Matthias Prandtstetter
Univ.Lektor Mag.rer.soc.oec. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
External Lecturer
Logic and Computation, E192
Optimization of storage strategies in paper industry
2007 – 2008 / Dataphone GmbH -
Optimization of commission tours in a warehouse
2007 – 2008 / Dataphone GmbH -
Algorithmic Discrete Optimization
2004 – 2008 / European Commission
- On the Potentials and Dilemmas of Cooperative/White-Label Deliveries based on Selected Austrian Demonstration Cases / Prandtstetter, M., Biesinger, B., Hu, B., Nolz, P., Reinthaler, M., Zajicek, J., Angelini, A., & Hauger, G. (2019). On the Potentials and Dilemmas of Cooperative/White-Label Deliveries based on Selected Austrian Demonstration Cases. In Proceedings of the 6th International Physical Internet Conference IPIC 2019 (pp. 1–7).
Semantically Enriched Multi-Modal Routing
Eiter, T., Krennwallner, T., Prandtstetter, M., Rudloff, C., Schneider, P., & Straub, M. (2016). Semantically Enriched Multi-Modal Routing. International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, 14(1), 20–35.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / MyITS (2011–2013) -
Semantically Enriched Multi-Modal Routing
Eiter, T., Krennwallner, T., Prandtstetter, M., Rudloff, C., Schneider, P., & Straub, M. (2014). Semantically Enriched Multi-Modal Routing. International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, 14(1), 20–35.
Project: MyITS (2011–2013) - Metaheuristics for solving a multimodal home-healthcare scheduling problem / Hiermann, G., Prandtstetter, M., Rendl, A., Puchinger, J., & Raidl, G. R. (2013). Metaheuristics for solving a multimodal home-healthcare scheduling problem. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 23(1), 89–113.
- A hybrid heuristic for multimodal homecare scheduling / Rendl, A., Prandtstetter, M., Hiermann, G., Puchinger, J., & Raidl, G. (2012). A hybrid heuristic for multimodal homecare scheduling. In Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (pp. 339–355).
Semantically Enriched Multi-Modal Routing
Eiter, T., Krennwallner, T., Prandtstetter, M., Rudloff, C., Schneider, P., & Straub, M. (2012). Semantically Enriched Multi-Modal Routing. In V. Blervaque & R. Pfliegl (Eds.), 19th ITS World Congress (ITS World 2012) (p. 10). ERTICO-ITS Europe.
Projects: ASP (2012–2015) / HEX-Programme (2008–2012) / Hybride Wissensbasen (2008–2012) / MyITS (2011–2013) / Net2 (2010–2013) - A memetic algorithm for reconstructing cross-cut shredded text documents / Schauer, C., Prandtstetter, M., & Raidl, G. (2010). A memetic algorithm for reconstructing cross-cut shredded text documents. In Proceedings of Hybrid Metaheuristics - Seventh International Workshop, HM 2010 (pp. 103–117).
Hybrid optimization methods for warehouse logistics and the reconstruction of destroyed paper documents
Prandtstetter, M. (2009). Hybrid optimization methods for warehouse logistics and the reconstruction of destroyed paper documents [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (3.36 MB) - Computing optimized stock (re-)placements in last-in, first-out warehouses / Ritzinger, U., Prandtstetter, M., & Raidl, G. (2009). Computing optimized stock (re-)placements in last-in, first-out warehouses. In Logistik Management (pp. 279–298).
- A hybrid algorithm for computing tours in a spare parts warehouse / Prandtstetter, M., Raidl, G., & Misar, T. (2009). A hybrid algorithm for computing tours in a spare parts warehouse. In Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization - EvoCOP 2009 (pp. 25–36). Springer.
- Meta-heuristics for reconstructing cross cut shredded text documents / Prandtstetter, M., & Raidl, G. (2009). Meta-heuristics for reconstructing cross cut shredded text documents. In Proceedings of the 11th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation (p. 8).
- An integer linear programming approach and a hybrid variable neighborhood search for the car sequencing problem / Prandtstetter, M., & Raidl, G. (2008). An integer linear programming approach and a hybrid variable neighborhood search for the car sequencing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 191(3), 1004–1022.
- Combining forces to reconstruct strip shredded text documents / Prandtstetter, M., & Raidl, G. (2008). Combining forces to reconstruct strip shredded text documents. In Hybrid Metaheuristics 2008 (pp. 175–189).
- Reconstructing Sheets of Manually Torn Paper / Prandtstetter, M., Raidl, G., & Schüller, P. (2007). Reconstructing Sheets of Manually Torn Paper. 11th International Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization, Aussois, Frankreich, EU.
- Two Integer Linear Programming Approaches for Solving the Car Sequencing Problem / Prandtstetter, M., & Raidl, G. (2006). Two Integer Linear Programming Approaches for Solving the Car Sequencing Problem. 10th International Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization, Aussois, Frankreich, EU.
- A variable neihborhood search approach for solving the car sequencing problem. / Prandtstetter, M., & Raidl, G. (2005). A variable neihborhood search approach for solving the car sequencing problem. In P. Hansen (Ed.), Proceedings of the XVIII Mini EURO Conference on VNS.
- A variable neihborhood search approach for solving the car sequencing problem. / Prandtstetter, M., & Raidl, G. (2005). A variable neihborhood search approach for solving the car sequencing problem.
- Exact and heuristic methods for solving the car sequencing problem / Prandtstetter, M. (2005). Exact and heuristic methods for solving the car sequencing problem [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Anwendung von kombinatorischen Optimierungsmethoden zur Rekonstruktion von in Streifen geschnittenen Papierdokumenten
Winkler, T. (2011). Anwendung von kombinatorischen Optimierungsmethoden zur Rekonstruktion von in Streifen geschnittenen Papierdokumenten [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Reconstructing cross-cut shredded documents by means of evolutionary algorithms
Schauer, C. (2010). Reconstructing cross-cut shredded documents by means of evolutionary algorithms [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Ein hybrides Verfahren basierend auf Variabler Nachbarschaftssuche und Dynamischer Programmierung zur Tourenfindung in einem Ersatzteillager mit domänenspezifschen Nebenbedingungen
Misar, T. (2009). Ein hybrides Verfahren basierend auf Variabler Nachbarschaftssuche und Dynamischer Programmierung zur Tourenfindung in einem Ersatzteillager mit domänenspezifschen Nebenbedingungen [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Evaluation and reconstruction of strip-shredded text documents
Morandell, W. (2008). Evaluation and reconstruction of strip-shredded text documents [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Generierung von Ein- und Umlagervorschlägen in Lagern mit einer Last-In First-Out Strategie mit kundenspezifischen Auslagerpräferenzen
Ritzinger, U. M. (2008). Generierung von Ein- und Umlagervorschlägen in Lagern mit einer Last-In First-Out Strategie mit kundenspezifischen Auslagerpräferenzen [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Parallel Variable Neighbourhood Search for the Car Sequencing Problem
Knausz, M. (2008). Parallel Variable Neighbourhood Search for the Car Sequencing Problem [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Reconstructing borders of manually torn paper sheets using integer linear programming
Schüller, P. (2008). Reconstructing borders of manually torn paper sheets using integer linear programming [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (841 KB) - Ein hybrides Verfahren zur automatischen Rekonstruktion von handzerrissenen Dokumentenseiten mittels geometrischer Informationen / Berger, F. (2008). Ein hybrides Verfahren zur automatischen Rekonstruktion von handzerrissenen Dokumentenseiten mittels geometrischer Informationen [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.