TU Wien Informatics

Stefan Neumann

Assistant Prof. Dr.techn. / BSc MSc

Research Focus

Research Areas

  • Data Mining, Machine Learning, Graph Algorithms, social network analysis, Combinatorial Optimization, Theoretical Compurter Science, Algorithms and Data Structures
Stefan Neumann


My research focus is on algorithms for data science and for social network analysis. In particular, I am interested in the following topics:

Foundations of data science: I develop practical data science algorithms with provable guarantees. I am particularly interested in the beyond worst-case analysis of algorithms.

Social network analysis: I study how interventions, such as timeline algorithms, influence the polarization and the disagreement in (online) social networks.

I am also generally interested in graph algorithms and (dynamic) data structures.

For more information, please see my homepage https://neumannstefan.com/.


  • Assistant Professor
    Machine Learning, E194-06
  • Curriculum Coordinator
    Master / Area / Machine Learning