Rene Christian Röpke
Assistant Prof. Dr.rer.nat. / BSc MSc
Learning Technologies, Learning Analytics, Study Planning and Analysis, Computer Science Education, AI in Education, eDidactics, Game-based Learning, Serious Games
Head of Service Unit
eduLAB, E199-04 -
Assistant Professor
Software Engineering, E194-01
- Bachelor Thesis / 188.919 / PR
- Informatics didactics / 194.042 / SE
- Project in Computer Science 1 / 194.145 / PR
- Seminar for Doctoral Students / 194.172 / SE
- Seminar for doctoral students in STEM and related fields (CTS, Center for Technology and Society) / 180.005 / SE
- Informatics didactics / 194.042 / SE
- Spielerische Zugänge mittels Serious Games und Gamification / Röpke, R. C. (2024, October 24). Spielerische Zugänge mittels Serious Games und Gamification [Presentation]. Informatiktag 2024, Baden, Austria.
- Study path analyses for quality assurance and support of study planning / Röpke, R. C., Judel, S., & Schroeder, U. (2024). Study path analyses for quality assurance and support of study planning. Informatik-Spektrum.
- WebWriter: Authoring and Remixing Explorables / Salmen, F., Roepke, R., & Schroeder, U. (2024). WebWriter: Authoring and Remixing Explorables. In Technology Enhanced Learning for Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education (pp. 247–253). Springer.
- Nuts & Bolts: Bildungstechnologien offen und transparent gestalten. Die Technik hinter den Kulissen der digitalen Bildungsforschung / Heinemann, B., Görzen, S., Röpke, R. C., & Ehlenz, M. (2024). Nuts & Bolts: Bildungstechnologien offen und transparent gestalten. Die Technik hinter den Kulissen der digitalen Bildungsforschung. In N. Kiesler & S. Schulz (Eds.), Proceedings of DELFI Workshops 2024 - Complete Volume (pp. 111–118).
- Towards Open Science at the DELFI Conference / Kiesler, N., Röpke, R. C., Schiffner, D., Schulz, S., Strickroth, S., Ehlenz, M., Heinemann, B., & Wilhelm-Weidner, A. (2024). Towards Open Science at the DELFI Conference. In DELFI 2024 - Complete Volume (pp. 251–265). Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
- BuddyAnalytics: A dashboard and reporting tool for study program analysis and student cohort monitoring / Görzen, S., Röpke, R. C., & Schroeder, U. (2024). BuddyAnalytics: A dashboard and reporting tool for study program analysis and student cohort monitoring. In DELFI 2024 - Complete Volume (pp. 527–531). Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.