Communications Newsroom Contact Subscribe Newsletter News Feed Calendar Feed Social Media Newsroom Any Tag Any Tag AI Award Call for Applications Conference Digital Humanism Epilog Open Position People Public Lecture Report Studies Sustainability Talk Vienna Gödel Lecture Workshop Any Kind Any Kind News Only Events Only 2023 Recent 2025 2024 2023 2022 Show as Cards Show as List Show as Cards 199 results / Reset Filter 2023 Digital Humanism The EU AI Act: A Success Story 2023-12-19 Panel Discussion Join Kai Zenner and George Metakides for a panel discussion on the state of AI Act. Sustainability René Mayrhofer: Computer Science Between Energy Savings and… 2023-12-18 Public Lecture Join our online public lecture series on sustainability in computer science this winter semester. Lecture Helmut Veith Lecture Hall Opening 2023-12-17 VCLA We celebrated the legacy of Helmut Veith, brilliant computer scientist, colleague, and friend, with the opening of the Helmut Veith Lecture Hall. Event Helmut Veith Lecture Hall Dedication Ceremony 2023-12-15 Join the celebration in honor of Prof. Helmut Veith and the opening of the “Helmut Veith” lecture hall. Quantum Computing Frank Leymann: Post-Quantum Security 2023-12-13 Public Lecture Frank Leymann talks about the impact of quantum computing on cryptography. Open Position Jobs: PreDoc and Technician Positions 2023-12-11 We are looking for candidates in Parallel Computing. Award Best Paper Award at UCC 2023 2023-12-11 Shashikant Ilager and his colleagues won best paper for their research on cloud data centers. Award Lucas Kletzander Honored for Sub Auspiciis Promotion 2023-12-11 Federal President Van der Bellen awarded Kletzander the Austrian Ring of Honor for his outstanding academic achievements. Sustainability Wilfried Elmenreich: Electric Load Disaggregation 2023-12-11 Public Lecture Join our online public lecture series on sustainability in computer science this winter semester. Award First TU Wien Informatics Awards 2023-12-05 Community With an award show on all academic levels, we celebrated our most excellent students. Congratulations to all our outstanding awardees! Excellence TU Wien Informatics Awards 2023 2023-12-04 Students Join us at TUtheSky to honor the most outstanding students of our faculty at the new TU Wien Informatics Awards. Conference 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Mult… 2023-12-03 Join us in December for the international conference on mobile and ubiquitous multimedia. Course Join our Massive Open Online Courses 2023-12-01 MOOC Education Outreach Five Austrian universities cooperate to offer MOOCs for informatics fundamentals. Check out diverse courses, and learn how your taxi ride relates to modeling. Digital Humanism Statement on the EU AI Act 2023-12-01 The EU AI Act is in the final phase, and there are considerable risks for its regulations. Support the statement of the Digital Humanism Initiative. AI Conversational AI and ChatGPT in Education 2023-11-30 Course The International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA) offers an online short course on risks and advantages of using conversational AI for educational purposes. Conference The 16th IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference on the Practice of … 2023-11-30 PoEM 2023 aims to improve the understanding of the practice of Enterprise Modeling (EM) by offering a forum for sharing experiences and knowledge. Conference 13th Enterprise Design and Engineering Working Conference 2023-11-28 EDEWC 2023 addresses the challenges of modern enterprises in the digital era with an emphasis on efficiency, agility, and resilience. Conference Business Informatics Week 2023 2023-11-28 This year’s Business Informatics Week brings together PoEM 2023 and EDEWC 2023. Sustainability Moritz Grosse-Wentrup: Sustainability in Explainable AI 2023-11-27 Public Lecture Join our online public lecture series on sustainability in computer science this winter semester. Grant 5 Netidee Grants for Young Researchers 2023-11-24 Research Excellence Josip Zilic, Sabtain Ahmad, Daniel Hofstätter, Anouk Michelle Oudshoorn and Jakob Fahringer’s outstanding theses are funded by the 2023 open-source campaign. Bachelor with Honors Julian Müllner Receives State Award for Graduates 2023-11-23 Alumni Award The Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research honored Julian Müllner for his exceptional academic achievements. Digital Humanism Anu Bradford: Digital Empires - The Global Battle to Regula… 2023-11-21 Public Lecture Event Anu Bradford talks about the global battle to regulate technology. Symposium Can Machines Save the World? 2023-11-20 CAIML AI We’re challenging the pessimistic narrative on AI. In a thought-provoking symposium hosted by TU Wien and IWM, experts discussed fears, threats, and benefits. Sustainability Ivona Brandic: Computational Sustainability 2023-11-20 Public Lecture Join our online public lecture series on sustainability in computer science this winter semester. Guest Professor George Metakides: Democracy in the Digital Age 2023-11-17 Doctoral School George Metakides provides an overview of various aspects of democracy in the digital age. AI ChatGPT for Business Development 2023-11-17 Machine Learning CAIML Join CAIML’s exclusive executive education seminar to unlock the power of AI for business development. Event Petra Mutzel: Algorithmic Data Science on Graphs 2023-11-16 Petra Mutzel will talk about algorithm engineering as the perfect foundation for algorithmic data science. Digital Humanism Can Machines Save the World? 2023-11-16 Conference CAIML Too much doom and gloom in AI and beyond? CAIML and IWM host this year’s Digital Humanism Fellowship Conference and focus on the potential of digital tech. Interview The Digital Shield: Cryptography 2023-11-15 Cybersecurity Cryptography Expert Professor Elena Andreeva tells us how to be safe on the internet and gives insights into the latest developments in cybersecurity. Sustainability Krzysztof Pietrzak: Sustainable Blockchains 2023-11-13 Public Lecture Join our online public lecture series on sustainability in computer science this winter semester. Open Position Jobs: PostDoc and PreDoc Positions 2023-11-10 We are looking for candidates in Automation Systems, Embedded Computing Systems and Knowledge Based Systems. News Martina Landman Wins ISSEP Presentation Award 2023-11-09 For her presentation on science workshops for primary school education, she was honored at ISSEP 2023. Bachelor with Honors Bachelor with Honors 2023: Everything You Need to Know 2023-11-09 Studies Event First Steps You’re interested in our Excellence Program Bachelor with Honors? Then join us at the next info event. Obituary In Memoriam: Manfred Brockhaus 2023-11-08 We mourn the passing of Emeritus Professor Manfred Brockhaus (1935 – 2023). Award Silvia Miksch Receives VGTC Visualization Award 2023-11-08 She was honored for her exceptional contributions to the field of visual analytics at IEEE VIS 2023 in Melbourne. News Stellungnahme: Informatik in der AHS Oberstufe 2023-11-06 Informatik-Austria und die Leiter_innen der führenden Forschungs- und Bildungsinstitutionen fordern eine Ausweitung des Informatikunterrichts. Sustainability Schahram Dustdar: Building Intelligent & Sustainable Intern… 2023-11-06 Public Lecture Join our online public lecture series on sustainability in computer science this winter semester. Event 8th Symposium on Geometry and Computational Design 2023-11-03 Join the GCD Symposium 2023, which will feature an exhibition of results from the SFB “Advanced Computational Design”. Sustainability Philipp Gschwandtner: Green HPC - Paving the Way for Sustai… 2023-10-30 Public Lecture Join our online public lecture series on sustainability in computer science this winter semester. eduLAB European Researchers’ Night 2023 with eduLAB 2023-10-27 Public Outreach Education Outreach It’s not all bytes and bits, sometimes it’s giggles and wits. At this year’s ERN, eduLAB showed kids the fun side of algorithms. Rankings THE University Subject Ranking 2024: Top Scores 2023-10-27 Excellence Securing the 1st position in Austria and ranking 84th globally, TU Wien Informatics once again excels in the THE Subject Rankings. Digital Humanism From Joseph Weizenbaum to ChatGPT 2023-10-25 Critical Encounters with Dazzling AI Technology, explained by Christiane Floyd. Award Ressel Award 2023 Goes to Lucas Kletzander 2023-10-23 AI Kletzander is honored by TU Wien for his exceptional dissertation, where he developed novel technologies for scheduling problems. Sustainability Nysret Musliu: AI and Optimization for Sustainable Applicat… 2023-10-23 Public Lecture Join our online public lecture series on sustainability in computer science this winter semester. Interview Behind the Screens: Österreichische Elite bei der ECSC 2023 2023-10-20 Competition Cybersecurity Marco Squarcina berichtet über die European Cybersecurity Challenge, das österreichische Team und wie man an Cybersecurity-Wettbewerben teilnimmt. Interview Behind the Screens: Training Austria’s Elite for the ECSC 2023-10-20 Competition Cybersecurity Coach Marco Squarcina tells us about this year’s European Cybersecurity Challenge, Austria’s team, and how to be part of cybersecurity competitions. Open Position Jobs: PreDoc and Technician Positions 2023-10-19 Doctoral School We are looking for candidates in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Techniques. Digital Humanism Stefan Neumann to Establish Vienna Research Group 2023-10-18 Grant WWTF Neumann receives the WWTF VRG Grant to found a new research group on trustworthy recommender systems for online social networks. Award Best Poster Award at CSCW 2023 2023-10-17 Katta Spiel and their team win best poster for their research on marginalized groups in HCI research, with a focus on anti-fatness. Digital Humanism Rainer Mühlhoff: Predictive Privacy 2023-10-17 Public Lecture Event Rainer Mühlhoff explains the risks of secondary use of trained ML models regarding the privacy. Alumni #AlumniStories: Johanna Schmidt 2023-10-16 #alumnistories The head of