TU Wien Informatics


  • Stone-Age Monumental Circular Ditch Systems / Zotti, G., Gervautz, M., Kramer, H., & Neubauer, W. (2004). Stone-Age Monumental Circular Ditch Systems. Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2004, Budmerice, Slovakia, Austria. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/84344
  • Providing Multimedia Tools for Recording, Reconstruction, Visualization and Database Storage/Access of Archaeological Excavations / Cosmas, J., Itegaki, T., Green, D., Joseph, N., Van Gool, L., Zalesny, A., Vanrintel, D., Leberl, F., Schindler, K., Karner, K., Gervautz, M., Hynst, S., Waelkens, M., Pollefeys, K., Vereenooghe, T., Sablatnig, R., Kampel, M., & Axell, P. (2003). Providing Multimedia Tools for Recording, Reconstruction, Visualization and Database Storage/Access of Archaeological Excavations. In 4th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage. VAST 2003, Austria. VAST. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/50954
  • Virtual Gutenberg's Printing Press / Matkovic, K., Szalavari, Z., Traxler, C., & Gervautz, M. (2002). Virtual Gutenberg’s Printing Press. ÖGAI Journal, 21(1). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/174797