Rudolf Mayer
Univ.Lektor Dipl.-Ing. Mag.rer.soc.oec.
External Lecturer
Logic and Computation, E192 -
External Lecturer
Information Systems Engineering, E194
- Interdisciplinary Project in Data Science / 194.147 / PR
- Machine Learning / 184.702 / VU
- Self-Organizing Systems / 188.413 / VU
- Interdisciplinary Project in Data Science / 194.147 / PR
- Machine Learning / 184.702 / VU
- Security, Privacy and Explainability in Machine Learning / 194.055 / VU
Skalierbare Langzeitarchivierungsumgebungen
2011 – 2014 / European Commission
Publications: 162919 / 167605 / 27404 / 53775 / 53956 / 53959 / 53961 / 53962 / 53963 / 53964 -
Research Studio Digital Memory Engineering
2009 – 2012 / Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) -
PLANETS: Permanent Long-Term Access through Networked Services
2006 – 2011 / European Commission
Publications: 51891 / 51892 / 51907 / 52096 / 52517 / 52632 / 52735 / 52769 / 52770 / 52957 / 52959 -
FODOK: Austrian Research Documentation
2006 – 2009 / Johannes Kepler Universität Linz -
2004 – 2009 / European Commission
Publications: 51054 / 51055 / 51057 / 51058 / 51059 -
2004 – 2007 / European Commission
Publication: 51891
- NEWSROOM: Towards Automating Cyber Situational Awareness Processes and Tools for Cyber Defence / Wurzenberger, M., Krenn, S., Landauer, M., Skopik, F., Perner, C., Lötjönen, J., Päijänen, J., Gardikis, G., Alabasis, N., Sakerman, L., Omri, K., Röning, J., Halunen, K., Thouvenot, V., Weise, M., Rauber, A., Gkioulos, V., Katsikas, S., Sabetta, L., … Schmitt, C. (2024). NEWSROOM: Towards Automating Cyber Situational Awareness Processes and Tools for Cyber Defence. In ARES ’24: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (pp. 1–11).
Detecting adversarial examples using surrogate models
Feldsar, B., Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2023). Detecting adversarial examples using surrogate models. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 5(4), 1796–1825.
Download: PDF (3.16 MB) - I Know What You Trained Last Summer: A Survey on Stealing Machine Learning Models and Defences / Oliynyk, D., Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2023). I Know What You Trained Last Summer: A Survey on Stealing Machine Learning Models and Defences. ACM Computing Surveys, 55(14s), Article 324.
- Identifying Appropriate Intellectual Property Protection Mechanisms for Machine Learning Models: A Systematization of Watermarking, Fingerprinting, Model Access, and Attacks / Lederer, I., Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2023). Identifying Appropriate Intellectual Property Protection Mechanisms for Machine Learning Models: A Systematization of Watermarking, Fingerprinting, Model Access, and Attacks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
- Semantic-enabled Architecture for Auditable Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis / Ekaputra, F. J., Ekelhart, A., Mayer, R., Miksa, T., Šarčević, T., Tsepelakis, S., & Waltersdorfer, L. (2022). Semantic-enabled Architecture for Auditable Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis. Semantic Web: Interoperability, Usability, Applicability, 1–34.
- Training Effective Neural Networks on Structured Data with Federated Learning / Pustozerova, A., Rauber, A., & Mayer, R. (2021). Training Effective Neural Networks on Structured Data with Federated Learning. In Advanced Information Networking and Applications (pp. 394–406).
- WellFort: A Platform for Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis / Miksa, T., Sarcevic, T., Mayer, R., & Waltersdorfer, L. (2021). WellFort: A Platform for Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis. ERCIM News, 2021(126).
- Risk Driven Selection of Preservation Activities for Increasing Sustainability of Open Source Systems and Workflows / Miksa, T., Mayer, R., Strodl, S., Rauber, A., Vieira, R., & Antunes, G. (2014). Risk Driven Selection of Preservation Activities for Increasing Sustainability of Open Source Systems and Workflows. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Digital Preservation. International Conference on Digital Preservation, Melbourne, Australia, Non-EU.
- Ontologies for Describing the Context of Scientific Experiment Processes / Mayer, R., Miksa, T., & Rauber, A. (2014). Ontologies for Describing the Context of Scientific Experiment Processes. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on e-Science. International Conference on e-Science, Guarujá, SP, Brazil, Non-EU.
- Automatic Discovery of Preservation Alternatives Supported by Community Maintained Knowledge Bases / Mayer, R., Binder, J., Strodl, S., & Rauber, A. (2014). Automatic Discovery of Preservation Alternatives Supported by Community Maintained Knowledge Bases. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Digital Preservation (pp. 65–74).
