TU Wien Informatics


1. Compose Your Bachelor Thesis

For the formal properties of theses there are guidelines and specifications, which ensure a uniform and scientifically consistent appearance. As the author of a bachelor thesis you are obliged to comply with these requirements.

Bachelor Thesis


Good Scientific Practice

TU Wien Informatics Code of Ethics

2. Apply

Announce the completion of your studies easily and conveniently in TISS (for Bachelor Informatics: if you are graduating with a specialization, please select your specialization from the list). Assign all courses to the corresponding modules (if necessary, take into account the respective Transitional Provisions). When you apply, you also have the opportunity to register for the graduation ceremony. After you have submitted the application, we will be automatically notified and check the assignments of your credits according to the specifications of the respective curriculum.

3. Provide Required Documents, optional

If you have had exams from other universities or from other studies recognized by means of a notification, these results will not appear in TISS. Therefore you have to send us the corresponding documents (Notification of Recognition and/or Transcript of Records with the seal of the respective university) via e-mail to studiendekanat.informatik@tuwien.ac.at.

For Bachelor of Informatics: If you decided to choose a specialization, and want it to be documented in your diploma supplement, please e-mail us at studiendekanat.informatik@tuwien.ac.at to let us know!

4. Pick up the Certificate

After about three weeks we inform you by e-mail that your final documents have been completed and can be collected from Study Services during opening hours. Please bring the following documents with you:

5. Attend the Graduation Ceremony, optional

If you have registered for the graduation ceremony when you applied, you will receive an invitation by mail about three weeks in advance. If you have not received an invitation, please contact us immediately.