Doctorals’ Welcome 2024
Our info event where we answer all your questions about our doctoral program. Join us at the TU Wien Informatics Doctoral School!

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TU Wien, Campus Freihaus
Seminarraum DE0110 -
1040 Vienna, Treitlstrasse 3
1. Stock -
This is a hybrid event.
See description for details.
We want to meet you to explain our doctoral procedure and to give a preview of the upcoming guest professor courses. Of course, we will be available to answer your questions about our curriculum, our doctoral procedure, and other issues we can help you with.
This event targets all faculty doctoral students, especially newcomers. Our Bachelor with Honors students and our master’s students considering pursuing a doctorate are also welcome.
Hybrid Event
- This event takes place in seminar room DE0110 (see location details above).
- The event will also be streamed via Zoom
- To receive information about future events for doctoral students, please subscribe to our TU Wien Informatics Doctoral School Newsletter.
PDF / 2.55 MB / InfoEvent_20240305_DoctoralSchool.pdf
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