions / Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Senko, J. (2006). A Tool for Answering Queries on Action Descriptions. In M. Fisher, W. van der Hoek, B. Konev, & A. Lisitsa (Eds.), Proceedings 10th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, JELIA 2006, Liverpool, UK, September 13--15, 2006 (pp. 473–476). Springer.
- Algorithmic Aspectc of Model Representations / Pichler, R. (2006). Algorithmic Aspectc of Model Representations. In M. Fink, H. Tompits, & S. Woltran (Eds.), 20th Workshop on Logic Programming (WLP2006) (pp. 12–20). INFSYS Research Report.
- SPAR2QL: From SPARQL to Rules / Polleres, A. F., & Schindlauer, R. (2006). SPAR2QL: From SPARQL to Rules. 5th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2005), Athens, GA, USA, Non-EU.
- dlvhex - A Tool for Semantic Web Reasoning under the Answer-Set Semantics / Schindlauer, R. (2006). dlvhex - A Tool for Semantic Web Reasoning under the Answer-Set Semantics. Second International Summer School Reasoning Web 2006, Lissabon, Portugal, EU.
- Replacements in Non-Ground Answer-Set Programming / Woltran, S. (2006). Replacements in Non-Ground Answer-Set Programming. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- Replacements in Non-Ground Answer-Set Programming / Woltran, S. (2006). Replacements in Non-Ground Answer-Set Programming. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- Complexity Results for Checking Equivalence of Stratified Logic Programs / Woltran, S. (2006). Complexity Results for Checking Equivalence of Stratified Logic Programs. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
ccT: A Tool for Checking Advanced Correspondence Problems in Answer-Set Programming
Oetsch, J., Seidl, M., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2006). ccT: A Tool for Checking Advanced Correspondence Problems in Answer-Set Programming. In Proceedings. ICLP’06 Workshop: Lash’06, Seattle, Washington, Non-EU.
Project: ModelCVS (2006–2007) - An Implementation for Recognizing Rule Replacements in Non-ground Answer-Set Programs / Eiter, T., Traxler, P., & Woltran, S. (2006). An Implementation for Recognizing Rule Replacements in Non-ground Answer-Set Programs. In M. Fisher, W. van der Hoek, B. Konev, & A. Lisitsa (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2006) (pp. 477–480). Springer.
- dlvhex: A Tool for Semantic-Web Reasoning under the Answer-Set Semantics / Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Schindlauer, R., & Tompits, H. (2006). dlvhex: A Tool for Semantic-Web Reasoning under the Answer-Set Semantics. In A. F. Polleres, S. Decker, G. Gupta, & J. De Bruijn (Eds.), Informal Proceedings Workshop on Applications of Logic Programming in the Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services (ALPSWS 2006) (pp. 33–39). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- dlvhex: A System for Integrating Multiple Semantics in an Answer-Set Programming Framework / Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Schindlauer, R., & Tompits, H. (2006). dlvhex: A System for Integrating Multiple Semantics in an Answer-Set Programming Framework. In M. Fink, H. Tompits, & S. Woltran (Eds.), Proceedings 20th Workshop on Logic Programming and Constraint Systems (WLP ’06) (pp. 206–210).
- Effective Integration of Declarative Rules with External Evaluations for Semantic Web Reasoning / Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Schindlauer, R., & Tompits, H. (2006). Effective Integration of Declarative Rules with External Evaluations for Semantic Web Reasoning. In Y. Sure & J. Domingue (Eds.), The Semantic Web: Research and Applications. Proceedings 3rd European Conference on Semantic Web (ESWC 2006) (pp. 273–287). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
- Forgetting and Conflict Resolving in Disjunctive Logic Programming / Eiter, T., & Wang, K. (2006). Forgetting and Conflict Resolving in Disjunctive Logic Programming. In Proceedings 21th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI ’06), July 16-23, 2006, Boston (pp. 238–243). AAAI Press.
- Representing action domains with numeric-valued fluents / Erdem, E., & Gabaldon, A. (2006). Representing action domains with numeric-valued fluents. In M. Fisher, W. van der Hoek, B. Konev, & A. Lisitsa (Eds.), Proceedings 10th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, JELIA 2006, Liverpool, UK, September 13--15, 2006 (pp. 151–163). Springer.
- Comparing Action Descriptions Based on Semantic Preferences / Eiter, T., Erdem, E., Fink, M., & Senko, J. (2006). Comparing Action Descriptions Based on Semantic Preferences. In M. Fisher, W. van der Hoek, B. Konev, & A. Lisitsa (Eds.), Proceedings 10th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, JELIA 2006, Liverpool, UK, September 13 -- 15, 2006 (pp. 124–137). Springer.
- A Fully Internalized Sequent Calculus for Hybrid Categorial Logics / Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M. (2006). A Fully Internalized Sequent Calculus for Hybrid Categorial Logics. In J. Huitink & S. Katrenko (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh ESSLLI Student Session (pp. 136–147).
- An Approach to Probabilistic Data Integration for the Semantic Web / Cali, A., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2006). An Approach to Probabilistic Data Integration for the Semantic Web. In P. C. G. da Costa, K. B. Laskey, K. J. Laskey, F. Fung, & M. Pool (Eds.), Proceedings of the ISWC-2006 Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2006) (pp. 67–68). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Variable-Strength Conditional Preferences for Ranking Objects in Ontologies / Lukasiewicz, T., & Schellhase, J. (2006). Variable-Strength Conditional Preferences for Ranking Objects in Ontologies. In Y. Sure & J. Domingue (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2006), Budva, Montenegro, June 2006 (pp. 288–302). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
- On Representational Issues about Combinations of Classical Theories with Nonmonotonic Rules / De Bruijn, J., Eiter, T., Polleres, A. F., & Tompits, H. (2006). On Representational Issues about Combinations of Classical Theories with Nonmonotonic Rules. In J. Lang, F. Lin, & J. Wang (Eds.), Proceedings of the First International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM 2006) (pp. 1–22). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer.
- LPForget: A System of Forgetting in Answer Set Programming / Cheng, F.-L., Eiter, T., Robinson, N., Sattar, A., & Wang, K. (2006). LPForget: A System of Forgetting in Answer Set Programming. In AI 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings 19th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (pp. 1101–1105). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
- Characterizing Data Complexity for Conjunctive Query Answering in Expressive Description Logics / Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Calvanese, D., & Eiter, T. (2006). Characterizing Data Complexity for Conjunctive Query Answering in Expressive Description Logics. In Proceedings 21th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI ’06), July 16-23, 2006, Boston, USA ISBN 978-1-57735-281-5 (pp. 275–280). AAAI Press.
- A RuleML Syntax for Answer-Set Programming / Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Schindlauer, R., & Tompits, H. (2006). A RuleML Syntax for Answer-Set Programming. In A. F. Polleres, S. Decker, G. Gupta, & J. De Bruijn (Eds.), Informal Proceedings Workshop on Applications of Logic Programming in the Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services (ALPSWS 2006), at FLOC/ICLP 2006. (pp. 107–108). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Preferences, Links, and Probabilities for Ranking Objects in Ontologies / Lukasiewicz, T., & Schellhase, J. (2006). Preferences, Links, and Probabilities for Ranking Objects in Ontologies. In P. C. G. da Costa, K. B. Laskey, K. J. Laskey, F. Fung, & M. Pool (Eds.), Proceedings of the ISWC-2006 Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2006) (pp. 65–66). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Fuzzy Description Logic Programs under the Answer Set Semantics for the Semantic Web / Lukasiewicz, T. (2006). Fuzzy Description Logic Programs under the Answer Set Semantics for the Semantic Web. In T. Eiter, E. Franconi, R. Hodgson, & S. Stephens (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web (RuleML 2006) (pp. 89–96). IEEE Computer Society.
