GCD Symposium 2022
Take part in this year’s GCD symposium on geometry and computational design at TU Wien.

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TU Wien, Campus Karlsplatz
Kuppelsaal -
1040 Vienna, Karlsplatz 13
4. Stock, Raum AA0448
Please send your name, affiliation, and email address to register. Attending the symposium will be free of charge.
Find all details on the program and speakers here.
09:00 Registration
09:30 Opening: Michael Wimmer (Director of the Center for Geometry and Computational Design, Head of the Special Research Programme Advanced Computational Design) and Josef Eberhardsteiner, Vice Rector for Digitalisation and Infrastructure at TU Wien
09:45 William F. Baker (SOM) – On the Harmony of Structure, Architecture, and Geometry
10:30 Coffee Break and SFB ACD exhibition
11:15 Henriette Bier (TU Delft) – Computational Strategies for Design-to-Robotic-Production-Assembly and -Operation
12:00 Selected Topics from the SFB “Advanced Computational Design” ACD, partner in the Advance AEC network.
13:00 Lunchbreak (no catering) and SFB ACD exhibition
14:30 Martin Bechthold (Harvard University) – Material Uncertainties
15:15 Coffee Break and SFB ACD exhibition
16:00 Dieter Schmalstieg (TU Graz) – Augmented Reality Meets Digital Twins
16:45 Ludger Hovestadt (ETH Zürich) – Digital Architectonics
The SFB ACD exhibition closes at 18:00.
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