Martin Lackner
Privatdoz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Databases and Artificial Intelligence, E192-02
Algorithms for Sustainable Group Decision Making
2019 – 2025 / Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Publications: 142161 / 144350 / 144351 / 142529 / 152299 / 192692 / 192693 / 193560 / 193559 / 204473 / 204486 / 210907 / 57865 / 57867 / 57907 / 58146 / 58289 / 58558 / 58559 -
Fixed-Parameter Tractability in Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (FAIR)
2013 – 2018 / Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Publications: 142906 / 143764 / 145423 / 145572 / 147015 / 147186 / 147322 / 149495 / 151027 / 151539 / 151540 / 155431 / 54717 / 54784 / 54787 / 54788 / 54789 / 54790 / 54792 / 54793 / 54860 / 55042 / 55043 / 55142 / 55296 / 55386 / 55387 / 55748 / 55772 / 55773 / 55774 / 55793 / 55794 / 55928 / 55930 / 55963 / 55968 / 55976 / 55993 / 56097 / 56100 / 56180 / 56184 / 56212 / 56213 / 56214 / 56229 / 56661 / 56666 / 57034 / 57039 / 57055 / 57056 / 57057 / 57076 / 57077 / 57490 / 57522 / 57529 / 57538 / 57541 / 57542 / 57543 / 57544 / 57567 / 57575 / 85645 / 85667 / 85939 / 85946 -
Heterogenous Information Integration
2012 – 2017 / Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Publications: 140863 / 147106 / 149494 / 151064 / 53423 / 54796 / 54797 / 54799 / 54843 / 54848 / 55397 / 55398 / 55399 / 55791 / 55901 / 55903 / 55976 / 56083 / 56094 / 56095 / 56096 / 56098 / 56099 / 56100 / 56102 / 56490 / 56541 / 56542 / 56544 / 56546 / 56547 / 56548 / 56550 / 56551 / 56661 / 56668 / 56671 / 56672 / 56673 / 56675 / 56676 / 56678 / 57034 / 57051 / 57055 / 57056 / 57057 / 57076 / 57077 / 57575 / 58807 / 58808 / 58809 / 58810 / 58811 / 58812 / 85949 / 86056 -
SEE: SPARQL Evaluation and Extensions
2012 – 2016 / Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF)
Publications: 151027 / 151064 / 155646 / 155810 / 54884 / 54959 / 55042 / 55043 / 55095 / 55142 / 55338 / 55369 / 55386 / 55387 / 55399 / 55783 / 55784 / 55785 / 55787 / 55895 / 55896 / 55897 / 55901 / 55903 / 55928 / 55930 / 55963 / 55968 / 55993 / 56083 / 56094 / 56095 / 56096 / 56097 / 56098 / 56099 / 56100 / 56103 / 56402 / 56490 / 56541 / 56542 / 56544 / 56546 / 56547 / 56548 / 56550 / 56551 / 56661 / 58803 / 58807 / 58808 / 58809 / 58810 / 58811 / 58812 / 85949 / 86056 -
Theoretical Tractability vs. Practical Computation
2008 – 2012 / Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Publications: 155421 / 155572 / 155810 / 163666 / 163667 / 167366 / 37126 / 52742 / 52743 / 52757 / 52759 / 52760 / 52762 / 52763 / 53134 / 53170 / 53671 / 53675 / 54154 / 54178 / 54179 / 54181 / 54202 / 54884
Repeated fair allocation of indivisible items
Igarashi, A., Lackner, M., Nardi, O., & Novaro, A. (2024). Repeated fair allocation of indivisible items. In AAAI’24/IAAI’24/EAAI’24: Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Thirty-Sixth Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Fourteenth Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 9781–9789). AAAI Press.
Project: SuDeMa (2019–2025) -
Phragmén's voting methods and justified representation
Brill, M., Freeman, R., Janson, S., & Lackner, M. (2024). Phragmén’s voting methods and justified representation. Mathematical Programming, 203, 47–76.
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Project: SuDeMa (2019–2025)
Proportional Decisions in Perpetual Voting
Lackner, M., & Maly, J. (2023). Proportional Decisions in Perpetual Voting. In Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 5722–5729). AAAI Press.