VRVis’ Visual Analytics Research Group tells us why bars are better than pies. And how she found her way as a researcher, manager, and lecturer. Sustainability Andreas Uhl: Carbon Footprint of Social Media 2023-10-16 Public Lecture Join our online public lecture series on sustainability in computer science this winter semester. Award Great Success at Graph Drawing Conference 2023 2023-10-15 Algorithms and Complexity This year’s Graph Drawing Conference came with a wave of awards and prizes for our researchers and students at the Algorithms and Complexity Research Unit. Open Position Jobs: PreDoc Position 2023-10-12 Research We are looking for candidates in Computer Graphics. Call for Applications Assistant Professor with Tenure Track of Natural Language P… 2023-10-12 Open Position Professorship We invite applications for this full-time assistant professorship with tenure track until January 11, 2024. Guest Professor Werner Dietl: Optional Type Systems 2023-10-12 Doctoral School Werner Dietl gives a lecture on how optional type systems can revolutionize Java software development. Award INTERACT 2023 Reviewers’ Choice Award for “Skillab” 2023-10-11 Augmented Reality Ambika Shahu, Sonja Dorfbauer, Philipp Wintersberger & Florian Michahelles excel with their multimodal AR lab. Award Best Short Paper Award at VCBM 2023 2023-10-11 Computer Graphics Renata Raidou and Marwin Schindler win Best Short Paper at the 13th EG Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine. Sustainability Ivona Brandic at the Meeting of the AI Policy Forum 2023-10-11 Lecture News AI Keynote speech on the ambivalent role of artificial intelligence in the climate issue. Sustainability Daniel Gruss: Sustainable Security 2023-10-09 Public Lecture Join our online public lecture series on sustainability in computer science this winter semester. Studies Doctorals’ Welcome Winter 2023 2023-10-02 Event First Steps Doctoral School Students Our info event where we answer all your questions about our doctoral program. Join us at the TU Wien Informatics Doctoral School! Studies Beginners’ Day 2023 2023-10-02 Event First Steps Students Am 2. Oktober 2023 findet der Beginners’ Day statt. Du erhältst alle wichtigen Informationen zu deinem Start in unsere Bachelorstudien. Cybersecurity Martina Lindorfer at the Vienna Humanities Festival 2023-10-01 Security & Privacy An interdisciplinary discussion on how data can be protected, and why such protection is essential for the functioning of democracy and society. Doctoral New DC on “Trustworthy Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems” 2023-09-29 Doctoral School TU Wien establishes Doctoral College on Trustworthy Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems, TTTech Auto and B&C Privatstiftung fund three Ph.D. positions. Studies Info-Event BSc Wirtschaftsinformatik 2023 2023-09-28 Students Fragen zum neuen Studienplan des Bachelorstudiums Wirtschaftsinformatik? Die Studiendekane haben die Antworten; einfach am Info-Event teilnehmen! Open Position Jobs: PostDoc and Student Staff Positions 2023-09-28 Research Students We are looking for candidates in Knowledge Based Systems and Business Informatics. Event UNIKATE Award ceremony 2023-09-28 The award honors ideas for new technological developments that give people with disabilities more self-determination and equal participation in society. Award Female Computer Scientists Excel at VCLA 2023-09-27 Helmuth Veith Stipend VCLA Women in Informatics The Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms (VCLA) hosted the 2023 VCLA International Student Awards, also announcing this year’s Helmut Veith Stipend. Guest Professor Courses and Public Lectures by Our Guest Professors in 2023 2023-09-27 Doctoral School Join the courses and public lectures held by this year’s renowned guest professors of our doctoral colleges and the TU Wien Informatics Doctoral School. Lecture Economics and Machine Learning: What can they teach each ot… 2023-09-26 CAIML A talk by Maximilian Kasy from the University of Oxford at the CAIML Colloquium. Call for Applications Apply now: NII International Internships 2023-09-20 Internship The Japanese National Institute of Informatics (NII) welcomes Master’s and Ph.D. students to apply for the 2nd call of their 2023 internships. Open Position Jobs: PreDoc and Technician Positions 2023-09-14 We are looking for candidates in Artifact-based Computing & User Research, as well as in Parallel Computing. Award Success at the KR 2023 Conference 2023-09-13 Our researchers receive three Best Paper Awards in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Quantum Computing TU Wien Awards Honorary Professorship to Frank Leymann 2023-09-13 Research Professorship Informatics pioneer Frank Leymann is being honored for his groundbreaking research in computer science and quantum computing. Open Position Jobs: Administrative Assistant 2023-09-11 Administrative Staff We are looking for a candidate for the Software Engineering research unit. Digital Humanism Cybernetic Socialists 2023-09-07 An interdisciplinary discussion about computers and revolution in Allendes Chile, hosted by Wiener Zeitung, the Digital Humanism Summer School and Angewandte. Grant Katta Spiel Wins ERC Starting Grant 2023-09-05 Award Research With their project ACCESSTECH, Katta Spiel revolutionizes how we approach accessibility in the digital age. Digital Humanism 2nd ACM Digital Humanism Summer School 2023-09-04 Summer School CAIML Join leading experts in informatics, social sciences, and humanities to collaborate on pressing issues of digital politics, economy, and technology. Summer School European Summer School on Information Retrieval 2023-08-28 Learn about methods and challenges in information retrieval from international experts. Registration is open now! Studies PROLOG 2023 2023-08-28 First Steps Students Bereit zum Studium? Als Vorbereitung und zum Ausgleich unterschiedlicher Vorkenntnisse bieten wir den PROLOG an. Open Position Jobs: PreDoc and Student Staff Positions 2023-08-24 Doctoral School Students We are looking for candidates in Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Machine Learning, and Theory and Logic. Open Position Jobs: Student Staff for Communications & DevOps 2023-08-17 Students TU Wien Informatics is hiring a part-time member of our Communications team. Open Position Jobs: PostDoc, PreDoc, and Student Staff Positions 2023-08-10 Research Doctoral School Students We are looking for candidates in Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Machine Learning, and Theory and Logic. Award VR Group Wins SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies Award 2023-08-09 Research Virtual Reality Hannes Kaufmann and his team excelled with their origami-inspired haptic devices for Virtual Reality. Research The Race for the Kochen-Specker Theorem 2023-07-27 Algorithms and Complexity Logic and Algorithms A world record in solving satisfiability problems was achieved at TU Wien Informatics by Stefan Szeider, Tomas Peitl and Markus Kirchweger. Sustainability Public Lecture Series: Sustainability in CS 2023 2023-07-25 Public Lecture Be part of our online lecture series on sustainability in computer science, starting this winter semester. Open Position Jobs: System Administrator 2023-07-20 Administrative Staff We are looking for a candidate in Theory and Logic as well as Databases and Artificial Intelligence. Award VCLA Presents International Student Awards 2023 2023-07-17 VCLA Two young researchers were honored for their outstanding achievements in the field of logic and algorithms. Open Position Jobs: Student Staff Positions 2023-07-13 Research Students We are looking for candidates in Machine Learning. People TU Wien Informatics Under 30 2023-07-12 Excellence We are proud to present twelve outstanding students and alumni of TU Wien Informatics as part of TUW Under 30, 2023. Open Position Jobs: PostDoc, PreDoc, and Student Staff Positions 2023-07-06 Research Doctoral School Students We are looking for candidates in Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Machine Learning, and Theory and Logic. Award ASAI Master Thesis Award 2023 2023-07-05 Research Students The Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence (ASAI) honors two TU Wien Informatics graduates for their outstanding master theses. Call for Applications UNIKATE Ideas Competition 2023-07-03 The call for the UNIKATE 2024 is now open – students can apply for the competition with their ideas for inclusive technologies. AI AI Summer School 2023-07-03 Summer School CAIML Join leading national and international experts to collaborate on emerging research topics and issues on AI. Award Best Teaching Awards 2023 2023-06-29 Faculty Excellence Geraldine Fitzpatrick receives the Best Teacher Award 2023 for Informatics and was honored for her exceptional commitment. Public Lecture ViSP Lecture Series: Cryptography in the Wild 2023-06-28 Research Kenneth Paterson talks about a young and upcoming research field – the analysis of deployed cryptographic systems. Research Smart TVs: An Unseen Threat to User Privacy 2023-06-26 Security & Privacy You’re watching TV? Well, your Smart TV is watching you. Carlotta Tagliaro and Martina Lindorfer examined the pressing privacy issues of HbbTV. Open Position Jobs: PostDoc, PreDoc, and Student Staff Positions 2023-06-22 Research Doctoral School Students We are looking for candidates in Algorithms and Complexity, Databases and Artificial Intelligence, and Software Engineering. Public Lecture ABC Blockchain Talk: AI, Blockchain, Quantum Tech 2023-06-22 Event The COMET Center ABC (Austrian Blockchain Center) and TU Wien invite to the Blockchain Talk on the three major technologies. welcome.TU.code IT Courses for Ukrainian Refugees 2023-06-21 Public Outreach Education Outreach Welcome.TU.code offered two IT courses in web development for refugees from Ukraine, with overwhelming response. Public Lecture ViSP Lecture Series: Consensus in Blockchains 2023-06-21 Research Christian Cachin gives an overview of blockchain consensus methods highlights recent work on