Johann Blieberger
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Research Focus
- Computer Engineering: 100%
Johann Blieberger's research interests include
- Real-time systems
- Analysis of multi-threaded systems
- Design and analysis of weak memory models
- Modeling and automating railway operation
- Static program analysis
- Symbolic evaluation and its applications
- Analysis of algorithms and data structures
- Ada (programming language)
He is a member of ISO JTC1/SC22/WG9 (development of the Ada programming language).
Head of Institute
Computer Engineering, E191 -
Head of Research Unit
Automation Systems, E191-03 -
Associate Professor
Automation Systems, E191-03 -
Faculty Council
Principal Member
- Bachelor Thesis / 183.609 / PR
- Computer Engineering Practical / 191.005 / PR
- Computer Engineering Project / 191.006 / PR
- Parallel and Real-Time Programming / 183.626 / VU
- Project in Computer Science 1 / 191.008 / PR
- Project in Computer Science 2 / 191.009 / PR
- Pv.aus Automatisierungssystemen / 183.183 / PV
- Scientific Project Computer Engineering / 191.007 / PR
- Seminar Computer Engineering / 183.674 / SE
- Seminar for Master Students in Computer Engineering / 180.778 / SE
- Bachelor Thesis / 183.609 / PR
- Computer Engineering Practical / 191.005 / PR
- Computer Engineering Project / 191.006 / PR
- Computer Systems / 191.003 / VU
- Project in Computer Science 1 / 191.008 / PR
- Project in Computer Science 2 / 191.009 / PR
- Scientific Project Computer Engineering / 191.007 / PR
- Seminar Computer Engineering / 183.674 / SE
- Seminar for Master Students in Computer Engineering / 180.778 / SE
Simulation tool to increase sustainability and efficiency of public transport verhicles
2021 – 2023 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Coordination of Autonomous Vehicles for Transporting Goods in Environments with Pedestrians
2017 – 2019 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Autonomous Vehicle to Support Active Mobility
2016 – 2019 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
Static Analysis and Just-in-Time Compilation Support for Heterogeneous Multicore Architectures
2013 – 2016 / Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Publications: 140221 / 152059 / 55086 / 56929 / 56934 / 86867 -
Energiebedarfsoptimierung durch Verknüpfung der Betriebsführung des Bahnverkehrs mit der Steuerung des Bahnstromnetzes
2012 – 2014 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Publications: 54229 / 54604 / 54668 / 54736
Utilising Kronecker Algebra to Detect Unexpected Behaviour in Distributed Systems
Denzler, P. H., Blieberger, J., & Kastner, W. (2022). Utilising Kronecker Algebra to Detect Unexpected Behaviour in Distributed Systems. In Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ed.), Proceedings. 2022 IEEE 25th International Symposium On Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC). Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc.
Download: Open Access Version (345 KB)
Project: FORA (2017–2021)
- AdaMM: A Precompiler for Memory Model Aware Programming on Higher Language Level / Blieberger, J. (2021). AdaMM: A Precompiler for Memory Model Aware Programming on Higher Language Level. Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies 2021, Unknown.
- Deadlock and WCET Analysis of Barrier-Synchronized Concurrent Programs / Mittermayr, R., & Blieberger, J. (2021). Deadlock and WCET Analysis of Barrier-Synchronized Concurrent Programs. Computing, 103(5), 749–770.
Design-space evaluation for non-blocking synchronization in Ada: lock elision of protected objects, concurrent objects, and low-level atomics
Yang, S., Jeong, S., Min, B., Kim, Y., Burgstaller, B., & Blieberger, J. (2020). Design-space evaluation for non-blocking synchronization in Ada: lock elision of protected objects, concurrent objects, and low-level atomics. The Journal of Systems Architecture: Embedded Software Design, 110(101764), 101764.
Project: SAJiTcore++ (2013–2016)
- Benchmark of delays simulated by OpenTrack and calculated by Kronecker Algebra / Schöbel, A., Schöbel, C., Blieberger, J., & Stefan, M. (2019). Benchmark of delays simulated by OpenTrack and calculated by Kronecker Algebra. In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “The Science and Development of Transport” (pp. 371–375). Faculty of Transport and Traffic SciencesUniversity of Zagreb.
Parallel Construction of Simultaneous Deterministic Finite Automata on Shared-memory Multicores
Jung, M., Park, J., Blieberger, J., & Burgstaller, B. (2019). Parallel Construction of Simultaneous Deterministic Finite Automata on Shared-memory Multicores. The 12th Annual Meeting of the Asian Association for Algorithms and Computation, Seoul, Korea (the Republic of).