- Framework for verification of preserved and redeployed processes / Miksa, T., Rauber, A., Mayer, R., Pröll, S., Strodl, S., Vieira, R., & Barateiro, J. (2013). Framework for verification of preserved and redeployed processes. In iPRES 2013 - 10th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (pp. 136–145). Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal.
- Digital Preservation of a Process and its Application to e-Science Experiments / Strodl, S., Mayer, R., Rauber, A., & Draws, A. (2013). Digital Preservation of a Process and its Application to e-Science Experiments. In iPRES 2013: proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (pp. 128–135). Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal.
- On the Complexity of Process Preservation: A Case Study on an E-Science Experiment / Mayer, R., Strodl, S., & Rauber, A. (2012). On the Complexity of Process Preservation: A Case Study on an E-Science Experiment. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (IPRES 2012) (pp. 1–2).
- On the Applicability of Workflow Management Systems for the Preservation of Business Processes / Mayer, R., Pröll, S., & Rauber, A. (2012). On the Applicability of Workflow Management Systems for the Preservation of Business Processes. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (IPRES 2012) (pp. 58–65).
- Multi-modal analysis of music combining audio and lyrics-based features / Mayer, R. (2012). Multi-modal analysis of music combining audio and lyrics-based features [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Preserving Scientific Processes from Design to Publication / Mayer, R., Rauber, A., Neumann, M. A., Thomson, J., & Antunes, G. (2012). Preserving Scientific Processes from Design to Publication. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2012) (pp. 113–124). Springer, Heidelberg.
- Towards a Decision Support Architecture for Digital Preservation of Business Processes / Neumann, M. A., Miri, H., Thomson, J., Antunes, G., Mayer, R., & Beigl, M. (2012). Towards a Decision Support Architecture for Digital Preservation of Business Processes. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (IPRES 2012) (pp. 74–81).
- Facilitating Comprehensive Benchmarking Experiments on the Million Song Dataset / Schindler, A., Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2012). Facilitating Comprehensive Benchmarking Experiments on the Million Song Dataset. In Proceedings of the 13th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2012) (pp. 469–474).
- On Wires and Cables: Content Analysis of WikiLeaks Using Self-Organising Maps / Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2011). On Wires and Cables: Content Analysis of WikiLeaks Using Self-Organising Maps. In J. Laaksonen & T. Honkela (Eds.), Advances in Self-Organizing Maps (pp. 238–246). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Musical Genre Classification by Ensembles of Audio and Lyrics Features / Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2011). Musical Genre Classification by Ensembles of Audio and Lyrics Features. In Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2012) (pp. 675–680). University of Miami.
- Combination of Feature Selection Methods for Text Categorisation / Neumayer, R., Mayer, R., & Nørvåg, K. (2011). Combination of Feature Selection Methods for Text Categorisation. In Proceedings of 33nd European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR´10) (pp. 763–766). Springer.
- Towards Time-resilient MIR Processes / Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2011). Towards Time-resilient MIR Processes. In Proceedings of the 13th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2012) (pp. 337–342). University of Miami.
- Analysing the Similarity of Album Art with Self-Organsing Maps / Mayer, R. (2011). Analysing the Similarity of Album Art with Self-Organsing Maps. In Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM’11) (pp. 357–366). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Multimodal Aspects of Music Retrieval: Audio, Song Lyrics - and Beyond? / Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2010). Multimodal Aspects of Music Retrieval: Audio, Song Lyrics - and Beyond? In Advances in Music Information Retrieval (pp. 333–363). Springer-Verlag.
- Visualising Clusters in Self-Organising Maps with Minimum Spanning Trees. / Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2010). Visualising Clusters in Self-Organising Maps with Minimum Spanning Trees. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN ’10) (pp. 426–431). Springer-Verlag Berlin.
- Feature selection in a cartesian ensemble of feature subspace classifiers for music categorisation / Mayer, R., Rauber, A., Ponce de León, P. J., Pérez-Sancho, C., & Iñesta, J. M. (2010). Feature selection in a cartesian ensemble of feature subspace classifiers for music categorisation. In Proceedings of 3rd international workshop on Machine learning and music - MML ’10. ACM Multimedia 2010 - Workshop on Machine Learning and Music, Florence, Italy, EU. ACM.
- Building Ensembles of Audio and Lyrics Features to Improve Musical Genre Classification / Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2010). Building Ensembles of Audio and Lyrics Features to Improve Musical Genre Classification. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Framework & Applications (DFmA ’10) (pp. 165–170).
- A cartesian ensemble of feature subspace classifiers for music categorization / Lidy, T., Mayer, R., Rauber, A., Ponce de Leon, P. J., Pertusa, A., & Iñesta, J. M. (2010). A cartesian ensemble of feature subspace classifiers for music categorization. In Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2010) (pp. 279–284).