constructing new consensus protocols. Workshop Wiener Wochen der Weiterbildung: Informatik für alle! 2023-06-20 eduLAB eduLAB und WAFF organisieren Informatik-Workshops für Jugendliche und Erwachsene zu spannenden Themen – von Algorithmen bis Kodierung. Public Lecture Several Female Support Activities Later: What We Learned 2023-06-19 Women in Informatics Dean Gerti Kappel talks about her learnings from equality initiatives as part of the Informatics Europe Gender Equality in Informatics Webinar Series. Admission Bachelor Informatik für Umsteiger:innen 2023-06-19 First Steps Students Info-Event mit Fragen & Antworten zur neuen Struktur unserer Bachelorstudien, Infos für Umsteiger:innen und Übergangsbestimmungen. Open Position Jobs: PreDoc, Student Staff, and Assistant Positions 2023-06-15 Doctoral School Students We are looking for candidates in Automation Systems, Software Engineering, and the Pilotfabrik. Ethical Hacking International Ethical Hacking Bootcamp in Vienna 2023-06-15 Teaching Cybersecurity Education Outreach The best of the best gathered to train with us for the biggest cybersecurity challenge in Europe. Guest Professor Pedro Cabalar: Explaining a Representation 2023-06-13 Doctoral School Pedro Cabalar talks about explainable AI and how we need an effort in knowledge representation to achieve explainability. Teaching Dare to Care – Designing Differently, Imagining Collaborati… 2023-06-12 Guest Professor Doctoral School Students How can we create a just and sustainable future? Our students worked with guest professor Ann Light on technology and planet-centric design. Digital Humanism “Don’t Humanize AI!” 2023-06-12 Public Lecture Research Doctoral School Ricardo Baeza-Yates, international AI expert, unravels why AI is acting irresponsibly and what we can do about it. Vienna Gödel Lecture “AI for a Sustainable Future” 2023-06-12 People Research The number of stars in the Universe is 10²². The number of possible combinations of dams in the Amazon basin is 10¹⁰⁰⁺. We need AI. Digital Humanism Responsible AI: Ricardo Baeza-Yates 2023-06-07 Public Lecture Doctoral School Ricardo Baeza-Yates, renowned computer scientist and expert on implications of technology, talks about responsible AI. Digital Humanism Logic Lounge 2023: Bart Selman & Carla P. Gomes 2023-06-06 Public Lecture VCLA This year’s Logic Lounge brings together two experts in AI and logic to delve into the field of Computational Sustainability. Vienna Gödel Lecture Vienna Gödel Lecture 2023: Carla P. Gomes 2023-06-05 Digital Humanism Public Lecture Event Carla P. Gomes, AI expert and pioneer in Computational Sustainability talks about how we can create a sustainable future with AI. Award Silver at 11th F1TENTH Autonomous Grand Prix 2023-06-02 Research Team Scuderia Segfault strikes again – succeeding at the F1TENTH Autonomous Grand Prix for the fourth time in a row. Public Lecture Ed Seidewitz: The Meta-Semantics of Model Execution 2023-06-02 Ed Seidewitz talks about Kernel Modeling Language (KerML), contrasting it with Foundational UML (fUML) and looking into challenges and opportunities. Open Position Jobs: PreDoc and Administrative Staff Position 2023-06-01 Administrative Staff Doctoral School We are looking for candidates in Data Science and Computer Graphics. Call for Applications Helmut Veith Stipend 2023 2023-05-30 Helmuth Veith Stipend VCLA Students The VCLA invites applications for the Helmut Veith Stipend from motivated and outstanding female master’s students. Open Position Jobs: PostDoc Position 2023-05-25 Research We are looking for candidates in Knowledge Based Systems. People Leading the Way with Computing 2023-05-24 Research Lecture Teaching We welcomed four new professors in a joint inaugural lecture, shaping the future of research and education in informatics. Public Lecture Leading the Way with Computing 2023-05-23 Event Professorship Inaugural lectures with our new professors Maria Christakis, Henderik Proper, Katja Hose and Thomas Lukasiewicz. Workshop First Elementary School Informatics Program Launched 2023-05-16 Teaching Public Outreach TU Wien Informatics starts its first “Abenteuer Informatik” workshop program for elementary schools, funded by LEA Women’s Fund. Digital Humanism Alexander Pretschner: Software Can Do Wrong 2023-05-16 Lecture Event Social Responsibility Alexander Pretschner talks about ethics in agile software engineering. People Michael Wimmer Wins Eurographics Award 2023-05-15 Award Excellence Congratulations to Michael Wimmer for receiving this year’s Eurographics Outstanding Technical Contributions Award. Digital Humanism UNESCO Awards Chair on Digital Humanism to TU Wien Informat… 2023-05-15 Event In research and teaching, ethical questions regarding the development of digital technology are of utmost importance. People #5QW: Katja Hose 2023-05-15 #5qw Faculty Katja is unleashing the power of data. Our new Professor of Databases & AI tells us what data can do and why accuracy is the name of the game. Workshop Complexity Science Meets Digital Humanism 2023-05-15 Complex Systems Science and Digital Humanism come together to analyze and design complex system with focusing on their societal impact. Digital Humanism Inauguration of the UNESCO Chair on Digital Humanism 2023-05-15 Event TU Wien Informatics launches the first UNESCO Chair on Digital Humanism to address the ethical, societal, and political challenges of digital technology. Event Informatics Circle in 2023: Embedded Ethics 2023-05-12 Join us for the next Informatics Circle meeting focused on embedded ethics. Symposium CAIML Symposium: Secret Ingredients for Improving AI 2023-05-12 Research CAIML AI ChatGPT grips the public’s attention. With fueled debates in the media and explosively increased usage, it is crucial to understand how AI systems work. Open Position Jobs: Student Staff Positions 2023-05-11 Students We are looking for candidates in Informatics, and Virtual and Augmented Reality. Digital Humanism Ann Light: Planet-Centric Design 2023-05-11 Public Lecture Guest Professor Doctoral School What kind of societal transformation is needed to address climate breakdown and how can technology support it? Award Florian Zuleger Wins Amazon Research Award 2023-05-08 Research In his project “ACUTE - Automated cost analysis of data structures” Zuleger aims to develop new methods for cost analysis. Digital Humanism Jürgen Pfeffer: Studying Human Behavior with Data from Soci… 2023-05-08 Public Lecture CDL RecSys Issues and challenges when working with API data and the future of social media research in a possible post API world. Open Position Jobs: PostDoc Positions 2023-05-04 Research We are looking for candidates in Formal Methods in Systems Engineering. Digital Humanism Gordana Dodig-Crnković: Research-Based Teaching Ethics 2023-05-04 Public Lecture Guest Professor Doctoral School The expert on education in engineering and research ethics will talk about her teaching experience and how Digital Humanism shapes the field. People #5QW: Henderik Proper 2023-05-01 #5qw Faculty Want to know what plumbing and models have in common? Henderik has the answers. The teaching enthusiast is our newest professor of business informatics. Open Position Jobs: Senior Lecturer, PostDoc, and IT Services Positions 2023-04-27 Research Teaching Administrative Staff We are looking for candidates in Informatics, Visual Analytics, and Human Computer Interaction. The Long Read The Wanderer 2023-04-26 People Christiane Floyd made her path by walking. The software engineering pioneer and passionate hiker ventured many a trail – through forests, networks, mountains. Digital Humanism AI + Logic Week 2023-04-24 Public Lecture Three public lectures by groundbreaking researchers in the field of artificial intelligence and logic – for experts and beginners alike. Public Lecture Current Trends in Computer Science – Lecture Series 2023 2023-04-24 Doctoral School Don’t miss out on our renowned guest professors’ public lectures in the summer semester – here, all at once glance. Open Position Jobs: Senior Scientist 2023-04-20 Research We are looking for candidates in Security and Privacy. Public Lecture EUGAIN - An Intervention Project to Increase Diversity in CS 2023-04-18 Talk Anna Szlavi from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the EUGAIN COST network, talks about increasing diversity in computer science. Studies Study Abroad: Join Our Information Event 2023-04-17 International Outreach First Steps Students Information about Erasmus, joint studies, or financing possibilities for studying abroad. Bring your questions. Public Lecture Europa im Diskurs: Ist künstliche Intelligenz bald klüger a… 2023-04-16 Peter Knees und Helga Nowotny diskutieren mit Expert:innen über Gegenwart & Zukunft der KI und Auswirkungen auf unsere Gesellschaft. People #5QW: Maria Christakis 2023-04-16 #5qw Faculty Software is key. And Maria likes to find out what’s wrong with it. The ERC grant winner sets new standards for reliable software. Open Position Jobs: PreDoc and Student Staff Positions 2023-04-13 CAIML Doctoral School Students We are looking for candidates in Informatics, and Artifical Intelligence and Machine Learning. Sustainability Ringvorlesung “Digitalisierung – Digitale Nachhaltigkeit” 2023-04-13 Public Lecture Die TU München, das Bayerischen Forschungsinstitut für Digitale Transformation und TU Wien Informatics laden zur gemeinsamen Ringvorlesung im SoSe 23. Call for Applications Apply now: NII International Internships 2023-04-11 Internship The Japanese National Institute of Informatics (NII) welcomes Master’s and Ph.D. students to apply for the 1st call of their 2023 internships. Open Position Jobs: Senior Scientist, IT Services, and Student Staff Posi… 2023-04-06 Research Students We are looking for candidates in Virtual and Augmented Reality, Data Science, and Software Engineering. Public Lecture Gender Equality in Informatics Webinar Series 2023-04-04 Research Women in Informatics Informatics Europe shares best practices as well as relevant research about gender equality and diversity in computer science. Open Position Jobs: Senior Lecturer, PostDoc, and Student Staff Positions 2023-03-30 Studies Research Students We are looking for candidates in Informatics, Knowledge Based Systems, and Data Science. Digital Humanism Statement of the Digital Humanism Initiative on ChatGPT 2023-03-28 Public Lecture Event AI Following the recent occurrence of ChatGPT, Helga Nowotny and George Metakides will outline a possible new online world. Quantum Computing Quantum No-Free-Lunch 2023-03-24 Public Lecture Event Frank Leymann und Alexander Mandl diskutieren die Bedeutung des No-Free-Lunch-Theorems in Verbindung mit Quantencomputing. Admission Studieninfo 2023 2023-03-24 Public Outreach First Steps Students Wir beraten dich persönlich und beantworten Fragen zum Bachelor Informatik, Technische Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Aufnahmeverfahren und Reihungstest. Open Position Jobs: PreDoc Position 2023-03-23 Doctoral We are looking for predoc candidates in Data Science. Research Kann ChatGPT Mathematik? 