Project: SAJiTcore++ (2013–2016) - Blocking versus Non-Blocking Shared-Memory Multicore Synchronization: Programmability, Scalability and Performance / Yang, S., Jeong, S., Min, B., Kim, Y., Burgstaller, B., & Blieberger, J. (2019). Blocking versus Non-Blocking Shared-Memory Multicore Synchronization: Programmability, Scalability and Performance. Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe, Montreux, Switzerland, Austria.
- Kronecker Algebra for Optimization of Rail Traffic Flow on Zagreb--Rijeka Line / Schöbel, A., Schöbel, C., Stefan, M., & Blieberger, J. (2018). Kronecker Algebra for Optimization of Rail Traffic Flow on Zagreb--Rijeka Line. In Proceedings Railcon 2018 (pp. 41–44).
- Enhancing Performance in Railway Operation by Application of Kronecker Algebra / Schöbel, A., Schöbel, C., Stefan, M., & Blieberger, J. (2018). Enhancing Performance in Railway Operation by Application of Kronecker Algebra. In Proceedings ICTTE 2018 (pp. 113–117). ?
- Application of Kronecker Algebra for Railway Line Zagreb-Rijeka / Schöbel, A., Blieberger, J., & Schöbel, C. (2018). Application of Kronecker Algebra for Railway Line Zagreb-Rijeka. In Road and Rail Infrastructure V (pp. 1261–1264). Department of Transportation, Faculty of Ciivil Engineering, University of Zagreb.
- Kronecker Algebra for Managing Rail Capacity / Schöbel, A., Schöbel, C., & Blieberger, J. (2018). Kronecker Algebra for Managing Rail Capacity. In ISEP2018 -- 26th International Symposium on Electronics in Transport. ISEP2018.
- Safe Non-blocking Synchronization in Ada2x / Blieberger, J., & Burgstaller, B. (2018). Safe Non-blocking Synchronization in Ada2x. In A. Casimiro & P. M. Ferreira (Eds.), Reliable Software Technologies – Ada-Europe 2018 (pp. 53–69). Springer-Verlag.
- Optimization of rail traffic flow using Kronecker algebra during maintenance on infrastructure / Schöbel, A., Aksentijevic, J., Stefan, M., & Blieberger, J. (2017). Optimization of rail traffic flow using Kronecker algebra during maintenance on infrastructure. Transportation Research Procedia, 27, 545–552.
- Application of Kronecker Algebra in Railway Operation / Stefan, M., Blieberger, J., & Schöbel, A. (2017). Application of Kronecker Algebra in Railway Operation. Tehnicki Vjesnik - Technical Gazette, 24(1).
Lazy Parallel Kronecker Algebra-Operations on Heterogeneous Multicores
Sodsong, W., Mittermayr, R., Park, Y., Burgstaller, B., & Blieberger, J. (2017). Lazy Parallel Kronecker Algebra-Operations on Heterogeneous Multicores. In F. F. Rivera, T. F. Pena, & J. C. Cabaleiro (Eds.), Euro-Par 2017: Parallel Processing Workshops (pp. 538–552). LNCS / Springer Verlag.
Project: SAJiTcore++ (2013–2016) - Reliable Software Technologies – Ada-Europe 2017 / Blieberger, J., & Bader, M. (Eds.). (2017). Reliable Software Technologies – Ada-Europe 2017. Springer Cham.
Parallel Construction of Simultaneous Deterministic Finite Automata on Shared-Memory Multicores
Jung, M., Park, J., Blieberger, J., & Burgstaller, B. (2017). Parallel Construction of Simultaneous Deterministic Finite Automata on Shared-Memory Multicores. In 2017 46th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP). International Conference on Parallel Processing, Bristol, EU. IEEE.
Project: SAJiTcore++ (2013–2016)
- A Generic Graph Model for WCET Analysis of Multi-core Concurrent Applications / Mittermayr, R., & Blieberger, J. (2016). A Generic Graph Model for WCET Analysis of Multi-core Concurrent Applications. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 09(05), 182–198.
- Kronecker Algebra Based Analysis of Concurrent Computer Programs / Blieberger, J. (2016). Kronecker Algebra Based Analysis of Concurrent Computer Programs. Festkolloquium aus Anlass des 60. Geburtstages von o.Univ.Prof.Dr. Peter Kirschenhofer, Leoben, Austria.
