TU Wien Informatics

20 Years


Our dedicated faculty fuel the dynamic environment in both research and teaching. They are a creative, diverse and passionate group of excellent researchers and lecturers.


Sabine Andergassen
Sabine Andergassen S. Andergassen

Associate Professor
Machine Learning

Elena Andreeva
Elena Andreeva E. Andreeva

Assistant Professor
Security and Privacy


Ezio Bartocci
Ezio Bartocci E. Bartocci

Full Professor
Cyber-Physical Systems

Kees van Berkel
Kees van Berkel K. van Berkel

Assistant Professor
Theory and Logic

Stefan Biffl
Stefan Biffl S. Biffl

Associate Professor
Software Engineering

Johann Blieberger
Johann Blieberger J. Blieberger

Associate Professor
Automation Systems

Dominik Bork
Dominik Bork D. Bork

Assistant Professor
Business Informatics

Ivona Brandic
Ivona Brandic I. Brandic

Full Professor
Data Science


Pavol Cerny
Pavol Cerny P. Cerny

Full Professor
Formal Methods in Systems Engineering

Jiehua Chen
Jiehua Chen J. Chen

Associate Professor
Algorithms and Complexity

Maria Christakis
Maria Christakis M. Christakis

Full Professor
Software Engineering

Agata Ciabattoni
Agata Ciabattoni A. Ciabattoni

Full Professor
Theory and Logic

Jürgen Cito
Jürgen Cito J. Cito

Associate Professor
Software Engineering


Schahram Dustdar
Schahram Dustdar S. Dustdar

Full Professor
Distributed Systems


Uwe Egly
Uwe Egly U. Egly

Associate Professor
Knowledge-Based Systems

Horst Eidenberger
Horst Eidenberger H. Eidenberger

Associate Professor
Virtual and Augmented Reality

Thomas Eiter
Thomas Eiter T. Eiter

Full Professor
Knowledge-Based Systems

M. Anton Ertl
M. Anton Ertl M. Ertl

Associate Professor
Compilers and Languages


Christian Fermüller
Christian Fermüller C. Fermüller

Associate Professor
Theory and Logic

Georg Fuchsbauer
Georg Fuchsbauer G. Fuchsbauer

Associate Professor
Security and Privacy


Robert Ganian
Robert Ganian R. Ganian

Associate Professor
Algorithms and Complexity

Thomas Gärtner
Thomas Gärtner T. Gärtner

Full Professor
Machine Learning

Margrit Gelautz
Margrit Gelautz M. Gelautz

Associate Professor
Computer Vision

Georg Gottlob
Georg Gottlob G. Gottlob

Full Professor / On Leave
Databases and Artificial Intelligence

Thomas Grechenig
Thomas Grechenig T. Grechenig

Associate Professor
Business Informatics

Eduard Gröller
Eduard Gröller E. Gröller

Full Professor
Computer Graphics

Radu Grosu
Radu Grosu R. Grosu

Full Professor
Cyber-Physical Systems


Allan Hanbury
Allan Hanbury A. Hanbury

Full Professor
Data Science

Clemens Heitzinger
Clemens Heitzinger C. Heitzinger

Associate Professor
Machine Learning

Pedro Hermosilla Casajus
Pedro Hermosilla Casajus P. Hermosilla Casajus

Assistant Professor
Computer Vision

Katja Hose
Katja Hose K. Hose

Full Professor
Databases and Artificial Intelligence

Christian Huemer
Christian Huemer C. Huemer

Associate Professor
Business Informatics

Sascha Hunold
Sascha Hunold S. Hunold

Associate Professor
Parallel Computing


Gerti Kappel
Gerti Kappel G. Kappel

Full Professor
Business Informatics

Wolfgang Kastner
Wolfgang Kastner W. Kastner

Full Professor / On Leave
Automation Systems

Hannes Kaufmann
Hannes Kaufmann H. Kaufmann

Full Professor
Virtual and Augmented Reality

Peter Knees
Peter Knees P. Knees

Associate Professor
Data Science

Jens Knoop
Jens Knoop J. Knoop

Full Professor
Compilers and Languages

Laura Kovacs
Laura Kovacs L. Kovacs

Full Professor
Formal Methods in Systems Engineering

Andreas Krall
Andreas Krall A. Krall

Associate Professor
Compilers and Languages

Eva Kühn
Eva Kühn E. Kühn

Associate Professor
Compilers and Languages


Matthias Paul Lanzinger
Matthias Paul Lanzinger M. Lanzinger

Assistant Professor
Databases and Artificial Intelligence

Martina Lindorfer
Martina Lindorfer M. Lindorfer

Associate Professor
Security and Privacy

Thomas Lukasiewicz
Thomas Lukasiewicz T. Lukasiewicz

Full Professor
Artificial Intelligence Techniques


Matteo Maffei
Matteo Maffei M. Maffei

Full Professor
Security and Privacy

Wolfdieter Merkl
Wolfdieter Merkl W. Merkl

Associate Professor
Data Science

Florian Michahelles
Florian Michahelles F. Michahelles

Full Professor
Artifact-based Computing and User Research

Silvia Miksch
Silvia Miksch S. Miksch

Full Professor
Visual Analytics

Daniel Müller-Gritschneder
Daniel Müller-Gritschneder D. Müller-Gritschneder

Full Professor
Embedded Computing Systems

