TU Wien Informatics

Transitional Provisions

Started studying under an old curriculum? No problem, here you will find the necessary transitional provisions and equivalencies.



Transitional provisions for our bachelor programs.


Transitional provisions for our master programs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are transitional provisions?

Transitional provisions are related to new curricula. If you began your studies under an old curriculum, the transitional provisions describe how to proceed when you graduate under a new curriculum.

Which version of the curriculum am I in?

You are always in the currently valid (i.e., latest) version of your curriculum. If you began your studies under an older version, the transitional provisions will help you with the transition.

What do the years and numbers mean?

Example: “2020 « 2018” - These transitional provisions are relevant to you if you started your studies under the 2018 curriculum and you are graduating under the 2020 curriculum.

What does “DP” stand for?

For “Diplomstudium”, i.e. the very old curriculum.

Help, I don’t know what any of this means!

Please contact our Study Services team (see below).