35th Epilog – Celebrating Excellence
Join us at beautiful TUtheSky to honor our Faculty’s most excellent students at this semester’s Epilog award show.

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TU Wien, Campus Getreidemarkt
Konferenzsaal TUtheSky -
1060 Vienna, Getreidemarkt 9
Bauteil BA (Hoftrakt), 11. Stock, Raum BA11B09
At the 35th Epilog edition, our most outstanding master students will once more be competing for the Distinguished Young Alumn Award. We will also take this opportunity to honor the graduates of the prestigious Bachelor with Honors program, the winners of the Siemens Award of Excellence, as well as the winner of the Best Poster Award.
The event is hosted by professor Stefan Woltran, Head of the Research Unit Databases and AI and Co-Head of the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (CAIML).
17:00 Welcome Address: TU Wien Rector Sabine Seidler, TU Wien Informatics Dean Gerti Kappel
17:15 Distinguished Young Alumn Award – Presentations
18:00 Awarding of Siemens Awards for Excellence by Werner Schöfberger (Siemens AG)
18:15 Awarding of the Bachelor with Honors Certificates by Hilda Tellioglu
18:30 Awarding of the Best Poster Award by Stefan Woltran
18:40 Announcement of the Distinguished Young Alumn Award Winner by Margrit Gelautz
At the reception afterwards, we will have time to celebrate our outstanding students with drinks and refreshments.
Established in 2005, the Epilog forms the centerpiece of our activities to highlight student talent. Held every semester, it provides the festive setting to present promising, outstanding students and their curricular achievements to the faculty and the public. It is the occasion on which a select group of candidates presents their master thesis in a 10-minute talk in front of an audience to convince the jury of their outstanding scholarship. Besides the Distinguished Young Alumn Award, faculty members cast their vote for the Best Poster Award.
Since 2014, it also serves as the platform to award our best female students with the Siemens Award of Excellence (in the winter term only). And in 2019 we introduced the certification of Bachelor with Honors graduates to the event.
The event is open to the public, but first and foremost, it is a token of our dedication to and appreciation of our amazing students.
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