- Analytic Comparison of Audio Feature Sets using Self-Organising Maps / Mayer, R., Frank, J., & Rauber, A. (2009). Analytic Comparison of Audio Feature Sets using Self-Organising Maps. In WEMIS 2009 - Workshop on Exploring Musical Information Spaces (pp. 62–67). University of Alicante.
- Multi-modal Analysis of Music: A large-scale Evaluation / Mayer, R., & Neumayer, R. (2009). Multi-modal Analysis of Music: A large-scale Evaluation. In N. Orio, A. Rauber, & D. Rizo (Eds.), WEMIS 2009 - Workshop on Exploring Musical Information Spaces (pp. 30–35). University of Alicante.
- Makumba: the role of the technology for the sustainability of amateur programming practice and community / Bogdan, C., & Mayer, R. (2009). Makumba: the role of the technology for the sustainability of amateur programming practice and community. In C&T ’09: Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Communities and technologies (pp. 205–214). ACM New York, NY, USA.
Establishing Context of Digital Objects' Creation, Content and Usage
Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2009). Establishing Context of Digital Objects’ Creation, Content and Usage. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Innovation in Digital Preservation (p. 10).
Project: PLANETS (2006–2011) -
Interacting with (semi-) automatically extracted context of digital objects
Mayer, R., Neumayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2009). Interacting with (semi-) automatically extracted context of digital objects. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Context, Information and Ontologies - CIAO ’09. 1st Workshop on Context, Information and Ontologies (CIAO 2009), Heraklion, Greece, EU. ACM.
Project: PLANETS (2006–2011) -
Data Recovery from Distributed Personal Repositories
Mayer, R., Neumayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2009). Data Recovery from Distributed Personal Repositories. In M. Agosti, J. Borbinha, S. Kapidakis, C. Papatheodorou, & G. Tsakonas (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL 2009) (pp. 455–458). Springer.
Project: PLANETS (2006–2011) - Analytic Comparison of Self-Organising Maps / Mayer, R., Baum, D., Neumayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2009). Analytic Comparison of Self-Organising Maps. In J. C. Principe & R. Miikkulainen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Workshop On Self-Organizing Maps St. Augustine, FL, USA (WSOM 2007) (pp. 182–190). Springer.
- Unsupervised Learning and Clustering / Greene, D., Cunningham, P., & Mayer, R. (2008). Unsupervised Learning and Clustering. In M. Cord & P. Cunningham (Eds.), Cognitive Technologies. Springer.
- Map-based Interfaces for Information Management in Large Text Collections / Mayer, R., Roiger, A., & Rauber, A. (2008). Map-based Interfaces for Information Management in Large Text Collections. Journal of Digital Information Management, 6(4), 294–302.
- Automating the Management of Scientif Conferences using Information Mining Techniques / Pesenhofer, A., Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2008). Automating the Management of Scientif Conferences using Information Mining Techniques. Journal of Digital Information Management, 6(1), 3–11.
- Combination of audio and lyrics features for genre classification in digital audio collections / Mayer, R., Neumayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2008). Combination of audio and lyrics features for genre classification in digital audio collections. In Proceeding of the 16th ACM international conference on Multimedia - MM ’08. ACM Multimedia, Vancouver, Canada, Non-EU. ACM New York, NY, USA.
- Rhyme and Style Features for Musical Genre Classification by Song Lyrics / Mayer, R., Neumayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2008). Rhyme and Style Features for Musical Genre Classification by Song Lyrics. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (pp. 337–342).
- Visualising Class Distribution on Self-Organising Maps / Mayer, R., Taha Abdel, A., & Rauber, A. (2007). Visualising Class Distribution on Self-Organising Maps. In J. Marques de Sá, L. A. Alexandre, W. Duch, & D. P. Mandic (Eds.), Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2007 (pp. 359–368). Springer LNCS.
- Ubiquitäre Web-Anwendungen : Entwicklung endgeräteunabhängiger Lösungsansätze / Mayer, R. (2007). Ubiquitäre Web-Anwendungen : Entwicklung endgeräteunabhängiger Lösungsansätze [Master Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
- Supporting Information Management in Digital Libraries with Map-based Interfaces / Mayer, R., Roiger, A., & Rauber, A. (2007). Supporting Information Management in Digital Libraries with Map-based Interfaces. In Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (pp. 475–480). Springer LNCS.
- Supporting Information Management in Digital Libraries with Map-based Interfaces / Mayer, R., Roiger, A., & Rauber, A. (2007). Supporting Information Management in Digital Libraries with Map-based Interfaces. In Y. Badr, R. Chbeir, & P. Pichappan (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2007) (pp. 55–60). IEEE.
