TU Wien Informatics

20 Years


Our role is to enhance our faculty’s international visibility and help build effective relationships.

We support the Dean’s Team, engage with the media, the general public and external stakeholders and coordinate internal communications. We tell stories to a diverse set of audiences and bring our exceptional faculty front and center. (And we throw big events, too!)

Find out more at informatics.tuwien.ac.at/communications.

Communications is part of Services of the Faculty of Informatics.

  • Daniela Rus, USA
  • Carla P. Gomes, USA
  • Toby Walsh, Australia
  • Moshe Y. Vardi, USA / 8. Vienna Gödel Lecture: “Technology is Driving the Future, But Who Is Steering?”
  • Oren Etzioni, USA / 7. Vienna Gödel Lecture: “Artificial Intelligence: Fact, Fiction, and Forecast”
  • Manuel Blum, USA / 6. Vienna Gödel Lecture: “On the Way to Artificial Consciousness”
  • Ricardo Baeza-Yates, USA / 5. Vienna Gödel Lecture: “Bias in the Web”
  • Jeannette Wing, USA / 4. Vienna Gödel Lecture: “Computational Thinking”
  • Peter Norvig, USA / 3. Vienna Gödel Lecture: “How Computers Learn”
  • Erik Demaine, USA / 2. Vienna Gödel Lecture: “Origami Folding – The Elegance of Algorithms”
  • Donald E. Knuth, USA / 1. Vienna Gödel Lecture: “All Questions Answered”

Soon, this page will include additional information such as reference projects, conferences, events, and other research activities.

Until then, please visit Communications’ research profile in TISS .