TU Wien Informatics


Prof. Dr. Sabine Andergassen is the head of the Research Group "Computational Quantum Science", affiliated both with the Research Unit “Machine Learning” at the Faculty of Informatics as well as “Correlations: Theory and Experiments” at the Faculty of Physics.

Her main research focus is in the area of quantum many-body physics. In particular, she employs renormalization-group approaches to investigate the fundamental mechanisms underlying the physical behavior of model systems for materials, cold atomic gases and nanostructures. New perspectives on the high-dimensional data arising naturally in such complex interacting systems are revealed also by machine learning methods. At the same time, methods from statistical physics and quantum many-body theory can improve the understanding of the working principles of modern machine learning methods.

Sabine Andergassen is also Deputy Director of the iCAIML Doctoral College, the coordinator of the Quantum Physics Special Interest Group of CAIML, and the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs for the Master’s Programme Quantum Information Science and Technology.


  • Associate Professor
    Machine Learning, E194-06
  • Curriculum Coordinator
    Master Quantum Information Science and Technology