TU Wien Informatics

European Researchers’ Night 2023 with eduLAB

  • 2023-10-27
  • Public Outreach
  • Education Outreach

It’s not all bytes and bits, sometimes it’s giggles and wits. At this year’s ERN, eduLAB showed kids the fun side of algorithms.

European Researchers’ Night 2023 with eduLAB
Picture: bee produced

On September 29th, 2023, the European Researchers’ Night took place in Vienna, Salzburg and Innsbruck, featuring the motto “exploREsearch”. It aims to encourage citizens to actively participate in science, and of course, our eduLAB wasn’t missing out on the fun.

With its unique and interactive approach to science education, eduLAB has consistently transformed abstract concepts into tangible experiences, making learning both engaging and accessible for students of all ages. At this year’s ERN, the focus was on the youngest computer science learners – in close collaboration with the team of our LEA-funded elementary school courses.

Thanks to the combined efforts of Julia Kummer, Alina Jaud, Christoff Kügler, Martina Landman, Laura Kovacs, and Andrea Hackl from the eduLAB, VCLA, and TU Wien Informatics, the young attendees were introduced to the fascinating world of algorithms. Using tools like a sorting network, the team playfully demystified the concept, making it relatable and understandable.

The eduLAB team, consisting of Lukas Lehner, Svetlana Unkovic, and Martina Landman, organized an exhibition for both parents and children alike. They developed and presented their latest pedagogical concepts designed to teach fundamental computer science principles as well as the ongoing exhibition “Adventure Informatics” (Abenteuer Informatik) at TU Wien Informatics.

Learn more about eduLAB, their workshops for schools, programming courses and our novel workshop program for elementary schools.

Our EduLAB is also organizing an exhibition and a workshop on AI at the Vienna Digital Days 2023 from Nov 20-21 – come and visit us!


eduLAB is TU Wien Informatics’ educational outreach initiative. And it’s all about playful discovery. eduLAB offers workshops for school classes on many different topics, online courses and guided tours of the exhibit Abenteuer Informatik at TU Wien Informatics. To get girls interested in computer science particularly, eduLAB further organizes Girls Code TUgether, an IT summer camp for girls – read more about fun & games at last year’s camp. eduLAB is part of international research projects and initiatives in continuous IT education for teachers (TeaEdu4CT), development of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) for basic education (eInformatics), and for advancing personalizable computer science courses (DigiFit4All). They host conferences and gatherings of researchers and teachers.

Although the palette of activities is vast, eduLAB aims to expand its endeavors. Recently, they also collaborate with the team of our LEA-funded elementary school courses to expand their workshop’s age groups. For up-to-date info visit eduLAB’s website.

About the ERN

The European Researchers’ Night is a continent-wide celebration that showcases the vast realm of science and its influence on our day-to-day lives through captivating and motivational techniques. The annual event spans 26 nations, which hold multi-faceted national research fairs for young and old for one day a year. It is about bridging the distance between the general public and researchers, shedding light on top-notch global research projects, fostering a renewed enthusiasm among the younger generation for science-related careers, and underscoring how researchers’ efforts deeply impact our daily routines. Remarkably, this event garners the attention of a vast audience, drawing over 1.5 million attendees from Europe and its neighboring regions each year.

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