- Kronecker Algebra for Static Analysis of Barriers in Ada / Mittermayr, R., & Blieberger, J. (2016). Kronecker Algebra for Static Analysis of Barriers in Ada. In Ada-Europe’2016 International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (pp. 145–159). Springer-Verlag.
- Kronecker Algebra zur Optimierung des Eisenbahnbetriebes / Stefan, M., Blieberger, J., & Schöbel, A. (2015, September). Kronecker Algebra zur Optimierung des Eisenbahnbetriebes. Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau (ETR), 9, 78–84.
Efficient Construction of Simultaneous Deterministic Finite Automata on Multicores Using Rabin Fingerprints
Jung, M., Burgstaller, B., & Blieberger, J. (2015). Efficient Construction of Simultaneous Deterministic Finite Automata on Multicores Using Rabin Fingerprints. arXiv.
Project: SAJiTcore++ (2013–2016)
- Optimisation of Railway Operation by Application of Kronecker Algebra / Volcic, M., Blieberger, J., & Schöbel, A. (2014). Optimisation of Railway Operation by Application of Kronecker Algebra. In Proceedings CETRA 2014 (pp. 37–42).
- Analysis and optimisation of railway systems / Schöbel, A., Volcic, M., & Blieberger, J. (2014). Analysis and optimisation of railway systems. In EURO_ZEL 2014, 22nd International Symposium (p. 6). University of Zilina.
- Kronecker-Algebra und ihre breit gefächerten Anwendungen im Eisenbahnbereich / Blieberger, J., Schöbel, A., & Volcic, M. (2014). Kronecker-Algebra und ihre breit gefächerten Anwendungen im Eisenbahnbereich. Signal + Draht, 106(7+8), 15–18.
- Generalized Catalan Sequences Originating from the Analysis of Special Data Structures / Blieberger, J., & Kirschenhofer, P. (2014). Generalized Catalan Sequences Originating from the Analysis of Special Data Structures. Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications, 71, 103–116.
Kronecker Algebra for Static Analysis of Ada Programs with Protected Objects
Blieberger, J., & Burgstaller, B. (2014). Kronecker Algebra for Static Analysis of Ada Programs with Protected Objects. In Proceedings of Ada-Europe 2014 (pp. 27–42).
Project: SAJiTcore++ (2013–2016)
Kronecker Algebra and its Broad Applications in Railway Systems
Volcic, M., Blieberger, J., & Schöbel, A. (2013). Kronecker Algebra and its Broad Applications in Railway Systems. In EURO-ZEL 2013: Recent Challenges for European Railways (pp. 275–282). University of Zilina.
Project: EcoRailNet (2012–2014) -
Kronecker Algebra based Modelling of Railway Operation
Volcic, M., Schöbel, A., & Blieberger, J. (2013). Kronecker Algebra based Modelling of Railway Operation. In Proceedings of the MT-ITS 2013 (pp. 345–356). TUDpress.
Project: EcoRailNet (2012–2014) -
Kronecker Algebra as a Frame for Optimisation of Railway Operation
Volcic, M., Blieberger, J., & Schöbel, A. (2013). Kronecker Algebra as a Frame for Optimisation of Railway Operation. In Mechanics Transport Communications (pp. 57–63). Mechanics Transport Communications/VTU Print.
Project: EcoRailNet (2012–2014)
- StreamPI: A stream-parallel programming extension for object-oriented programming languages / Hong, J., Hong, K., Burgstaller, B., & Blieberger, J. (2012). StreamPI: A stream-parallel programming extension for object-oriented programming languages. Journal of Supercomputing, 61(1), 118–140.
- Kronecker Algebra based Deadlock Analysis for Railway Systems / Mittermayr, R., Blieberger, J., & Schöbel, A. (2012). Kronecker Algebra based Deadlock Analysis for Railway Systems. PROMET - Traffic&Transportation, 24(5), 359–369.
- Timing Analysis of Concurrent Programs / Mittermayr, R., & Blieberger, J. (2012). Timing Analysis of Concurrent Programs. In T. Vardanega (Ed.), Proc. 12th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (pp. 59–68). Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH, Dagstuhl Publishing.