- Adaptive Multi-Agent Programming in GTGolog / Finzi, A., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2006). Adaptive Multi-Agent Programming in GTGolog. In G. Brewka, S. Coradeschi, A. Perini, & P. Traverso (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th biennial European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2006) (pp. 753–754). IOS Press.
- Game-Theoretic Agent Programming in Golog under Partial Observability / Finzi, A., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2006). Game-Theoretic Agent Programming in Golog under Partial Observability. In C. Freksa, M. Kohlhase, & K. Schill (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2006), Bremen, Germany, June 2006. (pp. 113–127). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer.
- Adaptive Multi-Agent Programming in GTGolog / Finzi, A., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2006). Adaptive Multi-Agent Programming in GTGolog. In C. Freksa, M. Kohlhase, & K. Schill (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2006), Bremen, Germany, June 2006. (pp. 389–403). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
- Variable-Strength Conditional Preferences for Matchmaking in Description Logics / Lukasiewicz, T., & Schellhase, J. (2006). Variable-Strength Conditional Preferences for Matchmaking in Description Logics. In P. Doherty, J. Mylopoulos, & C. Welty (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2006), Lake District, UK, June 2006. (pp. 164–174). AAAI Press.
- dlvhex: A Prover for Semantic-Web Reasoning under Answer-Set Semantics / Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Schindlauer, R., & Tompits, H. (2006). dlvhex: A Prover for Semantic-Web Reasoning under Answer-Set Semantics. In T. Nishida, Z. Shi, U. Visser, X. Wu, J. Liu, B. Wah, W. Cheung, & Y.-M. Cheung (Eds.), Proceedings The 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI-06) (pp. 1073–1074). IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Forgetting and Conflict Resolving in Disjunctive Logic Programming / Eiter, T., & Wang, K. (2006). Forgetting and Conflict Resolving in Disjunctive Logic Programming. In J. Dix & A. Hunter (Eds.), Proceedings 11th International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning (NMR-2006), Reasoning About Actions and Change Track (pp. 85–92). Institut fuer Informatik, TU Clausthal, Germany.
- Data Complexity of Answering Unions of Conjunctive Queries in SHIQ / Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Calvanese, D., & Eiter, T. (2006). Data Complexity of Answering Unions of Conjunctive Queries in SHIQ. In B. Parsi, U. Sattler, & D. Toman (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2006 International Workshop on Description Logics (DL’06). Windermere, Lake District, UK, May 30-June 1, 2006 (pp. 62–73). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Towards Efficient Evaluation of HEX Programs / Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Schindlauer, R., & Tompits, H. (2006). Towards Efficient Evaluation of HEX Programs. In J. Dix & A. Hunter (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning (pp. 40–46). Clausthal University of Technology.
- Forgetting in Managing Rules and Ontologies / Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Schindlauer, R., Tompits, H., & Wang, K. (2006). Forgetting in Managing Rules and Ontologies. In T. Nishida, Z. Shi, U. Visser, X. Wu, J. Liu, B. Wah, W. Cheung, & Y.-M. Cheung (Eds.), Proceedings The 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI-06) (pp. 411–419). IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Forgetting in Managing Rules and Ontologies / Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Schindlauer, R., Tompits, H., & Wang, K. (2006). Forgetting in Managing Rules and Ontologies. In A. F. Polleres, S. Decker, G. Gupta, & J. De Bruijn (Eds.), Informal Proceedings Workshop on Applications of Logic Programming in the Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services (ALPSWS 2006) (pp. 1–16). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Phase Transition for Random Quantified XOR-formulas / Creignou, N., Daude, H., & Egly, U. (2006). Phase Transition for Random Quantified XOR-formulas. In Proceedings of the Guangzhou Symposioum on Satisfiability in Logic-Based Modeling (p. 12).
A Solver for QBFs in Nonprenex Form: Overview and Experimental Results
Egly, U., Seidl, M., & Woltran, S. (2006). A Solver for QBFs in Nonprenex Form: Overview and Experimental Results. In Proceedings of the Guangzhou Symposioum on Satisfiability in Logic-Based Modeling (p. 11).
Project: ModelCVS (2006–2007) -
ccT: A Tool for Checking Advanced Correspondence Problems in Answer-Set Programming
Oetsch, J., Seidl, M., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2006). ccT: A Tool for Checking Advanced Correspondence Problems in Answer-Set Programming. In Proceedings of CIC-06 (pp. 3–11). IEEE Computer Society.
Project: ModelCVS (2006–2007) - A Preference-Based Framework for Updating Logic Programs: Preliminary Report / Delgrande, J. P., Schaub, T., & Tompits, H. (2006). A Preference-Based Framework for Updating Logic Programs: Preliminary Report. In E. Pontelli & T. C. Son (Eds.), Informal Proceedings Workshop on Preferences and their Applications in Logic Programming (PREFS 2006) (p. 15). FLOC-Workshop on Preferences and their Applications in Logic Programming (PREFS 2006).
- Reasoning in Argumentation Frameworks Using Quantified Boolean Formulas / Egly, U., & Woltran, S. (2006). Reasoning in Argumentation Frameworks Using Quantified Boolean Formulas. In P. E. Dunne & T. J. M. Bench-Capon (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2006) (pp. 133–144). IOS Press.
- Replacements in Non-Ground Answer-Set Programming / Eiter, T., Fink, M., Tompits, H., Traxler, P., & Woltran, S. (2006). Replacements in Non-Ground Answer-Set Programming. In P. Doherty, J. Mylopoulos, & C. Welty (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2006), Lake District of the United Kingdom, June 2--5 (pp. 340–351). AAAI Press.
- Replacements in Non-Ground Answer-Set Programming / Eiter, T., Fink, M., Tompits, H., Traxler, P., & Woltran, S. (2006). Replacements in Non-Ground Answer-Set Programming. In M. Fink, H. Tompits, & S. Woltran (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th Workshop on Logic Programming (WLP 2006), Vienna, Austria, February 22--24 (p. 9). TU Wien, Institut fuer Informationssysteme.
- Comparing Action Descriptions Based on Semantic Preferences / Eiter, T., Erdem, E., Fink, M., & Senko, J. (2006). Comparing Action Descriptions Based on Semantic Preferences. In U. Junker & W. Kiessling (Eds.), Informal Proceedings Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling, ECAI 2006, Riva del Garda, August 28 -- 29, 2006 (pp. 15–22).
- Resolving Conflicts in Action Descriptions / Eiter, T., Erdem, E., Fink, M., & Senko, J. (2006). Resolving Conflicts in Action Descriptions. In G. Brewka, S. Coradeschi, A. Perini, & P. Traverso (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th Eureopean Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI’2006, Riva del Garda, Italy, August 29 -- September 1, 2006 (pp. 367–371). IOS Press.
- Resolving Conflicts in Action Descriptions / Eiter, T., Erdem, E., Fink, M., & Senko, J. (2006). Resolving Conflicts in Action Descriptions. In J. Dix & A. Hunter (Eds.), Proceedings 11th International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning (NMR-2006), Reasoning About Actions and Change Track (pp. 353–360). TU Clausthal, Institut fuer Informatik.
A Tool for Advanced Correspondence Checking in Answer-Set Programming
Oetsch, J., Seidl, M., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2006). A Tool for Advanced Correspondence Checking in Answer-Set Programming. In Proceedings is for the Eleventh International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning. 11th International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Lake District, UK, EU.
Project: ModelCVS (2006–2007) -
A Tool for Advanced Correspondence Checking in Answer-Set Programming: Preliminary Experimental Results
Oetsch, J., Seidl, M., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2006). A Tool for Advanced Correspondence Checking in Answer-Set Programming: Preliminary Experimental Results. In Online Proceedings - WLP 2006. 20th Workshop on Logic Programming, Wien, EU.
