TU Wien Informatics

20 Years

Final Exams / Abschlussprüfungen

Master / Diplomprüfung

Upcoming Exams / Genehmigte Termine

The following submission schedule applies (to submit, please follow our Master Graduation Guide). Für die Einreichung gilt folgender Zeitplan (Details zum Abschluss finden Sie in unserem Leitfaden zum Abschluss des Masterstudiums):

Submit until Exam between
September 2, 2024 Oct 14-17, 2024
October 21, 2024 Nov 25-28, 2024
December 2, 2024 Jan 13-16, 2025

Doctoral / Rigorosum

Upcoming Exams / Genehmigte Termine

Full details about the process for graduating from our doctoral program are available in our Doctoral Graduation Guide.

Deadlines / Fristen

Bachelor with Honors / Anmeldung

Summer Term Winter Term
Deadline January 31 September 1
Evaluation February 15 September 15
Notification March 1 October 1

Proficiency Evaluation / Doktorat

The Proficiency Evaluation usually takes place 6 to 8 weeks (excluding lecture-free periods) after the application for admission to the Proficiency Evaluation. For example, if you submit your application by the end of August, you will receive an appointment in October; if you submit your application by the end of April, you will receive an appointment in May or June. There are no appointments during lecture-free periods.

Ceremonies / Feiern

Graduation Ceremonies
Akademische Abschlussfeiern

The academic graduation ceremony is the ceremonial setting (participation optional) in which we present you with a certificate and celebrate your graduation. Registered participants will receive an invitation by email approximately three weeks before the ceremony (our email is sent to the address you entered in your graduation template in TISS). If you did not receive your invitation by then, please get in touch with our Study Services team. Die akademische Abschlussfeier ist der feierliche Rahmen (Teilnahme optional), in dem wir Ihnen eine Urkunde überreichen und Sie als Absolvent:in verabschieden. Angemeldete Teilnehmer:innen erhalten etwa drei Wochen vor der Feier eine Einladung per E-Mail (an jene Adresse, die Sie in TISS in Ihrem Abschluss-Template eingetragen haben). Falls Sie Ihre Einladung bis dahin noch nicht erhalten haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an unser Study Services-Team.

Bachelor / Bachelorfeier

  • February 13, 2025 / Register until: Jan 23, 2025
  • July 3, 2025 / Register until: Jun 12, 2025

Master / Sponsion

  • December 12, 2024
  • April 10, 2025
  • June 24, 2025

Doctoral / Promotion

Doctoral promotion ceremonies are organized centrally by TU Wien. Die Promotionstermine werden zentral von der TU Wien organisiert.