Kronecker Algebra based Travel Time Analysis for Railway Systems
Volcic, M., Blieberger, J., & Schöbel, A. (2012). Kronecker Algebra based Travel Time Analysis for Railway Systems. In Forms/Format 2012 - 9th Symposium on Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and Automotive Systems (pp. 273–281). Inst. f. Verkehrssicherheit und Automatisierungstechnik.
Project: EcoRailNet (2012–2014) - A symbolic analysis framework for static analysis of imperative programming languages / Burgstaller, B., Scholz, B., & Blieberger, J. (2012). A symbolic analysis framework for static analysis of imperative programming languages. Journal of Systems and Software, 85(6), 1418–1439.
- Projektbericht Verfügbarkeitsberechnung / Ostermann, N., Blieberger, J., & Tauschitz, P. (2012). Projektbericht Verfügbarkeitsberechnung.
- Availability Analysis for Railway Infrastructure based on Graph Theory / Schöbel, A., & Blieberger, J. (2010). Availability Analysis for Railway Infrastructure based on Graph Theory. In Revitalisation of Economy - New Challenge for European Railways (pp. 141–148). EDIS Zilina.
- AdaStreams: A Type-based Programming Extension for Stream-Parallelism with Ada 2005 / Hong, J., Hong, K., Burgstaller, B., & Blieberger, J. (2010). AdaStreams: A Type-based Programming Extension for Stream-Parallelism with Ada 2005. In Reliable Software Technologies - Ada Europe 2010 (pp. 208–221). Springer-Verlag.
- Graphentheoretische Verfügbarkeitsanalyse für die Eisenbahninfrastruktur / Blieberger, J., Ostermann, N., & Schöbel, A. (2009). Graphentheoretische Verfügbarkeitsanalyse für die Eisenbahninfrastruktur. Signal&Draht, 101(9), 33–36.
- Static Partial-Order Reduction of Concurrent Systems in Polynomial Time / Mittermayr, R., & Blieberger, J. (2008). Static Partial-Order Reduction of Concurrent Systems in Polynomial Time. In Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Third International Symposium, ISoLA 2008 (pp. 619–633). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- A Framework for CFG-Based Static Program Analysis of Ada Programs / Fechete, R., Kienesberger, G., & Blieberger, J. (2008). A Framework for CFG-Based Static Program Analysis of Ada Programs. In F. Kordon & T. Vardanega (Eds.), Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2008: 13th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, Venice, Italy, June 16-20, 2008. Proceedings (pp. 130–143). Springer - LNCS.
- Average Case Analysis of Some Elimination-Based Data-Flow Analysis Algorithms / Blieberger, J. (2008). Average Case Analysis of Some Elimination-Based Data-Flow Analysis Algorithms. In Scalable Program Analysis. Dagstuhl Seminar 08161 Scalable Program Analysis, Schloss Dagstuhl, Dagstuhl, Wadern, EU. Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
- A New Elimination-Based Data Flow Analysis Framework Using Annotated Decomposition Trees / Scholz, B., & Blieberger, J. (2007). A New Elimination-Based Data Flow Analysis Framework Using Annotated Decomposition Trees. In Compiler Construction (pp. 202–217). LNCS, Springer-Verlag.
- Static Detection of Livelocks in Ada Multitasking Programs / Blieberger, J., Burgstaller, B., & Mittermayr, R. (2007). Static Detection of Livelocks in Ada Multitasking Programs. In N. Abdennadher & F. Kordon (Eds.), Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2007: 12th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, Geneva, Switzerland, June 25-29, 2007, Proceedings (pp. 69–83). Springer-Verlag.
- Symbolic Analysis of Imperative Programming Languages / Burgstaller, B., Scholz, B., & Blieberger, J. (2006). Symbolic Analysis of Imperative Programming Languages. In Modular Programming Languages (pp. 172–194). Springer-Verlag.
- Static Detection of Access Anomalies in Ada95 / Burgstaller, B., Blieberger, J., & Mittermayr, R. (2006). Static Detection of Access Anomalies in Ada95. In Reliable Software Technologies – Ada-Europe 2006 (pp. 40–55). Springer-Verlag.
- Average Case Analysis of DJ Graphs / Blieberger, J. (2006). Average Case Analysis of DJ Graphs. Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 4(4), 649–675.
- Dekomposition und Enumeration von Flussgraphen / Blieberger, J. (2005). Dekomposition und Enumeration von Flussgraphen. Department Mathematik und Informationstechnologie, Lehrstuhl für Mathematik & Statistik, Leoben, Austria, Austria.
