TU Wien Informatics

Full Professor of Privacy

  • 2023-02-23
  • Open Position
  • Professorship

We invite applications for this full-time professorship until May 4, 2023.

Full Professor of Privacy
Picture: Lightfield Studios / stock.adobe.com


TU Wien is Austria’s largest institution of research and higher education in the fields of technology and natural sciences. With over 26,000 students and more than 4000 scientists, research, teaching and learning dedicated to the advancement of science and technology have been conducted here for more than 200 years, guided by the motto “Technology for People”. As a driver of innovation, TU Wien fosters close collaboration with business and industry and contributes to the prosperity of society.

Institute of Logic and Computation

At the Institute of Logic and Computation we pursue basic and applied research on logical and algorithmic methods for modeling, constructing, and analyzing computer systems with a scope ranging from software systems to large scale information networks like the world wide web.


At the Institute of Logic and Computation of the Faculty of Informatics at TU Wien, the position of a University Professor for the specialist field of “Privacy” with permanent (full-time) contractual employment is expected to be filled as of March 1, 2024. This professorship position is regulated by § 98 of the 2002 Universities Act (UG), and has been allocated in TU Wien’s development plan to the focal area Information & Communication Technology.

Your Profile

The Faculty of Informatics, one of the eight faculties at the TU Wien, is among the top ranked faculties of Informatics in Europe, with more than 70 professors on all career levels and a strong focus on research excellence. Security and privacy play an important role in the development plan of the Faculty of Informatics and TU Wien, as witnessed for example by the SecInt Doctoral College for Secure and Intelligent Human-Centric Digital Technologies, by the Special Research Programme SPyCoDe, and the participation in the Vienna Security and Privacy Research Cluster.

Privacy is a human right and major societal challenge, which has to be preserved in the digital realm, too. Accomplishing this mission requires to consider privacy from a holistic and cross-discipline perspective. Furthermore, it is a cornerstone in the design of digital technologies and the development of new theories, algorithms and tools to process sensitive data without jeopardizing user privacy. We are looking for a candidate with strong scientific foundations and demonstrated expertise in the design of innovative privacy-enhancing technologies that fulfil the needs of our digital society. Desired core areas of competence include but are not limited to:

  • Data Privacy
  • Privacy in analytics and machine learning
  • Theoretical foundations of and formal methods for privacy
  • Privacy-preserving protocols, applications, and systems
  • Anonymous communication, censorship-resistance
  • Cryptographic techniques for privacy
  • Human-centered design and usability of privacy technologies

Besides research, the duties of a Full Professor at the TU Wien include undergraduate and graduate teaching as well as contributing to usual management and faculty service tasks.

Your Application

For additional details and to enter the application process, please see the TU Wien Job Platform:

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