29th Epilog – Celebrating Excellence
Once again, we honor this term’s most excellent students for their achievements at the Festsaal of TU Wien.

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TU Wien, Campus Karlsplatz
Festsaal -
1040 Vienna, Karlsplatz 13
Stiege 1, 1. Stock, Raum AA0148
Learning From The Best
We invite you to get to know the latest diploma theses at Epilog. The jury, chaired by Margrit Gelautz and consisting of Pavol Cerny, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Franz Puntigam and Jesper Träff will select the four best graduates. The four candidates will compete against each other by presenting their diploma theses. Those who convince the jury will receive the Distinguished Young Alumn Award endowed with €1,500.
A comprehensive poster exhibition will allow visitors to see for themselves the achievements of all the graduates of this winter semester. The best poster will be awarded a prize worth €500. We especially invite students from younger semesters to get inspiration for their own work. Maybe one of you will soon be nominated for a presentation at Epilog?
PDF / 1.21 MB / 29-Epilog-Program.pdf
Bachelor With Honors
We use the festive opportunity of the Epilog to award the graduates of our excellence program Bachelor with Honors their certificates. Introduced in 2017, the supplementary Bachelor’s program offers outstanding students opportunities to explore their talents and to being involved with scientific research in an early stage of their academic careers.
Promoting Women With The Siemens Awards For Excellence
Our central tasks in the field of women’s advancement are the sustained increase in the proportion of women among scientific staff as well as an increase in the number of female students and graduates. This is both a social goal and a requirement of the economy. For almost a decade now, Siemens has been supporting TU Wien Informatics’ efforts to aiming at gender balance with its excellence program for female students. This winter semester, Bernhard Kienlein, Head of Digital Industries Austria and CEE at Siemens, will present six female students with the Siemens Awards for Excellence, each worth €1,000.
This award for outstanding achievements promotes women during their studies and is intended to support them in a successful research career. The lucky awardees from the field of Software & Information Engineering are the Bachelor students Lea Salome Brugger and Sophia Schober. The master scholarship holders are Silvana Zechmeister and Laura Rosalia Luidolt from the Institute for Visual Computing, Kristina Schiechl from the Institute for Media and Human-Centered Computing, while Hanna Lachnitt is sponsored in the research area of Logic and Computation.
The Siemens Award for Excellence is sponsored by Siemens AG Austria.
Keynote Presenter
Inviting people from our discipline to give a keynote has also become a tradition at Epilog, and we are happy to be welcoming our very own Michael Wimmer to give a talk about his special research programme (SFB) Advanced Computational Design , which is intended to help close the gap between informatics on the one hand and architecture and construction on the other. “Architecture and construction characterize our built environment, and with it our society in cultural, economic and ecological terms,” says Michael Wimmer, “However, digitization is not particularly advanced in this area.”
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