TU Wien Informatics

BSc Software and Information Engineering

  • Bachelor Program
  • UE 033 534

As a Software Engineer you develop, analyze and design software, ensure its quality, and maintain your applications. As an Information Engineer you are concerned with the generation, collection, processing, distribution and presentation of information.



  • Duration: 6 Semesters
  • ECTS: 180
  • Degree: Bachelor of Science (BSc)
  • Language: German
  • Restricted Admission: Yes / Process
  • Curriculum: PDF / Courses
  • Questions? — We have answers

Diese Seite in Deutsch.


Note: This bachelor’s program will be phased out and can no longer be started after the summer term of 2023 (graduation later is of course still possible). Details further down on this page and in our news article.

What to expect?

In addition to the basic theories and methods of computer science, the central contents include statistical data analysis, program and system verification, usability engineering, modeling and project management. You are introduced to the mindset of computer science, learn declarative problem solving as well as the development of web applications. The contexts of system development bring you closer to ethical and social relevance and you will understand the requirement of interactive system and human/computer interfaces.

You engage with the operation and programming of microcontroller and operating systems and, subsequently, their basic function for fields such as embedded systems or IoT. In addition to topics of project management, you will be confronted with the security-related and legal-political aspects and learn to apply strategies and security measures in order to successfully complete IT projects from a security point of view.

Why all this?

As a graduate of this degree program, you are internationally competitive for a further qualification in the context of a relevant master program, but also for your work in the business world. The occupational fields of activity include, for example, expert development of information processing systems as a team member or leader as well as supportive tasks in the relevant research environment.


The program teaches you basic knowledge in the field of computer science and a critical understanding of their theories and principles as well as generally profound knowledge of basic and methodological knowledge in algorithms and data structures, architecture of computer and software systems, mathematics, probability theory, statistics, human-machine interaction and programming paradigms.

In addition to the core competences of computer science, the bachelor degree program Software & Information Engineering provides you with extensive specific knowledge of these disciplines, including operating systems and compilers, databases and knowledge-based systems, data collection, information modeling, and parallel and distributed computing. To complement your qualification profile, an additional emphasis lies on security and law, software manufacturing and maintenance.

During your studies, you will develop important professional and personal skills that will boost your creativity and innovation potential, identify, analyze and solve problems, and enable you to master challenges in a critical, team-based and responsible manner.


You are deeply immersed in a rich environment full of exciting ideas and interesting challenges that foster your talents and provide new experiences:

  • Join our Bachelor with Honors program! Our excellence program enables you to prove your potential in individually designed challenges, nurture your talents, and engage you in scientific research.
  • Participate in our student mobility programs! International exchange is in our DNA. Meet students, researchers, and lecturers from all over the world, participate in Erasmus, and join our double degree programs during your Masters.
  • Come for the Bachelor; stay for the Master and Doctorate! A bachelor’s degree is the ideal preparation for one of our Master programs and a doctorate at the TU Wien Informatics Doctoral School. And we are always looking for excellent candidates for open positions in the scientific field.
  • Get to know the people and research! We are proud of the distinguished scholars and researchers who make up our diverse faculty. Find out who they are, what projects our research units are working on, and stay in touch through our newsroom and social media channels.
  • Enjoy Vienna! Our campus is located directly in the heart of Vienna. Besides Vienna ranking as the city with the highest quality of life and TU Wien Informatics in the Global Top 15% in Computer Science, there are numerous more reasons why you should study with us.

You’re more than just a number when you study with us. Be part of TU Wien Informatics!

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, access to all bachelor programs at TU Wien is restricted. In order to apply to one of our bachelor programs, you need to participate in an admission procedure. In addition, you need to prove your prove your proficiency in German. Head over to our First Steps page to learn more.
Simply browse through the individual pages for our programs (see above). Each page provides an overview of the program, as well as links to the full curriculum, list of courses, and answers to program-specific questions. If you have additional questions, the student council offers a wide range of advisory services: FS Inf, FS Winf.
Head over to our First Steps page. It has all the important information, dates, events, and todos for the beginning of your first semester.
Open thesis topics are usually announced via TISS. To see all available bachelor thesis topics, please configure the TISS search form as follows (we unfortunately can’t provide a direct link): Click the “Extended Search” button, set thesis type to “Bachelor Thesis”, set faculty to “Faculty of Informatics”, and click the “Search” button.
We’ve prepared a nice step-by-step guide on how to apply for your bachelor degree. Please follow the guide and if you have any questions, contact our Study Services team.

Anyone who studies a Software and Information Engineering, Media Informatics and Visual Computing, or Medical Informatics bachelor program can complete it until October 31, 2028. Alternatively, switching to the new Bachelor Informatics program is possible at any time before and after this deadline.

More questions? Email us at studiendekanat.informatik@tuwien.ac.at!

Please send an e-mail to studienabteilung@tuwien.ac.at with your request and a scan/photo of your TU Card.

All details about the switch in our Transitional Provisions page.

More questions? Email us at studiendekanat.informatik@tuwien.ac.at!

Courses that are continued in the new Bachelor of Informatics do not have to be credited – this will happen automatically. In addition, courses listed in the Switching to Bachelor Informatics document, as well as free electives and Transferable Skills completed at TU Wien, are also automatically recognized.

Coursed credited for an expiring bachelor program are NOT automatically valid for the new Bachelor of Informatics!

Courses that are DISCONTINUED in the new Bachelor of Informatics must be credited within two semesters of starting the new program. Fill in the relevant form and send them together with the official signed transcripts via email. As soon as the decision about your application has been received, you will be notified.

More questions? Email us at studiendekanat.informatik@tuwien.ac.at!