TU Wien Informatics

20 Years


Jun 2024

  • Jun 10, 2024 Report, Event, eduLAB, Education Outreach Minister Martin Polaschek and other political stakeholders came together at the eduLAB Bildungsfrühstück to discuss what’s next in education and AI.
  • Jun 5, 2024 Report, Public Lecture, AI At this year’s Logic Lounge, Georg Gottlob gave insights into Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Ignorance.

May 2024

  • May 29, 2024 Vienna Gödel Lecture, Report, Machine Learning, AI If you haven’t heard by now, then you’re really late to the party: TU Wien Informatics is 20 years old (and all grown up)!

Apr 2024

  • Apr 23, 2024 Report, Opening Event, Cybersecurity On April 18, 2024, we inaugurated our Cybersecurity Center (CySec) with a high-profile event. A significant milestone in the field of cybersecurity.
  • Apr 10, 2024 Report, Cybersecurity, Education Outreach In the Bebras Computing Challenge context, Marco Squarcina and Carlotta Tagliaro offered an exciting workshop on ethical hacking to high school students.


Dec 2022

  • Dec 7, 2022 Epilog, Report, Award, Excellence With the Epilog award show, we recognize our students’ knowledge, motivation, and success to promote their current and future academic efforts.

Jun 2022

  • Jun 30, 2022 Report, Doctoral School, Students Before leaving for summer vacation, the TU Wien Informatics Doctoral School hosted its final social event of this summer term.
  • Jun 23, 2022 Epilog, Report, Graduation, Excellence To promote academic excellence, we honored our most outstanding students in this semester’s award ceremony.

May 2022

  • May 25, 2022 Digital Humanism, Report, Public Lecture, CAIML, AI Edward A. Lee, distinguished computer scientist and expert on societal implications of technology, unravels the black boxes of machines and human minds alike.
  • May 6, 2022 Digital Humanism, Report, Panel Discussion, AI, Social Responsibility How can we regulate complex algorithmic systems? Law experts and computer scientists join forces to tackle the challenges of democratic technology development.

Jan 2022


Dec 2021

  • Dec 3, 2021 Report, Research, Machine Learning, AI COVID-19 didn’t make it easy, but we nevertheless had a massively successful opening event for our new Center for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Jun 2021

Apr 2021


Jan 2020

  • Jan 22, 2020 Epilog, Alumni, Report, Excellence, Students We honored our most excellent students of this winter term for their outstanding achievements in their studies.


Dec 2019

Sep 2019

  • Sep 23, 2019 Report, Security & Privacy After fifteen talks, two hackathons, and one party, the event ended with a panel discussion on the academic and industry perspectives on blockchain technologie…

Jun 2019

Feb 2019

Jan 2019

  • Jan 16, 2019 Epilog, Report, Award, Studies, Excellence, Students Jungforscher_innen wurden von der Fakultät für Informatik für ihre exzellenten Leistungen ausgezeichnet.


Jun 2018

  • Jun 21, 2018 Epilog, Report, Award, Studies, Excellence, Students Für seine Diplomarbeit “Evaluation of the Recognition Distances of Safety Signs in VR” bekommt Dominik Bauer den Titel “Distinguished Young Alumnus”

May 2018

  • May 24, 2018 Vienna Gödel Lecture, Report, Public Lecture, AI Turing Award winner Manuel Blum asks whether machines can develop consciousness, and why that needn’t frighten us.
  • May 9, 2018 Report, Panel Discussion, Innovation, Social Responsibility In TUtheSky, up in the 11th floor at Getreidemarkt, renowed scientists discussed the impacts of new technologies and the responsibility of universities.

Jan 2018

  • Jan 22, 2018 Epilog, Report, Award, Studies, Excellence, Students Für seine Diplomarbeit “Brain-inspired Neural Control” bekommt Mathias Lechner den Titel “Distinguished Young Alumnus” der Fakultät für Informatik
  • Jan 22, 2018 Epilog, Report, Award, Studies, Excellence, Students Bereits zum vierten Mal wurde das Siemens Exzellenz-Stipendium für Frauen der Fakultät für Informatik verliehen. Das sind die diesjährigen Preisträgerinnen:


Jun 2017

  • Jun 14, 2017 Vienna Gödel Lecture, Report, Public Lecture, Social Responsibility Search technology expert Ricardo Baeza-Yates explains the many types and mechanisms of inclination and how to break the “vicious circle of bias”.

May 2017

  • May 4, 2017 Epilog, Report, Award, Studies, Excellence, Students Florian Huemer und Alex Brandner wurden beim EPILOG am 4. Mai 2017 von der Fakultät für Informatik ausgezeichnet.