TU Wien Informatics

Research Cooperations

We collaborate with businesses, industry, and fellow researchers in mutually beneficial ways to drive innovation for everyone.

Picture: evannovostro / stock.adobe.com

Advanced Computational Design

  • Special Research Program
  • Since 2020

The SFB “Advanced Computational Design” addresses the research question how to advance design tools and processes through multi- and interdisciplinary basic research in the areas of digital architecture, integrated building design, computer graphics and virtual reality, discrete and applied geometry, and computational mechanics.

AI and Optimization for Planning and Scheduling

  • Christian Doppler Laboratory
  • Since 2017

Headed by Nysret Musliu, the project develops innovative problem-solving techniques based on the synergy of AI and optimization. These methods use machine learning for automatic selection, configuration and design of algorithms. New strategies based on the hybridization of methods from both fields are proposed.

Bilateral AI

  • Cluster of Excellence
  • Since 2024

BILAI unites leading AI experts from TU Wien, JKU Linz, WU Wien, TU Graz, Universität Klagenfurt, and ISTA. With a funding of 33 Million Euros, BILAI will run for at least 5 years, with the possibility of extending the project for up to ten years and 70 Million Euros of funding in total, making it one of Austria’s highest-funded research projects to date.

Austrian Blockchain Center

  • COMET Competence Center
  • Since 2019

The Center’s mission is to be the one-stop-shop Austrian Research Center for Blockchain (and related) technologies to be applied in industrial applications such as IoT, financial, energy, logistics, government and administrative applications. The results will be the key to creating new jobs and establishing Austria among the top ten innovative countries in Europe.

Blockchain Technologies for the Internet of Things

  • Christian Doppler Laboratory
  • Since 2020

Headed by Stefan Schulte (now at TU Hamburg), the project researches novel methods, concepts and technologies for the cross-system application of blockchains and other Distributed-Ledger-Technologies (DLTs) in the Internet of Things (IoT). The lab cooperates with Austrian partners Pantos and Bitpanda, and Germany’s IOTA Foundation.

Center for Digital Production

  • COMET Competence Center
  • Since 2016

The CDP supports companies in the digitization and automation of discrete manufacturing and production processes. Particular focus is on the needs of SMEs and the challenges resulting from the processing of small lot sizes. The portfolio includes virtual mapping of products and production systems, automation of design tasks, and machine-to-machine communication including sensor integration.

Recommender Systems

  • Christian Doppler Laboratory
  • Since 2022

Headed by Julia Neidhardt, the project develops methods to model and predict the behavior of various interrelated outcome dimensions (accuracy, diversity, novelty, and serendipity) and biases, taking into account different domains and a multi-level view of users (individual, group, and network levels). The lab cooperates with Falter Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H. and YKMB Software GmbH.

Secure Business Austria

  • COMET Competence Center
  • Since 2006

SBA Research, founded in 2016, is a research center for Information Security funded partly by the national initiative for Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies. Within a network of more than 70 companies, 15 Austrian and international universities and research institutions, SBA works on research challenges ranging from organizational to technical security to strengthen Europe’s cybersecurity.

Security and Privacy by Design

  • Special Research Program
  • Since 2022

The SFB “SPyCoDe” creates technological foundations for realizing the principle of “Security and Privacy by Design,” providing companies with tools to build complex, inherently secure, and privacy-protecting systems. This research is a cross-cutting topic in computer science, combining groundbreaking insights in logic, system security, and cryptography.

Security and Quality Improvement in the Production System Lifecycle

  • Christian Doppler Laboratory
  • Since 2018

Headed by Edgar Weippl (now University of Vienna), the project researches and develops concepts to improve security and quality across the entire life cycle of cyber-physical production system families. The lab’s corporate partners are SMS Group, Software Quality Lab, STIWA, EUVIC, and COPA-DATA.

Virtual Reality und Visualisierung

  • COMET Competence Center
  • Since 2000

Founded in 2000, VRVis is Austria’s leading research institution in the field of visual computing and operates innovative research and development projects in cooperation with industrial companies and universities. More than 70 experts do fundamental and applied industrial research, create vulnerable research prototypes, and develop software.

Industry Partnerships

Our projects and partners highlight the industry’s trust in our expertise and problem-solving skills.