- Component selection for the metro visualisation of the SOM / Neumayer, R., Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2007). Component selection for the metro visualisation of the SOM. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM’07) (p. 6).
- The metro visualisation of component planes for self-organising maps / Neumayer, R., Mayer, R., Pölzlbauer, G., & Rauber, A. (2007). The metro visualisation of component planes for self-organising maps. In Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN’07) (p. 6).
- Sky-Metaphor Visualisation for Self-Organising Maps / Latif, K., & Mayer, R. (2007). Sky-Metaphor Visualisation for Self-Organising Maps. In Journal of Universal Computer Science (Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management) (pp. 400–407).
- Adding SOMLib capabilities to the Greenstone Digital Library System / Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2006). Adding SOMLib capabilities to the Greenstone Digital Library System. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries (pp. 486–489). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4312 - Proceedings of ICADL 2006.
- Improving Scientific Conferences by enhancing Conference Management Systems with Information Mining Capabilities / Pesenhofer, A., Mayer, R., & Rauber, A. (2006). Improving Scientific Conferences by enhancing Conference Management Systems with Information Mining Capabilities. In P. Pichappan (Ed.), Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2006) (pp. 359–366). IEEE.
- Map of Mozart / Mayer, R., Lidy, T., & Rauber, A. (2006). Map of Mozart. OCG Journal, 2/2006(2), 12–13.
- The Map of Mozart / Mayer, R., Lidy, T., & Rauber, A. (2006). The Map of Mozart. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (pp. 351–352).
- Mnemonic SOMs: Recognizable Shapes for Self-Organizing Maps / Mayer, R., Merkl, D., & Rauber, A. (2005). Mnemonic SOMs: Recognizable Shapes for Self-Organizing Maps. In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop On Self-Organizing Maps Paris (WSOM 2005) (pp. 131–138). WSOM.
Black-box model watermarking in federated learning
Sakhnovych, Y. (2024). Black-box model watermarking in federated learning [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (5.96 MB) -
Federated generation of synthetic tabular data
Martinez Duarte, D. (2024). Federated generation of synthetic tabular data [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (2.38 MB) -
Privacy-preserving data sharing : identifying records at risk for membership inference attacks against synthetic data
Niederhametner, N. (2023). Privacy-preserving data sharing : identifying records at risk for membership inference attacks against synthetic data [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (3.66 MB) -
Man of steal: Exploring model stealing attacks against image classifiers
Oliynyk, D. (2023). Man of steal: Exploring model stealing attacks against image classifiers [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (3.41 MB) -
Data exfiltration attacks and defenses in neural networks
Siposova, A. (2023). Data exfiltration attacks and defenses in neural networks [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (2.44 MB) -
Data exfiltration attacks on text classification models trained in a federated manner
Jaoua, M. (2023). Data exfiltration attacks on text classification models trained in a federated manner [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (3 MB) -
Privacy-preserving collaborative anomaly detection
Arfaoui, G. (2023). Privacy-preserving collaborative anomaly detection [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (2.75 MB) -
The effect of differentially private learning algorithms on neural networks : The protection of sensitive training data
Moser, M. (2022). The effect of differentially private learning algorithms on neural networks : The protection of sensitive training data [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (3.08 MB) -
Comparison and evaluation of the attacks and defenses against adversarial attacks
Jankovic, A. (2021). Comparison and evaluation of the attacks and defenses against adversarial attacks [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (2.14 MB) -
Backdoor defenses
Milakovic, A. (2021). Backdoor defenses [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (6.44 MB) -
Federated machine learning : an evaluation of backdoor attacks on image classification data ; Evaluierung von Backdoor-Attacken inneuronalen Netzwerken zur Bildklassifikation
Nuding, F. (2020). Federated machine learning : an evaluation of backdoor attacks on image classification data ; Evaluierung von Backdoor-Attacken inneuronalen Netzwerken zur Bildklassifikation [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (5.54 MB) -
Detecting adversarial examples using surrogate models
Feldšar, B. (2020). Detecting adversarial examples using surrogate models [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Fingerprinting relational databases : quality evaluation and impact on learning tasks
Šarčević, T. (2019). Fingerprinting relational databases : quality evaluation and impact on learning tasks [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (1.31 MB) -
Collaborative music consumption through mobile devices
Frank, J. (2010). Collaborative music consumption through mobile devices [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Download: PDF (9.41 MB) - Evaluierung von Qualitätsmaßen für Selbstorganisierende Karten / Platzgummer, G. (2008). Evaluierung von Qualitätsmaßen für Selbstorganisierende Karten [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.