TU Wien Informatics

Helmut Veith Stipend 2019-2021 Awarded

  • By Andrea Hackl / Theresa Aichinger-Fankhauser (edt.)
  • 2022-11-10

The stipend holders of the last three years were honored in a joint ceremony at this year’s LogiCS / UnRAVeL workshop.

Nikita Veith, Herta Veith, Daniela Martinez Duarte, Anna Prianichnikova, Ana Vesic and her father, Kurt Matyas, Anna Baghumyan, Norbert Mauser (WPI) (fltr).
Nikita Veith, Herta Veith, Daniela Martinez Duarte, Anna Prianichnikova, Ana Vesic and her father, Kurt Matyas, Anna Baghumyan, Norbert Mauser (WPI) (fltr).
Picture: VCLA

After a pandemic-related break, the Helmut Veith Stipends were officially awarded to the 2019-2021 winners on November 4, 2022. The Helmut Veith Stipend is awarded annually by the Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms (VCLA) to exceptionally talented and motivated female students coming to Vienna from abroad to take up a master’s program in informatics in English at TU Wien. TU Wien and the Wolfgang Pauli Institute finance the stipend. The ceremonial handover of the stipends took place in TU Wien’s Boecklsaal at the doctoral colleges’ LogiCS (TU Wien, TU Graz, and JKU Linz) and UnRAVeL (RWTH Aachen) joint two-day workshop. Stefan Szeider, who founded the VCLA with his late colleague Helmut Veith, introduced the VCLA and its activities. Kurt Matyas, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, officially presented the stipends to the winners of the last three years: Daniela Martinez Duarte from Colombia (2019), Anna Baghumyan from Armenia (2020), and Ana Vesic from Serbia (2021).

About the Helmut Veith Stipend Holders 2019-2021

Daniela Martinez Duarte holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronic Engineering from Javeriana University in Cali, Colombia. She graduated in 2019 with an award for academic excellence recognizing her outstanding score at the Colombian State Examination of the Quality of Higher Education (Saber pro). In 2016, she received a scholarship from the DAAD for an exchange semester at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and a subsequent internship. She participated and took 4th place in the group competition to generate open-data-based solutions to “citizen security” challenges organized by the U.S. Agency for International Development.

Anna Baghumyan completed her Bachelor’s degree, for which she received an Akian Scholarship in Computer Science at the American University of Armenia. During internships, she gained experience as a web and android developer and enrolled in extracurricular classes such as online programming or data science. In addition, Anna Baghumayn participated in several study-related projects and case studies, such as predicting employee churn, classifying song genres from audio data, correctly guessing the street signs for smart cars, or forecasting the weather using machine learning techniques. Since March 2021, she has been pursuing a Master’s in Data Science at TU Wien Informatics. Anna is interested in and has worked on projects in machine learning, deep learning, information visualization, and natural language processing, and she wrote her bachelor’s thesis on speech emotion recognition.

Ana Vesic received her Bachelor’s degree in Software and Data Engineering in 2022 at Singidunum University in Belgrade, Serbia, where she was awarded the Singidunum University stipend twice, being active and organizing extracurricular activities and professional internships for fellow students. During her studies, she published numerous scientific publications and was involved in research in AI and web-based applications. Besides working within her profession, Ana developed a career as a corporate photographer and pursued artistic endeavors, exhibiting paintings in group and independent exhibitions and art festivals. After finishing her bachelor’s studies, she decided to pursue her Master’s in Media and Human-Centered Computing at TU Wien Informatics. Topics of interest besides AI are media and human-robot interaction and integrating those fields with AI.

About the Helmuth Veith Stipend

The Helmut Veith Stipend is awarded annually to particularly talented and motivated female students in the field of computer science who are pursuing (or planning to pursue) one of the English-language master’s programs in computer science at TU Wien and who have (or are developing) a solid mathematical-technical background in at least one of the areas in which the Austrian scientist Helmut Veith was active. The stipend is jointly funded by the TU Wien and the Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI). The Helmut Veith Stipend is dedicated to the memory of Helmut Veith (1971-2016), an outstanding computer scientist active in the areas of logic in computer science, computer-aided verification, software engineering, and computer security. Helmut Veith, who tragically passed away in March 2016, was a strong advocate and mentor for women in informatics.

The application deadline for this year’s Helmuth Veith Stipend is November 30, 2022. Find all the details here.

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