4CON Space Ltd.
Agfa HealthcareInnovation Mgr (ext. 7212)
Alfie's GmbH
ALSTOM Transport Austria GmbH
Altheria Solutions SRL
AMS, Land NÖ
APA-IT Informations-Technologie Gmb
Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Austriapro c/o Wirtschaftskammer Österrecih
battenfeld-cincinnati Austria GmbH
BAWAG/PSK Bank für Arbeit und Wirtschaft und Österreichische Postsparkasse Aktiengesellschaft
Berner & Mattner Systemtechnik GmbH
BM f. Arbeit und Wirtschaft
BM für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz
BM für Wirtschaft und Arbeit
BM für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (bm:wfw)
Botium GmbH
Bundesministerium f. wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten
Bundesministerium für Bildung Wissenschaft und Kultur
Bundesministerium für Finanzen
Bundesministerium für Soziales und Konsumentenschutz
Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur
Bundesrechenzentrum GmbH
Catworkx GmbH
Center Communication System GmbH
CogVis Software und Consulting GmbH
Committee for Children
Dassault Aviation, France
Dataphone GmbH
DataScience Service GmbH
DCM - Digital Claim Management GmbH
Deutsche Telekom AG
Deutsches Medizinrechenzentrum GmbH & Co KG
DI Ewald Weizenbauer
DIEHL Aerospace
Digital Innovation Hub INNOVATE
DS Automotion GmbH
EBG MedAustron GmbH
EFS Unternehmensberatung GesmbH
Emotional Data Extension Development & Licensing GmbH
Fachhochschule Burgenland GmbH
Festo GmbH
FFG - Österr. Forschungsförderungs- gesellschaft mbH
FFG - Österr. Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH
FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH
FH OÖ Forschungs & Entwicklungs Gmb
Finanzmarktaufsicht (FMA)
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderu der angewandten Forschung e.V.
Frequentis Nachrichtentechnik GmbH
Futurewei Technologies Inc.
FWF, Der Wissenschaftsfonds
GE Healthcare Austria GmbH & Co OG
GE Medical Systems Kretztechnik GmbH & Co, OHG
Gogolook Co Ltd
Haas Food Equipment GmbH
Hauptverband d Sozialversicherungst
Hexagon Technology Center GmbH
Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
Honda Research Institute Europe Gmb
HUAWEI Technologies CO, Ltd.
IMP Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pathologie GmbH
Information Retrieval Facility
Ing. Johann Schiessel Elektronik + Computertechnik
Inova Q
IRYStec Software inc.
ISIS Information Systems GmbH
Jingle GmbH
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
JoinVision E-Services GmbH
Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte für Wien
Knallgrau New Media Solutions GbmH
KNX Association
Kontron Transportation GmbH
LodeStar Technology
m2n - consulting and development gmbh
Markus Reithofer
mechatronic systemtechnik gmbh
mediumrare GmbH
Medizinkraft Solutions GmbH & Co KG
Microsoft Research Limited
ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG
Österreichische Computergesellschaft (OCG)
Österreichische Nationalbank (OeNB)
Pacific Control Systems LLC
Pantos GmbH
Philippeit GmbH
Philips Medical System
Qualysoft Ressource und Entwicklung für Informationstechnologie GesmbH
Robert Bosch GmbH
RockDoc GmbH
Schrack Seconet AG
Siemens AG
Siemens AG Österreich
Software Quality Lab GmbH
tbw solutions ZT GesmbH
The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision
Time Machine Organisation (TMO)
tisco GmbH
TÜV Austria Holding AG
Universität Wien
Universitätsklinikum Tübingen
University of Otago
Uppdragshuset Sverige AB
Upstream - next level mobility GmbH
Verein Österreich Werbung
Versicherungsanstalt öffentlich Bediensteter
Vienna Business Agency (WAW)
Visionar GmbH
Voith Paper GmbH & Co KG
VR Motion Learning GmbH & Co KG
VRVis Zentrum für Virtual Reality u Visualisierung Forschungs-GmbH
Wiehler Gobelin e.U.
Wienbibliothek im Rathaus, Magistrat der Stadt Wien - MA 9
Wiener Festwochen Gesellschaft mbH
Wiener Gebietskrankenkasse
Wiener Linien GmbH & Co KG
Wiener Netze GmbH
WienIT GmbH
Wikitude GmbH
winnovation consulting gmbh
Wirtschaftskammer Niederösterreich
Wirtschaftskammer Wien
WW Medien GmbH
XUND Solutions GmbH