Project: ModelCVS (2006–2007) -
ccT: A Correspondence-Checking Tool For Logic Programs Under The Answer-Set Semantics
Oetsch, J., Seidl, M., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2006). ccT: A Correspondence-Checking Tool For Logic Programs Under The Answer-Set Semantics. In Proceedings of the JELIA2006 (pp. 502–505). Springer.
Project: ModelCVS (2006–2007) -
A Solver for QBFs in Nonprenex Form
Egly, U., Seidl, M., & Woltran, S. (2006). A Solver for QBFs in Nonprenex Form. In Proceedings of the ECAI 2006 (pp. 477–481). IOS Press.
Project: ModelCVS (2006–2007) - A Distance-Based Method for the Evaluation of Interest Point Detection Algorithms / Reiterer, A., & Eiter, T. (2006). A Distance-Based Method for the Evaluation of Interest Point Detection Algorithms. In IEEE-Signal Processing Society (Ed.), IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - ICIP 2006 (p. 4). IEEE.
- Data Complexity of Query Answering in Expressive Description Logics with Nominals / Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Calvanese, D., & Eiter, T. (2006). Data Complexity of Query Answering in Expressive Description Logics with Nominals (INFSYS RR-1843-06-03).
- A novel combination of answer set programming with description logics for the Semantic Web / Lukasiewicz, T. (2006). A novel combination of answer set programming with description logics for the Semantic Web (INFSYS RR-1843-06-08).
- An Overview of Uncertainty and Vagueness in Description Logics for the Semantic Web / Lukasiewicz, T., & Straccia, U. (2006). An Overview of Uncertainty and Vagueness in Description Logics for the Semantic Web (INFSYS RR-1843-06-07).
- Probabilistic Description Logics for the Semantic Web / Lukasiewicz, T. (2006). Probabilistic Description Logics for the Semantic Web (INFSYS RR-1843-06-05).
- Probabilistic Description Logic Programs / Lukasiewicz, T. (2006). Probabilistic Description Logic Programs (INFSYS RR-1843-06-04).
- Comparing Action Descriptions Based on Semantic Preferences / Eiter, T., Erdem, E., Fink, M., & Senko, J. (2006). Comparing Action Descriptions Based on Semantic Preferences.
- Computational Aspects of Monotone Dualization: A Brief Survey / Eiter, T., Makino, K., & Gottlob, G. (2006). Computational Aspects of Monotone Dualization: A Brief Survey (INFSYS RR-1843-06-01).
- Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web / Eiter, T., Franconi, E., Hodgson, R., Kifer, M., & Stephens, S. (Eds.). (2006). Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Proceedings of the 20th Workshop on Logic Programming (WLP 2006), Vienna, Austria, February 22--24 / Fink, M., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (Eds.). (2006). Proceedings of the 20th Workshop on Logic Programming (WLP 2006), Vienna, Austria, February 22--24. TU Wien.
- Nonmonotonic Description Logic Programs: Implementation and Experiments / Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Schindlauer, R., & Tompits, H. (2005). Nonmonotonic Description Logic Programs: Implementation and Experiments. In F. Baader & A. Voronkov (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning (pp. 511–527). Springer.
- Reasoning about Evolving Nonmonotonic Knowledge Bases / Eiter, T., Fink, M., Sabbatini, G., & Tompits, H. (2005). Reasoning about Evolving Nonmonotonic Knowledge Bases. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 6(2), 389–440.
- Probabilistic Logic under Coherence: Complexity and Algorithms / Biazzo, V., Gilio, A., Lukasiewicz, T., & Sanfilippo, G. (2005). Probabilistic Logic under Coherence: Complexity and Algorithms. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, ONLINE FIRST(Online First).
- Weak Nonmonotonic Probabilistic Logics / Lukasiewicz, T. (2005). Weak Nonmonotonic Probabilistic Logics. Artificial Intelligence, 168(1–2), 119–161.
- Nonmonotonic Probabilistic Reasoning under Variable-Strength Inheritance with Overriding / Lukasiewicz, T. (2005). Nonmonotonic Probabilistic Reasoning under Variable-Strength Inheritance with Overriding. Synthese, 146(1–2), 153–169.
- On Deciding Subsumption Problems / Egly, U., Pichler, R., & Woltran, S. (2005). On Deciding Subsumption Problems. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 43(1–4), 255–294.
- Complexity of Nested Circumscription and Nested Abnormality Theories / Cadoli, M., Eiter, T., & Gottlob, G. (2005). Complexity of Nested Circumscription and Nested Abnormality Theories. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 6(2), 232–272.
- Decision Making for MiroSOT Soccer Playing Robots / Egly, U., Novak, G., & Weber, D. (2005). Decision Making for MiroSOT Soccer Playing Robots. In Decision Making for MiroSOT Soccer Playing Robots (pp. 69–72).
- Declarative Planning and Knowledge Representation in an Action Language / Eiter, T., Faber, W., Pfeifer, G., & Polleres, A. F. (2005). Declarative Planning and Knowledge Representation in an Action Language. In I. Vlahavas & D. Vrakas (Eds.), Intelligent Techniques for Planning (pp. 1–34). Idea Group Publishing.
- Representing Paraconsistent Reasoning via Quantified Propositional Logic / Besnard, P., Schaub, T., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2005). Representing Paraconsistent Reasoning via Quantified Propositional Logic. In L. Bertossi (Ed.), Inconsistency Tolerance (pp. 84–118). Springer, LNCS 3300.
- Answer Set Programming and Agents / Dix, J., & Eiter, T. (2005). Answer Set Programming and Agents. AgentLink News, 19, 14–17.
- Preface / Eiter, T., & Lembo, D. (2005). Preface. Journal of Applied Logic, 3(2), 251–252.
- Character-Based Cladistics and Answer Set Programming / Erdem, E. (2005). Character-Based Cladistics and Answer Set Programming. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- Nonmonotonic Logic Programs for the Semantic Web / Schindlauer, R. (2005). Nonmonotonic Logic Programs for the Semantic Web. International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP), Sitges, Spain, Austria.
- On Solution Correspondences in Answer Set Programming: A General Framework (and Characterizations for the Ground Case) / Woltran, S. (2005). On Solution Correspondences in Answer Set Programming: A General Framework (and Characterizations for the Ground Case). Dagstuhl Seminar Nr. 05171, Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Answer Set Programming and Constraints, Dagstuhl, Deutschland, Austria.
- Solution Correspondences in Answer-Set Programming: An Overview / Woltran, S. (2005). Solution Correspondences in Answer-Set Programming: An Overview. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- Node Presentation: TU Wien / Woltran, S. (2005). Node Presentation: TU Wien. International Workshop on Answer Set Programming (ASP), Bath, UK, Austria.
- Solution Correspondences in Answer-Set Programming: An Overview / Woltran, S. (2005). Solution Correspondences in Answer-Set Programming: An Overview. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- Survey of Equivalences in ASP / Woltran, S. (2005). Survey of Equivalences in ASP. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- Nonmonotonic Probabilistic Logics under Variable-Strength Inheritance with Overriding: Algorithms and Implementation in NMPROBLOG / Lukasiewicz, T. (2005). Nonmonotonic Probabilistic Logics under Variable-Strength Inheritance with Overriding: Algorithms and Implementation in NMPROBLOG. In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications (ISIPTA 2005) (pp. 230–239). CMU.
- Game-Theoretic Golog under Partial Observability / Finzi, A., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2005). Game-Theoretic Golog under Partial Observability. In F. Dignum, V. Dignum, S. Koenig, & S. Kraus (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2005) (pp. 1301–1302). ACM Press.
- Probabilistic Description Logic Programs / Lukasiewicz, T. (2005). Probabilistic Description Logic Programs. In L. Godo (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU 2005) (pp. 737–749). Springer.