2023-03-23 Kann ChatGPT Mathematik auf Schulniveau oder auch darüber hinaus? Potenziale und Grenzen des Modells werden untersucht und offen gelegt. Rankings QS University Ranking 2023: Top Scores 2023-03-22 Excellence TU Wien Informatics placed 1st in Austria and 73rd worldwide in the QS Subject Ranking for Computer Science and Information Systems. Digital Humanism ChatGPT – A Catalyst for What Kind of Future? 2023-03-21 Read the statement of the Digital Humanism Initiative on ChatGPT and how the online world will change. Open Position Jobs: Student Staff 2023-03-16 Students We are looking for candidates in Machine Learning. Quantum Computing Quantum Software Engineering 2023-03-16 Public Lecture Event Frank Leymann and Johanna Barzen will introduce new approaches for building software with respect to Quantum Computing. Digital Humanism Wer reguliert das Internet? 2023-03-13 Event Panel Discussion Die Podiumsdiskussion findet im Rahmen der Reihe “Digitaler Humanismus - Transformation gestalten” der Wiener Zeitung statt. Open Position Jobs: PreDoc and Student Staff Positions 2023-03-09 CAIML Doctoral School Students We are looking for candidates in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Computer Graphics, and Automation Systems. Digital Humanism Gary Marcus: “On ChatGPT” 2023-03-09 Lecture Event Social Responsibility Gary Marcus is a prominent public voice on the development of AI. In this lecture, he will present his latest take on ChatGPT. Sustainability Berta Karlik Lecture 2023-03-08 Research Lecture Event This lecture organized by ÖAW brings together female researchers from different disciplines. Ivona Brandic (TU Wien Informatics) will speak on Sustainable IT. Digital Humanism Cory Doctorow: “Seize the Means of Computation” 2023-03-07 Lecture Event Social Responsibility In this online lecture, Cory Doctorow will discuss the potential of a free and fair future of technology. Open Position Jobs: PostDoc, PreDoc, Student Staff, and IT Services Posit… 2023-03-02 Research Administrative Staff Doctoral School We are looking for candidates in Databases and Artificial Intelligence, Human Computer Interaction, and Software Engineering. Studies Doctorals’ Welcome Summer 2023 2023-03-02 Event First Steps Doctoral School Students Our info event where we answer all your questions about our doctoral program. Join us at the TU Wien Informatics Doctoral School! Public Outreach TU Wien Informatics auf der BeSt³ 2023 2023-03-02 Education Outreach First Steps Students Maßgeschneiderte Beratung für Studieninteressierte und Infos zum neuen Bachelorstudium Informatik gibt es auf der Bildungsmesse BeSt³ 2023. Studies Informatik an der TU Wien studieren! 2023-03-01 First Steps Programmieren? Ja eh. Aber noch so viel mehr! Studiere an der führenden Fakultät für Informatik in Österreich – TU Wien Informatics. Teaching Digitalisierung in der Bildung – ein Kinderspiel? 2023-02-27 eduLAB Education Outreach Die Veranstaltung der ÖAW fand in Kooperation mit JKU und TU Wien Informatics im Rahmen des Colloquium Digitale statt. Grant Maria Christakis Wins ERC Starting Grant 2023-02-24 Award Research With her cutting-edge approach to testing program analyzers, Maria Christakis aims to prevent bugs from potentially leading to catastrophic outcomes. Research Women in Science: Gerti Kappel 2023-02-23 Women in Informatics TU Wien’s new series “Women in Science” features exceptional female role models in academia. Read the interview with our Dean Gerti Kappel. Call for Applications Assistant Professor of Learning Technologies / Tenure Track 2023-02-23 Open Position eduLAB Professorship We invite applications for this full-time assistant professorship with tenure track until April 27, 2023. Call for Applications Full Professor of Privacy 2023-02-23 Open Position Professorship We invite applications for this full-time professorship until May 4, 2023. Digital Humanism Tina Peterson: “Abstracted Power and Responsibility” 2023-02-21 Public Lecture Event Social Responsibility In this online lecture, Tina Peterson will talk about abstracted power and a greater sense of personal responsibility. Open Position Jobs: Senior Lecturer and PreDoc Positions 2023-02-16 Doctoral School We are looking for candidates in Informatics and Machine Learning. Studies Intro to Interdisciplinary Program “Digital Skills” 2023-02-15 Event First Steps This curriculum enables undergraduates of TU Wien to design and develop tomorrow’s technology. Join the program! Call for Applications Assistant Professor of Database Theory / Tenure Track 2023-02-09 Open Position Professorship We invite applications for this full-time assistant professorship with tenure track until April 13, 2023. Open Position Jobs: Senior Scientist, PreDoc, and Student Staff Positions 2023-02-02 Research Doctoral School We are looking for candidates in Automation Systems, Security and Privacy, Computer Vision, and Software Engineering, Quantum Computing Quantum Lectures in March 2023 2023-02-01 Public Lecture Event This month, we look forward to two more Quantum Lectures by Kurt Gödel Visiting Professor Frank Leymann together with Johanna Barzen and Alexander Mandl. Award Fariba Karimi wins DPG Young Scientist Award 2023-02-01 Algorithms and Complexity AI Assistant professor Fariba Karimi receives the prestigious socio- and econophysics prize for her efforts in researching inequality in complex networks. Event Pop-Up Exhibition – Human Computer Interaction 2023-01-27 Teaching Students Students present projects from the courses “Free and Open Technologies” and “Computational Aspects of Digital Fabrication”. Lecture CAIML Colloquium with Esra Erdem 2023-01-27 Event CAIML AI Esra Erdem will talk about Explanation Generation in Applications of Answer Set Programming. Open Position Jobs: Project Manager Position 2023-01-26 Administrative Staff We are looking for candidates in Distributed Systems. Call for Applications Call for Nominations – VCLA International Student Awards 2023-01-26 Award VCLA VCLA invites nominations for the Outstanding Master and Undergraduate Thesis Awards in the field of Logic and Computer Science. Studies Bachelorstudien + Aufnahmeverfahren 2023 2023-01-26 Admission First Steps Students Alle wichtigen Infos zu den Änderungen unserer Bachelorstudien und zum Aufnahmeverfahren. Event Visual Computing Trends 2023 2023-01-26 Virtual Reality VRVis Symposium VRVis is inviting to the next international VCT symposium where the newest trends in Visual Computing and Computer Graphics research will be discussed. Award Andreas Auer Wins City of Vienna’s Diploma Thesis Award 2022 2023-01-25 Machine Learning AI Andreas Auer’s research on temporal knowledge graphs won the City of Vienna’s award for the most outstanding diploma theses of the year 2022. Competition Capture the Flag: Can You Handle the Heat? 2023-01-25 Cybersecurity Students Speed, skill, and stealth were demonstrated by our students in the latest Attack/Defense CTF Competition at TU Wien Informatics. Public Lecture Engineering Education Futures: How will AI and ML transform… 2023-01-25 Event Machine Learning eduLAB AI In this lecture, Arnold Pears will discuss how technology will shape the future of higher education and how we can use the potentials of this transformation. Digital Humanism AI for Good Isn’t Good Enough – A Call for Human-Centered AI 2023-01-24 Lecture Event Social Responsibility In this online lecture, James A. Landay will talk about user-, community-, and societally-centered AI and the need for multidisciplinarity. Interview If There’s a Fire, Call VR! 2023-01-20 Virtual Reality Hannes Kaufmann on his latest research projects, bright prospects for students, and the difference between corporate and university research. Doctoral School From Surviving to Thriving 2023-01-20 Being a Ph.D. student is challenging. To help build future careers, TU Wien Informatics Doctoral School offers a course on crafting a good professional life. Open Position Jobs: PreDoc and Office Services Positions 2023-01-19 Administrative Staff Doctoral School We are looking for candidates in Data Science and Business Informatics. eduLAB eduLAB Informatik Workshops 2023-01-19 Education Outreach Spielerisch Informatik entdecken! Neue Workshoptermine für Schüler:innen ab der 5. Schulstufe können jetzt für das Sommersemester 2023 gebucht werden. Lecture Vienna World Logic Day Lecture 2023 by Dov Gabbay 2023-01-14 Event Logic and Algorithms VCLA The third edition of the lecture series is welcoming Prof. Dav Gabbay who will talk about “Logic and Argumentation for the 21st Century”. Open Position Jobs: PostDoc Position 2023-01-12 Research We are looking for candidates in Computer Graphics. Teaching Digitalisierung in der Bildung – ein Kinderspiel? 2023-01-12 Education Outreach Eine Veranstaltung der ÖAW in Kooperation mit JKU und TU Wien in Rahmen des Colloquium Digitale. Call for Applications Assistant Professor of AI Ethics / Tenure Track 2023-01-12 Open Position Professorship We invite applications for this full-time assistant professorship with tenure track until March 16, 2023.