- Informatik-Grundlagen / Blieberger, J., Burgstaller, B., & Schildt, G.-H. (2005). Informatik-Grundlagen. Springer-Verlag.
- Tour de Spec - A Collection of Spec95 Program Paths and Associated Costs for Symbolic Evaluation / Burgstaller, B., Scholz, B., & Blieberger, J. (2004). Tour de Spec - A Collection of Spec95 Program Paths and Associated Costs for Symbolic Evaluation.
- The WCETₘₐᵣₖₑᵣ-Problem is NP-complete / Ben-Amram, A., Blieberger, J., & Scholz, B. (2003). The WCETₘₐᵣₖₑᵣ-Problem is NP-complete. WCET-Meeting, Vienna, Austria, Austria.
- Algorithmen (Überarbeitung) / Blieberger, J. (2002). Algorithmen (Überarbeitung). In Informatik - Grundlagen (pp. 151–164). Springer.
- Informationstheorie (Überarbeitung & Ergänzung) / Blieberger, J. (2002). Informationstheorie (Überarbeitung & Ergänzung). In Informatik - Grundlagen (pp. 15–32). Springer.
- Quanten-Computer / Blieberger, J. (2002). Quanten-Computer. In Informatik - Grundlagen (pp. 195–217). Springer.
- Informatik-Grundlagen / Blieberger, J., Burgstaller, B., & Schildt, G.-H. (2002). Informatik-Grundlagen. Springer.
- Real-Time Properties of Indirect Recursive Procedures / Blieberger, J. (2001). Real-Time Properties of Indirect Recursive Procedures. Information and Computation, 171(2), 156–182.
- Unified Modelling Language / Blieberger, J. (2001). Unified Modelling Language. UML-Kurs, Länderübergreifende Veranstaltung des Pädagogischen Instituts des Bundes, Vienna, Austria, Austria.
- WCET Anlaysis for Multi-Threaded Applications on Multi-Processor Systems / Blieberger, J. (2001). WCET Anlaysis for Multi-Threaded Applications on Multi-Processor Systems. WCET Workshop of the EUROMICRO Conference on Real-Time Systems, Delft, The Netherlands, Austria.
- Symbolic Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems / Blieberger, J., Fahringer, T., & Scholz, B. (2000). Symbolic Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems. Real-Time Systems, 18, 181–215.
- Symbolic Data Flow Analysis for Detecting Deadlocks in Ada Tasking Programs / Blieberger, J., Burgstaller, B., & Scholz, B. (2000). Symbolic Data Flow Analysis for Detecting Deadlocks in Ada Tasking Programs. In Reliable Software Technologies Ada-Europe 2000 (pp. 225–237). Springer-Verlag.
- Data-Flow Frameworks for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis / Blieberger, J. (2000). Data-Flow Frameworks for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis. Deutschsprachige WCET-Tagung, Paderborn, Germany, Austria.
- Symbolic Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis / Blieberger, J. (2000). Symbolic Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis. Habilitationskolloquium, Wien, Austria.
- Lady Ada and Senor Java at the Dentist / Blieberger, J. (2000). Lady Ada and Senor Java at the Dentist. Globex Roadshow, Bregenz, Austria, Austria.
- Symbolic pointer analysis for detecting memory leaks / Scholz, B., Blieberger, J., & Fahringer, T. (2000). Symbolic pointer analysis for detecting memory leaks. In Proceedings of the 2000 ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Partial evaluation and semantics-based program manipulation - PEPM ’00. ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on “Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation” (PEPM), Boston, MA, USA, Austria. ACM Press.
- Interprocedural Symbolic Evaluation of Ada Programs with Aliases / Blieberger, J., Burgstaller, B., & Scholz, B. (1999). Interprocedural Symbolic Evaluation of Ada Programs with Aliases. In M. González Harbour & J. A. de la Puente (Eds.), Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe ’99 (pp. 136–145). Springer-Verlag.
- Ada Binding to a Shared Object Layer / Blieberger, J., Klasek, J., & Kühn, E. (1999). Ada Binding to a Shared Object Layer. In M. González Harbour & J. A. de la Puente (Eds.), Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe ’99 (pp. 263–274). Springer-Verlag.
- Expertengutachten: Beurteilung einer Software-Entwicklungsabteilung eines Unternehmens / Blieberger, J. (1999). Expertengutachten: Beurteilung einer Software-Entwicklungsabteilung eines Unternehmens.
