Doctorals’ Welcome Summer 2022
Our info event where we answer your questions about our doctoral program, and other issues we can help you with.

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TU Wien, Campus Favoritenstraße
FAV Hörsaal 1 Helmut Veith -
1040 Vienna, Favoritenstraße 9-11
Erdgeschoß, Raum HEEG02 -
This is a hybrid event.
See description for details.
We would like to meet you to explain our doctoral procedure and to give a preview about the upcoming guest professor courses. Of course we will be available to answer your questions about our curriculum, our doctoral procedure, and other issues we can help you with.
This event targets all doctoral students of our faculty, and especially the newcomers. Our Bachelor with Honor students and our master students who consider pursuing a PhD are welcome as well.
Hybrid Event
- This event takes place in lecture rooms FAV Hörsaal 1 and 2 (1040, Favoritenstraße 9-11).
- The event will also be streamed. Please install Zoom on your device before we start. For the Zoom meeting ID and password, please see the email which will be sent to all doctoral students in due time.
PDF / 1.01 MB / Slides_DoctoralWelcome_20220301.pdf
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