Digital Humanism The EU AI Act: A Success Story 2023-12-19 Panel Discussion Join Kai Zenner and George Metakides for a panel discussion on the state of AI Act.
Sustainability René Mayrhofer: Computer Science Between Energy Savings and… 2023-12-18 Public Lecture Join our online public lecture series on sustainability in computer science this winter semester.
Lecture Helmut Veith Lecture Hall Opening 2023-12-17 VCLA We celebrated the legacy of Helmut Veith, brilliant computer scientist, colleague, and friend, with the opening of the Helmut Veith Lecture Hall.
Event Helmut Veith Lecture Hall Dedication Ceremony 2023-12-15 Join the celebration in honor of Prof. Helmut Veith and the opening of the “Helmut Veith” lecture hall.
Quantum Computing Frank Leymann: Post-Quantum Security 2023-12-13 Public Lecture Frank Leymann talks about the impact of quantum computing on cryptography.
Open Position Jobs: PreDoc and Technician Positions 2023-12-11 We are looking for candidates in Parallel Computing.
Award Best Paper Award at UCC 2023 2023-12-11 Shashikant Ilager and his colleagues won best paper for their research on cloud data centers.
Award Lucas Kletzander Honored for Sub Auspiciis Promotion 2023-12-11 Federal President Van der Bellen awarded Kletzander the Austrian Ring of Honor for his outstanding academic achievements.
Sustainability Wilfried Elmenreich: Electric Load Disaggregation 2023-12-11 Public Lecture Join our online public lecture series on sustainability in computer science this winter semester.
Award First TU Wien Informatics Awards 2023-12-05 Community With an award show on all academic levels, we celebrated our most excellent students. Congratulations to all our outstanding awardees!
Excellence TU Wien Informatics Awards 2023 2023-12-04 Students Join us at TUtheSky to honor the most outstanding students of our faculty at the new TU Wien Informatics Awards.
Conference 22nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Mult… 2023-12-03 Join us in December for the international conference on mobile and ubiquitous multimedia.
Course Join our Massive Open Online Courses 2023-12-01 MOOC Education Outreach Five Austrian universities cooperate to offer MOOCs for informatics fundamentals. Check out diverse courses, and learn how your taxi ride relates to modeling.
Digital Humanism Statement on the EU AI Act 2023-12-01 The EU AI Act is in the final phase, and there are considerable risks for its regulations. Support the statement of the Digital Humanism Initiative.
AI Conversational AI and ChatGPT in Education 2023-11-30 Course The International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA) offers an online short course on risks and advantages of using conversational AI for educational purposes.
Conference The 16th IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference on the Practice of … 2023-11-30 PoEM 2023 aims to improve the understanding of the practice of Enterprise Modeling (EM) by offering a forum for sharing experiences and knowledge.
Conference 13th Enterprise Design and Engineering Working Conference 2023-11-28 EDEWC 2023 addresses the challenges of modern enterprises in the digital era with an emphasis on efficiency, agility, and resilience.
Conference Business Informatics Week 2023 2023-11-28 This year’s Business Informatics Week brings together PoEM 2023 and EDEWC 2023.
Sustainability Moritz Grosse-Wentrup: Sustainability in Explainable AI 2023-11-27 Public Lecture Join our online public lecture series on sustainability in computer science this winter semester.
Grant 5 Netidee Grants for Young Researchers 2023-11-24 Research Excellence Josip Zilic, Sabtain Ahmad, Daniel Hofstätter, Anouk Michelle Oudshoorn and Jakob Fahringer’s outstanding theses are funded by the 2023 open-source campaign.
Bachelor with Honors Julian Müllner Receives State Award for Graduates 2023-11-23 Alumni Award The Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research honored Julian Müllner for his exceptional academic achievements.
Digital Humanism Anu Bradford: Digital Empires - The Global Battle to Regula… 2023-11-21 Public Lecture Event Anu Bradford talks about the global battle to regulate technology.
Symposium Can Machines Save the World? 2023-11-20 CAIML AI We’re challenging the pessimistic narrative on AI. In a thought-provoking symposium hosted by TU Wien and IWM, experts discussed fears, threats, and benefits.
Sustainability Ivona Brandic: Computational Sustainability 2023-11-20 Public Lecture Join our online public lecture series on sustainability in computer science this winter semester.
Guest Professor George Metakides: Democracy in the Digital Age 2023-11-17 Doctoral School George Metakides provides an overview of various aspects of democracy in the digital age.
AI ChatGPT for Business Development 2023-11-17 Machine Learning CAIML Join CAIML’s exclusive executive education seminar to unlock the power of AI for business development.
Event Petra Mutzel: Algorithmic Data Science on Graphs 2023-11-16 Petra Mutzel will talk about algorithm engineering as the perfect foundation for algorithmic data science.
Digital Humanism Can Machines Save the World? 2023-11-16 Conference CAIML Too much doom and gloom in AI and beyond? CAIML and IWM host this year’s Digital Humanism Fellowship Conference and focus on the potential of digital tech.
Interview The Digital Shield: Cryptography 2023-11-15 Cybersecurity Cryptography Expert Professor Elena Andreeva tells us how to be safe on the internet and gives insights into the latest developments in cybersecurity.
Sustainability Krzysztof Pietrzak: Sustainable Blockchains 2023-11-13 Public Lecture Join our online public lecture series on sustainability in computer science this winter semester.
Open Position Jobs: PostDoc and PreDoc Positions 2023-11-10 We are looking for candidates in Automation Systems, Embedded Computing Systems and Knowledge Based Systems.
News Martina Landman Wins ISSEP Presentation Award 2023-11-09 For her presentation on science workshops for primary school education, she was honored at ISSEP 2023.
Bachelor with Honors Bachelor with Honors 2023: Everything You Need to Know 2023-11-09 Studies Event First Steps You’re interested in our Excellence Program Bachelor with Honors? Then join us at the next info event.
Obituary In Memoriam: Manfred Brockhaus 2023-11-08 We mourn the passing of Emeritus Professor Manfred Brockhaus (1935 – 2023).
Award Silvia Miksch Receives VGTC Visualization Award 2023-11-08 She was honored for her exceptional contributions to the field of visual analytics at IEEE VIS 2023 in Melbourne.
News Stellungnahme: Informatik in der AHS Oberstufe 2023-11-06 Informatik-Austria und die Leiter_innen der führenden Forschungs- und Bildungsinstitutionen fordern eine Ausweitung des Informatikunterrichts.
Sustainability Schahram Dustdar: Building Intelligent & Sustainable Intern… 2023-11-06 Public Lecture Join our online public lecture series on sustainability in computer science this winter semester.
Event 8th Symposium on Geometry and Computational Design 2023-11-03 Join the GCD Symposium 2023, which will feature an exhibition of results from the SFB “Advanced Computational Design”.
Sustainability Philipp Gschwandtner: Green HPC - Paving the Way for Sustai… 2023-10-30 Public Lecture Join our online public lecture series on sustainability in computer science this winter semester.
eduLAB European Researchers’ Night 2023 with eduLAB 2023-10-27 Public Outreach Education Outreach It’s not all bytes and bits, sometimes it’s giggles and wits. At this year’s ERN, eduLAB showed kids the fun side of algorithms.
Rankings THE University Subject Ranking 2024: Top Scores 2023-10-27 Excellence Securing the 1st position in Austria and ranking 84th globally, TU Wien Informatics once again excels in the THE Subject Rankings.
Digital Humanism From Joseph Weizenbaum to ChatGPT 2023-10-25 Critical Encounters with Dazzling AI Technology, explained by Christiane Floyd.
Award Ressel Award 2023 Goes to Lucas Kletzander 2023-10-23 AI Kletzander is honored by TU Wien for his exceptional dissertation, where he developed novel technologies for scheduling problems.
Sustainability Nysret Musliu: AI and Optimization for Sustainable Applicat… 2023-10-23 Public Lecture Join our online public lecture series on sustainability in computer science this winter semester.
Interview Behind the Screens: Österreichische Elite bei der ECSC 2023 2023-10-20 Competition Cybersecurity Marco Squarcina berichtet über die European Cybersecurity Challenge, das österreichische Team und wie man an Cybersecurity-Wettbewerben teilnimmt.
Interview Behind the Screens: Training Austria’s Elite for the ECSC 2023-10-20 Competition Cybersecurity Coach Marco Squarcina tells us about this year’s European Cybersecurity Challenge, Austria’s team, and how to be part of cybersecurity competitions.
Open Position Jobs: PreDoc and Technician Positions 2023-10-19 Doctoral School We are looking for candidates in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Techniques.
Digital Humanism Stefan Neumann to Establish Vienna Research Group 2023-10-18 Grant WWTF Neumann receives the WWTF VRG Grant to found a new research group on trustworthy recommender systems for online social networks.
Award Best Poster Award at CSCW 2023 2023-10-17 Katta Spiel and their team win best poster for their research on marginalized groups in HCI research, with a focus on anti-fatness.
Digital Humanism Rainer Mühlhoff: Predictive Privacy 2023-10-17 Public Lecture Event Rainer Mühlhoff explains the risks of secondary use of trained ML models regarding the privacy.
Alumni #AlumniStories: Johanna Schmidt 2023-10-16 #alumnistories The head of VRVis’ Visual Analytics Research Group tells us why bars are better than pies. And how she found her way as a researcher, manager, and lecturer.
Sustainability Andreas Uhl: Carbon Footprint of Social Media 2023-10-16 Public Lecture Join our online public lecture series on sustainability in computer science this winter semester.
