Small-Step Iterative Development of Verified Compilers
We warmly invite you to Wolf Zimmermann’s public lecture on Small-Step Iterative Development of Verified Compilers on July 2!

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TU Wien, Campus Argentinierstraße
Bibliothek E194-05 -
1040 Vienna, Argentinierstrasse 8
4. Stock
We warmly invite you to Wolf Zimmermann’s public lecture on Small-Step Iterative Development of Verified Compilers on July 2! The event is organized by the Research Unit Compilers and Languages, which is headed by Jens Knoop.
The idea of agile compiler development starts from an initial compiler for the most simple program of a language and extends it in small iterations, each introducing a new language concept. Our hypothesis is that this is possible without refactorings of previous iterations. This includes the definition of formal semantics and the verification of compilers. The approach requires the knowledge of the language definition, i.e., in contrast to classical agile development, the end product is well-known. The talk discusses some first lessons learned from the first iterations. In particular, it focuses on extensibility of the compiler implementation, language semantics definition, and verification.
(Joint work with Thomas Kühn, Edward Sabinus, Mandy Weißbach)
About Wolf Zimmermann
Wolf Zimmermann obtained his PhD in Computer Science in 1990 from the University of Karlsruhe (Germany). Follwing his PhD, he was a Research Fellow at the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley. After returning to Karlsruhe, he became a lecturer at the University of Karlsruhe in 1992, where he habilitated 1998. He was a visiting professor at the Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany) and in 1999 at the Institute National Polytechnique Grenoble (France). In 2000 he became a professor at the Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg where he holds the chair of Software-Engineering and Programming Languages. Wolf Zimmermann is member of the editorial board of the Journal of Universal Computer Science and the International Journal on Cloud Computing. He was co-chair on several conferences and workshops and together with Jens Knoop he founded the Workshop series on Compiler Optimization meets Compiler Verification.
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