- Symbolic reaching definitions analysis of Ada programs / Blieberger, J., & Burgstaller, B. (1998). Symbolic reaching definitions analysis of Ada programs. In Reliable Software Technologies — Ada-Europe (pp. 238–250). Springer-Verlag.
- Busy Period Duration for Static Priority Scheduling of Database Transactions (TR 183/1-104) / Blieberger, J. (1998). Busy Period Duration for Static Priority Scheduling of Database Transactions (TR 183/1-104).
- Automatic Symbolic Verification of Real-Time Programs (TR 183/1-75) / Blieberger, J., & Scholz, B. (1997). Automatic Symbolic Verification of Real-Time Programs (TR 183/1-75).
- WPP - Programmer's and User's Guide (TR 183/1-74) / Blieberger, J., & Burgstaller, B. (1997). WPP - Programmer’s and User’s Guide (TR 183/1-74).
- Scheduling in a Real-Time Environment under Rush-Hour Conditions (TR 183/1-102) / Blieberger, J., & Reinwein, H. (1997). Scheduling in a Real-Time Environment under Rush-Hour Conditions (TR 183/1-102).
- Worst-Case Space and Time Complexity of Recursive Procedures / Blieberger, J., & Lieger, R. (1996). Worst-Case Space and Time Complexity of Recursive Procedures. Real-Time Systems, 11(2), 115–144.
- Multi-staged discrete loops for real-time systems / Lieger, R., & Blieberger, J. (1996). Multi-staged discrete loops for real-time systems. In Proceedings of the Eighth Euromicro Workshop on Real-Time Systems. EUROMICRO Workshop on Real-Time Systems, l’Aquila, Italy, Austria.
- Augmenting Ada95 with additional real-time features / Blieberger, J., Lieger, R., & Burgstaller, B. (1996). Augmenting Ada95 with additional real-time features. In A. Strohmeier (Ed.), Reliable Software Technologies — Ada-Europe ’96 (pp. 330–341). Springer-Verlag.
- Zusatzantrag zum FWF-Projekt WOOP (TR 183/1-72) / Blieberger, J. (1996). Zusatzantrag zum FWF-Projekt WOOP (TR 183/1-72).
- An Annotated Bibliography on Real-Time Databases (TR 183/1-73) / Blieberger, J. (1996). An Annotated Bibliography on Real-Time Databases (TR 183/1-73).
- On non-preemptive LCFS Scheduling with Deadlines / Schmid, U., & Blieberger, J. (1995). On non-preemptive LCFS Scheduling with Deadlines. Journal of Algorithms, 18(1), 124–158.
- Ada / Blieberger, J. (1995). Ada. Ada-Kurs für Angehörige des Forschungszentrums Seibersdorf, Seibersdorf, Austria, Austria.
- The Role of GNAT within Project WOOP / Blieberger, J., & Burgstaller, B. (1995). The Role of GNAT within Project WOOP. GNAT Workshop of the Ada-Europe’95 Conference, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, Austria.
- Real-time recursive procedures / Blieberger, J., & Lieger, R. (1995). Real-time recursive procedures. In Proceedings Seventh Euromicro Workshop on Real-Time Systems. EUROMICRO Workshop on Real-Time Systems, l’Aquila, Italy, Austria.
- Using Discrete Loops for Easy Comprehension of Algorithms / Lieger, R., & Blieberger, J. (1995). Using Discrete Loops for Easy Comprehension of Algorithms. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Automation and Control Engineering in Higher Education (pp. 125–134).
- Loops for Safety-Critical Applications / Blieberger, J. (1995). Loops for Safety-Critical Applications. In Proceedings of SAFECOMP. SAFECOMP, Belgirate, Italy, Austria.
- Skriptum "Entwurf von Automatisierungssystemen mit Ada95" (TR 183/1-71) / Blieberger, J. (1995). Skriptum “Entwurf von Automatisierungssystemen mit Ada95” (TR 183/1-71).
- Discrete Loops and Worst Case Performance / Blieberger, J. (1994). Discrete Loops and Worst Case Performance. Computer Languages, 20(3), 193–212.
- The Ackermann-Function Effort in Space and Time (TR 183/1-48) / Lieger, R., & Blieberger, J. (1994). The Ackermann-Function Effort in Space and Time (TR 183/1-48).
