TU Wien Informatics

Michael Eickmeyer: DigiFit4All

  • 2024-04-18
  • Students

Michael Eickmeyer, BSc student in Media Informatics and Visual Computing, introduces children and teachers to the world of computer science.

Michael Eickmeyer: DigiFit4All

About DigiFit4All

Although we have long arrived in the 21st century, many people still need help with concepts revolving around computer science. DigiFit4All wants to break down this hurdle. DigiFit4All is a project by the four universities AAU (Klagenfurt), JKU (Linz), UWK (Krems), and TUW (Wien), who each target a specific demographic group and produce various specialized content - such as videos, quizzes, and written scripts. This content is then used by teachers or lecturers within personalized courses, which they can easily create themselves by selecting the topics relevant to what they want to teach. School students, university students, lecturers, and office staff can then further personalize their experience by doing a quick test that assesses their knowledge base so they can start at the ideal point within the course.

TU Wien Informatics works on the “DigiFit4Stu” branch, which aims to facilitate students’ entry into the field of computer science.

If you want to know more about DigiFit4All or GECKO:

Watch the video

Michael Eickmeyer is currently finishing his BSc degree in Media Informatics and Visual Computing at TU Wien Informatics. He is part of the DigiFit4All project, which is all about finding new and innovative ways of introducing children and students to the world of computer science.

Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/JEvC4zw1TQ8

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