TU Wien Informatics

Martina Landman Wins ISSEP Outstanding Student Presentation Award

  • 2023-11-09

For her presentation on science workshops for primary school education, she was honored at ISSEP 2023.

Martina Landman Wins ISSEP Outstanding Student Presentation Award
Picture: Martina Landman / Design: TU Wien Informatics

At the International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution and Perspectives (ISSEP) 2023 from October 23-25, 2023 in Lausanne, Switzerland, Martina Landman, PreDoc Researcher in CS Education at the [Research Unit for Software Engineering] and Project Manager at TU Wien Informatics’ eduLAB won the Outstanding Student Presentation Award.

ISSEP is a forum for researchers and practitioners in the area of Informatics education, in both primary and secondary schools. The conference provides an opportunity for educators and researchers to reflect upon the goals and objectives of this subject matter, its curricula, various teaching and learning paradigms, as well as the connections to everyday life — including multiple ways of developing informatics education in schools.

Martina Landman presented her paper “Reshaping Unplugged Computer Science Workshops for Primary School Education”, which was co-authored by Sophie Rain, Laura Kovacs and Gerald Futschek. The paper discussed the team’s research effort to adapt computer science activities for primary school children, making them age-appropriate and engaging to support diverse technological interests in STEM. In 2023, TU Wien Informatics started its first workshop program for elementary schools, funded by LEA Women’s Fund.

About Martina Landman

Martina Landman is a doctoral student in computer science education at TU Wien Informatics, specializing in students’ problem-solving strategies and learning behavior. At TU Wien Informatics, she plays a significant role in managing and organizing our eduLAB outreach program.

Beyond her academic and teaching responsibilities, Martina Landman regularly presents the outcomes and teaching materials of eduLAB and her research at teacher training sessions and conferences. This includes events such as the Austrian “Informatiktag” and the “Schweizer Tag des Informatikunterrichts” (STIU). She has also conducted workshops at international events as part of the Erasmus+ project TeaEdu4CT, including a workshop at the World Conference on Computers in Education (WCCE) in Hiroshima, Japan. Moreover, she actively represents eduLAB team at various exhibitions, such as the European Researchers Night and Digital Days. At the latest, she is involved in the LEA Project to expand the eduLAB program to primary schools, focussing on engaging young girls in computer science.

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