TU Wien Informatics

Wilfried Elmenreich

Privatdoz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.

Research Areas

  • Sensor Fusion, Time-Triggered Architecture, Real-Time, Fieldbus, Fault Tolerance
Wilfried Elmenreich







  • Final demonstration of smart sensor interface / Elmenreich, W., Haidinger, W., Dias, A., Trödhandl, C., & Borovicka, M. (2004). Final demonstration of smart sensor interface. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/32967
  • TTP/A Protocol and Design / Rapaka, A. N., Elmenreich, W., & Wunsch, D. (2004). TTP/A Protocol and Design. Circuit Cellar, #?(164), 12–21. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/174839




  • A Universal Smart Transducer Interface: TTP/A / Kopetz, H., Holzmann, M., & Elmenreich, W. (2001). A Universal Smart Transducer Interface: TTP/A. Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 16(2), 71–77. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/174788
  • Using Sensor Fusion in a Time-Triggered Network / Elmenreich, W., & Pitzek, S. (2001). Using Sensor Fusion in a Time-Triggered Network. In Proceedings of the 27th Annual conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (pp. 369–374). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/50875
  • The Time-Triggered Sensor Fusion Model / Elmenreich, W., & Pitzek, S. (2001). The Time-Triggered Sensor Fusion Model. In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES) (pp. 297–300). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/50883
  • Interface Design for Smart Transducers / Elmenreich, W., Haidinger, W., & Kopetz, H. (2001). Interface Design for Smart Transducers. In Proceedings of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (IMTC) (pp. 1642–1647). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/50880
  • Monitoring and Configuration in a Smart Transducer Network / Obermaisser, R., Peti, P., Elmenreich, W., & Losert, T. (2001). Monitoring and Configuration in a Smart Transducer Network. In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Real-Time Embedded Systems. IEEE Workshop on Real-Time Embedded Systems, London, United Kingdom, Austria. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/50868
  • TTP/A: A Low Cost Highly Efficient Time-Triggered Fieldbus Architecture / Schlatterbeck, R., & Elmenreich, W. (2001). TTP/A: A Low Cost Highly Efficient Time-Triggered Fieldbus Architecture. In Proceedings of the SAE World Congress 2001 (pp. 1–4). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/50885


  • Kostengünstig vernetzen mit TTP/A / Elmenreich, W. (2000). Kostengünstig vernetzen mit TTP/A. Markt & Technik, 38, 42–44. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/174790
  • A Comparison of LIN and TTP/A / Kopetz, H., Elmenreich, W., & Mack, C. (2000). A Comparison of LIN and TTP/A. In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2000) (pp. 99–107). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/50894
  • A Universal Smart Transducer Interface: TTP/A / Kopetz, H., Holzmann, M., & Elmenreich, W. (2000). A Universal Smart Transducer Interface: TTP/A. In Proceedings of the third IEEE International Symposium on Object-oriented Real-time distributed Computing (ISORC 2000). IEEE International Symposium on Object-oriented Real-time distributed Computing (ISORC), Newport Beach, CA, USA, Austria. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/50867


  • E-Learning Award 2006/2007 für ausgezeichnete Leistungen in der Lehrentwicklung (Kategorie für Speziallösungen)
    2007 / Austria

Soon, this page will include additional information such as reference projects, activities as journal reviewer and editor, memberships in councils and committees, and other research activities.

Until then, please visit Wilfried Elmenreich’s research profile in TISS .