- Character-Based Cladistics and Answer Set Programming / Brooks, D. R., Erdem, E., Minett, J. W., & Ringe, D. (2005). Character-Based Cladistics and Answer Set Programming. In M. Hermenegildo & D. Cabeza (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL 2005) (pp. 37–51). Springer.
- Game-Theoretic Reasoning About Actions in Nonmonotonic Causal Theories / Finzi, A., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2005). Game-Theoretic Reasoning About Actions in Nonmonotonic Causal Theories. In C. Baral, G. Greco, & N. Leone (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2005) (pp. 185–197). Springer.
- Specification of Assessment-Test Criteria through ASP Specifications / Ianni, G., Panetta, C., & Ricca, F. (2005). Specification of Assessment-Test Criteria through ASP Specifications. In M. De Vos & A. Provetti (Eds.), Answer Set Programming, Advances in Theory and Implementation, Proceedings of the 3rd Intl. ASP’05 Workshop (pp. 293–302). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Nonmonotonic Logic Programs for the Semantic Web / Schindlauer, R. (2005). Nonmonotonic Logic Programs for the Semantic Web. In M. Gabbrielli & G. Gupta (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Logic Programming (pp. 446–447). Springer.
- Data Integration: a Challenging ASP Application / Leone, N., Eiter, T., Faber, W., & Fink, M. (2005). Data Integration: a Challenging ASP Application. In C. Baral (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2005) (pp. 379–383). Springer.
- Data Integration and Answer Set Programming / Eiter, T. (2005). Data Integration and Answer Set Programming. In C. Baral (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2005) (pp. 13–25). Springer.
- Testing Strong Equivalence of Datalog Programs: Implementation and Examples / Eiter, T., Faber, W., & Traxler, P. (2005). Testing Strong Equivalence of Datalog Programs: Implementation and Examples. In C. Baral (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2005) (pp. 437–441). Springer.
- KMonitor -- A Tool for Monitoring Plan Execution in Action Theories / Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Senko, J. (2005). KMonitor -- A Tool for Monitoring Plan Execution in Action Theories. In C. Baral (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2005) (pp. 416–421). Springer.
- The INFOMIX System for Advanced Integration of Incomplete and Inconsistent Data / Leone, N., Eiter, T., Faber, W., & Fink, M. (2005). The INFOMIX System for Advanced Integration of Incomplete and Inconsistent Data. In Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (SIGMOD/PODS 2005 Conference) (pp. 915–917). ACM.
- Towards Implementations for Advanced Equivalence Checking in Answer-Set Programming / Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2005). Towards Implementations for Advanced Equivalence Checking in Answer-Set Programming. In M. De Vos & A. Provetti (Eds.), Answer Set Programming, Advances in Theory and Implementation, Proceedings of the 3rd Intl. ASP’05 Workshop (pp. 115–129). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Towards Implementations for Advanced Equivalence Checking in Answer-Set Programming / Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2005). Towards Implementations for Advanced Equivalence Checking in Answer-Set Programming. In M. Gabbrielli & G. Gupta (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Logic Programming (pp. 189–203). Springer.
- DLV-HEX: Dealing with Semantic Web under Answer-Set Programming / Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Schindlauer, R., & Tompits, H. (2005). DLV-HEX: Dealing with Semantic Web under Answer-Set Programming. In R. Mizoguchi (Ed.), Poster & Demonstration Proceedings of the 4th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2005) (p. PID 73).
- NLP-DL: A KR System for Coupling Nonmonotonic Logic Programs with Description Logics / Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Schindlauer, R., & Tompits, H. (2005). NLP-DL: A KR System for Coupling Nonmonotonic Logic Programs with Description Logics. In R. Mizoguchi (Ed.), Poster & Demonstration Proceedings of the 4th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2005) (p. PID 67).
- Game-Theoretic Agent Programming in Golog under Partial Observability / Finzi, A., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2005). Game-Theoretic Agent Programming in Golog under Partial Observability. In P. Gmytrasiewicz & S. Parsons (Eds.), Working Notes of IJCAI-05 Workshop on Game Theoretic and Decision Theoretic Agents (GTDT 2005).
- Stratified Probabilistic Description Logic Programs / Lukasiewicz, T. (2005). Stratified Probabilistic Description Logic Programs. In P. C. G. da Costa, K. B. Laskey, & K. J. Laskey (Eds.), Proceedings of the ISWC-2005 Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2005) (pp. 87–97).
- Cumulative Effects of Concurrent Actions on Numeric-Valued Fluents / Erdem, E., & Gabaldon, A. (2005). Cumulative Effects of Concurrent Actions on Numeric-Valued Fluents. In L. Morgenstern & M. Pagnucco (Eds.), Working Notes of IJCAI-05 Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action, and Change (NRAC’05) (pp. 28–33).
- A General Framework for Expressing Preferences in Causal Reasoning and Planning / Delgrande, J. P., Schaub, T., & Tompits, H. (2005). A General Framework for Expressing Preferences in Causal Reasoning and Planning. In S. McIlraith, P. Peppas, & M. Thielscher (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning (COMMONSENSE 2005) (pp. 47–54).
- Cumulative Effects of Concurrent Actions on Numeric-Valued Fluents / Erdem, E., & Gabaldon, A. (2005). Cumulative Effects of Concurrent Actions on Numeric-Valued Fluents. In M. Veloso & S. Kambhampati (Eds.), "Proceedings 20th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI ’05) (pp. 627–632). AAAI Press.
- Genome Rearrangement and Planning / Erdem, E., & Tillier, E. R. M. (2005). Genome Rearrangement and Planning. In M. Veloso & S. Kambhampati (Eds.), Proceedings 20th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI ’05) (pp. 1139–1144). AAAI Press.
- A Uniform Integration of Higher-Order Reasoning and External Evaluations in Answer -Set Programming / Eiter, T., Ianni, G., Schindlauer, R., & Tompits, H. (2005). A Uniform Integration of Higher-Order Reasoning and External Evaluations in Answer -Set Programming. In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-05) (pp. 90–96). Professional Book Center.
- Updating Action Domain Descriptions / Eiter, T., Erdem, E., Fink, M., & Senko, J. (2005). Updating Action Domain Descriptions. In L. Pack Kaelbling & A. Saffiotti (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-05) (pp. 418–423). Professional Book Center.
- Using SAT and LP to Design Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Planning in Non-deterministic Domains / Baral, C., Eiter, T., & Zhao, J. (2005). Using SAT and LP to Design Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Planning in Non-deterministic Domains. In M. Veloso & S. Kambhampati (Eds.), Proceedings 20th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI ’05) (pp. 578–583). AAAI Press.
- On Solution Correspondences in Answer-Set Programming / Eiter, T., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2005). On Solution Correspondences in Answer-Set Programming. In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-05) (pp. 97–102).
- Strong and Uniform Equivalence in Answer-Set Programming: Characterizations and Complexity Results for the Non-Ground Case / Eiter, T., Fink, M., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2005). Strong and Uniform Equivalence in Answer-Set Programming: Characterizations and Complexity Results for the Non-Ground Case. In Proceedings, The Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Seventeenth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, (pp. 695–700). AAAI Press / The MIT Press 2005.
- Information Extraction for the Semantic Web / Baumgartner, R., Eiter, T., Gottlob, G., Herzog, M., & Koch, C. (2005). Information Extraction for the Semantic Web. In Reasoning Web (pp. 275–289). Springer.
- A Smart Videometric System / Reiterer, A., Kahmen, H., Eiter, T., Egly, U., & Paar, G. (2005). A Smart Videometric System. In A. Grün & H. Kahmen (Eds.), Proceedings Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques VII, Vol. II (pp. 370–375).