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Projects: HolisticPB (2021–2024) / SuDeMa (2019–2025) -
Proportionality in Approval-Based Participatory Budgeting
Brill, M., Forster, S., Lackner, M., Maly, J., & Peters, J. (2023). Proportionality in Approval-Based Participatory Budgeting. In Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 5524–5531). AAAI Press.
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Projects: HolisticPB (2021–2024) / SuDeMa (2019–2025) -
abcvoting: A Python package for approval-based multi-winner voting rules
Lackner, M., Regner, P., & Krenn, B. (2023). abcvoting: A Python package for approval-based multi-winner voting rules. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(81), 1–3.
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Project: SuDeMa (2019–2025) -
Multi-Winner Voting with Approval Preferences
Lackner, M., & Skowron, P. (2023). Multi-Winner Voting with Approval Preferences. Springer.
Project: SuDeMa (2019–2025) -
Free-Riding in Multi-Issue Decisions
Lackner, M., Maly, J., & Nardi, O. (2023). Free-Riding in Multi-Issue Decisions. In Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (pp. 2040–2048).
Project: SuDeMa (2019–2025) -
Fairness in Participatory Budgeting via Equality of Resources
Maly, J., Rey, S., Endriss, U., & Lackner, M. (2023). Fairness in Participatory Budgeting via Equality of Resources. In Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (pp. 2031–2039).
Project: SuDeMa (2019–2025)
Liquid Democracy with Ranked Delegations
Brill, M., Delemazure, T., George, A.-M., Lackner, M., & Schmidt-Kraepelin, U. (2022). Liquid Democracy with Ranked Delegations. In Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 4884–4891). AAAI Press.
Project: SuDeMa (2019–2025) -
Participatory Budgeting with Donations and Diversity Constraints
Chen, J., Lackner, M., & Maly, J. (2022). Participatory Budgeting with Donations and Diversity Constraints. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 9323–9330). AAAI Press.
Project: SuDeMa (2019–2025) -
How to Sample Approval Elections?
Szufa, S., Faliszewski, P., Janeczko, L., Lackner, M., Slinko, A., Sornat, K., & Talmon, N. (2022). How to Sample Approval Elections? In Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-22) (pp. 496–502). International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence.
Project: SuDeMa (2019–2025)
- Computing Kemeny Rankings from d-Euclidean Preferences / Hamm, T., Lackner, M., & Rapberger, A. (2021). Computing Kemeny Rankings from d-Euclidean Preferences. In Algorithmic Decision Theory (pp. 147–161).
Fairness in Long-Term Participatory Budgeting
Lackner, M., Maly, J., & Rey, S. (2021). Fairness in Long-Term Participatory Budgeting. In AAMAS ’21: 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (pp. 1566–1568).
Project: SuDeMa (2019–2025) -
Fairness in Long-Term Participatory Budgeting
Lackner, M., Maly, J., & Rey, S. (2021). Fairness in Long-Term Participatory Budgeting. In Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. IJCAI 2021 - 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Montreal, Canada, Canada.
Project: SuDeMa (2019–2025) - Approval-Based Shortlisting / Lackner, M., & Maly, J. (2021). Approval-Based Shortlisting. In AAMAS ’21: 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Virtual Event, United Kingdom, May 3-7, 2021 (pp. 737–745).
- Consistent approval-based multi-winner rules / Lackner, M., & Skowron, P. (2021). Consistent approval-based multi-winner rules. Journal of Economic Theory, 192(105173), 105173.
- Preferences Single-Peaked on a Circle / Peters, D., & Lackner, M. (2020). Preferences Single-Peaked on a Circle. Artificial Intelligence, 68, 463–502.
- Perpetual Voting: Fairness in Long-Term Decision Making / Lackner, M. (2020). Perpetual Voting: Fairness in Long-Term Decision Making. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 2103–2110).
Proportional Belief Merging
Haret, A., Lackner, M., Pfandler, A., & Wallner, J. P. (2020). Proportional Belief Merging. In V. Conitzer & F. Sha (Eds.), Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 2822–2829). AAAI Press.
Projects: DK - Logic (2014–2023) / HyperTrac (2018–2022) / SuDeMa (2019–2025) - A Mathematical Analysis of an Election System Proposed by Gottlob Frege / Harrenstein, P., Lackner, M.-L., & Lackner, M. (2020). A Mathematical Analysis of an Election System Proposed by Gottlob Frege. Erkenntnis, 87(6), 2609–2644.
