TU Wien Informatics

Conversational AI and ChatGPT in Education

  • 2023-11-30
  • Course

The International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA) offers an online short course on risks and advantages of using conversational AI for educational purposes.

Conversational AI and ChatGPT in Education
Picture: Moor Studio / stock.adobe.com

  • This is an online-only event.
    See description for details.

The International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA) invites you to to register and attend the upcoming short course by Prof. Stavros Demetriadis on “Conversational AI and ChatGPT in Education”.

Nov 30 – Dec 14 / 14:00-16:00 CET (15:00-17:00 EET)

The purpose of this course is to introduce the attendees to the current advances of using conversational AI for educational purposes, the expected benefits and foreseen risks and also relevant useful ideas and practices.

This short course will cover the following topics:

  1. Technology: How does conversational AI work? Major topics on the technology of Conversational AI (ConvAI) such as: Word embeddings, Transformers architecture and Large Language Models (LLMs).
  2. Conceptualization: How do people currently conceptualize ChatGPT operation? Opportunities and Risks of using Conversational AI and also innovative theoretical perspectives for farming Human-AI interaction.
  3. Theory and Research: How does ConvAI extend and innovate our theoretical perspectives about Human- AI symbiosis? What are some early research outcomes guiding our understanding regarding the impact and the potential of using ConvAI in Education?

Host Institution: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Zoom Link


Register in advance for free to get a course certificate. Both AIDA and non-AIDA students or non-student participants (e.g. educators) are encouraged to participate in this course. Please register by sending an email to sdemetriΑΤcsd.auth.gr with Subject: “AIDA Registration” and including your name, email and profile.

In order to pass the course, you will be requested to:

  1. Login to the course zoom room and attend all three lecturing events as scheduled, and
  2. Submit the “Student Final Report” (SFR) after the end of the lectures. The report will ask you to critically comment on key aspects of the presented content thus demonstrating an adequate level of understanding of the major points of the course. The International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA), a joint initiative of the European R&D projects AI4Media, ELISE, Humane AI Net, TAILOR, VISION, supports a world-level AI education and research program. AIDA has regular lecture series, short courses, semester courses, and summer schools with the participation of hundreds of academics and serving a growing community of AI PhD students and researchers.

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