- A Knowledge-Based Decision System for an Image-Based Measurement / Reiterer, A., Egly, U., Eiter, T., & Kahmen, H. (2005). A Knowledge-Based Decision System for an Image-Based Measurement. In B. H. V. Topping (Ed.), Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (pp. 35–36).
- A Backjumping Technique for Disjunctive Logic Programming / Ricca, F., Faber, W., & Leone, N. (2005). A Backjumping Technique for Disjunctive Logic Programming.
- Solving Hard Problems for the Second Level of the Polynomial Hierarchy: Heuristics and Benchmarks / Faber, W., Leone, N., & Ricca, F. (2005). Solving Hard Problems for the Second Level of the Polynomial Hierarchy: Heuristics and Benchmarks.
- Template Programs for Disjunctive Logic Programming: An Operational Semantics / Calimeri, F., & Ianni, G. (2005). Template Programs for Disjunctive Logic Programming: An Operational Semantics.
- Nonmonotonic Probabilistic Logics under Variable-Strength Inheritance with Overriding: Algorithms and Implementation in NMPROBLOG / Lukasiewicz, T. (2005). Nonmonotonic Probabilistic Logics under Variable-Strength Inheritance with Overriding: Algorithms and Implementation in NMPROBLOG.
- Game-Theoretic Reasoning about Actions in Nonmonotonic Causal Theories / Finzi, A., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2005). Game-Theoretic Reasoning about Actions in Nonmonotonic Causal Theories.
- Game-Theoretic Golog under Partial Observability / Finzi, A., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2005). Game-Theoretic Golog under Partial Observability.
- Semantical Characterizations and Complexity of Equivalences in Answer Set Programming / Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Woltran, S. (2005). Semantical Characterizations and Complexity of Equivalences in Answer Set Programming.
- Data Cleaning Tasks for the INFOMIX Demo Scenario / Smetannikov, A., Soloviev, E., Eiter, T., Faber, W., & Fink, M. (2005). Data Cleaning Tasks for the INFOMIX Demo Scenario.
- Optimizing Wrapper Access and Query Plan Generation for the INFOMIX System / Smetannikov, A., Soloviev, E., Eiter, T., & Faber, W. (2005). Optimizing Wrapper Access and Query Plan Generation for the INFOMIX System.
- Test and Comparison Results / Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Tompits, H. (2005). Test and Comparison Results.
- Self-assessment Report for Years 3+4 / Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Tompits, H. (2005). Self-assessment Report for Years 3+4.
- Variable-Strength Conditional Preferences for Matchmaking in Description Logics / Lukasiewicz, T., & Schellhase, J. (2005). Variable-Strength Conditional Preferences for Matchmaking in Description Logics.
- Data Complexity of Answering Conjunctive Queries over SHIQ Knowledge Bases / Ortiz de la Fuente, M. M., Calvanese, D., Eiter, T., & Franconi, E. (2005). Data Complexity of Answering Conjunctive Queries over SHIQ Knowledge Bases.
- Reasoning Under Minimal Upper Bounds in Propositional Logic / Eiter, T., & Gottlob, G. (2005). Reasoning Under Minimal Upper Bounds in Propositional Logic.
- Optimization Methods for Logic-Based Query Answering from Inconsistent Data IntegrationSystems / Eiter, T., Fink, M., Greco, G., & Lembo, D. (2005). Optimization Methods for Logic-Based Query Answering from Inconsistent Data IntegrationSystems.
- Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2005) / Eiter, T., & Libkin, L. (Eds.). (2005). Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2005). Springer, LNCS 3363.
- Declarative Logic-Programming Components for Information Agents / Fink, M. (2004). Declarative Logic-Programming Components for Information Agents. IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), Aukland, New Zealand, Non-EU.
- INFOMIX: Data Integration meets Nonmonotonic Deductive Databases / Eiter, T. (2004). INFOMIX: Data Integration meets Nonmonotonic Deductive Databases. Kolloquium, Leopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck, Austria.
- Nonmontonic Description Logic Programs / Eiter, T. (2004). Nonmontonic Description Logic Programs. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- Towards Combining Answer Set Semantics with Description Logics for the Semantic Web / Eiter, T. (2004). Towards Combining Answer Set Semantics with Description Logics for the Semantic Web. Kolloquium, Leopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck, Austria.
- INFOMIX: Progress and Demo Scenario / Eiter, T. (2004). INFOMIX: Progress and Demo Scenario. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- INFOMIX: Data Integration meets Nonmonotonic Deductive Databases / Eiter, T. (2004). INFOMIX: Data Integration meets Nonmonotonic Deductive Databases. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- INFOMIX: Data Integration meets Nonmonotonic Deductive Databases / Eiter, T. (2004). INFOMIX: Data Integration meets Nonmonotonic Deductive Databases. ARISE Workshop on Exchange and Integration of Data, Toronto, Canada, Austria.
- Towards Combining Answer Set Semantics with Description Logics for the Semantic Web / Eiter, T. (2004). Towards Combining Answer Set Semantics with Description Logics for the Semantic Web. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- Strong and Uniform Equivalence of Logic Programs under Answer Set Semantics - the Datalog Case / Eiter, T. (2004). Strong and Uniform Equivalence of Logic Programs under Answer Set Semantics - the Datalog Case. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- Planning by Answer Set Programming - The DLV/K System / Eiter, T. (2004). Planning by Answer Set Programming - The DLV/K System. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- Abduction and the Dualization Problem / Eiter, T. (2004). Abduction and the Dualization Problem. International Symposium on Discrete Algorithms and Optimization, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, Austria.
- The INFOMIX System for Information Integration / Eiter, T. (2004). The INFOMIX System for Information Integration. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- Argumentation Frameworks and QBFs / Egly, U. (2004). Argumentation Frameworks and QBFs. International Workshop on QSAT and SAT, Guangzhou, P.R. China, Austria.
- On Eliminating Disjunctions in Stable Logic Programming / Tompits, H. (2004). On Eliminating Disjunctions in Stable Logic Programming. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- On Simplifying and Rewriting Logic Programs: Characterisations and Complexity / Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2004). On Simplifying and Rewriting Logic Programs: Characterisations and Complexity. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- Elimination of Disjunction in Stable Logic Programming / Woltran, S. (2004). Elimination of Disjunction in Stable Logic Programming. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- Relativized Notions of Equivalence in ASP / Woltran, S. (2004). Relativized Notions of Equivalence in ASP. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- Complexity of Equivalence between Propositional Logic Programs / Woltran, S. (2004). Complexity of Equivalence between Propositional Logic Programs. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- Maintenance Goals of Agents in a Dynamic Environment: Formulation and Policy Construction / Baral, C., Eiter, T., Bjäreland, M., & Nakamura, M. (2004). Maintenance Goals of Agents in a Dynamic Environment: Formulation and Policy Construction.
- Self-assessment report for year 2 / Eiter, T., Faber, W., & Tompits, H. (2004). Self-assessment report for year 2.
- Methods and Techniques for Query Optimization / Eiter, T., Faber, W., Fink, M., Greco, G., Lembo, D., & Tompits, H. (2004). Methods and Techniques for Query Optimization.
- Undoing the Effects of Action Sequences / Eiter, T., Erdem, E., & Faber, W. (2004). Undoing the Effects of Action Sequences.
- Diagnosing Plan Execution Discrepancies in a Logic-Based Action Framework / Eiter, T., Erdem, E., & Faber, W. (2004). Diagnosing Plan Execution Discrepancies in a Logic-Based Action Framework.
- Game-Theoretic Agent Programming in Golog / Finzi, A., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2004). Game-Theoretic Agent Programming in Golog.
- Towards Automated Integration of Guess and Check Programs in Answer Set Programming: A Meta-Interpreter and Applications / Eiter, T., & Polleres, A. F. (2004). Towards Automated Integration of Guess and Check Programs in Answer Set Programming: A Meta-Interpreter and Applications.