- Incomplete Preferences in Single-Peaked Electorates / Lackner, M., & Fitzsimmons, Z. (2020). Incomplete Preferences in Single-Peaked Electorates. Artificial Intelligence, 67, 797–833.
- Utilitarian welfare and representation guarantees of approval-based multiwinner rules / Lackner, M., & Skowron, P. (2020). Utilitarian welfare and representation guarantees of approval-based multiwinner rules. Artificial Intelligence, 288(103366), 103366.
A Quantitative Analysis of Multi-Winner Rules
Lackner, M., & Skowron, P. (2019). A Quantitative Analysis of Multi-Winner Rules. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, {IJCAI} 2019, Macao, China, August 10-16, 2019. IJCAI 2019 - 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Macao, China.
Project: SuDeMa (2019–2025) -
On Rational Delegations in Liquid Democracy
Bloembergen, D., Grossi, D., & Lackner, M. (2019). On Rational Delegations in Liquid Democracy. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 1796–1803). AAAI Press.
Project: SuDeMa (2019–2025) -
Aggregating Expert Opinions in Support of Medical Diagnostic Decision-Making
Gangl, C., Lackner, M., Maly, J., & Woltran, S. (2019). Aggregating Expert Opinions in Support of Medical Diagnostic Decision-Making. In Knowledge Representation for Health Care/ProHealth, KR4HC 2019 (pp. 56–62).
Projects: START (2014–2022) / SuDeMa (2019–2025)
Consistent Approval-Based Multi-Winner Rules
Lackner, M., & Skowron, P. (2018). Consistent Approval-Based Multi-Winner Rules. In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation. ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, Ithaca, New York, USA, Non-EU.
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / START (2014–2022) -
On the Complexity of Extended and Proportional Justified Representation
Lackner, M., Aziz, H., Elkind, E., Huang, S., Sánchez-Fernández, L., & Skowron, P. (2018). On the Complexity of Extended and Proportional Justified Representation. In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second {AAAI} Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (AAAI-18), the 30th innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-18), and the 8th {AAAI} Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI-18) (pp. 902–909). AAAI Press.
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / START (2014–2022) -
Effective Heuristics for Committee Scoring Rules
Lackner, M., Faliszewski, P., Peters, D., & Talmon, N. (2018). Effective Heuristics for Committee Scoring Rules. In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second {AAAI} Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (AAAI-18), the 30th innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-18), and the 8th {AAAI} Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI-18) (pp. 1023–1030). AAAI Press.
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / START (2014–2022) -
Multiwinner Elections With Diversity Constraints
Lackner, M., Bredereck, R., Faliszewski, P., Igarashi, A., & Skowron, P. (2018). Multiwinner Elections With Diversity Constraints. In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second {AAAI} Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (AAAI-18), the 30th innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-18), and the 8th {AAAI} Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI-18) (pp. 933–940). AAAI Press.
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / START (2014–2022) -
Approval-Based Multi-Winner Rules and Strategic Voting
Lackner, M., & Skowron, P. (2018). Approval-Based Multi-Winner Rules and Strategic Voting. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. IJCAI - International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm, EU.
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / START (2014–2022) -
Computing the Schulze Method for Large-Scale Preference Data Sets
Csar, T., Lackner, M., & Pichler, R. (2018). Computing the Schulze Method for Large-Scale Preference Data Sets. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. IJCAI - International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm, EU.
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / HyperTrac (2018–2022) / START (2014–2022) -
A Quantitative Analysis of Multi-Winner Rules
Lackner, M., & Skowron, P. (2018). A Quantitative Analysis of Multi-Winner Rules. In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Computational Social Choice (COMSOC 2018) (pp. 1–29). Computing Research Repository (CoRR).
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / START (2014–2022)
Winner Determination in Huge Elections with MapReduce. AAAI 2017: 451-458
Csar, T., Lackner, M., Pichler, R., & Sallinger, E. (2017). Winner Determination in Huge Elections with MapReduce. AAAI 2017: 451-458. In AAAI 2017 (pp. 451–458).
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / HINT (2012–2017) / START (2014–2022) -
Computational Social Choice in the Clouds
Csar, T., Lackner, M., Pichler, R., & Sallinger, E. (2017). Computational Social Choice in the Clouds. In Workshop Präferenzen und Personalisierung in der Informatik bei der Konferenz “Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web” (BTW) (pp. 163–167).
