Michael Wimmer Wins Eurographics Award
Congratulations to Michael Wimmer for receiving this year’s Eurographics Outstanding Technical Contributions Award.

Each year, Eurographics honors an accomplished individual in computer graphics to highlight outstanding technical achievement. Congratulations to Michael Wimmer of our Computer Graphics research unit for receiving the 2023 Outstanding Technical Contributions Award!
Michael Wimmer has made significant contributions to the field of computer graphics, particularly in real-time rendering, physically based rendering, computer games, point-based graphics, procedural modeling, shape modeling, and computational fabrication. He is recognized as an early pioneer in point-based graphics and procedural modeling of cities. His work on “Instant Visibility” and “Instant Architecture” has been highly influential and established the subareas of procedural modeling. Michael has also made notable contributions to real-time shadow rendering and co-authored a standard textbook on the subject. His research in visibility computation, point-based rendering, and fast algorithms for computer games has paved the way for important advancements in the field. Additionally, he has played a key role in computational fabrication, integrating concepts from shape modeling, form finding, and function-aware geometric optimization, leading to the establishment of the Center for Geometry and Computational Design.
With over 200 published papers, Wimmer is a highly active researcher and serves on program committees and editorial boards of renowned journals. He has co-chaired the Eurographics conference in 2015 and holds positions on the papers advisory boards for Eurographics and SIGGRAPH, as well as being an Assistant Chair of SIGGRAPH 2023.
Aside from his groundbreaking research, Michael Wimmer is an exceptional leader, heading one of Europe’s most prominent computer graphics groups. Under his guidance, his team has achieved remarkable results, profoundly impacting the European research landscape and benefiting the computer games and rendering-related industries. Wimmer is highly regarded for his extensive community service, mentorship, and dedication to sharing knowledge. He has mentored and advised numerous students and young researchers, significantly contributed to improving the organization of Eurographics, and his involvement continues to leave a lasting impact on the field of computer graphics.
About Eurographics
Eurographics (EG) is the Europe-wide professional Computer Graphics association. It supports its members in advancing state-of-the-art in computer graphics and related fields such as multimedia, scientific visualization, and human-computer interfaces.
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