Award Great Success at Graph Drawing Conference 2023 2023-10-15 Algorithms and Complexity This year’s Graph Drawing Conference came with a wave of awards and prizes for our researchers and students at the Algorithms and Complexity Research Unit.
Open Position Jobs: PreDoc Position 2023-10-12 Research We are looking for candidates in Computer Graphics.
Call for Applications Assistant Professor with Tenure Track of Natural Language P… 2023-10-12 Open Position Professorship We invite applications for this full-time assistant professorship with tenure track until January 11, 2024.
Guest Professor Werner Dietl: Optional Type Systems 2023-10-12 Doctoral School Werner Dietl gives a lecture on how optional type systems can revolutionize Java software development.
Award INTERACT 2023 Reviewers’ Choice Award for “Skillab” 2023-10-11 Augmented Reality Ambika Shahu, Sonja Dorfbauer, Philipp Wintersberger & Florian Michahelles excel with their multimodal AR lab.
Award Best Short Paper Award at VCBM 2023 2023-10-11 Computer Graphics Renata Raidou and Marwin Schindler win Best Short Paper at the 13th EG Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine.
Sustainability Ivona Brandic at the Meeting of the AI Policy Forum 2023-10-11 Lecture News AI Keynote speech on the ambivalent role of artificial intelligence in the climate issue.
Sustainability Daniel Gruss: Sustainable Security 2023-10-09 Public Lecture Join our online public lecture series on sustainability in computer science this winter semester.
Studies Doctorals’ Welcome Winter 2023 2023-10-02 Event First Steps Doctoral School Students Our info event where we answer all your questions about our doctoral program. Join us at the TU Wien Informatics Doctoral School!
Studies Beginners’ Day 2023 2023-10-02 Event First Steps Students Am 2. Oktober 2023 findet der Beginners’ Day statt. Du erhältst alle wichtigen Informationen zu deinem Start in unsere Bachelorstudien.
Cybersecurity Martina Lindorfer at the Vienna Humanities Festival 2023-10-01 Security & Privacy An interdisciplinary discussion on how data can be protected, and why such protection is essential for the functioning of democracy and society.
Doctoral New DC on “Trustworthy Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems” 2023-09-29 Doctoral School TU Wien establishes Doctoral College on Trustworthy Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems, TTTech Auto and B&C Privatstiftung fund three Ph.D. positions.
Studies Info-Event BSc Wirtschaftsinformatik 2023 2023-09-28 Students Fragen zum neuen Studienplan des Bachelorstudiums Wirtschaftsinformatik? Die Studiendekane haben die Antworten; einfach am Info-Event teilnehmen!
Open Position Jobs: PostDoc and Student Staff Positions 2023-09-28 Research Students We are looking for candidates in Knowledge Based Systems and Business Informatics.
Event UNIKATE Award ceremony 2023-09-28 The award honors ideas for new technological developments that give people with disabilities more self-determination and equal participation in society.
Award Female Computer Scientists Excel at VCLA 2023-09-27 Helmuth Veith Stipend VCLA Women in Informatics The Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms (VCLA) hosted the 2023 VCLA International Student Awards, also announcing this year’s Helmut Veith Stipend.
Guest Professor Courses and Public Lectures by Our Guest Professors in 2023 2023-09-27 Doctoral School Join the courses and public lectures held by this year’s renowned guest professors of our doctoral colleges and the TU Wien Informatics Doctoral School.
Lecture Economics and Machine Learning: What can they teach each ot… 2023-09-26 CAIML A talk by Maximilian Kasy from the University of Oxford at the CAIML Colloquium.
Call for Applications Apply now: NII International Internships 2023-09-20 Internship The Japanese National Institute of Informatics (NII) welcomes Master’s and Ph.D. students to apply for the 2nd call of their 2023 internships.
Open Position Jobs: PreDoc and Technician Positions 2023-09-14 We are looking for candidates in Artifact-based Computing & User Research, as well as in Parallel Computing.
Award Success at the KR 2023 Conference 2023-09-13 Our researchers receive three Best Paper Awards in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning.
Quantum Computing TU Wien Awards Honorary Professorship to Frank Leymann 2023-09-13 Research Professorship Informatics pioneer Frank Leymann is being honored for his groundbreaking research in computer science and quantum computing.
Open Position Jobs: Administrative Assistant 2023-09-11 Administrative Staff We are looking for a candidate for the Software Engineering research unit.
Digital Humanism Cybernetic Socialists 2023-09-07 An interdisciplinary discussion about computers and revolution in Allendes Chile, hosted by Wiener Zeitung, the Digital Humanism Summer School and Angewandte.
Grant Katta Spiel Wins ERC Starting Grant 2023-09-05 Award Research With their project ACCESSTECH, Katta Spiel revolutionizes how we approach accessibility in the digital age.
Digital Humanism 2nd ACM Digital Humanism Summer School 2023-09-04 Summer School CAIML Join leading experts in informatics, social sciences, and humanities to collaborate on pressing issues of digital politics, economy, and technology.
Summer School European Summer School on Information Retrieval 2023-08-28 Learn about methods and challenges in information retrieval from international experts. Registration is open now!
Studies PROLOG 2023 2023-08-28 First Steps Students Bereit zum Studium? Als Vorbereitung und zum Ausgleich unterschiedlicher Vorkenntnisse bieten wir den PROLOG an.
Open Position Jobs: PreDoc and Student Staff Positions 2023-08-24 Doctoral School Students We are looking for candidates in Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Machine Learning, and Theory and Logic.
Open Position Jobs: Student Staff for Communications & DevOps 2023-08-17 Students TU Wien Informatics is hiring a part-time member of our Communications team.
Open Position Jobs: PostDoc, PreDoc, and Student Staff Positions 2023-08-10 Research Doctoral School Students We are looking for candidates in Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Machine Learning, and Theory and Logic.
Award VR Group Wins SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies Award 2023-08-09 Research Virtual Reality Hannes Kaufmann and his team excelled with their origami-inspired haptic devices for Virtual Reality.
Research The Race for the Kochen-Specker Theorem 2023-07-27 Algorithms and Complexity Logic and Algorithms A world record in solving satisfiability problems was achieved at TU Wien Informatics by Stefan Szeider, Tomas Peitl and Markus Kirchweger.
Sustainability Public Lecture Series: Sustainability in CS 2023 2023-07-25 Public Lecture Be part of our online lecture series on sustainability in computer science, starting this winter semester.
Open Position Jobs: System Administrator 2023-07-20 Administrative Staff We are looking for a candidate in Theory and Logic as well as Databases and Artificial Intelligence.
Award VCLA Presents International Student Awards 2023 2023-07-17 VCLA Two young researchers were honored for their outstanding achievements in the field of logic and algorithms.
Open Position Jobs: Student Staff Positions 2023-07-13 Research Students We are looking for candidates in Machine Learning.
People TU Wien Informatics Under 30 2023-07-12 Excellence We are proud to present twelve outstanding students and alumni of TU Wien Informatics as part of TUW Under 30, 2023.
Open Position Jobs: PostDoc, PreDoc, and Student Staff Positions 2023-07-06 Research Doctoral School Students We are looking for candidates in Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Machine Learning, and Theory and Logic.
Award ASAI Master Thesis Award 2023 2023-07-05 Research Students The Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence (ASAI) honors two TU Wien Informatics graduates for their outstanding master theses.
Call for Applications UNIKATE Ideas Competition 2023-07-03 The call for the UNIKATE 2024 is now open – students can apply for the competition with their ideas for inclusive technologies.
AI AI Summer School 2023-07-03 Summer School CAIML Join leading national and international experts to collaborate on emerging research topics and issues on AI.
Award Best Teaching Awards 2023 2023-06-29 Faculty Excellence Geraldine Fitzpatrick receives the Best Teacher Award 2023 for Informatics and was honored for her exceptional commitment.
Public Lecture ViSP Lecture Series: Cryptography in the Wild 2023-06-28 Research Kenneth Paterson talks about a young and upcoming research field – the analysis of deployed cryptographic systems.
Research Smart TVs: An Unseen Threat to User Privacy 2023-06-26 Security & Privacy You’re watching TV? Well, your Smart TV is watching you. Carlotta Tagliaro and Martina Lindorfer examined the pressing privacy issues of HbbTV.
Open Position Jobs: PostDoc, PreDoc, and Student Staff Positions 2023-06-22 Research Doctoral School Students We are looking for candidates in Algorithms and Complexity, Databases and Artificial Intelligence, and Software Engineering.
Public Lecture ABC Blockchain Talk: AI, Blockchain, Quantum Tech 2023-06-22 Event The COMET Center ABC (Austrian Blockchain Center) and TU Wien invite to the Blockchain Talk on the three major technologies.
welcome.TU.code IT Courses for Ukrainian Refugees 2023-06-21 Public Outreach Education Outreach Welcome.TU.code offered two IT courses in web development for refugees from Ukraine, with overwhelming response.
Public Lecture ViSP Lecture Series: Consensus in Blockchains 2023-06-21 Research Christian Cachin gives an overview of blockchain consensus methods highlights recent work on constructing new consensus protocols.
Workshop Wiener Wochen der Weiterbildung: Informatik für alle! 2023-06-20 eduLAB eduLAB und WAFF organisieren Informatik-Workshops für Jugendliche und Erwachsene zu spannenden Themen – von Algorithmen bis Kodierung.
Public Lecture Several Female Support Activities Later: What We Learned 2023-06-19 Women in Informatics Dean Gerti Kappel talks about her learnings from equality initiatives as part of the Informatics Europe Gender Equality in Informatics Webinar Series.
