Introduction to the Interdisciplinary Minor Program “Digital Skills” 2025
This curriculum enables undergraduates of TU Wien to design and develop tomorrow’s technology. Join the program!

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Online Event
Join our dedicated TUWEL course (Key: DK25S) to register for this online event until February 25, 2025 at 17:00 (i.e., until right before the event starts)!
Get Ready for Tomorrow
Informatics is everywhere! Give yourself a head start in your academic or industry career and enroll in our new and interdisciplinary minor program Digital Skills. You will acquire knowledge in the principles and application of digitization which enable you to master tomorrow’s challenges in your field of expertise.
With this event, we introduce you to the program’s scope and contents and give you the opportunity to clarify any and all questions you have. Our Deans of Studies, Christian Huemer and Hilda Tellioglu will provide you with all the information you need. Furthermore, you get insights into the first two courses for beginners of the program.
What Is It All About?
Students use digital technologies in their everyday life as a matter of course. Nevertheless, they often lack a basic understanding of digitization. A new extension program at TU Wien should fill in these gaps. Today, all students have something in common: regardless of their studies, they have to find their way around the digital (working) world. It is therefore all the more important that they are equipped with the appropriate tools for this subject area as part of their studies. At TU Wien, digital learning is therefore a high priority.
We offer you the undergraduate minor program Digital Skills, worth 30 ECTS, as an additional qualification. The program should help to build up this competence and teach students how to use digital technologies in a creative way, and how to shape and develop them independently. This active participation in the innovation process represents a valuable advantage in the labor market.
What Do We Mean by Digital Skills?
The minor program Digital Skills conveys a basic, scientifically and methodically high-quality education, which is aligned to lasting knowledge. It is based on three pillars:
- General Principles of Digitalization: Discuss fundamental concepts of digitalization and question them critically
- Informatics Basics of Digitalization: Develop basic understanding of concepts of Informatics such as algorithms, information models, data and visualization as well as technical basics of information systems
- Areas of Application of Digitalization: Recognizing the potentials of digitalization in the area of application of the respective main course and implementing corresponding concepts
By completing the three modules, students acquire professional, methodological, cognitive and practical skills. Social competences and self-competences enable a critical examination of the consequences of digitalization as well as effects on society.
Who Can Enroll?
The program is specifically designed for undergraduate students of all studies offered at TU Wien. Since students of Informatics are taught its contents during their regular studies they are not eligible for enrollment.
Great, Let’s Get Started!
The program started in the summer term 2020. The second cycle of our program starts in March 2021 with lectures on “Thinking of Digitalization” and the “Foundations of Programming and Algorithmics”. Register by enrolling in the extension program via the Admission Office. You can then register for the respective course directly via TISS.
- Christian Huemer, Dean of Studies, TU Wien Informatics
- Study Services, TU Wien Informatics
- Register in TUWEL for the event (Key: DK25S)
- Digital Skills – Course Program
- About the program: In English / in Deutsch
- Admission Office
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