Sarah Sophie Sallinger / MSc
PreDoc Researcher
Formal Methods in Systems Engineering, E192-04
A Formalization of Heisenbugs and Their Causes
Sallinger, S., Weissenbacher, G., & Zuleger, F. (2023). A Formalization of Heisenbugs and Their Causes. In C. Ferreira & T. A. C. Willemse (Eds.), Software Engineering and Formal Methods : 21st International Conference, SEFM 2023, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 6-10, 2023, Proceedings (pp. 282–300). Springer.
Project: ARTIST (2021–2026) -
Deductive Controller Synthesis for Probabilistic Hyperproperties
Andriushchenko, R., Bartocci, E., Češka, M., Pontiggia, F., & Sallinger, S. S. (2023). Deductive Controller Synthesis for Probabilistic Hyperproperties. In N. Jansen & M. Tribastone (Eds.), Quantitative Evaluation of Systems - 20th International Conference, QEST 2023 (pp. 47–64). Springer.
Project: ProbInG (2020–2025)