TU Wien Informatics

i²c StartAcademy

  • 2014-12-09
  • Studies

The Informatics Innovation Center offers a new service for members of all faculties of TU Vienna:

In this 4-day workshop participants go through a number of crucial steps to evaluate their PhD, R&D or other projects results for their potential for a successful business venture.

The first three and a half days will be intense work with inter-/national trainers and founders /and or business angels working on the individual business model while

the second half of the fourth day is designed as a network event where you can pitch your projects to potential investors and/or interested stakeholders.

The i²c StartAcademy offers…

  • a discussion of the project´s potential (PhD thesis, funded research project results, other ideas and projects)
  • mentoring and practical advice from inter-/national trainers and founders
  • methods and tools to set up a business model and finance scheme
  • an open and collaborative atmosphere – participation is limited to a maximum of 10 projects (2-3 team members per project)
  • marketing advise & pitch training
  • sustainable service through an online mentoring program (for the time after the workshop)
  • access to the founders and investors network around the i²c and Austrian Startup community

Details on the upcoming i²c StartAcademy:

  • February 17 - 20, 2015
  • Prechtlsaal, TU Vienna, Karlsplatz 13
  • Submission deadline: MO, January 19, 2015
  • Abstract describing the project and your expectations on the workshop
  • Jury (i²c Board Members, TU, and external experts) will select/review applicants
  • Slides i²c StartAcademy (in German) available on the i²c website

More details (in English) to be found on http://www.informatik.tuwien.ac.at/i2c/start-academy

Note: Although the i²c StartAcademy is offered by the Informatics Innovation Center of the Faculty of Informatics, some of the i²c StartAcademy places are also available for other faculties of TU Vienna.


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Note: This is one of the thousands of items we imported from the old website. We’re in the process of reviewing each and every one, but if you notice something strange about this particular one, please let us know. — Thanks!