- On Deciding Subsumption Problems / Egly, U., Pichler, R., & Woltran, S. (2003). On Deciding Subsumption Problems.
- The INFOMIX Information Integration System / Eiter, T. (2003). The INFOMIX Information Integration System. CologNet Workshop on Data Integration, Wien, Austria.
- Planning by Answer Set Programming -- The DLV/K System / Eiter, T. (2003). Planning by Answer Set Programming -- The DLV/K System. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- Planning by Answer Set Programming -- The DLV/K System / Eiter, T. (2003). Planning by Answer Set Programming -- The DLV/K System. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- The IMPACT Systems for Heterogeneous Agents / Eiter, T. (2003). The IMPACT Systems for Heterogeneous Agents. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- Optimizing consistent query answering from data integration systems / Eiter, T. (2003). Optimizing consistent query answering from data integration systems. Dagstuhl Seminar Nr. 03241, Inconsistency Tolerance, Dagstuhl, Germany, Austria.
- Uniform Equivalence of Logic Programs under the Stable Model Semantics / Faber, W. (2003). Uniform Equivalence of Logic Programs under the Stable Model Semantics. Logic Programming, 19th International Conference, ICLP 2003, Mumbai, India, Austria.
- Efficient Evaluation of Logic Programs for Querying Data Integration Systems / Faber, W. (2003). Efficient Evaluation of Logic Programs for Querying Data Integration Systems. Logic Programming, 19th International Conference, ICLP 2003, Mumbai, India, Austria.
- Paraconsistent Reasoning via QBFs / Woltran, S. (2003). Paraconsistent Reasoning via QBFs. Dagstuhl Seminar Nr. 03241, Inconsistency Tolerance, Dagstuhl, Germany, Austria.
- Quantifizierte Boole'sche Formeln für Anwendungen in der Wissensrepräsentation / Tompits, H. (2003). Quantifizierte Boole’sche Formeln für Anwendungen in der Wissensrepräsentation. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- Beyond DP: Alternative Calculi for QBF Solving / Egly, U. (2003). Beyond DP: Alternative Calculi for QBF Solving. QBF-symposium, Paris, France, Austria.
- Disjunctive Logic Programming - Problem-Solving Techniques, Systems, and Applications / Faber, W. (2003). Disjunctive Logic Programming - Problem-Solving Techniques, Systems, and Applications. APPIA-GULP-PRODE 2003 - 2003 Joint Conference on Declarative Programming, Reggio Calabria, Italy, Austria.
- Self-assessment report for year 1 / Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Tompits, H. (2003). Self-assessment report for year 1.
- Methods for data acquisition and transformation / Eiter, T., Faber, W., Fink, M., Woltran, S., & Zalewska, L. (2003). Methods for data acquisition and transformation.
- Monitoring Agents using Declarative Planning / Dix, J., Eiter, T., Fink, M., Polleres, A. F., & Zhang, Y. (2003). Monitoring Agents using Declarative Planning.
- Generating all Abductive Explanations for Queries on Propositional Horn Theories / Eiter, T., & Makino, K. (2003). Generating all Abductive Explanations for Queries on Propositional Horn Theories.
- Uniform Equivalence of Logic Programs under the Stable Model Semantics / Eiter, T., & Fink, M. (2003). Uniform Equivalence of Logic Programs under the Stable Model Semantics.
- Combining Answer Set Programming with Description Logics for the Semantic Web / Eiter, T., Lukasiewicz, T., Schindlauer, R., & Tompits, H. (2003). Combining Answer Set Programming with Description Logics for the Semantic Web.
- A Knowledge-Based Approach for Selecting Information Sources / Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Tompits, H. (2003). A Knowledge-Based Approach for Selecting Information Sources.
- Complexity of Answer Set Checking and Bounded Predicate Arities for Non-Ground Answer Set Programming / Eiter, T., Faber, W., Pfeifer, G., Fink, M., & Woltran, S. (2003). Complexity of Answer Set Checking and Bounded Predicate Arities for Non-Ground Answer Set Programming.
- On Eliminating Disjunctions in Stable Logic Programming / Eiter, T., Fink, M., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2003). On Eliminating Disjunctions in Stable Logic Programming.
- On Computing Solutions to Belief Change Scenarios / Delgrande, J. P., Schaub, T., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2003). On Computing Solutions to Belief Change Scenarios.
- Semantics and Computation of Aggregate Functions in Disjunctive Logic Programming / Dell´Armi, T., Faber, W., Ielpa, G., Leone, N., & Pfeifer, G. (2003). Semantics and Computation of Aggregate Functions in Disjunctive Logic Programming.
- Declarative Update Policies for Nonmonotonic Knowledge Bases (INFSYS RR-1843-02-07) / Eiter, T., Fink, M., Sabbatini, G., & Tompits, H. (2002). Declarative Update Policies for Nonmonotonic Knowledge Bases (INFSYS RR-1843-02-07).
- Reasoning about Evolving Nonmonotonic Knowledge Bases / Eiter, T., Fink, M., Sabbatini, G., & Tompits, H. (2002). Reasoning about Evolving Nonmonotonic Knowledge Bases.
- Knowledge-based Planning and ASP / Faber, W. (2002). Knowledge-based Planning and ASP. Dagstuhl Seminar Nr. 02381, Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Answer Set Programming and Constraints, Schloss Dagstuhl, Deutschland, Austria.
- Logic-based Planning / Faber, W. (2002). Logic-based Planning. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- ASP-based Planning / Faber, W. (2002). ASP-based Planning. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- Answer Set Programming / Faber, W. (2002). Answer Set Programming. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- Answer Set Planning with DLVᴷ: Planning with Action Cost / Polleres, A. F. (2002). Answer Set Planning with DLVK: Planning with Action Cost. PLANET’02 International Summer School on AI Planning 2002, Chalkidiki, Greece, Austria.
- On Encodings of Nested Logic Programs / Tompits, H. (2002). On Encodings of Nested Logic Programs. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- On Encodings of Nested Logic Programs / Tompits, H. (2002). On Encodings of Nested Logic Programs. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- Deciding Strong Equivalence between Logic Programs / Woltran, S. (2002). Deciding Strong Equivalence between Logic Programs. Seminarvortrag, Regensburg, Germany, EU.
- On Implementing Nested Logic Programs / Woltran, S. (2002). On Implementing Nested Logic Programs. Dagstuhl Seminar Nr. 02381, Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Answer Set Programming and Constraints, Schloss Dagstuhl, Deutschland, Austria.
- Answer Set Programming for Information Agents / Eiter, T., & Fink, M. (2002). Answer Set Programming for Information Agents. Dagstuhl Seminar on Programming Multi Agent Systems based on Logic (Dagstuhl Seminar 02481), Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany, Austria.
- Self-assessment criteria / Eiter, T., & Fink, M. (2002). Self-assessment criteria.
- Review of Techniques and Systems for Acquisition and Tranformation of Heterogenous Data / Eiter, T., Faber, W., Fink, M., & Kurushin, D. (2002). Review of Techniques and Systems for Acquisition and Tranformation of Heterogenous Data.
- The DLV System for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (INFSYS RR-1843-02-14) / Leone, N., Pfeifer, G., Faber, W., Eiter, T., Gottlob, G., Koch, C., Mateis, C., Perri, S., & Scarcello, F. (2002). The DLV System for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (INFSYS RR-1843-02-14).
- Answer Set Planning under Action Costs (INFSYS RR-1843-02-13) / Eiter, T., Faber, W., Leone, N., Pfeifer, G., & Polleres, A. F. (2002). Answer Set Planning under Action Costs (INFSYS RR-1843-02-13).