- Entwurf zur Automatisierung der Lagerbewirtschaftung von Wertpapierdruckereien unter spezieller Berücksichtigung von Hochsicherheitsaspekten (TR 183/1-49) / Pircher, A., Blieberger, J., Janner, U., Schildt, G.-H., & Zadic, M. (1994). Entwurf zur Automatisierung der Lagerbewirtschaftung von Wertpapierdruckereien unter spezieller Berücksichtigung von Hochsicherheitsaspekten (TR 183/1-49).
- Ein LaTeX-Style zur Gestaltung von Diplomarbeiten an Instituten der Technisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Technischen Universität Wien (TR 183/1-34) / Blieberger, J. (1993). Ein LaTeX-Style zur Gestaltung von Diplomarbeiten an Instituten der Technisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Technischen Universität Wien (TR 183/1-34).
- FWF-Projektantrag "Worst Case Performance Objekt-Orientierter Echtzeit-Programme (WOOP)" (TR 183/1-42) / Blieberger, J. (1993). FWF-Projektantrag “Worst Case Performance Objekt-Orientierter Echtzeit-Programme (WOOP)” (TR 183/1-42).
- Safe Programmable Logic Controller "SAFE_PLC" (TR-183/1-38) / Blieberger, J., & Schildt, G.-H. (1993). Safe Programmable Logic Controller “SAFE_PLC” (TR-183/1-38).
- Preemptive LCFS Scheduling in Hard Real-Time Applications / Blieberger, J., & Schmid, U. (1992). Preemptive LCFS Scheduling in Hard Real-Time Applications. Performance Evaluation, 15(3), 203–215.
- Some Investigations on FCFS Scheduling in Hard Real-Time Applications / Schmid, U., & Blieberger, J. (1992). Some Investigations on FCFS Scheduling in Hard Real-Time Applications. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 45(3), 493–512.
- FCFS Scheduling in a Hard Real-Time Environment under Rush-Hour Conditions / Blieberger, J., & Schmid, U. (1992). FCFS Scheduling in a Hard Real-Time Environment under Rush-Hour Conditions. BIT Numerical Mathematics, 32(3), 370–383.
- Anleitung zur Gestaltung von Projektberichten (TR 183/1-1) / Blieberger, J., & Stöckler, S. (1991). Anleitung zur Gestaltung von Projektberichten (TR 183/1-1).
- Skripten zur Übung "Einführung in die Informatik I" (TR 183/1-28) / Bezirgan, A., Blieberger, J., & Kremser, J. (1991). Skripten zur Übung “Einführung in die Informatik I” (TR 183/1-28).
- Qualifying Dynamic Task Scheduling in Hard Real-Time Systems: A Novel Approach / Blieberger, J., & Schmid, U. (1991). Qualifying Dynamic Task Scheduling in Hard Real-Time Systems: A Novel Approach.
- Skriptum "Entwurf von Automatisierungssystemen mit Ada" (TR 183/1-24) / Blieberger, J. (1991). Skriptum “Entwurf von Automatisierungssystemen mit Ada” (TR 183/1-24).
- Untersuchungen bezüglich des Echtzeitverhaltens von Schedulingstrategien / Blieberger, J. (1989). Untersuchungen bezüglich des Echtzeitverhaltens von Schedulingstrategien. Kongress der Österreichischen Mathematischen Gesellschaft, Vienna, Austria, Austria.
- Monotonically Labelled Motzkin Trees / Blieberger, J. (1987). Monotonically Labelled Motzkin Trees. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 18, 9–24.
Verfication of concurrent programs in weak memory models
Dallinger, H. (2025). Verfication of concurrent programs in weak memory models [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Approaching emergent patterns with Kronecker algebra in industrial agents
Denzler, P. (2023). Approaching emergent patterns with Kronecker algebra in industrial agents [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Fusionierung von Dense Visual Odometry für RGB-D Kameras mit dem Ackermann Motion Model
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People tracking using particle filters and an advanced human motion model on mobile robots
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Spatio-temporal prioritized planning
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Kronecker algebra based analysis of shared memory concurrent systems
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Energy-efficient optimization of railway operation : an algorithm based on Kronecker algebra
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Sicherheitskritische Modelleisenbahnsteuerung in Ada
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Detecting busy waiting by means of static control flow analysis
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Resource management in an integrated time-triggered architecture
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Interface design for hardware-in-the-loop simulation of real-time systems
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Symbolic evaluation of imperative programming languages
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Experiment management, performance optimisation, and tool integration in grid computing
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