Admission Bachelor Informatik für Umsteiger:innen 2023-06-19 First Steps Students Info-Event mit Fragen & Antworten zur neuen Struktur unserer Bachelorstudien, Infos für Umsteiger:innen und Übergangsbestimmungen.
Open Position Jobs: PreDoc, Student Staff, and Assistant Positions 2023-06-15 Doctoral School Students We are looking for candidates in Automation Systems, Software Engineering, and the Pilotfabrik.
Ethical Hacking International Ethical Hacking Bootcamp in Vienna 2023-06-15 Teaching Cybersecurity Education Outreach The best of the best gathered to train with us for the biggest cybersecurity challenge in Europe.
Guest Professor Pedro Cabalar: Explaining a Representation 2023-06-13 Doctoral School Pedro Cabalar talks about explainable AI and how we need an effort in knowledge representation to achieve explainability.
Teaching Dare to Care – Designing Differently, Imagining Collaborati… 2023-06-12 Guest Professor Doctoral School Students How can we create a just and sustainable future? Our students worked with guest professor Ann Light on technology and planet-centric design.
Digital Humanism “Don’t Humanize AI!” 2023-06-12 Public Lecture Research Doctoral School Ricardo Baeza-Yates, international AI expert, unravels why AI is acting irresponsibly and what we can do about it.
Vienna Gödel Lecture “AI for a Sustainable Future” 2023-06-12 People Research The number of stars in the Universe is 10²². The number of possible combinations of dams in the Amazon basin is 10¹⁰⁰⁺. We need AI.
Digital Humanism Responsible AI: Ricardo Baeza-Yates 2023-06-07 Public Lecture Doctoral School Ricardo Baeza-Yates, renowned computer scientist and expert on implications of technology, talks about responsible AI.
Digital Humanism Logic Lounge 2023: Bart Selman & Carla P. Gomes 2023-06-06 Public Lecture VCLA This year’s Logic Lounge brings together two experts in AI and logic to delve into the field of Computational Sustainability.
Vienna Gödel Lecture Vienna Gödel Lecture 2023: Carla P. Gomes 2023-06-05 Digital Humanism Public Lecture Event Carla P. Gomes, AI expert and pioneer in Computational Sustainability talks about how we can create a sustainable future with AI.
Award Silver at 11th F1TENTH Autonomous Grand Prix 2023-06-02 Research Team Scuderia Segfault strikes again – succeeding at the F1TENTH Autonomous Grand Prix for the fourth time in a row.
Public Lecture Ed Seidewitz: The Meta-Semantics of Model Execution 2023-06-02 Ed Seidewitz talks about Kernel Modeling Language (KerML), contrasting it with Foundational UML (fUML) and looking into challenges and opportunities.
Open Position Jobs: PreDoc and Administrative Staff Position 2023-06-01 Administrative Staff Doctoral School We are looking for candidates in Data Science and Computer Graphics.
Call for Applications Helmut Veith Stipend 2023 2023-05-30 Helmuth Veith Stipend VCLA Students The VCLA invites applications for the Helmut Veith Stipend from motivated and outstanding female master’s students.
Open Position Jobs: PostDoc Position 2023-05-25 Research We are looking for candidates in Knowledge Based Systems.
People Leading the Way with Computing 2023-05-24 Research Lecture Teaching We welcomed four new professors in a joint inaugural lecture, shaping the future of research and education in informatics.
Public Lecture Leading the Way with Computing 2023-05-23 Event Professorship Inaugural lectures with our new professors Maria Christakis, Henderik Proper, Katja Hose and Thomas Lukasiewicz.
Workshop First Elementary School Informatics Program Launched 2023-05-16 Teaching Public Outreach TU Wien Informatics starts its first “Abenteuer Informatik” workshop program for elementary schools, funded by LEA Women’s Fund.
Digital Humanism Alexander Pretschner: Software Can Do Wrong 2023-05-16 Lecture Event Social Responsibility Alexander Pretschner talks about ethics in agile software engineering.
People Michael Wimmer Wins Eurographics Award 2023-05-15 Award Excellence Congratulations to Michael Wimmer for receiving this year’s Eurographics Outstanding Technical Contributions Award.
Digital Humanism UNESCO Awards Chair on Digital Humanism to TU Wien Informat… 2023-05-15 Event In research and teaching, ethical questions regarding the development of digital technology are of utmost importance.
People #5QW: Katja Hose 2023-05-15 #5qw Faculty Katja is unleashing the power of data. Our new Professor of Databases & AI tells us what data can do and why accuracy is the name of the game.
Workshop Complexity Science Meets Digital Humanism 2023-05-15 Complex Systems Science and Digital Humanism come together to analyze and design complex system with focusing on their societal impact.
Digital Humanism Inauguration of the UNESCO Chair on Digital Humanism 2023-05-15 Event TU Wien Informatics launches the first UNESCO Chair on Digital Humanism to address the ethical, societal, and political challenges of digital technology.
Event Informatics Circle in 2023: Embedded Ethics 2023-05-12 Join us for the next Informatics Circle meeting focused on embedded ethics.
Symposium CAIML Symposium: Secret Ingredients for Improving AI 2023-05-12 Research CAIML AI ChatGPT grips the public’s attention. With fueled debates in the media and explosively increased usage, it is crucial to understand how AI systems work.
Open Position Jobs: Student Staff Positions 2023-05-11 Students We are looking for candidates in Informatics, and Virtual and Augmented Reality.
Digital Humanism Ann Light: Planet-Centric Design 2023-05-11 Public Lecture Guest Professor Doctoral School What kind of societal transformation is needed to address climate breakdown and how can technology support it?
Award Florian Zuleger Wins Amazon Research Award 2023-05-08 Research In his project “ACUTE - Automated cost analysis of data structures” Zuleger aims to develop new methods for cost analysis.
Digital Humanism Jürgen Pfeffer: Studying Human Behavior with Data from Soci… 2023-05-08 Public Lecture CDL RecSys Issues and challenges when working with API data and the future of social media research in a possible post API world.
Open Position Jobs: PostDoc Positions 2023-05-04 Research We are looking for candidates in Formal Methods in Systems Engineering.
Digital Humanism Gordana Dodig-Crnković: Research-Based Teaching Ethics 2023-05-04 Public Lecture Guest Professor Doctoral School The expert on education in engineering and research ethics will talk about her teaching experience and how Digital Humanism shapes the field.
People #5QW: Henderik Proper 2023-05-01 #5qw Faculty Want to know what plumbing and models have in common? Henderik has the answers. The teaching enthusiast is our newest professor of business informatics.
Open Position Jobs: Senior Lecturer, PostDoc, and IT Services Positions 2023-04-27 Research Teaching Administrative Staff We are looking for candidates in Informatics, Visual Analytics, and Human Computer Interaction.
The Long Read The Wanderer 2023-04-26 People Christiane Floyd made her path by walking. The software engineering pioneer and passionate hiker ventured many a trail – through forests, networks, mountains.
Digital Humanism AI + Logic Week 2023-04-24 Public Lecture Three public lectures by groundbreaking researchers in the field of artificial intelligence and logic – for experts and beginners alike.
Public Lecture Current Trends in Computer Science – Lecture Series 2023 2023-04-24 Doctoral School Don’t miss out on our renowned guest professors’ public lectures in the summer semester – here, all at once glance.
Open Position Jobs: Senior Scientist 2023-04-20 Research We are looking for candidates in Security and Privacy.
Public Lecture EUGAIN - An Intervention Project to Increase Diversity in CS 2023-04-18 Talk Anna Szlavi from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the EUGAIN COST network, talks about increasing diversity in computer science.
Studies Study Abroad: Join Our Information Event 2023-04-17 International Outreach First Steps Students Information about Erasmus, joint studies, or financing possibilities for studying abroad. Bring your questions.
Public Lecture Europa im Diskurs: Ist künstliche Intelligenz bald klüger a… 2023-04-16 Peter Knees und Helga Nowotny diskutieren mit Expert:innen über Gegenwart & Zukunft der KI und Auswirkungen auf unsere Gesellschaft.
People #5QW: Maria Christakis 2023-04-16 #5qw Faculty Software is key. And Maria likes to find out what’s wrong with it. The ERC grant winner sets new standards for reliable software.
Open Position Jobs: PreDoc and Student Staff Positions 2023-04-13 CAIML Doctoral School Students We are looking for candidates in Informatics, and Artifical Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Sustainability Ringvorlesung “Digitalisierung – Digitale Nachhaltigkeit” 2023-04-13 Public Lecture Die TU München, das Bayerischen Forschungsinstitut für Digitale Transformation und TU Wien Informatics laden zur gemeinsamen Ringvorlesung im SoSe 23.
Call for Applications Apply now: NII International Internships 2023-04-11 Internship The Japanese National Institute of Informatics (NII) welcomes Master’s and Ph.D. students to apply for the 1st call of their 2023 internships.
Open Position Jobs: Senior Scientist, IT Services, and Student Staff Posi… 2023-04-06 Research Students We are looking for candidates in Virtual and Augmented Reality, Data Science, and Software Engineering.
Public Lecture Gender Equality in Informatics Webinar Series 2023-04-04 Research Women in Informatics Informatics Europe shares best practices as well as relevant research about gender equality and diversity in computer science.
Open Position Jobs: Senior Lecturer, PostDoc, and Student Staff Positions 2023-03-30 Studies Research Students We are looking for candidates in Informatics, Knowledge Based Systems, and Data Science.
Digital Humanism Statement of the Digital Humanism Initiative on ChatGPT 2023-03-28 Public Lecture Event AI Following the recent occurrence of ChatGPT, Helga Nowotny and George Metakides will outline a possible new online world.
