TU Wien Informatics

Pop-Up Exhibition – Human Computer Interaction

  • 2023-01-27
  • Teaching
  • Students

Students present projects from the courses “Free and Open Technologies” and “Computational Aspects of Digital Fabrication”.

Pop-Up Exhibition – Human Computer Interaction
Picture: Janis Lena Meißner / TU Wien Informatics

Our research unit for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) invites you to a pop-up exhibition. Students will present projects & artifacts from the courses “Free and Open Technologies” and “Computational Aspects of Digital Fabrication”.

The aim of the course was to give students access to various digital fabrication tools (e.g. 3D printers, laser cutters, electronic controllers) and let them actively experiment with different tools and materials. In the final projects, the students applied their newly learned or deepened fabrication skills to their own design ideas.


  • 14:00 Opening
  • 14:15 Show & Tell presentations by the students
  • 15:00 Virtual tour of the exhibition (via zoom)
  • 17:00 End of exhibition

Participate via Zoom

For anyone interested who cannot attend in person, there will be a virtual tour at 15:00. Click here to participate via Zoom.

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