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / HINT (2012–2017) / START (2014–2022)
Winner Determination in Huge Elections with MapReduce
Csar, T., Lackner, M., Pichler, R., & Sallinger, E. (2016). Winner Determination in Huge Elections with MapReduce. In M. Endres, N. Mattei, & A. Pfandler (Eds.), 10th Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling (p. 7).
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / HINT (2012–2017) / SEE (2012–2016) / START (2014–2022)
Structure in Dichotomous Preferences
Elkind, E., & Lackner, M. (2015). Structure in Dichotomous Preferences. In Q. Yang & M. Wooldridge (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 25-31, 2015 (pp. 2019–2025). AAAI Press.
Project: START (2014–2022) -
Manipulation of k-Approval in Nearly Single-Peaked Electorates
Erdélyi, G., Lackner, M., & Pfandler, A. (2015). Manipulation of k-Approval in Nearly Single-Peaked Electorates. In T. Walsh (Ed.), Algorithmic Decision Theory (pp. 71–85). Springer.
Projects: FAIR (2013–2018) / START (2014–2022) -
The Complexity of Recognizing Incomplete Single-Crossing Preferences
Elkind, E., Faliszewski, P., Lackner, M., & Obraztsova, S. (2015). The Complexity of Recognizing Incomplete Single-Crossing Preferences. In B. Bonet & S. Koenig (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, January 25-30, 2015, Austin, Texas, USA (pp. 865–871). AAAI Press.
Project: SEE (2012–2016)
Detecting structure in permutations and preferences
Lackner, M. (2014). Detecting structure in permutations and preferences [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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A Parameterized Complexity Analysis of Generalized CP-Nets
Kronegger, M., Lackner, M., Pfandler, A., & Pichler, R. (2014). A Parameterized Complexity Analysis of Generalized CP-Nets. In M. R. Fellows, S. Gaspers, & T. Walsh (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on the Parameterized Complexity of Computational Reasoning (PCCR) (p. 2).
Project: FAIR (2013–2018) - On Detecting Nearly Structured Preference Profiles / Lackner, M., & Elkind, E. (2014). On Detecting Nearly Structured Preference Profiles. Workshop on Challenges in Algorithmic Social Choice (CASC), Bad Belzig, Deutschland, EU.
- The Likelihood of Structure in Preference Profiles / Bruner, M.-L., & Lackner, M. (2014). The Likelihood of Structure in Preference Profiles. 8th Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling, Quebec, Kanada, Non-EU.
On the Parameterized Complexity of Generalized CP-Nets
Kronegger, M., Lackner, M., Pfandler, A., & Pichler, R. (2014). On the Parameterized Complexity of Generalized CP-Nets. Workshop on Challenges in Algorithmic Social Choice (CASC), Bad Belzig, Deutschland, EU.
Project: FAIR (2013–2018) - On Detecting Nearly Structured Preference Profiles / Elkind, E., & Lackner, M. (2014). On Detecting Nearly Structured Preference Profiles. In C. E. Brodley & P. Stone (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Aritifical Intelligence (pp. 661–667).
A Parameterized Complexity Analysis of Generalized CP-Nets
Kronegger, M., Lackner, M., Pfandler, A., & Pichler, R. (2014). A Parameterized Complexity Analysis of Generalized CP-Nets. In C. E. Brodley & P. Stone (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Aritifical Intelligence (pp. 1091–1097).
Project: FAIR (2013–2018) - Incomplete Preferences in Single-Peaked Electorates / Lackner, M. (2014). Incomplete Preferences in Single-Peaked Electorates. In C. E. Brodley & P. Stone (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Aritifical Intelligence (pp. 742–748).
The computational landscape of permutation patterns
Bruner, M.-L., & Lackner, M. (2013). The computational landscape of permutation patterns. arXiv.
Project: FAIR (2013–2018) -
Computational Aspects of Nearly Single-Peaked Electorates
Erdélyi, G., Lackner, M., & Pfandler, A. (2013). Computational Aspects of Nearly Single-Peaked Electorates. In Twenty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-13) (pp. 283–289). AAAI Press.
Project: FAIR (2013–2018) -
Incomplete Preferences in Single-Peaked Electorates
Lackner, M. (2013). Incomplete Preferences in Single-Peaked Electorates. In 7th Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling (p. 7).