Quantum Computing Quantum No-Free-Lunch 2023-03-24 Public Lecture Event Frank Leymann und Alexander Mandl diskutieren die Bedeutung des No-Free-Lunch-Theorems in Verbindung mit Quantencomputing.
Admission Studieninfo 2023 2023-03-24 Public Outreach First Steps Students Wir beraten dich persönlich und beantworten Fragen zum Bachelor Informatik, Technische Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Aufnahmeverfahren und Reihungstest.
Open Position Jobs: PreDoc Position 2023-03-23 Doctoral We are looking for predoc candidates in Data Science.
Research Kann ChatGPT Mathematik? 2023-03-23 Kann ChatGPT Mathematik auf Schulniveau oder auch darüber hinaus? Potenziale und Grenzen des Modells werden untersucht und offen gelegt.
Rankings QS University Ranking 2023: Top Scores 2023-03-22 Excellence TU Wien Informatics placed 1st in Austria and 73rd worldwide in the QS Subject Ranking for Computer Science and Information Systems.
Digital Humanism ChatGPT – A Catalyst for What Kind of Future? 2023-03-21 Read the statement of the Digital Humanism Initiative on ChatGPT and how the online world will change.
Open Position Jobs: Student Staff 2023-03-16 Students We are looking for candidates in Machine Learning.
Quantum Computing Quantum Software Engineering 2023-03-16 Public Lecture Event Frank Leymann and Johanna Barzen will introduce new approaches for building software with respect to Quantum Computing.
Digital Humanism Wer reguliert das Internet? 2023-03-13 Event Panel Discussion Die Podiumsdiskussion findet im Rahmen der Reihe “Digitaler Humanismus - Transformation gestalten” der Wiener Zeitung statt.
Open Position Jobs: PreDoc and Student Staff Positions 2023-03-09 CAIML Doctoral School Students We are looking for candidates in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Computer Graphics, and Automation Systems.
Digital Humanism Gary Marcus: “On ChatGPT” 2023-03-09 Lecture Event Social Responsibility Gary Marcus is a prominent public voice on the development of AI. In this lecture, he will present his latest take on ChatGPT.
Sustainability Berta Karlik Lecture 2023-03-08 Research Lecture Event This lecture organized by ÖAW brings together female researchers from different disciplines. Ivona Brandic (TU Wien Informatics) will speak on Sustainable IT.
Digital Humanism Cory Doctorow: “Seize the Means of Computation” 2023-03-07 Lecture Event Social Responsibility In this online lecture, Cory Doctorow will discuss the potential of a free and fair future of technology.
Open Position Jobs: PostDoc, PreDoc, Student Staff, and IT Services Posit… 2023-03-02 Research Administrative Staff Doctoral School We are looking for candidates in Databases and Artificial Intelligence, Human Computer Interaction, and Software Engineering.
Studies Doctorals’ Welcome Summer 2023 2023-03-02 Event First Steps Doctoral School Students Our info event where we answer all your questions about our doctoral program. Join us at the TU Wien Informatics Doctoral School!
Public Outreach TU Wien Informatics auf der BeSt³ 2023 2023-03-02 Education Outreach First Steps Students Maßgeschneiderte Beratung für Studieninteressierte und Infos zum neuen Bachelorstudium Informatik gibt es auf der Bildungsmesse BeSt³ 2023.
Studies Informatik an der TU Wien studieren! 2023-03-01 First Steps Programmieren? Ja eh. Aber noch so viel mehr! Studiere an der führenden Fakultät für Informatik in Österreich – TU Wien Informatics.
Teaching Digitalisierung in der Bildung – ein Kinderspiel? 2023-02-27 eduLAB Education Outreach Die Veranstaltung der ÖAW fand in Kooperation mit JKU und TU Wien Informatics im Rahmen des Colloquium Digitale statt.
Grant Maria Christakis Wins ERC Starting Grant 2023-02-24 Award Research With her cutting-edge approach to testing program analyzers, Maria Christakis aims to prevent bugs from potentially leading to catastrophic outcomes.
Research Women in Science: Gerti Kappel 2023-02-23 Women in Informatics TU Wien’s new series “Women in Science” features exceptional female role models in academia. Read the interview with our Dean Gerti Kappel.
Call for Applications Assistant Professor of Learning Technologies / Tenure Track 2023-02-23 Open Position eduLAB Professorship We invite applications for this full-time assistant professorship with tenure track until April 27, 2023.
Call for Applications Full Professor of Privacy 2023-02-23 Open Position Professorship We invite applications for this full-time professorship until May 4, 2023.
Digital Humanism Tina Peterson: “Abstracted Power and Responsibility” 2023-02-21 Public Lecture Event Social Responsibility In this online lecture, Tina Peterson will talk about abstracted power and a greater sense of personal responsibility.
Open Position Jobs: Senior Lecturer and PreDoc Positions 2023-02-16 Doctoral School We are looking for candidates in Informatics and Machine Learning.
Studies Intro to Interdisciplinary Program “Digital Skills” 2023-02-15 Event First Steps This curriculum enables undergraduates of TU Wien to design and develop tomorrow’s technology. Join the program!
Call for Applications Assistant Professor of Database Theory / Tenure Track 2023-02-09 Open Position Professorship We invite applications for this full-time assistant professorship with tenure track until April 13, 2023.
Open Position Jobs: Senior Scientist, PreDoc, and Student Staff Positions 2023-02-02 Research Doctoral School We are looking for candidates in Automation Systems, Security and Privacy, Computer Vision, and Software Engineering,
Quantum Computing Quantum Lectures in March 2023 2023-02-01 Public Lecture Event This month, we look forward to two more Quantum Lectures by Kurt Gödel Visiting Professor Frank Leymann together with Johanna Barzen and Alexander Mandl.
Award Fariba Karimi wins DPG Young Scientist Award 2023-02-01 Algorithms and Complexity AI Assistant professor Fariba Karimi receives the prestigious socio- and econophysics prize for her efforts in researching inequality in complex networks.
Event Pop-Up Exhibition – Human Computer Interaction 2023-01-27 Teaching Students Students present projects from the courses “Free and Open Technologies” and “Computational Aspects of Digital Fabrication”.
Lecture CAIML Colloquium with Esra Erdem 2023-01-27 Event CAIML AI Esra Erdem will talk about Explanation Generation in Applications of Answer Set Programming.
Open Position Jobs: Project Manager Position 2023-01-26 Administrative Staff We are looking for candidates in Distributed Systems.
Call for Applications Call for Nominations – VCLA International Student Awards 2023-01-26 Award VCLA VCLA invites nominations for the Outstanding Master and Undergraduate Thesis Awards in the field of Logic and Computer Science.
Studies Bachelorstudien + Aufnahmeverfahren 2023 2023-01-26 Admission First Steps Students Alle wichtigen Infos zu den Änderungen unserer Bachelorstudien und zum Aufnahmeverfahren.
Event Visual Computing Trends 2023 2023-01-26 Virtual Reality VRVis Symposium VRVis is inviting to the next international VCT symposium where the newest trends in Visual Computing and Computer Graphics research will be discussed.
Award Andreas Auer Wins City of Vienna’s Diploma Thesis Award 2022 2023-01-25 Machine Learning AI Andreas Auer’s research on temporal knowledge graphs won the City of Vienna’s award for the most outstanding diploma theses of the year 2022.
Competition Capture the Flag: Can You Handle the Heat? 2023-01-25 Cybersecurity Students Speed, skill, and stealth were demonstrated by our students in the latest Attack/Defense CTF Competition at TU Wien Informatics.
Public Lecture Engineering Education Futures: How will AI and ML transform… 2023-01-25 Event Machine Learning eduLAB AI In this lecture, Arnold Pears will discuss how technology will shape the future of higher education and how we can use the potentials of this transformation.
Digital Humanism AI for Good Isn’t Good Enough – A Call for Human-Centered AI 2023-01-24 Lecture Event Social Responsibility In this online lecture, James A. Landay will talk about user-, community-, and societally-centered AI and the need for multidisciplinarity.
Interview If There’s a Fire, Call VR! 2023-01-20 Virtual Reality Hannes Kaufmann on his latest research projects, bright prospects for students, and the difference between corporate and university research.
Doctoral School From Surviving to Thriving 2023-01-20 Being a Ph.D. student is challenging. To help build future careers, TU Wien Informatics Doctoral School offers a course on crafting a good professional life.
Open Position Jobs: PreDoc and Office Services Positions 2023-01-19 Administrative Staff Doctoral School We are looking for candidates in Data Science and Business Informatics.
eduLAB eduLAB Informatik Workshops 2023-01-19 Education Outreach Spielerisch Informatik entdecken! Neue Workshoptermine für Schüler:innen ab der 5. Schulstufe können jetzt für das Sommersemester 2023 gebucht werden.
Lecture Vienna World Logic Day Lecture 2023 by Dov Gabbay 2023-01-14 Event Logic and Algorithms VCLA The third edition of the lecture series is welcoming Prof. Dav Gabbay who will talk about “Logic and Argumentation for the 21st Century”.
Open Position Jobs: PostDoc Position 2023-01-12 Research We are looking for candidates in Computer Graphics.
Teaching Digitalisierung in der Bildung – ein Kinderspiel? 2023-01-12 Education Outreach Eine Veranstaltung der ÖAW in Kooperation mit JKU und TU Wien in Rahmen des Colloquium Digitale.
Call for Applications Assistant Professor of AI Ethics / Tenure Track 2023-01-12 Open Position Professorship We invite applications for this full-time assistant professorship with tenure track until March 16, 2023.