1st International Summer School on Security & Privacy for BDLT
The 1st International Summer School on Security & Privacy for BDLT is jointly organized by TU Wien Informatics, Princeton University, and SBA Research.
The summer school is organized in lectures and hackathons, providing a mix of in-depth research presentations and hands-on experience, and it will focus on published and current high-impact research projects. The school covers cutting-edge topics on blockchains and other distributed ledger technologies to foster understanding of their respective security and privacy specific requirements and guarantees by bringing together academic researchers and experts from industry. Example topics include, but are not limited to: novel attacks on distributed systems; consensus protocols and fault tolerance; incentive structures, such as proof-of-work and proof-of-stake; recent results on blockchain scalability, payment channels and state channels; advancements on smart contracts; or, realistic adversarial capabilities.
As a participant, you will have networking opportunities with experts from academia and industry, sponsors, and among each other. They will also have the opportunity to present their own results in front of experts from academia and industry in the form of lightning talks and poster presentations.
Pascal Berrang (Nimiq), Rainer Böhme (Universität Innsbruck), Christian Cachin (University of Bern), Jing Chen (Stony Brook University), Angelo De Caro (IBM Research), Sebastian Faust (TU Darmstadt), Bryan Ford (EPFL), Arthur Gervais (Imperial College London und Liquidity Network), Aniket Kate (Purdue University), Patrick McCorry (King’s College London), Krzysztof Pietrzak (IST Austria), Hubert Ritzdorf (ChainSecurity)
Registration & Program
Registration is possible until 1 September, or until all seats have been taken. Find the full program and registration form at bdlt.school.
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