TU Wien Informatics

Tennis training in the living room

  • 2022-03-21
  • FFG
  • Virtual Reality

The Virtual and Augmented Reality Group collaborates with VR Motion Learning to develop a virtual tennis trainer.

Tennis training in the living room
Picture: VR Motion Learning GmbH & Co KG

Until now, tennis training sessions have mainly taken place on the tennis court. The development of a virtual tennis trainer will make it possible to also train at home in the future. The partners, TU Wien and VR Motion Learning, have been working on the development of their virtual tennis trainer since March 2020. Whereas up to now the main focus has been on analyzing and automating the recognition and evaluation of movement sequences, the team is now concentrating on the didactic component in order to provide users with helpful feedback.

The project is funded by the Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency), which announced the project extension by the end of January. Hannes Kaufmann, head of the Virtual and Augmented Reality group and professor for Virtual and Augmented Reality at TU Wien Informatics and Peter Kán from the Computer Graphics research department at TU Wien Informatics lead the project.

Read more about this exciting research project at TU News and Futurezone.

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