Nysret Musliu
Nysret Musliu N. Musliu

Associate Professor
Databases and Artificial Intelligence


Stefan Nastic
Stefan Nastic S. Nastic

Assistant Professor
Distributed Systems

Stefan Neumann
Stefan Neumann S. Neumann

Assistant Professor
Machine Learning

Martin Nöllenburg
Martin Nöllenburg M. Nöllenburg

Full Professor
Algorithms and Complexity


Magdalena Ortiz
Magdalena Ortiz M. Ortiz

Full Professor
Knowledge-Based Systems


Reinhard Pichler
Reinhard Pichler R. Pichler

Full Professor
Databases and Artificial Intelligence

Henderik Proper
Henderik Proper H. Proper

Full Professor
Business Informatics

Franz Puntigam
Franz Puntigam F. Puntigam

Associate Professor
Compilers and Languages

Peter Purgathofer
Peter Purgathofer P. Purgathofer

Associate Professor
Human Computer Interaction

Peter Puschner
Peter Puschner P. Puschner

Associate Professor
Cyber-Physical Systems


Günther Raidl
Günther Raidl G. Raidl

Associate Professor
Algorithms and Complexity

Renata Georgia Raidou
Renata Georgia Raidou R. Raidou

Assistant Professor
Computer Graphics

Andreas Rauber
Andreas Rauber A. Rauber

Associate Professor
Data Science


Robert Sablatnig
Robert Sablatnig R. Sablatnig

Associate Professor
Computer Vision

Emanuel Sallinger
Emanuel Sallinger E. Sallinger

Associate Professor
Databases and Artificial Intelligence

Gernot Salzer
Gernot Salzer G. Salzer

Associate Professor
Theory and Logic

Ulrich Schmid
Ulrich Schmid U. Schmid

Full Professor
Embedded Computing Systems

Dominique Schröder
Dominique Schröder D. Schröder

Full Professor
Security and Privacy

Mantas Simkus
Mantas Simkus M. Simkus

Assistant Professor
Databases and Artificial Intelligence

Katta Spiel
Katta Spiel K. Spiel

Assistant Professor
Human Computer Interaction

Andreas Steininger
Andreas Steininger A. Steininger

Associate Professor
Embedded Computing Systems

Stefan Szeider
Stefan Szeider S. Szeider

Full Professor
Algorithms and Complexity


Hilda Tellioglu
Hilda Tellioglu H. Tellioglu

Associate Professor
Artifact-based Computing and User Research

Hans Tompits
Hans Tompits H. Tompits

Associate Professor
Knowledge-Based Systems

Jesper Larsson Träff
Jesper Larsson Träff J. Träff

Full Professor
Parallel Computing


Ivan Viola
Ivan Viola I. Viola

Associate Professor / On Leave
Computer Graphics


Manuela Waldner
Manuela Waldner M. Waldner

Assistant Professor
Computer Graphics

Astrid Weiss
Astrid Weiss A. Weiss

Assistant Professor
Human Computer Interaction

Georg Weissenbacher
Georg Weissenbacher G. Weissenbacher

Full Professor
Formal Methods in Systems Engineering

Michael Wimmer
Michael Wimmer M. Wimmer

Full Professor
Computer Graphics

Stefan Woltran
Stefan Woltran S. Woltran

Full Professor
Databases and Artificial Intelligence

Pawel W. Wozniak
Pawel W. Wozniak P. Wozniak

Full Professor
Human Computer Interaction


Florian Zuleger
Florian Zuleger F. Zuleger

Associate Professor
Formal Methods in Systems Engineering

Emeriti and Retired Professors

Christian Breiteneder
Christian Breiteneder C. Breiteneder

Retired Professor
Virtual and Augmented Reality

Jürgen Dorn
Jürgen Dorn J. Dorn

Retired Professor
Data Science

Geraldine Fitzpatrick
Geraldine Fitzpatrick G. Fitzpatrick

Retired Professor
Human Computer Interaction

Peter Fleissner
Peter Fleissner P. Fleissner

Retired Professor
Human Computer Interaction

Rudolf Freund
Rudolf Freund R. Freund

Retired Professor
Theory and Logic

Gerald Futschek
Gerald Futschek G. Futschek

Retired Professor
Software Engineering

Wolfgang Hofkirchner
Wolfgang Hofkirchner W. Hofkirchner

Retired Professor
Human Computer Interaction

Hermann Kopetz
Hermann Kopetz H. Kopetz

Emerit. Professor
Cyber-Physical Systems

Walter Kropatsch
Walter Kropatsch W. Kropatsch

Emerit. Professor
Virtual and Augmented Reality

Alexander Leitsch
Alexander Leitsch A. Leitsch

Retired Professor
Theory and Logic

Werner Purgathofer
Werner Purgathofer W. Purgathofer

Retired Professor
Computer Graphics

Gerald Steinhardt
Gerald Steinhardt G. Steinhardt

Retired Professor
Artifact-based Computing and User Research

A Min Tjoa
A Min Tjoa A. Tjoa

Emerit. Professor
Data Science

Ina Wagner
Ina Wagner I. Wagner

Retired Professor
Artifact-based Computing and User Research

Hannes Werthner
Hannes Werthner H. Werthner

Retired Professor
Data Science

Wolfgang Zagler
Wolfgang Zagler W. Zagler

Retired Professor
Human Computer Interaction