Project: FAIR (2013–2018) -
A Parameterized Complexity Analysis of Generalized CP-Nets
Kronegger, M., Lackner, M., Pfandler, A., & Pichler, R. (2013). A Parameterized Complexity Analysis of Generalized CP-Nets. In 7th Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling (p. 7).
Project: FAIR (2013–2018) - The computational landscape of permutation patterns / Bruner, M.-L., & Lackner, M. (2013). The computational landscape of permutation patterns. 11th Permutation Patterns Conference, Paris, EU.
Single-peaked preference profiles and permutation patterns: A unified perspective
Lackner, M. (2013). Single-peaked preference profiles and permutation patterns: A unified perspective. 11th Permutation Patterns Conference, Paris, EU.
Project: FAIR (2013–2018)
- Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Finding Minimal Models / Lackner, M., & Pfandler, A. (2012). Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Finding Minimal Models. Logic and interactions 2012, CIRM, Marseille, France, EU.
- Permutation Pattern Matching and its Parameterized Complexity / Lackner, M., & Bruner, M.-L. (2012). Permutation Pattern Matching and its Parameterized Complexity. Conference on Computability in Europe CiE, Cambridge, Great Britain, EU.
- A Fast Algorithm for Permutation Pattern Matching / Lackner, M. (2012). A Fast Algorithm for Permutation Pattern Matching. Universität Siegen, Siegen, Deutschland, EU.
- Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Finding Minimal Models / Lackner, M., & Pfandler, A. (2012). Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Finding Minimal Models. Universität Siegen, Siegen, Deutschland, EU.
- Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Closed World Reasoning / Lackner, M., & Pfandler, A. (2012). Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Closed World Reasoning. In L. D. Raedt, C. Bessiere, D. Dubois, P. Doherty, P. Frasconi, F. Heintz, & P. Lucas (Eds.), Proceedings of the ECAI Conference (pp. 492–497). IOS Press.
Multicut on Graphs of Bounded Clique-Width
Lackner, M., Pichler, R., Rümmele, S., & Woltran, S. (2012). Multicut on Graphs of Bounded Clique-Width. In G. Lin (Ed.), Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (pp. 115–126). Springer.
Project: TTPC (2008–2012) - A Fast Algorithm for Permutation Pattern Matching Based on Alternating Runs / Lackner, M., & Bruner, M.-L. (2012). A Fast Algorithm for Permutation Pattern Matching Based on Alternating Runs. In F. Fomin & P. Kaski (Eds.), Algorithm Theory – SWAT 2012 (pp. 261–270). Springer.
Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Finding Minimal Models
Lackner, M., & Pfandler, A. (2012). Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Finding Minimal Models. In G. Brewka, T. Eiter, & S. McIlraith (Eds.), Proceedings of 13#^{th} int. conf. on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (p. 11). AAAI Press.
Project: TTPC (2008–2012) -
The Complexity of Nearly Single-Peaked Consistency
Erdély, G., Lackner, M., & Pfandler, A. (2012). The Complexity of Nearly Single-Peaked Consistency. In F. Brandt & P. Faliszewski (Eds.), Proceedings of fourth int. conference on Computational Social Choice (p. 12).
Project: TTPC (2008–2012)
- On the fixed-parameter tractability of computing minimal models / Lackner, M. (2011). On the fixed-parameter tractability of computing minimal models. Workshop - Parameterized Complexity: Not About Graphs, Darwin, Australien, Non-EU.
- Hardness results for Weighted Minimal Model SAT / Pfandler, A., & Lackner, M. (2011). Hardness results for Weighted Minimal Model SAT. Workshop - Parameterized Complexity: Not About Graphs, Darwin, Australien, Non-EU.
- Algorithms for finding minimal models / Lackner, M., & Pfandler, A. (2011). Algorithms for finding minimal models. Workshop - Parameterized Complexity: Not About Graphs, Darwin, Australien, Non-EU.
Complexity results and algorithms for Multicut on graphs of bounded clique-width
Lackner, M. (2010). Complexity results and algorithms for Multicut on graphs of bounded clique-width [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Ranking sets of objects : how to deal with impossibility results
Maly, J. (2020). Ranking sets of objects : how to deal with impossibility results [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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Algorithms for implicit delegation to predict preferences
Krenn, B. (2019). Algorithms for implicit delegation to predict preferences [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
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