- Complexity of Nested Circumscription and Nested Abnormality Theories / Cadoli, M., Eiter, T., & Gottlob, G. (2002). Complexity of Nested Circumscription and Nested Abnormality Theories.
- New Results on Monotone Dualization and Generating Hypergraph Transversals (INFSYS RR-1843-02-05) / Eiter, T., Gottlob, G., & Makino, K. (2002). New Results on Monotone Dualization and Generating Hypergraph Transversals (INFSYS RR-1843-02-05).
- Causes and Explanations in the Structural-Model Approach: Tractable Cases (INFSYS RR-1843-02-03) / Eiter, T., & Lukasiewicz, T. (2002). Causes and Explanations in the Structural-Model Approach: Tractable Cases (INFSYS RR-1843-02-03).
- On Computing all Abductive Explanations (INFSYS RR-1843-02-04) / Eiter, T., & Makino, K. (2002). On Computing all Abductive Explanations (INFSYS RR-1843-02-04).
- Computing Preferred Answer Sets by Meta-Interpretation in Answer Set Programming / Eiter, T., Faber, W., Leone, N., & Pfeifer, G. (2002). Computing Preferred Answer Sets by Meta-Interpretation in Answer Set Programming.
- Polynomial Translations of Nested Logic Programs into Disjunctive Logic Programs / Pearce, D., Schaub, T., Sarsakov, V., Tompits, H., & Woltran, S. (2002). Polynomial Translations of Nested Logic Programs into Disjunctive Logic Programs.
- A Knowledge-Based Approach to Information Site Selection / Eiter, T., Fink, M., & Tompits, H. (2002). A Knowledge-Based Approach to Information Site Selection.
- On Updates of Logic Programs: Semantics and Properties / Eiter, T., Fink, M., Sabbatini, G., & Tompits, H. (2000). On Updates of Logic Programs: Semantics and Properties.
- Using Methods of Declarative Logic Programming for Intelligent InformationAgents / Eiter, T., Fink, M., Sabbatini, G., & Tompits, H. (2000). Using Methods of Declarative Logic Programming for Intelligent InformationAgents.
Reasoning in Very Expressive Description Logics with Varying Information Completeness
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Leveraging Ontologies for Flexible Access to Graph-structured Data
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SHACL validation of evolving RDF graphs
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Epistemic Logic Programs
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Sequent Calculi for QBFs : Their relation to bounded arithmetic, and the complexity of the witnessing problem
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Answer set programming with external sources : algorithms and efficient evaluation
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Busoniu, P.-A. (2013). On supporting the development of answer-set programs using model-driven engineering techniques [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Integrating constraint programming into answer set programming
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Planning in graph databases under description logic constraints
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OMiGA - an open minded grounding on-the-fly answer set solver
Weidinger, G. (2013). OMiGA - an open minded grounding on-the-fly answer set solver [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (670 KB) - A logic programming approach to query completeness / Paramonov, S. (2013). A logic programming approach to query completeness [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Inconsistency in multi-context systems : analysis and efficient evaluation
Schüller, P. (2012). Inconsistency in multi-context systems : analysis and efficient evaluation [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.39 MB) -
Web user interface adaptation by means of ontologies and rules
Zakraoui, J. (2012). Web user interface adaptation by means of ontologies and rules [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.45 MB) -
Uniform approximation-theoretic semantics for logic programs with external atoms
Antic, C. (2012). Uniform approximation-theoretic semantics for logic programs with external atoms [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (669 KB) - Reasoning with RDF(S) and F-logic / Artem, K. (2012). Reasoning with RDF(S) and F-logic [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Visualisation and graphical editing of answer sets : the Kara system / Kloimüllner, C. (2012). Visualisation and graphical editing of answer sets : the Kara system [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
The top-down evaluation techniques for modular nonmonotonic logic programs
Wijaya, T. K. (2011). The top-down evaluation techniques for modular nonmonotonic logic programs [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (529 KB) -
Local optimization for multi-context systems with constraint pushing
Bairakdar, S. E.-D. (2011). Local optimization for multi-context systems with constraint pushing [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1010 KB) -
Logical formalization of Semantic Business Vocabulary and Rules
Solomakhin, D. (2011). Logical formalization of Semantic Business Vocabulary and Rules [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.63 MB) -
EM4J - an explanation module toolbox for Jess
Wurzer, S. (2011). EM4J - an explanation module toolbox for Jess [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (2.14 MB) - QPar : a multithreaded distributed solver for quantified Boolean formulas / Matzke, T. (2011). QPar : a multithreaded distributed solver for quantified Boolean formulas [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
GQBF and proof complexity
Haberl, P. (2011). GQBF and proof complexity [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (684 KB) - Explaining query answers in lightweight ontologies : the DL-Lite case / Stefanoni, G. (2011). Explaining query answers in lightweight ontologies : the DL-Lite case [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Query answering in the description logic Horn-SHIQ / Tran, T. K. (2011). Query answering in the description logic Horn-SHIQ [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Workspace decomposition-based motion planning / Kogelnig, R. (2011). Workspace decomposition-based motion planning [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Symmetry breaking for answer set programming
Drescher, C. (2010). Symmetry breaking for answer set programming [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (407 KB) -
Merging of biomedical decision diagrams
Redl, C. (2010). Merging of biomedical decision diagrams [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.17 MB) -
Implementation and optimisation of queries in XSPARQL
Bischof, S. (2010). Implementation and optimisation of queries in XSPARQL [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (921 KB) -
Development of a Belief Merging framework for dlvhex
Redl, C. (2010). Development of a Belief Merging framework for dlvhex [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.32 MB) -
Query answering in expressive description logics : techniques and complexity results
Ortiz, M. (2010). Query answering in expressive description logics : techniques and complexity results [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.59 MB) - A practical automata-based technique for reasoning in expressive description logics / Carbotta, D. (2010). A practical automata-based technique for reasoning in expressive description logics [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Nonmonotonic logic programs with function symbols / Šimkus, M. (2010). Nonmonotonic logic programs with function symbols [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Preprocessing for quantified Boolean formulas / Petzelbauer, M. (2010). Preprocessing for quantified Boolean formulas [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Evaluation of description logic programs using an RDBMS / Schneider, P. (2010). Evaluation of description logic programs using an RDBMS [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Towards a characterization of semi-stable models in the logic of here-and-there
Moura, J. M. G. (2009). Towards a characterization of semi-stable models in the logic of here-and-there [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (548 KB) -
Towards RIF-OWL combination : an effective rasoning technique in integrating OWL and negation-free rules
Al-Manir, M. S. (2009). Towards RIF-OWL combination : an effective rasoning technique in integrating OWL and negation-free rules [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.17 MB) -
Evaluation of answer set programs with bounded predicate arities
Mushthofa, M. (2009). Evaluation of answer set programs with bounded predicate arities [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (959 KB) - Theoretical foundations of an ontology-based visual tool for query formulation support / Guagliardo, P. (2009). Theoretical foundations of an ontology-based visual tool for query formulation support [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Hybrid reasoning with simple conceptual logic programs / Fraz, S. (2009). Hybrid reasoning with simple conceptual logic programs [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Collaborative process management in construction by means of rules and ontologies / Rybenko, K. (2009). Collaborative process management in construction by means of rules and ontologies [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Solving argumentation frameworks using answer set programming / Gaggl, S. A. (2009). Solving argumentation frameworks using answer set programming [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Default reasoning on top of ontologies with dl-programs
Dao Tran, M. (2008). Default reasoning on top of ontologies with dl-programs [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.28 MB) -
Anforderungen, Konzeption und Schnittstellen für ein medizinisches Multimediaarchiv
Leder, S. (2008). Anforderungen, Konzeption und Schnittstellen für ein medizinisches Multimediaarchiv [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (592 KB) -
Reconstructing borders of manually torn paper sheets using integer linear programming
