VCLA Presents International Student Awards 2023
Two young researchers were honored for their outstanding achievements in the field of logic and algorithms.

The 7th edition of the VCLA International Student Awards 2023 was concluded in June. Based on the international call for (self-)nominations, the award committee consisting of seventeen internationally recognized researchers announced one Outstanding Master Thesis Award and one Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award. As the decision on the Master Thesis Award was a close call, there is also an honorary mention of a runner-up in this category. The nominated degrees had to be awarded between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2022 (inclusive).
The Outstanding Master Thesis Award goes to Lydia Blümel (University of Leipzig) for her master thesis “Defining Defense in Abstract Argumentation from Scratch – A Generalizing Approach” under the supervision of Markus Ulbricht.
An honorary mention of the runner-up for winner in this category goes to Vitor Rodrigues Greati (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte), master thesis “Hilbert-Style Formalism for Two-Dimensional Notions of Consequence” under the supervision of João Marcos.
The Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award goes to Barbora Šmahlíková (Brno University of Technology) for her undergraduate thesis “Next Generation of Rank-Based Algorithms for Omega Automata” under the supervision of Ondřej Lengál.
Find more details on the winners and the awards here.
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