TU Wien Informatics

Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering is based on an integral approach combining informatics, communications technology and microelectronics. The primary area of research is embedded systems, which are an essential part of many objects in our everyday life.

Computer Engineering


Research Topics

  • Digital Circuits and Hardware Architectures
  • Parallel and Distributed, Dependable, Real-time Systems
  • Hybrid Systems and Optimal Control
  • Quantitative and Runtime Verification
  • Computational Modeling and Simulation
  • Autonomous Systems, Robotics and Automation Systems Integration
  • Cyber-physical Social Systems & Internet of Things


Computer Engineering is based on an integral approach combining informatics, communications technology and microelectronics. The primary area of research is embedded systems, which are an essential part of many objects in our everyday life.

The research focus Computer Engineering deals with all aspects of the direct interaction of computer systems and their environment, from the lowest level of circuit and hardware architectures to safety-critical cyber-physical systems like industrial automation and smart grids, healthcare, spacecraft, and automotive.

Designing such systems is challenging, both from a scientific and technological perspective: Many functions are directly implemented in hardware for performance reasons, distributed and parallel processing is omnipresent, digital signal processing is often required, real-time and power/thermal constraints must be met, energy-efficiency is crucial, stopping operation in the case of failures is often not feasible, unique security issues and threats exist, “trial-and-error-style programming” is not an option in many applications, asserting system correctness by means of testing may be insufficient for the required reliability level, emergent behavior originating from autonomous operation must be understood and controlled, integration and complexity issues created by the upcoming Internet of Things must be managed, etc.

Key characteristics of the research focus Computer Engineering are hence (i) an integrative view of a multitude of system aspects, including hardware architectures, continuous/discrete systems, parallelism and communication, dependability, real-time processing, low-power design, energy and resource efficiency, decision and control theory, autonomy, etc., and (ii) interdisciplinarity: Core computer science knowledge and skills like programming, modeling, design and analysis, formal verification and synthesis of both software and hardware are complemented by specific knowledge and skills from other disciplines, in particular, continuous mathematics, system theory and electrical engineering.

Research Units

Four of the faculty’s twenty-four research units are primarily focused on topics related to Computer Engineering. Visit their pages to learn about current projects, publications, courses, and the people involved.

Below is a small selection of recent research activities related to Computer Engineering. To learn more, visit the pages of the research units listed above.

  • Sascha Hunold: Best Short Paper / PMBS@Supercomputing
    2022 / USA
  • Ezio Bartocci: Best Paper of QEST 2022 International Conference
    2022 / 19th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems / Poland
  • Ezio Bartocci: Best Software Science Paper of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS) 2022
    2022 / European Association of Software Science and Technology (EASST) / Germany / Website
  • Sascha Hunold: Best Paper Award IEEE CLUSTER 2020
    2020 / Japan
  • Jesper Larsson Träff: Innovation Radar: Innovation Title: PGAS-based MPI with interoperability; Innovation Category: Exploration; FP 7 project EPiGRAM
    2018 / Project
  • Sascha Hunold: Best Paper Award EuroMPI/Asia
    2014 / Japan
  • Jesper Larsson Träff: Best Paper Award: "Reproducible MPI Micro-Benchmarking Isn't As Easy As You Think", S. Hunold, A. Carpen-Amarie, J. Träff, 21st European MPI Users' Group Meeting, EuroMPI/ASIA 2014, Kyoto, Japan, September 9-12, 2014
    2014 / Program Chairs of EuroMPI/ASIA 2014 / Japan
  • Wilfried Elmenreich: E-Learning Award 2006/2007 für ausgezeichnete Leistungen in der Lehrentwicklung (Kategorie für Speziallösungen)
    2007 / Austria
  • Peter Puschner: Gründungsmitglied der IFIP 10.2 WG on Embedded Systems
    2006 / IFIP
  • Hermann Kopetz: Wilhelm Exner Medaillie
    2005 / Austria
  • Christopher Krügel: Wirtschaftskammerpreis
    2005 / Wirtschaftskammern / Austria
  • Hermann Kopetz: IEEE Technical Achievement Award
  • Josef Widder: FIT-IT Embedded Systems Dissertationsstipendium "Distributed Computing in the Presence of Bounded Asynchrony"
    2004 / Austria
  • Hermann Kopetz: Vorsitzender d. Wiss. Beirat ACR
    2004 / Austria
  • Raimund Kirner: Mobilitätsstipendium der Creditanstalt AG(wird für aussergewöhnliche Dissertationenan der Technischen Universität Wien verliehen)
    2003 / Austria
  • Hermann Kopetz: IGM-Preis
    2001 / Austria
  • Christopher Krügel: EIB Scientific Award for Excellent Diploma Thesis
    2000 / Germany
  • Hermann Kopetz: Mitglied "Rat for Forschung und Technologieentwicklung"
    2000 / Austria
  • Peter Puschner: Marie-Curie Fellowship
    1999 / EC Europäische Komission - Marie Curie
  • Hermann Kopetz: Wirkliches Mitglied der Österr. Akademie der Wissenschaften
    1998 / Mitgliedschaft / Austria