Schüller, P. (2008). Reconstructing borders of manually torn paper sheets using integer linear programming [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (841 KB) - Extending a tableau-based SAT procedure with techniques from CNF-based SAT / Haller, L. C. R. (2008). Extending a tableau-based SAT procedure with techniques from CNF-based SAT [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Integration of conjunctive queries over description logics into HEX-programs
Krennwallner, T. (2007). Integration of conjunctive queries over description logics into HEX-programs [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.4 MB) -
A solver for quantified boolean formulas in negation normal form
Seidl, M. (2007). A solver for quantified boolean formulas in negation normal form [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (748 KB) -
New upper bounds for the SAT/UNSAT threshold for shapes
Santillán Rodríguez, R. (2007). New upper bounds for the SAT/UNSAT threshold for shapes [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (488 KB) -
Investigations on intuitionistic logic and modal logic
Seidelmann, P. (2007). Investigations on intuitionistic logic and modal logic [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (444 KB) -
Three-dimensional drawing of lattice-like structures
Ziegler, G. (2007). Three-dimensional drawing of lattice-like structures [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.82 MB) -
Ein interaktives E-Learning System für die Grundlagen der mathematischen Logik
Eibegger, M. (2007). Ein interaktives E-Learning System für die Grundlagen der mathematischen Logik [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (4.32 MB) - On replacements in answer-set programming based on partial evaluation / Heindl, A. (2007). On replacements in answer-set programming based on partial evaluation [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Answer-set programming for the semantic web
Schindlauer, R. (2006). Answer-set programming for the semantic web [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.58 MB) -
Counter lattice generation for non-provable formulas
Zugaj, A. (2006). Counter lattice generation for non-provable formulas [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (335 KB) - Techniques for simplifying disjunctive datalog programs with negation / Traxler, P. (2006). Techniques for simplifying disjunctive datalog programs with negation [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Answering conjunctive queries in expressive description logics / Ortiz, M. (2006). Answering conjunctive queries in expressive description logics [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Deciding description logics around SHIQ by translation into decidable disjunctive logic programs / Šimkus, M. (2006). Deciding description logics around SHIQ by translation into decidable disjunctive logic programs [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Decision making in the robot soccer domain / Weber, D. (2005). Decision making in the robot soccer domain [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Collisions in cryptographic hash algorithms / Neumeier, E. (2005). Collisions in cryptographic hash algorithms [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Comparing different prenexing strategies for quantified boolean formulas
Zolda, M. (2004). Comparing different prenexing strategies for quantified boolean formulas [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.33 MB) -
Real-time monitoring for the time-triggered architecture
Smaili, I. (2004). Real-time monitoring for the time-triggered architecture [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (8.47 MB) - Nano - Entwicklung eines kleinen sechsbeinigen Roboters nach biologischem Vorbild / Tappeiner, H. W. (2004). Nano - Entwicklung eines kleinen sechsbeinigen Roboters nach biologischem Vorbild [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Advances in answer set planning / Polleres, A. F. (2003). Advances in answer set planning [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Strict implication / Gröbner, S. (2003). Strict implication [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Das Enigma System : Aufbau und Kryptoanalyse / Mayr, T. (2003). Das Enigma System : Aufbau und Kryptoanalyse [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Inhaltsausgezeichnete Erstellung und Publikation technischer Dokumentation / Schiemann, B. (2003). Inhaltsausgezeichnete Erstellung und Publikation technischer Dokumentation [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Quantified Boolean formulas - from theory to practice / Woltran, S. (2003). Quantified Boolean formulas - from theory to practice [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Representation of SQL queries for declarative query analysis / Schindlauer, R. (2002). Representation of SQL queries for declarative query analysis [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Declarative logic-programming components for information agents / Fink, M. (2002). Declarative logic-programming components for information agents [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Enhancing efficiency and expressiveness in answer set programming systems / Faber, W. (2002). Enhancing efficiency and expressiveness in answer set programming systems [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Declarative logic programming for representing evolving nonmonotonic knowledge bases / Sabbatini, G. (2002). Declarative logic programming for representing evolving nonmonotonic knowledge bases [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- The system QUIP: a solver for advanced reasoning tasks using quantified boolean formulas / Klotz, V. (2001). The system QUIP: a solver for advanced reasoning tasks using quantified boolean formulas [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- iKE - ein intuitionistischer Kalkül / Marczy, W. (2001). iKE - ein intuitionistischer Kalkül [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Thomas Eiter:
AIIA Fellow
2025 / Industry Academy / China -
Thomas Eiter:
AAIA Fellow
2024 / Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association / China -
Thomas Eiter:
Alan Robinson 20 Years Test of Time Award
2023 / Association for Logic Programming / UK -
Tobias Geibinger:
ASAI Master Thesis Prize
2023 / Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence (ASAI) / Austria -
Thomas Eiter:
KR 2022 Test of Time Award
2022 / International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning / USA -
Thomas Eiter:
Full Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
2022 / Mitgliedschaft / Austria -
Thomas Eiter:
ACM Fellow
2020 / ACM Fellowship / USA -
Thomas Eiter:
Best Paper of the 3rd International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2019)
2019 / 3rd International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2019), September 16-19, 2019, Bolzano, Italy / Germany -
Thomas Eiter:
Best Systems Paper Award of the 35th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2019)
2019 / 35th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2019), September 22-25, 2019, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA / UK -
Thomas Eiter:
Best Student Paper of the 15th International Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2019)
2019 / 15th International Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2019), Jun 3-7, 2019, Philadelphia, USA / USA -
Thomas Eiter:
Best Paper Award of the 34th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2018)
2018 / 34th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2018), July 14- 17, 2018, Oxford, UK / UK -
Thomas Eiter:
Best Paper Award of the 14th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2017)
2017 / 14th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2017), May 28 - June 1, 2017, Portoroz, Slovenia / Germany -
Thomas Eiter:
Member of Academia Europea (London)
2016 / Academia Europea (London) Membership / UK -
Magdalena Ortiz:
Distinguished Alumna Award of the European Masters in Computational Logic
2014 / International Organization -
Magdalena Ortiz:
EMCL Distinguished Alumni Award
2014 / Joint Consortium of the European Masters in Computational Logic -
Thomas Eiter:
Prominent Paper Award 2013
2013 / Artificial Intelligence Journal / USA -
Thomas Eiter:
ICLP 2013 Test of the Time Award
2013 / 29th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2013), August 24-29, Istanbul, TurkeyURKEY / UK -
Thomas Eiter:
Vienna Content Award 2012 / Smart Cities (MyITS system prototype)
2012 / Vienna Content Award 2012 / Smart Cities / Austria -
Magdalena Ortiz:
Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research: Award of Excellence 2010
2010 / Austria -
Thomas Eiter:
Corresponding Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
2007 / Mitgliedschaft / Austria -
Magdalena Ortiz:
2007 / Austria -
Magdalena Ortiz:
The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship
2007 -
Thomas Eiter:
EurAI Fellow
2006 / Fellowship of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence / Germany -
Magdalena Ortiz:
2006 / Austria -
Magdalena Ortiz:
Best Thesis Award, consortium of the European Masters in Computational Logic
2006 / International Organization -
Thomas Eiter:
Distinguished Paper Award of the 18th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI '02)
2002 / 18th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI '02), July 28 -- August 1, 2002, Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) / Canada -
Thomas Eiter:
Distinguished Paper Award of the 17th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2001)
2001 / 17th International JointConference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2001), August 4-10, 2001, Seattle, U.S.A. / USA -
Thomas Eiter:
Invention of the Year 1999 Finalist (University of Maryland)
1999 / Office of Technology Liaison, University of Maryland / USA
And more…
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Until then, please visit Knowledge-Based Systems’ research profile in TISS .