Julian Müllner Receives State Award for Graduates
The Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research honored Julian Müllner for his exceptional academic achievements.

On November 21, 2023, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) honored the best diploma and master’s degrees across Austrian universities. Julian Müllner received the award out of approximately 16,000 graduates annually.
The State Award for Graduates (Würdigungspreis – Staatspreis für die besten Diplom- und Masterabschlüsse), carrying a prize of 3,000 Euros, has a highly competitive selection. Nominations are coming from 74 higher education institutions, including public & private universities, universities of applied sciences, and teacher training colleges. Federal Minister Martin Polaschek presented the award to 55 winners from all over Austria.
Julian Müllner was part of the Bachelor with Honors Program at TU Wien Informatics and dedicated his master’s to probabilistic programming, with a master thesis on “Exact Inference for Probabilistic Loops”. He was supervised by Laura Kovács, Head of our Research Unit for Formal Methods in Systems Engineering. Julian’s master’s thesis was honored at this year’s TU Wien Informatics Awards and received a runner-up prize. After his graduation, he joined Bosch within the International Junior Managers Program (JMP).
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