TU Wien Informatics

MSc Business Informatics

  • Master Program
  • UE 066 926

Our English-language master program Business Informatics provides you an in-depth, scientifically and methodically sound education, and a multitude of career opportunities in various economic branches.



  • Duration: 4 Semesters
  • ECTS: 120
  • Degree: Dipl.-Ing. (i.e., MSc)
  • Language: English
  • Curriculum: PDF / Courses
  • Questions? — We have answers

Diese Seite in Deutsch.


What are the contents of the program?

Business informatics is an academic discipline that deals with information processes and the associated phenomena in a socio-economic context. At TU Wien Informatics, we consider business informatics as an engineering discipline, which mainly dedicates itself to analyzing, designing, implementing, and evaluating information systems in business, public administration, and the private sphere. Information systems are socio-technical systems that include human and machine components. Modern information systems play a central role in almost all economic, political, and social contexts. They represent a fundamental prerequisite for the increasing digitization of the economy and society and thus will gain even more importance in the future.

Which qualifications do I acquire?

You will learn scientifically sound concepts and methods that enable you to analyze, design, implement, operate, and use information systems within and between organizations. As future decision-maker, you will be able to understand the potential benefits of targeted provision of information, in particular for information, goods, and cash flows and to realize them via the appropriate use of information systems. You acquire a broad and—in selected subtopics—deep technical knowledge related to methods of design. You also develop a solid understanding of possible areas of application within organizations. The focus is always on the ability to design and deploy IS toward the implementation of corporate goals. This includes reflecting on products, services, and processes within and between organizations. Paying heed to design-related tasks in the development of application systems requires an understanding of the effect mechanisms of software systems. Thus, it is essential that you develop programs yourself.

In addition to subject-specific skills, key social and personal skills are also acquired. Being professionally active in business informatics often means assuming a ‘‘translation role’’ between the languages found in business administration and those found in the technical area. This necessitates high requirements being set in terms of certain social skills (including cooperation and communication skills for working in interdisciplinary and possibly distributed project teams, even across countries and continents; presentation and discussion of work results, also in foreign languages). Developing social and personal skills is done partially in an implicit manner, via the acquisition of subject-specific skills. In addition, modules in which relevant skills are taught and practiced are also a high priority. These include seminars and project work in which teams work on real-life tasks and present the results under realistic conditions.

What can I do with my degree?

As a graduate, you are qualified for a wide variety of professional activities. You gained the prerequisites to develop technology-based innovations and, in doing so as entrepreneurs, to establish and lead companies. In addition, as intrapreneurs, they can assume corresponding roles in innovative companies or spin-offs.

You have acquired the ability to build a holistic view of an organization’s strategy, processes, information, and information technology assets. You ensure that business and IT are in alignment. An enterprise architect links the business mission, strategy, and processes of an organization to its IT strategy, and documents this using multiple architectural models or views that show how the current and future needs of an organization will be met in an efficient, sustainable, agile, and adaptable manner.

You are educated to look at a company as an interdepartmental value chain and to identify and improve processes. Also, you are prepared to take a leadership and supervisory role in which one aims for effective and efficient information supply and use of IT. IT managers lead organizations such that the value contribution IT makes to organizational objectives and results is maximized and the risks associated with the use of IT are minimized.

As a consultant, you can provide support in areas such as the design of IS and in the selection and implementation of application systems. Furthermore, you can support organizations in various decisions related to IT: IT strategy, IT portfolio management, and enterprise architecture, as well as mergers, acquisitions, or the introduction of new IT.


You are deeply immersed in a rich environment full of exciting ideas and interesting challenges that foster your talents and provide new experiences:

  • Participate in our student mobility programs! International exchange is in our DNA. Meet students, researchers, and lecturers from all over the world, participate in Erasmus, and join our double degree programs during your Masters.
  • Come for the Master; stay for the Doctorate! A master’s degree is the ideal preparation for a doctorate at the TU Wien Informatics Doctoral School. And we are always looking for excellent candidates for open positions in the scientific field.
  • Get to know the people and research! We are proud of the distinguished scholars and researchers who make up our diverse faculty. Find out who they are, what projects our research units are working on, and stay in touch through our newsroom and social media channels.
  • Enjoy Vienna! Our campus is located directly in the heart of Vienna. Besides Vienna ranking as the city with the highest quality of life and TU Wien Informatics in the Global Top 15% in Computer Science, there are numerous more reasons why you should study with us.

You’re more than just a number when you study with us. Be part of TU Wien Informatics!

Frequently Asked Questions

For German, none. The program is entirely in English. If an application form asks for your German skills, this is only because of other study programs; your answer does not affect the chances of getting admitted.

For English, proficiency on Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Follow the instructions on the web page Admission to a Master Degree Program. Please submit your application in time, as the admission procedure may take two months or even longer.

Your application is processed in three steps:

  1. The admission office checks whether your application meets certain formal requirements. You need a degree on level 6 (bachelor) or higher in the European Qualifications Framework, and it should have been awarded by a recognized institution (classified as “H+” in ANABIN ). Depending on your country of origin, further conditions may apply.

  2. We check whether your bachelor degree covers certain essential topics. If it does not, we have to reject the application. These topics are: algorithms and data structures, programming, mathematics, and statistics; for details see the modules INT/ADA, INT/PRO, STW/ADM, STW/ANA, and STW/STA of the bachelor program in Business Informatics at TU Wien.

  3. We check whether the documents you have supplied with the application (like degrees, transcripts, certificates) allow us to conclude that your expertise in computer science, economics, business informatics, and mathematics suffices to follow the master courses successfully.

At the moment, there is no restriction on the number of students admitted per term. You don’t have to compete against other applicants for a limited number of places.

If you have completed your bachelor degree in Business Informatics at TU Wien you will be admitted without further conditions. If you have completed one of the bachelor programs in Informatics at TU Wien you will be admitted, but you will have to do extra courses on economics.

Otherwise we check, based on the documents that you have provided with your application, whether you have the necessary prerequisites for mastering the courses in the programme. If you have, you will be admitted without further conditions. If not, we compile a list of missing prerequisites. If they sum up to a term (half a year) or less, you will be admitted under the condition that you do some extra courses. You don’t have to do them in advance, but can do them side-by-side with the regular master programme, as we check their completion only at the end of your studies here.

If the missing prerequisites exceed a full term, we have to reject your application.

We check your documents (like transcripts and certificates) for expertise in the following four areas:

  • Computer Science (23 ECTS): Programming; algorithms and data structures; database systems; distributed systems; software engineering; IT project management; …
  • Business Informatics (28 ECTS): Modeling of data, processes, and enterprises; web engineering; enterprise information systems; security; legal aspects; …
  • Economy (18 ECTS): Cost accounting, business management, operations research, micro- and macro-economics, marketing, investment and financing; …
  • Structural Sciences (18 ECTS): Mathematics like algebra, analysis, and discrete mathematics; theoretical computer science; logic; …

The numbers in parentheses indicate the extent of the area, measured in credits according to the European Credit Transfer System. One ECTS corresponds to 25 hours of student work, 60 ECTS correspond to the work load of a year.

We are not picky about single ECTS credits, but you need a solid foundation in these four areas to be admitted without further conditions. If you lack some of these foundations (up to 30 ECTS), you can be admitted under the condition that you do some extra courses to make up for it.

Please see the links and contact infomation below.