Elena Andreeva
Assistant Prof. / PhD
Research Focus
- Logic and Computation: 90%
Research Areas
- Symmetric Cryptography, Cryptogrpahy
Hi, I am Elena Andreeva and I am a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Cryptography at TU Wien.
My research focuses on theory and applications of cryptography related to symmetric authenticated encryption, block ciphers and forkciphers, hash functions, privacy-friendly protocols, and blockchains. I am interested in theoretical foundations and practical cryptographic algorithms for secure data communications, storage and private computation. For more detailed information check out my webpage.
I am always looking for motivated students for master/bachelor theses and internships.
Assistant Professor
Security and Privacy, E192-06 -
Curriculum Coordinator
Double-Degree Program IT Security -
Faculty Council
Principal Member
- Bachelor Thesis / 192.061 / PR
- Introduction to Cryptography / 192.125 / VU
- Seminar for PhD Students / 192.060 / SE
- Bachelor Thesis / 192.061 / PR
- Project in Computer Science 1 / 192.021 / PR
- Project in Computer Science 2 / 192.022 / PR
- Scientific Research and Writing / 193.052 / SE
- Seminar for PhD Students / 192.060 / SE
- Symmetric Cryptography / 192.124 / VU
- The COLM Authenticated Encryption Scheme / Andreeva, E., Bogdanov, A., Datta, N., Luykx, A., Mennink, B., Nandi, M., Tischhauser, E., & Yasuda, K. (2024). The COLM Authenticated Encryption Scheme. Journal of Cryptology, 37, Article 15. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00145-024-09492-8
A TPRF-based pseudo-random number generator
Andreeva, E., & Weninger, A. (2024). A TPRF-based pseudo-random number generator. Journal of Surveillance, Security and Safety, 5, 36–51. https://doi.org/10.20517/jsss.2023.45
Project: SFB SPyCoDe (2023–2026) -
Skye: An Expanding PRF based Fast KDF and its Applications
Bhati, A. S., Dufka, A., Andreeva, E., Roy, A., & Preneel, B. (2024). Skye: An Expanding PRF based Fast KDF and its Applications. In ASIA CCS ’24: Proceedings of the 19th ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (pp. 1082–1098). https://doi.org/10.1145/3634737.3637673
Project: SFB SPyCoDe (2023–2026) -
Masked Iterate-Fork-Iterate: A New Design Paradigm for Tweakable Expanding Pseudorandom Function
Andreeva, E., Cogliati, B., Lallemand, V., Minier, M., Purnal, A., & Roy, A. (2024). Masked Iterate-Fork-Iterate: A New Design Paradigm for Tweakable Expanding Pseudorandom Function. In C. Pöpper & L. Batina (Eds.), Applied Cryptography and Network Security (pp. 433–459). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-54773-7_17
Project: SFB SPyCoDe (2023–2026) -
On Efficient and Secure Compression Functions for Arithmetization-Oriented Hashing
Andreeva, E., Bhattacharyya, R., Roy, A., & Trevisani, S. (2024). On Efficient and Secure Compression Functions for Arithmetization-Oriented Hashing. In 2024 IEEE 37th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF) (pp. 1–16). https://doi.org/10.1109/CSF61375.2024.00045
Project: SFB SPyCoDe (2023–2026) - OAE-RUP: A Strong Online AEAD Security Notion and Its Application to SAEF / Bhati, A. S., Andreeva, E., & Vizár, D. (2024). OAE-RUP: A Strong Online AEAD Security Notion and Its Application to SAEF. In Security and Cryptography for Networks (pp. 117–139). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-71073-5_6
- Let's Go Eevee! A Friendly and Suitable Family of AEAD Modes for IoT-to-Cloud Secure Computation / Bhati, A. S., Pohle, E., Abidin, A., Andreeva, E., & Preneel, B. (2023). Let’s Go Eevee! A Friendly and Suitable Family of AEAD Modes for IoT-to-Cloud Secure Computation. In CCS ’23: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (pp. 2546–2560). Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3576915.3623091
- A Forkcipher-Based Pseudo-Random Number Generator / Andreeva, E., & Weninger, A. (2023). A Forkcipher-Based Pseudo-Random Number Generator. In M. Tibouchi & X. Wang (Eds.), Applied Cryptography and Network Security (pp. 3–31). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-33491-7_1
- Quantum cryptanalysis of Farfalle and (generalised) key-alternating Feistel networks / Hodžić, S., Roy, A., & Andreeva, E. (2023). Quantum cryptanalysis of Farfalle and (generalised) key-alternating Feistel networks. Designs, Codes and Cryptography. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10623-023-01305-6
- 1, 2, 3, Fork: Counter Mode Variants based on a Generalized Forkcipher / Andreeva, E., Bhati, A. S., Preneel, B., & Vizár, D. (2021). 1, 2, 3, Fork: Counter Mode Variants based on a Generalized Forkcipher. IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, 2021(3). https://doi.org/10.46586/tosc.v2021.i3.1-35
- Compactness of Hashing Modes and Efficiency Beyond Merkle Tree / Andreeva, E., Bhattacharyya, R., & Roy, A. (2021). Compactness of Hashing Modes and Efficiency Beyond Merkle Tree. In Advances in Cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2021 40th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Zagreb, Croatia, October 17–21, 2021, Proceedings, Part II (pp. 92–123). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77886-6_4
- Nonce-Misuse Security of the SAEF Authenticated Encryption Mode / Andreeva, E., Bhati, A. S., & Vizár, D. (2021). Nonce-Misuse Security of the SAEF Authenticated Encryption Mode. In Selected Areas in Cryptography (pp. 512–534). Springer LNCS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-81652-0_20
- Optimized Software Implementations for the Lightweight Encryption Scheme ForkAE / Andreeva, E., Deprez, A., Bermudo Mera, J. M., Karmakar, A., & Purnal, A. (2021). Optimized Software Implementations for the Lightweight Encryption Scheme ForkAE. In Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications (pp. 68–83). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-68487-7_5
- Interpolation Cryptanalysis of Unbalanced Feistel Networks with Low Degree Round Functions / Andreeva, E., Roy, A., & Sauer, J. F. (2021). Interpolation Cryptanalysis of Unbalanced Feistel Networks with Low Degree Round Functions. In Selected Areas in Cryptography (pp. 273–300). Springer LNCS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-81652-0_11
- Forkcipher: A New Primitive for Authenticated Encryption of Very Short Messages / Andreeva, E., Lallemand, V., Purnal, A., Reyhanitabar, R., Roy, A., & Vizár, D. (2019). Forkcipher: A New Primitive for Authenticated Encryption of Very Short Messages. In Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2019 25th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Kobe, Japan, December 8–12, 2019, Proceedings, Part II (pp. 153–182). Springer LNCS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-34621-8_6
- Open problems in hash function security / Andreeva, E., Mennink, B., & Preneel, B. (2015). Open problems in hash function security. DESIGNS CODES AND CRYPTOGRAPHY, 77(2–3), 611–631. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10623-015-0096-0